Digital Life

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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#3 of Digimon

The final part of the Digital Toys line, ending exactly as I wanted it to.

The morning after Sear's experience as nothing more than his brother's personal sex toy, Skeen sat down with him and explained his new job. To support them, he had signed on as on-site tech support apprentice for a local club owned by VegaCorp, called Oblivia. It was a sex club, and it paid a lot for a first job. As a bonus, Sear had a free pass into the club any time he wanted. The only stipulation was that Vega Ezeri hirself wanted to meet Sear the first chance they had.

That afternoon, when Skeen went in to work, Sear put on the latex one-piece skirt his brother bought him and followed him there. The club itself was literally underground to help with cooling the entire building, so he couldn't tell how big the place was. Skeen was allowed through the front door by two very muscular Pokemon morphs, both Nidoking, and told the club's main music server was down. However, they stopped his brother. Vega had asked that he be escorted directly to hir through the outer hallways.

Sear followed one of the Nidokings silently through a stone hall to the right of the entry room. The hall was filled with doors leading to various rooms, and he could hear very orgasmic moans, howls, yowls, hissing, and many other sounds he couldn't put a finger on.

"This is Vega's VIP hall." The massive Pokemon told him, giving him a smirk. "Couples get their private time, loners get sum attention from hir harem. All big names like Strike Metzler from One More Drive, or movie stars like Sandra Haley. Vega's got hir own special group though."

He suddenly seemed a little nervous, then stopped, whispering to the Renamon. "Don't tell anyone I told you this, but Vega's been on edge since one of hir personal pets had ta be transfered. Poor kid got jumped, so hir head pet took 'em back to help 'em through it. Be on yer best, jus' in case."

Sear gulped, nodding to him. They kept going, passed a few turns, then down some stairs to a large room. It looked like some sort of massive sex dungeon carved into a cave. Three or four people were hanging on a wall while a dominatrix teased them with toys. Another guy was strapped to a table while some sort of machine pounded him with a dildo. In the back, there was a demonic-looking stone throne, and in it was one of the scariest Cubone morphs he had ever seen.

She, or rather shi, looked about six feet tall. Shi was wearing some sort of gas mask in place of the typical bone mask Cubone wore, this one conforming to hir mouth like a second skin, making hir smile rather creepy. Shi was completely naked, with a pair of naturally perky D-cups on hir chest, a thick ten inch cock in full hard-on, and a pair of balls that had to be as big as fists. The the most intimidating part was hir stare. It was as if shi could see into his very soul, knowing how frightened he was.

"Go back to the door, Greg. Our guest can make his way to me." She told the Nidoking, causing him to bow and return the way he came. "Come, child. Your brother told me about you. Sear, wasn't it?"

He nodded quickly, walking to hir. "Sear Blanc, yes."

Shi gave him a soft laugh, one that actually seemed comforting. "Don't let my looks intimidate you, kid. I won't hurt you unless you ask me to. I look out for my own. Speaking of..." Shi looked over to a small black form laying in what looked to be a cat bed. "Nemi. Come introduce yourself, pet."

The form shifted suddenly, stretching before walking over to them on all fours. He looked like a very young Meowth boy, covered in a black latex catsuit with paw-shaped gloves. He also had a leash around his neck. "Nemi is honored to meet you." He told Sear, his voice high-pitched like that of a kitten. He sat down next to Vega's feet, his tail softly swaying idly.

Vega could see a deep concern in the Renamon's eyes. "Don't be fooled by his looks. Nemi's actually rather old. He just has a special effect on his body to make him young. He's my lead pet, too."

Sear gave a relieved sigh and knelt down to pet the feline. "Nice to know, and nice to meet you as well." He looked up at Vega, but felt a sudden rush of vertigo, going down on his hands and knees. At the same time, the lights had suddenly went very dim, and became a soft purple. "Oh god! What was that?" he asked, closing his eyes and panting as if he had just had the wind knocked out of him.

Vega quickly got out of hir chair, grabbing something from behind it. It was a mask much like hir own, which shi pressed on Sear's head. The latex molded itself to his face, even entering his mouth and conforming to it completely. After settling, a pair of purple lenses formed over the eye openings. "There. Try looking around now."

Sear opened his eyes again. In his view, the lights were once again back to normal. "Wha? What happened? What was with the lights going weird a bit ago."

