From Bane to Boon

Story by XD385 on SoFurry

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#10 of The Lost Element

I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping. Through the screen mesh that covered the head section of my sleeping bag, I could see the sturdy stone walls of the castle tower I had taken shelter in the previous night. "Right... I'm still in the Everfree Forest somewhere..." I muttered as I tried to reach for the zipper that held my sleeping bag shut.

To my bewilderment, I could not grasp the zipper. In fact, I could not even feel my fingers! "Did I get frostbite last night? It wasn't THAT chilly out!" I grumbled rather loudly as I found that I was literally trapped inside the confines of my own sleeping bag. It was difficult to see into it, so I doubt any predators would think that the bag was alive or had anything living inside it if I remained still. I was safe inside my sleeping bag, but...I had to go. You know what I mean by that.

Wondering how I would get out of this predicament, I remembered that I was not alone. I gazed upward, trying to make out any movement in the corners of the ceiling. It did not take me long to detect a familiar billowing shadow mixed in with the other shadows. "Nightmare Moon? If you're up there, could you come down here for a moment?"

The shadow responded to my voice and began to creep down the wall while staying out of the sunlight. To allow Nightmare Moon to reach me, I managed to roll my sleeping bag with myself still in it over and into one of the shadows. I watched as the shadow drew closer. Once it came close enough, a familiar teal eye opened in the pitch-black shadow, staring at me silently.

"Thank you. Now, I hope it's not too much trouble, but could you please open my sleeping bag if you can? I can't seem to grab the zipper anymore." I asked while hoping the royal unicorn...pegasus... What do you even call a pony that has the wings of a pegasus and the horn of a unicorn? Regardless, I tried to be as polite as possible since I was speaking to a princess.

Nightmare Moon's beautiful teal eye's gaze seemed to shift down slightly as I felt the warmth of her shadowy form creep over my sleeping bag. In a moment, I heard the recognizable sound of a zipper being undone. Once the sound stopped, I pushed my head forward to move the flap out of the way. And for some strange reason, I had a much harder time than before getting myself out of it. What was wrong with my body?

Once I was out of my sleeping bag, I attempted to stand up. But for some reason, I immediately lost balance and fell right back down onto my...hands? "What the..." The sound I heard when I fell onto my hands was very familiar... The sound of hooves clopping... Oh no...

I looked down at my hands and found that they had somehow become hooves. My arms were coated with a pale tan coat. Wait... A coat?! I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized that the pot lid I had tied to my arm was no longer there. Knowing it was still in my sleeping bag, I stuck my head inside and pulled it out by my teeth. It was tricky getting it to land on its top, but I managed. The underside was somewhat reflective, so I could see my reflection in it to a certain degree. But when I looked at my reflection, I did not see a young human man looking back at me. Instead, I saw.....a pony.

My eyes were quite large and I had an angular muzzle like most stallions do. My mane was the same shade of brown as my hair, so I suspected my tail was too. Of course, this was far from a pleasant surprise. The only words I could say were, " ME?!"

I swear I could almost hear Nightmare Moon laughing at my reaction. If I did not know better, I would have assumed she had caused the change with some magic. But I strongly doubted that there is a spell that could cause a creature to change into an entirely different one. Nor could I find any reason in her doing so. Something else must have caused this change. And by god, I pray that it is only temporary. I simply cannot imagine life without my hands.

It was a struggle getting out of my pants. I did not want to be seen naked, but they just did not feel right on me. My socks were no easier to yank off either, but I was especially frustrated that the change in my body mass had torn my shirt open. It fell right off me without trouble. "I guess I better ask Rarity for a new one when I get home... If I can ever go home..." I said while I grumbled under my breath.

Once I had climbed to my feet again, I pondered just how I was supposed to walk on all fours. I tried taking a step, but I immediately stumbled and staggered to my side. I froze as I heard a loud crack. "Oh man, what now?"

I looked down as I raised my right hind leg. Under my foot...hoof...whatever, were my glasses. Or rather, what was left of them. The lenses were cracked and the frame had been twisted. In other words, they were ruined. And it did not help that my eyes as a pony were hardly any better than as a human. Needless to say, this pushed my anger and frustration to a new level.

"Oh, come on! What's next?! What else can go wrong today?!" I even broke down in frustrated laughter, utterly overwhelmed by my very big stroke of bad luck. I began to awkwardly laugh in irritation. "This is too much! Why this? What kinda sick joke is this?"

As I lied on the stone floor in frustration, I thought I heard a voice speak up. The shadow of Nightmare Moon must have heard it too since she hurried up into the shadows on the ceiling. I remained still while I looked towards the stairwell at the opposite end of the chamber.

"Are you sure he would really make it this far? It's an awfully long way from Ponyville for one person to go, even though we did the same in one night." One voice spoke in a very familiar quiet tone that echoed up the stairwell ahead of me. Fluttershy. What was she doing all the way out here?! She, more than anyone I know, would never dare enter the Everfree Forest alone! But wait... She was talking to someone?

"Yeah, I know it sounds like a bit of a stretch. But this is one of the safest places in the forest! If I was him, I'd sit the night out here too!" A more boisterous woman's voice replied. I know that tone anywhere. It was Rainbow Dash.

As thrilled as I was to hear my friend and lover approaching, I was also embarrassed by my new form. I could not let them see me like this. In a very clumsy fashion, I clambered over to a collapsed support pillar and hid behind it.

"James, are ya here?!" Rainbow Dash called out as I heard her footsteps draw closer.

Fluttershy spoke next; raising her voice the best she could as it echoed down the long chamber. "You don't have to be afraid anymore! The princesses abolished that law! We can be together again!"

My heart swelled with excitement at those words. As I had hoped, Princess Celestia had indeed been wise enough to see how flawed and oppressive such a law is. I very nearly jumped up to call out to them, but managed to restrain myself out of fear of what they would do upon seeing me. Would they ever believe that someone who was human the previous night was now a pony? My guess? Not very likely.

The two pegasi walked slowly down the throne room, steadily drawing near. I feared that they would peek behind the pillar I was hiding behind as I covered my head with my arms...or rather forelegs. However, Rainbow Dash gasped soon after. "Oh man... Fluttershy, I think you better see this!"

My lover replied in just mild alarm, "What did you find, Rainbow?"

The brash pegasus mare then spoke with what sounded like fear in her voice. "I think we're too late... Look at this. Something ripped right through James' shirt and smashed his glasses!"

I froze. She had found my torn shirt and crushed pair of glasses. The last thing I wanted was for my friends to think I was dead. I was about to stand up and call out, but Fluttershy then spoke up. "Um... Wouldn't there be a lot more blood around here if something killed him?"

Blood? I suppose I should not be surprised about Fluttershy's knowledge of predatory behavior since she is very knowledgeable when it comes to animals of all kinds. Fluttershy then continued to speak while apparently analyzing her surroundings. "It doesn't look like there was a struggle. I don't think James was hurt. Maybe he just got careless and stepped on his glasses by mistake."

"You don't know the half of it, dear..." I grumbled under my breath while trying to keep my voice down.

Rainbow Dash replied after a moment of seemingly thinking her words over. "Now that you mention it... Yeah! There's no way James would go down that easily! Not with that knife he had! He's fine! Probably just went outside to...uh..."

Fluttershy then proceeded to finish her friend's sentence. "Use the bathroom?"

That got Rainbow Dash to snicker. "Yeah, maybe. He probably didn't go that far." I then heard the sound of what sounded like plastic hitting the floor. "I'll hold onto his glasses. Whatcha say we take them back home to be fixed?"

I heard Fluttershy reply, "I think he'd like that. The poor thing probably can't see a thing without them." Her assumption was actually rather far from the truth. My vision is certainly not perfect, but it is not THAT bad. Although my left eye is worse than my right for some reason. But I digress.

"OK then, just follow my lead." Rainbow Dash said as I heard her footsteps. I peeked out from behind the pillar and watched as the two pegasi headed towards the stairwell at the opposite end of the throne room. I silently thanked them for taking my glasses to Ponyville for repairs as they are the only pair I had.

Once I was alone again, I pondered how I would place my saddlebags onto my back. I know that is how they are meant to be worn, but just how do I pick them up? In any case, I managed to place everything I had into their respective bags. Getting my sleeping bag's sack onto my back with my saddlebags took a good deal of experimenting. I managed to slide the two straps of the sack past one of the saddlebags, effectively placing it right in the middle of the band that connected the two saddlebags. Actually getting the saddlebags to hang off my sides was a challenge, but I succeeded by pushing my head under the band and sliding it down my neck until it was on my back.

As I prepared to leave, I looked up at the remains of Nightmare Moon that were billowing in the shadows in the corners of the ceiling. "Thank you for watching over me, Nightmare Moon. I hope we can chat again someday." As I walked.....or rather staggered towards the stairwell, I could swear that Nightmare Moon's shadow was...bigger than it was the previous night. Was I just imagining it?

I was very hesitant to walk down the stone stairs that led outside, as my new hooves did not offer the kind of traction my shoes did. "Crap... Easy, Jimbo..." I grumbled as I tenderly took one step at a time, still not used to my new posture. "Whoever pulled this on me is getting a boot to the head..."

It probably took me over five minutes just to get down every last step, from the top of the stairwell to the very bottom outside the tower. Or it at least felt that way. I first made my way back over to the rope bridge that led back over into the bulk of the Everfree Forest. Although I was lower to the ground and less likely to topple over, I was still very intimidated by the deep ravine. The fact that I still had not become accustomed to walking on all fours did not help my confidence either. One stumble and I would very easily fall between the planks or even right over the side.

Of course, that was not the only reason why I was so hesitant to cross. The fear that the zombie ponies from Sunny Town were still prowling the Everfree Forest up ahead was still prevalent in my mind. If I encountered one, I would never be able to run away in my current condition.

I froze as I suddenly felt something tap me on my butt...or should I say flank? Regardless, I was not accustomed to being touched there. "Excuse me, mister. Are you lost?" A little girl's voice asked. It sounded strangely familiar too.

I carefully turned around to face the owner of the voice. Standing behind me was a familiar gray filly with glowing yellow eyes. "Phew... Don't spook me like that, Ruby." I spoke with a sigh, glad to see a familiar face.

Not surprisingly, Ruby did not seem to recognize me since I clearly was not the same human she had met the previous night. "How do you know my name? And...hey! You're one of those ponies from Sunny Town! Your flank is blank!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes in minor irritation. "No, I am not. And I know you don't recognize me, but I'm James. You know, the human guy you helped last night?"

Ruby paused for a moment while she examined me with a focused stare. "Oh... I was wondering why you have James' stuff. And you sound just like him too... Why are you a pony now, Mr. James?"

I was hardly surprised to find that I did not have a cutie mark. But it made sense that I did not since I was still technically a human. Regardless, I replied with a frown. "Your guess is as good as mine. I woke up like this. You wouldn't happen to know what might've caused this, do you?"

The ghost filly shook her head. "Nope. Sorry. I've never seen this happen to anypony before. It's weird."

As I looked back over across the bridge, I asked, "Um... Ruby? Do you know if those zombie ponies are active at this hour?"

My little friend smiled before saying, "Them? No, they're always in Sunny Town during the day. And even then, they rarely leave at night."

This relieved me greatly. I had nothing to worry about once I crossed over to the other side. "That's all I needed to know, Ruby. Thanks." I said with a smile as I began to make my way across the bridge.

The process was long and tedious. Since I was very clumsy with my hoofed feet, I had to gingerly watch my every step to make certain I had set my foot down on one of the wooden planks before taking another step. Ruby was clearly irritated by my slow progress as she called out, "What's wrong, Mr. James?! You're taking way too long!"

Before I replied, I noticed that the voice seemed to come from ahead of me instead of behind me. I paused where I was standing and looked ahead. Ruby was already on the other side of the ravine, even though I had gone first and was still not on the other side. "Ghosts have it easy, I guess..." I muttered under my breath.

The instant I set foot on solid ground, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Man, I miss my hands and feet."

Ruby smiled while letting out a very brief giggle. "Well, at least you didn't fall. It's a really long way down back there."

I grumbled at the thought. While I have never been afraid of heights, I do have a fear of falling. "Don't remind me. In any case, which way to Ponyville?"

My friend gazed at my with a puzzled expression and asked, "Um... Where?"

Figures. She has probably never gone very far from Sunny Town before. At least I assume she lived there at the time of her death. I then asked, "Well... Which way to the eastern edge of the Everfree Forest?"

She pointed directly into the forest and said, "Over there, I think."

I smiled slightly at those words. "OK. Thanks. I need to get back home. And it's gonna be a long walk with these klutzy legs of mine."

Ruby giggled and smiled at me before speaking, "Well, it's been nice meeting you, James! If you ever come this far into the Everfree Forest again, say hi if you see me!" I nodded and waved goodbye before heading on my way.

I have no idea how long I spent staggering through the trees. No matter what I did, I could never get used to walking on all fours. In fact, I found it easier for me to walk BACKWARDS as opposed to forward. Of course, that turned out to be a bad idea since I could not see where I was going very easily even with a longer and more flexible neck. And at one point, a dead branch had fallen in my way and I could not see that it was partially sticking up from my point of view. And since I was not wearing anything when I backed into it..... I will just say I now know why stallions seldom walk backwards. Ouch...

I am uncertain just how long I had been walking (though it was more like limping for a while after that branch poked me between the.....never mind), but I suspect it was around noon before I tripped and fell for the umpteenth time. "Son of a... How many more tumbles am I gonna take?!"

I was far too frustrated to move or even attempt to walk, so I just decided to rest where I had fallen. However, a few minutes later, I thought I heard footsteps approaching me. "Great... What is it this time?" I grumbled under my breath. When I looked up, I noticed what seemed to be a cloaked pony coming my way. The body and head was covered by a brown cloak, but the legs and the muzzle were in plain sight.

As the pony approached me, I noticed five gold bangles being worn on the left foreleg. The muzzle seemed to be as angular as my own, but not as long and was mostly black. But what caught my eye the most was the color pattern of the coat. It was mostly a very light gray with dark gray stripes while the black hooves were plainly visible. The cloaked pony looked down at me, displaying its turquoise eyes. Recognizing the color patterns of the coat, I spoke, "A zebra in a forest? I thought you preferred the savannahs."


The zebra replied with a voice that was clearly female, but spoke with a very heavy African accent that was surprisingly deep in tone. "How did you come this far into the Everfree? Was it, by chance, to speak to me?"

I replied after a second of scanning the zebra above me, "I don't even know who you..... Wait a sec... You're a zebra... Ze..." It was then that I recalled what the Cutie Mark Crusaders once told me. "Zebra. Zecora. You're Zecora, right?"

The zebra smiled at the mention of the name. "Indeed I am, for you correctly assume. Did you learn my name from little Apple Bloom?"

One thing I learned very quickly about Zecora is that she has a habit of almost always speaking in rhyme. Not that I found it annoying. It actually suits her mysterious nomadic character quite well. In any case, I replied, "Yes, I first heard your name from Apple Bloom. Or was it from Sweetie Belle? Or maybe Scootaloo? Anyway, it was from one of them. But I'm not out here to see you. It's...a long depressing story."

