Truth and Consequences 2: Chapter 1: The Meetings

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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#1 of Truth and Consequences 2

Truth and Consequences 2

  1. The Meetings

Lieutenant Matthew Thorn's hour long wait just outside of the passenger terminal of Unity's (the Alliance's main base on Dessla) main landing field came to an end when he heard a pleasant three tone alarm from the public address system. He looked up and saw against the clear late morning sky the Supreme Commander of the Earth-Mendall Alliance, Jason Monroe-Talbot, fly in from the east. Humans, the lemuroid Mendalls and Dorzeli-An all waved to, or saluted him as he prepared to land. He returned their gestures of respect and greetings as he touched down onto a nearby VTOL pad. Matt, who had sampled his ability of powered flight during the battle for Aybabtu, experienced a brief twinge of jealousy.

Jason walked over to and greeted him. "Good morning Lieutenant Thorn."

Matt saluted. "Good morning Sir."

Jason leaned forward so that their faces almost touched. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Embarrassed, Matt leaned forward and rubbed the right side of his snake-like face with that of Jason's. The moment they touched he felt a milder version of the well being and joy he had experienced when his mate, Feih Desslat, had greeted him in a similar manner after she rescued him from an enemy ambush, but he also sensed something else: restraint. He did his best to keep a pleasant look on his face when they parted.

He took notice of the light damage on Jason's long sleeved battle suit which matched his superior's light blue on sky blue coloring to take his mind off of the residual of what he had felt. Like Matt's Jason's matched his light blue body coloring. Only the neck, waist and bands at the end of their sleeves and "pants" kept him from the appearance that he was nude.

Jason observed this, grinned and then said, "Dorzeli females tend to play rough."

Matt smiled; he also wore a few of those "love scars" that were covered by his new suit.

Jason pointed to a large domed, stadium sized building near the southern perimeter of the base. "It's best that we have our discussion in private." Matt nodded in agreement, looked at the structure and marveled at how fast it had been erected since it had been only four days since the Soriss had been pushed off of the planet; most of the Alliance's buildings were modified colonization landers which had been brought on ships designed to carry four of the units at a time.

Jason saw him stare at it and explained its presence; "It's a former Mendall evacuation ship that I had brought here for a special purpose." He then pointed to the Pressat, the Dorzeli ship that had been the objective of battle, which Matt had also spotted behind it which was guarded by several armored vehicles and near Giraffe sized Cherrodons. "It's been restored to one hundred percent of its full power and is now deep space ready."

Matt almost stumbled when he heard this; he had seen the ship's weapons destroy a Soriss heavy cruiser with only one shot at five percent.

When they arrived at the buildings main entrance two huge doors slid part way open and four soldiers exited. They stood at attention when they saw the two Dorzeli. The sergeant, a tall Mendall, was the only one who spoke; "All is in readiness as per your orders, sir." Jason thanked him and entered the building.

Matt looked down at the soldiers and saw that they appeared to be nervous. Then he received an encrypted message from Jason on his implant; "I still get those looks from a lot of people." He sighed aloud, "Especially after my behavior at the Soriss base." His sister, Sarah, had told him the details of how after being hit by enemy laser fire in his human form, he transformed and went into a "beserker" mode and almost turned on his own people after he wiped out the entire enemy force they had faced. This caused Matt to wonder why every human he had met that morning and those that greeted Jason upon his arrival appeared to have no fear of them: T. rex sized, and in Jason's case larger, predators.

He looked away from them and continued forward, but not before he saw two of them smile as if they knew what was about to happen.

He looked over the vast off-white stark interior the moment his twin tails passed over the threshold and saw that it was as large as any domed sports stadium on Earth. It even had large overhead high intensity lights, but it was furnished with only a few similarly colored containers and cushions at its far end where they were headed and that the floor seemed to be padded.

They were halfway to them when Jason said, "If anything we discuss or do in here makes you feel uncomfortable you have my permission to leave without question; all you have to do is walk toward the doors; their sensors are set to automatically open for any Dorzeli."

This, when added to the soldier's reactions, caused Matt to hope that some of the rumors that had circulated about his commander-in-chief were not true. He also did his best to hide his nervousness when he heard the doors close and engage their heavy duty locks.

