Happy Birthday, Mister Salesman

Story by Tazo on SoFurry

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Today started even before I got into work.

It's not a common occurrence for me to do anything before, say, noon, unless pressured by outside forces or very determined internal ones. In this case, it was a phone call.

Again, I would normally let it ring and say to hell with whomever decided to call me before a decent hour of the day. For some reason, I blame some convenient source that I can't think of largely because I didn't have enough sleep, I felt compelled to answer it. This may have also been because the person refused to give up after three previous attempts.

"hurgooh?" I am, as always, at my most eloquent with a head shoved into a pillow and squinting through my eyelids.

"Tazo? Did ... did I wake you?" The voice on the other end of the line is familiar, if a bit distant. Now it's waking me up by poking at the back of my skull. I know who this is but for the life of me, and through the haze of being freshly roused out of a pretty damn good dream about Toby ...

... "Toby?" My eyes were wide open now and lucidity was on well on it's way with plenty of coffee and a couple of Vivaren for good measure, "what are you doing calling me at..." My eyes darted to the green glow of my twenty year old Godzilla alarm clock, "eleven in the morning?"

"I need to talk to you. In private." There was something in his voice that sounded urgent; and despite my frequent and erotic fantasies about the stud of a raptor, he was still one of my best friends.

"What about Jen?" His girlfriend was more often than not the person he turned to first. Not that it's particularly surprising to confide in your significant other. No more so than I wanting to be that particular other.

"...it's a guy only thing." His voice seemed to trail off after that. Now my curiosity was in full gear as well.

"Alright, where did you want to meet?" I was cradling the phone against my shoulder, digging through the pile of clean clothes at the foot of the bed and trying to find something presentable to wear. Preferably something with ample room in the groin. Toby always has that effect on me and this time I couldn't hide it behind a counter.

"Can you meet me at work? I'm didn't have anywhere else to go. The dressing room's private, since the place is closed." This was getting odder and odder. The Pink Martini didn't open until three in the afternoon and shows didn't start until at least six. Something would have to be seriously up if he'd decided to tuck himself away there.

"On my way." I said, pulling on a pair of boxers and some baggy cargo pants I'd fished out.

"I'll wait at the back. Just knock," and with a click, he was off the line. I dumped the phone back onto it's cradle, grabbed a convenient shirt and threw it over my shoulders. All the while I couldn't help but wonder what was so important and so mysterious...

My brain immediately jumped to the idea that Toby had finally decided he was gay (or at least bi) and that he wanted to make mad, passionate love to me because he had desired me all along. This, of course, was perfect fantasy material and because of that likely to be the furthest from the truth. Still it kept me in a bit of a blissful cloud while I made my was down to the Martini and around to the back door.

Before I even rounded the corner I saw Toby, still in street clothes and looking rather nervous as he propped the door open with his thick, muscled and oh, so magnificent tail. The smile on my snout spread as I approached. Even if none of it was true, even if the news I was about to get was the most depressing thing I'd heard in years, I got to see Toby's immaculate ass and tail. I could die happy.

When he noticed me I tried to look less, well, perverted. No good having to share bad news when your friend is ogling your backside. He waved me forward and huddled me inside before shutting the door behind him. I'd never been backstage at the Martini but it's wasn't exactly a surprise. Long corridors with rooms spaced evenly along either side, janitor closets and any number of offices to deal with all the administration of the place. People, and even I at one time, expect these sorts of place to be a glamorous lineup of beef and/or cheesecake all simply lingering back here with the desire to make you feel all tingly in your special place of choice. A veritable banquet of sex hidden in a lusty labyrinth behind that enticing stage up front.

Once I thought the same about a sex shop. Working there quickly disabused me of that fantasy.

Toby shuffled me off into the dressing room and soon I was surrounded my more sequined thongs than a Vegas Lizardacé review. I've seen my fair share of naughty clothes but this place put our stock to shame. Probably half the reason my boss set up shop so close to here. Clearing a chair of at least three different pieces of what could only charitably be called clothing I settled in across from Toby and asked the first question any friend asks in these sorts of situations.

