Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 2

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Spyro and Cynder: A New Life

A bit faster than I'd anticipated, but work on this series is a LOT slower than RoD.

Again, if you're underaged, leave now or forever hold your peace.


-- Chapter 2 --


Morning came and Cynder found Spyro's side of the bed empty, and she sighed heavily. "Here we go again," she said, and slipped out of bed and slowly walked into the dojo. To her surprise, she heard snoring out on the balcony, and rushed out to find Solar and Flare side by side, Flare cuddling under Solar's huge ice-blue-skinned wing as she dozed. "Oh my gosh, I forgot they were here!" Cynder whispered to herself. "Someone to talk to!" She was excited that she was no longer alone, and apparently Solar sensed her nearby and yawned, looking up at her with sleep-heavy eyes.

"Oh, hey Cynder," he yawned, slowly sitting up but keeping his wing over Flare. "What's up?"

"The sun," she joked, and he rolled his eyes with a humored half-smile.

"Uhhh...where's Spyro? You two aren't normally apart."

Cynder's face fell. "Well...it's been kinda hard for me these past few months...Spyro's been having to go off on some secret business he can't tell anyone about, and he's gone for most of the day almost every day. And Ignitus and the others are off somewhere and haven't been here for the past week."

Solar looked at her sympathetically. "But we're here now, you're not so lonely today."

"I know," she said, brightening a little.

"Know what?" Flare asked with a yawn as she woke up. She vibrated a bit as she stretched her tired limbs and shuddered, shaking the sleep off her. "Oh, hey Cynder."

"Why don't you two chat, I'll get you some breakfast," Solar said, and took off towards the forest. Cynder sat by Flare and Flare yawned again, almost locking her jaw.

"Sorry," she said, stretching again. "As you get older it takes longer to wake up..." Cynder laughed and Flare shook herself again.

"I'm curious...how long have you known about Spyro and me?" Cynder asked, and Flare sat back on her haunches, thinking back.

"Well...when I was thrown here, I thought I saw a purple dragon briefly, like in a vision...later on I kept seeing both him and you whenever I missed Solar, and I kinda pieced together that Solar had followed me here and was with you two. I was far off in the north and my visions of you and Spyro were very brief, but I somehow started being able to talk to Spyro remotely and would send him dreams."

"Why, though?"

Flare sighed. "I was hoping that if Solar was indeed with you two, Spyro would have the sense to tell him about seeing me, but I kinda forgot that it was only dreams...so I was confused for a while why you two weren't telling him."

"Spyro wanted to make sure he was seeing you and that you weren't some random dream before we told Solar."

Flare half-smiled and nodded. "Smart move, I guess, at that time. But I finally was able to get a hold of Solar...looks like things worked out well in the end." Cynder nodded and yawned, and Flare looked at her. "I'm kinda wondering, though...how did you and Spyro meet? I've seen how deeply involved you two are in each other...must've been one heck of a meeting?"

Cynder looked at the floor, absently tracing her claws along the tiles. "Well, you could say that...I don't really like thinking about it..." She sighed and looked up at the horizon. "But, then again, as Spyro told me Solar said once, the past is behind us, so what's it matter?"

"So what happened between you two?"

Cynder shivered. "I'm guessing Solar told you about our dealing with the Dark Master?" Flare nodded. "Well...did he tell you why the Dark Master was so focused on me?"

"Not really."

Cynder went on to slowly explain the night of the raid, Gaul taking her egg and Ignitus saving Spyro's; how she was corrupted and how Spyro was apparently raised by dragonflies; and finally their fateful encounter at her fortress and at the Portal of Convexity where he'd saved her and broken the Dark Master's influence on her upon her defeat.

"Wow...so he basically fell in love with his enemy?"

