The Dragonatrix Proposition (Part 2: Revelations)

Story by DiablodonWrath on SoFurry

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#2 of The Dragonatrix Proposition

IT'S FINALLY HERE! After, what, 4 months of screwing around? Yes, it's done! XD

As it turns out, this is only going to be a 2-part story, and this is the second of the two, so enjoy! ^.=.^

(PS: Don't ask about the picture. It was drawn in Photoshop before I got a tablet, so it kinda sucks.)

Diablodon & Syraph © Me

Kajatica © Kajatica

~The Dragonatrix Proposition~

Kajatica had me right where she wanted me now, unable to even thrust at her much and kept quieter by the thick leather hood locked onto my head. The hood reminded me somewhat of the breathplay hood at our cave, but its design was slightly different. It had openings for the nostrils and eyes, but they were both covered. It had a long rubber tube for breathing, so it was my only access to air for the time. As Kajatica filled my tailhole with a large strap-on, I could feel her grab the breathing tube with one claw. I got slightly nervous, curious of what she was planning on doing next. She occasionally squeezed the end of the tube off, cutting off my access to air. This made me both nervous and extremely excited. After a few minutes of enjoying my tailhole, she spoke, "Well, you're in no place to ignore me, so I'll come clean about my plans." I listened intently, unable to do otherwise. She continued, "Like I mentioned earlier, I've known about the little game between you and Syraph for a while now. I know how you're actually quite dominant by nature, and how you and Syraph keep each other entertained by switching off positions every now and then. If you must know my plan, I'm going to change how you feel about being dominant. What will this accomplish, you ask? Well, as far as I know, Syraph likes to be the submissive one sometimes, but if you have to fight for that position, she might grow bored with it eventually. In a nutshell, if you and Syraph get bored with each other... You know who else will always be perfectly happy to take you back as a mate, and maybe, if your attitude works out as I'm planning, a well-respected slave." I let out a quiet "Nrrrgh" as her plans finally started making sense. She was basically trying to drive Syraph away from me so I'd have to go back to her. Right as she finished elaborating on her ideas, she pressed up against my tailhole again with the large strap-on. I let out a few muffled growls and moans as I was both irritated with my situation and pleasured by her constant grinding. I knew she wouldn't let me go any time, so I had to just enjoy the ride while it lasted.

Even in my annoyance, despite having realized the situation I was actually in, I was still extremely turned on, being bound so helplessly. I could my submissive side at a stalemate with my dominant side, but for how long, I did not know. If Kajatica kept trying to break my spirit, I was afraid I'd eventually lose my desire to fight my submissive side. I stayed headstrong about retaining my dominant nature as long as she had me here; but even so, I was greatly enjoying my time here. The large strap-on grinding away at my G-spot and the tight embrace of the sleepsack were keeping me both hard and horny, yet unable to orgasm by myself. I was at her mercy, which she took definite advantage of. As far as I could tell, she was enjoying pounding my tailhole quite a bit herself, by the sounds she was making. The strap-on must have been double-sided, for her to have been in such pleasure just using a toy. I was sure I wouldn't cum from just her grinding at my tail, though she had her hand on top of the sleepsack where my shaft was to speed things up a bit. She was concentrating more on her grinding than trying to keep me stimulated. Occasionally she would give me a firm squeeze to keep my attention, and every time, I would try to thrust up in natural response. A little while in, she pinched off the breathing tube, blocking my access to air. I wasn't expecting to have my air supply cut off, so I didn't have a chance to prepare. The fact she was keeping me rather excited by stroking and pounding away at me didn't help my case either; I was only going to need air sooner, having not been given any time to ready myself. "Mmmph!" I cried out in surprise when the fresh air stopped. After a few seconds, I noticed there was still a little of my breath in between where Kajatica's hand was, and my maw. I could still re-inhale this much, but it didn't serve any good but to make me even more desperate for fresh air as it heated up the inside of the thick leather hood. In my surprise, I heard her saying, in a seductive voice, "Oh Don, how I love seeing you struggle like this; so helpless, vulnerable, defeated. Would I be right to say it whets your appetite as well as my own?" I could only further prove her point by struggling and letting out cries of defeat, so I tried to remain as quiet as possible. I had a plan, and I was going to do my best to stick to it, but for the time, I let her believe what she wanted by struggling and fighting her, even though I knew, soon enough, I would be the one in control...

