The Hammer and the Sword Chapter 3 - Selection

Story by The Roan Colt on SoFurry

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#3 of The Hammer and the Sword

The immediate fate of our characters is revealed, as each is assigned their role. For Lieran, separated from his best friend, a special fate awaits, to be the personal sex slave of the Great Mare herself. Has he got what it takes to survive the attentions of this particular Mistress? What will his training involve?

This chapter includes the start of some of the more dark and hardcore sex, though it gets darker and more twisted again in the next three chapters.

Chapter 3 - Selection

Lieran and Romali were herded along with their fellows through a series of buildings until they had completely lost any sense of direction. Finally, they reached a large hall where the mares were separated off and the stallions broken into groups of 10. Dimly Lieran watched them go, exchanging a silent look with the two fillies from his own herd as they were led away, and then focussed on his small group. They were all about his age, and despite their attempts at appearing confident he could smell the fear. They all could, but they also all pretended they couldn't, and so his little group waited in silence, nursing their own doubts. After a long wait, they were called forward by a guard and led into a passageway.

Coming through a door, the small mixed band of equines were to receive another shock to their already overwhelmed senses. They saw a large bath filled with what looked like inviting warm water; none however gave it a glance as they all reacted at the same time to something that made the prospect of a wash somehow unimportant. There, waiting for them, were two wolves, each naked.

The startled equines broke into fearful whinnies and cries but their response was halted by a yell from the guard.

"Silence you idiots! These wolves will not harm you; they are our slaves, taken in raids on the Wolf Lands by our soldiers. The days when we needed to fear the wolves are past thanks to the Great Mare; they are here to attend to your preparation as guests of the Herd. "

Stunned, Lieran studied the two creatures as if they had arisen from a nightmare. Both had silver grey fur, and stood about a foot shorter than Romali. Both carried several scrubbing brushes, and both looked suitably downcast, their tails if not between their legs then at least heading in that direction. The shock of seeing these feared creatures reduced to bath slaves was more than he could take in.

Silently, and with many shared glances, the young stallions stripped and entered the bath, the warm water beginning to relax them after several days of tension. Lieran's mind began to wander, the water, the smell of his friend close by sending him into a brief reverie, memories of them swimming in the river, wrestling, joking. He could not believe it was only a few days ago, before everything had changed.

Coming back to the present, he was ashamed to realise at last one thing hadn't changed. The proximity of Romali's naked body, his scent in Lieran's nostrils, had had the same effect that Lieran had been fighting for years. He felt his sheath tingle, and realised his long cock had started to extend slightly from its confinement. Scowling, he snatched a scrubbing brush from the wolf nearest to him and began to furiously rub his fur, hoping to take his mind off things. It didn't work so well however, and he almost cried out when Romali suddenly put his paw on his shoulder, the feel of his fingers electric. Lieran was about to shout when he saw Romali's expression, the look of kindness and care. Dammit, why couldn't I hate you Romali? This would all be so much easier....

"You ok, Li?"

Lieran's face softened, seeing the genuine concern on his friend's face. "I'm ok RoRo." He knew Romali hated the pet name but liked it when Lieran used it. "RoRo...I'm...sorry. This is all my fault, I never wanted to hurt anyone let alone my best friend. I know I can never make it up to you, but that won't stop me trying."

An embarrassed snort was Romali's first response. "Li, Karlin never liked me. He would have found an excuse, this year or next. Besides, this way at least I get some chance to stop you being a complete idiot. Admit it, you need me around to keep you in line."

Lieran broke into an involuntary chuckle. The idea of the young chestnut as his moral guardian was so improbable that he couldn't avoid laughing. This was not what his new hosts were wanting to see however, and one of the guards was just about to make this point in typically forceful fashion when a new commotion distracted everyone.

A side door opened, and two guards entered supporting a third figure between them, a passably comic sight as the third figure was significantly taller than either of them. The guests recognised the newcomer however; it was the unfortunate Clydesdale who managed to invoke the guard commander's ire at their first gathering. He appeared still in pain, his movements reluctant and stiff.

The guards handed him to the guard in charge, then retreated leaving the company staring at the big clyde. Returning their stares with eyes desperately holding back pain, he walked proudly but with difficulty into the bath and took a scrubbing brush from one of the wolves. Unsure of the situation, and not wanting to associate with someone who had so spectacularly earned the wrath of their new hosts, the other equines moved away from the newcomer as if he had contracted a particularly gruesome disease they were all determined not to catch.

Lieran caught Romali's eyes, and a silent conversation passed between them. With an inward shrug, Lieran moved towards the clyde, Romali following. As they approached, the big stallion eyed them warily, waiting. Strangers, not from his herd...what would they want? His eyes widened in surprise then as the big roan held out his paw and gripped the Clydesdale's forearm, a greeting usually reserved for longstanding friends.



