Half-Blood Chapter XX

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#21 of Half-Blood

Here we are! chapter 20! whoot! this is the end of the 3-parter... this chapter is marked as extreme for a reason folks... it get's bloody. Of course RuthofPern thanks for editing and thanks Ciel Kliendell for letting me use Xander

Comments are always welcomed since I want to here what you people think...

Here we are! chapter 20! whoot! this is the end of the 3-parter... this chapter is marked as extreme for a reason folks... it get's bloody. Of course Ruth of Pern thanks for editing and thanks Newbie for letting me use Xander

Comments are always welcomed since I want to here what you people think...

Chapter 20- All Fall Down part 3 (Tragedy)

"Okay we'll split up! Lucas, Ian! You come with me! Erin, Xander and Rich you go another way! If I were them I'd be hiding Lucas' mother in the attic... now go!" Xander heard Greg shout. Quickly as he said that he, Ian and Lucas quickly ran into the home. Erin and Richard and him, were supposed to secure the perimeter and keep anybody from getting inside. He felt a bit anxious. This had to be the most dangerous thing he'd ever done... but at the same time he knew he had to help. He quickly looked over to Erin who seemed to be staring blankly at her house. He wondered what it must be like having your home invaded by a bunch of crazy nutjobs.

"You okay Erin?" he asked the girl, somewhat worried about her. She quickly shook her head regaining her focus and turned towards Xander. A small smile crossing her muzzle but Xander could tell it wasn't a real one.

"Yeah I'm fine... just nervous is all... I've never been in a fight before. But I will go through any amount of trouble to get my mother out safely," she said her conviction coming back.

Richard just stood a bit back looking around for a bit until he decided to speak. "Good, because we've got a bunch of thugs coming towards us... thank Poseidon we are near the pool. Plenty of water to use... Erin I want you to keep a barrier up... You remember how right? Xander and I will take care of the baddies." He said to Erin who just nodded as she quickly created a barrier around them. "Now, as I told you Xan, we water-mage's can use any form of liquid to attack as well as the ability to control ice... So do what you can to take these guys out." The wolf stated in a calm manner. "We don't want them dead though... we'll let the Council take care of them," he continued coolly, "and with luck they'll hand them over to the Knights..."

Out of nowhere several Cabal agents materialized out of the ground and tried to attack the trio, but thankfully Erin's barrier held strong though she nearly collapsed to her knees by the force of the blasts. Richard was quick to create a water-whip from the nearby pool and lash at the men. Most of them managed to dodge the whip but two of them got knocked down and were quickly frozen to the ground by him. The remaining men were quick to try another assault on the barrier but thankfully Xander was able to stop them with his own whip and Richard was quick to freeze them as well. Once he was sure it was safe, Richard allowed Erin to drop the barrier.

Once she did the girl feel to her knees. "Good lord..." she muttered tiredly, "I don't think I can handle another attack like that one..."

"I wouldn't doubt it ... I felt the force of those attacks even through the barrier. We'd better be careful..." Richard stated leaning down towards her. "You need help getting up?" He asked the vixen kindly.

Erin just shook her head and got up, dusting her clothing off. Xander was looking around nervously. He was terrified at the moment. They were definitely in over their heads now... but something was eating him.

"Hey Rich... I have a question... you said we can control any type of liquid not including water right? Um...isn't the body made up of mostly water? Can we control the body as well?" he asked shyly.

Richard's face darkened quite a bit at that but he still answered, "Yes, a Water-Mage can control the body... It's called Blood Magic and it's one of the most evil forms of magic around. It's one of the Forbidden Spells... With enough concentration a Water-Mage can take control of the water in a man's blood and use them like a puppet. It is said that Blood-Mages... what they call those who practice the art... can crush the internal organs at will. I've heard the victim suffers through terrible pain." He said shivering... "It's one of the very few things that can earn you a death sentence... why do you ask that?" He asked as Xander paled a bit.

Was that what he used on that bastard? Blood-Magic? He remembered how his step-father was almost puppet-like during those few moments, his body looked as if it was trying to tear itself apart... Suddenly he felt sick to his stomach. He'd used a type of magic that was considered to be so vile it was illegal to even learn about it... Was he one of those depraved Blood-Mages? He was still distracted and didn't notice that Richard had stiffened up.

