Nearly Forgotten

Story by Weyr_Wolf on SoFurry

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Sean found himself walking a hallway with no idea how he had gotten there. The smoke-stained walls and fluid-marred floors were somehow familiar though, and the man knew that he knew where he was. He was on the third floor of a bar, a place where normally, customers were not allowed to be. However, this bar was different. This bar was known for being haunted. And it was for this reason that Sean had been here before.

Sean had spent time in the past working with a group that investigated paranormal. They had been here before, and it was on this floor that things were always the worst. This was far more then a normal haunting, so Sean knew that anything and everything could happen. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem though. Sean had experienced a lot of unusual things, however, he had always managed to come out unscathed.

However, this time, there was a sense of trepidation as he walked the familiar hall. The group he had come here with before was absent. Instead of the comfort offered in numbers ranging from the teens to twenties, there was only one. And that one was Sean mentor. Though capable of taking care of herself, Sean couldn't help but worry for her safety, as well as his own. With no one else around, if something were to happen, there would be no reprieve. No one was around if an emergency should come up, and in this place, that was a very real concern.

However, Sean quickly noticed that this concern was not shared by his mentor. Oblivious of the danger surrounding them, she carried on with the conversation she was allegedly having with Sean. He was far too preoccupied, however, to have heard a word spoken thus far. Instead, he seemed to have a preference for allowing his eyes to roam wildly, his paranoid mind expecting anything and everything to occur all at once.

Suddenly, the mention of Anubis caught Sean's ear however, and immediately he turned towards his mentor. She was standing still, arms crossed over her chest as she waited patiently for him to say something. When she saw the look of utter confusion painting it's way across his face, she repeated what she had said earlier. Again, Sean was completely unable to discern anything other then the name Anubis. His mentor was speaking English, which much he knew; however, her words might as well have been spoken in an alien language. And slowly, realization began to dawn on the man.

This was a dream, it had to be. Simply realizing this seemed to put Sean's mind at east, even if he wasn't entirely certain that it was true. If this were a dream, then anything that might spring forth from the walls would be a figment of his imagination. Since figments of the imagination could only cause strife if allowed, then Sean knew that both he and his mentor were safe.

Sean's peace of mind was not to last however. Because with the realization, came the proof that this was nothing more then a dream. The walls of the hallway he had been walking down suddenly began to burn with the intensity of the sun. Blinded by the light, Sean was forced to his eyes behind his hand. Slowly, as his eyes began to grow accustomed to the sudden luminescence, Sean allowed his hand to fall. Instead of the familiar, stained walls and wooden floor, the man found himself walking down a sandy road, bordered by buildings of clay and mud. Turning to where his mentor had once been, one question burned in Sean's mind. However, the man realized that he would never get to ask it, for he stood alone in the middle of the road.

Slowly, the change of landscape spurred a change in mentality. The realization that maybe he was living a dream began to fade in Sean's mind, replaced by a sense of familiarity that preceded anything else the man had ever known. This was his village, nestled securely along side the Nile. All sense of anxiety was completely lost, as well as any notion that he was walking through the dreamscape, when Sean looked down at his clothes. Lightly colored robes, waving gently in the hot breeze adorned the man's body. Seeing them, Sean knew that everything was as it should be. He was properly attired, for today was the holiday that nobody celebrated anymore. He alone knew the relevance of today, despite the attempts of the priests to try and suppress the old ways.

Generations ago, today would have been marked by a sacrifice, and a feast to follow. Lightly colored robes would be worn to mark the occasion, while at dusk, a bonfire would be lit and thanks would be offered to the gods. And above all the other gods, Anubis would be offered praise. This was his holiday.

As time moved forward though, people stopped caring. Anubis became more associated with burial rites then with his truest domain; magic. The priests had attributed that to the other gods, as well as themselves, leaving Anubis a minor deity in the eyes of the populace. And minor deities received no recognition until they were needed.

Sean knew better though. This was the holiday that he waited for all year. There was something about the Jackal God that seemed to resonate with the man on a spiritual level. Priests of Anubis no longer existed, forcing Sean in to a role he rather despised. Being born to a family renowned for their priestly lineage, but having an affinity for an almost unworshipped god allowed for very few career opportunities other then temple clerk. So every day, Sean was forced to endure the travesty of being reminded that what he knew to be right had become taboo and unnecessary.