"Romali" said the third, a smaller chestnut quarter, also moving in to a fond greeting.

Taken aback, Darestam mentally shook himself, and tried to busy himself in washing, letting the warmth distract him from the pain. Every time he moved however, the pain shot through him, and he couldn't avoid grimacing. Lieran and Romali noticed their companion's distress, but knew pride would keep him from asking for help. Darestam tried to bend down to wash his fetlock, but the sudden stretching re-opened some of the whip wounds on his back, small trickles of blood now running down his fur. Unable to stop himself, he let out a pained whinny and stood upright, trying to will the pain away.

Standing beside his new friend, Lieran wordlessly took the brush from the clyde's clenched paw. They shared a glance, but it was enough. Allowing his muscles to relax, Darestam gave himself over to the roan's care, pride intact. As his new herdmate gently washed his tired body, he let his fear, his pain wash away as well, even letting his tail swish gently for the first time in days.

The now clean but still naked equines were dried by their wolf attendants, uneasy nickers filling the air as they felt wolf paws on their fur for the first time in their lives. The group were then led into the next room, a large hall, bare but for a table and a brazier. The table had several seated equines, who looked over the new entrants with keen eyes, however most of the new guests were more concerned with the brazier, its protruding metal handles, and the big guards who stood by it. They therefore were startled when the stallion to the very left of the table spoke.

"Right, when I point at each of you in turn, you will come forward and stand before the table. Say your name and your herd, then wait for further questions or orders. "

Lieran would afterwards remember this as one of the most humiliating moments of the whole experience, standing naked before the assembled group, while several strange stallions looked him over, eyes calculating, no words being spoken. Each of them faced it in turn, each burning with embarrassment as they were assessed, for what they did not know. Finally all of them had been inspected, and the strangers were talking amongst themselves.

Martelian had been patiently waiting all day, standing in the shadows of the selection room, letting the long procession of stallions pass through, sizing up all the candidates against his own needs, but continuing to draw a blank. He was beginning to get nervous, knowing the Great Mare would not treat failure kindly, but resisting the temptation to select an unworthy candidate just in case.

Late in the day, a new group entered, their nervousness and disorientation familiar. So many, and so predictable. As the group milled about near the entrance, he mentally calculated the number of groups remaining while trying hard not to think about the punishment he would receive for coming to her empty pawed tonight. Despite his best efforts, he was beginning to fail, a failure expressed in the slight shaking of his body and the bulge beginning to form as his cock sought to escape the confines of its sheath. He was about to leave the room to deal with the latter when his eye was caught by the latest youngster brought to stand before the selection panel. Suddenly all other thought were replaced by excitement. Perhaps...

Moving forward quietly but swiftly, Martelian moved to the side of the table as the new guest was given his silent grilling. Lieran, from Karlin's herd. Colt of a herd stallion, exiled , now twice exiled. Yes, I remember him...I was right to consider him a candidate.

The First Groom now began a searching examination of the young roan, mentally ticking off a list. Tall, broad shoulders, strong muscles. Flowing curly mane and tail. Truly a beautiful specimen, and a rare one; roans were very rare indeed and this one was perfect. Deep grey eyes...striking. Something in those eyes caught Martelian's attention, causing him to hold his breath involuntarily. Could he be...?

As the other horses took their turn, Martelian continued watching the roan, the decision firming with each moment. This was the one, he would bet his hide on it. As he was, he ruefully reflected.

The panel now were ready to make their decisions, so he moved forward to the table. At first his fellow equines did not register his presence so he was able to hear a low pitched argument he was sure they probably would not have had knowingly in his presence.

"Damn you army mares, you do not get to have everything your own way. Why does my department have to make do with your leavings.?"

"Peace, Ganfalin, I am merely acting on orders. Carthenius made it quite clear the Clydesdale was to be allocated to the guards. I believe it is a personal matter for him; would you care to explain to the Mare's beloved commander that you don't care? I am sure he will hear you out..."

Ganfalin started to shake in supressed rage, "Listen wolflover, the mines are not some hobby, we need the labour and you know it. That clyde will be perfect for us. He is a troublemaker anyway, how do you expect him to take to discipline? You will have to discard him eventually probably without his balls. At least we can make use of him."

As the hotheaded Ganfalin got more worked up, his interloquitor became more proper. And smiled, noted Martelian with amusement. This lieutenant would bear watching, he is subtle.

"My lord Ganfalin, we are able to look after our own disciplinary matters, but I thank you for your concern. Perhaps you should take the big roan? He is not much smaller."

"What?" spluttered a third voice. "That Roan is too valuable to be wasted on the mines. The Baron will fill a bath with drool just seeing him, you know his tastes. "

Just as the action was about to become general, Martelian let out a theatrical cough. Turning to look, the other equines suddenly became very quiet, and very cold. The Lieutenant was the first to regain his composure.