"Seems your eyes can't take crystal lights." Shi told him, pointing up. Embedded in the ceiling were strange glowing crystals that seemed to give off white light. "Those lenses are the only thing letting you see in here. We activate the crystals after seventeen-hundred hours for a bit of mood, and they're all over the club, so there's no way you'd be able to get away from them."

"Damn. I was kinda hoping to be a regular here." He replied, looking dejected. "I really don't have much to do back home right now."

He could see Vega's eyes almost light up like crystals themselves, and hir voice seemed to become more fluid, like a female villain in a television show. "You don't? No job or anything?"

"Nah. I'm not exactly cut out for heavy lifting like this." He showed off his rather thin arms and legs. They didn't look as if they'd hold up to too much stress, even if they were latex. They were made for stealth and speed. "Programming doesn't really interest me, either. Best I've been able to find is gardening."

The Cubone gave a very clear smile, kneeling down to look Sear in the eyes. "Ever thought about the sex industry? I could give you a job here, if you're willing."

"What's the job?" he asked, being very cautious. He knew he'd have an earful from Skeen if he jumped into anything that might split them apart.

Vega sat back down and crossed hir legs, leaning hir head on a fist. "One of my pets got jumped out on the streets. Poor kid was a bloody mess. Even worse, he wasn't trained like Nemi, so he lost his mind. The kid's getting therapy, but I'm not putting him back here. Problem is, he was my site manager here."

Sear became very hesitant and cautious. "So... You want me to take his place? Wouldn't you be better off with another pet?"

Shi grinned. "None of my current pets are immortal living latex, or have a deadly WarGreymon for a brother, much less a mate." His eyes widened behind the lenses. "Yeah, your brother told me everything. It's part of the interview process. Not gonna hold it against him, of course. I'm mated to one of my own siblings." Vega shifted in hir seat a bit, stretching. "Still, you're the one making the choice here. The only thing is, accepting the job means you'll have to submit yourself to me. You'd be my pet, but you'd have to submit weekly reports, run the club, be willing to pleasure me whenever I'm here... and wear a collar and that mask full time."

The thought was enticing to him, though somewhat scary as well. On one hand, he'd be out of his home. On the other... "What are the benefits?" He asked, now a little more curious than frightened.

Vega rose up and walked to a desk in the corner, then suddenly looked at Nemi before returning with a black leather collar. "All-expense-paid vacations to other worlds, mental health care, free training and schooling, free board if you wanna move out of your house, full access to the VegaCorp catalog, and all the sex you could ever want." Shi handed the collar to Sear. "Go talk it over with your brother. You say yes, come back here and I'll make it final. If not, keep the gear as a gift."

Shi helped him back to his feet, looking around again before giving a sigh. "Nemi, you'll do. Escort him to the server room. Take the elevator at the end of the wing. I'd rather not have our friend go through the club room until after Centi's set."

Nemi walked up to Sear and flipped his leash up into his mouth, offering it to Sear. The fox blushed, taking it into his hand as the feline started guiding him to his destination.

As they walked, Sear couldn't keep quiet. "Nemi, mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Nemi will answer anything he can." He seemed to take on a strange monotone voice.

"Do all of Vega's pets have to talk like that?"

"Mistress doesn't require it. Most pets speak in third person because they like it. Pets like Nemi and his own pets do it naturally."

Sear's eyes widened. "You have your own pets?"

"Nemi has two pets at home, but Nemi is much different from Mistress. He breaks his pets so no one can hurt them emotionally. Nemi was broken and trained the same way. Mistress only breaks hir pets if they absolutely need it. Mistress prefers to just claim them."

"Break them? What do you mean?"

"Nemi uses their fears to shatter their hearts, sometimes their minds. He humiliates them until they can't fight back. They learn from it, so no one can hurt them again." He stopped, looking around a corner to make sure no one was in their way.

Sear shuddered. "I'm not sure I could take that."

"Nemi knows it's not for everyone, but he thinks Sear could benefit from it. Only Mistress could give him permission, though."

"Okay, new subject. You're a psychology buff. What's Vega like? Shi looks intimidating, but shi comes off like a nice person."