"Well, kind of," Cynder said, rubbing her neck. "Without the Dark Master's influence on me I wasn't evil anymore, though Sparx even now still doesn't trust me...Spyro, apparently, started really falling for me during our conquest to defeat the Dark Master, but it wasn't until our adventure with Solar that we finally realized our feelings for each other." Flare nodded and looked off over the forest for any sign of Solar's return. Cynder looked up at her. "By the way, how did you and Solar meet?"

Flare giggled. "Well, I know he told you my parents were high-standing dragons in Paralosin society...we met when we were about ten or so, about eight years ago -- we were...roughly about your age when you first met Solar. It was...ah yes, at a banquet in the town hall. He was a military grunt and got lucky enough to be placed in the bodyguard position around my family. I was terribly bored, 'cuz my parents never really paid me any attention and everyone else my age had been corrupted by the snobbish attitude of high class...and then I saw him stealing glances at me as he stood there in that cute little guard outfit." She laughed to herself and sighed at the memory. "He was so skittish around me...he tried acting like a steel soldier but it was so funny how he couldn't keep it up for long without turning red when I looked at him."

Cynder laughed. "When we met him it was hard to get any real emotion from him."

"Yeah, the military did that to him over the years...but as that night went on we somehow ended up next to each other but we were pretty quiet. I got to see his combat skills up close and personal that night..."

"What happened?"

"The hall was attacked. Apparently some shadow monsters had escaped the local laboratory. They went after me, for some odd reason, but Solar impressed everyone with how well and how quickly he dispatched them, being as young as he was. My parents didn't quite approve of him, though...and they certainly didn't want him so close to me, because in Paralos, the rich dragons are considered higher in class than the militia." She shook her head and snorted. "The military, though, appointed him as a bodyguard for me, but now Solar knows they did that as a ruse to kidnap me and attempt to experiment on me like they'd done with him -- and to monitor his development. The months went by...he started taking me out to different events -- although I had to disguise it as 'homework help' because we were in the same class at school...After a while we were more than friends, and he'd risk his military status to sneak out and see me. He didn't care about title or rank, so long as he was able to be with me every other night. We were unusual in Paralos -- friendships were hard to maintain with the strictness and severity of the world's degrading power, but after two years we were practically soulmates. Then life started getting harder as more and more of those shadow creatures escaped their detainment in the laboratories...Solar started getting called away on secret missions, and when he returned from one he brought me a pretty gold chain he'd forged himself in his off-time on the journey. Against my parents' wishes I wore it proudly everywhere. They thought it looked like a collar, making me look like Solar's pet... Then three years ago, almost, Solar saved the lighthouse..."

"He told us about that his first night with us," Cynder said, remembering his story of why he'd ended up in their world.

"Yeah...I was so proud of him...but then someone started spreading slanderous stories about him, and soon he was called to court and to my shock he was pronounced guilty of these outrageous charges of treason and sentenced to be an exile. My parents were happy, and I found that they'd pushed for his sentencing, and that just threw me over the edge--as soon as they told me about it I whipped them good with my tail and left them. It took me a few days but I finally found Solar again...and the next night he proposed to me and you can well guess what happened."

"You accepted," Cynder said with a grin.

Flare smiled at the memory. "Yep...beautiful starry sky, full moon..." She paused, absorbed in the memory, but eventually Cynder saw her face fall slightly. "But then a few days later I was kidnapped by that stupid troll, and not having much skill in fighting I couldn't do anything...then I got flung here and I think you know the rest."

Cynder nodded. "Did Solar tell you how much he helped us during that adventure?"

"Kind of...I know he helped you discover light-breath, I was projecting myself next to him as he worked on the 'potion' to enhance your breath powers. I was so proud of how much he helped you two..."

Cynder thought for a bit. "How long have you known about his...enhancements?"

Flare's face went serious and her wings quivered a bit. "I'd heard about it when I was captured, but I didn't think much of it because I also heard everyone else his age in the military had been experimented on. But apparently he was the pinnacle of their genetic research...I also heard about his military exploits and how he was pretty much THE highest combatant in the force...but I didn't know the extent of his experimentation until after that day you three wound up in the old lab and he went nuts. I saw the whole thing, sadly...but not until the next day."

