The Dragonatrix Proposition (Part 1: A New Game)

Story by DiablodonWrath on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dragonatrix Proposition

Something I've been working on for a couple months now. I did the cover art a long time ago, but I slacked on the story for a while. Anyways, have fun reading! ^.=.^

Diablodon & Syraph © Me

Kajatica © Kajatica

The Dragonatrix Proposition

It was two hours after the sun had set. Syraph and I were just getting up from an intense love making session. We had both agreed we needed to back away from the kinkiness every once in a while. "No kinkiness or bondage of any kind could ever compare to that, my love" I told her, getting up and straightening my harness with my thumbs. She replied, catching her breath, "I agree, but we can't always stick to one or the other. They'd get boring time after time if we did." I agreed with her, but it was always a really nice experience when we were able to express our love for one another at such an equal level, rather than one of us being in complete control. We stood up, looking around lazily. I noticed the cave entrance was still open for some reason, so I slowly wandered over to move the large stone in front of the opening. I had one arm around Syraph as I slowly walked toward the large boulder, pulling her close to me, as we were still both in that state right after a huge orgasm where the body feels almost numb. We looked at each other as we wandered. I saw a hazy gleam in her eyes, but it was no different from that burning gleam of love I'd always seen in her before. Just remembering how many times I'd looked into her eyes and been reminded of how much we've always loved one another nearly brought tears of joy to my eyes. After moving the boulder into place for the night, Syraph and I rejoined in a tight hug, my head on her shoulder, my arms around her midsection and my tail coiling around her waist. It was one of the few feelings that were better than a massive orgasm after hours of denial. I could feel every ounce of passion and love she felt for me just in her gentle, yet powerful touch. I slowly licked the side of her cheek, closing my eyes and letting out a low sigh of happiness. She licked me back, sliding a hand underneath my collar and massaging my neck gently. There have been times in the past where she'd seemingly treated me as her pet, though I knew she cared more about me than just as a toy or an animal. "So, does the bed sound comfy enough to continue this?" I asked. She quickly said, "That sounds wonderful, Don. Let's go." We lazily wandered off to the soft bed, anxiously waiting to lock tongues and hold each other until we fell asleep. All I could think about on the way and most of the time in there was how lucky I was to have found someone like her...

During the night, I heard a noise coming from another part in the cave. Syraph was still asleep, so I carefully got up, trying not to disturb her. I slowly crept out the main room of our cave, past the locked playroom and toward the entrance. It was quite dark, but I could pretty much everything. I looked around sleepily, skimming the dark corners of our cave with my half open eyes. After a few minutes, I turned around and headed back toward the bedroom. As I turned the corner to the descending pathway, I heard a low, crunching sound coming from about where the entrance was. It sounded like the noise the boulder covering the doorway made when it was moved. I walked back to the entrance to see what the sound was, and nothing had changed. The entrance was still sealed, and everything looked unmoved since we headed off to bed a few hours ago. I relaxed and turned around to wander off to bed once more. About halfway back to the descending pathway to our bedroom, I got tackled. My arms were pinned behind my back, and I was facing the floor. I wasn't too worked up over the incident, sure that it was Syraph playing a trick on me. "Haha, ok you got me hun, now let's go get some sleep" I said, almost laughing at the joke. After a few moments, a voice not belonging to Syraph responded: "Oh, you'll be getting anything but rest soon..." I quickly awoke from my sleepy state, wondering who it was. "Wait, wha- Grrrmph!" was all I could say before a leather mask was slipped over my snout. I struggled a bit, but I noticed I was getting drowsy again. The mask must have been hooked up to chloroform or some sort of sleeping gas. I fell unconscious, but the last words I heard were "I hope you remember..."