"Mistress is very kind and caring. Always looks out for hir pets and loved ones." He stopped again, seeing that a pair of large rhinos were walking through. Looking around, he decided to lead Sear into an empty white room. "Mistress likes helping people. Shi can be sadistic in bed, but shi never goes too far. Even tried to stop Nemi from breaking one of his former pets, as he was a friend of Mistress at the time. He decided to keep going, and shi respected his decision. Now he's Mistress's other head pet, and very level-headed for the most part."

Sean sighed with relief again. "So... Caring, protective, fair, and intimidating in bed." He looked out into the hallway to see that the coast was clear, but stopped his escort from leaving. "Let's stay here a bit. I wanna know some things before I talk to Skeen. What's it like being hir top pet?"

"Nemi has to stay home most of the time." He admitted, sitting on the floor. "He helps new pets adjust if Mistress brings them back, and trains them if they need it. He also leads the pets that live at the base Mistress and Nemi call home. When needed, though, Nemi follows Mistress to other worlds to help hir, and sometimes recruits new pets for hir."

"What kind of training do you do, besides breaking them? Anything like species-specific stuff?"

Nemi gave him a rather odd look, almost as if he were trying to choose his words carefully. "Nemi teaches many things, mostly sexual. He can also alter pets to suit Mistress's needs, or their own, and teach them what they need."

"Alter them?"

The feline held up his left hand, showing a set of three black crystals forming a triangle in the palm, clearly going through his paw-like glove. "Nemi has an Omnivice. They're only given out to certain people, but they do everything Mistress's products do. Nemi can use it to transform himself, or others. Mistress also has one."

"That's... kinda cool, actually." Sear said, running a finger along the smooth rock surface as he sat down, crossing his legs. "Was is put there with surgery?"

"Omnivices have to be put in while the owner is awake. It's really painful for organics, but synthetics don't feel anything. Nemi's is a normal Omnivice, but most of hir pets get Slave Omnivices. They only let the pet use powers that Mistress lets them use, and shi can take control any time shi wants."

Sear let go of the paw, feeling slightly confused. "Umm... Could you show me what you mean? I don't really get the whole 'powers' thing."

"Nemi will show Sear." The feline placed a paw on Sear's leg. The spot he touched began to glow softly, spreading out across the Renamon's body

"Woah!" Sear yelled out. He watched as he seemed to shrink, his tail becoming very long and thin with a curled tip. His hands turned into thick paws, his snout became short and flat, and he gained six whisker-like strands of fur on his face. He also gained a strange-looking charm on his head. As the glow faded, he found himself to be virtually identical to Nemi, including the black rubber suit and paw gloves. "This is insane!" He gasped, realizing that his voice was now a more emotional version of the kitten's voice.

"That power is called Copycat. Nemi can use it because Mistress's other head pet is a high-level Copycat, and Nemi's Omnivice is linked ot his. Sear can stay that way for a little while if he wishes, though Nemi is sure his mate wouldn't approve."

"That's true." Sear admitted, still looking over his new body. "Actually, that reminds me. Does Vega... have sex with you in this form?"

Nemi walked to Sear and gave him a soft nuzzle along one cheek. "Mistress does, but Sear must understand where Mistress comes from in hir decision. Hir natural form is that of a Prism Dragon. They are sexualized almost from birth, as their kind feed on pleasure and sensual fluids like cum. Not only that, but Nemi is nearly thirty years of natural age. He is ageless, but he is also an adult no matter what for he takes." Sensing his companion's discomfort at the idea, he started to react a little more swiftly. "Perhaps Sear would understand better if he were allowed to see how Mistress handles Nemi. If Sear decides to become Mistress's pet, Nemi will request that he be allowed to come home with them for the weekend. Sear could use training, anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked harshly, feeling insulted.

"Sear will have to be a dom and a pet." Nemi replied, unaffected by the outburst. "Nemi can easily train him to be a submissive, but Mistress would be better able to train him as a dominant. Also, Sear must learn to control his emotions and morals, so no incidents occur with club guests. An outburst like that might have started a fight."

Sear immediately closed his mouth, putting both of his gloved hands over it.

"Mistress also has to keep hir cool. If shi didn't there would be a lot of trouble. Also, it seems there are more large people standing in the hallways, and Sear needs to get to his brother."

