Feeding the Ducks

Story by tygacat on SoFurry

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An older pair discusses their future and their sex life

Itu gazed out over the small lagoon in the center of the park. His wife sat next to him tossing food out of a bag for a few ducks at her feet.

"What are you thinking about?" Sayen asked him.

"Sex." The old coon's eyes widened. She couldn't believe her husband just said that.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes," the wild dog said. "We haven't had a good yiff in years. We use to go wild when we were kids. Heh, worse than rabbits, remember."

The coon blushed as she remembered years ago two rabbits actually complained the two screwed worse than them. They had been Sayen's neighbors in her thin walled apartment building. The two made a point to only go to Itu's when they wanted to have sex. Since that was pretty much whenever they weren't busy doing anything else, they quickly moved in together.

"That was years ago. We're too old for that now."

"Too old? My dad's ninety and he still volunteers with a river rescue crew. We're probably not even halfway through."

"Your father is insane. Besides, could we even..."

"They have those pills, now."

"You're not serious?"

The wild dog laughed. "Of course I am. We're done with the whole raising kids thing. We finally have the house all to ourselves. We could spend hours in the buff playing with each other in any room in the house. Heck, we could go down to Cyvis Beach and not take our bathing suits."

The blush on Sayen's face had to be visible through her face. "Look at me," she slapped her round belly with her paw, "I'm exactly the kind of fur they petition to keep out of that place."

"Oh, come now, " he put his paw on her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek. "there's older and chubbier than you down there. And if they can do it, we can do it. Besides if you're that concerned about it we can get one of those video game exercise thingies."


"Oh, no buts now. What are we going to do, sit around on a park bench every day for the next twenty years feeding ducks? Or are we going to get in shape and have some fun?"

"Get in shape?"

"Of course, I'll use the thing, too. We don't want to die of a heart attack in the middle of coitus. Although that would be an awesome way to go. Could you imagine the looks on those paramedics faces? Especially if rigor mortis has set in?"

Sayen bit her upper lip. It was bad enough she was as embarassed as hell, now she had to struggle to keep from laughing, too.

"Only pity would be not living to read about it in the paper. 'They died doing what they loved.'" Now she laughed.

"That's the spirit," he kissed her again. "Let's go get one of those things. And we'll be sure to ask if those controller thingies have a vibrate setting." Sayen went back to being just embarassed.


"What, if we're going to spend three hundred bucks on the thing we may as well get some mileage out of it. And I figure if we're going to be up on that board in the privacy of our own home we could save a few dollars by not investing in any actual exercise clothing, if you get my meaning."

"You, you're incorrigible."

"Yep, but think of the fun we could have. Anything we want to do. Any room in the house. You up on the kitchen island, my face between your legs. The dining room table, the pool table in the basement, the living room couch, anywhere. And I mean anything; oral, anal, fingering, toys. Remember how we use to love just sit back and watch one another paw off. We could do that twice a day, every day. My paw rubbing up and down my member. Your fingers rubbing vigorously at your clit, kind of like they're doing right now."

Sayen snapped back to reality, realizing what she had been doing. She pulled her paw away from her crotch quickly and looked around, hoping no one saw. There was one young ocelot a short ways away kind of looking in there direction, confused. Hopefully he just thought she was impolitely scratching an itch, not impolitely 'scratching an itch.'

Itu was laughing. "See, you know you want to." He stepped in front of her and knelt down. The ducks walked off quacking bitterly. He put his paws on her lap, leaned over, and kissed her on the lips, "I'm not trying to reclaim our past, I'm trying to reclaim our future. I love you and want to show you that every way I can every chance I get." He kissed her again. She kissed back.

"You're right," she said, "I love you, too. And why shouldn't we? Why should we resign ourselves to a life of duck-feeding for the next twenty years? Let the ducks get their own food. And I bet we could easily add another twenty or thirty years to our lives with a bit of excercise, a lust for life, and of course," she reached down and put her paw on his crotch, "a lust for one another."

He glanced down to her paw then up, grinning, "Hell, the way they're going with all the research stuff they'll probably figure out the whole reversing the aging process long before we kick the bucket. Think about it, we could actually be two of the last furs ever to have old people sex."

Sayen cracked up. She stood up, "Come on, let's go home and screw worse than rabbits."

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