Initially, Sean had considered not even bothering to make his way to work today. He wanted nothing more then to spend today as he had spent the day every other year in his life; offering thanks to Anubis. However, today had been different. When he awoke, Sean had been met with words whispered softly in to his ear. There was no discernible source, however, the deep, resonating tone of voice told that they were spoken by a being of higher power then his own. So when they instructed Sean to go to work as per usual, the man had no choice but to listen. However, that did not mean that he would completely forgo all semblance of honoring the unhonored.

The light ritual robes would attract a lot of attention through out the day; that much was certain. Garments such as the ones Sean wore were reserved for the honoring of the Gods. And though so very few remained that actually offered Anubis any kind of heed, Sean could not bear the thought of going the day without wearing them. Yes, he would attract a lot of stares, but this was, as far as he was concerned, the single most important day of the year. Yes, he was going to work. No, he was not going to be able to offer a sacrifice come night fall, given his task-heavy schedule. But he was going to show Anubis that he would never be dismissed. No matter how badly he would stand out, Sean simply could not wear anything but the ritual robes.

Each step Sean took was with great effort. Plodding forward, the man managed to make it to the outer steps of the temple courtyard. There, the man hesitated once again; this time deciding that he would allow himself to be late to the records room. This was the day set aside to honor Anubis, and though he wore the robes, Sean felt as though this was not enough.

With an air of determination, Sean left the stone-lined path, and made his way back through the multitude of statues, seeking one out in particular. Hidden away, tucked out of sight from the path resided Anubis. Cast entirely of obsidian, the Jackal God had been reduced to hiding by his former worshippers. Shaking his head, Sean could not even begin to fathom how the statue had become cast aside. In and of itself, the work of stone was amazing. It towered over any who approached, to the point where it was speculated that it would take fifteen men standing on each others' shoulders to touch his muzzle. Every muscle was defined perfectly, and the face itself seemed as though it were completely capable of expression, should it see fit. In his left hand, Anubis held a golden ankh, using the loop as a hand hold, while in his right; he bore a staff as tall as him, with a dragon head topping it. Even if one forgot that this was supposed to be a representation of a god, they were still left with a sense of awe that would forever remain engraved in their mind.

With reverence in his heart and humility in mind, Sean slowly ascended the dais that the mammoth statue stood upon. With practiced ease, the man slowly lowered himself in to a kneeling position, placing his forehead directly between the feet of the great god. After his flesh had touched the cold stone, Sean slowly lifted himself back in to a more upright position, still resting on his knees. As his gaze swept upward, Sean couldn't help but suppress a shudder comprised of both exhilaration, as well as something else completely indiscernible to him.

Eventually, Sean's gaze managed to reach the face of the god before him. However, a feeling of inadequacy swept over the man, forcing his eyes to once again fall away from the visage of Anubis. Instead of speaking to the god as he intended, Sean focused on the platform before him, knowing his words would find their intended recipient regardless of where his eye line rested. With humbled softness, the man beseeched the god.

"Lord Anpu, your people have deserted you. This desert, which was once home to your worship, has become tainted with the ideologies of its residents. Instead of honoring you through the ancient ways, they honor themselves in new ways. These people have become overly decadent, and no longer can I stand to count myself among them..."

In an attempt to hide the tears that threatened to stain his face, Sean closed his eyes. The grief that dripped heavily from his words was only rivaled by the pain he felt in his heart for having to admit the travesty his own kind had created. However, Sean had begun speaking to the divine, and as a result, he could no longer hold anything back. Much like the Nile during the rainy season, words began to flood from his mouth before his mind had an opportunity to censor them.

"Even in their day to day lives, these people reject you. It isn't until their flesh begins to fail that they turn their focus in your direction. Instead of admired, you have become feared in their eyes. Their cowardice and self worship even prevents them from offering you your proper due once per year. They barely see you as secondary, choosing to forget just what it is you stand for. Even those that dwell within your dominion ignore your reign. And for you, my heart bleeds.

You chose not to honor me with the gifts you gave my fathers. Unlike those before me, I have no aptitude for the mystical arts. However, you have honored me with your presence as well as your guidance. And even without these most treasured of gifts, I would love you as I do now. Had you chosen to completely ignore me, the way that others ignore you, I would still offer you my undying gratitude. Though I may never be able to work magick, simply seeing its wonder would be enough to infatuate me with your splendor. I am your servant, as I have always been and will always be. And it is on this day, your day, that I do honor and thank you for everything you have deigned to give me.