He sat down, looking Nemi in the eyes. "No, not just yet. I've got one more question. Does Vega always send someone else to do things for hir, like escorting guests through hir club?"

This time, Nemi's eyes went wide, and he took a step back. "So, Sear saw through that."

Sear smirked, the wide feline face making it look a little more sly than he intended. "I kinda figured something was up when shi didn't ask if I had any questions. I can't think of a single professional who doesn't ask."

"Nemi and other pets act as hir voice with potential pets." Nemi admitted walking over to the door and peering out. He saw a group of four muscular lions waiting to get into another of the rooms. "Mistress says it's best for someone to be with one of them when they're trying to decide. They always ask a pet questions because only a pet can answer them. Mistress was looking for any others who might have been in the room, but everyone was busy helping patrons."

Sear gave a soft sigh. "At least shi's honest, and shi's right... I guess. Alright, let's go."

"Sear couldn't fit through the hall if Nemi changed him back now. Sear will have to walk like Nemi to get through.." He motioned towards the door, causing Sear to look out and see the buff felines. There was no more than six inches of space between them and the walls, except around their legs. Nemi took Sear's new leash into his mouth and gave a muffled "Come." before leading him out.

Sear couldn't believe how effortless it was to walk on all fours, but he thought it might have been the form itself doing the work for him. They managed to squeeze through the party of four, but before Nemi could change him back, he asked another question. "Nemi, you seem like a really good judge of character. Do you think I should take Vega's offer?"

Nemi stopped and looked at him, staying silent for a while. He dropped the leash and waited a bit more, as if sizing him up. "Nemi thinks Sear could easily do the job for Mistress, but only if he gets training. Sear is very submissive judging from the way he reacted to Mistress at first, but he has little control over his emotions. He reacts to quickly, and becomes offended too easily. However, Nemi as seen loneliness in Sear's eyes. He feels lonely when Skeen is at work, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, a little. We've only been mates for a bit, but yeah." Sear looked a little depressed just thinking about it, his feline ears laying back against his head.

"Does Sear not go out and make friends in the day?"

He shook his head. "No, I don't. I don't go out, cause I can't really wear any male clothes as a Renamon. Not comfortably, anyway. I only wore the skirt since I was coming here. Figured I could hold out until I got inside."

Nemi gave him a soft nod, then returned Sear to his normal Renamon self the same way he transformed him. "Sear would find lots of friends here. Could even make sure he was around Skeen a lot more. Sear would have no say in employment, so he wouldn't have to worry about any fighting."

As the freshly changed Digimon rose to his feet, he couldn't help but give a thoughtful stare to the feline before reaching down and grabbing his leash. He didn't move, though.

"Sear is asking himself how it would affect him." Nemi said suddenly, catching him off guard. "Maybe Sear should ask how it would benefit him. That's what Mistress asked hirself when shi heard Sear say he was bored at home. Shi saw it could benefit hir and Sear."

Nemi pulled a bit on his leash, causing Sear to snap out of his stupor and follow once again. They both stayed silent as they made their way to the elevator, then down into the server room. There were rows upon rows of computer equipment, mostly racks of server systems stacked almost seven feet tall. The entire room felt rather cool due to the air conditioning, but never too cold thanks to the heat the computer racks put out. The actual walls were made of white marble, shined to a very glossy finish, and marble pillars dotted the entire room as supports.

Just inside the room was Skeen, tapping through menus on a touchscreen. His muscular body looked out of place in front of a computer. "They should be up now, Mist..." He stopped, then turned around to see his brother's head down and lost in thought, his eyes out of focus behind the lenses of the mask Vega had given him. "Sear? ...What's going on?"

"Nemi will return to Mistress." The feline said, removing his leash from the Renamon's hand and leaving the scene.

Sear and Skeen sat down next to each other in the latter's office as the former started telling him everything that had happened, including his problem with crystal lights. They talked for nearly three hours, with Sear showing more and more interest as they spoke. Then, both feel silent.

Skeen shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his eyes glued to his lover and brother. It was like a staring contest, to see who snapped first. Unfortunately for him, Sear did, and the last thing he expected came out of his brother's mouth.

"Skeen... You saved my life. You gave me someone to love. You gave me hope beyond my wildest dreams... I want to take the job, but..." He stopped, the leather collar Vega had given him contorting slightly in his tight grip. "I was gonna ask you to marry me if things kept working out. I..."

