A Great Day in The Cave

Story by Maxis Julius on SoFurry

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A Great Day in The Cave

This one is from an rp done by two friends of mine, given permission by them both hopefully to take this and place it into a storyish mode of being. And then I will share it with all those of you who will think this as arousing and deeply horny as I do

Darkness Legacy is an old stallion and a former Knight, though he has kept this rank as the years have passed him by. Now at a happy time in his life he feels young, despite his unknown but aging years of life, having made his happiness complete by taking and falling in love with his beautiful young mate, a Kirin Mare by the name of Cloud Kirin Sato.

Cloud Kirin Sato is a beautiful Kirin Mare as said above, her beauty and grace unmatched by so many others. Her age is known but she will keep it secret, for her mate wishes to simply love and enjoy being by her side through their happiness and mateship. She possesses the power to control the Earth and nature, having also shared this power with her love, both of them now adept at using these abilities.

The Destiny Valley itself is a warm and happy environment, home to many mythical animals. It is here where the story takes place

The stage is set from the start and I will try and add as much to convert it as I can, so it is fun to read and hopefully not too badly written because of my dyslexic manner

Together they have had two foals (My apologies, I don't remember their names), their happiness complete and true, deeply in love and ready to face the trials and pitfalls ahead in the future, always by each others side for all eternity and beyond

Darkness Legacy is (c) to his player, while Cloud Kirin Sato is (c) to her player. I take no credit beside converting their words into this story.

Now, on with the show

It had started in the cave edge close to the borders of the Destiny Valley, the old stallion and his lady moving to and fro, a clear excitement felt in the air like sparks going between their two forms. But in this time also the mare giggles and sways her tail a little, a clear idea forming in the stallions mind though he feels they may need to talk, a chance like this never gained for very long

Moving themselves they travel a little further, moving towards a cave before stopping right by the shadows formed within the enclosure. After a few moments however a shine may be seen in his eyes, his hoof moved now and placed upon Sato's shoulder, winking to his mate, the rest coming out as he snickers softly and pulls his mate along to the cavern

Sato follows happily and since it was warmer here he noticed her white scales turning to a green tint, so beautiful and divine.

Legacy notices this and as the old Knight moves he enjoys watching his mate turning to the green tint of her scales, his eyes gazing over the beauty of her form and causing him to lay down and shift into anthro before offering a gentle cuddle and nuzzle "I see you like it in this cavern my lady"

Sato nods her head before settling her feral body down "Yes these new lands are warmer and my body is changing already to the summer state." she smiles softly, showing him a horn bump on her head.

Legacy moves himself into a gentle position and sits down by the side of his feral mate, his hands moving and lifting before they caress and stroke along and over her neck and under the chin of her muzzle "I can see that my dearest Sato. It may be a mixed blessing in some way for you will be happier in this warmer land but if we go back to the Riding Stables there is nothing but the icy winds and cold snow"

Sato thought nodding a bit. "Yes but I am fine as long as I stay in my feral form when I return to the stables. But I may like it here so I need to think about it alright hun." leans nuzzling against his hand that caresses her chin a bit, slowly her body shifts to her anthro form.

Legacy nods and with gentle understanding continues to use his hands to caress under her chin, even as she slowly shifts into her anthro form he finds that it feels good and loving to do this for his Lady "Alright my darling Sato, I can understand that. This Valley seems to be shielded from the cold since there are so many mountains around it and what seems a lot better is the fact it is so warm in this place too"

Sato thought for a long while she grew up in a climate like this and she smiles. "Best we did, Alexander must stay in a warmer climate until he understands what he can and cannot do." moves into his lap as the natural thin veil waves infront of her eyes.

Legacy nods and finds himself agreeing with his mate for right now he does not want anything to happen to their son and if the cold of the icy Riding Stables were to affect him the outcome would be one very deeply hated and upsetting "Yes, that is a good idea my love. Alexander is going to be quite the stallion but he must stay strong and healthy right now" The old Knight smiles, with his mate moving into his lap and eyes gazing into eyes the moment later "And it seems my mate wants something again, possibly"

Sato chuckles a bit with a smile. "Can I not cuddle in your lap and assume after that I am up to something?" cooing out as she stretches her arms out a bit, she has come to like her anthro form in cuddling. "Yes Alexander would be better off here until he is older. Oh and seems dear Borian did something for his little brother."

