
Story by Michael J. Simmons on SoFurry

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By: Michael J. Simmons

Adult Text & Content: If you are under the age of 18, or easily offended by sexual content (i.e. - explicit in nature), Between Men & Women/ Men or Men/ Woman or Woman or Group sex, for that manner any type of sex in general. Then Please do not read on.

Michael got off the Light-Rail service over on Fifteenth (15)th Street and Stout. He made his way over to a nightclub called the Le' Bohemey, he had come here as a change of pace from his normal haunts. It had been a while since he was down in LoDo, and it made him happy to see some of the old buildings. Michael made a living out of drawing the dancers at these clubs then selling them, to bidders in the audience. He of course made sure to get permission from both the owners of the bars and the dancers as a matter of course.

The young buck, moved his way past the bouncer a big brute of a mastiff, he eyed Michael suspiciously as he passed him. However, the bouncer knew that he would be here tonight and that he was harmless to the girls, he drew them, not pawed at them like some of the others. Michael moved his way into the darkened bar, trying hard to ignore the loud pulsing music coming from the speakers. He finally found himself a table that allowed him a good view of two of the three dance poles.

He set up his pad and pencils, with his back to a wall and being in a booth made sure, he was out of the flow of the crowd as his fellow furries started to file in. He waved over to a Waitress/Dancer as she made her way across the floor, he noticed she seemed to waddle a little, and as she approached, he noticed why. She was apparently four or five months pregnant with child, which is why she was not dancing on stage.

She came over, "Hey" she sounded slightly tired already from moving between the patrons of the bar, "My name is Shelia and I will be your server tonight, what can I get you?" she asked with a resigned voice. "Yah, Shelia I would like a Roy Roger." He had to yell to her for her to hear him. " Also I will want a French Dip with Fries and Lettuce, thanks." He smiled at her, then as she was starting to go away he asked her for one more thing." Hey Shelia, maybe if you are willing and on a break you can come back here I would like to Draw you."

Shelia only stopped and looked at him for a moment. She walked away from him, as she went to place his order. Mike turned back to his blank sheet, as Veronica (the Lynxette) came on stage, he started to draw Veronica as she gyrated wildly on stage for her audience and fans. His meal came about thirty minutes later.

She could only stare at the picture he had drawn of Veronica, it was beautiful, captivating; It was if he had managed to take Veronica from the stage and placed her in the paper.

"It is beautiful," Shelia said with a little awe.

"Thank You." Replied Michael, Shelia continued to watch as he produced a Laptop Computer and its components on item after hooking everything up he proceeded to hold over Veronicas picture as he transferred it to the machine, the second she saw was obviously a printer. He then proceeded to sketch out Nancy (the gazelle),

"So about that picture." Michael asked honestly

" I don't... really want to..." Shelia stammered, " I mean who would want such an ugly thing, I mean look at me."

She felt his hand on hers, as he lightly touched her hand. " I have and I am." She heard him say, " and to tell you the truth, I would want a hundred pictures of you." He finished with a smile on his lips, as he looked at her. She could feel her pulse quicken in time with the beating of the bass from the speakers.

"Excuse me, I have customers to attend to." As she broke free of his grip lightly and moved off into the crowd. Michael only sat there, but soon got back to his drawing and also selling of his drawings off his laptop from the printer in both color and black and white. The remainder of the night went along smoothly, for Michael as he drew his pictures and sold them, he had even given the first pictures to each of the girls as they had gone on their breaks. Veronica had even thanked him in private after the club had closed. For Michael this job made his day job bearable.

It was several weeks later, as Michael sat there near the end of the night; he counted out his money he had made, not bad about one hundred and twenty dollars ($120.00). He looked up to see Shelia and another fem (a Doe). "Hey," said Shelia..." I would like that picture, I've seen what you drawn for Nancy, and I would like a picture also." Michael started to break out his gear to precede drawing again; he had been fighting the image in his head all this time of how to draw her. "No you silly buck, not here." Shelia said in admonishment, "back at our place." Michael looked at them both again and realized something; he watched their body language as they held one another very close. Dear God they where lovers; as he just about fell over himself in shock, he watched Nancy's hand caress over Shelia swollen belly, and they kissed one another gently.

"Besides we have another favor to ask of you, when you are finished with your picture." Shelia murred into his ear gently and deliciously. There was no way in the entire world he was going to pass this up. He packed up his things, and started to walk out with the girls. One on each arm, as they proceed out of the bar into the night. They walked for a while, his arms over each of the girls' shoulders.

"Is there anything we need to pick up my Ladies, after all I was not expecting anything to go on tonight, so I am without protection." Michael said a little apprehensively.