A few hours after locking me in the leather bag, Kajatica took the blinds off the hood, but left everything else on. Having been teased for hours on end now, I was extremely horny and needy, but had no chance to orgasm yet. She eventually took a break from pounding my tailhole and lay beside me for a bit. She would stare into my eyes with both an intimidating and loving glare, rubbing her claws over my belly, down to my tip, where she would apply a little pressure to keep me at full length. She grabbed one of the straps near my upper chest and lifted my front end off of the bed for a moment, sliding one of her wings underneath me and snuggled up closer. I could still only breathe through the tube attached to the hood, so she would tauntingly fiddle with it, occasionally pinching it off, but only for a few seconds at a time. Having both her wings wrapped so tightly around me, I felt as if the sleepsack I was tied into had a new layer on the outside. Occasionally, she would lick my muzzle with a very teasing swagger, closing her eyes. I would let out muffled growls and sighs of desire, only to be denied with a gentle stroking of her tail on my covered dragonhood; not nearly enough to bring forth what I truly wanted. Once, after teasingly licking up my muzzle, she brought the breathing tube in front of her maw and muttered, "Something tells me you're going to like this." She slowly clamped her mouth over the last few inches of the tube, moving it to the side of her cheek and pressing her tongue against the other side of it. I felt my air supply cut off once again, but this time was even more of a turn on, since I could see her seductive grin looking me in the eyes. Every now and then, she would take a deep breath through her nostrils, but she would often flaunt it, trying to make me more desperate. "Mrrrmph!" I moaned as she once again cut off my access to the outside air. She held a taunting look on her face almost the entire time she had me begging for air, but occasionally she exhaled through the tube, filling my lungs with her warm breath. I found this quite a turn on, but it didn't do too much to solve my problem. I could survive longer on her air than on none whatsoever, so I was in no place to complain - for more reasons than just that. This process continued for some time, before she actually sucked on the tube a bit, syphoning out some of what air I still had. Even though she was literally controlling my every breath, she did open her maw and let fresh oxygen flow into the tube sometimes. The expressions of pleasure she had scarred across her face the whole time she was in control of me were both intimidating and seductive, yet showed a hint of love and compassion. Again she held the end of the tube in her claw, closing off the airway and keeping me quiet and desperate. After a moment, she leaned over near my face and whispered, "You better fight for it, love..." My guess was she just wanted to see me struggle even more; to break my spirit. I played along; letting out all the muffled groans and roars she wanted to hear, even though most of them were just to appease her.

I fought Kajatica's rough teasing all throughout the day, squirming and moaning as she saw fit. I will happily admit I was quite turned on throughout most of her games, although, there was a missing element - Syraph. As what seemed like about 3 A.M. rolled around, she unstrapped the thick leather bag in which I was bound and slipped the binding mitts on my claws again, locking them in place and chaining them together behind my back. After getting me out of the sleepsack, she led me to the dungeon once more. On the way there, she whispered in my ear, "Your second chance is coming, hun." I grew quite excited at the thought, but it was short-lived, as the thought of her keeping me here until she "broke" me drowned out the thought of seeing my mate again in a day or so. We finally arrived at the dungeon where she chained me up again, much like the previous day. By the look of it, we were going to go for round two. She began by pressing herself up against me; her smooth leather pants grinding against my semi-hard dragonhood. From this, I realized she'd left that wretched chastity plate off this time, so I was free to give her more of a fight as she teased me. She also left the blindfold off, so I suppose she was feeling less strict with her bondage today. I saw her looking up at me as she rubbed against me; her eyes half-closed and mouth slightly open with her tongue lingering over the edge of her lower lip. The look in her eyes was dreamy and full of lust, but she kept her head level about teasing me as she admired my eyes as well. Putting her arms over my shoulders, she stood up and licked the end of my muzzle gently. If there was one thing she was good at doing, even not being my mate, it was making me feel loved and welcomed in her den. A few moments passed before her grinding ceased, following with her gently rubbing around my tailhole with the tip of her tail. It was a relaxing, calming feeling, and as she did this, I felt her hugging from me behind again. She wasn't squeezing as hard as she did the first day I was here, but she did put on the tease just as heavily. Her head rested next to mine as she gently rubbed my belly with her hands. I felt her breathe down my neck, keeping her tail wrapped around mine and gently massaging its underside the whole time. I was extremely turned on by all the sensation, but I figured if I tried to fight her, she might not be as gentle soon after.