"Do you wear this stuff on stage?" I immediately went brown in the cheeks. That, despite my best attempts to be a good friend, is NOT the first question you ask in these sorts of situations. I quickly held up my hands as Toby started to speak, "lemmie try again." I took a deep breath, "what's wrong?"

His eyes darted around the room and then settled on the floor, a sure sign that the confident Toby whom I knew was in a rather sticky situation. After a deep breath and what seemed a herculean effort on his part to raise his snout from the floor he spoke barely above a whisper, "I think I might be gay."

World wars and species tensions have lead to less conflict than what raged inside my head at the moment I heard that. On the one hand, I wanted nothing more than to jump those fantastically well-shaped bones of his and tell him how I'd love him and care for him and call him George. On the other, I remembered what it was like coming out myself. Coming to terms with coveting my neighbor's ass and not his wife's groin. It was rough, sucky and altogether an unpleasant chapter in my history. I didn't have the benefits of understanding friends or co-workers to turn to. I also thought about Jen and how this would crush her if it was true.

"Why? I mean, popping a boner on stage doesn't mean anything." I reached out and squeezed his hand as my good and virtuous side tried desperately to keep the raging hornball in my pants from getting a chance to speak. "It's all sexy and when you're in the moment, when you've got people catcalling you... I'm sure it's really thrilling."

Toby blushed, "it's not that. I know that it's..." His thin, oh-so-kissable lips curled inwards as he stared up into my eyes. "It's you."

I'm not sure if I blacked out or not. After hearing that it was hard to think for a number of reasons, not the least of which was blood flow. I recall feeling a hand on my shoulder and a couple of 'are you alright's before I caught myself and focused on the task at hand.

"Me? What do you mean me?" Everything was still a little fuzzy but Toby was the only other large blob of green in the room so I figured I was safe focusing on that. Fortunately, being a blur, it was much easier to take this seriously instead of trying to take advantage of it. "What about Jen? I mean she's a great girl, nice boobs. You've always told me how nice her boobs are."

Any cool I had left the room after I said the word boobs; just grabbed it's coat, sighed at me forlornly and strolled briskly out the door to catch the next train to Dignity. Normally I'm not so inarticulate but I've been secretly lusting, perhaps even loving, after Toby for the better part of three years now. Finding out that he might, possibly, maybe in some small way have those feelings back for me is on par with having money spontaneously drop from the sky and pay off all my bills simultaneously.

"Yeah, she's got great boobs but sometimes... well, sometimes I'm not sure it's enough." Toby sighed and slumped in his chair. Somehow he managed to look cute even while depressed. "Dancing here, talking with you, it's made me wonder. Like, maybe I'm ignoring something."

"Regardless of any feelings you might be having," I was fortunate enough that my virtue had hogtied my vices and was at least in full control of my mouth if not my eyes, "this isn't something you can just jump into. You've got a relationship with Jen and even if she's not what you're looking for anymore, you can't simply shack up with someone else."

Toby's eyes were wide as he looked over at me, "you... Damn. Where'd you get such a level head?" A small smile spread over his snout, "I mean, hearing you talk..."

"What I say isn't important." I wanted to squeeze his hand for reassurance but I'm pretty sure I would've started squeezing other things if I started touching him now. "What is important is figuring yourself out."

The friend lecture's a handy one to throw out when you're struggling and believe me I was like a man in shark infested waters at this point. We talked a bit more about this, what it meant to be gay, how ephemeral sexuality is. Before long I started to sound like the other LGBTAers back in my college days. All of it seemed to confuse Toby more than settle him down and I was back to slumping in my chair as he continued to look at the ground.

"I don't know what else you tell you," I was beginning to feel a little like a failure at this point. "I mean, it's not something you want to take lightly and it's not like it's just a switch."

Toby nodded, "I know, I know. Just not sure I was ready to hear about anal diameters and the proper use of condoms in oral sex."

I turned a rather ruddy brown, "sorry. You're a good friend and it's a big thing. I didn't really have someone to turn to when I came to terms with this. I just want to show you that I'm not just an insensitive jerk."

He chuckled, "despite your comments about my ass and how often you glower at Jen across the room?"