"Weren't you scared?"

"A bit, but I knew him too well to be scared for myself. I was so worried about you two, though..."

They saw Solar's flying figure coming back, carrying a mushroom cap filled with food. He landed and set the cap in front of them. Cynder and Flare ate, and Solar just sat there watching until Cynder looked up at him quizzically. "You gonna eat?"

"I already did, while collecting that." He stretched, standing up on his hind legs and straightening his back and walking around a bit before landing on all fours again.

"I still can't get over that," Cynder said, shaking her head.

"What?" Flare asked.

"Him being able to stand up like that...it's definitely not something you see every day."

Solar chuckled. "Actually, I should teach Spyro how to stand and walk on two legs, he may find it useful in combat like I have."

"I'd like to see him do that," Cynder said, trying to picture Spyro standing on his hind legs like Solar.

They spent the rest of the day chatting until about mid-afternoon when Cynder shouted excitedly as she saw a tiny purple speck coming closer. Flare jumped back in surprise as Spyro suddenly swooped down, picked Cynder up off the balcony, and spun through the air with her before landing himself and putting her on the floor with a delighted hug.

"That was unexpected," Solar said, but he was smiling.

"Hey...sorry I had to disappear like that," Spyro said to them as he ran his paw along the back of Cynder's neck as he held her. "I am getting so tired of this daily thing..."

"What do you do out there?" Flare asked.

Spyro let go of Cynder and she reclined against him as he turned to Solar and Flare. "I really, really wish I could tell you, but as I told Cynder, I can't say anything about it or all the work I've done will be unwound."

Solar looked at him oddly, but shrugged. "Well, if it's that dire I won't pry."

Cynder looked up at Spyro with sad eyes. "Spyro, can't you at least tell WHY you can't tell us?"

He groaned and they could tell his mind was racing. "I'd rather not risk it...but magic is at work, that's all I can say."

"Another growing threat?" Flare asked.

"That, I can say yes to. But what it is, again I can't say." Cynder sighed sadly and he hugged her again. "But hey, I'm back early today."

After a bit more discussion, they agreed to go for a casual flight before heading to bed, and took off and slowly flew over the forest. Cynder and Flare stayed behind the two males, chatting between each other and laughing. Spyro and Solar kept stealing back-glances at their mates as they flew.

"Spyro, you got lucky with Cynder...you'd be the envy of all the other males here if there were any."

"I know," Spyro grinned, looking back at Cynder. "Y'know, Flare's pretty good-looking too...are all girls in Paralos that pretty?"

Solar blushed a bit with a half-smile. "Nah...in my opinion she's a goddess among them."

"You talkin' about us up there?" Flare asked, and Spyro and Solar hurriedly shook their heads, much to the amusement of the two dragonesses. "Boys," she said to Cynder with a roll of her eyes, and they both broke out laughing. Solar shook his head.

"I forgot how chatty and sociable girls can be," he groaned.

"Is this normal?" Spyro asked.


"Oh boy..."

"Yeah. It got really annoying in the military when new females came in. Took them forever to shut up."

Spyro laughed. "Was Flare ever in the military? She seems like it."

"You checkin' out my mate there, Spyro?"

"No, I got the best one in the world already."

"That's debatable," Solar said jokingly, but went on to answer Spyro's question. "No, Flare was never in the military. Her parents never approved of combat...stupid socialist peace-keepers, even after she was attacked multiple times and were told many times over that she needed to learn how to defend herself...I taught Flare what she knows of fighting but she's just not geared for combat. She can hold her own for a while, if she sets her mind to it. She loves me protecting her, though, so I guess it's all good."