"Erin! Barrier up now! Xander help her! We've got company!" He shouted readying a water-whip just as Erin put up a barrier around them. Xander was quick to set up his own just as they were assaulted by another round of spells.

He was nearly thrown back by the force and Erin nearly collapsed as well. He quickly regained his balance and noticed the barrier looked a bit cracked. "Richard..." He stated nervously to the wolf, "We can't keep this barrier up for long... any more blasts and it will break..."

Richard just shrugged calmly at that completely focused on the men in the funny cloaks. He was glaring at them with razor sharp intensity, "Switch to deflect... that would be the better idea...send their attacks back at them..." He told them and they quickly did so, the shields turning a reddish colour... the Cabal members attacked again and they still felt the force but the attacks were bounced away at random with many cries of shock as the men got blasted by someone else's spell. Most of the members were knocked out but several had managed to make barriers of their own and were protected by the assault. Richard was quick to react and created a large water-whip until he was suddenly restrained by what looked like metal chains.

'Wah?' Xander thought before he and Erin were also chained up. "What is this?" he asked frightened at being unable to move. The chains were too tight and he couldn't even wiggle his tail from them.

Richard was cursing a bit though, "Dammit! I should've known they would have some who could control metal!" he stated angrily.

"Control metal? Mages can do that?" Erin asked in a surprisingly calm manner. Xander also wanted to know but before Richard could speak a cold female chuckle rang out. From behind them they saw a beautiful otter woman wearing a heavy cloak like the others step up. She seemed to be the one controlling the chains it felt like Xander was being constricted by a snake...

"Yes pretty one, metal manipulation is the highest form of Earth Magic... you see metal is nothing but purified earth... with enough focus and power an Earth Mage can manipulate the remaining earth in the Metal and freely manipulate it. Pretty handy when dealing with pests..." She said with a chilly smile, "Now... I want you all too SLEEP!" She cried and the Metal bindings tightened even more causing all three of them to pass out...

Xander awoke sometime later and saw a very unnerving sight... They were in what looked like the attic of the house. He was still chained up it seemed, as were Rich and Erin...looking around he saw Ian and Greg were being manhandled by a large bear and a bull. On the floor a few feet away was Lucas who was kneeling beside a beautiful red-furred vixen who could only be his mother... she was also restrained by metal chains but was awake and her clear blue eyes were focused on Lucas who was seemingly frozen in fear.

"Now, here's the deal kid... give yourself to us and we'll let everyone else go. We only need you." The tall jackal who seemed to be the leader of this group said to the white furred fox.

However his mother the vixen spoke up loudly, "Don't listen to him Lucas! He's lying... he'll kill us all if you give in! Get yourself and your sister out of here!" She cried out to him.

The jackal only growled and raised his hand as if to slap the vixen before his arm was jerked back. Xander looked towards Lucas confused and he saw an odd look in the Fox's eye. Anger was vivid in those pale blue eyes. The Jackal just snarled at him annoyed.

"You dare try to use magic on me pup? You're no match..." He stated coolly.

Lucas just stood up himself. Any fear he had gone and replaced by a look of sharp focus. "I don't care... I will not let anybody harm my friends or family. Let us go!" he said softly.

The jackal only laughed coldly at that. It sent shivers up Xander's spine and he felt his stomach drop... what was he thinking? There was no way Lucas could take all these guys on... he'd get himself killed.

"Lucas! Run! We'll be fine get your tail out of here!" Ian yelled loudly towards the fox.

Lucas just shook his head for a bit before speaking again, "No, I'm not running... I'm not going to leave anybody behind. Not when I can help it." He said looking towards the wolf. "You promised to protect me... but let me protect you for once." He said softly before turning towards the jackal. Quick as a flash he sent a spell hurling at the man but it was quickly nullified by a barrier. Xander was in shock... how did the man react so fast?

Lucas seemed shocked as well but he quickly hid it behind a determined scowl. The jackal just chuckled again, "Good reflexes kid... but you're no match for me... now come with us or your sister will pay dearly," he said gesturing to the Crocodile holding Erin to put a knife to her throat pushing hard enough to make her bleed a little.

She gave a tiny whimper of pain and Lucas snapped flinging another spell at the jackal, this one piercing through the barrier and the jackal barely managed to dodge, however his cheek was sliced open by the part of the spell he couldn't dodge and began to bleed badly.