"How... I guess I need to be more subtle." It was true enough that I'd done a poor job of hiding my rather lustful desire for Toby but I figured he'd write it off like every other guy he dances for at work. I thought he'd think more of me than that but I guess I hadn't really given him much confidence in that regard. Now I was the one staring at the floor, fighting between turning a full-body shade of burnt sienna and the contoured bulge in my groin.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up into Toby's eyes. "Lets go back to your place."

"Toby, look you don't want to do this!" I was on my feet and holding up both my hands. "Really, think about Jen!"

He took a deep breath and squeezed my hand gently, "we'll just see what happens. Maybe nothing, maybe something but I really don't want to be here and I can't go home. Please?" That please melted me into a puddle. At that point I would have buried a body, taken the wrap for the murder and taken it up the ass in prison for thirty years, all with a smile. Instead I just nodded and the two of us slipped out the back door and into my car.

Agonizing would be the best way to describe the trip home. Between awkward glances at Toby and trying to keep my eyes on the road, I'm surprised I managed to make it to my driveway, much less to the front door of my apartment. Nervously, he stood back from the door as I opened it, glancing from side to side as my eyes adjusted to the dark.

Within moments I was nearly blind and jumping out of my scales when five people jumped out from behind my assorted furnishings and screamed, "SURPRISE!"

I felt a hand on my back again along with a short chuckle, "sorry man. We had to get you out of your place long enough to set the party up."

Standing there, in the doorway, staring at friendly faces and the erotically shaped cake that was prominently displayed on my coffee table, I had only one thing to say...

"I'm going to kill you, Toby."

"Look, I'm sorry man but..." He was laughing it off at first until he realized the dire overtones of my voice.

"Dead. With a shovel. Maybe a dildo, just for poetic justice."

"...your remember last year? We couldn't keep you out of here. We needed something that would be sure to work!"

I spun and gave him my best glower, fueled now from the blood that was once threatening to make my awkward conversations with Toby even more awkward, "I'm still going to kill you."

Stomping into my apartment I fumed for a moment and slumped down onto the couch.

The party mostly went on around me. People laughing and offering me cake. I mean, part of me was very deeply relieved that I wasn't about to make the worst mistake of my life by sleeping with one of my best friends under his girlfriend's nose but still, it felt like blue balling me just for the schadenfreude. Eventually I managed to cool down, though I still shot Toby a dirty look every now and again. I'd forgotten it was my birthday and it's always nice to be reminded that despite spending years staring over the counter at work that there were people in my life who came to see me even when I wasn't selling them erotic novelties.

Toby had also invited a couple of guys from his work along whom he'd told all about me. Apparently, despite his mild joy in yanking my heart and dick around by a string, he thought very highly of me and his friends had wanted to meet the sex shop clerk Toby had told them all about. For her part Jen was relatively quiet, though she passed pleasantries around the room. Considering her boyfriend wasn't about to jump my bones it made me wonder what was up. When I retired to my room as the party wound down I found out what it was.

Toby was sitting on the edge of my bed and looking up at me. "Dude, I'm so sorry. I mean, I knew you liked me but I didn't know..."

"Just..." I help up my hand and sighed, "don't do it again. Just tell me there's a free show at the Martini or something."

"I wanted ... look, I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you being my friend." He stood up and began to unbutton his shirt. Now I was the confused one. I tried to say something but Toby held up a finger. "I know you like ... me. Now I know how much. I talked with Jen and, you know, we want you to have a good birthday." His hands were now on the waistband of his jeans and sliding them down. "So I'm your present. One night. I'll do whatever you want."

It's rare, as I'm sure my friends will often mention amongst themselves, to render me completely speechless. However the sight of Toby, now clad only in a thong, standing there so uncomfortably and offering me himself as a present ... I felt some of the anger from before coming back but I also felt something else.

Quietly, I leaned down over the bed and scooped up his shirt, handing it back to him. "It's my party but I'm not going to do that to you or Jen."

"But we talked about ..."

"No." I couldn't believe I was turning down a no-holds-barred sexual throwdown with the living embodiment of my fantasies. I must have been possessed by some dead saint or something. Certainly very out of character for me. "You wouldn't enjoy it and that's half the fun. Besides, Jen's been in a funk all night. I think she just said it because she likes me. Despite her personality, I doubt she's the sharing type."