Sure enough, after giving me a very heavy tease and making me extremely horny, Kajatica went on with her game, embracing me from behind and gently pressing the tip of her tail into my hole. She reached around my side, massaging near my base, drawing from me long moans of pleasure, though I still had a way to go before I reached orgasm. With her tail now about nine to ten inches inside me, the stimulation really raised the levels of pleasure I was getting from her stroking. She slowly thrust her tail in and out, wiggling the very end around to hit every good place. Eventually, she put her hand around my shaft and gently squeezed as she stroked, imitating a tight-sex feeling. I roared out several times while she was doing this, imagining many of the fantasies that have crossed my mind over the years. I'd thrust out in reaction to the pleasure as always, impatiently awaiting orgasm. "Whatever you're imagining there, you'd probably like me to be a part of, am I right?" she said as she pressed her hand against my base. "Nrrrgh!" I moaned through my gag as I felt the waves of lustiness hit me. All the intense pleasure I was feeling made me want to get out of my restraints and mate with her again, but it was useless to try now. Even though I'd broken out of several restraints in my own playroom in the past, Kajatica must have designed these just for me. Every time I even put any effort into pulling against them, they showed absolutely no sign of breaking. Of course, this only further excited me knowing I wouldn't be able to escape even if I tried. This even brought back a few memories of the incident when I trapped myself in the bondage chair in my own den. The combination of those memories only excited me even more. It seemed like everything that happened, by my choice or Kajatica's, only accelerated my lust and horniness, and was just going to get worse.

After another duration of Kajatica's teasing, she offered herself up once more for me. I caught onto what she was doing right away and quickly tried to please her. Being able to see helped quite a bit with finding my mark this time, and within seconds, I found my shaft pressing through her tight leather once more to find her waiting sex. She did, however, challenge me a little by tensing her muscles up underneath her tail to keep me at bay even more. Within a few attempts, I made it past her defenses and made contact with her. She looked back and grinned at me, removing my restraints soon after to allow me to get into position. She seemed as if she was just as anxious or more than I was. Soon after she let me out of my bonds, I mounted her just as she wanted me to. As she got on all-fours, I rested most of my weight on top of her, wrapping my arms around her at her chest. We both relaxed, eager to experience the pleasure we'd gone through earlier. She whispered as I was ready to start, "Forget keeping at a steady rhythm this time; give me everything you've got..." I positioned myself, slowly pressing my shaft deep into her tight sex. She lifted her head up in pure pleasure as my body rested against hers again, my dragonhood as far in as possible. We rested in this position for a few moments, enjoying the tranquility and peace of each other's company. Strangely enough, I felt at peace here, almost at home. At the moment though, all I know I wanted was to release what had been building for hours previous to now. I began to slowly bring my length out to thrust back in, biting down on her neck slightly; I couldn't wait any longer. After a few thrusts, I wrapped my tail around her back legs to add more leverage as I pressed myself into her. "Mmmph!" she cried out, lifting her head up in pleasure. She began clenching the leather cover underneath us with her claws. I could tell she was enjoying it even more than last time, and from this, I had a feeling I'd be having more of a fun time as well. It was hard to think straight in a state of such pleasure as I was in, but I started thinking about ways to escape from Kajatica before she had me bound up once more. As much fun as being here had been thus far, I knew I had to escape. I'd been imagining scenarios in my mind for a few minutes, letting my mind wander from the current situation. Soon enough, I had a plan I was going to try, but I had to finish mating with Kajatica before I was able to do anything.

I focused back on the current top priority, letting my mind and body relax, since Kajatica said I didn't have to hold a constant rhythm this time around. I pushed myself against her, my shaft sinking further into her warm body. Once again, I was all the way down past my knot, embracing her tightly as I felt her gyrating her hips under me slightly. I could feel both my own excitement and hers in the air around us at the time. Something told me that this time would be even more fun than last. One main thing different about this time is that I was completely unbound, so I was free to move as I wished. Taking advantage of this, I actually kept her rather immobile by keeping my tail coiled around her back legs tightly. It also helped me when thrusting into her, allowing me to go deeper and put more power into it than normally. After a few minutes, my slow movement turned into a normal-speed, typical thrusting rhythm for me. By the sound of it, Kajatica was enjoying it much as I was. A few times, I heard her moaning "Mmmmm...! Oh Don...!" and similar to herself. Oddly enough, even being mostly submissive, I did feel very right being in control of her for a change. She was definitely right when she said I had a dominant nature. Resting my head on her upper back, I gently bit down on her neck, wrapping my tongue half-way around it as well. I couldn't wait any longer to release what I'd been wanting for hours now, and I was going to do it, no matter the cost. Even if I was going to escape afterward, I had to take off some tension. Being as far from my own den as I could be, I wasn't sure if I could last the trip.

