Nights at Club 6 (Part 2)

Story by Talic on SoFurry

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Hey all, this is part 2 of Nights at Club 6. Blah, blah, blah, gay sex, blah, blah, 18 and up, you all know the drill. Oh, and the legal thing, do not take false credit and all that good stuff, just ask before you take any characters from the story, why you would I dun know, but just in case... © to Talic Teh Foxx.

Jace woke up early the next evening, the sinking sun now giving the sky a beautiful orange tint as it shown though the glass roof. He felt a nudge against his chest as when he looked down to see Alex sleeping peacefully. Jace smiled, slowly scooting out of the bed and heading to the bathroom that was across the room. He silently shut the door, turning to the glassed off section of the bathroom that was the shower and removed his boxers. He stepped in but didn't notice any knobs, or anything for that matter, to turn the shower on.

"What the hell kind of contraption is this?" He sighed, stretching and feeling his fur pull at the sticky mass on his stomach. Looking down he smiled and let out a chuckle, "Jeez Kit, for a fox, you sure do have a lot of it..."

He looked around the glass room for anything that could work the shower. He finally managed to come across some fake tile in the wall. He taped it and it automatically slid aside, reviling a whole digital control panel with all the functions of the "Furmaster 5000." He taped a few buttons, setting the temperature and what he wanted the water to feel like. It came down moments later in what felt exactly like a warm summer rain. He sighed, looking up into the falling water and letting the warmth wash over him, cleansing himself of the previous night's events. Luckily all the shampoo's and soaps were left out so he easily cleaned himself. It took him a while to figure out how to turn the shower off but when he managed he found the towels and wrapped one around himself. He opened the door and saw Alex yawning and stretching, the tent in the covers clearly seen.

"Morning Kit, and morning to you too." Jace giggled eyeing the mass under the covers.

"Jace! I didn't hear you come in!" He quickly covered himself and blushed.

"Heh, don't worry about it Kit, I could care less. I'm just wondering if you have a pair of boxer's I could borrow, mine are a bit... well, it was just a messy night." He laughed this time, trying to make Alex feel better but all he did was blush deeper than before.

"I'm, I'm really sorry Jace, I didn't mean to. I... I told you I wanted my boxers." He giggled and lay back down. "Do we have to get up? I don't wanna go to work today."

"You haven't changed since school. Come on Kit, we gotta go so you can pay me. I have to pay rent and my roommate's not gunna be happy if I miss another week." Jace padded over to the bed and pulled at the fox's arms, pulling as hard as he could to get the fox out of the bed.

Jace pulled a bit too hard as Alex wasn't prepared for the huskies strength and was pulled clear out of the bed. Jace tripped backward, stumbling and falling onto the floor with the fox landing right on top of him. They both looked at each and broke out laughing.

"Remind you of the school days?" Alex managed to get out between laughs, his head down on the huskies chest.

Jace had calmed down a bit, "Some things never change," he smiled and licked the fox's head. "but then again, some things do."

Alex looked up, starring into the huskies' eyes and nodded lightly. Those eyes are what caught him in the dream he had and now they had caught him once more, just this time, it wasn't a dream. Jace moved closer to him, they could feel each other's breath on their noses as Alex finished the gap between their muzzled and they kissed. It was everything he could imagine and more as the husky wrapped his arms around the fox, pressing his tongue against the fox's lips, asking for permission to enter his maw. Alex graciously accepted, parting his lips and hooking his own pink muscle around Jace's, locking the kiss between them. Jace and Alex felt as if they were both in a dream, in their own little world where no one could harm or disturb them. It was a place they could both be lost in forever as the outside world drifted away.

The alarm sounded, the kiss broke, bringing the two back into the reality that they both had to be at work in 20 minutes.

"Jace... I..."

The husky put a paw to the fox's lips, kissing them once more before he smiled. "We gotta go to work, you still need a shower and I still have to get dressed."

Alex nodded and padded off to the bathroom and washed up. When he finally dressed and closed the door to his room, he found the husky dressed in his uniform and ready to go. "Do I get yelled at for being late?" He said, raising an eyebrow and smirking at the fox.

Alex smirked back, "Not if you have a legitimate excuse, and since it's your first day, I'll give you a break."