I awoke several hours later, completely unaware of where I was. I was standing up, my hands held above my head. I couldn't see, but I felt my mouth was forced open. Whoever was responsible for my capture must have blindfolded and gagged me, along with a lot of other gear I could feel. Whenever I tried to lift my head, my gag would tug on my collar, so the two must have been connected. I tried spreading my wings apart, but only felt my harness tighten on me. I moved around to see what else I could feel and noticed my tail was tied to the ceiling, and that my harness was also connected to a tight belt. Almost all of the restraints were connected, making me feel quite trapped and helpless. After a few minutes of confusion, I felt a warm presence embrace me from behind. It felt relaxing and comforting, yet very powerful. Whoever my captor was was extremely strong. After about two minutes of this, my captor took off my blinds. My eyes shot open when I saw who it was- Kajatica, a really old friend of mine. We met before Syraph and I were even aware of each other's existence, but we had lost contact with each other for many years. She looked me in the eye as she removed my gag for the time, and before long, she wrapped her arms and wings around me and began to kiss me, sucking gently on my tongue. I was surprised by the move, but I wasn't in any position to fight it. I closed my eyes as we passionately kissed for the first time in a very long time. Before Syraph came along, Kajatica and I were best friends, and had even mated once or twice. As we kissed, all the memories of that time slowly flooded my mind. Five minutes of kissing, and I remembered almost all of what there was to remember about our relationship in the past. She pulled away slowly, reattaching my gag, but keeping my blinds off for now. She spoke up, "Hope you're good and awake now" chuckling a bit at the end of her sentence. I struggled a bit, curious of what she wanted. She said, "Now, I suppose you're curious as to why I've got you chained up here in my dungeon. Well, let's just say, I've had a little game I've wanted to play with you for some time now." I looked at her, listening intently as she explained, "This game isn't too complex. So here's how it works: obviously, you're chained up, gagged, and pretty vulnerable. I'm going to tease you mercilessly over the next hour, and over that period of time, I'll give you three 'opportunities'. By this, I mean I'll expose myself within your reach, but not that close. You'll have to thrust as far out as you can. You'll have sixty seconds to do this, or you'll miss that chance and have to wait until I offer again. If you manage to penetrate me with even as much as your tip, I'll unhook the chains holding you there and you will mate with me. Though, there are a few catches: you may start whenever you like, but you must not stop thrusting, or pull out any time after you start. The other catch: if you cum in less than thirty minutes, I'm going to chain you up again, and you'll be my prisoner for another three days, and no orgasms during that time, but don't think that means I will leave you alone entirely. When the three days are up, I'll offer you some more chances to mate with me, but after being denied for three days, I'm not sure if you could last thirty minutes. If you can successfully mate with me for over thirty minutes without cumming, you'll earn one point. I'll let you go when you get three points; however, there's a catch to this as well: say you have two out of three points, and you cum in less than thirty minutes on your third try, your points will reset to zero, and it starts over again. Also, before I forget; if you miss all three of your opportunities... Let's just say, I hope you like your tailhole tightly filled and pounded deeply until you cum... Even if this happens, you'll get your three chances again tomorrow." She turned around, holding her hands behind her back "Are there any questions?" She asked smugly, staring. "Nrrrgh!" I exclaimed. "Well then," she turned around to me, grinning evilly, "Let us begin."