He cupped his cheek partially from shock and gave a grin. "Pretty good kid, must have been a powerful spell to pierce my barrier... know how about I repay the favour..."

He rumbled before he sent a spell flying towards Lucas however a barrier quickly stopped it and Xander could have sworn he felt the entire room shake when it hit the barrier but Lucas didn't even flinch. His eyes seemed almost blank, completely focused on the jackal in front of him, his face expressionless. The jackal only gabbed, surprised the brat's barrier had held up against his spell... the kid didn't even flinch! He'd taken out furs much older and stronger than this one with that spell and yet some pup ups and blocks it.

He growled. He would not be made a fool by this brat! So he chucked another spell with the same result. The barrier held firm not even cracking from the strain of the assault and again the little bastard stood firm. "Hmm... looks like I have to go all out... it's been awhile," he said to himself.

Xander shivered all of a sudden when he felt a dark and foreboding energy come from the jackal. Ian's face went blank for a few seconds before realization hit him.

"You're a Demon-Mage!" He yelled in alarm. "Lucas get out of here! This guy is dangerous..." but again the fox ignored him, still not looking away from the jackal. But Xander could tell that Lucas looked a bit off as if sensing the demon taint made him ill... Xander also felt a bit queasy as if his fey-blood was reacting to the taint...


'Demon-Mage?' Lucas thought to himself... he was one of those Mages who made pacts with demons? For some reason as soon as he felt the taint coming from the jackal he felt a bit ill... this wasn't good... What had he gotten himself into? 'No' he thought to himself. He couldn't run. He wasn't about to leave the ones he cared about... they needed him!" He had heard Ian shout for him to get out of here but he ignored the wolf... he couldn't... he couldn't just leave his friends. He wouldn't! He wasn't a coward!

"The pup is right kid... you're no match for me..." The jackal sneered at the boy.

Lucas noticed the man starting to charge a spell and he quickly set up a barrier to protect himself. He was sure he could handle this as he had been handling the other spells. Once the jackal finished his spell he shouted out. "Impale!" And a large lance-like burst of energy burst from his paws and when it hit the barrier it exploded the barrier shattering on impact.

Lucas was knocked back several meters and landed on the ground hard letting out a small whine in pain. He lay there for a few seconds, panting before he heard Ian shout his name again, before hearing a slap and the wolf giving a yelp of pain. That made him regain his focus... he wasn't going to let anyone hurt Ian... He had shown him so much kindness and he slowly got himself up he felt shaky but he didn't care. The jackal only grinned in an icy manner.

"I'm impressed Kit, didn't expect you to get back up from that one... You're a lot tougher then you look." He smirked.

Lucas only growled, hatred for the jackal burning through his veins, "Shut up!" he howled at the man. He quickly hurled a spell at the man who only side-stepped and the spell hit one of the other Cabal members. He was sent flying back several feet and crumbled on the ground, still alive from what Lucas could tell but he looked badly injured. The jackal snarled at the boy but Lucas couldn't find it in him to care...

"Hmm... lucky I dodged that one... you got Henry pretty good... now let me return the FAVOUR AGAIN!" He shouted as he sent another spell Lucas' way.

The fox quickly managed to dodge the strike and fight back with a spell of his own which hit the jackal making him grunt in mild pain but he still held firm. "Nice shot!" he said sending another lance attack at the fox. Lucas quickly dodged but froze... he hadn't realized that the man had him standing right in front of his mother when he dodged and the spell was heading right for her.

"No!" He cried out trying to set up a barrier or something but it was too late... before he could cast the spell the lance had already pierced the woman's chest. Her eyes went wide in shock before she slumped against the wall her eyes turning glassy, the lance staying stuck in her chest and a gruesome amount of blood was pouring from the wound. He didn't even hear Erin's strangled cry he just went... blank. He was in shock... this had to be a bad dream... A bad horrible dream... it couldn't be real! He felt tears fall down his face as he stumbled towards his mother.

"Mom?" he asked quietly. He bent down and tried to shake her... it couldn't be real... No... "Mom? Wake up! Please wake up!" He cried, his tears coming down harder. He checked her pulse and felt nothing. It couldn't be real... he kept this mantra but reality was setting in. He started shaking as sobs wracked his body he held his mother tightly burying his muzzle in her neck... she felt so cold...

"Mom please! Come back! Don't leave us! Please!" He begged but she was gone.