I tried climbing to my feet, but staggered about once again before I could regain my balance. Zecora then asked, "Such an erratic and clumsy stance. Were you always this way, by any chance?"

I sighed, "No. I woke up to find myself like this. It's almost like someone played some kinda joke on me. And I'm not liking it!"

Zecora circled me for a moment, as if to examine me. "A prank of sorts? This prank of which you spoke. Could it be that the cause is Poison Joke?"

Poison.....what? "Poison Joke? What's that?" I asked, baffled by the strange name.

The zebra explained, "It is a plant similar to poison oak. Only instead of causing harm, its effects are like a joke. It is a flower most blue. When touched, it plays a joke on you."

.......Of all the... That random patch of blue flowers I found the previous day. THAT was Poison Joke?! "Are you saying just touching that crap was enough to turn me into this?!" I yelled, evermore frustrated that I brought this 'prank' upon myself.

Zecora chuckled at my frustration, "A most bothersome predicament, to be sure. But you are in luck as I happen to know of a cure."

I think I felt my ears flick at Zecora's words. "A cure? Really? Well, whip me up a batch! Where do I find it?"

My new zebra friend smiled and motioned with her head for me to follow. "All of my brews are concocted within my home. Let us go, so you may feel more welcome." She led on with me stumbling behind her all the way. Once we came to a path, I noticed rows of the so-called Poison Joke lining the edges. I grumbled to myself, almost feeling that the blue flowers were laughing at me.

After some trekking through the forest, we came to what seemed to be a lone tree that was rather big around with a door on one part. Its outer form was very strange and spread out. And the door combined with the two windows almost made the 'house' appear to be looking at us with a face of sorts. An African style ceremonial mask hung over the doorway that seemed to depict an equine face. An even larger mask of similar design was sticking out of the ground to the left. Lastly, numerous different colored bottles were hanging from the larger branches of the tree. "Interesting home you have here, Zecora."

My guide led me indoors where I saw the interior design. The inside of the tree had been very effectively hollowed out. Many bottles of different shapes and colors lined the shelves that protruded from the walls. A few more ceremonial masks hung from the upper walls while facing the center of the main room. And sitting in the middle of the room was an empty cauldron. With the house being a hollowed-out tree and Zecora giving off the vibe of a wise and knowledgeable person, I felt I was in the home of the Everfree Forest's version of Twilight Sparkle.

"Make yourself at home, friend. I won't be long. I shall help pass the time with an old folk song." Zecora spoke as she cast off her cloak. It was then that I got a good look at the zebra pony. She was not like a zebra from my world, as she seemed to be predominantly light gray with numerous black stripes and patterns adorning her coat instead of being absolutely covered in black and white stripes. Her mane was styled into a Mohawk with evenly spaced black and white bars. She also had a cutie mark, which depicted a spiraled sun. Like on her foreleg, she was wearing five gold bangles around her neck that brought to mind a certain African tribe I had read about years ago. And hanging from each ear were large round golden earrings. While certainly a very mysterious individual, Zecora in my eyes radiated a type of simplistic nomadic beauty I had never felt from any woman before. Truly a one-of-a-kind person of the region.

As she filled the cauldron with various tonics and herbs, I heard Zecora chanting a type of song with lyrics I could not decipher. Possibly Swahili in origin, but I could not say for certain. With nothing else to do, I slid off my saddlebags and took a seat against the wall while surveying my surroundings.

Zecora set a fire under the cauldron once it seemed full to warm the contents before use. But I soon noticed her looking my way with an unusual stare. In response, I asked, "Um... Yes?"

She replied, "Most ponies are frightened when they behold me for the first time. Do you not feel the same, new friend of mine?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "No, I'm not afraid of you at all. You're different from the ponies I've met so far, but I find that difference to be fascinating. You're a very interesting person, Zecora. And I find you to be good company."

Zecora retorted while showing a warm smile, "Such open-mindedness is rare in Ponyville. It is almost as if you hail from another world." I would have told her that I was indeed from another world, but I doubt she would have believed me.

We continued to chat a while longer, with Zecora speaking in rhyme more often than not. But before long, the tonic in the cauldron began to bubble as it neared boiling temperature. Zecora responded by dumping a pitcher of water onto the embers, causing a plume of steam to fill her home. She quickly tasted the deep green tonic before nodding, "The perfect temperature for ending the Poison Joke's game..." But she then asked, "But first, may I know your name?"

I was surprised that I had forgotten to introduce myself. Even though I knew Zecora's name before meeting her, I had never bothered telling her mine. "Oh, whoops... It's James."

My name seemed to surprise Zecora since she frowned in thought. "James... A type of name that almost sounds..... No, it couldn't be. But first, immerse yourself in the brew." This was one of the few times she spoke without rhyming once. At least in my presence.

I approached the cauldron and managed to stand up on its rim with all four of my feet. I then slowly submerged myself into the green tonic. Despite the fact that it was bubbling, I found the temperature to not be at boiling level. I was able to completely fit my body into the cauldron and even submerge my head. In seconds, I suddenly regained the feeling in my fingers. I tried wiggling them, feeling them move. An immense sensation of relief filled me, grateful that Zecora had whipped up a cure for my troubles. But while my head was under the surface, I think I heard what sounded like the hut's door opening forcefully. The sound was heavily muffled, but I am certain that is what it was.

Once I felt I had been in the tonic long enough, I raised my head and upper body out of the cauldron. The tonic was very thin and slid off my upper body like water. But the instant I surfaced, a familiar voice shouted, "HWAAAAH!!! What the hay are you cooking up this time, Zecora?!"

My host replied calmly, "A wayward soul in need of aid. So a visit to my home he paid." I looked past Zecora, who was standing between the front door and me. And standing at the front door was Rainbow Dash.

I felt my heart leap at the sight of the rainbow-maned pegasus. "Hey there, Rainbow. Are my glasses all fixed?"

She replied in surprise, "What the... James?! How'd you... And how'd you know I took your glasses back home for repairs?!"

I chuckled at her bewilderment. "I was in the old throne room when you and Fluttershy came looking for me. I heard everything you said. Including Fluttershy saying that it's safe for me to come home."

However, Rainbow Dash did not seem pleased with me hiding from her back then. "You were there all along?! Then why didn't you say something?! I was worried sick, especially when I found your shirt torn open and your glasses smashed!" She sounded fairly angry with me, and I could not fault her.

I replied hesitantly while feeling anxious, "You wouldn't have recognized me at the time. That Poison Joke crap messed up my looks, to say the least."

Rainbow Dash's expression went from angry to amused in an instant. "Oh boy, you touched it? I guess I should've warned you about that stuff." The two of us had a good laugh, as coming in contact with that plant made for a very interesting day. However, I soon noticed Zecora giving me a very wary gaze.

"Uh... Zecora? What's with the glare?" I asked while finding that expression to be very unlike her.

The zebra replied as her expression darkened, "A human... So I see. A ruthless race tainted with treachery."

It was an awkward moment, seeing my friendly host suddenly refer to my kind with such a harsh outlook. But how did she know exactly what I am even though she more than likely had never seen a human before? Rainbow Dash seemed equally puzzled as she asked, "Treachery? Ruthless? What're you getting at, Zecora? James is nothing like that!"

Zecora spoke with her deep bold voice while showing a rather grim look in her eyes. "Tales of yore told by my people around the fire. Of a time centuries past where there was much ire. Humanity lived with ponies in harmony for a time. But that harmony was shattered by human crime. They betrayed and invaded their friends' settlements, only to have the entire human race face swift and harsh judgment."

From what I could tell, Zecora seemed to know what she was talking about. And her nomadic tone of voice only added more impact to her words. Even though I had found no proof behind her claims, it is highly likely that Zecora's people, like the African tribal people of my world, place great importance on the stories and legends of the ancient past and keep them known and accurate with frequent use of word of mouth. Which meant.....there was likely much truth to this legend she had just spoke of. No wonder such a law had been passed...

I remained silent, uncertain of how to respond to Zecora's story. But Rainbow Dash came to my defense as she spoke up loudly while holding up an arm in front of me, "Hey, don't go calling James a traitor! He's way loyal to us! We've only known him for a week, but he's still a great friend! I don't know what humans did in Equestria in the past and I don't care! All I know is that James is a really good guy. I wouldn't have come all the way out here to find him yesterday if he wasn't."

Zecora looked at me, then back at Rainbow Dash, and then back at me. She then asked, "The pegasus of rainbows seems to have high praise for you. But do you share her praise for ponies too?"

I felt unsure if I should toot my own horn, so I instead turned to Rainbow Dash. "I'd say it myself, but I think Rainbow Dash here could vouch for me better. Care to do the honors, Rainbow?"

My friend nodded and looked back at Zecora. "Sure thing. Like I said, we've only known him for one week. But a few days ago, he and Fluttershy became sweethearts! Would someone who looks down on ponies ever fall in love with one?"

Zecora stared at me with wide eyes, prompting me to avert my eyes in nervousness. "Is it true? Romance with Fluttershy?" The zebra asked. I silently replied with a nod. In response, Zecora smiled warmly, "Now I see where your loyalties lie."

I looked at Zecora as she bowed her head. "To think that I judged you merely with a look. I should have remembered my own advice to never judge the cover of a book."

I smiled and waved my hand at her. "If that's your way of apologizing for mistaking me for someone who looks down on ponies, I forgive you."

Before we could discuss anything further, I heard what sounded like a small motor buzzing while steadily growing louder. "Is that who I think it is?" I asked as Zecora and Rainbow Dash looked towards the front door.

The motorized sound suddenly came to a stop right outside Zecora's home. A very familiar voice then asked, "Are you sure this is the place, Apple Bloom? I'd hate to get lost here!"

A little girl's voice replied with a noticeable southern accent, "Yup! I know my way ta Zecora's place like the back of my hoof! Let's see if she's home."

A third little girl's voice spoke as there was a knock on the door. "Miss Zecora? Are you home? And have you seen a human guy wearing glasses around here?"

Rainbow Dash answered the door and grinned at our three guests. "If his name's James, you're in the right place!" She then stepped out of the way to show the three Cutie Mark Crusaders standing in the doorway.

Before I could say anything, all three of the fillies charged at me while shouting my name simultaneously. They tried to climb up the cauldron to reach me, but only Scootaloo had enough drive to reach me as she vaulted up the side and leapt into my arms. She did not say anything at first. She merely held me in a tight embrace while shuddering slightly. "Sis...?" I asked, concerned by her prolonged silence.

Sweetie Belle spoke up first. "We got worried when Applejack said you couldn't make it to the meeting two days ago. And we got REALLY worried when we didn't see you at all yesterday."

Apple Bloom was the next to speak. "Applejack told us y'all ran away ta keep Fluttershy safe or somethin'. But wow, y'all should've seen the look on Diamond Tiara's face when Miss Cheerilee called 'er outta class! Priceless!"

Rainbow Dash spoke next with a smirk, "When I got back to Ponyville and told the others what you told me, they were miffed! But then again, I was too. We went straight to the schoolhouse and talked to Cheerilee." She then snickered, "Man, you should've heard her when she called Diamond Tiara out of class. Never thought I'd ever hear her sound mad about anything."

"And her story?" I asked, curious of what they got out of the little bully.

Rainbow replied, "Well, she never expected you to run away, that's for sure. She also didn't know that Princess Celestia already knew about what you did. But in any case... She won't be bothering you again anytime soon. We made sure her parents knew about EVERYTHING she's done lately. Needless to say, they weren't happy."

I could not help snickering under my breath at those words. "I'm guessing their punishment for her is no cutie mark for a month?" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle laughed with Rainbow Dash. However, Scootaloo remained silent. I noticed the lack of a verbal response from her and asked, "Scoot? Are you sick or something?"

The little tomboy muttered, "You promised you wouldn't go away..."

She was right. I had indeed promised to never leave her on the day she visited me at the spa. And I still ended up leaving Ponyville for two nights. I let out a sigh as I gently stroked her back. "I know... And I'm sorry. Things got dangerous for me, so I had to leave town. But everything's OK now. I'm coming home. And I won't ever leave again."

Scootaloo looked up at me with her big purple eyes, which seemed to be filling with tears, and asked, "You promise?"

I replied while gesturing with my hand, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." As I said 'eye', I closed my hand into a fist and pressed it against my closed eye.

Rainbow Dash let out a laugh, "I can't believe you actually used the Pinkie Pie Swear! That's pretty awesome!" I think I blushed at her remark.

Despite Rainbow Dash's laughter, Scootaloo looked up at me with a smile. "I...really missed you, James."

I replied with a tender embrace, "You have no idea how much I wanted to see you girls again." However, I then realized that Scootaloo was showing me affection in front of others despite the fact that she is very hesitant to show any affection while being watched. But as she was plainly aware of that, I chose to not bring it up as I am sure she trusted her friends to not spread the word.

Rainbow Dash smiled while she came closer to me. "Speaking of us, Fluttershy wanted me to give you a message. When you get back to Ponyville, she's waiting for you over at her cottage."

As excited as I was to see my beloved again, I was also worried about what she would do to me for leaving so abruptly. "Um... Is she angry at me?"

The rainbow-maned pegasus shook her head, "Nah. She's just really anxious to see you again. Hay, all of us are! Just about everypony in Ponyville caught on when you didn't show up yesterday morning! When you're the only human around, it doesn't take long for ponies to start wondering where you went when you don't show."

Still concerned for Fluttershy, I then asked, "Well...was she hurt when she found out about me leaving?"

Rainbow Dash frowned instantly. "Well... She was just as hurt as the rest of us when we found out you were gone. But she didn't blame you. She knew you were just trying to protect her. And to be honest..." She then grinned and said, "She told us that she feels like the luckiest mare in Equestria to have a boyfriend who would put her safety before his. But she does worry about you. She's almost afraid she's a burden to you. But she's not, right?"

I shook my head. "Heck, no. I did what I did because I love her. And all in all, spending time in the Everfree Forest was not entirely bad. I even made a friend or two while I was out here. Made some interesting discoveries, met Nightmare Moon or what's left her, found a whole village of..."

I was suddenly interrupted by Rainbow Dash as she raised her voice, "Whoa whoa whoa, back up! You met Nightmare Moon?! She's still around?!"

I was about to explain just what had happened the previous night when I noticed that the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rainbow Dash, and even Zecora were gazing at me with eyes filled with what might have been dread or just fear. I remembered reading that Nightmare Moon had always been viewed as a mad tyrant who wanted to cover the world in eternal night out of sheer spite. Of course, I knew the truth about her from personal experience. She was not nearly as selfish or cruel as widely believed. But I strongly doubted my friends would believe that she never once tried to harm me. I may have to hide this entry later along with the one from the day before to prevent this information from being discovered...

In order to prevent Nightmare Moon from being harmed further, I explained, "Actually... I don't think it was really her. Just some shadows dancing across the walls. I just thought they looked like Nightmare Moon now and then."