My captor definitely didn't plan to take it easy on me. She reattached my blinds and started her game of teasing. She didn't do anything for a few moments, so I had some time to take in what was going on. The first thing that crossed my mind was, "What if Syraph finds out I'm missing?" A few seconds after the thought, Kajatica told me, almost as if she read my mind, "Don't worry about your mate finding out either. I attached a little something to her that will keep her nourished, but asleep, and she'll have no idea of what happened. You can take it off of her when you get back. Though, I won't lie, I still love you, Don, and I only wish the best for you. If you're here for a month, I'll let you go. I will have had my fun by then anyhow." She stopped for a moment, coming up behind me and breathing on my neck for few seconds, "Speaking of fun..." she said, giving me a gentle, yet sharp spank under my tail, "I figure we should get started." I flinched a bit when I felt her hand touch me, but it actually made me hornier somehow. I was never into pain whatsoever, but for whatever reason, feeling someone other than Syraph do it was quite exciting. Before I could completely absorb what had just happened, I felt her soft tongue sliding up my chest, then up to my neck. She licked my face a few times, and then slid her tongue past my gag, touching my tongue again. After inspecting the inside of my maw with her forked tongue, she pulled away, then worked her way down to my chest, sliding her tongue underneath my harness and licking up and down for a few inches. Over time, she worked her way lower on me, keeping her hand around my cock the whole time, giving me a gentle squeeze every now and then. Occasionally she would stroke me with a loose grip, but quickly. Her slick leather glove felt amazing rubbing on my exposed shaft, sliding up and off my tip over and over. She eventually made it down to my waistline, about where my belt was. She ceased the licking for a few moments, looking at my exposed dragonhood in front of her, examining what she could see. "It's been a while since I've seen you this close up, Don" she said with a chuckle of excitement and deviousness. "Mmmmf!" was all I could mutter before the feeling on my shaft changed. I felt a soft lick start at my base and slowly creep toward my tip. This was making me incredibly horny and needy already. I wasn't too close to orgasm yet, but at this rate, it wouldn't be that long. Kajatica had an advantage that not many would have if they had done the same thing she did: She'd been a good friend in the past, so I didn't feel totally out of place whenever she did anything to me. This was going to make not cumming quite a trick, especially if she was barely trying yet. Even being her prisoner, I felt rather at ease. She made it down to my tip at last, wrapping her tongue around me and sliding it on and off my tip. I thrust forward in natural reaction to the stimulation, causing her tongue to slide down the underside of my shaft. I tried to throw my head back in pleasure when I felt it, but the gag, which was chained to my collar kept my head in place. "Now, now love, don't get too excited. I haven't gotten to the best part yet..." she said, before opening her powerful maw and closing it over my dragonhood, completely hiding it. "Grrrmph!" I cried out, expecting some intense pleasure in the moments to come, and I was right to think that...

Shortly after Kajatica gently closed her maw over my cock, I started feeling all the pleasure I'd imagined in the moments before. As her warm breath heated my shaft to a very warm temperature, I could feel her finding her way around my base with her tongue. She once again worked her way up toward my tip, slowly but forking her tongue around me so it simulated two fingers squeezing my shaft softly as she moved away from my base. "Mmmph! Errrrgh!" I cried out in pleasure, feeling the gentle stroking with her tongue. When she finally made it to my tip, she slowed her movement for a time, circling my tip with her tongue for a few moments. I tried to remain as quiet as I could; clenching my muscles tight as I was at the mercy of her teasing forked tongue. She paused briefly, and then split her tongue again. This time, wrapping one half tight around my shaft right before my tip, and using the other to tickle my hole. The combination of the two would be enough to make me cum quite quickly if she'd kept it up, but luckily she would let the tension wear off every few seconds. A few times, she even folded her tongue into a thin shape and entered my tip, flicking her tongue around very slightly. This would have only taken a few seconds to make me orgasm, even had I not been teased beforehand. "NRRGH!" I screamed behind my gag, only to be ignored and denied ever more. After a couple minutes of her heavy teasing, she pulled away from my cock, standing up and looking me in the eye, "Hope you're having fun, love. Just don't have too much, unless you want to stay a while." "Mmmmf..." I sighed in relief as the stimulation had stopped for a few seconds. She looked back down, grabbing my shaft again with her leather-clad claw. "You're all mine, Don... Even if it's just for now, you're helplessly bound to do whatever I want, and you know you're enjoying it too. Sure, you could do this with Syraph every night of your life, but how many times out of that would you actually be a slave, hmm?" She said as she held her claw near the end of my cock, using her thumb to massage my tip even more. I knew, just from what she had done already, that she was going to give me one of the most strenuous workouts I've ever experienced.