I think Toby felt a little hurt, his eyes dropping to the side. He suddenly looked so much more vulnerable, standing there like a toy no one wants to play with. Gently, I lifted his snout to mine and looked him in the eyes. "Now before you go thinking I don't like you or I'm still pissed from before, let me make myself clear. If you weren't the sweetest guy I know and Jen one of the nicest mammals I'd had the pleasure of meeting; If there were even the slightest chance you were actually interested in me and that Jen were somehow honestly okay with it, I would be gobbling down your cock like a starving man and coaxing every orgasm out of you I could over the next three to four hours." Toby blushed as his eyes went wider, "I'd lick every inch of your clean, massage and fondle every muscle you've got under those pristine and gorgeous scales of yours and still get up two hours early to make you breakfast in bed. Clear?"

Toby smiled meekly and nodded, "crystal."

"Good." I let go of his snout and proceeded to try to get the blood flow back from my crotch after the thought of all those sexual Olympics. This was hindered as I felt his gentle touch on my cheek just before he planted a kiss on my lips.

"You're the best friend a guy could have." He whispered and pulled away, gathering up his shirt and heading out of the room.

"Yeah, best friend..." I stared at the wall, "best stupid friend."

It must have been twenty minutes before I came back out into my living room. Each agonizing one of those focused on the most unattractive female mammal I could conjure to try to get my raging hardon under control. People were still milling about and Jen was standing in the corner, gazing out the window.

"So did you enjoy it..." There was anger in her voice, just an undercurrent, despite her trying to cover up. I knew it wasn't as clean cut as Toby thought. He wasn't always the brightest bulb when it came to people who loved him ... As tonight proved in spades.

"He kissed me, on the lips. No tongue. He probably does it at work all the time."

She turned, "sure. Right."

I leaned down to look her in the eyes, "that's all. Toby's a great guy ... in a number of ways ... but he doesn't always think things through."

"You've been hot on him since I met you," she wasn't hiding it now as her eyes flared up at the sight of me, "and you're telling me he gave you a peck on the cheek and that's it?"

"That's it. You wanna see how blue my balls are right now? You can see 'em from the outside. Seriously." I reached up to grab her hand and lower it to my crotch. To most people, this would be considered lewd. For Jen it was a sign I was telling the truth. I always bitched when I wasn't getting any. That and she knew me well enough to know when I was being honest. She giggled and pulled her hand away, "alright, alright. I believe you. You're a better man than I."

"It's because I have a dick." I grinned back and ruffled her headfur, "it's a secret though. Don't tell anyone."

She smiled and relaxed noticeably, "I thought I was okay with it. I mean you've been such a good friend and ... well, I kinda feel guilty for stepping between you two."

"Between? I never had a chance, Jen. You were the one with the magnificent rack. All I had to offer was what Toby was already largely familiar with." My sense of humor was helping to ease the frustration, that and seeing Jen more comfortable.

She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek, "thanks, Tazo. I'm so sorry... I mean..."

"Don't worry about it. Go hook up with Toby, I have a feeling he needs you."

She nodded and wandered over to him, embracing him hard enough to make his eyes bulge. The two of them began to talk amongst themselves as I turned around to slide into the couch. The cake was mostly gone and one of Toby's friends had already begged off in lieu of an early shift. So, lacking male companionship and just having had the most sexually frustrating birthday on record, I served myself up some cake and a shot of some sort of amber liquor and downed both at an unhealthy speed.

"Careful there, bucko. I know it's been a rough night but that's no reason to take it out on your stomach."

Looking up with frosting on my lips, a half eaten penis head on my plate and whiskey on my breath, which makes a winning combination for any first impression there's no doubt, I didn't recognize the face. Of course between the whiskey, the cake and the hormones I doubt I was looking altogether normal at the moment.

"Laran. One of the other dancers at the Martini," he extended a paw, "nice to finally meet you."

"Murffgh." I shook his hand and tried to swallow a mouthful of moist and, I had to admit, delicious cake. "Sorry, it's been..."