Rainbow Dash bought my story and breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew... Don't scare me like that. I never wanna see those creepy eyes again."

However, Rainbow Dash then looked at me directly, as if scanning me. "Um... Come to think of it, why're you not wearing anything? Don't you have an extra shirt?"

I nodded and pointed to my left. "Yeah, it's in my bag over there. I just have to take all my clothes off whenever I take a bath. Not to mention I wasn't even wearing anything several minutes ago."

Rainbow Dash gazed at me with her eyes wide in curiosity. "Wait... You mean you're not wearing anything down there right now?" When I shook my head, her wings suddenly sprang open as a blush spread across her face. She then smirked at me in a way I did not like. "I gotta see this."

Of course, I was not at all comfortable about showing her my bare body. Especially in front of children. I dropped Scootaloo and threw up my hands, "Nooo way! Not in front of the kids!"

At my words, Rainbow Dash laughed loudly, "Bwahaha, gotcha! You'd think I'd really do that in front of the kids?!"

I frowned at her while leaning towards her with one arm resting on the cauldron's rim. "As a matter of fact, yes." But I then took note of her spread wings and asked, "Uh... Rainbow? What's the deal with your wings? They spring-loaded or something?"

This prompted a very nervous expression from the boisterous pegasus as she quickly folded her wings. "Uh... That? Don't worry about it. Just a reflex we pegasi sometimes have."

But Scootaloo then shouted, "I know! It's a wingboner!"

I looked at my little sister, then at Rainbow Dash. "A.....wing.....boner?" I tried to hold in my laughter, but ultimately failed as I busted out laughing. Rainbow Dash did not say anything as she looked away with an irritated expression.

Once I had finished laughing at the absurdly funny term for Rainbow Dash's 'reflex', I finally asked, "OK, enough of that... Would it be OK if you girls left the room for a bit? I'd like some privacy so I can get dressed."

Zecora nodded and began to make her way towards the door. "Very well, we will give you some space. Merely knock when you do not need us to be outside my place." She led the Cutie Mark Crusaders out the door with Rainbow Dash staying behind a moment longer.

"I'm not getting outta this until there's nopony looking, Rainbow. Please, step outside." I declared, hoping my friend would give me some privacy for a moment.

The brazen pegasus mare nodded without objection. "OK, sure... Actually, I'll go find Twilight and let her know you're here. She knows her way from Ponyville to Zecora's place, so she can lead you home. See ya there, James!" She waved goodbye before trotting out the door and closing it behind her.

The tonic flowed right off me as if it were water, so I hardly needed to dry myself. I went over to my saddlebags and retrieved some clothes. However, since my previous t-shirt had been torn due to my body's change, I had to wear the Hawaiian style shirt Rarity had woven for me. One thing in particular I was looking forward to about returning home was being able to wear clean clothes again.

However, as I was getting dressed, I felt like I was being watched. I glanced around quickly, just barely catching a glimpse of a familiar rainbow-striped tail being pulled out of sight from outside one of the windows. I winced at the thought of who had been there. "Rainbow Dash... You better not bring this up with anyone!"

Once I had myself completely clothed, I opened the front door to peek outside. "OK girls, it's safe to look."

Zecora and the three fillies were just outside the tree hut. Leaning against the side of the tree was Scootaloo's scooter with a red wagon connected to the back of it. More than likely a passenger seat for Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle seemed to recognize the design of my shirt as she spoke up, "Ooh! Rarity made that! I know all of my sister's designs!"

I being someone who never seemed all that fashion savvy despite her interest in it, I was mildly surprised by that observation. "You can tell Rarity made this just by looking at it? That's pretty impressive, Sweetie."

Once we were back inside, I decided to pass the time by chatting with my friends. Scootaloo asked, "So, what was it liking hanging out in the Everfree Forest by yourself? Was it scary?"

I replied while leaning against the wall, "Not really. It was especially calm and cozy at the old castle ruins deeper in the forest." But I winced as the memories of being pursued by the undead denizens of Sunny Town flashed through my mind. " was downright frightening when I was being chased by those zombies..."

Not surprisingly, the Cutie Mark Crusaders all laughed at my claim. Sweetie Belle grinned and exclaimed, "Zombies?! You almost got us with that one! You're a really funny guy sometimes, James!" I could only remain silent while I rolled my eyes, not surprised that they thought I was joking around.

However, I noticed that Apple Bloom was not laughing. In fact, she seemed somewhat disturbed. I watched in silence as she headed outside. I had never seen such an expression on her face before, so I was naturally worried. "Hang on a sec, girls. I'll be right back." I spoke while I headed out the door to check on Apple Bloom.

I found the little farm filly just sitting next to Zecora's home while looking at the ground. I then quietly walked up alongside her and sat down too. "Something on your mind?" I asked, worried about my little friend.

Apple Bloom hesitated for a few second before she turned to me and asked, "You said y'all were chased by zombies out here, right?" I replied with a nod. She then muttered, "Then...I wasn't seein' things after all..."

"Seeing things? Don't tell me you went to Sunny Town too!" I asked, fearful that Apple Bloom had somehow wound up there in the past. That would be such a hellish scare for a child to go through.

She looked up at me and nodded. "Uh huh... I thought it was all in my head, but if ya saw 'em too... Then they must be real!" Apple Bloom then reared up onto her hind legs and placed her hooves against me. "Are you all right?! They didn't get ya, did they?!"

I shook my head while gently tussling her mane. "No, they were too slow to catch me. And besides, one of them warned me in time and escorted me outta there before it got too dark out."

Apple Bloom dropped back down onto all fours while looking and sounding quite relieved. "Phew... I'm glad yer OK, James... But wait! Did ya see a lil' gray filly 'round my size?"

I replied after a moment of thought, "You mean Ruby? She showed me the way to the old castle in the Everfree Forest. Nice girl. You friends with her?"

That got a smile out of her. "Yeah! We didn't talk for very long, but she tried ta help me out! And...uh... That pony who warned ya... Did she have a red mane?"

I knew exactly who she was talking about. "Mitta... She was the one who warned me..." I still felt a sting in my heart, regretting that I was unable to help her escape the curse that plagued her and her fellow ponies.

"That's 'er name? Mitta?" Apple Bloom asked while tilting her head to one side. I assume she knew who I was speaking of.

"Yeah..." I said with a nod while not having much else to say.

Apple Bloom then asked with a worried gaze, "Um... Is she yer friend, James?"

I nodded and managed to smile just slightly. "Yeah... I want to help her... She's not like the others. She saved me... She doesn't deserve that fate." I then looked into the forest while knowing that out there somewhere, Mitta was still mourning her fate. "I promised myself that I'd save her..."

The little farm filly nodded while showing a more somber smile. "Yeah. She's a nice pony. If you can save 'er, would ya mind bringin' Mitta over ta Sweet Apple Acres? I wanna introduce her ta Applejack and Big Macintosh sometime."

I looked down at my friend. Seeing that she also had sympathy for my cursed friend warmed my heart. Apple Bloom seemed to have the wisdom to not judge someone on looks alone. Even someone with a body that is essentially a walking corpse. "When I get her outta there, sure. I'll try to make sure that you'll be the first to know." Apple Bloom responded with a tight hug as I stroked her mane.

Before long, I noticed what seemed to be a unicorn approaching us from down the path that led away from Zecora's home. I squinted my eyes to focus my vision better as I did not have my glasses at the time. All I could tell was that the unicorn was mostly a shade of purple. I then heard a familiar voice call out to me. "James!"

The unicorn up ahead broke into a run as she approached me. I then recognized her voice. "Twilight?" I asked as I stood up. I then got down on one knee as she sailed right into my arms.

"You have no idea how relieved I am to see you! Are you OK? Rainbow Dash told me you were over at Zecora's place." Twilight Sparkle asked as she looked up at me with a worrisome gaze.

I held her head in a gentle embrace and spoke softly, "I'm just fine, Twi... And I'm really glad to see you again..." I tightened my grip on her, starting to feel sentimental now that I had been reunited with one of my closest friends.

"Rainbow Dash let me know you were here, so I hurried on over..." She said quietly. Twilight then whispered, "I missed you..."

I felt myself choke up slightly at Twilight's words. This was the first time I had seen her in two days and I was more than just happy to see her. "Is everything really OK back in Ponyville?" I asked, wanting oh so much to go home, yet wanting to know for certain if it was safe for me to return.

Twilight looked up at me with a tearful smile. "Yes. Everypony's been asking about you. They're wondering where you've gone. And we..." She then rested her face against my chest. "We missed you so much... Please, come home!"

I knew that Twilight Sparkle indeed loved me at the time, but this response proved just how much. And it pained me to hear her sound that upset. I stroked her tidy mane and whispered, "I will, Twilight... Just let me grab my stuff and we'll be on our way."

At my words, Twilight looked up at me with a relieved smile. "Here... I'll go get your supplies. Just wait here for me, OK?" I nodded and watched as my unicorn friend went inside Zecora's house, leaving me with Apple Bloom.

"Twilight really seems ta like you, James." Apple Bloom said with a smile. All I could do was blush. At least I think I was blushing. She then grinned and started to trot towards the hut's door while watching me. "Well, I'll go let Sweetie and Scoot know it's time ta go. Be right back!" I watched as the little farm filly ran inside, leaving me alone.

While I waited alone, my eyes scanned my surroundings. I looked in one direction, certain that in that direction was the dreaded Sunny Town. And somewhere within was my friend Mitta. How I wanted to save her...

It was strange... As I thought about her, I thought about those two turtle doves I had seen shortly before arriving in Sunny Town for the first time. I remembered imagining myself and Fluttershy in their place as they huddled together. But as I thought more about it, I began to see myself with my friends as well. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and even Mitta...

I swear, it was almost as if my thoughts were trying to tell me something. I do not know if it was symbolic, but I knew one thing. I love them. Fluttershy is certainly the most precious to me, but even so... I could not imagine life without any of my friends. If they were all going to die and I could only choose one to stay alive.....I would most likely choose to die with them. I quite simply could not put one before the other. They were all precious to me. Possibly even more precious than my own life. I muttered to myself, "I... I love you, girls... I won't ever leave you again..."

The instant I finished saying that, I felt something come over me. It was a sensation I could never hope to describe. It only lasted a few seconds, but it still puzzled me. I glanced around, wondering if perhaps a breeze had blown something into me. However, all I found was Twilight Sparkle with my supplies levitating near her, Zecora standing beside her, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders behind them. However, Twilight and Zecora were gazing at me with expressions of shock. "Um... What's with the stare?" I asked, fearful that something scary was right behind me.

Twilight spoke first. "James... Did you see what happened?" I shrugged my shoulders, unsure of what she meant. She then pointed her hoof at me. "Look at your upper arm! That just appeared out of nowhere!"

I did as I was told and looked down at my right arm. Partially concealed under my shirt's sleeve was what seemed to be a.....white tattoo? It was as if it was part of my skin, yet I know I never had a tattoo in my life. I then pulled up the sleeve to reveal the tattoo's full form. And what I saw shocked me. "When did that get there?"

The 'tattoo' was completely white and extended almost down to my elbow. It seemed to depict the form of two doves facing each other with beaks touching and lower bodies connected while apparently clasping their talons together. Their wings were spread and their tail feathers were elegantly curved. In the way that they were posed, the two doves' bodies seemed to form a stylized heart shape with a smaller perfect heart shape formed from the gap between their bodies. "Twilight, I'm getting kinda weirded out by this. What is it?!" I asked while somewhat worried as I found an identical 'tattoo' on my other arm in the same spot.

As Twilight looked up at me while I kept my 'tattoo' visible, she spoke, "Um... I know this is likely to sound crazy... And I know humans aren't supposed to get them, but... I just earned...a cutie mark."

At those words, all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders shouted, "SAY WHAT?!" They pushed their way past Twilight and Zecora to get a better look at me.

I was equally skeptical at Twilight's claims. A cutie mark? On a human? Impossible... Right? "Well... Cutie marks are supposed to represent a...pony's unique talent, right? If...and I really do mean IF this is a cutie mark, which it probably is not, what special talent or part of my character does it represent?" I asked, refusing to believe that I did indeed have a cutie mark.

Twilight approached me and took a closer look at my 'cutie mark'. "Those are...doves, right?"

I nodded after a few seconds of thought. "I think so. Why?"

Twilight then looked out of the corners of her eyes, apparently thinking. "Um... Well, doves are a universal symbol of peace, right? And they're known for being loyal mates and never leave each other and are often a symbol of undying love. And... Oh! Look at that! There's a heart between them!"

I grumbled in mild irritation, "Yeah, I noticed. And the two doves seem to resemble a heart themselves."

At this, Twilight smiled brightly. "That's it! That cutie mark doesn't represent any particular talent of yours, James. What it DOES represent is your character! You don't like having to hurt people, right? And you love Fluttershy enough to do anything to protect her..."

I began to blush a bit, flattered by where this was going. "Um... What are you saying?"

Twilight smiled warmly at me. "What I'm saying is that your cutie mark represents your preference for peace and your devoted love towards those you care for. I'm very sure that's what it stands for. But for a human to get a cutie mark... I wonder how that happened? I should study this a bit when we get home."

Even though I still could not wrap my head around how a human could acquire a cutie mark even though only Equestrian ponies can get them, Twilight's explanation did make a lot of sense to me. Despite my fascination with swordplay and that I am relentless in voicing my hatred about things I despise, I am a lover. Not a fighter. It would be very difficult for me to bring myself to hurt anyone. No matter how angry I would feel towards someone, I would never be able to bring myself to seriously harm them, let alone kill them. I even try to avoid killing insects and other bugs whenever possible, with the exceptions of mosquitoes, roaches, wasps, and other particularly dangerous bugs. But I digress.

Scootaloo then spoke up in clear jealousy, "No fair! We've been trying to get our cutie marks for a long time! How'd you get yours in just over a week?!"

Apple Bloom also complained, "We left no stone unturned, no mountain unclimbed, no meal uncooked, no sock unworn, and we STILL didn't find ours before somepony found theirs in just a week?! We'll never find our cutie marks at this rate..."

However, Sweetie Belle then asked, "But... Now that you have your cutie mark, does this mean you're leaving the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" She seemed rather sad. Even Apple Bloom and Scootaloo appeared to be more worried than jealous.

I too was worried that I would be booted out of the group, as I no longer was a 'blank flank' like them. "I don't want to leave... But do I have to?"

Scootaloo made the first move as she leapt into my arms and held onto me the best she could. "No way! I'll never agree to my big brother leaving us! Right, girls?" She asked as she looked down at Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "No! I don't want James to leave us! It's been really nice having a human with us!"

Apple Bloom then frowned at me while showing a pathetically sad expression on her face. "Ya don't have ta go... If yer a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, yer a member for life! But...y'all can quit, if you want..."

I looked down at the three fillies while they looked up at me. They clearly did not want me to leave their group. And in all honesty, neither did I. So I honestly replied with a smile, "Me? Quit? I don't think so." I then set Scootaloo down and extended my arm with my hand closed into a fist. "Cutie Mark Crusaders forever, right?"