Legacy chuckles softly and nods his head after listening to her words, his cheeks blushing as he removes his helmet and places it down onto the ground nearby, removing his armour too and placing that down to reveal his old but muscled body to her gaze "You may cuddle with me any time you wish my love, my arms are forever open for you to enter. And you say Borian has done something for Alexander?" The old Knight tilts his head, kissing his fiancee' tenderly before churring

Sato kissing back softly as she smiles a bit. "Yes Alexander is already showing his heritage from me when he sneezes. And it may be possible he has magic, and he asked Cormyre if when he is yearling he can teach him magic. And he may it would be up to Alexander."

Legacy raises one brow and must admit it a surprise to hear a noble horse like Cormyre would ever wish to teach the foal of a humble Knight, especially one such as himself and old in years. But then he remembers the love of his life, his darling Sato, having herself as a popular mare with many friends, a thought that warms him with a great amount of happy pride and love "If our son already has magic then my words and vision for him will come true. He will be more then the stallion I have talked of so far"

Sato nodding her head with a bright smile upon her lips. "Yes I have a feeling that he may be of the more magic intune unlike his brother who is a brute fighter." shakes her head. Either side dangerous but its their lives. "Borian has already been asked to help out in a squirmish between rival kingdoms. Dunno if I should let him go.."

Legacy senses the reason his mate shook her head and knows that no matter the outcome their two sons will forever be their two sons, no matter the danger involved in their young lives, knowing himself and his Sato will always worry and be there for them if anything goes wrong "If he truly feels he will be of some help then who are we to stop him my love? I know we are his parents and we love him deeply but we cannot and should not control our precious sons" He churrs gently, nuzzling to reassure his beloved kirin and kissing her cheek

Sato leans against him offering a nod as a kiss was planted upon his cheek, the cave now held more vines and never seen or though existing flowers and plants. In the corner the fabled Blue roses. "Yes you are right, if we try we would only alienate them.

Legacy moves himself and taking this rarest of moments picks the most splendid of the blue roses, making sure there are no thorns or anything to cause harm and bringing it to the side of his mate. Placing it onto her ear he entwines a little of the silky mane gently, embraiding it and admiring both her beauty and its beauty "That is true and we do not want to do that. Our sons are our life, they are the reason we feel joy and proud to be alive" He smiles, the old Knight cuddling his love and showing her how much she means to him

Sato watches as he began to pick the best of the rare roses, since they are both of the earth now their special magic will not effect them. "Normally these roses were used to makes others loose their memory. Forget me Knot Roses. Only I know how to grow them now. Me you and our children are uneffected by them so no worries." leans to kiss gently as she looked marvalous with the roses in her hair.

Legacy knows this and looks at his marvellous and beautiful mate, his eyes shining with deep love and affection for the old Knight nods his head "That is good to hear for I would not be happy if I ever forgot all the moments you and myself have shared so far. It would bring me to the end of my life for I could not live without knowing anything and not knowing why I am alive. The reason I am alive now is because I love you deeply, for you are the one who gives me the strength to move on and be as happy as I am"

Sato only blushes wiggling in his lap with a happy smile. "Aw you are so sweet to say such thing Legacy.." leans to kiss his lips as she rubs her neck a bit. "what a good day I must say."

Legacy moves himself a very gentle motion and with soft affection wraps his arms around the body of his mate, with his lips pressing to her blushing cheeks before she gives a kiss upon them. This gives his cheeks a reason to blush and yet once he has felt her wiggling in his lap the old Knight can only react in one manner, by shivering and gasping as he feels her moving over his now swelling sheath "You are the love of my life, you are my soulmate, the reason I am here. You are my Lady, I am your humble servant and Knight"

Sato watching him as she felt him shiver and she knew all to well her affect upon her knight. "What does my Knight wish of today of his lady? Anything new one wishes to try?" continues to wiggle about. Her body was heating more at the thought of being connected to him once more.

Legacy has an idea of something new to try with his mate and has this thought running through his mind while she continues to wiggle about upon his swelling sheath and lap. The old stallion Knight has the need to perform his idea and in one soft motion spins his Lady around on his lap, making her sit so she cannot feel his now throbbing and fully emerged cock, the tip flaring out and only allowing her to feel a little pre squirt from it and onto her back "Yes, and you shall see what I am planning" He speaks, his tone both loving and lustful

Sato eyes widen as she is turned around and moans feeling the pre squirt against her back. "What are you up you Knight?" asking with a hint of lust within her lips, only with her Knight will she ever be this playful for someone. "So I must see this plan then?"