Finally having gotten into the main part of our next mating session, I sped up my rhythm a bit more, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment. We were both as relaxed as we could get at this point, feeling entirely content with our current positions. A few times, I heard Kajatica moaning and whimpering slightly, almost in a submissive tone. After ten minutes or so of good, hard riding, I could feel the edge drawing closer as time went on. At this point, she was panting quite heavily along with me. I saw her tongue hanging out of one side of her mouth and the occasional bead of drool fall from her lip. I'm sure I looked similar to this as well, but I didn't care to clean my lips of saliva at the time. About a minute before I was ready to climax, I saw her look back at me with her eyes half closed and tongue still showing slightly. She muttered with a tired, yet anxious voice, "Make me yours, Don!" This succeeded to further advance my arousal. That one sign of submission I'd almost been expecting had finally met mine ear. With those words going through my mind, my 'dominant' nature kicked in. I clenched onto her tightly, panting profusely as my breath heated. I put all I had into the last minute before I climaxed. Kajatica was already roaring with intense pleasure, and neither of us had our climax yet, although the wait wouldn't be long. I saw her claws digging into the very concrete floor as she clenched with pleasure. She twined her tail around mine, letting out the final ecstasy-filled moans before climaxing. I was as close as she was, so I let out a few last moans of pleasure before I came. At long last, we both let out roars of absolute nirvana as we came simultaneously. The dungeon lit up with the color of our combined fire as we roared out each other's names. Strangely, I would admit, it felt as good as it would have been with my own mate, Syraph. After a good, long minute or two of pure pleasure, we collapsed onto the floor, me on top of her. For a few moments, we lied sedentary, staying almost completely still as the tension continued to drain away. Soon enough, she struggled a little as if she wanted to roll over to face me. I lifted my weight off of her while she turned over, and then rested again on her front side. She closed her eyes again, offering her tongue out for me. I slowly inched my head toward hers, gradually closing my eyes as I got closer as well. Once close enough, our tongues wrapped around one another, pulling our maws together. I opened my maw so it could fit over hers sideways, allowing me to get my tongue even further into her mouth, as well as vice-versa. Still tightly in each other's embrace, we enjoyed the most passionate moment we'd yet experienced together. Our tongues danced like a blind couple; not totally aware of where one another was going, but in complete control, and just as passionate and loving as any other. I used the fork in my tongue to wrap around her tongue before her split, squeezing it slightly as she sucked on mine. Even being with someone I didn't know as well as my own mate, this was one of the most romantic and passionate moments I'd ever experienced. Our tongues tied around one another, much like the pattern on a candy-cane, holding our maws close together. After probably half an hour of exploring each other's maws, we finally ended our kiss and stood up, still in each other's embrace.

Kajatica stared into my eyes for a minute, and then said, "You know, Don, I think I've had a change in plans... I've definitely enjoyed the past two days more than any other time in my life, but I can tell you're not ready to leave your mate." I licked her muzzle affectionately, then muttered, "I think you're right, but I'll be honest: not every day do I get to have this much fun either. I guess it was just the surprising aspect of this whole thing." Smiling, she replied, "I'll remember this day always, but know this much: this won't be the last you see of me," as her smile turned into a devious grin. I smiled back at her, "Heh, likewise for me... My old love." She smiled at me once again, hugging me and locking tongues again for a brief few moments. Soon enough, she muttered with a laugh, "Well, you'd probably better get going. It's about 300 miles back to your den. Then again, that's what, forty seconds for you?" "Eh, more like thirty" I replied in a cocky tone. As I turned around to head for the exit, she slapped my rear under my tail. "Trust me, that won't be the last time I do that" she said as she winked at me. I looked back, hesitating for a moment, then said, licking my lips, "Hehe, I'm hoping not..." I slowly started walking toward the door once again as we waved a temporary farewell to each other, knowing our paths would cross again eventually. As I turned the corner to the spiral walkway up to the main part of her den, I turned my head to keep my eyes toward her as the last sight of her for the time came. I sighed deeply with both happiness and longing as I left to set out for my own den. As much fun as this had all been, I knew where I would be happiest. As I leapt up into the air and accelerated toward home, I was happy, knowing my mate would be safe in our den, but I still couldn't evade the feeling that the story of Kajatica and I was only beginning...

The Dragonatrix Proposition (Part 1: A New Game)

The Dragonatrix Proposition It was two hours after the sun had set. Syraph and I were just getting up from an intense love making session. We had both agreed we needed to back away from the kinkiness every once in a while. "No kinkiness or bondage of...

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