Tears... Actual tears started streaming from the Renamon's face as he spoke, and his lover reached up to wipe them away. "S-Skeen... I don't wanna be stuck home anymore, but I don't wanna lose anything between us."

Skeen reached up and removed his helmet, revealing a smile on his broad saurian snout. "Nothing's going to tear us apart, Sear. Vega looks out for hir own. Just tell hir everything you feel. Shi'll listen. Shi listened to me when I ordered these suits from hir, and when I needed a job... and when I asked for a pass for you. Just make sure you're really willing to work in the sex industry." He leaned down to kiss his brother softly on the lips, trying to get him to calm down. "It ain't easy, but it's honest work. You'll be closer to me, too."

Again, there was a period of silence, spurring Skeen to hug Sear against him. "Sear, Vega wouldn't have asked you if shi didn't think you could do it. Shi's very picky about jobs like that. Won't even take a professional manager in because they manage things into the ground. It has to be someone who'll take on clients like the others."

Sear smiled a little, pushing his head against the rubber WarGreymon's armor. "Madam Ezeri said it was because I'm an immortal latex, and I've got you to protect... me..." The words finally sank in to the point he realized what shi meant, and it made him look up at Skeen rather quickly. "Shi knew there wouldn't be a problem between us. There's no way in hell shi'd risk it on me if shi didn't think you'd approve. That sly dragon..."

"Welcome to Vega one-oh-one, love." Skeen replied with a chuckle, kissing his brother again. "It's up to you, but I think you'd like it here. You'd be closer to me, and that was what you really wanted. Right?"

A little while later, both Skeen and Sear returned to the upper floors through the elevator Sear had ridden down, then walked the cleared hallway hand-in-hand, the former holding his helmet under his other arm. When they got to Vega's chambers, they found it empty aside from Vega and Nemi, the latter sound asleep and locked into one of the bondage tables off to the side.

"So... You've decided, I take it?" Vega asked, smiling and standing up as they approached.

Sear silently held out the leather collar he'd been clutching so tightly, causing Skeen to speak. "Sorry, Mistress. Sear's lost his voice. Cried for a long time after we got done talking, but he wants the job you offered him. Anything to stay close to me."

Vega gave him a look as if shi knew something he didn't, then took the collar from Sear and wrapped it around his neck, letting it stay loose enough to be comfortable for an organic before locking it with a padlock. Because of the way it was set on him, this also meant the mask would be impossible to remove without removing the collar. "Welcome to my harem, and to the Oblivia, Sear Blanc. I trust you'll follow my orders, and respect me as your mistress. I trust you, because your brother and lover Skeen says I can. I trust him because he's shown me how dedicated he is to you, and that truly earned my respect."

Without warning, Vega took Sear by the back of the head and gave him a kiss on the lips. It wasn't a long kiss, but it got his attention very quickly. "Now... Formalities done! I'll say right now, I won't be training you. I've gotta get home to take care of some emergency business with my other head pet tonight. Nemi's staying, but you two seemed to get along well enough, so I'm not worried."

Sear blushed brightly. "Y-yes Mistress." He said, surprising himself with how effortlessly the words came out of his mouth. It was like the kiss had healed his throat. "He said he wanted to ease some... fears I had."

"I know, and I've already left him with instructions about that." Shi replied, smiling as shi let him go and reached behind the throne shi'd been sitting in, pulling out two full-body bondage harnesses with arm, wrist, ankle and thigh cuffs. After handing one set to Sear, shi approached his brother and draped it over his shoulder. "Skeen, I know it's not what you signed up for, but here. My little thank you for how you've treated your brother, and an incentive to keep treating him right." The last part came with a rather mischievous grin and wink, followed by a firm slap on his rump as shi walked past him.

"I'll catch up with you two soon. What's that line Author always quoted? 'This is your story now. Give it a happy ending.' Anyway, you're up to bat now, my pet. Make me proud." By the time shi'd finished, shi was out the door and closing it, leaving Sear stunned and Skeen with his arms crossed.

Without a word, Skeen smiled and took the gear from his brother, then put it all on the Renamon with a grin. Sear was too shocked to even notice until the last piece went on, and he was put into the throne himself by his muscular brother. "So... Master. What's your first order?"