Legacy does not give her an answer right away and instead moves her back a little more, a little closer to his throbbing cock and allowing her to feel another sqirt of his pre onto her back. For doing this he knows she will want him more and being made to wait will have her trying to get back and onto his large pulsing hot staff of stallion meat "You will see it soon enough my darling Sato" he smirks, snickering with lust and needing pleasure "You will soon be mated like never before"

Sato wiggling in his arms she whines out in want, finding that her knight was teasing her now. "Why tease your lovely lady in such a way?" turning her head to watch him closely. "I wish to know why you tease me.." her body was hot and already sweat forming over the skin.

Legacy shakes his head and only gives her a smirk and a gentle lusting nicker, allowing his motions to do all the talking for now as she can move back a little more onto his lap and feel the heat coming off his large throbbing hard cock right next to her pert ass cheeks yet not touching "I tease you because I want you as hot as possible, I want you to plead for your Knight to take his Lady. You are going to have me and you are going to have it fast and hard"

Sato feeling the hot tip of his cock pressing against her ass she moans out as her heart beats faster. "Oh please my knight mate you lovely lady!" yelping in want and desire only for her Knight. Her breasts bouncing from her squirms.

Legacy smirks and with a motion of his head now allows his Lady to sit back completely, to smoosh her ass against his throbbing and hard cock and press to it as it spurts a lot more pre, soaking her back with the strong scented essence leaking from his slightly flared tip now against her back as his hands rise and grasp her breasts to play with them and tweak the nipples "How much do you want me, my Lady? Tell your Knight"

Sato whines louder than before as the flowers burst open in the cave, she wiggles more upon the tip. Feeling him begin to push more against her ass. "Oh please my knight I am at your beckon call for whatever your desires may be." panting heavily as her veil upon her eyes disappears.

Legacy lifts his mate and carries her towards another part of the cavern, his hooves holding her so she must press back onto his throbbing cock with her ass and having her legs wide open to show the world just how wet his Lady truly is, a moan leaving him for he can see her hot pussy waiting for him to mate with as hard as he may wish "You shall have me, we shall mate very soon"

Sato eeps as she is lifted into the air and shudders as he began to move, feeling the cock pressing more. Her legs held wide for anyone to behold her dripping pussy, showing just how much the knight arouses her. "Oh my knight..."

Legacy moves and with his plan in motion presses his kirin to the cavern sidewall, fully aware he is pressing her nipples and breasts to a cold feeling surface, knowing it will warm quickly but counting on the initial shock and arousal. Making her go against it further he slides his throbbing cock up and down, on occasion pressing the flaring tip between her legs before resuming making it pulse and slide between her ass cheeks "Are you now ready my darling Sato?"

Sato body was hot to the touch as she was soon pressed against the side of the cavern walls. Her body shivered as she yelps in lust not realizing that much of the coldness for she warmed up quickly. She wiggles feeling him still tease her a bit between her legs before she felt the tip slide between her cheeks. "Yes my loving knight."

Legacy cupps his hands upon her breasts and once more tweaks the nipples, to have his hands on the cavern walls now and his hips moving into position while feeling his kirin wiggling from his teasing, a nicker and moan of lust heard from the old Knight "It is time, my darling Sato" He takes her wish and presses his flarring tip between her legs, using her breasts to push his Lady down, making one deep and sudden thrust upward and impaling her onto his throbbing hot stallion meat "Ohhh, jesus...you are...unbelievably hot!" The stallion moans, beginning in no time wasted to pound and thrust pushing his mate towards the cavern wall and making her bounce

Sato rubs the wall as a layer of moss coats any sharp rocks so nothing happens to her. She yelps out in lust feeling herself being suddenly impaled by her knight, him waisting no time in mating her hard and fast. "B..big!" wiggling as her pussy clamps hard around the stallion meat.

Legacy knows nothing of the moss but had chosen this particular all ahead of time to try and avoid anything of harm, his hands upon her breasts and squeezing before the old Knight must moan loudly and gasp in lusting pleasure. At that very moment she had wiggled and as her pussy clamps down so hard he must make his thrusting faster and harder, more effort placed in this and making him sweat and nicker, never slowing down however and keeping his kirin firmly impaled on his rapidly mating hot throbbing cock "Sato..I love..you!!"

Sato hands press against the moss covered wall as she cries out and moans with every thrust and pull her knight makes. Her skin sweating heavily as her pussy was dripping like a flowing river of her juices. Unable to hold back her body tenses in orgasmic bliss, pussy clamping and pulling Legacy's throbbing cock deeper yet. "I love you too Legacy!"