The three fillies glanced at each other and grinned before extending one foreleg each, touching their hooves together, and pressing them against my fist. Simultaneously, they all cheered. "Cutie Mark Crusaders forever! Yay!"

"Man, I love you girls." I said with a chuckle at their enthusiasm.

Before anything else could be said, Twilight spoke up. "OK, that's enough. We really should be returning home now. The others are really anxious to see James again!"

Scootaloo nodded and began to back away towards her scooter. "OK then! Just let us suit up!" The three fillies ran over to the scooter and wagon and started putting on their safety gear. As they did that, I strapped on my saddlebags.

Just as Scootaloo pulled her scooter and passengers over to us, Zecora spoke up. "So, this is goodbye, my human friend. I pray that my quick judgment did not offend."

Twilight cocked her head to one side and asked, "Judgment? For what?" She seemed rather baffled by Zecora's words since she was not present when Zecora told me the legend of her people.

I replied while smiling, "No, I wasn't offended. But I appreciate the apology."

Zecora smiled rather gratefully at me. "I am grateful for your understanding. But now you must go where your friends are waiting. Do stop by again someday. I will prepare my finest hay."

At her offer, I felt myself chuckle. "I prefer my hay fried. And thank you for the offer, Zecora." The five of us waved goodbye to the wise zebra before heading on our way back to Ponyville. Wherever that was.

I stayed close to Twilight, as she was my guide in navigating the Everfree Forest. All the while, I could hear the Cutie Mark Crusaders chatting with each other a short distance behind us while Scootaloo propelled her scooter with her legs instead of her wings as a means to avoid passing us.

Twilight eventually spoke with a smile while looking up at me, "I'm really glad you're OK, James. The Everfree Forest isn't the safest place to spend the night. I could hardly sleep knowing you were out here."

I replied while flexing my neck, "Well, you know why I'm out here. Are you sure that law was real?"

My unicorn companion frowned in clear bewilderment. "That's the strange part! According to Princess Celestia, that was a real law! But it was so outdated, it just isn't enforced anymore." Of course, I had already heard testimony from Gray Hoof and Mitta from Sunny Town that humans had indeed existed in Equestria before and even Zecora's tribe had stories about them that likely dated back centuries. But due to the ominous and clearly dark nature of the tale Zecora told me, I felt it was for the best that I did not inquire about the past any further.

I then asked, "And what about Diamond Tiara? I heard she was punished for tricking me into leaving Ponyville."

Twilight could not help flashing me a smirk. "Oh, you have no idea how much hot water she's in now. When Rainbow Dash got back with the information you gave her, I sent a message to Princess Celestia herself to ask her to send out a search party. And you won't believe what happened later."

I could not quite imagine what Diamond Tiara's punishment could have been. Blackmailing someone into fleeing into a hostile environment has got to carry a heavy sentence, even for a child. "Did Diamond Tiara receive the guillotine?"

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but paused and smiled instead. "Actually, you'll see for yourself today. But first...I think you better wash up when you get home."

I grumbled while feeling rather grimy myself, "Don't even have to tell me. I can't wait to take a shower."

It took surprisingly little time for us to reach the edge of the Everfree Forest. "Whoa. Zecora lives that close to the entrance?" I asked out loud.

Twilight nodded while glancing up at me. "Yeah, she doesn't live that far in. That makes it pretty easy to reach her." She then pointed to our right, "And there's your stop."

In the distance was Fluttershy's cottage. And even though I was a good distance away, I could plainly see the timid pegasus mare resting on the small earthen bridge that spanned the brook that flowed before our home. "Is she...waiting for me?" I asked, extremely nervous of how she would react to me returning, especially since I left without a word.

Twilight responded by nudging me gently. "She's been waiting for you all day. Go to her, James. She needs you."

I looked down at her, but glanced back over at Fluttershy before nodding. "OK... Can I trust you to take the fillies home?"

Twilight smiled before glancing at the three fillies behind us. "Sure thing. Come on, girls! James needs some time to himself for now."

Scootaloo propelled her scooter and wagon over towards Twilight while showing me a smile. "OK! We'll see you later, James!"

Sweetie Belle waved at me while they passed me. "Rarity said she was making something special for you! Be sure to stop by Carousel Boutique today!"

Apple Bloom then waved as well before speaking, "Applejack also said she'd bring by somethin' special for ya and Fluttershy! Keep an eye out for 'er!" I smiled and waved goodbye as the four of them headed south towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Alone again, I turned my gaze towards my home. "OK... Just one thing left to do." I muttered to myself while I approached Fluttershy's cottage.

Fluttershy did not seem to hear me approach while she looked down at the shallow brook that flowed under the bridge. I heard her let out a sigh as she rested her chin on her forelegs. At this point, I felt my body temperature spike as I began to sweat. It was strange. The woman I love was right in front of me, yet I was extremely nervous. It took me a moment of mental struggling to force myself to walk up beside her.

I looked down at the slowly flowing water, our reflections being displayed. Fluttershy's half-closed eyes opened wide when she saw me in the reflection. When she rubbed her eyes to make sure she was not seeing an illusion, I smiled and waved down at the water as if it was a mirror. It was then that Fluttershy looked up at me, our eyes sharing a long stare.

It was Fluttershy who broke the silence first. "Um... Could you stand in front of that bush over there?" She asked while pointing towards a thick bush growing against the side of her house.

"Uh... OK?" I replied as I did as I was told. I walked over to it and stopped right in front of the bush. I then turned to face my lover and asked, "OK, what now... GWAH?!"

The next thing I knew, Fluttershy tackled me head-on and caused me to fall backwards into the bush. No wonder she wanted something soft and flexible behind me. She squeezed me tightly with her forelegs as she sobbed quietly, "I missed you, I missed you, I missed you....." For some reason, the way she quickly spoke those words reminded me of Pinkie Pie. But I digress.

I looked down as Fluttershy buried her face in my shirt while sobbing heavily. Hearing her cry was difficult to take as I also felt tears building in my eyes. I stroked her back and mane while I whispered, "Don't cry, honey... I'm home now. And I'll never leave again..."

Fluttershy shuddered as she spoke while choking on tears, "I read your message... Did you...really do that for me?"

I nodded while I nuzzled my head against hers. "I was scared for you... I can't bear the thought of you in prison. Or under a guillotine." I then whispered into her ear, "I love you too much for that... I won't let anything like that happen to you."

Fluttershy remained silent for a moment before looking up at me with her big cyan eyes, tears streaming down her face. "I'm not afraid of what anypony thinks as long as I have you... I don't care what happens... Just please... Don't leave me again..." She tightened her embrace as she once again buried her face in my chest.

I could not hold back any longer. I let my tears fall as I embraced my beloved for all I was worth. "I won't leave again... But please stop crying. I'm home now, right? I just want things to go back to normal."

At my words, Fluttershy slowly began to calm down. When she looked up at me again, she asked, "Were you crying too...?"

I nodded, feeling no shame in being honest with her. "Yeah... I'm just glad to be back home with my friends. And you."

The two of us shared a prolonged gaze before we sealed lips with each other in what was our first kiss in days. It did not last long, but... Well, all I can say is that the kind of closure I got from that simple display of affection is not easy to describe. Fluttershy then whispered, "I love you, James..."

I replied as I cupped her cheek, "You have no idea how much I love you, Fluttershy... Or our friends..." It was then that I looked down at the 'cutie marks' on each of my upper arms. "Love... I guess Twilight was right."

When Fluttershy took the time to look at the twin dove symbols on my arms, she gasped, "Are those cutie marks? And...are those doves?"

I nodded while also looking at them. "I don't see how I could've gotten them, but Twilight says that's what they are. And yeah, I think those are doves."

Fluttershy then smiled as she rested a hoof on one. They were quite long as they reached from just below my shoulders to just above my elbows... Wait, did I already describe that earlier? "A pair of doves facing each other, forming a heart between them and with their own bodies... James, this fits you perfectly!"

I think I felt myself blush at my girlfriend's praise. "R...really?"

She nodded while smiling before she explained, "Doves are very peaceful and they mate for life. They also represent everlasting love and are symbols of peace. That' perfect for you. You're so loving and nonviolent... If you were an animal, you'd be a dove. And so would I."

Such poetic use of words. She was right. And the more I looked at them, the more I began to accept that these symbols on my upper arms were not tattoos, but cutie marks. And strangely enough, having something permanently engraved on my body with the word 'cutie' in its name did not embarrass me at all. In fact, I felt a twinge of pride in my heart. "I have the heart of a dove, huh...? That's.....really nice."

Fluttershy nuzzled my face with a delighted smile. "Isn't it lovely? Such an elegant and beautiful cutie mark you have." After a moment more, Fluttershy asked, "You must be tired after all that walking around. Would you like me to get the shower ready for you?"

Those words reminded me that I had gone a full day at least without bathing. I nodded readily. "Thank you. I can't wait to wash up."

My lover pushed herself off of me and trotted up to the front door of our house. "I'll be just a few minutes. But feel free to unload your supplies." She then disappeared inside, leaving me sitting where I had fallen.

As I sat in the bush, my eyes scanned my surroundings. The vast amount of untouched nature I adored was once again all around me. But before I could drink it all in, I heard the door open again and looked to my left. Fluttershy peeked out and said, "The water's getting warm. You wanna come upstairs and get ready?"

I replied with a grin, "Music to my ears."

I followed Fluttershy upstairs as I heard the sound of running water. Before I could undress, I unloaded all of my supplies in a corner. "You really stocked up before leaving, didn't you?" Fluttershy asked as my bags hit the floor with a thud.

"I knew next to nothing about the Everfree Forest at the time and everything I'd heard about it was nothing but bad news. I wanted to be certain I was ready." I replied as I cracked my neck to loosen it up.

Fluttershy nodded while she walked towards the bathroom door. "I'm glad you took so many precautions before going there. It isn't the safest place in Equestria. But can we talk while you wash up?"

I replied as I pulled off my shirt, "Sure thing. Some interesting things happened to me while I was out there." I entered the bathroom and finished undressing there. I then stepped into the bathtub and sat down, reveling in the feeling of warm water raining down on me.

"Man, I really missed this..." I muttered as I reached for the soap. But as I began to scrub myself down, I noticed Fluttershy's shape take a seat just outside the shower curtains. "Is that you, dear?"

I heard Fluttershy's voice reply as she reached for the end of the curtain, "Yes, James. May I see your face as we talk?"

I smiled at those words. "Go right ahead, honey. I wanna see your reaction to some of the stuff I tell you."

At my words, the shower curtain was partially pushed aside to reveal Fluttershy's face. She smiled at me as she spoke, "I can't wait to take a shower with you again, James... But anyway, what was it like out there in the Everfree Forest?"

I spoke while rubbing soap all over me. "It wasn't that bad, actually. I kinda enjoyed myself at times. wasn't all that enjoyable without my friends with me."

Fluttershy sighed with a frown, "I know... Rainbow Dash told me that you were really happy to see her when she found you."

I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes for a moment. "She was the first friend I had seen all day. So yeah, I was happy to see her."

Fluttershy then asked, "Well... What were the most memorable moments of your time out there?"

I strongly doubt she would ever believe that I discovered a whole village full of zombified ponies, so I decided to leave that detail out. I also felt it was best that she did not learn that Nightmare Moon still lived. But I still replied, "In order, I saw Rainbow Dash distract a hydra while I got away, I found a pair of turtle doves huddling together, I found the ancient ruins of the royal sisters' castle and spent the night there, and I even made a few friends out there too."

Once I had paused, Fluttershy grinned brightly, "You made friends? How wonderful! Who are they?"

I smiled as I looked towards the window, "One was a gray earth pony with a red mane and tail. Her name is Mitta. A very kind girl who even helped me out. Then there's Ruby. She's a little filly with bright yellow eyes who led me to the castle ruins to sleep in for the night. Not sure what they were doing out there, but I never bothered to ask. And then I met Zecora today. You know about her, right?"

Fluttershy nodded in response. "You met Zecora? She didn't give you any trouble, did she? I mean, she wasn't bad at all when we got to know her, but still..."

I chuckled, "Nah, she didn't bother me. She actually helped me out when I touched some Poison...Joke? Well, anyway, she helped me and we parted on a happy note. I really like mysterious women like her."

The mention of Poison Joke seemed to alarm Fluttershy as she asked, "Oh my... Poison Joke? What did it do to you?"

I raised my hands and shook my head. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." The two of us shared a chuckle.

I decided to cut my shower short, as I only wanted to wash up enough to get rid of the grime and sweat from going a full day and night without bathing. Fluttershy was kind enough to avert her eyes while I put my clothes on, although I noticed out of the corner of my eyes that she would occasionally glance at me before blushing. I smirked once I was fully clothed and said, "You know, you don't have to look away if you want to watch."

Fluttershy blushed while looking at me and asked, "You mean... I don't have to look away when you're...not wearing anything?"

I nodded while I combed my hair and said, "Well, we did take a shower together. And even...did you know what together. So, don't you think it would be OK for us to be comfortable around each other when our bodies aren't covered?"

At my words, Fluttershy turned her back to me while still keeping her eyes on me by looking over her shoulder, "I guess I just have to get used to it. But...would you really be fine seeing me exposed back there?"

My eyes fell upon her long pink tail, knowing exactly what was behind it. It was a very awkward question and I was rather uneasy about seeing, even though we are now lovers. After all, she is a pony and I am a human. But if I was to truly view her as an equal, I would have to adjust to the differences in anatomy from human women. So I answered her question. "Yes... Go ahead and show me if you want to, honey."

Fluttershy seemed to gulp nervously as she blushed deeply. "O... OK then..." She then moved her tail to the side, exposing her marehood. It was the first time I had ever gotten a good look at one, so it is needless to say that I was taken aback somewhat at what I was seeing.

"Is it...ugly to you?" Fluttershy squeaked out quietly. She almost seemed to be shivering, which was to be expected from someone so timid.

After a moment of observing her, I took a deep breath to gather myself. "No, honey... It's beautiful. Just like you."

Her blush only deepened at my praise. "It's... Buh... Buh... Beautiful? Really? Me?"

Such modesty. It only made me adore her more. "I'm serious, Fluttershy. You're beautiful. Every part of you is beautiful."

The beautiful pegasus smiled meekly before moving her tail back to its usual location. She spoke while turning to face me, "I think it'll take me some time to get used to this... But... I think I can be more confident whenever it's just us. I'm just glad my body is beautiful enough for you, James."

I smiled as I reached out and stroked my lover's beautiful mane. "Your soul's beauty is what really matters, Fluttershy. It's so pure, I could easily mistake you for an angel." I got down on one knee and embraced her, prompting Fluttershy to rear up on her hind legs and embrace me with her forelegs as we remained in that spot for at least a minute or two without saying a word.

We were brought back to our senses by the sound of someone knocking at the front door downstairs. "We have a guest?" Fluttershy asked while she let go of me and flew downstairs. I followed her and reached the ground floor just as she opened the door. "Oh, hello. What brings you out here today, Rainbow Dash?"