After a while, navigating by the moon and the faint purple-red light of the setting sun, they encountered a grove of fruit trees, and descended and ate their fill. Flare walked around through the forest with Solar, marvelling at everything. Spyro and Cynder stayed by the river-side and cuddled with each other while they waited for the other two to return. Solar and Flare found them making small fireworks by spitting tiny fireballs over the river and trying to get them to collide before hitting the water. Cynder finally blew a playful flame over his muzzle, and he jumped but laughed as the flames merely passed over his scales. He coughed a small snowball into his paw and Solar and Flare laughed as he chased her, finally catching her, holding her down and shoving the snowball between her wing-bases. She shrieked and laughed, admitting defeat, and they finally flew off, Cynder trying to shake off the melting snow. Spyro blew a faint flame over her back, the hot air melting the snow right off her.

The next morning, Cynder woke up in Spyro's arms, feeling his paws petting her gently. She sighed happily and pressed herself against him, and he hugged her.

"Good morning," he whispered.

"Lemme guess...you got another break?"

"Not really, but I'll make it up tomorrow. Flare and Solar said they'd be gone for most of the day today...he's taking her on a scenic tour. So we've got the whole place to ourselves."

She closed her eyes and smiled, lying back against her pillow, and she giggled as he started nibbling on the ruby scales under her neck. She pulled his head up so she could see his eyes. "What are you doing?" she laughed.

"Entertaining you," he said, his paws reaching around her shoulders and pressing against her hide. She closed her eyes and moaned as he began massaging her. His paws slowly worked their way from her shoulders to her wing-bases, then along her neck up to her head, and she growled as he stopped but her growl turned into a happy murr as he kissed her.

"You're in a randy mood today," she whispered seductively, but she didn't move away from his mouth.

"You were too while you were asleep," he said with a sly grin. Her eyes widened in surprise but then narrowed lustfully at him as she grinned back. She couldn't tell him, but she knew she was coming into heat again as they lay there, and try though she might she couldn't help but want him. She wanted to wait until his daily duties were through before they really got serious, but her body was demanding attention. And he knew it. And she knew he knew it, and she ran her tongue playfully across his nose.

"I don't even need to sense you to know what you're thinking right now," she whispered in his ear, teasing him with her breath. Her lips bonded to his and her paws rubbed him sensually and she felt him tense up, restraining himself. She felt like punishing him for stopping the massage, and pressed her whole underbelly right up against him, feeling the bulge of his sheath against her swelling heat. She giggled to herself as she felt his anxiety and desire welling up.

"Thought you didn't wanna mess up the bed," he smirked, though his mouth didn't separate from hers.

"Ignitus says there are extra mattresses...and this one's pretty worn after two years."

Sucking on his mouth she worked her paws down his sides and felt him shiver as he tried to hold himself back, but as her fingers caressed his sheath he finally let himself go, unable to hold back any further. His member quickly grew to full length between them, and she grinned evilly and began bucking her hips against him, pressing his meat between their bellies. He growled -- she was driving him nuts with all this teasing, so he decided to get her back and as she attempted to arouse him even more with a bit of firebreath in their kiss, he gave her a playful shock with electricity. The tingle made her gasp and she looked at him, meeting a glance as evil and lustful as her mood was right now. She wanted him, but wasn't done with him yet. Scooting back a bit she took hold of his dragonhood and rubbed its tip around her slit in small circles, gasping into his mouth as thrills of pleasure shot through her. He squirmed and groaned, unable to stand it much longer, but he waited, gauging her pattern. She brought his meat back around...

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" she howled against his mouth, pleasure shooting through her as he pushed into her, using her teasing motions to set himself up. Once inside he slowly, very slowly began pushing in. Now it was his turn to drive her wild, and he smirked as she began passionately sucking on his mouth and tongue, squirming anxiously, her hormones taking control. She groaned and moaned with pleasure and frustration as he held her steady, keeping her from doing anything to make him enter her faster, and it seemed like ages before he finally stopped, his sheath pressing against her entry. She shuddered with anticipation and broke the kiss, licking his face desperately. She wanted to move against him and begin the rhythym, but he still held her steady and slowly rolled over until her was straddling her, keeping himself buried in her. She looked at him and growled again. "You're really cruel...just do it already!!" she whisperingly moaned as he brought his face closer to hers.