"...a rough day," he chuckled. "Don't worry. I understand completely."

I smirked and wolfed down another chunk of cake, "I'm skeptical."

Laran set down his plate and shook his head. "Oh, c'mon! You see Toby every now and I again. I actually dance on stage with him. Do you have any idea what that's like?"

I blinked up at him, crumbs still clinging to the corners of my mouth, "with ... him?"

"Doubles night, every Wednesday." Laran sighed deeply, "I get the 'pleasure' of duoing with him. Two poles, doubled up dancing. Plenty of bumping and grinding against each other."

"Geeze, man," hearing that made my problems feel rather insignificant. "How do you deal with... wait... you're gay?"

He laughed, "generally getting turned on by guys tends to suggest that. Why, did you think I was just a confused straight guy?"

"Well, I've had quite a few of those today." I leaned back onto my couch and set the cake on my chest, taking a moment to lick the frosting from the corners of my mouth. "You know, for a while I hadn't had a decent lay in months and I still didn't feel this frustrated."

"Toby's got that effect on people." Laran helped himself to another piece of cake, "there are times I've got to ... well ... prep myself with one of those topical anesthetics before going on stage."

I nearly choked on a piece of cake, fitting irony for someone who's gone down on a few guys before, and chuckled between my gasps for air. "Man, I feel for you."

It wasn't long before the two of us were trading our Toby stories and laughing over our mutual frustration. We hushed up as the happy couple approached and said their goodbyes. We both bid them farewell, cleaned up the paper plates and proceeded to settle back with the remainder of the whiskey and continue to dish like we were walking, talking stereotypes.

"Oh god, one time I actually popped a boner on stage right as we did a mutual hip grind." Laran was blushing a ruddy purple through his azure cheeks, "nearly slitfucked him in front of everyone. Probably would have had a large effect on our tips, though!"

"It certainly had an effect on yours," I wagged my eyeridges as I took another sip from my shotglass.

Laran rolled his eyes and sagged back into the loveseat. "Man, I tell you. It's proof that there is no loving god to give a straight guy a body like that and have him enjoy being a stripper. I thought we were supposed to feel degraded and objectified."

A grin spread across my lips as I started talking before my mind could jump in, "I certainly wouldn't mind objectifying you."

Silence filled the room for a moment as I immediately turned dark brown and stared into my shotglass. Laran, on the other hand, had both eyeridges raised and a smile on his own snout as if to say 'Oh, REALLY?'. Quickly I attempted some damage control, "sorry, it's the whiskey."

"So you don't think I'm hot?" Dammit, it was just as back as when that dragon was in my shop. One day I was seriously going to have to learn to play hard to get. Apparently the look on my face had shifted because Laran busted out laughing as he rolled over the cushions and flopped onto the floor.

"... ow ..." He moaned, half-inebriated and half-injured. I struggled to my feet and leaned down to help him up. As I did, rather unceremoniously, he reached up with a paw and squeezed my groin through my shorts while uttering, "beep!"

"You're drunk," I slurred as I pulled him back up to his feet.

"And you're cute," he grinned at me, filling my nostrils with breath that would peel paint.

"And drunk," I corrected, gigging at the rather dopey look on his face. Having been far too wrapped up in Toby's unintentionally, though how unintentional remained to be seen, frustrating advances I never got a good look at the fellow I was having my slit 'beeped' by. He definitely had the build to be a stripper, somewhat bulkier than Toby but let it never be said that I didn't enjoy some meat on the bones. Covered from head to toe in a very flattering shade of sapphire blue, it meshed well with the sky blue-gray of his eyes. Of course I hadn't seen him without his clothes off, so I could hardly make a reasonable assessment. Laran, on the other hand, was grinning like a banshee.

"Somethin' wrong?" He bumped his nose against mine with a short exhale of breath. "Or you just checkin' me out ta take advantage of me while I'm intoxi... intoooz... drunk?"

"Depends," I grinned back, "would it make you feel objectified?"