I struggled a little bit in my restraints, but I could only manage to move my midsection outward a little. She must have set the restraints up this way on purpose, seeing as how she wanted me to thrust out at her when given the chance. She looked up at me after the movement and smiled, "Did I mention if you orgasm while I'm teasing you, you'll be wearing a cockring and a chastity plate for a few hours? I figure if you go off that easily, why should I have to risk that happening every time I wrap my tongue around you?" She asked with a devious grin across her face. I tried my best to nod my head and indicate I understood her warning. "Mhm, mhm!" I muttered through my gag. "Good, now let's see if you can hold up your end" she said, starting to massage the tip of my cock again. I thought to myself at that moment, "At least I have years of experience with denial, and a pretty good level of toleration. This shouldn't prove too hard, given that..." After a few moments, she stopped massaging my tip, stood up, and wrapped her arms and wings around me tightly. At first it felt like a tight hug, but over time, she kept squeezing me harder and harder until I couldn't even breathe for a few minutes. To make me even hornier, she even started grinding against me, rubbing her slick black leather against my scales. The feeling made me almost shiver out of pure amazement; being pinned up against her smooth body and squeezed unbelievably tight by her huge strength. About a minute after she started constricting around me, she loosened her embrace for a few moments and climbed up on me a bit, so my muzzle would be at her chest. After licking across my face once, she pulled my face into her chest, unzipping her leather jacket about half-way and wrapped it around my maw and nostrils, not allowing me to breathe. Being immensely turned on by now, I wouldn't be able to hold it for that long, but I knew from past experiences that Kajatica was great at breath play, much like Syraph. My voice was now more muffled than before; almost to complete silence. I knew I would have to struggle and roar loudly to get Kajatica's attention now. I held my breath for a surprisingly long time before I started to feel that crushing need for air. I started to struggle a bit, groaning through my gag and the leather jacket that was pulled over my muzzle. I knew I got my point across to her, struggling as hard as I was, though she didn't let up. I began to let out desperate moans for air, tugging against my restraints hard, only hearing her laughs and feeling her head rub against mine softly. A few more moments of desperate struggling and she finally pulled away, allowing me some fresh air. Shortly after releasing me, she put her head close to mine and whispered, "That's my good dragon... But don't think you're out of the woods just yet; I've yet to get to the 'main course.'" I was panting heavily, and the thought of not having endured her best yet didn't help my case.

Kajatica had been teasing me for twenty minutes now, but for a moment, she took a break and whispered to me, "Here's your first chance..." I knew she was giving me my first opportunity, so I got into position and prepared myself. I heard the chiming of a belt buckle coming loose and the arousing squeal of tight leather before she explained: "Now, like I told you: just thrust out and try to penetrate me a bit." I didn't realize I had to do this blindfolded, but evidently Kajatica intended to make it as interesting as possible. I did as I was told, both now and earlier, thrusting outward in hopes of hitting her dead center. The first time I only managed to touch the outer side of her right leg, though I felt it about two inches past my tip, so I knew she was within range at least. I recalculated my angle and turned my next thrust about ten inches to the left. This time I felt both of her legs, but also some room above where I hit. I was a bit low on my second try, so I rose up a bit more, thrusting out again. This time, I only felt leather slide against my tip, but it gave away a tad bit, so I figured I had the right spot, but she must have been covering it with something. "Oh no big boy; you're gonna have to work for it if you want it..." She muttered. My heart started racing a bit, thinking of what she could have done to cover her sex. I kept thrusting and hitting the same leather-covered spot. About seven more pointless thrusts and I heard something I didn't hear in the attempts before- the sound of Velcro coming undone. Immediately I figured she had just blocked herself slightly with a Velcro-connected leather piece. "Time's almost up, Don. Better make it count!" she exclaimed. I took her advice, pulling back and forcing myself forward with as much strength as I could muster with the restraints in place. I finally made it past the Velcro blockade and felt the warm presence I'd been hoping for. She congratulated me, "Well done. I'll take that." I was finally getting my chance to mate with her like she explained earlier. Even if this wasn't how I'd prefer to escape, it was a step in the right direction.