Feih used the momentum of her fall to roll up into an upright position while a short distance away, Colonel Sarah Thorn grinned and taunted her into trying again. Without a sound or moment's hesitation she charged her golden haired and furred sister-in-law. This time she was more successful and caught Sarah's foot when she tried to kick at her, but was again brought to the ground when Sarah spun, swung her other foot up, and hooked it around her neck. Sarah immediately followed up her success by locking her tails around Feih's neck. She held tight until she yielded.

When they separated and agreed to take a break Feih asked, "I wonder why Daihas left to go hunting with all the food that Jason has left for us."

"Maybe he was tired of seeing his sister having her head handed to her." Sarah saw the dirty look Feih gave her and added, "Or it could be that he misses Javfeis." She looked in the direction he had used to leave them over an hour earlier. "I miss him too."

Feih sighed, "We all do."

Sarah shook off the sad memory and said, "You know you're actually very good, but you seem to be holding back."

Feih stared at her and smiled. "We're only practicing, not fighting for dominance."

Sarah dipped her head to acknowledge her leadership position then got up and walked over to her Dorzeli sized travel bag that had been given to her by Jason after their Aybabtu mission debriefing, reached into it and pulled out two large packages. When she returned to Feih's side she handed one to her.

She took it from her, sniffed it then asked, "What's this?"

Sarah removed the covering from hers. "They're sparring gloves and boots." She pulled out the gloves from her package and slipped them over her hands then removed one of the boots and put it on her right foot. Feih saw that they were made primarily to cover their sharp claws.

"I see," commented Feih. "I remember my father telling me about similar appliances that were used to train our fighters."

Just as she finished putting on her last piece of footwear Sarah turned her head and looked skyward.

Feih imitated her and asked. "What's wrong?"

"I thought I sensed something." She shrugged her shoulders and went on to explain their origin. "Freerah made these so that she could safely train Jason in full contact fighting, but when she left him he felt that he needed a surrogate trainer."

"Is that the reason why he changed you?"

"Well, I was the champion martial arts fighter for my division for three straight years and I was a trainer for several years after that until my last promotion, but I think it was mainly for the mission as a backup for my brother just in case..." she paused and looked directly at Feih. "I don't think I ever properly thanked you for saving his life."

Feih smiled. "You're welcome."

"But I feel I should do something special to repay you."

"What you're doing now is payment enough." She noticed a strange grin appear on her trainer's face, but it disappeared when she said, "Please continue."

"Jason felt he needed to improve his fighting skills. Allegedly his were mediocre at best, but Freerah must have done something to him because I had a hard time holding my own against him." When she noticed that Feih had put on the four items and had positioned herself to continue their sparring session she stood up. "I must warn you that these haven't been thoroughly tested for endurance so I don't know how long they'll last."

Impatient to continue Feih growled, "I don't care about their durability. I just need enough practice so that I won't lose too badly tomorrow."

Ears back, Sarah made slow and deliberate moves toward her. "I thought you wanted to win?"

Feih moved toward her with well practiced caution. "I'm just being realistic, but he has yet to gain most of the powers that he'll eventually have so I may have a chance."

"By using your size changing abilities?" Sarah's smirked as her eyes darted over Feih's body, looking for any sign of when she would attack. "He can easily triple what you're capable of."

Feih tried to hide her shock at hearing this but the slight panic in her voice gave her away. "That can't be true. The only way he could gain that much power and mass in so short a time would be to have devoured another Prime, but since Freerah is alive he couldn't have turned on her; I didn't think he could be that ruthless."

Sarah slowed her approach. "So it's true that Dorzeli are cannibalistic?"

Feih smirked. "You have nothing to fear. Like your people we only do that under the most extreme of conditions and even what we went through during the occupation wasn't enough to cause us to become that desperate." A toothy grin followed.

Sarah flexed her fingers, "Well I guess we'll probably never know how he did it."

"And that's not our problem right now," hissed Feih when she saw Sarah's body tense up.

They jumped at each other and met hand to hand, fingers interlocked, and face to face. Each struggled to push the other off balance but both were surprised to find that they were evenly matched in strength and determination and, as the seconds passed, the strain showed on their faces. Then each combatant gave off a low growl.