Another short burst of laughter and the quite drunk, and getting more attractive by the minute, fellow reptile leaned in close and kissed me sloppily on the lips. At first I was just grinning at the thought and then our gazes met. Even through the haze of more than a few shots of whiskey between us his eyes were still entrancing. Slowly I moved in closer and brushed my hand along his cheek, pressing my lips to his again.

My tail quivered as I felt his arms slide around me; settling his hands over my hips and holding me there as he leaned into the kiss. No fanfare, no huge rush of passion ... it was nice to just be there and be held. Of course little Tazo obviously was interested in quite a bit more. My ... interest ... didn't go unnoticed by my fellow inebriate. I felt his hand trail along my thigh and brush along the bulge in my shorts. It was then that I broke the kiss and blushed.

"We shouldn't be doing this..." Already the hornball in my head was screaming at me to just shut the hell up but I didn't feel right.

Now Laran had his hand under my shirt, dragging those claws oh so deliciously along my chest. "Why not?" He whispered as sultry as a drunk reptile could.

"We're drunk." It felt a little stupid stating the obvious but now with both of my new azure friend's paws under my shirt and his warm breath trailing delicately along my neck, I felt I had to say something.

"So?" He grinned and licked the underside of my chin, "you're cute, I'm horny. What's the problem?"

My brow furrowed as through the haze of lust and liquor I began to wonder if there honestly was a problem. It's not as if either of us were attached, at least I hope Laran wasn't pawing all over me when he was shacked up with someone else, and it's not like I had to be demure in my own apartment. I learned quickly that the question was largely rhetorical when I felt Laran's paws slip back down to my waist and nudge both my boxers and pants down along my thighs.

By now the underside of my tail and my cheeks were both beet red and it was getting much harder to play the saint. Already I felt my hands slide up along his arms and over those smooth, powerful shoulders. His snout lifted to mine again as we kissed again, twining our tongues as I moved my own paws to his sides.

Now, if you haven't felt solid muscle under scales, I highly recommend it. There's something sensual about the way it all moves and feels under the fingers. Bumpy little ridges of hard keratin that make every inch of a well-toned reptile feel like he's ribbed for your pleasure. It's even better when you hit those smooth spots, where the curve is almost frictionless and every caress seemed to just slide along your lover's body like water. On Laran, it was even better than that. Every contour was firm and yet yielding, pliant under my touch and moving with such a serpentine motion as I explored. Draping my hands over his firm buttocks, I pulled him close and brushed the tip of my shaft against his already dribbling slit. A gasp fell from his lips and I swallowed it, and his tongue, hungrily before arching my hips forward and sinking my throbbing cock into him. Our hips met in a shared hiss as his hands gripped me like a drowning man. My chest pressed against his, the sheer strength behind those scales more intoxicating than the drink, and slowly my hips began to move against him.

Gentle nips along my neck, as well as the prickling of talontips along the underside of my tailbase, kept me continuing in my motions. Soon enough I could feel my own slit dribbling with our shared fluids and Laran was bucking back against me. Growls rumbled up from my chest as I nibbled and nuzzled my way down along his slender neck, my rather brutal thrusting against his still soft member further encouraged as he all but slammed my hips into his own. However my stamina, long since worn to a thread, was soon overcome and a short torrent of seed flooded the sapphire reptile's slit before oozing out along both I and his thighs. His paws continued to grope and kneed at my rump, keeping my cock hilted inside me as those beautiful blue eyes opened again and stared into my own.

Wordlessly he placed his lips against my own as he drew back from me. A thin strand of cum lingered between us for a moment before I felt him lean forward against me. The shift in our mutual center of gravity left me tumbling back into the couch and him atop me with a rather hungry look in his eyes.

Still blushing and quite flush under my scales, a result no doubt of being more than a little tipsy and still quite horny, I was soon treated to the firm caress of his paws along my thighs and back up to my calves. Even through my addled state I became swiftly, and blissfully, aware of my lovers intentions. Arching out from his well-used slit was a rather ample shaft well-lubricated and more than ready to perform. Laran pressed my legs back, nearly doubling me over, as he pressed said shaft against my exposed anal ring and slipped inside me.

I nearly bit my tongue in half.