Having finally earned my chance to score my first point, Kajatica came up behind me, buckling some leather mitts over my claws and unhooking my shackles holding my arms and legs in place. She left my blinds and gag in place, but I could stretch for a few moments before I began to mate with her. "Just so you have a little break from standing, we're going to mate Western Draconic style, so I'm on all fours, and you're on top" she said, gripping my bound hands gently and directing me to kneel down for a moment while she got into position. I waited patiently on my knees until she was ready. Only a few seconds went by before she coiled her tail around my neck softly, pulling me down onto her back. "Alright, just back up and push forward again, and you should be right on target" she instructed. I did as I was told, backing up a couple feet and pressing forward slowly, and as she guessed: I felt her warm slit at my tip. I waited a couple seconds, thinking about how fast my thrust rate should be and how hard I should go. After deciding my speed and strength, I slowly pressed my tip into her warm opening, followed by the rest of my length. She let out a deep sight of pleasure as the last few inches of my shaft entered. "I'll admit, Don: I've missed that feeling. It's been too long..." She muttered quietly. "Grrrmph, nrrrgh" I mumbled past my large gag, getting ready to start thrusting away at her. After taking a few moments to breathe and preparing myself for the next thirty solid minutes of orgasm-less pounding, I wrapped my arms around her leather-clad body and started riding. She didn't seem too tight, so at least it wasn't too bad going at a slow speed with her.

As I began my thirty minute session of bound pleasure, Kajatica seemed far more relaxed than I did; most likely due to the fact that she knew she was in complete control, even if I was on top. She still let out the occasional sigh of pleasure as I kept thrust deep into her. She took a moment to clarify one point: "In case I didn't explain well enough earlier: when I said you had to hold a consistent speed the whole time, that's just to the thirty minute mark. You can go as fast as you wish after that. Although, say you were about to reach the edge as the thirty minute mark came up. If you speed up right before you cum, like everyone and everything does, and you cum after the thirty minute mark, that still counts. So, plan carefully, hehe..." "Mhm..." I muttered in understanding. The first five minutes of mating were generally quite easy to stay far away from the edge, however, after a few minutes, Kajatica decided to make things slightly more interesting. She clenched her hip muscles, making herself much tighter for me. The feeling was much better than before, but seeing as I had about twenty-five minutes to go, I didn't know if I could last the rest of the time with her new tightness. Luckily for me she only kept it up for a minute before letting out a deep sigh and releasing her muscles. "How you holdin' out, big boy?" She asked, with a teasing gleam in her eye and a sinister smile cracked across her face. "Nrrrgh" I calmly muttered, telling her I wasn't quite near climax yet. "That's what I like to hear, my slave... Now don't get distracted; wouldn't want to spend another three days with me, would you?" She warned. I continued to ride her for another five minutes or so before she tensed up her muscles again, but this time, she clenched even tighter, causing my every thrust to explode with pleasure. I knew this would do me in very soon if she didn't let up. I could feel the edge coming fast, but again, she only kept her muscles tensed for about a minute. When she let off, the tension drained away slowly, even as I kept riding her and a constant speed. I let out a deep sigh through my gag after she relaxed her muscles, thankful she gave me some relief. Now my only wish was that she didn't do it again for a while. If she tightened up again, and tighter than last time, I don't know if I would last a full minute. Luckily, I made it to twenty-five minutes without her tensing up again. At this point, she was panting heavily, as if she was almost to the point of climaxing herself. She gave me a slight warning before the thirty minute mark, "You better hope you don't make me cum before the thirty minute mark too. I wouldn't punish you for it, but if I climax, not only will I tense up much tighter than before, but that hole you had to get your shaft through will close up around you and start stimulating you with high-powered vibrations. You wouldn't last twenty seconds if that happened, so you may want to ease up a bit." I grew slightly nervous, yet excited to see how the next five minutes would work out. I lightened my thrusting strength a bit, yet maintaining my rather slow speed. I was getting close to the edge, along with Kajatica, by the sound of it. We were both letting out moans of pleasure as we got closer to edge by the minute. At long last, the thirty minute mark had passed, and with anticipation, Kajatica yelled out, "Okay, you pass this time. Give me all you got, Don!" Gladly doing as I was told, I began to thrust harder and faster, moaning with pleasure along with her. I was about to get the long-needed orgasm I'd been squirming for, for the past hour, and judging by Kajatica's last comment, she'd been wanting one as well.