"First Groom, is there something we can do for you?" Martelian noted the absolute control in those words, the way the stallion let no hint of his feelings enter either his voice or his expression. Locanion, is it not? I think I will be watching you very closely. And I think my Mistress needs to know your name. You could go far...or you could be very dangerous. Or both...

"Honoured friends, I think the Lieutenant is right, if it matters to the commander, he should get his wish. I know from experience that my Mistress will listen when he speaks, so you would just find you had lost the clyde, and gained a new enemy and the disapproving gaze of the Great Mare if you tried to get your way. The best you can do is concede with good grace my lord Ganfalin. As for the roan, I have selected him to join the Mare's household as a groom. "

Martelian soaked up the supressed anger that lay just below the surface of the silence that followed. Even Locanion struggled to keep his anger in check, though he hid it better, and recovered faster.

"I see the Great mare has excellent taste as always. Well, I have my two from this group, the clyde and the chestnut quarter, so I suggest we finish."

Ganfalin could not resist a bit of a tantrum however, and in spite of the risks blurted out "So, I take it that the rumours of Parthetan were correct hey? Quite a scandal for your department Groom! I wonder if this pretty colt will be any more successful? Perhaps we should geld him now to save the time later..."

The greying stallion's outburst was cut short as Martelian closed one strong paw around his throat and squeezed. A shocked Ganfalin's eyes bulged, and his paws scrabbled against his assailant's but somehow failed to dislodge the fist. The Groom looked him in the eye, a broad grin spreading across his muzzle as he spoke almost conversationally.

"My lord Ganfalin, I will do you the favour of not repeating your words to the Great Mare and of forgetting this exchange ever took place. You are clearly under much strain, I understand, perhaps you need a quieter life? It can be arranged. That consideration however depends on what you say next. Push me any further, and the only gelding being carried out here and now will be yours."

Releasing the chastened stallion, Martelian watched in satisfaction as conflict played over Ganfalin's face, before he surrendered to the inevitable, dropping his ears in submission and mumbling darkly, turning back to face the new intake.

"I think the gallant Lieutenant may have said it before; time to finish I think?"

And so the confused youngsters, uncertain what had happened, were now ordered forward to stand before the panel members who had chosen their fate. Darestam and Romali before the Lieutenant of the Guard, Lieran before the mysterious stallion who he could see was both feared and hated by the others, his thoughts though taken up with the reality of being separated from his best friend.

"Please Lord...please, my friend Romali, please do not separate us. He is here because of me, I promised to protect him. Please!"

"Quiet! If you do not know enough by now, you soon will. You have no right to ask for anything, you exist only to serve. You had better learn that fast; the Great Mare will not let you forget the lesson if she has to teach it."

His anguished look was only magnified as he saw the equally lost expression of his friend. Darestam, seeing their pain, moved closer to Romali, holding him in his strong arms, sending a silent message to Lieran. I will look after him for you.

The two were moved forward first to the brazier, Romali now seeing it close for the first time. He started to shake, terrified of the branding, but Darestam calmed him. Standing in front of his new friend, he motioned to the guards to leave the bindings. They would not be needed.

"Romali, I survived it , you will too." Taking the terrified stallion's paws and holding them tight, Darestam looked into his friend's eyes, holding him in his gaze.


The Great Mare sat in her chambers, trying not to let the excitement get to her. A messenger had told her that her First Groom sought an audience, but she was determined to make him wait. The messenger had also said that the First Groom had a young stallion with him, from the Offering.

There was always a renewed sense of tension for her at a time like this. It would not do however to let Martelian know it.

Finally, as the half hour bell chimed high in the tower, she called one of her personal guard from an alcove near her chair, and bade him admit the First Groom and his charge.

Lieran had waited since the selection and his own branding alone in a small room, his arse too sore to sit, pacing the narrow space over and over. Apart from some water, he had been brought nothing during his confinement, neither food nor clothes to help him adjust to whatever new fate awaited him. The wait had made his fears redouble, and he had explored several increasingly terrifying scenarios to explain his segregation, until he could no longer think and just stood, staring out the small window set high in one wall, watching the sun drop below the horizon and the stars start to fill the sky.

He had loved lying on the grass with Keira, watching those same stars, feeling her touch, their lips and bodies entwined as they kissed. In her arms he could forget all his worries, his status as an outcast. He had always felt home. The thought of never seeing her again now crushed down on him like a mountain, blotting out his will to live. The ache in his buttock told him that he had a new herd, one that had burnt their device on him as the price of his new home. A price that seemed to grow with each passing minute.

Finally, just as he thought he would go mad, the mysterious stallion that had brought him here returned, and entered his small cell.