Every inch of this azure stud's length was textured and ridged like one of the more sinful dildoes we stocked back at the store. No simple line of ridges as many reptiles sported, or even the more exotic textures of a row of fleshy barbs or a thick, bulbous knot at it's base. No, Laran was sporting some sort of hybrid. Fleshy ridges folded back as he entered me, making it nearly effortless to slip within in a single, powerful stroke. When surrounded by my tight, velvety backside, the contours changed and flared outwards. Each lip ground against my sides as he thrust, anchoring his shaft within me but also massaging and stimulating the sensitive flesh. Nerve ends I didn't even know I had started to fire as my own cock, seemingly rejuvenated, arched up from my slit once more and glistened needfully against my belly.

My feet turned inwards as all three of my toes gripped at Laran's sleek, muscled back, urging him to drive that exotic cock into me. My paws grabbed at his shoulders, drawing him close between begged whispers of 'harder' and 'faster' that I found myself moaning. I didn't even care about my newly risen desires, it had all become a ball of sensory overload and I was going to ride it until I went mad or the two of us passed out from exhaustion.

Soon a sheen of musk and sweat began to wet our scales as even my whispers became inaudible through the moans and groans of being so sweetly pounded into the cushions of my loveseat. Laran moved like a beast possessed, growling and snapping at the air as the thrusts became rougher and sloppier. Pulling out nearly to the tip, his cock flares retracting as if they were moving of their own accord, before slamming back into me and anchoring my hips to his as if they would never move again.

I felt something draw close through the haze and without thinking, I turned to face it. A pair of musky lips pressed to my own, urging me into a clumsy kiss as Laran hilted within me. Soon my snout became an echo chamber as the two of us cried out into each other's throats loud enough that I'm sure even the neighbors could hear. My belly was rapidly saturated in my second, more ample orgasm as Laran's own hidden sac made certain that my backside was filled to the brim with his sticky warmth. We stayed like that, locked in sexual rigor, for a few more moments until Laran collapsed against me and his cock slipped from me with an audible pop. Slowly, as the blood returned to my legs, I slid them downwards and wrapped my arms around my spent partner.

I couldn't help but smile as the soft sound of snoring rose from him.

With my remaining sense, which after those escapades was greatly diminished, I gathered him up as best I could and carried him off into the bedroom. He must not have been a regular drinker as even though me dragging him onto the mattress and tucking him in, he didn't even stir in the slightest. Watching there as he slept, I couldn't help but feel something I hadn't in a long while. Here was a sweet guy, fellow member of the We Secretly Lust After Toby club and hot piece of scaled rump. Maybe this time it wouldn't just be another chapter for me to wind up finishing and never read again.

I climbed into the shower to wash some of the booze and cum from my body, in the hopes of keeping the sheets relatively clean, and try to get enough willpower to make it under the sheets without passing out on the floor.

Staring at the tiles and relaxing under the warm water I grew comfortable with the idea that even if this was to be another fling, and seriously, how often do strippers settle down, that it was worth it at least. Made my birthday considerably less miserable than it may have otherwise been.

Shuffling out of the shower and quickly buffing myself off with a towel, it's not long before the shots of whiskey began to swim around in my head and leave me staggering as I flop into bed. I barely had time to pull the covers over me and turn to lay my head on the pillow before my eyelids shut. Last thing I remembered was Laran shifting, smacking his lips and sliding an arm over me between entrancing snoreprrs.

All in all, not a bad celebration of another year of life. Next year it'll be hard to top.

Sex, Lies and DVD Sales

Well that didn't take long. Not more than a week after my encounter with a novice to bondage and there's been no sign of him again. Should've know better, honestly. I mean, it's not like people are coming in here to hook up for dinner and a movie...

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The Customer is Occasionally Right

I work in a sex shop. There, I said it. Just make sure you get it all out of your system. Working in the adult industry, if we can use a more delicate term, as I do isn't all orgies with famous porn stars and drinking absinthe out of eight...

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In Bondage, Scaled

The world was hazy at first; diving in and out of focus. Everything from tip to tail felt tingly and numb at the same time. A few thoughts fluttered about in his head; the wine, the bar, the smiles exchanged. Slowly, as things began to settle, he...

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