As we mated for the final seconds before finishing the deal, I felt Kajatica's leather suit do exactly as she said it would. As I was deep inside her, I felt the leather cover I had to push my way through press up against my shaft and start vibrating. The vibration almost felt like being zapped with a gentle arc directly on the most sensitive spot, but not enough to hurt. As soon as I started receiving this stimulation, I immediately increased my speed and strength as much as I could muster. We both moaned several times with extreme pleasure for the last few seconds. I completely forgot about my gag and blinds at the moment, but all I consciously felt was Kajatica's tail wrap around my midsection and pull me into her even harder in perfect time with every thrust. Adding more power and speed only helped me, and within fifteen thrusts after she put her tail to use, we both came with nearly perfect synchronization and power. "NRRRRGHHH! I roared through my gag, tensing my whole body up and gripping Kajatica as tightly as I could manage with my bound hands. She too roared out in nirvana, "OH GOD YES! I've missed this feeling so much, Don!" Only focusing on the pure pleasure, I just kept thrusting as hard as I could, trying to keep the moment alive as long as possible. She even moved opposite me so we crashed into each other even harder with every effort. We enjoyed this passionate moment for probably half a minute, give or take ten or so seconds. After the massive orgasm was over, we both fell limp. I was on top of her, still inside her and too tired to pull out. She slowly got up, taking off my blinds and gag for a while. I was relieved to have some of my sensory back. "You have no clue how much I've missed that feeling, Don. Truly, you've done me a favor with this one time" She told me, smiling and caressing my chin in her leather-clad claw. "It's been quite a while, hasn't it, my old love?" I responded. "Too long, my old friend, too long..." She said, with a sigh of longing. We hugged for a few minutes, remembering all the good and fun times we had together. Backing up slowly, Kajatica licked up my neck, around my face and to my mouth, going into a passionate kiss. I closed my eyes, moving my tongue deep into her mouth, wrapping it around her tongue and flicking both tips around excitedly. Fifteen minutes of locking tongues, and we finally and reluctantly pulled apart, standing up and staring into each other's eyes. After a few moments, she said, "Well, this has been fun. But don't think it's even near over yet... Judging by how long it's been since you woke up, I'm guessing it's about 2 A.M. by now. I figure you should get some rest, because we've got a long day tomorrow..."

Soon after, Kajatica reattached my gag, then, holding my collar, she guided me over to a small closet, from which she pulled out a heavy-leather straightjacket. "Mmmph!" I muttered in excitement and curiosity as she started unhooking the buckles and getting the jacket ready. She told me with a hint of deviousness in her voice, "I'm just making sure you'll be comfortable in the place you'll be until a couple days from now." My eyes opened wide, curious as to what she was planning now. "Nrrrgh?" I tried to question her. "Let's just say, you won't be getting any chances tomorrow. As far as I'm concerned, a minimum of three days with you wouldn't be quite satisfying, and so every time you earn a point, you'll have to wait a day before I give you another chance" She explained with a chuckle in her voice. When she was done explaining, she pulled the jacket over my head like a shirt and fastened it into place. She slid my bound hands into the closed-sleeves and buckled them up, following by partially undoing my belt and feeding it through some loops on the bottom of the jacket, and finally buckling the built-in collar around my own, securing it in place and rendering me helpless from the waist up. "Hehe, you're looking quite good, Don. I might just keep you 'comfortable' while you're waiting" She told me, looking into my eye with a naughty glare. After securing my upper body, she pulled my blindfold over my eyes again, wrapping her tail around the base of mine and leading me blindly to a new place.