"I wouldn't worry about it Stud." Whispered Nancy Seductively in his ear, "we have exactly what we need." This only furthered enhanced the mystery for Michael, who was starting to feel tightness in his pants. He could feel Nancy's hand slide down on his ass, there was also something odd, a smell he could not place, "But damn, it smelled good." He thought as he leaned in closer to her and nuzzled her neck and cheek. He could hear her murring in the back of her throat, as he nuzzled her. They stopped along the side of the street for the mall ride, it was there that Nancy pulled him close, pulling his head down and she kissed him. Passionately her tongue slipping out of her mouth and into his, as she brought her hands up to his face, holding him close, He could feel her in him as she attempted to give him a tonsillectomy. He then felt Shelia's body up against them both as she leaned in to join in on the kiss, her tongue just barely able to touch each of their muzzles and the three embrace there in the mall.

They broke up the kiss as the mall shuttle came running up and they got aboard. Michael took a seat at the back of the bus, with Shelia at his right and Nancy on his lap, his hand came to rest on Shelia's belly as they kissed some more, and Nancy started to nuzzle on his neck, like some type of toothless Vampire. They finally make it home, as they stumble off the Mall Shuttle, near their apartment. The three of them make their way up to the girls' home and open the door, barely make it through. As all three are busy pawing at one another, Michael is in heaven as he feels Nancy go down on her knees, unbuckle his pants, and start to slurp on his risen melness with the intensity of the possessed. Meanwhile he is still kissing Shelia as she kisses him, they stand there in the hall, with the door only slightly ajar...

"I think we need to close the door." Michael finally says breathlessly. "Then maybe something a little more comfortable to be..." he pleaded. The girls took the cue and separated themselves from him, as Shelia closed the door, Nancy pulled him over to their couch and turned him around to sit as she pulled off his pants.

"Hey Shelia, Look what I found, and Hmmmm, I guess Veronica was not kidding." Nancy said with her eyes growing wide. " Oh Goodness," Shelia, slowly walked back over to see what has her friend enraptured. She smiles at his readiness. She then watches as Michael stands up and moves closer to her, his pants no longer on him, and his shirt falling off. She feels him move around to her back, and slowly start to nibble her neck, as his left hand first caresses her left breast, and his right hand rubs her swelling belly. Shelia then gasps slightly as she feels her friends muzzle go to her swelling belly slowly kissing and licking it, then dipping lower until she is nuzzling her wet femness, and licking her down there.

Shelia can only stand their as her two lovers proceed to nibble and lick her, she opens her eyes to see herself in a full-length mirror with her two lovers around her. Her knees start to buckle, but she feels Michael's arms hold here up, gently stroking her breast and belly, skimming over her lightly, while he continues to nuzzle her, he then moves his muzzle up to hers as they start to kiss. Shelia's body goes into mini-orgasms as her friend finds her pleasure nub and starts to nibble it a little then suckle.

Shelia's only thought at the time was "who is that creature in the mirror she was aglow, radiant even," She could see her milk laden harden teats, her eyes continued there scan down over her swelling taught belly, all the way down to where their was Nancy's head engorging on her. " Uhhhh, God I am going to cum if you all keep this up." She said excitedly.

"I thought that was the Idea." Michael said huskily, his voice sent shivers through her body. A she felt him move around slowly his hands still skimming her body as he brought his mouth over her right breast and teat and he started to lick and slowly suckle, Nancy in the mean time continued with her probing with her tongue and fingers. As Shelia starts to slowly sag to the ground, her friends help her down. "So Nancy. What shall we do with her now." Asked Michael playfully, as he continued to slowly caress her nipples keeping them hard, while his right hand caressed her belly then Nancy's head. Nancy slowly started to shift her weight up as she began to lick and kiss her girlfriends body, while she kept her left rubbing her friends steadily growing wet clitoris. "Oh... Uhmmmm... Oh... God, it is so intense, Gods need... I need him..." Was all Shelia could say as both her girlfriend and Michael suckled on her breasts' and felt her moist folds and her swelling belly. Shelia finally felt her lovers switch positions as she watched there shadows move around her. Shelia finally saw her girlfriend's femness above her and she began to feel Michael's weight against her lower regions as his hardness slowly started to penetrate her. "Hmmmm... Ohhhh... Michael, please don't... tease me... Oh please... give it too me... " She cried as he proceeded to go deeper into her. Her moans where soon cut short as she buried her muzzle into Nancy's' moist femness and started moaning, crying and suckling, her hands go up to her friends waist to keep her up.

Soon Shelia felt an Orgasm rip through her body as she screamed into her girlfriend's moist cunt. Sending small ripples of pleasure through Nancy. She felt Nancy get off her face, and Michael lay in her still, his melness throbbing and pulsing in her, sending small thrills through her body.

"My turn" said Nancy her voice husky with need. As she proceeded to lean back, "Come on Shelia, get up her, you too Michael, I need you both, now." Both Deer looked at one another then crawled over to Nancy; Shelia crossed over to Nancy's head and straddled her face, as Michael lowered his shaft into Nancy warm moist depths. Nancy moaned lowly as she started to suckle her girlfriend's femness, she then felt Shelia lean into Michael and he into her as they kissed passionately over her body. Nancy took this opportunity to insert her fingers into her Shelia's engorged femness and start to rub in and out, specifically over the rough area near the front of her pubis area inside of her cunt. She could hear Shelia's cries of pleasure grow louder as Michael continued to nuzzle her and suckle her breasts and Nancy continued with her ministrations on Shelia's erogenous zone.