I saw my friend standing just outside the door with a smile. "Oh, Twilight asked me to let you two lovebirds know that we have some special guests who wanna see you really soon. They're at the library." She then looked over Fluttershy and noticed me. "Hey, James! Ya made it! You all settled back in now?"

I waved at her with a smile. "Yeah, and I just finished washing up. And who're these 'special guests' who wanna see us?"

Rainbow Dash grinned slyly at me before she said "Well, it's really just you they wanna see, James. But they know you and Fluttershy have been apart for a while, so they decided they wanted you both to show up to keep each other company."

I gave her a rather silly frown and asked, "That still doesn't answer my question. Who are these special guests who want to see us?"

Like before, Rainbow responded with a sly smirk. "Why don't ya head on over and see for yourself? I promise they're looking forward to meeting you."

Seeing that I was not going to get a straight answer out of her, I decided to just let that question go. "Well...OK. I'll head on over. And you, Fluttershy?"

My lover then asked, "They're not...anypony I haven't met before, are they?"

Rainbow Dash proceeded to pat her on the shoulder. "Oh, you've met them before. Several times, actually! Trust me when I say you know them pretty well."

At her friend's words, Fluttershy nodded with a smile. "OK then. I'll head over right now. Are you coming, James?"

I nodded and headed towards them. "Yup. Let's go." I followed her outside while closing the door behind me.

"OK then! I'll hurry on over and let Twilight know you two are coming. See ya later!" Rainbow Dash said with a smile before she took to the air and flew away at great speed.

"Does that girl always have to be in a hurry?" I asked as we headed towards Ponyville.

Fluttershy smiled while also letting out a slight giggle. "She's been that way for as long as I've known her. And we've known each other since our days at flight school. Is her energy too much sometimes?"

I replied honestly, "Quite the contrary. I love that about her. She's fun to have around. And her occasionally perverted quirks make her pretty funny too. But I'm afraid Pinkie Pie has her beat in terms of sheer quirkiness." The two of us chuckled together.

Once we entered Ponyville, I noticed that quite a few of the ponies around us were waving in my direction or otherwise acknowledging my presence. I waved back, but found this attention to be very unusual. I whispered, "Fluttershy, why is almost everypony waving at me?"

Fluttershy replied just as quietly, "It didn't take long for everypony in town to notice you were gone yesterday. They're just welcoming you back." It is strange. When I first came to Ponyville and was subjected to constant staring, I found it to be very intimidating. But now, I was finding this type of attention to be.....heartwarming. I was a welcome citizen of Ponyville now, and this warm welcome confirmed it.

The two of us reached the library without incident, though I could almost see Pinkie Pie just popping up out of nowhere at anytime. However, standing just outside the front door was a pair of pegasus stallions with brilliant white coats and blue tails. They seemed identical in appearance and both had very stern expressions and were clad in what seemed to be a type of golden plate armor. The armor was worn in similar fashion to a saddle, leaving the legs and undersides exposed. They also wore elegant golden shoes or armored boots over their hooves with a type of golden helmet that covered the front and sides of their necks while reaching down over the tops of their muzzles. Their ears poked out of the tops of the helmets while their faces and front of their necks were not covered. The tops of their helmets bore semicircular blue plumes that were very similar to Roman galea that almost looked like axe heads at first glance. On the very front of the armor that covered their chest was a shining teal star. Seeing how they were armored and had very serious expressions, I asked Fluttershy, "Did something happen while I was away that prompted Twilight to hire security?"

Fluttershy replied with a giggle, "They're not security. They are part of the royal guard."

Those two pegasi are part of Equestria's royal defense force? Even though they were smaller than me, I certainly did not want to give these two soldiers reason to think I would cause trouble. As I approached the library's door, I noticed them glance at me for a second before they stepped sideways without saying a word as if to allow better access to the library. It was almost as if they knew who I was and were expecting me.

I knocked on the door before stepping inside with Fluttershy right behind me. Just in front of the stairs that led up to Twilight's living quarters was Spike with a tray of empty teacups with a teapot to match. He must have heard the door close behind us since he looked over at me and smiled, "Oh, hey! I haven't seen you in a few days! How're you doing?"

Spike seemed unusually jovial towards me, considering that he displayed hostility towards me in our first encounter and most of our following ones too. However, I dismissed it and asked, "I'm feeling pretty good now that I'm back home. But is Twilight here? She said there were a couple of guests who wanted to see me and Fluttershy."

The young dragon, while initially looking puzzled, soon nodded at me. "Twilight? Guests? Oh, right. They're all upstairs. Come on up! I'll let them know you're here." He then ran upstairs while holding the tray over his head. Without a word, my lover and I headed upstairs too.

"Here you go, your majesties! One serving of jasmine tea and some sweet honey tea." I heard Spike speak as we neared the top.

"Majesties?" Fluttershy asked quietly while looking up at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "Is Twilight training Spike to speak before some nobles for an upcoming party?"

As we neared the top of the stairwell, I heard Twilight Sparkle's voice speak, "I'm sure he'll be very thrilled to meet both of you. It's very rare that we get to see you two in public together."

Very rare? Seeing them in public? Just who were these guests who wanted to see me? Right as we entered Twilight's quarters, Fluttershy gasped and suddenly.....bowed? That stance where she lowered her upper body towards the ground was probably a bow. She squeaked in surprise, "Oh my... Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! I... I wasn't expecting you!"

Wait... The royal sisters?! Celestia and Luna?! The bringers of the night and day?! Needless to say, I was taken aback by their presence. However, Twilight smiled as she looked over at us. "Don't be afraid. They're here just to talk to you."

Twilight's words reminded me of when Fluttershy called out to me that morning as she claimed that the law I feared had been abolished. I took a moment to calm myself as my eyes fell upon the two royal sisters. They were seated before a small round table placed in the center of the room. My eyes trailed towards the larger of the two...pegasi? Unicorns? Just what do you call a pony that has the physical attributes of both types? Regardless, since she was the larger of the two, I suspected she was the eldest. Her coat was a brilliant white with a hint of pink to it while her eyes were magenta. Her cutie mark was, predictably, an orange sun. Her spectacularly long mane and tail were...well, as difficult as this is to believe, they were four colors and were constantly billowing as if being caressed by a gentle breeze. The four colors were in stripes and consisted of cyan, purple, turquoise, and azure while frequently giving off sparkles. I almost felt as if I was standing before a goddess, so radiant was her beauty. True to her royal stature, she was clad in golden jewelry. Each hoof wore pale gold shoes that branched out at the top to resemble a fleur-de-lis and what seemed to be a cross between a necklace and gorget was worn around the base of her neck. It too was gold and held what seemed to be a purple gemstone on the front. I also noticed that her muzzle shape was broader than the average mare, but not quite as broad as a stallion's. The horn on her head was different from the average unicorn's as well. Where most unicorn horns are fairly short and have blunt rounded tips, hers was long and slender, though the tip still seemed to be slightly blunt. She was also by far the largest pony I had ever seen, with an impressive wingspan and long lanky legs and a slender body to boot. Atop her head rested a golden tiara with three points with the central point reaching the highest. It too held a purple gemstone in the center. I spoke quietly, "Princess Celestia..."

I then looked towards the smaller of the two... All right. Until I learn exactly what these unicorn pegasi hybrids are called, I will refer to them as 'royal ponies' since Equestrian royalty seem to be the only ones of their kind. But I digress. My eyes gazed towards the smaller of the two sisters, who I deduced to be Princess Luna. Her overall body shape was nearly identical to Celestia's, but was slightly smaller. Even so, she seemed to be at least 30% larger than the average pony. Her coat was a grayish shade of blue and her eyes were the same shade of teal or cyan as Nightmare Moon's without the catlike irises and with some lovely light sapphire blue eye shadow ... Actually, wait... I believe her coat was...a dark sapphire blue? Regardless, her cutie mark depicted a crescent moon surrounded by a very dark purple coloration that seemed to represent the night sky. Her mane and tail were similar in form to Celestia's as they constantly billowed gently, but were slightly shorter. A single thick lock of her mane hung over her face, a trait I found to be very charming. The coloration of her mane and tail... This is difficult to describe. The innermost parts seemed to show the deep blue night sky complete with glittering stars, but the outermost edges were a transparent shade of blue. Actually, scratch that part about the stars. The innermost part of her mane and tail were a solid blue color, but constantly glittered, giving the optical illusion that they were filled with twinkling stars. Like her sister, she was also clad in jewelry. Her shoes and necklace were identical in design to Celestia's, although they both constantly glittered beautifully. Her glittering shoes were a very pale shade of blue while her necklace was the same shade of dark purple or black as the 'night sky' part of her cutie mark while also bearing a crescent moon. An equally dark tiara rested atop her head. While not quite as outrageously beautiful as Celestia, she exuded a type of gentle elegance that drew me to her. I then nodded and said quietly, "Princess Luna."

Celestia spoke first with a smile, "At last we meet. We've been hearing good things about you, James."

Luna spoke next. Or rather, bellowed. Her expression became rather serious as she effectively shouted at me with her voice echoing while a strong gust seemed to be blowing at me from nowhere. "INDEED. IT IS AN HONOR TO MEET THOU, HONORED GUEST FROM A DISTANT WORLD." I would have fallen right back down the stairs behind me if Fluttershy had not gotten behind me and pushed me against the wind.

"Luna, you're relapsing." Celestia spoke with a rather hearty chuckle.

Luna's serious expression became one of shock as she covered her mouth with a hoof. "Oops... There I go again, resorting to my old habits..."

I adjusted my frazzled hair and asked, "Is that normal for you, Lady Luna? I would've expected the bringer of the beautiful calm night to speak softly."

The Princess of the Night replied somewhat bashfully, "Forgive me, that was just out of habit. It is tradition to speak with that much volume when addressing our... Wait, did you refer to the night as 'beautiful' just now?" She was gazing at me with a very shocked expression.

I nodded casually and explained, "Well...yeah. I actually prefer the night over the day since it's so calm and relaxing. Especially on rainy...gwah?!" I was interrupted as Luna rushed over to me, reared up on her hind legs, and embraced me tightly with her forelegs.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you, friend! At long last, somepony truly appreciates me and my beautiful night! Your admiration is cherished!" Luna almost sounded hysterical with joy as she spoke. I looked over her shoulder at Celestia, who seemed to be holding back a laugh as she covered her mouth with a hoof. Twilight seemed to be rather shocked by Luna's direct response to my praise for her while Spike was snickering while holding his face to not get too loud. Since Fluttershy was behind me, I could not get a good look at her. But I swear I heard her mutter '' in a very quiet tone.

Now that Luna was standing straight up, I could really see how tall she is. While most ponies stand with their heads parallel to roughly the center of my torso, Luna seemed to be just as tall as I am if not a few inches taller. Naturally, this meant that her older and bigger sister would likely tower over me if she rose up on just her hind legs. But I digress.

I wanted to offer some words to Luna, but as I was being hugged by royalty, I had no idea how to respond without offending her. I motioned with my hand for Twilight to approach me. She whispered once she came close enough, "What's wrong?"

I replied quietly and a bit frantically, "What am I supposed to do? I've never been in front of royalty before!"

Twilight responded while clearly uncertain about her own advice. "Um... Maybe just hug her back?"

I braced myself for any unpleasant reactions as I gently wrapped my arms around Luna. I placed one hand on the center of her back between the shoulders while placing the other on the back of her head. To my surprise, I found that her mane was solid despite appearing to lack physical mass. I muttered quietly, "I see the creator of the night is just as gentle and beautiful as her handiwork." As flattering as those words may have sounded, I was being completely blunt in my use of dialogue. Luna, at least at that moment, seemed to be the physical embodiment of the night I cherished in both form and character.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye what seemed to be a faint blush on Luna's face. I heard her giggle before smiling. "You are too kind. I doubt anypony has shown this level of appreciation for me before. And as you are the first, I feel you must be rewarded." I did not have time to react as Luna pulled her head back and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

There was a moment of silence throughout the entire room. Clearly, no one saw this coming, and certainly not me. I was frozen to the spot, unsure of how to react to this unexpected kiss. Granted, I had been kissed by ponies before, like Rarity and Fluttershy, but a kiss from a princess?! What was I supposed to say? Or better yet, how would Celestia take this?

My eyes immediately glanced over at Celestia. I was expecting her to be angry, but her expression showed surprise as she looked on silently. She soon spoke, "Oh my... Have you made a friend, Luna?"

At her sister's words, Luna dropped back down on all fours and smiled at Celestia before exclaiming, "Oh, a most special friend indeed! At least...I hope so." She then looked back up at me and held out a hoof. "Kind James. May I ask you the privilege of being your friend?"

This request caught me by surprise. I had not been in their presence for even five minutes, yet one of the royal sisters was now offering me her friendship? But in hindsight, I suppose I should not be surprised. As Luna and Nightmare Moon were once one entity, she likely carried the reputation of Nightmare Moon for a time after the Elements of Harmony purged her of her darker half. This more than likely caused Luna to feel very lonely and rejected, leading to an ever-growing desire for friends who saw past her reputation and viewed her as the elegant princess she is.

These thoughts made me feel great sympathy for Luna, as I had seen firsthand just how emotionally devastated Nightmare Moon was when I found her lingering remains in the castle ruins within the Everfree Forest the previous night. Of course, it would probably be very unwise to mention that name in front of either of the royal sisters, so I chose to not mention Nightmare Moon to them at all. But in any case, I dropped down to one knee and took Luna's hoof in my hand. "It would be an honor, m'lady."

Luna's facial expression went from hopeful to ecstatic at my words. She suddenly looked over at Celestia and beamed with excitement, "Did you hear, sister?! He agrees!" I heard Twilight and Fluttershy giggle at Luna's enthusiasm.

Celestia smiled warmly at her sister and nodded. "Yes, I did. I told you that you would make friends someday. Though I admit it was surprising to see the only human in Equestria become your friend less than five minutes after meeting you."

I asked, "Do you think I should've turned down her offer until later?" This prompted an unhappy frown from Luna.

Celestia replied with a shake of her head, "Now, don't be that way. Granted, you just met. But some friendships take just the tiniest push to start. And your heartfelt appreciation for Luna and the night she worked so hard to create was just the push that was needed."

Luna looked at me with a smile, as if trying to reassure me that she was being serious when she requested that we be friends. I then asked, "Lady Luna, was I really the first guy to ever thank you for creating the night?"

She replied with a slight frown, "Well, the ponies of Equestria have come to embrace me this past year, You were the first pony...I mean ever vocally express gratitude for my work."

I muttered under my breath, "Just like Nightmare Moon..."

Luna's ears perked up as she asked, "Come again? I didn't quite catch that."

Knowing that she would probably not appreciate being reminded of her darker half, I replied with a smile, "Oh... Just mumbling to myself. It wasn't anything important."

Luna nodded as she held out a hoof again. "I see. But...we are still friends, aren't we?"

I nodded as I held her hoof and shook it once. "Yes, your highness."