I feel compelled, Mighty Anpu, to break tradition and on this most sacred of days, ask a favor of you. I beg your forgiveness for my impudence; however, I would not do such a thing if I did not believe that such was not completely necessary. On this day, when you walk amongst your children, I ask you bring punishment to those who have cast you aside. I beg you, please, remind them of just who it is that you are, and why it is that they need you. I myself have tried unsuccessfully, as you yourself know. My life's work has been to return you to your rightful glory, however, I am every bit as ignored as you are. So please, Lord Anpu, do what I could not. Remind these men just why it is that you deserve their honor and respect."

With his every emotion exposed and his heart laid bare before the statue, Sean heaved a sigh of relief. However, the emotional monologue was not without its costs. Weariness began to settle on the shoulders of Sean, causing doubt that he could even stand to race through his mind. Before he could even make an attempt to rise, however, the same, husky voice that had spoken to him upon awakening told the man simply, "Sleep."

With no mind to argue, Sean soon found himself sprawling out between the two feet of the statue. Even though his head was cradled in his arms, obscuring any and all light from impeding upon his rest, Sean could still see the figure of the statue towering over him in his mind. Only now, there seemed to be a grin of proud satisfaction stretched across what should have been a stoic muzzle.

Sean awoke suddenly from his slumber without any explanation as to why. There was a sense of urgency setting his every nerve ablaze with nervous anticipation. Fog settled quickly in on the man's mind, and as he rose, Sean wondered just why it was that he had decided to nap on a bare slab of stone in the midst of the temple courtyard. The man was certain that he was missing some key piece of information that would have been blatantly obvious to even the youngest children. However, obscurity had taken reign within the man's mind, and laboriously Sean began to wonder just what had taken place during his slumber. Noticing that the sky was painted with the reds and oranges of pre-dusk hues, Sean realized that he had slept the entire day away.

With a heavy sigh, he began to make his way out of the courtyard. Forgetting for the moment that he was missing something, Sean began to focus on the waist the day had been. He had been instructed to go on with his every day life, but the sleep had prevented that. What was more was that with sunset so near, he would not have time to offer even the most simple of offerings for the God Anubis.

Overcome by grief, Sean began to walk back towards his dwelling with his eyes cast to the ground before him. So consumed was he by shame, that Sean did not notice that the ground beneath him was beginning to tremble. Each step he took towards his home corresponded with a shudder offered by the world itself. Each stride closer was marked by a more intense tremor, until it reached the point where even Sean's engrossed mind could no longer ignore it.

When Sean finally realized that the earth itself was shaking, he stopped dead in his tracks. Holding his breath, the man waited what felt like an eternity, trying to ensure that he wasn't simply losing his mind. Time itself lost all semblance of meaning, as the seconds dragged out in to what felt like days. Even the beat of his racing heart, thundering powerfully in his ears seemed to take an eternity. The time between beats began to grow longer and longer, until it reached the point where Sean began to wonder as to whether or not he was still alive. Time no longer had any meaning.

Just as certainty that his mental faculties were fleeing began to settle, Sean felt the ground shudder again. The first emotion to wash through the man's mind was relief. However, this was immediately replaced by panic. As far as Sean knew, nothing like this had ever happened, causing him to begin to become very concerned for his own safety.

A chance glance skyward revealed to Sean the source of the noise. What was intended to be a prayer for salvation from Anubis quickly became an exclamation of anguish. Suddenly, the part that had been missing from the man's mind came hurtling back, slamming in to the forefront of his mind; furthering his state of panic. Outlined against the setting sun in the west was the statue, but now, it was moving. Against the red rays of diminishing sunlight, the Jackal God was painted in a whole new way. What had once been reflective stone had been replaced by a more foreboding vision. The final rays of light were being pulled in to the flesh of the giant jackal, leaving no doubt that the behemoth was covered in fur.

Just as the ramifications of what Sean saw before him began to sink in, the rest of the village was having the same realization. Terror spread like locusts, enveloping the entire population in an uproar of screams. Suddenly, the streets were filled with fleeing, writhing bodies, each trying to make their way to one place and one place only. The temple square. It was the only place that anyone could think of that might offer some salvation from the giant jackal about to bear down upon them all. And as the bodies began to pound against Sean, driving him back towards where he had just come from, the man realized that they had completely forgotten just who this was. Everyone in the village was going to the religious center, completely oblivious to the fact that they were going to be requesting salvation of the gods who weren't here, as opposed to the one who was.