Legacy had not expected to feel his kirin reaching a state of orgasmic bliss so very soon but here she is doing it upon his throbbing and pulsing hard thick cock, her pussy pulling in the hard and needing stallion meat so much deeper and allowing him to slam into her cervix since he does not slow down, he gives her no chance to recover from this state of pleasure. Her juices flowing do greatly like a river allows the stallion to thrust as hard and fast as he may dare, so slippery and intensely hot while the old Knight mates his Lady as roughly as possible

Sato unable to recover she continues to have mini orgasms after that burst of bliss. Feeling her knight plow through her orgasms like nothing as she felt the tip slam into her cervix as if trying to enter her. Unable to speak she whickers out and whinnies in pleasure as her breasts bounce up and down against the wall.

Legacy is indeed trying to enter his mate, trying in every deep and slammed thrust to gain a way into her womb beyond the blocking cervix, his attempts making this old knight sweat and become hot with his Lady, a whinnie of success heard all through the lands and loud audible pop signalling his triumph. And in this he makes a deep and slammed thrust to plunge and impale her all the way down his thick throbbing cock, the flaring tip now finding itself inside the breeding chamber of the sexy and hot feeling kirin he loves so deeply "My Sato..you are...so hot!!"

Sato arched back feeling the flared tip pop into her womb and hold them together. Gasping as he still slams each time impaling her on that stallion cock. "O.oh god!" her body shook hard as a strong series of orgasms took hold of her.

Legacy never lets up on the thrusting and pounding, he has no intention of slowing down or making it any less hard in motion, his aim here to make sure his Kirin feels as much pleasure as possible before he must submit to his own. Her pussy has become so wet from the orgasms he slips in and out rapidly and in slippery and hot motions, pounding his mate over and over and keeping her pressed against the cavern side, his hands tweaking her nipples and squeezing her breasts now his balls are getting bigger and bigger between his legs and slapping to the cavern side "Sato.." He grits his teeth, starting to pound as rapidly as possible

Sato did not know how long her strength can hold out under this pressure she was given. Her body racked in orgasms feeling him rapidly thrust in and out. The tweeking and massaging of her breasts made the milk coat the moss on the cave wall. "L..legacy..' cooing out as her body shivered.

Legacy can feel the milk leaking from the nipples of his kirin lady, with his hands tweaking them and squeezing her breasts a little more, his pounding thrusting and thick hard stallion cock going as deep as possible with its flared tip in the hot confines of the womb beyond her cervix "Sato...I m...I am..I am!!!" He whickers, the old Knight tensing up tight against her and beginning to heavily pant, moaning loudly and slamming his pulsing throbbing meat into her tight virginlike pussy as hard and fast as possible

Sato was becoming weak from her orgasms but she kept her body strong as she turns to him. "Legacy fill me up!" feeling him pound hard as the flared tip tugs on her cervix a bit. "I want to feel your hot stallion cum fill me up." eyes coated over with lust and pleasure she grins.

Legacy listens and tenses up more and more until every muscle on his body shows clearly, the stallion getting on in his years but putting so many younger stallions to shame, once she has turned to him making his efforts as fast and hard as possible once more "Yessss...ohhh yess Sato!" The old knight whinnies and tenses again, almost bucking and feeling his flaring cocktip become too large, stopping his motions and sealing his mate, heavy balls tightening as he whinnies again almost deafeningly and presses against her ass with his hips tight "I'm cummming!!!" He yells, his cock twitching and jolting, spurt after thick, creamy hot spurt of his seed starting to flood her womb

Sato, even with all the young stallions that could be after her, had chosen this Old knight. His heart loyal to hers as she shudders and becomes weak within his arms as he began to fill up her womb with seed. "L..legacy..." was all she could utter as she pants heavily. She didn't know what to do in her weaken state as she accepts the seed.

Legacy has his heart completely loyal to the one mare he loves, his Kirin, his soulmate and one true desire, the mother of his foal and the one who holds his every attention. Feeling how weak she is becoming the Knight makes himself move and carrry her to the fluffed surface, his body falling back and laying on them and taking his impaled mate with him since she cannot get off his flared cocktip. But by doing this she may now lay back and rest, his seed continuing to spurt into her sealed womb as his hands caress her belly tenderly "Mmmm, I love you my Sato"

Sato clings to him feeling her move away from the wall and lay upon the ground on soft rugs. Eyes look up with a gentle smile and says nothing, the moment left her speechless. She leans into him as her stomach began to buldge from the amount of seed being pumped into her womb. "I love you too Legacy.."