I watched when Luna bowed her head humbly before smiling. "I am relieved to hear that, James. But enough sidetracking. Celestia and I called you here for important business."

Fluttershy gasped as she stood by my side, "Oh, right. What did you need to see us for, your highness?"

Celestia spoke first. "A few days ago, I received a report from my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, that revealed to me that you and Fluttershy had become lovers."

Fluttershy and I froze. We knew then why we had been called to appear before the royal sisters. Were we going to be arrested? Or even executed on the spot? Being able to raise the sun and moon, Celestia and Luna were more than likely capable of destroying us with the use of their godly magic. I held my breath, fearing what was going to come next.

Luna spoke next. "And it was brought to our attention that you had fled into the Everfree Forest in order to protect Fluttershy by hiding evidence. Or something to that effect."

Celestia then frowned, almost appearing ashamed at that moment. "In all honesty, we had completely forgotten that law had ever been passed. It was so long ago that law had been made, we never got around to abolishing it..."

I felt myself calm down slightly at Celestia's words. From what I could tell by listening to her, she had no intention of harming Fluttershy or me. If anything, she seemed remorseful for ever passing that law to begin with. Fluttershy then asked, "Does this're not going to arrest us?"

Luna and Celestia looked at each other for a brief moment before laughing together. Celestia then chuckled, "Why would we ever do such a thing?! When I read that report, I was not only surprised. I felt proud for you two. Seeing past your biggest differences and embracing each other for what you are... That is perfect harmony. How could we ever condemn that?"

Luna then spoke with a smile, "As of today, that ridiculously outdated law is abolished. There will be no such prejudice under our reign."

All I could do at that moment was embrace Fluttershy for all I was worth. I think she may have started to cry as I heard her whisper with her voice breaking, "Everything's OK now... I'm just so happy..."

I gently stroked her mane with one hand as I whispered, "Me too, honey... Me too..."

Celestia spoke softly with a tone of compassion in her voice, "There is no need for tears, you two. Be happy. There is nothing wrong with being in love."

Fluttershy and I huddled together for a moment longer before we heard Twilight speak. "Princess Celestia? May I ask a question?"

Celestia replied promptly, "Of course, my faithful student. What is on your mind?"

The purple unicorn mare then asked, "I'm only asking this out of curiosity, but why was there ever a law that applied to humans in the first place? I thought they were only creatures of myth!"

This question seemed to unnerve both of the royal sisters, as they seemed very surprised and even nervous. Luna quickly spoke, "Well... You see, the truth of the matter is..."

Something was very wrong here. Celestia and Luna seemed to know something about Equestria's past. Something they clearly did not want us to know. At that moment, I truly wanted to demand that they explain why that law had ever been passed. Especially since I had received testimony from the ponies of Sunny Town, who had claimed to have personally met humans in the past. Even Zecora seemed to have heard stories lending credibility to their claims. The royal sisters were hiding something. And I wanted to know the truth.

Fluttershy asked, "Princess Celestia... Surely you know the truth. Could you please tell us? James deserves to know more than anypony."

She was right. I had the right to know. But at the same time, I was afraid. Did I really want to know why a law had been passed that applied to humans? For such a steep penalty, there must have been a very brutal origin behind the initial passing of the law. What happened in Equestria? How long has it been since humanity disappeared? Or were there ever any humans in Equestria to begin with? Do I really want to know the awful truth? Or was it a pleasant and harmless truth? Either way, I would not know unless I asked.

After a moment of pondering, I spoke up. "Lady Celestia. You don't have to tell us. It's probably not important."

Twilight did not seem pleased with my refusal to learn the truth as she frowned, "But...James! This is about your kind! You, more than anypony, deserve to know the truth!"

I replied, "Maybe so... But my gut is telling me that I don't really need to know. And I'm following that instinct this time."

Luna asked with some hesitation, "Are you absolutely certain? We... I suppose we can reveal this information to you if you truly wish it."

I sighed as I shook my head. "No... It's fine. I think I'd be better off not knowing. Curiosity might not kill the cat, but it may mentally scar you."

Celestia's expression seemed to calm rapidly as I spoke my decision. "I see... We will respect your decision."

But Twilight loudly asked, "But could you at least tell me? I'm very eager to know the truth! Please, your highness!"

I finally decided to speak up, "Twilight. Let it go."

She looked at me and asked, "Why?! This is an important matter! Why shouldn't I know?"

I shrugged my shoulders and explained, "Think of it like this. Something happened a thousand years ago and no one really knows about it. If you were to learn what happened, would that really make an impact on today?"

Twilight started to say something, but began to stutter while apparently trying to find something to counter my claim. After a moment of indecision, she groaned, "Fine... Maybe it's not important after all."

Celestia nervously chuckled, "Yes, very true. What happened hundreds or thousands of years ago is of no importance today. You put it best, James." I chuckled lightly as I tried to avert my eyes, finding her praise to be embarrassing.

Hoping to change the subject to get our minds off of the question at hand, I asked, "I know this may not be the best thing to ask, but what of Diamond Tiara?"

Luna smirked as she glanced at Celestia, who also smirked slyly. The Princess of the Night then explained, "We made certain that her parents knew of everything she has been doing for the past week. It goes without saying that they were not the least bit amused with her uncouth antics." I could imagine. As I had met Diamond Tiara's mother before in the jewelry store where I purchased Rarity's bracelet, I knew just by talking to her that she was not a stuck-up sort of pony. No way she would ever appreciate her own child being a schoolyard bully.

"And her sentence?" I asked, curious of what her punishment was.

Celestia grinned rather mischievously and said, "One month of no cutie mark! Seems fitting enough."

At the mention of cutie marks, I remembered that I too had acquired a cutie mark. Or at least it seemed to be one. "Um... Your highness? I know this may sound ridiculous, but..." I then rolled up my sleeve to display the mark on my upper arm. "Is this a cutie mark? It only showed up on me today."

I think I heard a faint gasp come from the two sisters as they beheld the elegant dovelike design on my arm. Luna spoke first. "Celestia, is that...?"

The Princess of the Dawn nodded as she smiled, "Yes, I do believe so." She then stood up and walked over to me. "I recognize that shape and color. If memory serves, I've seen only one or two other ponies with this cutie mark in my life. And yes, that is indeed a cutie mark."

I think I may have blushed at that claim. If the rulers of Equestria say that it is a cutie mark, then it must be so. "Well... Does it represent anything in particular?" I asked, curious of its purpose.

Luna trotted over to us and spoke, "Allow me. The birds depicted in this cutie mark are doves, which are universal symbols of love and peace. And as you can see, they are forming a heart with their bodies."

Celestia continued, "It represents that its wearer has a big heart and is very nonviolent, preferring peace and harmony over conflict. And if there is conflict, he chooses to resolve it as peacefully as possible. Of course, it also shows that he is very loving towards those he holds dear. And if memory serves, doves are also shy. Just like you if what I've heard is true." She then looked towards Fluttershy and smiled warmly. "You are most blessed, Fluttershy. I do believe that one of those doves is James while the other is you." Fluttershy could not even offer a response to that. All she could do was blush deeply while partially hiding her face behind her long pink mane.

However, a question still lingered in my mind. "OK, so I have a cutie mark now. But is it really possible for humans to get them? I thought only ponies could."

Celestia nodded once more. "Indeed, only ponies can acquire them normally. But there are exceptions. Would you care to explain, Luna?"

Luna then stepped forward. "Gladly. While us ponies acquire them naturally, it is possible for other races to acquire them as well. But for this to occur, they must be capable of living in perfect harmony with the ponies of Equestria. Doing so creates a subtle harmonious force between the two races. Once the other race has become as close to BEING a pony as possible, that race will acquire their own unique cutie mark much like their dear friends."

A harmonious force... As close to being an Equestrian pony as possible. Living in perfect harmony with this completely alien race. That was what acquired me this unique symbol on my upper arms. "Harmony... I never had this kind bond with my own kind back home..." I then asked, "Lady Celestia... Lady Luna... Do you know who brought me to Equestria?"

Seeing as how they are the most powerful ponies in Equestria, I thought for sure that they had brought me here. And if their answer were 'yes', I would drop down on my knees and bow to them for bringing me to this paradise. However, they merely smiled and shook their heads. Celestia then spoke, "I really wish we knew. I would like to say it was us, but I would be lying if I did."

Luna bowed her head as she replied, "It is indeed puzzling. We know nothing of the world you are from, yet you appear out of thin air near Ponyville not even two weeks ago. But that does not mean we do not appreciate your presence." She then smiled warmly at me. "It is a pleasure having you here, my friend."

It was actually quite flattering to be told that a princess appreciated my presence. I never once thought that I would be so openly accepted by any community. But my train of thought was interrupted as Celestia spoke, "I'm sorry to have to bring this up, but we must be going soon. The mayor has requested an audience and we are due at the town hall in several minutes."

As I heard those words, my hand brushed against my side where my pockets were. I felt a rectangular form bulging slightly from it. My DSi. It had been a while since I last used it. I then asked, "Um... Before you two leave, may I take a photo of you together?"

Luna replied with a hint of excitement, "A photograph? But of course!"

I then pulled out my DSi, flipped it open, turned it on, and activated the camera feature. Celestia looked closely at the device in my hands and asked, "I've never seen a camera like this. Is it a device from your world?"

I nodded without looking away from the screens. "Yeah, and it has numerous features. But I only use it for taking pictures these days."

Twilight came over to me and looked at it, the top screen displaying whatever the lens was facing. "It shows you exactly what the picture will look like before you even take it? That's impressive!"

Hearing Twilight's voice gave me an idea. "Twilight, could I trust you to take the picture? I'd like to be in the shot too."

She nodded before appearing to use the levitation spell to take hold of the device. "Sure. How do I do it?" Her horn was engulfed in a billowing aura as the DSi floated out of my hands.

"Just push the A button in to take the picture. And try to keep it from shaking." I then stood between the two royal ponies with Celestia on my right and Luna on my left. I gently rested my hands on their shoulders and smiled. They too smiled warmly as Twilight began to adjust her position in the room to get the right distance and angle.

"OK, this angle looks good. Everypony in place? Three, two, one!" At the end of the countdown, I heard a familiar click. Twilight then smiled as she looked down at the DSi, "Perfect! How does this look, Fluttershy?"

My girlfriend looked down at the screen and smiled as well. "That looks just about perfect."

I took the DSi in hand and showed the royal sisters the photo. Luna seemed quite pleased with the results. "The lighting was just right, wouldn't you say?"

Celestia nodded with a matching smile, "A perfect balance. Let's do this again at our next meeting, James."

I nodded in confirmation as I turned the device off and closed it. "It would be my pleasure, your highness."

I shook Celestia's hoof as we said our goodbyes. But instead of a hoofshake, Luna rose up on her hind legs and embraced me once again. "Next time we meet, let's talk over a spot of tea."

I stroked her beautiful billowing mane and replied quietly, "Sounds like a plan, Lady Luna."

However, she pushed away from me and smiled, "Please, James. Just call me Luna."

I watched as Luna trotted down the stairs that led into the library. But before Celestia could follow, the Princess of the Dawn whispered into my ear, "I'm looking forward to watching your friendship with my sister progress. Be good to her." I merely replied with a happy grin and brief chuckle. My friends and I said our goodbyes and watched the beautiful princess follow Luna downstairs.

"I really like your mentors, Twilight." I said as I turned to face her.

The purple unicorn giggled while showing a delighted grin. "They're always good to have around. Princess Celestia is almost like a second mother to me. But don't tell her I said that. OK?" Fluttershy, Spike, and I chuckled at that request.

Spike then walked over to me with something in his hands. "Hey, James? I think I was supposed to give these to you." In his grasp was a pair of glasses.

"Glasses? Wait a sec... I know that frame. Aren't these mine?" I asked while remembering that I had accidentally crushed and twisted them that morning.

Twilight nodded and explained, "Rainbow Dash brought them to me this morning. I had the frame straightened out and new lenses put in to replace the broken ones. Try them on and tell us how they work!"

I did as I was told, placing them on my face. The instant I did, everything became much clearer. "Whoa, much better. Thanks, Twi... Wait..." One thing I noticed right then was that the lenses were absolutely spotless. No matter how hard I tried, I could never get my glasses to be 100% clean, as there would always be visible streaks across the lenses. "How're these so clean? What's your trick?"

Twilight smiled with an amused grin. "That's the special quality about glasses in Equestria. A tiny bit of magic is woven into the lenses that repels all grime, grease, dust, you name it." I tried putting her claims to the test by pressing my thumb to one lens. To my surprise, there was not even the slightest trace of a thumbprint on it.

"Huh... No wonder I never saw Rarity clean her glasses." I said while placing my glasses back on my face. "Thanks again, Twilight. You have no idea how frustrating it was to get my old glasses completely clean. By which I mean I never could."

Fluttershy smiled while gently nudging me. "Well, now you never have to worry about cleaning them again."

Before anything else could be said, Twilight spoke up again. "You know, I'm sure Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie would be thrilled to know you're back, James. You should stop by their places before you head home."

I smiled at the thought of seeing them. "Should we head over there now?"

Fluttershy nodded with a smile. "That sounds like a nice idea. May we go see them now, Twilight?"

Our friend nodded promptly. "Sure! Give them my regards, please." The two of us bid farewell to Twilight and Spike and left the library before making our way to the home of our nearest friend. In this case, Sugarcube Corner.

Along the way, I chatted with Fluttershy. "Before I forget, what did Diamond Tiara do when you told her I had run away into the Everfree Forest?"

Fluttershy replied with a displeased frown spread across her lips, "Well, she certainly didn't expect you to go there. She actually seemed a bit shocked. But that was probably because if you died, she would never get her cutie mark back." I smirked to myself, amazed that she had not figured out that the 'cure' to her missing cutie mark could be easily purchased from the local prank parlor.

The overall distance between the library and Sugarcube Corner is rather small, so we got there in only several minutes. As we reached the front door, Fluttershy spoke up. "I'll go first. Just to be safe."

To be safe? Not sure what she meant by that, but I nodded and watched while she went inside. I did not wait long as there was a sudden shriek somewhere inside Sugarcube Corner. Next thing I know, something comes rocketing out the door and tackles me to the ground, knocking the wind out of me. Not a very pleasant feeling. "OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE BACK! I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!!!"

Clinging to me like a leech while being her usual energetic self was Pinkie Pie. I was stuck on my back with her head right next to mine. "Uh... May I stand up now?" I asked while catching my breath, rather annoyed from being knocked to the ground as it did not feel pleasant at all and was borderline painful.

The silly pink pony opened her eyes and grinned as if her worries had suddenly vanished. "Oki doki loki!" She hopped off of me, allowing me to climb to my feet. "Ooh! Are those your new glasses?" She asked while pointing to a spot just behind me.

I flinched when I saw them on the ground behind me. "Those better not be scratched. I just got them back!" I quickly snatched them up and examined the lenses. Much to my shock, there was not a single scratch or speck of dust on them. "Wow... That's some tough glass." I muttered in appreciation for Twilight's foresight in their repairs as I put them back on.