"You are Lieran, Lestaard's colt, from Karlin's herd. I know much about you young stallion, your history and your trials. My name is Martelian, but you should call me First Groom. I am the head of the Great Mare's household, her personal staff. I have selected you to join that staff. That is why you are here; tonight you will be brought to the Great Mare herself, and she will decide if you are to be a groom."

Lieran was too shocked by this revelation to speak, his mind churning. So many questions, he did not know how to begin. Sensing his confusion, Martelian merely nodded, a wry grin answering the unspoken query.

"Questions can wait for later young roan. For the moment, it is most important for you to prepare yourself for the Mare. You will need all your strength for this night, believe me. One word of warning though; my Mistress will ask you many questions. Do not lie, do not prevaricate. She will know when you are withholding, or lying, and that is not something you want to do."

"Remember also, you swore your oath. You have a chance to serve your old herd, your new one and the Great Mare, my mistress and yours now. It is a rare privilege. Remember your oath and you will be able to do it."

The dark portent of those words was not lost on Lieran, but he did not know the true shape of their meaning. Instead, the young roan walked quietly, holding fear in check as he was led through chamber after chamber, until finally reaching their destination. He knew this must be it, though not exactly what he was seeing. The intricate carving on the door, gold on silver, the four guards at the entrance, wearing armour like he had never seen, beautiful and expensive. The personal chambers...he was about to meet the Great Mare herself.

A nod from one of the guards, and Martelian stood waiting, with Lieran having no option but to stand too, trying to ignore the frank looks from the guards. One was staring at him with a hungry expression, and when he noticed the youngster's consternation broke into a beaming grin, continuing to appraise the now blushing Lieran from hooves to mane. The look both excited and chilled the young stallion, though he could not put his fears into words.

After a long wait, which he was amused to see made the First Groom impatient, the moment of truth arrived, as the door opened and another guard told Martelian to enter. Lieran followed behind.

Walking through the door, Lieran first had to adjust to the lighting, candles burning from holders on the walls casting a soft yellow glow, but also leaving shadows in all directions. He took in the large room, the surprisingly high ceiling, the alcoves in the walls, some covered with deep red curtains, some holding a member of what he assumed now was the Mare's personal guard, rigidly at attention.

Finally he saw her, and was enthralled. Narestilla, third of her line, was beyond beautiful. Pure white, her long mane braided with gold, she rose from a low couch by the far wall and walked towards him. Her robe, a stunning clashing black, covered her body but did not conceal, for the swell of her breasts, the curve of her thighs was clearly evident to the stunned stallion, as was the tantalising point of her nipples, hard against the fabric. Never had the inexperienced youngster been confronted with such a vision, and long after that first sight would haunt his dreams, erotic or otherwise.

Suddenly, his face now burning, he remembered his own total nakedness, just as his hormones took over and his rampant cock started to poke its way from his sheath. Mortified, he attempted to turn away, only to feel a sharp slap to the side of his face.

"Do not ever turn away from my presence unless I command it" said a voice deeper and more beautiful than expected. Lieran turned back, stunned, to look into the face of his overlord. Holding his gaze, she studied his face for a long time, while he stood, transfixed. Then , she began a slow circling of his naked form, her gaze like fire passing over him, heating every part of his body.

"Mistress, may I present Lieran , Lestaard's colt, from Karlin's herd."

"Lestaard's colt? I remember his passing, a brave stallion. A herd stallions offspring...that explains a lot. So you escaped did you, taken in by a rival herd?"

"Y...yes Mistress."

"Tell me colt...have you mated a filly yet?"

His face burning, and his heart, Lieran hated the direct question but knew he must answer.

"No Mistress...I sought permission to be mated, but Karlin..." unable to continue, he looked pleadingly at the Mare, but she seemed to know anyway.

"Ahhh...brave but foolish, just like your sire. And also by the book. Tell me, have you mated with another colt yet?"

At this sudden change of direction Lieran could not avoid a nicker of shock. How? Does she know what I feel...?

"No Mistress!"

" not be so surprised colt. I am not naïve, I know what you lot get up to while you wait your chance to be mated, mounting each other for practice. So, a relative innocent, a blank slate. Perfect!"

Continuing her slow circling of the now deeply worried roan, Narestilla warmed to this new candidate. His beautiful body was just as she liked it, the form of a colt becoming a stallion, raw, defined but not yet overbuilt. Broad shoulders, tapering down a strong back to narrow hips, every muscle there for her to see, his strong buttocks twitching invitingly as she walked behind him, tail swishing nervously revealing a tantalising glimpse of his tail hole. Long muscled thighs, strong fetlocks and broad hooves with a touch of feathering over them.

