Descent into Madness

Story by Xavius T on SoFurry

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#2 of Neverwinter

A/N: In the following story, there are incestuous acts between two brothers, and sixty-nining. If that is not your cup of tea, turn back. If it is, have fun~ Characters (c) me "Norther Lights" lyrics and song (c) 403 * * * Staring horrified at the almost corpse-like state that his lover was in in the arms of the white tiger before him, Zyle had lost all sense of words. He didn't know if he should be fearful for his life or content that he could still touch the barely breathing body of his lover. "You must be Zyle..." Words came as graceful as the owner behind them, as the gray eyes settled down upon the tabby. "Protect him..." Like wildfire, curiosity burned within the black cat, his wanton for who this creature was made him speak up as the tiger turned his back. "W-who are you?" He knew that he must have been powerful, powerful enough to have scared away Sylin in the fight. And that bullet, it had some more enchantments than normal bullets, it felt like it was the same magic that radiated from both brothers. "And why... why did you save Jason?" Peer back over his shoulder, the tiger gave a small gruff. "Those children; they don't understand... I should have reared them better." Patting his guns, he walked out of the building of shelter towards where he saw Sylin disappear to. He'd have to give his sons punishment; a retribution of abuse of their powers. Now Zyle understood. This was their father; the Byakko of the land that had been in rumors and 'legends' so to speak. A lone warrior, attempting to correct the mistakes of the Crusade and Scarlet. Falling to his knees, he stared down at the body on the floor. "Norrec...Norrec Fallon." Wincing in his sleepless fugue, Jason had barely realized that it was his father that had saved his life, and that he wasn't dead, not yet. Though he felt warmth caress his body, he hadn't contributed it to anything more than the graceful hold of the Death Angel that he had seen. "Diana... heal him once more..." * * * Nothing could have compared to the fear that Sylin felt as he attempted to stay as stealth as he could. Now that his father was in the mix, things would be different; plans would need changing if they were to get done. "Damn it." ON the run from his own family, the tiger found refuge in a small apartment--it wasn't exactly his 'castle' of a corporation, but it was good enough to heal his own wounds. Holding a paw to his chest, he muttered other forbidden words to mend the wounds enough. Over the next few hours, he knew that they would be totally fixed; like any other Rangetsu user of their family. Through his mind, the thoughts of despair filled back up the empty space. He knew that Zyle had been tied by his brother--the visions he gave himself were enough to prove that. And the only way he knew how to break that seal, it was the death of the brother he loathed so much. Secretly, though, whenever he had bedded with Zyle so long ago, he would think of his brother in place, though he had to bite his tongue to let those words ever slip through. No, no one could know of his admiration for the bloodlust brother. Staring down at his sword, he traced a paw to the tip of the blade. Tonight, it had gotten a work out, tonight it faced Graythorne again. Rarely had his brother used the other family blade, since he had gone the way of their father with guns. Those guns he had never liked--why win a battle from far away when you could personally feel the blood splatter across your body, and know that the job was indeed done by your skills only. The days when him and his brother fought hand to hand were the best. He could always feel that burning soul touch his, the one he coveted the most. "It's sad that the days had to go like this; all I wanted was to have an object of love. Lucky bastard." * * * ~10 Years Ago~ Both brothers panted in exertion. Their bodies bruised up a bit from the fist fighting they gave each other. It always started like this. Both tiring themselves out to see who would be the last one standing. Grinning, Sylin wiped the blood off his lip and started to run towards his brother, before ramming his body full force into the man. Both as teens needed the release they felt in their veins, and both shared the sweet taboo kiss of each other. Paws roamed underneath the blue shirt that the panther had, touching, wishing to feel more and more of the muscles beneath. Sylin had what he wanted, and wanted to keep it that way. Jason's eyes opened widely before slowly dimming down, his own paws wandering over the shoulders of his brother through the kiss. He loved the tiger as well--and both knew the consequences of what they were doing if their father had found out. But neither cared. Their love and lust were shared by both enough that even in the sweat filled nights of each other, they could feel what was missing. Giving in to carnal pleasure, the shirt upon the panther's back was ripped off, giving way to the fur beneath, the royal blue nature