He was broken from his stupor with the icy cold laugh from the jackal, "Pathetic... what a whiney little thing you are... she was only a Mundane... If it was me I'd be overjoyed that my filthy Mundane mother was dead... Must be a half-blood I bet... Bitch must have gotten herself pregnant on purpose for your daddy to marry her... I can't think of another reason a Mage would marry a Mundane no matter how pretty...

"My dad isn't a Mage..." Lucas stated coldly, "He's a Knight..."

Something flashed in the Jackal's eyes and a wide grin swept across his muzzle. "Oh, a Knight aye? Either he's an Ahtan or you might be a simple Tahleno... not any better than the Mundane's you spawned from... not sure why Abel wants you... I fail to see how a scrawny little Tahleno can be the catalyst we've been searching for..."

Lucas just glared at the man hatred filling his veins like poison... he wanted this man dead wanted them all dead! He felt something snap in him and what felt like a large amount of power surge through him. On impulse he just gave a cold chuckle.

"What's so funny kid? We got you out-numbered or did you just go loony on me?" He sneered though it, seemed to twinge a bit.

Lucas just chuckled again getting up. He kept his head down but continued chuckling, making the jackal very nervous.

"What's so funny dammit!?" The jackal yelled loudly his heart racing. What was wrong with this kid?

"You," the fox said simply, "I'm laughing at you... How pathetic... You need a whole bunch of people backing you just to deal with a bunch of kids... Are you scared of losing?" Lucas asked, his voice dripping with scorn. He eventually opened his eyes which were now glowing a dark purplish colour.


'What was going on?' Was the main thought going through Ian's mind. He looked towards the body of Lucas' mother the spear still sticking out of her chest. Even in death she seemed beautiful... but his focus went back to Lucas... He didn't like what was going on... those eyes were giving him the creeps and the fox was exuding some form of power he had never felt before and he didn't much like the feeling he was getting. He tried again to get out of the grasp of the bear... IF he could move his arms he could set the bastard on fire! He needed to get Lucas out of here.

"Pathetic? I'll show you pathetic!" The jackal roared running at the fox, but he was stopped right in mid-step as if he was being restricted... he was quickly flung back and Ian felt the massive burst of Telekinetic energy which winded him somewhat. The jackal quickly got up and growled at Lucas, "You'll pay for that!" he said.

But before he could charge a spell Lucas had already cast a spear of energy, just like the one that killed Lucas' mother. It was already flying, and before the jackal could counter attack he was impaled by the lance and thrown backwards until the spear was embedded into the wall on the far side of the room. The Mage was dead well before the spear hit the wall. He just hung there caught between the spear and the wall like a grotesque wall ornament.

"No! Morrison! You'll pay!" An Otter woman cried sending the heavy metal cables she had hidden underneath her cloak at the boy, but the chains seemed to completely corrode and turn to dust before they even touched him, the woman gasping in shock. Quickly she regained her composure and turned towards two men. "Don't just stand there! Get that brat!" She barked at them.

They quickly charged at Lucas but he easily managed to dodge both of them by knocking them back with another telekinetic blast. One of them managed to catch himself and sent a spell hurling towards the fox, but it fizzled out before it could even get close to the young man. Lucas just gave that same cold chuckle before he slammed his hands together and the entire room was cloaked in complete darkness.

Ian heard several people scream in shock but he wasn't fazed much... Being a Light-Mage made him able to see clearly even with the faintest amount of light. He could see Lucas standing in the middle of the room, dark energy pouring from his body.

"What the hell is going on- Gah!" One man shouted right before his throat was ripped open. Ian blinked at that... he hadn't seen Lucas move. How did he do that? However after that Lucas vanished from even his senses almost as if the darkness had swallowed him whole.

Lucas quickly popped back up behind the crocodile holding Erin and blasted him away forcing him to let go of the girl. He wasn't finished with the gator though and quickly sent another large spear at him, this time catching the man right in the throat. Like the jackal he was sent flying back into the wall and landed right next to the other man, his eyes glassy and dead.

Lucas quickly lifted his arms and he created a large blade that seemed to be completely made out of shadows. With a surprising amount of skill the fox vanished into the darkness once again and reappeared right before the Otter woman. Before she could even react he thrust the dark blade right through her chest impaling her on it, quickly pulling it out of her and disappeared again before she could even collapse, eyes wide in shock.