"Oh how generous." Jace rolled his eyes and chuckled rubbing the fox on the head and pushing him out the door.

The line was already out to door when the two arrived at the club. Mal was at the door, a big grin smeared on his muzzle as the two walked up. "You two are late. What's the excuse? I got a' hear dis one."

Alex frowned pushing the bear out of the way. "Technically you don't have to hear anything, I'm the owner and I can be here when I want." He made his way inside but couldn't help but to let out a small smile as he passed Mal. Mal though he caught it but Jace confirmed it as he smiled broadly and winked at the bear walking into the club himself. Mal let out a roar of laughter as the furs in the line began to complain and become agitated. "Pipe down or I'll..." The bear's voice faded away as Alex padded into the back office, looking at what had to be ordered and what bills needed to be paid. Jace was busy almost the entire night, serving drinks to more furs who just wanted him rather than the alcohol in the glass. Break eventually fell as Alex walked outside in the back alley, his usual spot, and pulled a cig from a carton in his pocket. He felt around but couldn't find his lighter when suddenly a flame popped up in front of his muzzle.

"Need light?" Asked Jess, her jet black fur almost invisible in the shadows. The panther was a not from the islands or anywhere around the area for that matter. She came from half way across Verra though which is why her speech was broken a lot. Alex didn't know what it was about her but he liked something the moment she came into the job interview. She was fit for one, so she was perfect for patrolling the floor, also she seemed very confident all the time, something Alex wished he could do. Maybe it's the fact that she could always read him like a book. Even the first day she could tell things about him that he though he hid very well.

"Thanks Jess." He said, taking a long drag on the cig, holding the addicting smoke in his lungs for a bit before breathing out.

"Something bothers you Alexi, your friend of old?" She asked putting the lighter back into her pocket.

He took another drag and exhaled nodding his head. "Yeah, it's about Jace," he paused a bit thinking over his words.

"You like him lot. You care about him." She said, reading every little feature he showed.

"Yeah, I like him, hell I think I love him, but he was the one I was running from all this time," "I was afraid he would hate me for what I am, for who I like,"

"For liking gay?" She asked.

"Yes for being gay. I didn't want to hurt him or think that I've just been waiting for the moment when we slept together at night."

"You slept before, with him!?"

Alex chuckled and shook his head. "Not like sex, no, just as friends."

"Oh." She nodded as if she understood the entire situation.

"It's just, after last night, and when we woke up, I don't know if I should tell him or not, I don't want to scare him away." Alex took the last drag of his cig before looking down, letting it fall from his muzzle and stomping on the butt.

Jess put a paw on his chin and raised his head so they looked at one another. She smiled and simply said, "If you love he, tell."

Alex smiled back as Jess' paw patted him on the head. "Break over, time to work." She padded back in the doors, leaving Alex to think by himself for a moment.

"Damnit!" Jace growled, "Where the hell is this other guy, my break started a half hour ago."

"Sorry I'm late," A young Dalmatian quickly stumbled though the back bar door, "do you know how much traffic is out there trying to get in this place!?"

"Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses." Jace smiled and threw a wet rag at him. "I'm taking extended break since you decided to be late."

"Extended break," The Dalmatian looked at him quizzically, "I've been working here longer then you and I've never heard of anything like that."

"Yeah well you should have read the bartending manual when you got this job, page 36, if the late shift bartender is late, the early gets 30 minutes extended break." Jace smirked, giving the Dalmatian a "Just-test-me" look.

As he walked out from the bar area, Mal walked up beside him, chuckling lightly and giving Jace a punch on the arm. "Sorry mate couldn't help but overhear but I ain't herd of any "Bartenders Manual" when I worked here."

"That's because there is none. I just wanted a thirty minute break." Smirked the Husky, looking back at the long line that began to crowd the bar. Mal laughed even harder and left Jace as he heard Jess call over the line that another fight had broken out. Jace padded over to the back of the club, looking for an escape from the pounding trance music and shouting furs. He put his paw on the swinging door and pushed, only to find himself run muzzle first into the door. He shook it off and pushed again, there was slight movement but it still refused to budge. "Alright door, let's go." He pushed with all his weight into the door as he heard a voice on the other side yell and the door give way.