Pinkie Pie then started hopping around me with her signature springy skip. "I knew you were gonna be all right! Rainbow Dash told us how you had a wicked knife with you! Did you ever have to 'make your point' with anypony out there?"

I chose to reply honestly while keeping some of the details to myself. "Yes, but only once." I was referring to the skeletal zombie pony I first encountered during my escape from Sunny Town the previous night. Still impresses me how easily the bones shattered when I took a swing.

My cheerful pink friend giggled as she came to a stop in front of me, "Ooh, I'll bet everypony who saw that point were sent scurrying away! Did you actually chop anyone with that? Huh, huh, huh?"

I replied with a frown, "Oh, please. I'm a lover, not a fighter. I'd never kill anyone with that." Of course, I did actually have to defend myself at the time. But would she have believed me if I told her I was being attacked by zombie ponies? I would have to

Fluttershy replied with a warm smile as she stood in the doorway, "Yes, you are. As Pinkie Pie would probably say, you're as sweet as candy."

Pinkie Pie retorted with a giggle, "Oh, he's more than just sweet! He's like a mountain of sugar topped with caramelized cherries and chocolate and vanilla with a strawberry on top!" She then paused momentarily as she seemed to process what she had just said before a faint gurgling sound was heard. "That's weird. Now I'm hungry! Let's go get some goodies!" She then trotted back into Sugarcube Corner while I took a moment to think over what she said while describing me.

"A mountain of sugar...topped with caramelized cherries and chocolate and vanilla...with a strawberry..." I winced when I put the images together in my head. "Instant diabetes right there." Fluttershy giggled as she covered her mouth while we followed Pinkie Pie into Sugarcube Corner.

We had only just gotten inside when we found Pinkie Pie waiting at the counter with three cupcakes lined up in a row. "It's your favorite, James! Those special chocolate chip ones you helped me come up with!"

I smiled as I took one in hand and took a bite. "Aw yeah, I missed this." Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie helped themselves to the other two.

Pinkie Pie then asked, "So, how's it been going with you two now that we know it's not illegal for ponies and humans to...uh... You know what I mean."

I nodded while trying to hury up with the bite of cake I had just taken so I could speak. "Things have been going good. Right, honey?" I looked down at Fluttershy, who was halfway done with her snack.

"Yes, things have gotten much better now that we're together again." She said with a smile. But she then whispered while looking up at me, "When we get home, could we do things together to make up for lost time?"

Pinkie Pie apparently overheard as she suddenly asked, "Ooh, something special?! Is it a game of spin the bottle?!" I could only laugh at Fluttershy's response, as she began to fluster uncontrollably while her wings spread wide. But once she looked back up at me, I nodded with a smile to show I agreed to her request.

Just after all three of us had finished our snack, a thought occurred to me as I observed Sugarcube Corner's interior. "Oh man... Pinkie, did Mr. and Mrs. Cake mind that I didn't show up for work yesterday?" I was worried that I had been fired due to my absence on a workday.

To my relief, my energetic friend grinned without any signs of worry. "Oh, they thought you were just running late or something. But when Rainbow Dash told us about why you ran off like that, they understood it was important and decided to wait for you to come home."

I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that I was still employed at my favorite bakery. I then asked, "Then I'll be seeing you tomorrow, right?"

Pinkie Pie's response surprised me as she giggled, "Sorry, but not this time. I've got a private party to set up. You can have the day off!"

"Do you really need to close Sugarcube Corner for the day just for that?" Fluttershy asked while clearly just as puzzled as I was.

Pinkie Pie nodded giddily and explained, "Yeah, it's a really special one. I need plenty of time to make sure it's just right." But she then asked, "Come to think of it, did you say hi to everypony now that you're back home, James?"

I shook my head and said, "Not just yet, but we were on our way to do so. Next stop is the Carousel Boutique to say hello to Rarity. We'll then stop by Sweet Apple Acres on our way home to say hi to Applejack."

Pinkie Pie responded by nudging me and Fluttershy towards the door. "In that case, I better not keep you two! Rarity told me she was working on something special for you, so you better head on over! You shouldn't keep a lady waiting!"

I chuckled at my friend's boundless enthusiasm. "OK, we'll go right now. Thanks again for the treat, Pinkie."

Fluttershy also smiled as she nodded towards her friend. "It was delicious. Thank you for providing them."

However, Pinkie Pie giggled as she waved at us. "But it was James who added the chocolate chips to the recipe! But anyway, get going! Rarity's expecting you!" The two of us said our goodbyes to our friend and headed on our way.

As we headed towards the southeastern edge of Ponyville, Fluttershy looked up at me and smiled. "When Rarity learned that it was safe for you to come home, she said she would make you something special as a gift for your troubles."

Once again, I felt somewhat guilty that generous Rarity was making something for me for free. It had been some time since I last felt this way. "I hope she doesn't make anything too extravagant. I don't want her wasting too many of her resources on me."

We came to the elegant form of Rarity's home and knocked on the door. I suspected that Rarity did not hear us, maybe due to her singing, since no one answered right away. "Think we should just go on in?" I asked while looking down at my lover.

Fluttershy nodded and reached for the door while saying, "That's OK. Most customers get her attention by ringing the bell that hangs over the door. She won't mind." I then grabbed the handle and pushed the door open, ringing the bell that hung over the doorway in the process.

"Even though it rides high on the flank, Rainbow won't look like a... Ooh! I'll be just a moment! I have only a few more stitches to make!" Rarity called out as she moved a piece of yellow fabric across her sewing machine. "There we are! Now then, how may I... Oh! James, you have returned!" My beautiful former landlord rushed over to me, reared up on her hind legs, and embraced me very tightly. "It must've been dreadful for you to have to camp out in that vile forest. Are you well?"

I replied with a smile while stroking her beautiful mane, "It wasn't that bad. I partially enjoyed myself out there."

My laidback response seemed to catch Rarity by surprise since she gasped, "Enjoyed yourself?! Are you mad?! How could anypony enjoy themselves in such an untamed dangerous forest?! Miles from civilization, not a single bathtub, so much dirt and mud... The list goes on and on!" She was being rather dramatic, even raising a hoof to her forehead as if she was about to faint.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I dunno. Maybe I was just too absorbed in the untamed wonders of the Everfree Forest to feel afraid. Granted, I did come across a hydra, but Rainbow Dash made sure I got away."

Rarity nodded as she regained her composure, "Yes, I recall Rainbow Dash telling us about that daring escape. But enough about that! Surely your clothes must be absolutely filthy after spending two whole days out there! Come over here." She led me and Fluttershy over to what seemed to be a row of t-shirts. "I know you prefer casual, so I made them as simple as possible. How are they, darling?"

There were six t-shirts in all. No, wait... They were actually polo shirts, which I prefer. It would seem Rarity tries to avoid making even her most basic designs look too basic. And each were...wait a moment. Each was a different color that seemed very familiar. Yellow, white, pink, orange, cyan, and a faded purple. I then realized that each of these shirts were the same colors as the coats of my six friends! And on each corresponding color was a matching cutie mark emblem on the left side of the chest. The white had Rarity's cutie mark while the cyan had Rainbow Dash's and so on. When I looked on the back, a much larger emblem depicting the same cutie mark rested in the center. "Are they to your liking? I felt that this way you would think of us while wearing them." Rarity spoke with a proud smile.

These designs for my shirts were absurdly clever. Never once did I imagine I would ever be literally wearing my friends' colors. I chuckled while shaking my head, "To my liking? I love them, Rarity. May I try one on?"

My former landlord... Or is it landlady? Anyway, she grinned proudly and said, "But of course! They are yours, after all."

I removed my glasses and pulled off my shirt. But as I took a moment to decide which shirt to wear, Rarity asked, "What an elegant design! Did Zecora give you that white marking on your arms?"

Seeing that she was referring to my cutie marks, I replied, "I know this'll be hard to believe, but these are cutie marks. At least that's what I was told."

Rarity stared at me for a moment. That blank expression seemed to say 'wait...seriously?' before she spoke, "Let me take a closer look." She reared up on her hind legs for extra height while closely examining one. "They seem to be doves... Such tender little birds. If you were a bird, you would most certainly be a dove, James. This cutie mark suits you quite well. But just how did you get it?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "No idea, really. I'm not even sure what triggered their appearance." I then slid on the shirt that bore Rainbow Dash's colors, as she was the first friend I saw after going into hiding.

"Well, they certainly suit a gentle fellow like you. Wear them proudly! You earned them." Rarity replied with a giggle. She then turned to Fluttershy and asked, "And how have you two dears been now that you're reunited?"

Fluttershy smiled and spoke softly, "Things have improved greatly since he got home. It's really all I could ask for." I remained silent as I let the two friends talk. Just then, Fluttershy glanced up at me and smiled. "Oh, I just remembered! Aloe and Lotus said they understand why you couldn't be at work today, James. So don't worry. They're not mad at you."

I had all but forgotten that I was supposed to be at the spa today for work. Which, of course, was impossible since I was deep in the Everfree Forest for much of the day. "Man, I almost forgot about them. I'll be sure to show up for work on Saturday."

Rarity then began to neatly fold my new clothes and set them in a stylish paper bag that bore her trademark, a pair of azure feminine eyes staring out with a slender trail of indigo hair curving around it in a very elegant fashion. "Is there anything I owe you, Rarity?" I asked, feeling slightly guilty about receiving her heartfelt creations without being asked for anything in return.

The beautiful unicorn calmly smiled and shook her head. "All I ask is that you wear the shirt that sports my colors and cutie mark when I arrive for a massage at the spa on Saturday. If you don't, I just might take them all back!" I snickered at her playful threat, knowing that it was likely a bluff.

Rarity then asked, "My apologies, but may we talk tomorrow? I'm running on a rather tight schedule and really must get started on making repairs on Pinkie Pie's dress before starting on this recent commission."

I nodded and gently stroked my finger over her ear. "Sure thing. I'll see you tomorrow, Rarity. And thanks again for these sweet shirts."

Fluttershy also nodded and said, "Don't work yourself too hard, Rarity. Let's talk again tomorrow."

Rarity grinned as she waved back at us while we made our way to the door. "I will, Fluttershy. Take care! And be good to her, James!" We bid each other farewell as Fluttershy and I left the Carousel Boutique and headed west towards Sweet Apple Acres.

"Still can't believe Rarity made me one of each kind of shirt to match you girls." I chuckled out loud while looking down at the bag I was carrying.

Fluttershy looked up at me with a grin. "She's very thoughtful when it comes to surprises. It's like she always knows exactly what the customer will like."

We continued to chat casually while passing through Ponyville. But in time, we passed in front of the jewelry store where I had purchased Rarity's bracelet. I immediately thought of the refined earth pony who sold me the bracelet as she bore a resemblance to Diamond Tiara. I began to wonder if she was indeed the schoolyard bully's mother. "Fluttershy, could you go on ahead? I need to tend to something important."

My lover smiled and nodded at me. "OK. I'll be waiting over at Sweet Apple Acres." She then walked off while I entered the jewelry store by myself.

I immediately found the same elegant mare as before standing behind the counter while apparently checking her stock. When she heard the door close, she looked up at me and spoke, "Welcome to..." She froze for a second while she seemed to recognize my face. "Oh my goodness, it's you! I'm so sorry for what my daughter did to you. I made certain to give her a thorough scolding."

My guess was correct. The clerk of that jewelry store is indeed Diamond Tiara's mother. "Is she here?" I asked with a bit of tension in my nerves. I knew that by then school was out for the day. I mean it must have been if all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders came looking for me in the Everfree Forest.

The mare nodded and said, "Yes, she's in the back. But she's not allowed to come out for now."

"Did you know that she is a bully at school?" I asked calmly.

"No... She never gave me the impression that she has a sadistic side to her. I always thought she was my precious Diamond Tiara..." The clerk replied with a frown. I could only imagine her shock and disappointment when the news was relayed to her.

I paused for a moment before speaking. "I'm sorry to hear that... But may I see her? It's important."

Diamond Tiara's mother nodded with a bit of a sigh. "All right, but don't keep her for too long. I'm being very strict with her right now." She then went over to a door that was behind the counter and knocked on it. "Tiara, this gentleman wishes to speak with you. Come on out."

I watched as the door opened. Due to her height, Diamond Tiara was concealed by the counter. But I could hear her footsteps as she headed to the left. When she came into view, her head was bowed with a rather unhappy expression on her face. Her mother watched us constantly, likely on guard to make certain her child would not try anything violent.

When she looked up at me, Diamond Tiara immediately averted her gaze. She was clearly unable to look me in the eye. I crossed my arms and asked, "What do you have to say for yourself? I could've been killed out there in the Everfree Forest. And don't even try to say I'm exaggerating. I ran into a lot of danger yesterday while I was out there. Almost got eaten by a hydra." Diamond Tiara did not speak as she winced at my words.

Diamond Tiara was scared. I could tell just by looking at her. "You have no one to blame for your punishment but yourself. Do you have anything to say to that?"

I thought I heard a whisper from Diamond Tiara, but it was too quiet to make out. I got down on one knee and asked, "What was that just now?"

She squinted her eyes shut and muttered, "I'm sorry..."

I paused for a moment. She actually apologized. That was the last thing I ever expected Diamond Tiara to do after all of those attempts to hurt me. I looked down at the filly. She could not even look at me.

After a moment of thought, I made up my mind. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the very same cutie mark removal tape I had purchased at the prank parlor a week ago. I stretched it out and placed the opposite side onto Diamond Tiara's flanks. She gasped as she noticed what I was doing. As I removed the tape, I spoke, "Apology accepted."

I heard Diamond Tiara's mother gasp. As I expected, Diamond Tiara's cutie marks were now visible again. Her mother then spoke, "You should be grateful he gave them back to you, Tiara. You weren't supposed to get them back for another month."

The filly before me looked at her flanks for a moment in silence. She then looked up at me while sniffling, her eyes beginning to tear up. I had never seen Diamond Tiara on the verge of crying, so I was naturally perplexed by this display of emotion. "What's wrong? You got what you wanted, so why are you crying?"

Diamond Tiara shuddered for a moment, probably struggling to restrain her emotions. This did not last long as she suddenly wailed, rearing up onto her hind legs and embracing me tightly while sobbing loudly. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

This outburst of emotion caught her mother and me by surprise. My father once told me that this kind of crying is often a sign of guilt. She sobbed while trying to speak, "I'm sorry I tried to hurt you... I'm sorry for calling the Cutie Mark Crusaders blank flanks... I'm sorry for being a jerk... I know what it's like to not have a cutie mark again... It's not nice."

I gently caressed the child's mane, doing what I could to comfort her. I do not know what her parents said to her, but they must have made her understand the errors of her ways. "All you need to do now is apologize to them at school tomorrow. And tell your friend Silver Spoon that she shouldn't be mean either."

Diamond Tiara looked up at me with teary eyes while choking on her tears. "OK... You're... You're really nice..."

I then looked over at her mother. "Go easy on her. Maybe just reduce her punishment to one week?"