His colouring was exceptional, long chestnut curly mane and tail, darker brown head, legs and arms, blending to a soft almost white light rust coloured body. Finishing her circle, she took in his strong chest, the defined muscles of his belly, and the heavy set of balls hanging low in their dark coloured sack. He was fully grown there at least she thought wryly. His sheath was soft, the hint of his stallionhood peeking still from the end. His eyes were what held her though, grey, deep. She could see his defiance, his strength, fighting with pain, and resignation. This one would be fun to break, if she could. Perhaps I will also regret it?

Dismissing any concerns, she moved in close, feeling the heat from his body even through the robe, hearing his breath coming in short gasps. Staring into his eyes now, she held his gaze, then reached down to cup his balls, enjoying the sight of his eyes bulging and the way he flinched, instinctively trying to escape her touch before remembering. Reaching with her other hand, she began to stroke his sheath, while gently caressing his balls, rewarded with his stare of terror mixed with need, and his involuntary gasps and nickers.

She felt him lengthen, the sound of his cock emerging from his sheath music to her ears. Now stroking his stallionhood, she felt him lengthen until he reached his full magnificent proportions, thickening and hardening until she was holding a fully erect stallion cock, pink, flared, pulsing a slow drip of precum from the tip. Pure male, imposing, potent, hers to command. It never failed to give her a thrill.

Stepping back, she looked again at her new pet. Yes, admit it, you have chosen him.

"You have chosen well First Groom." A whinny of pleasure from her Martelian. She loved how much his pleasure was linked to hers.

Looking the now incredibly aroused stallion, she spoke to him, her words seeping into his brain. "Lieran, listen to me well. It is a great honour to be my groom, but also a great burden, but I believe you are strong enough. My groom will be my companion, part husband, part lover, but also none of those, not in the traditional sense. For one such as me, there can be no normal existence. You will submit yourself to me utterly, my pet, mine to use as I see fit, your only pleasure in pleasing me. I will be your mistress, I will train you, and I will spare you nothing. In exchange young colt, I give you what I know you need most."

Moving forward again, she touched the shaking colt, feeling his inner torment as she spoke. With one paw, she stroked his glorious curly mane, with the other she stroked his flanks, feeling him tremble to her touch. Leaning in, she whispered in his ear, words for him alone.

"I will give you a home. You will never be an outcast again, Lieran. You will be mine, and I will never let you go."

Lieran's trembling intensified, his whole being in turmoil. Looking at this beautiful and terrible apparition one more time, all he could do was nod once, then summoning all his strength, say what she wanted to hear, the words coming out like a benediction.


And what a part of him wanted to say...though the knowledge that somehow she was already deep in his soul was the most terrifying of all.

With a sigh, Narestilla stood back, mentally preparing herself for the night.

"Well Pet, we shall see. Tonight you are on trial, and if you survive to the morning, you shall be my groom."

Her mind now clear, the Great Mare called Martelian to her side. Thought she did not need his help, she liked the first night to involve him. It kept him bound to her, and it made the process easier for the new pet.

"You know what to do, Martelian."

With a brief nod, the older stallion went to work. Walking to one of the walls, Martelian unhooked a double chain from a bracket on the wall, bringing it over to his Mistress. Though Lieran had noticed the chain before, he had not seen where it led. Now, feeling a deepening sense of dread, he traced its course to the ceiling, noticing that it led to a pully there that he could barely make out in the darkness.

As Narestilla stood before her shaking pet, Martelian brought over the next implements for her; a set of wrist bonds, a set of ankle hobbles, and a long steel bar.

"My Pet, your training begins now. When in my presence, you will kneel before me unless I release you, your head bowed."

Stunned, Lieran obeyed, kneeling before this beautiful mare, his head down, mane now resting on his chest as it hung towards the floor. At a command, he raised his paws to her, all while still bowed in submission, ears flattened.

He felt her take his paws, locking them into the restraints all the while talking, telling him he was a good pet, a beautiful colt just for her. Next she attached one of the chains to a clip on the restraints, and pulling the other end of the chain, stretched his arms above his head. He could not hold his position anymore, and as she hauled harder he was stretched upright, now standing with his arms raised painfully towards the ceiling. Walking to the wall, she attached the other end of the chain to a bolt there, locking him in position.

Next, she ordered Martelian to bind his legs. The older stallion knelt, attaching the hobbles to the young roan's fetlocks. He then took the long steel bar and placed it between the hobbles, attaching them to it as he spread Lieran's thighs wide. The terrified stallion now appreciated his predicament; spread eagled, totally stretched, unable to protect himself in any way from whatever was to happen next. To add to the torment, the First Groom now moved to adjust the cruel chains, hauling on them again until Lieran could barely keep his hooves on the ground, the new position tormenting his body as he was stretched impossibly tight. With a long shuddering whinny, the young stallion awaited his fate.

Looking at her First Groom, Narestilla made a first decision. "The bull slavemaster whip". Ignoring Martelian's startled look, she waited for him to bring her chosen implement. Feeling the heavy cruel whip handle in her paw, she moved now to stand in front of the trussed out pet before her.