"Oh, all in good time," he whispered back teasingly, licking her nose. As their hormone-strengthened senses grew more acute Spyro could smell her heat, but he maintained his self-control as the sweet scent assaulted his nose and almost sent him into overdrive as he stood over her. Their tails rubbed together and slowly wound around each other, and their wingtips touched as he stayed still, getting his revenge as she fidgeted under him. He kissed her again and without moving his mouth away said, "I think today we try lasting as long as possible."

"You selfish little..." she said, glaring at him, but he could tell she didn't mean it.

"Guess you're right...only thinking about myself and how happy it makes me acting only for your satisfaction..." With that he slowly pulled out, still teasing her, and she grabbed his head and began passionately kissing him again, trying desperately to get him to go faster but to no avail -- his mind was set. Her heat was now blazing and an uncontrollable desire for him was clouding her mind, and she moaned loudly as he pulled almost all the way out of her, some of his pre-cum and some of her juices dripping off his cock onto her lips. An indescribable and uncomfortable yet somehow pleasurable pain was plaguing her like it had five times already the past few months, and only he could alleviate that pain.

"Please...just do it already..." she half-cried -- she couldn't stand it anymore. "I want you so badly it hurts..."

"Well then, I'll ease the pain," he whispered, his mouth still against hers.

For a good fifteen minutes the room echoed with Cynder's pleading groans and pleasured moans as Spyro slowly thrust in and out of her. For fifteen minutes their lips stayed bonded as the purple-and-gold hero used his willpower and his love for his beautiful black dragoness to steady himself and give her the time of her life, taking it slow and easy, keeping her on the edge as long as she could stay. Oh how she wanted him to pound her as hard as he could, but this was totally new and she was enjoying it far more than their last time. She finally regained enough control to open her eyes and look into his.

"We should...do this...a lot more often..." she moaned, and as usual didn't move her mouth away from his.

"That can be arranged," he whispered back, and they started breathing fire back and forth in their mouths. That was another reason Spyro wanted to go slow -- since they were on flammable materials he didn't want their usual fiery climax to burn anything. The bed itself was a stone frame they could easily have slept on--their previous beds had been stone slabs with comfortable depressions ground into the top for them to curl up in--but the bedding was a mattress filled with soft heather and mosses. He had no doubt the flames from that would create a beautiful fire display for their love, but he didn't want to light up the temple. Instead of the usual explosive fireball being contained in their passion-fueled kiss, it was a slow blaze--not a quick explosion of energy but a slow, warm smoulder of love. And that warmth was propelling Cynder to new heights as Spyro pleasured her, until finally she moaned long and loud in a mind-numbingly powerful and prolonged orgasm, her juices slowly washing over his member instead of exploding from her like they usually did. She felt him grin against her mouth, and she coaxed his tongue into her mouth and began playing with it. Cynder kept expecting him to climax at any moment but he kept going, keeping up the slow pace, sometimes throwing in a curveball and moving a little differently so he hit her in a different spot.