Finally, Sean managed to free himself from the tide of people before he was swept in to the temple. Here, Osiris was worshipped, and here, Osiris was being sought for help. Standing beside the temple stairs, Sean realized that the other temples were filling just as quickly as the one dedicated to Osiris. Throughout the square, pleas were rising to Isis, Ra, Bast, as well as some of the Roman gods whom Sean had never even bothered to learn. However, not a single person in the entire population sought aid from Anubis; the god waiting outside the village itself, simply making his presence known.

Shaking his head slowly, Sean began to make his way to the only place he could even consider going. A temple had never been built for Anubis, so the man returned to the empty stone slab he has awoken on.

Just as Sean arrived at the only place where worship could be offered to Anubis, the man beheld a horrendous site. Angered by his rejection from the people he had cultivated through the generations, a hideous snarl began to form on the muzzle of the Jackal God. Infuriated to see what he had heard from his only remaining worshipper, Anubis took action. In a flurry of movement that shook the earth out from any that were standing, the angered god tore through the village, smashing everything in his way. An ominous, ear-shattering growl deafened more then half the citizens as Anubis made his way towards the temple square.

Once there, the true brunt of the god's anger was felt. Giant arms, backed by an extremely muscled body began making short work of the temples offered to the other gods. Each strike, kick and shoulder was placed with malicious intent, causing the structure to collapse inward, showering those with the stones that would bring their demise.

Some of the citizens were lucky enough to have seen the first temple fall. In this, they found the realization that there was only one place for them to be, where Sean now stood. This proved to do little for those already in a temple, however, as the murderous vengeance of Anubis was far too efficient to allow people to change their minds.

However, not everyone who lived in the village had made it to the alleged security offered by a temple. They were the ones who survived the initial attack. And as the angered god paused after leveling the last of the buildings, they made their way as quickly as possible to the stone slab that the statue had once claimed as residence. They all knew who Sean was as soon as they saw him, and instead of turning to the god for aid, they turned to the man.

Sean suddenly found himself both dazed and confused. There was only a fraction of the village surrounding him, however, this proved to be a great deal of voices. Each voice begged and pleaded with the man, asking him to beseech Anubis for his mercy. However, Sean was far too overwhelmed to do anything other then look over the panicked faces surrounding him. With a pleading look on his face, Sean turned to the only source he had ever turned for real answers. Anubis. This time, the question was not asked verbally or mentally. There was no question to ask. Sean was far too confused to form a cohesive thought. But when Anubis turned to look at the crowd around Sean, the god seemed to understand. A light nod was offered from the god, and instantly relief washed over Sean. He knew that the will of Anubis would be seen through. The man knew better then to question the god, however, he couldn't stop those around him from weighing on his mind.

Slowly, Anubis began to move forward, taking careful steps towards what had once been his resting place. As the canine god approached, the people surrounding Sean began to pack tighter and tighter, all dropping to their knees before the colossus. Only Sean remained standing, his mind too at ease to really be aware of what was going on. The muzzle of Anubis began to move, and instantly Sean knew that it was the voice that had spoken to him twice already that day. The words were directed at Sean, however, crowd took the deep, husky speech to be a sign that they had been forgiven.

"You have served me well indeed. I could not ask for any more loyal then you. While others turned to other gods, you remained loyal. I am not saying that my siblings do not deserve worship. However, I was the one that guided you here. I was the one that ensured your ancestors would survive in this land. I guided them, as I have guided you. And you have never once questioned me. You have never been doubted, and you have never ceased to trust me. You endured a test far harder then any should have to. You have endured the test of your faith, against the faiths of family and friends."

Sean couldn't help but swell with pride at the recognition of what he had done. The one being he had always strived to serve was rewarding him with praise. Never had the man thought that he would receive such a thing. The crowd around him began to cheer in exaltation. Not because they too were proud of the only man who had overcome such a challenge, but rather, because they were convinced that these words were directed to all of them.

Suddenly, the final wrath of Anubis descended upon the crowd without even the slightest warning. Still packed together, the entire mass of people was an easy target. With a great leap that was mistaken as ascension in to the sky realm, Anubis leapt in to the air. The cheers that followed the great god in to the air quickly turned in to screams of terror renewed. Accuracy only able to be achieved by a being of divinity brought the feet upon the huddled mass.