"Pet, I need to teach you many things tonight. The first of those is the hardest; that you are not in control, I am. What happens to you is entirely at my whim, and for my pleasure alone. "

With that, she stepped out of her robe, standing naked, magnificent, in front of the tormented stallion. Lieran bit his lip to stop from crying out; the sight of her naked body, the pert upward tilt of her breasts, the velvety dark line of her slit, seared into his brain, leaving him gaping. Unconsciously, and in spite of his pain, he felt his cock push out from its confinement, hanging low over his balls and pulsing as it filled with blood, his need outweighing all other consideration.

Face to face now, his nostrils filling with the scent of her sex, she rubbed the long cruel thongs of the whip along his stiffening cock, drawing a desperate whinny from her pet. "The second lesson is that your cock belongs to me. You will in time become erect only when I command it. Until you learn that, however, you will be punished for disobedience."

Ignoring his suffering groans, she continued to stroke his now raging stallionhood with the whip, now wrapping one thong around his cock and moving it up and down, masturbating him in her own teasing way, the instrument of his correction in loving embrace with his sensitive flesh.

"For tonight, I have chosen to teach you both lessons at once."

Moving behind her moaning pet, she gave a couple of practice swings, getting the feel of the whip in her hand, laughing at the sight of the poor colt tensing at each swish. Then, without warning or preliminary, she put her full strength into a stroke and brought the three cruel thongs of the whip down against her new pet's back, carefully aiming to let the tips curl round and hit his side and chest as well.

Despite his agony, Lieran managed to stifle the cry, letting only a strangled gasp escape. He would not break, he would not break. Little did he know, that his defiance only spurred his Mistress on, increasing her pleasure. It would make his screams, his pleading, even more enjoyable when it came.

Inspecting her handiwork with a practiced eye, Narestilla saw the cruel welts under the fur, leaving a slight darkened line visible. She knew what his skin would look like, the pain of those marks. Unconsciously, she rubbed her blunt fingers along one welt, across his back, around his side, the end coming just below his left nipple as the long weighted thong had snapped around to impart its final force against his muscled chest. Teasingly, she let a fingertip brush his nipple, her reward a startled cry as he felt the sensation shoot straight to his cock. Looking down she grinned a wolfish grin...he was still hard. This one is going to be a real pleasure...

Stepping back, she measured the distance, and began a slow, deliberate, methodical flogging, never hurried, never wavering. She plied the whip over his stretched tormented body like a painter covers a canvas, knowing exactly where to focus, where to put what for maximum effect. She flogged his back until the crossing whip marks began to slowly ooze blood, and then she flogged his chest, his belly, his strong legs, before ordering Martelian to hold the poor stallion's tail to one side so she could whip his backside, the cruel leather on his recently branded buttock finally breaking his resolve as the tormented stallion could hold on no longer.

He had long since been unable to contain the pain, but had held on anyway, biting his lip until blood flowed and the muffled grunts were lost in his mouth, but with the feel of the weighted thongs biting into his pained brand he finally cracked and began crying out, soon descending into a hoarse inarticulate cry of anguish and pain. Amidst the sobs, he begged, for forgiveness, for release, for an end, anything. Finally he stopped begging, realising it was futile, and just began a continuous low howl as the whipping continued, each measured stroke igniting fresh torment.

As suddenly as it began, the flogging stopped. The quietly sobbing stallion hung there, his body on fire, waiting for the next blow to fall, but it never came. Instead, he felt a soft paw stroking him, soothing him, a voice telling him how brave he was, how strong. The voice felt like a warm embrace, infinitely comforting, infinitely forgiving, and he longed to fall into it forever.

"My beautiful Pet, you have learned quickly. I will never stop simply because you beg me to; I will stop when I am ready to, not a moment before. I will punish you many times my pet, I hope I will rarely have to punish you as harshly as I have tonight, but you will always know that even when I punish you it is because I love you, my colt."

Holding his shaking body, she let her warmth touch him, the feel of her fur against him a delicious torment, its touch exciting him and hurting at the same time. Dimly, he registered her mouth on him, kissing, her tongue now exploring him as he kissed back with harsh fervour, the blood from his bleeding lip a sweet metallic taste in her mouth. Disengaging, she licked down his neck, down the cleft between his pectorals, then across. Seeing the bruised and bloodied mess where a whip end had torn at one of his nipples, she hungrily sucked on it, a piercing cry his response as he jerked uncontrollably in his bonds, overwhelmed by sensations.

Reaching down, she felt for his sheath, but instead found a throbbing cock, her little gasp of surprise her only expression of weakness. She stroked its hard length, savouring the texture in her paws, admiration in her mind. Oh yes, he was definitely going to be enjoyable.