Twenty minutes...half an hour...a whole hour of pure love and pleasure passed by. Cynder thought she'd be dead-tired by now, but the slow pace and passion were giving her energy as her body took it--that and the fact she was immensely enjoying this, having had at least six orgasms by now. Spyro's hips were beginning to get sore, but he paid no attention to that; his whole focus was rooted on Cynder. At length she felt guilty that she'd been releasing and he was still going, and decided to return this pleasurable favor. Spyro moaned as she clenched her hips together as she wrapped her hind legs around his waist and began pushing back on him, matching his pace. She saw a confused look in his eyes and she smiled and kissed him deeply, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to herself. She slowly rocked her hips back and forth sideways against him, giving his thrusts new directions. He felt the withheld pleasure begin to well up in his groin, and finally, with a long, low moan, he shuddered madly and thrust himself completely into her. She gasped and sucked on his tongue as she felt his hot torrents of cum unload in her. Even though he was restraining himself and drawing it out as long as possible, the extreme arousal and excitement built up over the past hour made his dragonhood pump into her with such force that she was swept into another orgasm as he hit her in places she'd never felt before. He shivered and moaned with each pulse, thrusting lightly in her with each controlled blast, and felt like he was slowly going from one orgasm straight into another. Somehow, he was filling her up far more than usual, and when he stopped (after almost five straight minutes of just cumming) she felt no more of her painful heat--just a warm, happy fullness in her midsection. Their lips were still bonded in a loving kiss and they stayed that way through their afterglow, breathing through their noses, never wanting this moment to end. Finally, though, Cynder moaned as he pulled his softening member out of her. Her muscles clenched without him, holding in that warm white fullness of his love. They finally pulled apart and gazed into each others' eyes, Spyro running his paw along Cynder's cheek and down her neck.

"I take it you enjoyed that?" he whispered with a warm smile.

"You have absolutely no idea," she said, hugging him. "That was the best ever..."

"Just for you," he said, caressing her as he held her. Her stomach grumbled and he slowly slid off the bed after running his paws along her neck and back affectionately. He flew out the bedroom window, and Cynder stared after him, happy and content. Just this moment was enough to get her through another week of being without him...She sighed happily and absently rubbed her lower belly as she thought of Spyro. He finally returned with a large cluster of berries in tow, covered in frost, and he walked over to the bed and began feeding her as she lay there. She was full and content at both ends now, and smiled sleepily at him.

"I think I'll take a small nap," she yawned, stretching. He kissed her and she giggled a bit.

"I feel like something's coming...I'm gonna go check it out," he said, and after running his paw over her cheek he flew off through the window again. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Flare moaned as Solar pulled out of her, and she felt a sticky string of his cum fall off him onto her tail-base. He was panting heavily with the waning excitement and the hormone overdose, but his genetic enhancements allowed him to remain standing as if he hadn't done anything. Flare lay on the ground below him, basking in a heavenly afterglow and shuddering with erratic breaths as she slowly recovered.

"You okay?" he asked, a bit concerned. She wasn't usually this tired after mating.

"Keep going..." she gasped. "I'm fine..."

He thrust his member slowly back into her and she whined happily, bucking her hips slightly against him.

"You sure you're fine?" he asked.

"Yes...I've just...never released like that before..."

"Well then, if you're sure..." He bent his head down and she rubbed his neck as he kissed her, and he started humping her again. She wrapped her tail under his and snaked it up along his back, so it went from behind his right leg over his back to his left leg. Using the flame-like fin ending her tail she tickled his underbelly and he snorted, trying not to laugh. He broke away from the kiss with a playful grin. "Hey, you want me to do you or what?"

"Sorry...I couldn't resist," she giggled. She lay her head back as he continued thrusting in and out of her, enjoying every single second of pleasure. She gasped sharply as she felt him nibble her neck, working his way up to her chin and then along her cheek. Solar groaned as he felt her muscles contracting against him, and he came again with a loud roar, hilting himself completely in her. That, and the sensation of his cum filling her even more, sent Flare over the edge and she grabbed his shoulders as she screamed and arched her back off the ground, coating both their tails in her fluids. When she finally settled down Solar pulled out of her for good and lay down by her--he'd given his all to her and she'd happily taken it.

After they'd rested and Flare's breath was somewhat back to normal Solar reached out and stroked her face, and she leaned her head against his loving caress.

"So, you up to more of the tour? Or think you've seen enough?"

"Which tour?" she laughed. "Both were awesome."

He rolled his eyes and laughed. "C'mon, we should start heading back. Let's get some water before we go."

She nodded and slowly stood up, tensing her muscles and stretching her wings before she followed him to the river.