of it always seemed majestic whenever it caught the moon just right. The kiss, only broken for a moment let each of them stare at the other, while the tiger's shirt was taken off with such grace. Back again in the kiss, they rolled a little, with Jason becoming the one on top as he pressed his paws slightly against the chest before him, sliding them ever downward to meet at the top of his brother's crimson pants. Both brothers had their own style of dress, fitting in with their auras of Rangetsu--they felt safe whenever they felt in tune with the magic given to them at birth. Heat radiated from both bodies as they pressed forth again, their pants easily getting shed within the fray of both. Musk flowed into their noses, letting them know the other was just as aroused by this form of taboo as the other was. Swiftly and precisely, Jason began to grind against his brother, letting him feel just how much he felt for him. The tip of his shaft already poking up through the sheath. A little purr was all the resonated out of the tiger's maw, as his tongue trailed across the neck presented to him, grinding back just as lewdly as any other night. Gasping out, Jason pressed forward more, laying his brother on his back to kiss down the chest in front of him. Upon his downward march, the panther's agile tongue wrapped itself around the nub of a nipple. Flicking it back and forth, he savored the sweet feel of it against his rough tongue, and the sweet smell of the fur that surrounded it. The tiger couldn't help but groan outward, arching his back to the touch of his brother. Every single time they did this, his brother had shown him more and more of what he could do with any part of his body, and that was something he quietly enjoyed in the senseless surroundings he had. In tune with his brother's pants, Jason dragged his teeth against the quickly hardening nipple, giving small nips and bites to the nub that was his for the moment. Any sense of turning back had left hem ages ago, leaving them only wishing for more of what was to come, more of what could have been so long ago that they had missed out upon. But what they had lacked in time, they greatly made up with effort. And with Jason's purrs against his brother's chest, Sylin felt himself in heaven's graces. With eyes shut tightly in pleasure, his paws traveled down the panther's back, wanting to encourage him to continue his down ward march, even pushing him a little. Yes, he loved the touch against his nipples, but something else ached for touch, something else ached for his brother's mouth upon it; the leaking shaft beneath them both. Just like the tiger, Jason's own shaft was hard and throbbing, constantly reminding him of what needed to happen, what released would be gained and what should be felt between them. Giving one last lick and wrap around with his tongue, he gave butterfly kisses further down the chest, caressing each and every muscle that seemed to break through. Every minute detail as he worked down seemed to captivate him for longer than it normally would, letting his nose nuzzle into the spots where the fur felt the softest. Gritting his teeth, the tiger kept his breathing controlled as much as he could as his paw rubbed the back of his brother's head. This was pure rapture to him, and he wanted it to get even better before he left it. But the agonizing torture that his brother gave him was beginning to tick him off. "J-jason.. Dammit.. Get on with it.." Anger seethed through the words along with the lust that entered furthermore into the air. Giving a chuckle at his tiger brother, Jason nodded as he nuzzled down into the crotch fur of his lover, taking in deeper hits of the musk that grew as seconds passed. His tongue pressed against the underside of the cock before him, drawing out a long lick before it drew back into his muzzle. The beads of pre that coated it were intoxicatingly sweet. More and more, he wanted and got it so, wrapping his tongue around the tip quite a few times to get the taste he so verily desired. Before long, those deep long licks slowly dissipated to short ones as his maw started to encase the length before him, drawing it deeper and deeper into him. Throbbing even more between his legs was his own length, wishing for release, wishing for touch---but he forsook that, forsook it for the pleasure of the one inside of his mouth. Slowly, his paws dragged down to start massaging at the sac beneath his mouth, wanting to feel the seed within it churn about. Whimpers of ecstasy echoed from above him as he felt a paw push his muzzle closer and closer to the sheath where most of the musk had erupted from. Writhing around him, Sylin felt his lips curl a little bit as he couldn't hold back on any of the sounds that were coming from him. For him, he wanted to express to his brother how much this felt, and push him further into the recesses of lust they had between them. With steady gulps and small massages, Jason felt himself go into a rhythm, readily swallowing down the pre that leaked into his mouth. Every few bobs, he took the whole