Legacy had not expected to see a cum belly forming upon his mate but there it is, bulging out proudly since he continues to pump his fertile, thick and hot seed into the sealed womb inside it "I had not...planned on it being that rough...but...but I am now so hot and breathless..it was truly unbelievable..you are so hot and tight, holding my cock so firmly inside yourself.." He must gasp, the old Knight blushing, his young mate choosing him, his heart truly so happy, having never thought someone like her could ever love such an old creature

Sato leans into him as her body sweats but the sweat was not salty but it was pure water. The moss on the wall where the sweat had contact to overgrew and became very lush. "I thought I would not find someone to love me, having been rejected a couple times, once because I was a kirin. I choose you as my mate for all eternity."

Legacy licks this pure water and with a wonderment showing in a little nicker that follows knows his mate to be truly special, with his gaze falling upon the overgrowing moss and cheeks blushing for he knows the reason why. With her words however his heart begins to race and beat happily, his muzzle and her own being moved by his hands so lips may meet for a passionate kiss Why you were rejected in such ways I will never understand, for you are beautiful and wise beyond your years, you are sweet and wonderful and have my heart completely loyal to you. I choose you too, I choose you as my mate until the end of time"

Sato only smiles hearing this. "Yes they brought my spirits down but I tried one more time and found you." grins happily as she leans into him and churrs. "I am glad to hear this from you for I feel the same way."

Legacy may feel her going nowhere for a long time for even now she remains sealed onto his flared tip inside her womb, all of it flooded and making him churr from the warmth. But it has to be her words that have the most effect for his cheeks blush deeply, his arms wrapping up and over her so she is held in his loving embrace "I found you, my darling Sato. I had never dreamt an old stallion like me would ever find love...I feared I was destined to be alone.."

Sato hand raising to caress his cheek gently as she whickers out to him. "Age means nothing for I age like an elf." blushing she was already in her seventies. "I love you my darling Legacy."

Legacy blushes deeply and senses something from his Kirin but does not ask on it, for he loves her so deeply that age does not matter, as she herself has said that moment before "And I love you too my beautiful and darling Sato. You mean the world to me and so much more"

Sato leans into him as she finally regains her strength and wiggles about under him. "I am so very happy Legacy." cooing softly as she curls against his chest.

Legacy listens to his mate as she coos so softly and has her wiggling about under him, his cheeks blushing deeply now she is back to full strength and yet completely tied onto his flared cocktip, still firmly and tightly sealed in her womb "And I am so happy too. It seems however we are stuck very firmly. It looks like this was quite the mating"

Sato blushing listening to him. "Yes for it was a strong mating I do not think I will be able to get off for some time love." leans kissing his cheek.

Legacy nods and with a gentle motion turns her head, so he may kiss his mate deeply upon the lips and have his tongue playing with her tongue, the most surprising fact for him right now being that though they are so firmly stuck together he can still feel her tight hot pussy pulsing on his still throbbing cock "I feel the same, but I do not want to come away from you..not yet anyway when it feels this good"

Sato only smiles wiggling about. "Yes I agree with you hun. I do enjoy the feeling of you deep and tied into my body. I am happy to be with you."

Legacy feels certain this was how Alexander was concieved on the days of her heat, his cheeks blushing deeply with this memory before he comes back to reality again, gasping and having to moans as she wiggles upon his firmly tied cock "And I am so happy to be with you. We are as one, we are united"

Sato was certain it was the same way as she kisses his cheek. "Mm I am so very relaxed now hun, I feel so very full and happy."

Legacy could only agree with this and lay tenderly with his mate, his cheeks blushing due to the kiss placed upon one "I am happy to hear that my love. We shall face the future together, we shall forever be together from now until beyond time"

Sato nods her head and leans against him softly, churring and closing her eyes as she falls asleep against his warm body "Love you Legacy..my Knight"

Legacy churrs softly in answer, his heart beating with happiness as she rests herself, his own form surrendering to sleep a short time later "Love you too...my Lady"

I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did. I will start work on my next story soon too, the next part of "A Caretaker and His Chronicles". Until then enjoy this and as always point out mistakes or make comments :) Thanks for reading and see you in the next story.

ps. And thanks a lot to Sato and Legacy, I hope they like this :)