Struck dumbfounded, Sean could only remain motionless as he watched the shadow of Anubis descend upon him and those surrounding him. In the waning light, the god seemed to give off a faint glow of his own, allowing the man to see every detail of the great soles that blocked his vision. Again, time seemed to slow down, allowing the man a chance to appreciate every finite detail of the death quickly rushing towards him. The feet were shaped like his own, like any human's feet. They were long, but not without a respectable width. There were five toes placed exactly where his own toes were on his foot, their lengths a mirror of his own. However, that was where the similarities ended. Instead of flesh covering the giant feet, there was nothing but fur. At the end of his toes, instead of trimmed nails, there were long, black claws, sharp enough to tear through anything without even the slightest of resistance. Where the heel and ball of the foot should have been were roughly textured pads, reminding Sean that this being was as much human as he was jackal. The man watched as muscles the size of his arm, miniscule when compared to the feet they were a part of, twitched in eager anticipation. Awe-struck, Sean watched as even the toes splayed outwards, making sure that even should anyone try to escape, they would be caught.

With death bearing down on him from above, Sean could only close his eyes and sigh a breath of relief. Yes, he would be dead shortly, crushed beneath the heavy weight of a god, however, it was his god. This was Anpu, the same being that had made sure his delight in Sean was well known. And resigning himself to his fate, Sean prepared for the all-to-brief feeling of being killed by his own god. And there was something about that thought that offered far more comfort to the man then anything else ever could.

Expecting to feel first fur, and then nothing, Sean was caught completely by surprise when the sound of bodies crunching overwhelmed him instead, followed immediately by an eruption of warm, stick liquid in such mass that it threatened to drown the man. Hesitantly, Sean opened his eyes, coughing up the fluid that had risen around him. A sea of black fur stained with crimson surrounded the man on all sides. At the last moment, the feet of Anubis had parted just enough to allow for one survivor. The one who had remained diligent.

Slowly Sean began to lift his gaze, following the contours of the fur-clad body up to the jackal head. There, he met the gaze of Anubis, who bore a playful smile upon his muzzle. Playful or not, this was his god in the flesh, and Sean instantly felt as though he were unworthy to make eye contact with such a being. Instantly, Sean's eyes dropped back towards the ground, finding instead the furred feet that surrounded him. The blood from the crushed bodies was already beginning to vanish, becoming absorbed by the god's flesh. Without warning, Anubis spoke, a hint of amusement evident in his deep voice.

"What will it take, little human, for you to realize that you are indeed worthy to look upon my face? I know you far better then you know yourself. I have known your plights as well as your successes. I have been there, right beside you your entire life, and you have always known that. I know the deepest, darkest thoughts that you harbor in your mind. Your feelings are as available to me as water is from the Nile. There is nothing you have hidden from me, and for everything that you are, think and feel, I have spared you. You have shown me the greatest of love, and in return, you have the same from me. And yet, you still refuse to look upon my face."

As the words echoed through Sean's mind, one guilty pleasure bubbled to the surface. Instantly, the man had to focus on the horizon, simply to remove his gaze from the feet of Anubis. This was met by hearty chuckle that seemed to surround the man, followed by, "Yes, even those thoughts I am privy to. You can hide nothing from me."

A deep blush worked it's way over Sean, hidden away by the blood quickly drying on his skin. The man knew he had to say something, however, no words would come to mind. Here he was, standing between the two things that the man had lusted for the most in his life, and now, he could say absolutely nothing.

Anubis, still greatly amused by the creature before him, decided to end the human's turmoil. Without warning, the god pivoted his right foot on it's heel, pinning the stunned human against the side of his left foot. In one swift movement, the right foot moved downward across Sean's body, the razor sharp claws shredding the ceremonial robes that the man wore.

Before Sean could recover from the fact that he was suddenly and completely naked, Anubis moved again. This time, it was his left foot that pivoted off to the side, away from Sean, while the right foot bore down on the man once again. This time, the man was knocked flat on to the ground, with incredibly soft fur pressing down just enough to keep him pinned. Sean knew very little about what lay in store for him. All he knew was that somewhere above his head was the ball pad, while below his feet rested the heel of the god.

