Lonely Hearts Ranch Chapter Three: Day Two At The Ranch

Story by Manveru on SoFurry

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#3 of Lonely Hearts Ranch


Buzz awoke late the next morning to light knocking at his room door. His head was pounding, and his eyes burned at the light streaming in through the window. He threw on some clothes hastily and answered it, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He opened the door to see Christian standing there, holding a cowboy hat in his hand, and a picnic basket. At first Buzz was speechless. But he soon spoke up.

"...Christian? What do you want?"

"I want to take you out to lunch," the leopard replied. "There's a really nice lake nearby, and the view is spectacular. Care to join? I've got the lunch all packed."

Buzz's hung-over mind was having a lot of trouble processing what was going on. Was Christian asking him on a date, or did he just want to talk. Perhaps about the book? He wasn't sure.

"Uhh...yeah, yeah sure. Just gimme a minute, I gotta go to the bathroom quick." He excused himself and returned in a minute or so. The two left the building, an awkward silence hanging between them.

About 15 minutes later, they arrived at the crest of a large hill overlooking a lake. Christian was right, the view was beautiful. The midday sun cast a beautiful pattern of light across the rippling water. A few of the couples were swimming, enjoying the water and the sun. Christian opened the basket and pulled out a few sandwiches, a bag of chips, and a bottle of wine, a fine Pinot Noir.

"Wow, Christian, this looks expensive."

"Nah, it wasn't. This place has a pretty good bar, and the bartender gave me a discount on the wine."

Buzz took a bite of one of the sandwiches and chewed it slowly, savoring the flavors.

"Damn, Christian! This is amazing! What's in it?"

"Let's see....ham, turkey, chicken, bacon, swiss cheese, mushrooms, oregano, and lettuce."

"Holy shit! That's amazing! I've....this is the best sandwich I've ever eaten. Seriously."

"Oh, stop flattering me. It's not that great, it's a family recipe."

"Oh, don't be so modest. You could open a store selling these!"

"Heh. A lot of people tell me that. I guess I could, but I just don't have the stones to be an entrepreneur."

"I guess it does take a lot of guts. I've always wanted to quit my job and start writing full time, but I just don't think my writing is good enough to get published. I'd want to finish the book first, anyway, and the bills aren't going to pay themselves."

"I've been meaning to talk to you about your book. That....it's kinda why I asked you to come here today."

"Really? You think the place you work at would want to publish it?"

"No, it's not that. I want to talk about what you were writing last night."

Buzz kept silent, staring at him.

"I...I don't know what you mean."

"Don't bullshit me, Buzz. You were writing about me."

"I...Yeah, I was. So what?"

Christian remained quiet for a bit, taking a swig of wine as he contemplated what to say. He looked at Buzz again, staring into his eyes. Buzz blinked and looked away.

"I think you're in love with me, Buzz."

Buzz laughed too loudly to be convincing. "HA! Yeah, sure. Whatever, you're crazy."

"No, Buzz, I don't think that I am. And I'm gonna prove myself right." He peeled off his shirt to reveal his sculpted abs and beautiful chest. Buzz's head turned, almost against his will, to swallow in every inch. His mouth was nearly watering when he finally looked into Christian's eyes again.

"I knew it. You want me."

Buzz gulped and nodded.

"But...but you're straight!"

"What? What ever gave you that idea?"

Buzz cocked his head, confused. "But, you were flirting with all those girls!"

"Flirting? No. Talking? Laughing? Sure. I'm not a guy to pass up a good time if I can, and they sure seemed to take a liking to me. Hell, I told them straight away that I was gay! Doesn't mean I can't talk to them."

"But...why didn't you tell me before?"

"Never got a chance to, did I? It never really came up when we talked on the bus, either. I don't go around introducing myself as 'Christian the Gay' or anything, Buzz. You're acting kinda strange."

"It's...I just...I have really bad luck with guys, ok?"

"So what, you're gonna give up? Just stop trying altogether? I'm right here in front of you, Buzz, and I don't think there'll ever be a better chance to get a piece of this cat."

Buzz stared at him for what seemed to both of them like an eternity. The tension between them was so thick it was nearly smothering. Then Buzz did something that even he wasn't expecting. He leaned forward and kissed Christian right on the lips. Christian opened his mouth slightly, accepting Buzz's advance. Their lips were locked for almost a full minute before Buzz pulled back. Christian smiled and began to take off his pants.

"Well," the leopard said, "what are we waiting for?"

Buzz stared at him as he slipped his pants off, revealing a pair of boxers that were straining under the pressure of a considerable bulge.

"But, someone might see us!"

"Oh, it's fine. Look, the couple over there is doing it!" And indeed, a few hills away, a vixen and a bear had since abandoned their swimming and were now rolling in the grass, the vixen squealing just loud enough to be heard as the bear pounded into her over and over. As Buzz was watching, his cock stirring in his jeans, Christian moved behind him and began to massage his shoulders. Buzz moaned pleasurably and leant back into Christian's hands. The leopard grabbed his shirt at the waist and pulled it up, over his arms and all the way off. Buzz's head was now resting on his thigh, right next to his bulge. Christian fidgeted and moaned as Buzz slipped his long canine tongue out and licked his rod through his boxers. He popped the button on the boxers and his magnificent cock sprang out, the head throbbing proudly. Buzz moved so that he could engulf the entire thing, and he did. Christian purred delightedly as Buzz gave him the best blowjob he'd ever had. He licked up and sown the shaft, sucked on the tip, and took the entire length in, the head scratching the back of his throat.

"Ohhhh.....oh fuuuuuuuck Buzz that feels so gooood...aw shit, shiiiiiiiit I'm gonna cum Buzz! UUUHHHHHHNNNNNNFFFFF!!" Christian tried hard to keep from yelling out in pleasure as he shot his load right down the back of Buzz's throat. Buzz gulped it all down, sucking every last drop from the leopard's cock. He knelt up and smiled, licking his lips to get anything he might have missed.

"Oh, Buzz, that was amazing."

"I'm sure it was. Care to return the favor?" He sat down and freed his own throbbing cock from his pants. Christian nodded and stood up, removing his boxers as he walked over to Buzz. He positioned his ass over Buzz's cock and slowly sat down. Both of them groaned as Buzz's rod slowly slid into Christian's tight hole. He settled on him and they both just sat there for a while, Buzz fully buried inside the leopard, enjoying the feeling. Christian began to purr as Buzz kissed him again, and they were soon groping every inch of each others' bodies. The purring set off a wonderful vibration around Buzz's cock, and it was not long before he starting making short, hard thrusts, bouncing Christian up and down on his cock. They both moaned, and Christian's cock began to grow and throb again. Buzz grabbed it and started jerking him off. Soon they had a rhythm going: Christian raised himself off of Buzz, and in doing so fucked his hand.

"Oh shit, Christian, you're so tight! I-I think I'm - Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Buzz moaned as he gave one final powerful thrust and shot his cum into the leopard's ass. Christian came at the same time, his jizz splattering onto Buzz's chest. They embraced again and, after cleaning off in the lake and dressing again, returned to Buzz's room.

They were lucky the rooms next to his were vacant. The inhabitants would have been pretty upset the next morning on account of the noise.