When Cynder woke up again it was sunset, and there was a powerful wind blowing against the temple. She yawned and slid out of bed to look for Spyro, sensing that he was nearby, and in her sleepy haze she almost stepped into the mushroom cap of berries he'd laid out for her a few hours ago. She giggled and smiled before digging in. As she finished, her happy thoughts suddenly turned to her old wariness as she heard something fly around in the main room. It was definitely not Spyro...or any dragon, for that matter--the wings didn't sound big enough and were flapping far too frequently. She crept silently to the dojo and looked in, lucky that her black scales blended in with the dying light. She saw something black and shadowy flying around near the ceiling. Somehow, though, it felt her watching it, and with an insanely high-pitched shriek that she didn't hear yet blasted through her head it disappeared. She shook her head, her ears ringing slightly, and wandered out through their doorway into the dojo. She caught sight of a familiar purple gleam from the balcony, and saw Spyro sitting there, his wings and the fin-scales on his head swaying very slightly in the wind. Other than that he was sitting perfectly still, staring out at the sky. She walked out and stood next to him, leaning into the wind to keep from falling over. To her surprise the wind seemed to be passing right over Spyro, almost through him--he was totally unaffected by it. She had to squint against the wind but his eyes were open and his eyelids never flinched, even as the wind erractically blasted the two dragons.

"Spyro? What's going on?" she half-yelled over the howling.

"I've finished the quest," he said, but his tone was unusually hard and he was still looking out at the setting sun. She looked up at him--he was speaking normally and she could hear his voice perfectly...had he discovered some new power that isolated him from natural effects like wind?

"You're done? As in, no more leaving?"

"Yes. But it's far from over now."

"What do you mean?"

"You should go inside before you catch cold."

"Spyro? Is something wrong?"

"Terribly wrong. Now go before the wind really picks up."

"Where are Solar and Flare?"

"Inside. Check the tunnels."

She was greatly surprised by his attitude...what was wrong with him? Something really bad must've happened to make him like this...with a sigh she turned and went inside. She was hardly to the Pool of Visions, though, when she heard him walk in with a heavy sigh. She turned and walked up next to him, and pressed herself against him.

"Spyro...please tell me, what's going on? You're scaring me...you're not normally cold like that."

He looked away and sat down. "Cynder...something far more powerful than the Dark Master is trying to enter our world...and revive him."

Shock dilated her eyes but she went around and sat in front of him. "But what does this have to do with you?"

He looked up at her and she saw pain in his eyes. "I...I...I-AAAAAAUUUUUUUGH!!!!!!" He cut off as he suddenly yelled in pain, vibrating viciously on the floor. Cynder screamed.

"NO!! Oh please, not again!! SPYRO!!"

Solar rushed into the room, followed by Flare. "What's going on?!" they both asked at once, seeing Spyro on the floor and Cynder holding onto him.

"Someone's coming through the realm-rift!" Cynder said, and as if strengthening her words Spyro flung her off himself involuntarily as he began flailing on the floor, his muscles spasming uncontrollably. He roared, shaking the entire room, and finally went limp, gasping for breath. At that moment Solar heard the rift open up outside, and before Flare could react he shot out to the balcony. They heard a loud, pained yell as someone fell through the air, and they heard Solar yell and the muffled sound of him hitting the ground. Flare rushed outside to see what was going on as Cynder rocked a dazed and limp Spyro in her arms. His eyes were unfocused as his mind wandered between consciousness and unconsciousness... Cynder leaned her head against his. "Spyro...what the heck is going on?"


And here we are, back to this little chapter ending...

Rate/comment plz! I need to hear how it is! Helps me write here, c'mon! Keeps me going! (lol)

Up to Chapter 6 now but I'm kinda stuck...then again, college is already starting to shift into high gear so I guess some writer's block is to be expected...but what do I do with all this paper and crap? Anyone got a lighter? Blowtorch?

I'll be drawing up Solar and Flare sometime...I hope...or maybe I could ask IceFlame to... *rubs chin thoughtfully*