The chains which were binding Richard, Erin and Xander quickly came loose and Erin quickly got up and sent a blast of air at the man holding Xander, blasting the lion back several feet as she kept on blasting at him, knocking him back further and further, an almost desperate look in her eyes. Eventually with one mighty blast she sent the man flying onto one of the spears... the one holding the crocodile killing him almost instantly.

Ian taking his chance elbowed the bear who had a hold on him making the man loosen his grip which he quickly broke out of before sending a blast of light which cut through the gloomy darkness at the man who cried out in pain as the searing beam singed his fur.

Ian kept the pressure on the man cutting through the darkness that Lucas had created. He was caught off-guard though when the bull who was holding Greg suddenly let the tiger go and charged at him. Ian barely managed to prevent himself from being gored by the man's horns however, and he was knocked back several and he gave a pathetic yelp of pain as he landed hard against one of the chairs which was flipped over by his sudden weight. He heard Lucas give a loud angry howl and Ian just managed to get up and see Lucas charge the bull swinging the dark sword... the bull's head was sent flying, cut clean off of his shoulders as blood spilled from the man's neck and stained Lucas' fur a deep pinkish colour as it hit his pelt.

The fox just stood there covered in the blood of the bull and Ian could only stare at him in disbelief... this wasn't the Lucas he knew...this... He didn't know what to call this but he knew this wasn't the Lucas he knew and loved... Was this the hidden dark side of the fox? He knew the fox had a lot of repressed anger inside him, was this all the poisonous anger being unleashed onto these men? He winced as he saw Lucas thrust into another man's chest before moving onto another target, slitting a poor stag's throat before vanishing again into the darkness he took out another Cabal Agent, this one a fat greasy pig and stuck the blade right in the man's stomach gutting him brutally. Ian fought to look in the fox's eyes and saw nothing in them just empty bloodlust those bright purple orbs shining in an almost malevolent manner. Eventually all the members of the Cabal had been slaughtered and Lucas just stood there before he collapsed into a sobbing mess. Ian quickly got up and ran to the fox. The blade had vanished and the heavy darkness had let up.

"You alright?" he asked the fox as he grabbed the smaller boy and hugged him close.

Lucas didn't answer just putting his muzzle into Ian's broad chest. The wolf just continued to hold the fox until he calmed down enough to speak. Eventually once he'd run out of tears Lucas began to speak up over his sobs. "I-I ju-just killed all those peo-people..." He managed to stutter out, "I'm a murderer... a monster..." He squeaked.

"No you're not!" Ian yelled gripping Lucas' slim shoulders. "They're the monsters mate! The Cabal forced us to leave our home! They deserve everything they got! You are NOT a monster you hear me Lucas!" He said to the fox.

But Lucas only shook his head in a frantic manner, "You don't understand!" He managed out "When I was hurting them... I enjoyed it... I liked taking their lives.... Look at me! I'm covered in their blood!"

Ian did look at the Fox closely and did notice most of Lucas' pretty white fur was now stained an ugly pinkish colour. He looked awful, but at least his eyes were back to the beautiful pale blue rather than the horrible glowing purple from earlier...

"What happened? You just... snapped?" Ian asked hesitantly.

Lucas just shivered at that, "I don't know... I just saw my mom and something... just... broke. As if some unknown power filled me and I just lost control... It was if I was just a ghost watching my body killing those people... you must think I'm a complete nut-job..." He muttered sadly to himself.

Ian just shook his head leaning his muzzle on top of Lucas' furry head, "No, I don't think that..." He said softly to himself. "Though I admit you scared me mate... I thought I lost you to the madness... I'm glad your back love..." He said before looking towards the others. Erin was helping Xander up while Richard was dusting himself off. "Hey Rich, I think we need to make a call to Dad get the GC in here to do a clean-up..." He told his brother who quickly nodded.

Soon enough he sensed his dad and several more men came onto the property and soon enough they entered the room.

The head Agent, a scruffy looking Lynx came up to them. "What happened here?" He asked them causing Lucas to whimper somewhat which caused the Lynx to focus on him more, "Hey! You're the boy that Lord Mansfield told me about! The Dark-Mage who had his magic sealed... Is this your house kit?" Lucas only nodded face still buried in Ian's chest.