Lieran was suddenly aware of his throbbing erection, and the feel of his Mistress' paws on it. He was terrified; terrified of her punishment for again disobeying her, but mostly terrified of what it might mean. Did she already have such a total hold on him? Even more disturbing...did a part of him like this?

Stepping back now, she absently brought a finger to her lips, wiping his blood onto her finger. Staring for a moment at the thick red liquid, she finally brought her finger down to her pussy, and now looking her tormented pet in the eye, rubbed his blood into her swollen clit. This sight of his huge organ, pulsing in the candle light as he watched her pleasure herself, the little drops of precum shining at the tip, and the look of pure astonished horror on his beautiful face, proved more than she could take and she was overcome by a wild body-wracking orgasm, falling to the floor as it finished, drained and yet energised at the same time.

Recovering, she looked up again at him, her feral grin now multiplied by a thousand.

"I see you still haven't learned that lesson Pet. I think it is time you lost your virginity, maybe that will help you learn control."

At a signal from the Mare, Martelian released the young roan, his body beginning to lose control as the pain overwhelmed him. He fell to the stones, lying prostrate as he felt the First Groom remove his restraints, his paws stroking Lieran's sides, soothing him. Martelian had seen it all before, but he still found it effected him each time. For some reason, this sweet stallion was the hardest yet. I know what I must do though. She is testing me as well as him...and I will not let her down.

Walking over to the low couch, her hooves striking the stones as she moved, Narestilla lay back, her legs now parted invitingly. "Time for you to show me what you know colt."

Lieran found he could stand, and move though slowly. Pushing Martelian away, he walked unsteadily to his new Mistress, kneeling before her as he had been taught.

"yes Mistress"

"Show me how good your tongue is, and I will see if you are worth keeping."

Burying his memory of Keira as deep as he could, Lieran bent forward to his task. He smelt the powerful musk of her, the deep sexy scent that filled his nostrils and went straight to his cock. His instincts took over, as he leant in and licked at her outer lips, a long slow savouring lick that tasted her juices and let the feel of her slick sex tickle the nerves in his tongue. He could never get enough of Keira's pussy, but this was different again. Even more alive, even more beautiful, he could not stop an involuntary whimper from escaping as he started pleasuring in earnest.

Laying back, she let the superbly skilled youngster do his best, her cries becoming louder and more urgent as he drove her higher and higher. His fingers, his tongue seemed to know just how to please her, when to focus on the tips of her lips, when to focus on rutting her distended sensitive clit, when to drive his tongue deep into her. Taking his curly mane into her paws, she held him against her and rode him to a shattering orgasm that caused her to grip his head with her thighs and pull hard on his mane, not caring how much she hurt, just taking her ultimate pleasure her own way.

As she came back to earth, she looked down on him, on all fours between her legs, his eyes betraying a mix of satisfaction an uncertainty. She decided to reward him, but her way. And she knew exactly who to use; she knew her guards and their individual preferences intimately.

"I think it's time for you to have your first mounting, sweet colt. A stallion's first time should be special, and memorable, and so it will be for you." Unsure of what to do, Lieran remained in his position, but his heart started pounding with the expectation.


Lieran had no idea what this could signify, but his fears began to rise when a guard stepped out of one of the alcoves, coming to stand beside the kneeling roan.

"My Lady?"

"Ahh...Toram. I need your assistance tonight. My Pet needs to have his first mounting, and I have chosen you to give it to him."

The guard stood stunned for a moment before he grinned, "Yes My Lady", and to Lieran's growing shock began to remove his armour, each piece falling to the floor until he stood naked. Toram was a magnificent stallion, a pure black Arabian, shorter than Lieran but slightly older and more heavily muscled. As each piece of armour fell, and more of the stallion was revealed, Lieran had become more and more agitated, but also he was horrified to see, a part of him was strangely aroused. While fighting with this feeling he failed to notice the powerful guard take up a position behind him.

His internal battle was interrupted however as he felt a strong paw grip his tail. Snapping his head around, he looked back to see the big black stallion holding his tail with one paw, while the other stroked his obscene erection, the long thick cock growing even as he rubbed. His terrified stare was interrupted however as the Mare leaned forward, taking his mane again in her paws and guiding him to her sex. In a daze, he began again, pleasuring her doubly this time; the touch of his expert tongue, and the sight of him stretched out before her, about to be mounted at her leisure. With a nod to her favourite guard, she lay back to enjoy the sensations in her pussy and the sight of her pet's impending violation.

Toram was not a cruel stallion, however, as she well knew. That was part of the torture; an added spice to the situation. For instead of ramming mercilessly into the vulnerable youngster, Toram was going to make him enjoy it, and so increase the mental anguish instead.