When we arrived where Kajatica wanted me to go, she turned me around next to, what I'm guessing, was a long table, designed to support a body. She had me lie down on the table, but I didn't feel anything hard like wood or metal; I felt leather, very thick leather. It almost felt like a cushion being as soft as it was for its thickness. It took me a moment or two, but I realized she didn't have me lie down on a leather-covered table... I was lying helplessly on an unzipped sleepsack. I felt her undo my straightjacket partially and let my arms fall to my sides. Before long, I heard her whisper to me, "Struggle all you want. It'll only make you hornier..." And with that, she slipped my arms into the internal sleeves of the leather bag and locked two straps over my shoulders, holding them in place. She followed up by strapping my feet together, then zipping up the sack from my feet, stopping at my neck for a few moments, and then pulling a thick leather hood over my head and locking it in place with a heavy buckle. She zipped the sack up the rest of the way so it overlapped the hood and locked into place with yet even more straps, forming an air-tight seal. The hood she'd put on me had a tube for breathing, but the eyeholes and nostrils were covered. Once Kajatica had me completely covered, she tightened three more belts around my chest, waist, and legs, rendering the bag even tighter and more binding. "Mmmh, nrrrgh!" I cried out in excitement. She unzipped the bag near my feet, undoing the belts and restraints where necessary, and zipped up each leg individually, attaching a spreader-bar right above my ankles. I was still just as bound as before, but more vulnerable now. Kajatica stood between my legs, resting on my belly and putting one claw over where my dragonhood showed through the thick bag. She said, "Well, don't worry about getting bored, my love. I intend to keep you quite entertained..." "Mmmph!" I yelped in excitement and nervousness. Right about then, I felt something somewhat soft touch around my tailhole a bit, before pressing its way in slowly. I let out a sigh of slight pleasure as it worked its way in, "Mmmmmmmh..." She must have been using a strap on, but either way, it wasn't too large next to some of the toys Syraph and I had played with in the past. "I hope you don't mind being here for a while. I think you look amazing in that..." She said under her breath. I started breathing faster as I grew extremely aroused and slightly nervous. "Now that I've got your full attention, I might as well come clean... I've known about the little "game" you and Syraph have where you hunt animals for control of the playroom. I personally don't have anything against it; in fact, it's quite a unique idea, and a good one at that. However, since you're listening, I think I'll just drop the mystery. I've wanted to introduce you to another game of mine. Well, it's more or less a game, but it's something I've been planning for a few years now. Just recently I've polished off all the details, but I assure you of one thing: You're going to play, whether you want to or not..." I didn't know what the mysterious dragoness had in store for me, but it seemed I was going to find out...

The Dragonatrix Proposition (Part 2: Revelations)

~The Dragonatrix Proposition~ Kajatica had me right where she wanted me now, unable to even thrust at her much and kept quieter by the thick leather hood locked onto my head. The hood reminded me somewhat of the breathplay hood at our cave, but its...

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Alone In Darkness (Part 2: His Offering)

His Offering Syraph was due back in one more day from her mini-vacation. Seeing as how I had already cleaned the cave, had a visitor, gone hunting several times, and just filled up on food for the day, I was left to do whatever I pleased. After...

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A Well Made Mistake (Part 2)

** A Well Made Mistake** **Part II** Xeino seemed to be more nervous than I was. I expected as much, being his first time that I am aware of. Syraph must have noticed this as well; she was consistently looking over at him with her typical devious...

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