Joey's Powers Part three:Kari Had Crossed The line

Story by Drurken Monkey on SoFurry

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In this chapter, we find out how he get his powers and his breaking point

Last time on Joey's powers...

"A psychic says I'm a soothsayer, a sexual version. Well, it's practical... it's not like it's impossible... but still. Even though she say that I'm ok with the testing, I'm still going to see. If she's right I'll belief her with the rest but still... now I got to do more research..."


Knowing what he knows now, he decides to research as much as he could. since he was great in doing reports in general, it was easy to research. But since the subject is rare, sprietual, AND almost unheard of, he knew it was a challenge and it's going to take longer than usually expected.

After two and a half of searching, he hears a loud slam of the front door showing a mad hyena, huffing and puffing with rage and having a fit while stomping on the wooden floor.

"Having a great day, Kati?" He asked sarcasticly.

"DON'T!" She yelled. "... Just... Don't... Ok?" she said tired out. "i'm going to bow off some steam..."

She dropped her bags and gone to her room and changed into a her workout uniform when she was in the navy. then she walked to the workout room furiously.

He shured his shoulders and kept working. When it was sundown, he stopped and printed and saved what he had so far. Then, kati comes in...

"Will you get off there? you've been on there more for more than 4 hours and i want to get on sofurry!" She demanded.

"Is there something wrong with you saying please?" He asked

"I don't know... Will it hurt if i punch you in the gut?" She challenged at joey.

As he sighed, he took his thumb drive and papers, and went about to his room. He had his journal out and joted down a quick entry for himself and his most private book:

"I have researched for hours and i have a more understanding of what's happening. So far, i found out that this... this... 'vision' is in the family history. usually it hits puberity, but for me it hits me in my 20's... i guess guess it took longer because of my intrest... But, i'm tired so i must go to bed. Goodnight Journal. i hope it get easier from here..."

He close his book and slept peacefully, having his mind on ease and knowing he was... well... not in a major problem. He dreamed that he was back in high school and he was giving a speech of how his high school life was when he was there. and then he dreamed of donating 50,000 bucks to it and everyone was estatic with donation. But again, not even his dreams can go without interuption...

"Wake up, Joey!" As Kari yelled at him, she punched him in the gut and started to constantly slap him, he try to respond back in a real fight for the 1st time in his life by swinging a punch, even if she was a woman. Since she had training, she saw it coming and blocked it and vigerously beat his ass so badly, he threw up blood on his bed and past.

Hours later, he woke up on the floor with the sheets taked off of the bed. he still remebered what happend. then, all his other fights and bullying went flashing by his eyes, one... by one... by one... Then he decited he's not going to not take this anymore. he was different her, so how about about using it aignest her?

So he made a plan to get back at Kari. the thing that motivated was rage, revenge, and his inner dominance... After he was done, he decited to go see a person who can help out...

To Be Continued...

Joey's Powers Part two: Soothsayer Sees Some Squirting!

I dare anyone to say the title 3x fast... Enjoy. Last time on Joey's powers... "Ohhhhhh... fu-fuck meeeeeee.." He then relies some one was still here. "ok if this isn't real, no more carrot cake at the cake monster!" he thought. "Here it...

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Joey's Powers Part one: Sexual Sight

I wanted to do soemthing different from "behind the lens" and think of something different; something outside the box... and i ask myself a good question and what would happen and how will it be. so here it is from me to you. Oh and if your not...

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Chapter 3: A Fine French Foreigner

Chapter 3: A Fine French Foreigner Note: You might need to search up some stuff for this story. Also I replace the beginning letters "th" for the letter "z" to let you guys know that some of them can't speak English that well and to show their...

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