A New Family

Story by Sissthiath Blackfang on SoFurry

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Just a side story of my story. Just stuff that wasnt in my story so you can learn more about Silver and Shadows past.

A New Family

Trees crashing all around me. I keep hearing the screams of my fellow pack members as I hide a small den that me and my sister sleeped in. I was close to the enterns and as my mother trying to get my sister to where I was. I saw a tree right by them crash down and crush my mother and little sister. I whimpered hoping it was all a dream. Sad part it wasn't

AS I was crying I felt something grab me and I open my eyes. It was my dad but I notice he was badly burnt. He was coughing and wheezing. I was doing the same now as he was running through the fire with me. Even for it being winter it still didn't matter.

As me and my father got far away from the fire and the screams went away. He set me down on the cold snow. HE gave me a nuzzle and said.

"I love you my son, I don't want to do this but I can't go much longer. Take care my young Shadow. May the blood red moon watch over you."

I whimpered and couldn't say anything do to the stressful situation that was going on. I watched my father walk away back to the forest slowly and limping. Waiting to die now. As I laid there in the snow starting to feel the cold getting to me. I felt like this... this is the place I'm going to die at.

I laid there with my eyes shut whimpering and shivering. My ear twitched from a noise and moved my head slowly keeping it on the ground. A young wolf about one or two years older than me was walking to me growling at me. I showed no sign of anger only sadness. I just whimpered as my red eyes started at his blue angry eyes.

HE didn't do anything to me but sniff me while growling lowly. HE picked up the scent of smoke on my fur. He stops growling realizing I survived a fire. He smelled the smoke but didn't pay no mind since it was over the mountain side. I turned my head and went back to whimpering still shaking.

I felt something pick me up and I open to see I was lifted off the ground not to high up. I saw it was the silver colored wolf and he took me to a place.

This place I was going to with him will be my den in the future.

We came to the cave and went all the way back to the cave, but it wasn't a deep cave just enough to have the cold and weather not come near you. He set me down, and he lay down. Since I was still in that stage where I stayed lose to mom and dad. This wolf was the only thing I had left. I trusted him for some reason. I laid down next to him trying to get warm from his fur. He smiled and gave me a small lick on the head. I was happy knowing he trusted me but I still whimpered and said my first few words.

"Mom... dad.... Little sister" I whimpered and started to cry.

After this the silver colored wolf knew I had a traumatizing image in my head.

"Little one... gets some sleep I will still be here when you wake up and see what I can do for you in the morning."

I nodded slowly and did what he said. He did the same and didn't wake up til morning.

Moring came and the sun was just over the horizon now. I woke up first seeing the silver wolf and I backed away from him growling at him.

He woke up looking at me weird like.

"Who are you? What did you do with my parents?"

The silver wolf laughed lightly and smiled being friendly.

"My name is Silver Wolfpaw. I didn't do anything to your parents I found you in the middle of the woods. I smelled smoke on you. Did you get out of a fire?"

I lowered my ears and whimpered now remembering what happen. I paused a moment and spoke.

"Yes I did get out of a fire, sorry I accused you about my parents."

"It's okay, now what is your name? Also what are you I never seen a wolf that looks like you."

I looked at myself in a puddle. Seeing my fur pure black, with my red eyes, and a mark under my left eye and on my left leg.

"My... my name is Shadow Darkmoon. I don't know why I look like this. Do... do you think im a freak?"

"No. no... not at all, I think you look really cool" Silver said with a smile.

"Well, thanks. So well.... What are going to do now?"

"I'm thinking about adopting you as my little brother. Seeing you have nowhere else to go, you need a family."

In the back of Silvers mind he hoped his father accepted Shadow in the pack.

As the two walked for a while they came to a trail that leads to the pack. They entered and I was scared as other wolves gave me weird looks in wondering what I am.

We came to where the pack meets as a Brown wolf comes out and stands on what is called Alpha's rock. The wolf growled at me and Silver. He looked at me and then stopped and his brown eyes opened wide. Silver wondered but didn't pay any attention much to it.

"Father I found this lost wolf pup in the middle of the woods. No other wolves were found. Found him lost and very cold. I was wondering could we keep him in our pack. He would make a good pack member."

There was a moment of silent and then words came out.

"He can be in the pack but he will be placed with a foster family. You will have to teach him our pack ways. Now go... take him to his family."

Silver nodded and took Shadow with him.

A white wolf came up next to the brown one.

"Is... is he part of them demon wolf pack?"

"Yes, I fear trouble may come with him. I will be on my guard with him he doesn't do what he is custom to do he will pay for it."

The white wolf nodded and walked back inside her den.

Silver was happy to know he will have a little brother he wanted. Since his other brother died during birth.

Two wolves came out of there little dens, they notice a strange wolf.

"Hello son of alpha, what brings you here?" Silver nodded ackloneing them.

"I was told you would look after this wolf pup I will help out but my father wants him not near his cave. "

"I understand, thanks for bring him to us."

I looked at Silver and whimpered.

"Will I still be able to be around you?"

"Yes I will train you on what we do in our pack. I just want to say before I go. Welcome home little brother."

I smiled and walked into my new den with my new family. I now know my future will still hold many different things.

Chapter 13 Part 2

Chapter 13 Part two Shadey and I came to the lake as I sat down and looked up at the sky and smiled. Shadey sat down and looked at his father. I moved my eyes onto my son. I could see my son looked very much like me. Not only in looks but the...

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Shadows Back

Chapter 13 Shadows Back Silver was running to the scent of what smelled like his little brother. He came to the small pond that the pack watched. Silver stood there panting feeling the old age. "Damn I'm getting old." said Silver As Silver...

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Fight for Alpha

Fight for Alpha It was now morning and all was going to plan for the fight of the two sons of the alpha. Shadey and his new mate Silverfang was sitting and watching what was going on. The pack was getting up the ring and preparing the pack its...

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