Lieran tried to concentrate on his Mistress' pussy, the feel and taste and smell still intoxicating, but his concentration was shattered as he felt his tail pulled up hard, stretching the skin from the base of his tail across his puckered tail hole and down to the back of his scrotum. Letting out a soft whimper he began letting out a pleading "no!, no!" but instead of a thick cock head he felt a tongue, as the stallion leaned forward and began preparing the virgin youngster. Lieran could only cry in surprise as he felt a warm slick tongue at the base of his tail, then licking down to his tight tail hole. His cries turned to moans as he felt the practiced tongue start licking at his tight hole, then deep groans as Toram forced the gates of his tail hole open and slid his tongue in.

Narestilla pulled him roughly by the mane back to her pussy, driving his tongue into her in the process, as she watched the incredibly erotic sight of her guard stud eating out the poor distracted youngster's ass, both stallion cocks hard and ready. Soon she saw her new pet driving his hips back to try and take more of the experienced tongue into himself, and she knew he would never be the same again.

Lieran was so ashamed but he no longer cared, lost in a sex mist where the only thing that mattered was his cock, his ass, his Mistress' pussy, and the deep growing ache in his balls, an ache that could only be ended by sweet release. The thought of how that might happen caused him to shake with disgust, but he could not fight the need any longer.

Toram read the signs, and left the rapidly clenching virgin ass. Continuing to play with the pretty roan, he licked further down, lapping at the sweet taint before sucking the heavy balls into his mouth and using his soft lips and tongue to drive the youngster wild. Reaching forward, he gripped the big cock and began a slow agonising stroking, one paw on the shaft while gripping the flared head with his other paw and stroking the tip with his fingers. Lieran began wildly thrusting his hips, desperate to gain release, but the experienced stallion just nickered and held him, waiting until he calmed and beginning again, fresh torment each time.

Narestilla wanted no further wait however, and a demanding whinny was all the order Toram needed. Kneeling now behind Lieran, he lay he roan's tail down on his back, and lined his own thick and very ready cock against the virgin hole. With a last look at the Mare, her wildly ecstatic look almost unmanning him, Toram thrust his hips forward, and buried his cock up to the medial ring in one punishing thrust.

Lieran felt the blunt cock head at his entrance, and willed himself to open, and not to cry out, but his inexperience told and he tried unsuccessfully to clamp down on the invader, multiplying the pain. He let out a frenzied cry, the sound muffled by the Mare's pussy as, knowing of the impending deflowerment, she had held him tight against her. The sight of Toram's cock punching into her pet, the shudder of his tense body, the sheen of sweat on his muscled back, combined with the feel of his cry against her pussy lips all proved too much and she fell over into the best orgasm of the night, bucking against his head as her body exploded in waves of pleasure.

For Lieran, the feeling was more one of pain and blind panic, as he was being smothered in his Mistress' orgasm while trying to escape the excruciating pain of his poor virgin ass being stretched and torn by a huge stallion cock. To his slight relief, Toram pulled gradually back, the flared ridge of his head creating new waves of torture as it scraped the pained flesh of his ass on the backstroke, but at least the feeling of terrible stretched fullness began to subside, but it was only a temporary relief, as the rutting stallion now began a slow but determined fucking, sawing his hard cock in and out of the tormented roan, going inexorably deeper until he finally bottomed out, his balls slapping against the youngsters as with one final thrust he rammed in to the hilt.

The last surprise was however now to come to Lieran's notice, as he suddenly felt the stallion rubbing his cock deep inside and with one slight change in angle, he hit a spot that made the young roan cry out, but not in pain this time. Toram was now to give the young virgin a lesson in the pleasures to be had from the prostate, as he expertly targeted that spot and began a determined wild rutting, taking his pleasure while giving Lieran pleasures he was not prepared to deal with.

For Narestilla, the sight and smell of the two stallions was too much and she fell into a continuous series of orgasms, each one building to a climax before beginning again and again, as Toram mounted her pet, now hard, wild, breeding his ass. She could sense the end approaching, and then Toram threw his head back suddenly, letting out an ear splitting neigh as his tail flagged wildly, face contorted in a grimace as he emptied his balls into the no longer virgin stallion.

The Mare threw her own head back, her answering scream signalling the final orgasm as she took her ultimate pleasure. Panting, the blood slamming in her head, she leaned forward after an indeterminate time basking in the afterglow. Her pet was still kneeling, his head now bowed, shuddering gasps his only sound. Toram had leaned forward to cover the youngster, his chest now resting on his back, paws entwined as the guard nibbled at the helpless roan's neck, cock still buried under his tail. On the ground under the roan, she saw a tell-tale sight - several streaks of cum across the stones. Her pet had cum, his pleasure an added torture, being drawn from his violated body against his will.

As Toram held him, almost tenderly, Lieran finally could take no more and he collapsed, falling forward onto the stone with his rapist falling over him. The shaking finally gave way to the sobs he had been keeping in so long, as Lieran finally lost the ability to fight.