"Hey! What the hell do you thi... Jace!?" Alex was flat on the floor, supporting himself on his elbows.

"Oh shit, sorry Alex," Jace rushed over to Alex, extending his paw and pulling the fox up harder than he intended to. "I didn't mean to shove you back, I thought the door was broken, honest."

"No, no, it's ok. I'm not hurt anyway." Alex pulled back as he shot up into Jace's arms, holding himself there for a moment and looking up at the beautiful face that was staring back at him. "Hi." He simply said.

"Hey ther-" Jace didn't get much out after that as Alex threw his lips upon Jace's, kissing him deeply, his paws wrapped around the huskies neck. Jace pushed back into Alex, his tongue entering the fox's maw. He easily picked up the fox as Alex's legs wrapped around Jace's waste. He was quickly pinned between the brick wall and the love of his life as he murred deeply into Jace's maw the night sky and shimmering stars being the only witness to the love. Alex let out a gasp as the kiss broke and Jace started nibbling and biting on the fox's neck. "Ohh gods, Jace, I thought..."

"You thought wrong Kit," Jace paused in his attack on Alex's neck as he nuzzled into the fox's muzzle and looked into his deep blue eyes. "Kit, I want to be with you, I want to protect you and hold you and never see you have to run from your fears again. I know about your past and what you've been though and I don't ever want to see you go through that again. Kit I... I..."

Alex smiled, a small tear rolled down his cheek as he kissed Jace and looked back. "I love you Jace. I love you so much."

The husky put a paw on the side of Alex's muzzle, wiping away the tear as it fell down the fox's face. "I love you too Kit." They kissed once more, deeper and more passionate then they could ever have before. A true sign of their love for one another as they stood there in the moonlit alley, the stars and the moon seemed to shine even brighter that night then they ever had on the island.


His sentence went no further as the hollow and defining sound filled the air. Alex's father stumbled back a few paces, hitting the front door and leaning against it. He looked down, blood poured from a gaping hole in his chest, his muzzle in a state of pure shock. He looked up at the pup, locking eyes with the boy he was once father of but no more. All he saw was a cold dead stair. There was no love for him, no sorrow, no contempt, just hatred. Alex was sure of himself, he could not let this fur live, no matter how much he hated the idea of killing, he had to, or his mother and he would both die. His father continued to stare at him for what seemed like eternity. The deathly ice blue of Alex's eyes, piercing his near non-existent soul sent shivers into his body which was now replaced with pure rage. He charged at the pup, feeling nothing, no pain, no regret, just death on his mind.

Another hollowed bang rang out as the larger fox toppled to the floor...


Alex shot up in bed, again covered in a cold sweat and panting hard, reaching for what always used to lie under his pillow but finding nothing there. Instead he felt a body next to him. He looked over and saw the peaceful sleeping face of his best friend and lover, Jace. The night's memories rushed back into his head, the moment of telling one another how they felt, rushing home, knocking over the furniture in an attempt to undress one another, the sweet smell of musk filling the air. He shook violently as he could still remember the dream of his youth. Memories began to flash in his head, the smell of blood and gunpowder filling his nose, the blood on the door and wall, his mother crying in the background, and he, holding the weapon that ended it all at only 13 years old.

"Kit, what's that matter?" Jace had wrapped his paws around the fox, nuzzling his neck in comfort as he tried to calm the shaking fox.

"I... I killed my father Jace. I killed my father." He let out a shutter before the tears began to run down his face shaking even more.

"Kit, hey, it'll be ok, that was a long time ago, it's over now, don't worry about it anymore. I'm here to protect you now, I love you." Jace cradled the fox and rocked him back and forth.

Those last words finally brought Alex to a state of calm, the words he knew were real, that weren't part of the dream. He hugged the husky and layed close to him. "Don't ever leave me Jace, please don't leave me."

"Why would I ever want to leave you Kit? I love you, I promise I'll never leave you alone ever again." Jace said, kissing the fox lightly on his soft lips.

"I love you so much." It was all the fox could get out before sleep overcame his body as he rested in Jace's arms.