length into his muzzle and swallowed around it, causing the feet beside him to twitch as a loud moan escaped. Shuffling broke him out of his daze, making Jason look up at his brother who was moving slowly as to keep his cock still sheathed within his brother's maw. Leaning down and moving the panther's body, the tiger got closer to the throbbing erection that Jason sported, and gave a few tantalizing licks to the appendage. After the first taste, Sylin got more courage to wrap his lips around his brother's cock, pressing it fully into his maw to give a nice long swallow. Squirming at the touch, and moaning around his tiger brother's length, Jason swallowed some saliva that had started to collect in his mouth. This was going to be a bit harder to concentrate, but he was up to the challenge. Focusing half on his brother and half on not thrusting, Sylin wrapped his tongue around the tip to give a good squeeze, making sure his teeth would not bite into the tender area. No matter how many times him and his brother had tasted each other, they couldn't get enough of the sweet essence that poured from both---something about it almost seemed to be like liquid candy. Sylin breathed out his nose, before inhaling the sweet scent before him once more, bobbing quicker as wished for more of his 'candy.' His paws quickly moved to stroke what wasn't in his mouth as he descended again, giving quick and shallow gulps. But he couldn't take it anymore; as he moaned around the cock inside of his maw, he began to thrust into his brother's muzzle, feeling the same action given to him. Both sets of vibrations started to wear down the brothers endurance, their thrusts starting to go erratic. Neither one cared, though, as their ministrations increased, their muzzles moving quicker to keep from chocking upon the other's length. Pre began to pool in both maws, teasing their taste buds.; just an appetizer for their great meal. Grunts and mreowls, pants and moans, all echoed into the training room they had once used just for fighting not too long ago. Nearly forgotten was their duel moments before, as they became enraptured furthermore inside of their wanton, giving up to the pure pleasure as the world around them began to spin. Their descent into their own euphoria started with Sylin giving out a loud moan, pulling almost completely off of his brother's cock to thrust into Jason's mouth with one hard thrust. Swirling around him, stars became the tiger's vision as his balls pulled up tight against his body. Throbbing and pulsating within the warm confines of the panther's throat, Sylin's seed began to shoot down the throat, coating the insides with his flavor. Practically caught off guard, Jason choked for a second, before pulling back to start savoring the liquid treat that pooled upon his tongue. Lashing at the tip with his tongue, he swallowed generous amounts of what was "his" and only "his." Jason couldn't swallow all of it in time, as the precious cum began to dribble down his lips and cheeks, making him whimper but moan. It was enough, though, to set off his own orgasm--his own balls pulling quickly up against his body before shooting out it's own essence against his brother's face. Sylin, not as caught off guard as his brother was, purred outward as he was coated with a copious amount of seed. Squirming a little as his brother continued to suckle upon his cock, he latched his own maw back upon the appendage in front of him, swallowing down as much cum as he could, and leaving the rest to cover any other part of his muzzle and face it wanted. It took some time for the brothers to unload their cum into each other, but when the throbbing died down and both came back up for air, they smiled. Their bodies seemed tired and drained, but their minds were quite content. Sylin made the first move after a few minutes, by pulling his brother to face him, and started to lick the dribbles of cum that lined his lips. Tongues entwined instantly, as their shared the taste of their rewards, both letting their purrs resonate around them. Generous licks given, both seemed content with how the other looked, and both snuggled with each other. They'd be up before their father would even walk in on them, and both would be able to change and find new clothing. "I love you Jason..." Drifting slightly off to sleep, Jason smiled as he nuzzled his brother's neck, giving it a light nip. "I love you too...Sylin." * * * Gripping his bed tightly, Sylin tried to drown out the images of the past. Those days of love, they weren't the present, they couldn't be the present. Not now, not here. A war was now; a war he tried to remember the reason for. I'm wondering why I am here now? Though the diamond dust is shining bright, Day after day I'm searching for the aim of my being and keeping body and soul together Someone tell me what to do in the future Someone tell me where to go in the future The hands of time keep ticking away the minutes, and it shaves me of my life. Staring at the ground, the tiger breathed out slowly, attempting to hide himself from his own worst