"Ohhhh... Uhmmmm. Ohhhhh... Uhhhmmmmmm... GOD, YES, GOD I'M CUMMING, OH GOD, I'M... I'M... I'M... Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Shelia came with a climax that left both her and Michael breathless, as she fell off Nancy's face and left shuddering on the floor. Michael attempted to move from his position in Nancy to see if Shelia was all right, but felt Nancy's legs scissor tight around his waist.

"Where do you think you are going?" Nancy asked.

"To Check on Shelia, see if she is all right." Mike stated with concern in his voice.

"She's fine, it's me you should be concerned with now, My stag, my beautiful stag." She murred as she pulled him closer to her and in her, she felt his rhythm return as he started to thrust into her. She felt his attention move from Shelia to her as his need focused on her." Ohhhh... God, Yes, Oh, Baby please yes, I need... Baby... your baby... Uhmmmm... Oh God, YES, I ... I... I... IEEEEEEE!"

Michael continued his thrusting, as he felt himself build and build and finally release into Nancy's warm quivering mound. "Hurh... hurh... hurh... Hurhnnnnnn!" Michael soon laid down on top of Nancy as he felt himself still releasing in her... "Damn, that was incredible. I've never felt like that before."

" Care for round two, this time though I think we would be better in bed." Nancy said quietly as she was also catching her breath.

"Sure, but a question? What was it that you wanted? That is once I drew her picture." Michael asked. Nancy slowly sat up and placed her knees under her chin. "I'm not so sure now... What I wanted from you back at the club was to bring you back here so I can have a... child." She said quietly.

This shocked Michael at first. "Let me get this straight you brought me here to have sex, so you can have a child." He bolted straight up right, with a dangerous glint of anger in his Hazel eyes. "Well I guess you got what you needed then didn't you." He said in a low and dark voice, he started to gather his belongings together, putting on his pants and shirt. When he heard a noise, it was sobbing, Nancy had started to cry, quietly into her drawn up knees.

Michael watched her a little closer, she was holding something back and seemed to be unsure of herself.

"But, something happened did it not, something you where not planning on." He asked his voice still full of anger and hurt, but also compassion. Nancy could only nod here head in an affirmative manner.

"Yea, Something did, for the past three weeks. I've been watching you as you draw, seeing how you deal with people thinking how great it would be to have those traits passed on, and then tonight, as we where making love... realized that instead of wanting a donor..."

"You instead fell in love with me...!" Michael

"Yea, Silly... I use you for a stud farm with the intent of not seeing you except when you draw at the club, and now I don't want to do anything except have you in my life, and you probably will not have anything to do with me now." Nancy got up and faced him, "Well," she said with a sigh. "I might as well see you out."

Nancy made her way to the door, but not hearing any noise behind her, she turned. She saw Michael standing there with his shirt in his hands, his pants barely defying gravity, as they had not been zipped up, he had a serious expression his face as he thought about what was said.

"Michael, are you alright." Nancy asked tentatively.

"I'm thinking." came his reply, very low and apprehensively. "I've always had a girl who says she loves me in the heat of the moment, but not a one who has said after the moment has passed and meant it, you know."

Nancy watched the play of emotions flicker across his eyes, as he continued to think. "Tell you what, if you want to think about it you can, however if I can get some help getting Shelia to bed, She isn't light any more."

Michael allowed a smile to pass over his face. "Sure, I can." He moved from the place he was standing, as he buttoned his jeans up, and bent over and lifted Shelia up, with Nancy directing him down the hall, he took her into their shared bedroom and placed Shelia on the one bed the two girls shared.

Michael had noted that the apartment was a small one with a kitchenette and small dining/living room and another bedroom, which held a crib and other baby stuff init. Almost a walk-in economy, "I take it this was the best you two could get." He said weakly.

"Actually, No. This was my home, until Shelia showed up about eight months ago, she had no place to go, so I offered her the use of my place to stay, and well we got along so well." Nancy started to blush as she remembered Shelia's and hers first encounter in this room.

"Penny for your thoughts." Michael asked, as he laid Shelia down on the bed. He then stood up and waited for Nancy as she stood there in the window being bathed in the light from the street, He noticed the curtain billowing in the breeze, as watched her. He then made a decision, he moved himself until he stood behind her, He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, he felt her stiffen at first to his touch but then relax.

He brought himself closer to her, as he wrapped first his left hand then his right around her shoulder and waist, his right hand brushing across her flat, taught stomach, he then brought him muzzle down and rested it on her neck. He felt Nancy's body slowly relax as he held her close.

"So," He asked." How in the name of Hern are the thr- uh four, no make that five of us suppose to live in this itty-bitty place, after all there is not a lot a room for my work place. You know." As he started to nuzzle and kiss and caress Nancy's quivering body.

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