When they both woke up once more, the moon shone brightly in the night sky, illuminating the room in a beautiful iridescent glow. Alex stirred and grabbed hold of the soft furry body next to him. He knew Jace was there with him and nothing would tear them apart that night. He opened an eye, looking up at the sleeping face of his lover. His dream was almost non-existent in his mind now that he preoccupied himself with his lover.

"I can't believe this really happened," Alex thought, wincing in delight. "The one guy I had a crush on for years and finally I know he feels the same about me." He moved his leg up, trying to wrap it over Jace's when it brushed against something. Jace turned flat on his back, the white sheet making a nice sized tent as Alex saw the tip of the huskies member holding strong.

Alex smirked, whispering to himself, "I think a little wakeup call is in order..." He ducked under the covers as softly as he could so not to wake Jace, his eyes locked on what he was after the entire time. Jace's cock already had a dribble of pre coming from the tip, making it look even more tempting to the fox.

Alex began nuzzling the hard member, satisfied with the small giggles he heard from the husky. The sent filled his senses and his maw began to water. He gave Jace a long lick all the way from the base to the tip, a small moaning sound escaping Jace's muzzle, but still fast asleep. He wondered just how far he could go without waking the husky.

He gave it another lick, this time playing with the tip of his cock as he swirled his tongue around and down his length. Jace moaned even more now, seeming to have a very nice dream as more pre began to stream from his cock.

Alex couldn't take it anymore, he startled himself over the huskies' legs, leaning over and taking almost half the length of the husky in his maw. Jace thrust upward, pushing his cock deeper into the fox's willing throat, half of it now taken in by Alex. Alex murred, sending vibrations up though his throat and over Jace's stiff member, now bobbing his head up and down, taking more and more into his maw.

Jace's paws roamed over Alex's head, rubbing his ears and scratching his forehead as the fox sucked harder and harder. The sounds Alex heard coming from Jace only made him want to try and get more. It was sooner than Alex had expected as the huskies paw pushed hard down upon the fox's head, thrusting up at the same time, his knot now forming quickly at the base of his length.

Jace thrust harder each time, using his paw to keep the fox's head where it was, soon now thrusting his know into the fox's maw. Alex could feel Jace about to hit the point of no return and was more than willing to help the husky climax. His paw caressed up his leg, finding its way to his furry sac, rubbing and stimulating his balls, squeezing every now and then after each thrust. Jace gave a moan, then a howl, and a final thrust into the fox's maw, shoving his entire member down his throat as streams of his hot, sticky, husky cum shot into it.

Jace was panting hard as a wide grin spread across his muzzle. "Morning love." He picked up the covers only to see the fox still sucking on his already spent cock. "You really like the taste don't you?" He scratched Alex's head and rubbed his ears.

"Eh? Ehhh, mmmehhh." Alex tried to pull off Jace but to no prevail, Jace's knot had grown too big for the fox's muzzle and now was stuck. "Ehn uck."

Jace couldn't help but giggle as he continued to rub the fox's head. "Heh, I'm sorry hun, but..." Jace burst out laughing now, leaning over and kissing the fox on the head. Alex bit down a bit into the huskies knot. "Owww! Ok, ok, I'll stop. There's really nothing we can do until it goes down love."

Alex sighed the best he could as the two lay there with one another. When Jace's knot finally shrunk back and his member began to retreat into its sheath, Alex pulled his maw free and rubbed his jaw. "Remind me not to do that again." He said, kissing the husky as he crawled back into Jace's arms.

"Aww but it was such a nice wake up call." Jace groaned, kissing back and snuggling up to the fox. "Besides, you seemed to be enjoying yourself up until the knot," Jace squeezed the sides of Alex's maw, smiling back and talking to the fox like he was a baby, "Joo haf such a pwiddy muzzle."

Alex swiped the paw away, giggling and stretching as he threw the comforter off of himself. "Watch yourself, you just may be getting some payback for that."

Jace smirked, pinning the fox down and grinding his hips against Alex's sheath. "Looking forward to it."