Sarah was startled when Feih bared her teeth then opened her mouth; the rules of the coming battle forbade biting and fire spitting (both of which were looked upon as the equivalent of assault with a deadly weapon in Dorzeli society). This threw her off just enough so that her opponent was able to push her backward. Determined not to be beaten by her "student" she tried a desperate ploy; she thrust her head forward and kissed Feih squarely on the front of her snout. To her surprise Feih did not weaken but did show by her astonishment that the move was unexpected. Their kiss ended seconds later.

"Don't look so shocked," stated Sarah with a smirk. "That kiss you gave me back on the ship was more than one of appreciation for saving everyone's life."

Feih smiled. "You're right. I've been attracted to you ever since you appeared with your unique coloration during the battle, maybe even before."

Sarah returned her smile when she felt the resistance on her hands ease. "So, are you up for a little special repayment?"

Feih's answered with a loud roar directly into her face.

Caught off guard by this sudden aggression and an exponential increase in the force on her hands, Sarah lost her footing, fell backwards and, within seconds, found herself at the mercy of a Dorzeli-Ki that was over three times her size who needed only a single hand to hold her down.

Feih grinned, increased the pressure upon Sarah until she stilled then said, "I appreciate your eagerness but I lead this family so I make all the first moves."

Sarah gasped, "Like the ones you made on my brother?" Feih growled and nodded her head yes. "Sorry; but how do you know that I still don't have the powers Jason gave to me before we met?"

Feih smirked, "Because you haven't been able to counter my true weight while your brother can still lift me off the ground when I express this mass at my 'normal' size." She pressed down a little harder to emphasize her point then licked her lips.

A kick to her abdomen by two large feet that belonged to a suddenly much larger Sara Thorn shoved her a good distance away.

She jumped up onto them and prepared for Feih's response but decided that their practice should end when the leader of the Desslat clan bared all of her deadly weapons and issued a viscous growl-challenge to her.

Before she could make the proper signs of submission she stumbled and shouted "Damn!" Seconds later she was back at her original size; her right hand on her forehead.

By the time she had steadied herself Feih was again upon her but she looked more worried than angered over what had happened when she asked, "Are you alright?"

"I think so." She shook off her slight dizzy spell and looked up at Feih. "I must've not had enough energy stored to maintain that force illusion." She swallowed hard when Feih squatted down and wrapped one hand around her neck.

"So, you have some of a Prime's power but none of their mass?" She didn't wait for an answer. "That's good; otherwise I would've taken what you just did seriously." The stern expression that was on her face changed to one of affection and she stroked the left side of Sarah's face with the back of her right hand. "I wouldn't want to make Matt and Daihas angry at me for banishing you." She eased her grip. "I still don't know how Jason resisted you for as long as he did."

Relieved, Sarah explained that; "I guess he didn't want to betray Freerah, but I could tell his resolve was beginning to break down just before the invasion."

Feih sighed. "He also resisted my advances when he first met with me to finalize our plan for first contact. Either he's truly dedicated to her or he's scared of her."

Sarah looked at her with new eyes, "You tried for him too?" Feih shook her head yes. "Does my brother know?"

"He was angry at first, but he came to understand that my need for a mate had driven me to desperate measures." Feih saw a look of suspicion in Sarah's eyes and quickly tried to dispel any worries she may have had about her relationship with Matt. "I'd never do anything that he did not first agree to." She took hold of the smaller female's neck with both hands. "Now, I'll do what's necessary to ensure that you stay loyal to me as well."

She licked her lips and lowered her face toward Sarah's and after several gentle affectionate licks to Sarah's forehead and the left side of her face the former human relaxed. They ended when Feih stood up to her impressive seven story height and ordered, "Remove your suit." Sarah got up and did so. "Now lay back down." By the time she was once again on her back Feih had also stripped her uniform off. Both stared at each others impressive physiques for several seconds; Feih had the largest bust of the two, but Sarah's was only slightly smaller and more rounded.

Sarah licked her lips. "I can see why my brother fell for you."

Feih did likewise and returned the compliment; "And I believe Jason was a fool to refuse you." She smiled then said, "Now lie still."

She knelt down, resumed licking at Sarah face and neck then moved down her body and paid a good deal of attention to her partner's large breasts before she went to her groin that was already moist with mixed human and Dorzeli fluids.

Sarah withstood the assault of the giant Dorzeli's tongue to that already drenched part of her body for over fifteen minutes as it lapped and probed everywhere it could reach before she felt her peak approach with all the speed of a transcontinental maglev.