Ian noticed his father walking up towards them putting a hand on the Lynx's shoulder, "Let the boy rest Agent Trousdale... He just lost his mother. I doubt he is in the proper mental state for interrogation.... Give him a few days to recover. Now we need a clean-up... let's get this placed fixed up... Ian, you and the others go home and rest... I'll be home shortly but I have things here to take care of... and um... you'll need to tell your father about what happened Lucas... He should hear the news from you and not second-hand..." He said.

Lucas only whimpered again as if on the verge of bursting into tears f ro a second time. Erin was the one who spoke up though her voice was shaky. "I'll call him... Luc called him last time. This time it's my turn..." She said her eyes shining with unshed tears.

Ian could only pity her and her brother... he couldn't even imagine what it would be like to lose his mother... Didn't want to... The mere thought was just too horrid to comprehend.

He sighed and picked Lucas up, cradling the small fox in his arms holding him close and he went downstairs. The others just followed behind him, Erin seemed to be holding on tightly to Xander trying to not cry in front of everybody. He guessed she wanted to be strong for her brother. Greg and Richard followed behind them, neither really knowing what to say. Greg was probably reliving the deaths of his own parents and Richard himself seemed to be just as stuck at he was at what to do... What could you say when someone's mother had just been murdered in front of them?

Eventually they found themselves back home and Lucas was asleep in Ian's bed. He had cried himself to sleep about an hour ago and Ian could do nothing more than watch the boy's undulating breaths. He was just about to fall asleep himself until he heard a loud commotion coming from upstairs and what sounded like shouting. Groaning he got out of bed and slipped a pair of shorts on. He had stripped down nude so he could be asleep and went to see what was going on. Once he got upstairs he saw exactly what was going on. They had sent an Agent to guard the house just in-case the Cabal had tried to attack here. He was guarding the door and outside stood a tiny coyote girl and a tall dingo he had never seen before... Confused he went to figure out what the bloody hell was happening.

"What's going on here?" he asked Monet. She just glowered at the Agent before she spoke up again.

"This man here refused to allow me to set foot on the premises! I had asked him kindly to move and let me in but he still refused."

Ian just sighed before turning towards the haggard agent, "It's okay, I know her. Let her and her... friend through..." He said and the man a somewhat tubby grizzly saluted him and stepped aside letting the two young furs slip past him.

"What happened?" she asked him to the point as always, "Why do you have the Guardian Core guarding your house?"

"Lucas mom got killed today..." He said softly. He watched as Monet's face blanched somewhat before returning to its usual stoic mask, "She was captured by the Cabal... we tried and get her out but a scuffle broke out... She was killed in the ensuing fight and Lucas snapped... he wound up killing the entire squadron of Cabal agents by himself... It was terrifying... He is asleep right now though thankfully." He said and Monet just nodded.

"That is horrible..." She muttered softly, "I will give Mason and Erin my condolences when he wakes up... is Erin asleep as well?" She asked the wolf who shook his head.

"No, she's with Richard and Xander..."

She just nodded before heading downstairs, but he quickly stopped her before she could leave the room. "Who's the dingo?" he asked her confused, "I've never seen him before? A friend of yours?"

Monet just shook her head briefly before she decided to speak, "No, we just met an hour or so ago... I got ambushed by Hunters and I was at the police station speaking with one of their sergeants who works for the Knights... When I left he followed me for a bit... I never did get his name though..." She stated coolly towards the dingo, "He's been most evasive about giving his name..."

The dingo just chuckled at that, "If you really want my name Princess, fine. Names Jonah Higgins..." He said reaching his paw out to shake.

Ian quickly grasped it and shook it tightly, "Ian Mansfield, good to meet you Jonah..." the grin on the dingo's face only widened a bit giving his an almost predatory look on his face.

"Ah, I've heard of the famous Mansfield Clan... Good to meet you your highness," he said without expression.

Ian just glared at him letting his paw go, "Don't call me that!" He told the dingo, annoyed before he turned towards Monet. "Monet, can we speak right fast?" he asked her formally. She just nodded and he turned towards the dingo... Jonah, "The others are downstairs, we'll meet you there... be sure to introduce yourself..." He told the Dingo who just shrugged before he left the room leaving the wolf and coyote alone.

Monet just looked at him with no emotion while he tried to figure out just what to say. "What did you want to talk to me about?" She asked the wolf who sighed before he found the exact words he wanted to use.

"Will you teach me how to fight?" he asked her calmly.