Several long minutes passed, causing worry to begin to rise within Sean. The foot had not so much as twitched; however, the man knew that all movement was impossible. This was the realization of a dream that the man had kept hidden from all, and his body was responding in kind. And it was this response that put fear in to Sean. With his arousal beginning to make itself known against the soft flesh of Anubis, the man began to worry that the god would see him as an impure being and take grave offense to the actions of his flesh.

Suddenly, the stone that lay beneath Sean changed. What had once been cold obsidian dug from the depths of the earth, became the softest grass and soil the man had ever had the experience of feeling. Pinned between the soft ground and the even softer foot, Sean's fears began to abate.

With deliberate hesitance, Anubis slowly began to draw his foot down Sean's body. The god could feel the man's arousal pressing against his foot, and the deity knew just what to do. As his foot moved further down the human's body, the jackal God could feel his ball pad beginning to scrape against the man's head and chest. With a smirk painted plainly across his muzzle, the god began to lift his heel slowly, taking more and more weight off of Sean's lower body. Eventually, the human was only pinned by the rough, sand-paper like pad on his upper body, his most sensitive of flesh being spared the ministration. Once Sean's head emerged between his toes, Anubis looked down at the man, finally making eye contact.

"You, my faithful little servant, are about to learn a very important lesson. You have already learned that a god's wrath is something to be feared. However, now it is time for you to learn that a god's pleasure brings more then just a bountiful crop. Never before have I had a follower like you, and again will there be another with your devotion. So it seems only fitting that I have special plans in store for you. First though, it is time we abolish that silly notion you have about worthiness. You are indeed worthy of anything I may bestow upon you."

Before Sean could even reply, the foot began to move slowly up the man's body. Fur dragged pleasurably against Sean's body, eliciting a shudder of excitement from the man. As the pad moved up along Sean's body, the god once again began to apply pressure to more of the man's body. Just before the pad that marked the beginning of his heel came in to contact with the man's erection, Anubis reversed direction. Back and forth he pulled his foot, always making sure to keep the most textured part of his foot just out of reach of the man's arousal.

As the foot began to move gradually faster against his body, Sean couldn't help but panting. This was the one dream he never dared have while awake. It was the one thing in this world that the man wanted most, however, Sean still couldn't help but remain hesitant. Despite the growing need filling his stomach, the human managed to abstain from releasing upon the sole grinding against him in such a pleasurable fashion. It didn't seem right to Sean for his seed to splash against the flesh of the great Anpu.

Suddenly, words began to fill Sean's mind, while the foot continued to speed up slowly. "This is what you want, and this is what I want. Others have had sexual experiences with gods and goddesses alike, and you know it. There is nothing wrong with this, and if you will not give me my offering, I will take it myself."

Somehow, the words that echoed through his mind managed to abolish any last semblance of hesitation that Sean may have had. Instinctively, his hands grabbed hold of whatever fur they could, while he tried applying pressure back against the sole that sought to pleasure him. It was this grasping that cued Anubis that his human was ready.

Catching Sean completely off guard, the rough texture of the heel of Anubis began to rub against his groin. Instead of continuing to move back and forth, the foot began to twist from side to side, rocking on the heel that applied pressure to Sean's erection. It was only a matter of seconds before the man's entire body seized up and his seed burst forth on to the pad and fur above him. Each drop of seed that was sent forth by the human's member was immediately absorbed in to the flesh and fur of the god. Even after all had been spent, the foot continued it's ministrations a little while longer, simply for good measure.

As the foot slowly lifted off of Sean, the human was met by a pair of bright yellow eyes surrounded by a world of darkness. Night had fallen while he had been beneath the foot of the god, and all that was able to be seen now were his eyes. In those eyes there was a conveyance of affection far greater then anything that Sean could ever have imagined coming from any being. Both knew that the affection was returned by Sean; however, the man was far too exhausted to even begin to express it.

As the human lay on the patch of grass surrounded by stone, Anubis spoke, his voice growing soft as he vanished in to the night. "That, human, is proof that you are worthy. And come next year, we will continue with a different lesson. As I said, I have plans for you."

As Sean began to drift in to a deep sleep, a buzzing arose from the sands around. Irritably, the man began to bang at the soft ground around him until finally his hand struck something solid. Yelping in pain, the man sat straight upright to find that he had just managed to catch the corner of his alarm clock. All around him, what had once been desert was the familiar scene of his bedroom. But somewhere in the depths of his mind, Sean knew that what he had just experienced was far more than any dream.