"Yes, yes..." she started to cry then the tongue was withdrawn. She sat up and tried to suppress any anger or disappointment she felt when she stared at Feih.

"If you want to be satisfied then I must be first to cum." She grinned and went onto her back.

Sarah was so stimulated by what had been done to her that she got up and dove into the larger Dorzeli-Ki with an eagerness that Feih would later tell her rivaled Matt's.

"Yes!" she cried as Sarah's brought her life experience to the fore: she licked and suckled, probed and lapped at her entrance and clit with such vigor and skill that within minutes Feih was pushed over the edge; she screamed, grabbed her partner's head and held it in place as she came. Sarah nearly choked on Feih's juices when they spilled onto her face and mouth. She was startled when her large partner returned to her original size.

She sat up, licked her snout clean then asked, "What happened?"

Feih sat up and panted, "Just like you I've used up all of my spare energy when I came." She took in a deep breath, got onto all fours and crawled up to Sarah so that they were face to face. "Luckily I have plenty to spare at this size."

They smiled and brought their snouts together in a kiss and fondled each other's breasts. It was not long before they thrust and gyrated their tails deep into each other's sex.

Sarah was the first to scream out in orgasmic bliss over a quarter of a lust filled hour later. When Feih reached her second peak she also roared out her pleasure to the world.

Sarah licked at the exposed underside of her neck as she came down from her high. Such was her trust in her mate's sister that Feih allowed this despite her natural misgivings of exposing herself in such a manner.

When she stopped Feih looked down into Sarah's face and smiled. "You and your brother are excellent lovers."

Sarah also smiled. "You're not so bad either, and a refreshing change from your brother. He's very good but sometimes he can be so..."

She did not finish her sentence as a gust of wind had blown a familiar scent to her.

"Can anyone join in?"

They separated, turned and saw that Freerah was not less than fifty meters away from them.

"I knew I sensed someone earlier," claimed Sarah as she attempted to hide her nervousness at being caught.

"You sensed me that far off?" Freerah shook her head as if she was disappointed with herself. "I'm getting sloppy."

"Where's Jason?" asked Feih.

She walked toward them. "He's on his way to meet with Matthew who I know has had some difficulties adjusting to his new form and life and, believe it or not, so has Jason, maybe even more so." She noticed that they had become nervous at her continued approach and stopped. "I thought that if they could 'compare notes' they might find a way to help each other cope with their situations." She looked them over then she commented on the sight before her. "It looks like you two are coping quite well."

They seemed at a loss for words. Then Sarah asked, "Will Matt be all right with Jason?" She did not see Feih close her eyes and lower her head as if she expected them to be struck down. "He's not like us. I mean he's never..."

"Your brother should be alright," interrupted Freerah. She smirked, "Although Jason is a bit further along now, so who knows what may develop."

When she began to remove her flexible body armor the other two females became unsure of what to say or do. After a few seconds Sarah shrugged her shoulders and said, "Why not?"

Feih nodded in agreement, looked at the now naked form of Jason's mate and found it very agreeable. Freerah was proportionately bigger than her or any other female she had ever seen yet the size of her breasts seemed right on her. "I've never done it with a Dorzeli Prime before."

Freerah's eyes narrowed to slits. "I'm glad to hear that." She laughed at their fearful reactions. "I know he never became intimate with either of you but if he had I would've blamed myself. I've even forgiven him for being with Yurex's sister." She frowned and looked at the forest around them. "I should never have abandoned him when he needed me the most, but that's in the past now."

She looked back at Feih and reassured her about her intentions. "I'm not here to influence the outcome of your duel with my mate. In fact I hope you win." She saw that Feih was caught off guard and explained that; "Your victory would help keep him from becoming too cocky; there's always the possibility of him going up against someone or something more powerful or more skilled than he is; I want him to be able to handle those situations."

"That's very wise," commented Feih.

"I'm glad that you feel that way." Freerah's hood unfolded from her neck and the red eyespot circles on their fronts and rears filled in and glowed red. "Now let me show you something I've learned during my many travels from before I met Jason."

Feih and Sarah observed her whole body give off a bright blue aura that matched her coloration increase to the point that her body disappeared within it. When it faded and her hood refolded back onto her neck so that it seemed to have never been there they looked at her smiling face and saw no change, but when they looked down to her waist their jaws collectively dropped in disbelief.