The mare nodded while still keeping her expression stern. "That sounds reasonable. Diamond Tiara. Instead of a month of no cutie mark, you get one week of no dessert."

The filly looked back over at her mother and nodded tearfully. "OK... I think I can handle that." She then looked back up at me and asked, "Mr. James... I'm sorry... Can you forgive me?"

I smiled warmly at her heartfelt willingness to atone and stroked her mane gently. "I forgive you." She then buried her face in my shirt again, nuzzling me strongly as I think she had started to cry again.

I continued to stroke Diamond Tiara's mane gently for the entire time she cried. Her mother continued to watch us silently, a warm smile on her face. I then smiled slightly and said, "You know, you're not the only one who got a cutie mark today."

Diamond Tiara looked up at me, her eyes still filled with tears. "You of those three got them?"

I chuckled as I pulled up my shirt's sleeve and replied, "You forget that there's four Cutie Mark Crusaders now."

The filly before me gasped when she saw the cutie mark on my upper arm. "You... You actually got one too?!" I nodded in silence. "It's...really pretty. Those are doves, right?" I nodded once again. The filly then smiled as she dried her tears. "It really suits you."

Receiving wholehearted compliments from Diamond Tiara was certainly something different. I stroked her mane as I smiled and said softly, "You're a lot sweeter than you originally led me to believe." I think she may have blushed at my words as she glanced down to hide her face.

Diamond Tiara's mother then spoke up. "All right, that's enough for now. I'm sure Mr. James has some business to tend to now that he's back home."

Her daughter nodded and said quietly, "OK, Mom..." She then hugged me again and whispered, "Thank you... And I'm sorry again..."

I dragged my fingers through Diamond Tiara's mane again. "I forgive you. Just make sure you're nice to ponies who don't have cutie marks. You were just like them once, so it wouldn't be fair if you insult them." She merely nodded in silence.

As I stood up, Diamond Tiara's mother approached me with a smile. "I'd like to thank you for helping my daughter get that awful habit out of her mind. The next purchase you make here will be half off."

I chuckled as I immediately considered making my next purchase my and Fluttershy's wedding rings. Or are they bracelets? It would be quite difficult to fit a tiny ring onto a hoof, so they are likely bracelets. Besides, it is far too soon to say when that day will come. But I digress.

"Thank you. Just don't forget that offer. It might be a while before I make another purchase here." I replied as I stood up.

The mare nodded while also chuckling briefly. "I'll make a mental note of that."

I waved goodbye at Diamond Tiara and her mother while backing away towards the door. "I need to get going. Applejack is probably waiting for me to show up. See ya later." I headed out the door and headed west, hoping to catch up with Fluttershy before she could reach Sweet Apple Acres without me.

I took no detours as I headed towards Sweet Apple Acres. When the farm came into view, I found Fluttershy and Applejack talking to each other next to the barn. Before I could say anything, Applejack noticed me approaching and dashed over to me. "Hoowee! Y'all got some spunk ta head on inta the Everfree Forest! Didja do all right after ya got away from the hydra?"

As she drew near, I dropped down on one knee and embraced Applejack once she drew close enough. "Yeah, I was OK for the rest of my time there. But I'm feeling even better now that I'm back home with all of you."

Applejack remained silent for a moment. She then asked, "Uh... Ya know, this is the first time you've ever gotten this chummy with me. Somethin' up?"

I froze for a moment, realizing that I was hugging her. I then sighed and proceeded to tighten my grip on her. "I... I'm glad to be back together with you girls... I know I met up with Rainbow Dash yesterday, but... I still missed all of you."

It was true. Yesterday was the first day since I arrived in Equestria that I went an entire day without interacting with any of my friends. Granted, I did encounter Rainbow Dash. But our time together was too brief to be satisfying at all. Regardless, Applejack smiled and embraced me with her forelegs. "We missed ya too, James. We really did... It's good ta have ya back, pardner."

Before either Fluttershy or me could speak up, Applejack suddenly gasped and let go of me. "Right! I whipped somethin' special up for ya! Right over here!" She then led us into the barn, where a small wooden cart was full products?

Applejack trotted over to the cart and started pointing out various apple products. "Thought y'all might be hungry after all that time in the Everfree Forest, so I cooked up a lil' bit of everthin' for ya. I've got apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplin's, apple crisps, apple crumbles, and here's a new one. Fresh applesauce!"

I still could not wrap my head around just how many of those homemade apple products were in that cart. "Well...uh...thank you kindly, AJ. We' sure to enjoy those..."

Fluttershy also nodded nervously. "Yes... This generous of you."

Applejack grinned while she crossed one of each of her hooves in front of the other in a type of smug leaning stance. "No need ta be modest, lovebirds. Y'all help yerself to the whole thing."

Fluttershy and I glanced at each other for a moment before looking back at Applejack. I then spoke, "AJ... Not to be rude, but I'm not sure we can even finish all this before they spoil. If there's anything left in two days, would you like to help us finish it off?"

I was expecting Applejack to be disappointed. But instead, she merely smiled with a bit of a sheepish grin. "Yeah, I thought I went a might overboard there. Sure thing. If y'all got some ya can't finish in time, let me know and I'll bring some of the leftovers back home. If there's one thing the Apple family is known for, it's our high bloomin' appetite for apples!" She then worked herself into the harness so she could pull it. "Lead on, you two. I've got this."

Fluttershy and I led the friendly farm pony over to our cottage just north of Sweet Apple Acres. Once there, she helped us carry each apple product into the kitchen. "Thanks again, AJ. Could you set up another ten bushels for me to carry tomorrow?" I asked, feeling I could still use the exercise.

"Sure thing, pardner. Come on by when ya have the time. See ya tomorrow! And have fun, Fluttershy!" Applejack replied with a smile as she hauled the cart back home with her.

"It's just us now, James." Fluttershy said with a smile as she closed the door behind her.

"Yeah... Home at last." I said while I reclined on the sofa next to the window. It felt good to be home. Especially after being afraid that I may not have been able to return at all.

Fluttershy brought me some of Applejack's apple brown betty with a fork sticking out of the top. "Can I get you anything to help you feel more at home?"

I took my snack and smiled. "I'm good as is, honey. But thanks for asking."

"OK. But if you need anything, just ask." Fluttershy replied with a endearing smile. As I munched on my snack, which I found to be quite enjoyable, I froze as I heard a low-pitched buzzing next to my ear for a second. I then turned my head and found a small green hummingbird perched on my shoulder. Fluttershy was quick to notice and said, "Hello, Hummingway! Have you met my boyfriend yet? His name is James."

The hummingbird...I mean Hummingway looked at me and nuzzled me gently. "A pleasure to meet you, Hummingway." I said before the little bird flew up alongside Fluttershy.

My girlfriend then smiled excitedly at me. "Oh, we have a special trick he wants to perform. Wanna listen?" I nodded calmly while munching on my treat. Fluttershy went first, loudly humming...singing... I am not sure what to call it. It was basically humming with her mouth open, but there were no lyrics. Regardless, her singing voice was simply angelic. I literally froze as I heard my girlfriend's beautiful voice sing, only to be followed up with Hummingway humming the rest. And for some very strange reason, the tune they sang and hummed felt.....extremely nostalgic.

"Did I just hear an angel sing?" I asked, probably blushing while doing so.

My compliment clearly flustered Fluttershy since she blushed heavily. "An...angel? Oh, I don't think it was an angel... But if you mean Hummingway, he does have a pretty voice, doesn't he?"

I smirked at Fluttershy's modesty. "I meant you, honey. Hummingway's version was cute, but yours was gorgeous."

Her face turned as red as a beet. "I...uh... I don't know what to say..." I reached out and stroked her beautiful mane to help calm her. "But if you want... I can sing more if you want me to."

I grinned with a chuckle. "You can sing whenever you want, honey. I don't ever get tired of your voice." Fluttershy giggled in response, placing a kiss on my cheek in the process.

I listened to Fluttershy sing as she went about cleaning. But as I watched her, I remembered a promise I had made to her. "Honey, I just remembered something. I promised you a massage, didn't I?"

Fluttershy stopped what she was doing and grinned at me. "I completely forgot about it! When would you like to start?"

I replied after a moment of thought, "How about just before we bathe tonight?"

Fluttershy smiled warmly while blushing just a little bit. "That sounds like a perfect time to relax. I'll be patient."

The next few hours were calm, quiet, and very relaxing. They were of little extravagance, but every moment was spent with my beautiful girlfriend. Such simple pleasures are difficult to describe, so I will leave it to the readers to imagine what may have happened during those hours.

Once the sun had almost completely set, Fluttershy lied down in the middle of her living room floor with her head resting on a pillow. "Is this OK?"

I nodded as I approached her, "That'll do. Just stretch out your legs so I can reach them easily." She did as she was told and extended her legs the best she could.

I straddled Fluttershy while on my knees and began to massage the base of her neck. "I really needed that..." She muttered quietly.

"Well, we're just getting started, so don't get up yet." I replied while smiling slightly. I also felt better since this massage session would help keep my skills sharp for my next day of work at the spa.

Like before, I spent no fewer than three minutes on massaging Fluttershy before moving on to another spot. Namely her jaws. "Don't talk until I finish with this spot, honey." Fluttershy replied with a 'mmhm' without moving her mouth at all.

Once I had finished with her jaw joints, I moved down to Fluttershy's shoulders. As I kneaded them as gently yet firmly as I could, I attempted to make casual conversation. "Were you OK while I was gone, honey?"

Fluttershy sighed before speaking, "I was worried sick... I was afraid I wouldn't ever see you again. It wasn't until Rainbow Dash got back after finding you that I was a little more hopeful you would be OK."

I felt somewhat guilty that I had worried Fluttershy so much, even if it was to protect her. "Did you...ever doubt me?" I asked, worried that she may have considered breaking up with me.

Fluttershy shook her head and looked back at me. "Why would I ever do that? You explained yourself very thoroughly in that note you left behind. I had no reason to doubt you."

I sighed while still feeling rather guilty. "I'm glad to hear that... And I'm sorry if I worried you too much." I then moved on to her knees and ankles.

My lover smiled warmly at me. "It's OK. More good came out of it than bad, right? We got Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's blessings, you made some friends while you were out there, and now you're home to stay." One other good thing that had happened was that Diamond Tiara had learned the error of her ways. But Fluttershy probably did not want to hear about the former bully, as it was her actions that caused me to leave Ponyville in the first place.

When I started massaging Fluttershy's vertebrae, I asked, "What about the other girls? How did they handle the news?" I had seen Pinkie Pie myself when Fluttershy showed the note to her, but I had no knowledge of how the other four reacted.

"Well, they were all equally worried. But I think Twilight has the most worried besides me. She wouldn't stop pacing until Rainbow Dash came back with the information you gave her. Rarity was also really worried. She fainted when she found out. But then again, she does occasionally faint in times of crisis. And right after she read the note, Rainbow Dash took off to find you. She seemed pretty scared at the time too." Fluttershy explained to me while remaining very still.

I listened silently as I went from vertebra to vertebra. "When Rainbow Dash came back after finding you, we were all furious at Diamond Tiara and went straight to the school her. Although it was mostly Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash who did most of the interrogating... Although... I might have...exploded at her a bit." Fluttershy went on about the events that had unfolded in my absence while sounding noticeably uneasy when she spoke that last part.

Once I had finished with her back, I turned around so I could reach Fluttershy's hind legs. "Would you like me to save your flanks for last?" I asked, knowing that her cutie marks are quite sensitive.

"Oh, yes. And don't worry about the cutie marks. You can massage them too." Fluttershy replied with a bit of a blush.

I tended to her knees and ankles first. Once those were finished, I dug my fingertips into Fluttershy's flanks. She gasped the instant they rubbed her cutie marks. "James... If it's not too much trouble, could you...keep massaging them until know?"

I think I felt my body heat spike at the request. If she was asking me what I think she was, she wanted me to massage her cutie marks until she had an orgasm. "If that's what you want, I'll do it. Now just relax, honey." I replied as I began to massage her.

Fluttershy was breathing deeply the whole time I kneaded the flesh on her flanks. I could tell this was very arousing to her. Even after the usual three minutes had passed, I kept on rubbing her firmly.

I think it was about five minutes into the massage that Fluttershy began to gasp loudly. She was probably getting close. I took a moment to look under her tail, finding her vulva to be coated in liquid. Not even a minute later, she shuddered violently in orgasm while struggling to not raise her voice too high. All the while, I must admit I was getting quite turned on myself.

"Was that enough, honey?" I asked as I climbed off of Fluttershy. Her face was covered in a deep blush while panting in the afterglow.

"That felt... Oh, James... I love you so much..." Fluttershy muttered quietly. I think I may have blushed at her words.

"I love you too, sweetie." I replied as I placed a kiss on her muzzle.

I stayed by her side until Fluttershy had regained her composure. But the first thing she said surprised me. "You know, James... I'll be going into heat in a few weeks."

"Heat... You want to try?" I asked, knowing exactly what she was getting at.

Fluttershy gently nuzzled me as she whispered, "Well... I don't know how compatible we are, but... I wouldn't mind trying..." I caressed her beautiful pink mane. The concept of parenthood was certainly intimidating to me. But Fluttershy seemed a bit more sure about herself than I was. And more than anything, I wanted to make her happy.

"That...sounds very sweet, honey." I replied quietly.

Fluttershy giggled as she began to hover in place, "I can hardly wait. But let's go wash up for the night. May we bathe together again?"

I nodded as I climbed to my feet and said, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

I am writing this while lying in bed. It feels great to finally go to sleep while squeaky clean. Fluttershy is sleeping soundly beside me. And she seems very happy too.

Now that I am home to stay, I feel more at ease than ever before since arriving in Ponyville. But...

I just looked outside the window at the Everfree Forest. Somewhere out there, the ponies of Sunny Town are shambling about as walking corpses. And Mitta along with them. And beyond that, Nightmare Moon's shadowy remains linger in the castle ruins where she was last seen.

I may be home and safe and sound, but I cannot help worrying for my new friends. Mitta is still suffering and Nightmare Moon is all alone without anyone to make her feel appreciated...

I swear, if I ever find a way to help them, I will return to the Everfree Forest to find them. But as I currently have no means to do so, I can only wait until that time arrives.

So tired... My eyes are heavy and I really want to sleep. I would like to write some more, but Fluttershy is asleep beside me and I am eager to join her. So the rest will have to wait until tomorrow.

A Forest of Sorrows

Where do I even begin on this entry.... The moment I awoke, I had to remind myself that I was no longer in Ponyville. What was more, I had to remind myself that it was no longer safe for me to be there. I am on the run from the law....

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Risks of Exotic Romance

"Wake up, little sleepyhead." Those were the first words I heard as I slowly awoke inside Fluttershy's cottage. "It's kind of late in the morning, James. You must be a heavy sleeper." Fluttershy spoke softly as she looked down at me while...

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From Bud to Bloom

"Darling, you have a visitor. Wake up, please." Those were the first words I heard as I was awakened by Rarity. I groggily opened my eyes before I looked up at her. "What time is it...?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "Oh, a little...

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