fears. "Attack him..." Lighting up, Sylin blinked a few times. That voice, he heard it before. "Finish...It's all yours..." He only whimpered to himself; it was the voice that usually brought upon the rage that took him over. Crimson flared within his eyes as he pushed away the rage, the anger that wanted to course through him. "NO!" Chuckling echoed in his head as it swarmed every thought, "You cannot run... You cannot hide... This. Is. YOU!" Blackness entered his vision, the soothing blackness that took away his worries. Again, he was within himself, holding tightly to the dreams of the past, and the memories of the future. * * * Standing before the large building, Sylin seemed almost frightful of it. So far from his home, he wondered what it was here he was told to go. But whatever his father said, it had to be done. Pushing open the door, the tiger walked into the large edifice, and went to the front counter, inquiring about Wyre Valtrov, the president of the building, and the boss he would surely be under. The stairs seemed nothing to him; his training at home was more strenuous, more scary than anything he'd have to deal with... at least that was what he continued to tell himself. The Black Scarlet was one of the two biggest companies in Medihv, and one of the greatest swordsmiths in any of the lands. And today, he was going to become the apprentice to it's CEO, to the grandest man of the city. Knocking on the door before entering, the onyx eyes wavered a little, holding back any tears or signs of fear that would show weakness. "Come in..." The tiger pressed open the door, and squinted his eyes to try and accustom them to the darkness that darted through the room. This would be his new home, his new life. "M-Mr. Valtrov?" Voice quivering, he steadied it, "Sylin Fallon here, your new apprentice." "One of Norrec's sons? Ahh come on in. I've been expecting you." Nodding to wherever the voice was coming from, the tiger pressed forward before stopping as the voice boomed again, "Would you close the door?" Gulping silently, Sylin pushed the door closed, wondering why his boss would want the lights completely gone; it wasn't his place, though, to inquire about such trivialities. "Good... good." Crimson eyes darted open, letting the tiger find his boss in the utter darkness. His world seemed different in here, a different feel, a different smell. It took only moments, though, for his eyes to focus enough in the darkness to peer at the wolf before him. That grin, it made his spine shiver. "Welcome to the Black Scarlet, Sylin. I will take good care of you." Nodding to the underlying words, Sylin stood straight as he took in the sights before him. A new life, a new start. A new end for him. * * * Stirring from his sleep, Jason felt the pain that radiated through his body. Though Zyle and his own magic had started to heal all the wounds, he knew that the pain would be there for a while. Groaning out in pain, he blinked open his eyes, watching as the world started to focus in from blurriness. "S-Sylin...?" "Jason!" Bolting out of his own stupor, the tabby smiled and nuzzled his lover before giving a kiss. "He's not here... don't worry." "Zyle?" "Shh... rest. Everything is alright now. Everything's fine." "But..." "Rest." "...." Zyle sighed out as he stared at the panther whom drifted back into a dreamless sleep. Caressing his furried cheek, the tabby's eyes seemed to dim. "I wish we could have left so long ago... But I can't. This.. this is where my heart is tied." Closing his eyes, he tried to stop the tears that slide down his cheeks. He couldn't tell him, he couldn't tell either one. This was his own pain to deal with. The brothers had theirs, and he had his. No need to burden them with something they couldn't fix. "I love you though." Giving a smile, Zyle wiped his tears away and nodded. "Rest, and let Diana help you..." Turning away from his lover, the cat began to walk towards the door. Placing his paw upon the frame, he stared back one last time and gave a saddened smile. "I'll see you...sometime." He pressed himself out of the door and sighed to himself. This was something he needed to finish on his own--he needed to find Sylin and make him stop. Paws brought him back to where they had fought the night before, as his purple eyes stared at the sky. Light was beginning to fade once more, light that he once had seen in happier times. Far far away, in the distance over the water, he watched as a line of light formed. Shimmering in it's beauty, he gave a smile again. "Oh...There's a time to love, and there's a time to hate. And here I am, gazing at the Northern Lights, and trying not to cry." Gripping his paws, he moved towards where he remembered he used to live. The Black Scarlet's headquarters, located in the middle of the town, connected only via the bridges through out. * * * Nodding to himself, Norrec leaned against a broken wall. His eyes seemed there but not. "But within those Northern Lights, are your prayers..." * * *

"Then I'm going to have to break that tie, aren't I? And I'll protect you until I do!"