"Come on you, we need a shower, and I'm starved." Alex pushed the husky off, trotting slowly into the bathroom, his tail and hips swaying as he went. Jace's stomach growled at the sound of food, but though it could wait till after his shower. He fell back into the pillows scattered across the bed, smiling to himself and thinking of what had just happened over the last twenty-four hours. The events seemed to swirl in his head, one minute he thought he was something, the next minute, it was proved wrong by Alex. He never knew that this was what his life was missing the entire time, someone who cared about him, loved him. He could hear the water running and Alex opening the door of the shower. He figured he'd conserve some water and join his little foxy for some fun, after all, he never got his payback.

Alex leaned against the cold shower wall as the door creaked open and Jace stepped in. "I was wondering when you'd come join me." He said, padding over to Jace and wrapping his paws around small of his back.

"Sorry I kept you waiting, I was just thinking." Jace said, looking into the fox's deep blue eyes.

"Oh, really? About what?" Asked Alex, looking back at the husky, his beautiful bi-colored blue, green eyes staring back at him.

"Just about how much my life has changed since I came here." He said, kissing the fox. "I mean, I've had a suspicion that I was gay for a long time but I never knew I would find the one to confirm it to be you. Hell, back in town you passed as the straightest guy in school, same in college."

"That just goes to show hun, looks can be deceiving." He giggled and gave Jace a lick on his muzzle, both of them now drenched in the warm rain water. "I've had a crush on you ever since we met in the 8th grade, I just didn't know how to tell you though, and I thought you were straight from the number of girls you brought home from all the parties."

"Heh, wanna know a secret?" Jace asked, smiling at his fox lover.

Alex cocked his head to the side, "What's that?"

"I never did anything with those girls," Jace began to laugh, thinking back on all the ladies, "they just passed out on my bed as soon as we walked into the room, besides, they were only there for you mostly. I thought I had an interest in them, but I know now I was just lying to myself. You make me feel more loved than anyone else in this world could. And I know, I'll always love you back just as much, if not, more."

"You know I'll always love you, Jace. You were always the one there for me when we were younger. You were the one I could tell my secrets too," Alex looked down. He buried his head into Jace's chest as the smile faded from his muzzle. "The only one who knows about my past..."

Jace could tell Alex was thinking back on his dreams, how true they were, and how they had haunted him since he was a kit. He quickly tried to change subjects. "It seems you didn't tell me all your secrets though."

It worked as Alex started giggling and his head tilted back up at the husky. "Well, I couldn't let this one out, you know how dangerous that would be. If Emma ever knew, she'd kill me."

"Ah, Emma, your old girlfriend. Mind if I say something?" Jace smirked and kissed the fox's nose as he nodded. "She was a total bitch! She had you on a leash all the time."

Alex laughed, hugging his love tighter in his arms before circling him and suddenly pushing him against the wall. He was grinning at the husky, a gleam shimmered in his eye as he kissed Jace passionately on his lips. "Yeah, but she was my bitch, just like what you're going to be in a few seconds."

"Mmmm, Alex, I've never seen this side to you... I like it." Jace struggled to get free of the fox's grasp but couldn't. Alex pushed him back against the tile his maw quickly traveling Jace's neck, biting and nibbling up and down. "Gods K-iii-t, this feels, mmmm, amazing."

Jace was panting, his member already poking out of the tip of his sheath. Alex's paws roamed his body as he drug his claws all though the thick fur and grinding his hips into the huskies back.

"So? My husky likes this?" Alex asked, digging his claws sharply into Jace's side. He could feel his own member slide free of his sheath as it pressed against the canines back.

Jace began murring as the subtle scratching took its effect. Alex's right paw found its way to the huskies sheath, stroking and pulling back on the fleshy exterior. His other paw was busy grabbing Jace's wrists and forcing them above his head. He bit harder on Jace's neck before he moved his maw up whispering in his ear, "Beg for it, bitch." He shoved Jace harder into the wall as Jace began to moan and whimper.

"Take me Alex, please take me now!" Jace pleaded, wanting nothing more than to feel the fox's hot vulpine meat inside him. His tail lifted as he pushed back into Alex's rod, feeling it dig into his back at its full length. "I want you Alex, I want you in me, please." He whined and whimpered more, struggling against the fox's grip.

"You want it that badly, love?" Alex pushed the tip of his cock against Jace's tailhole, letting his pre lube the tight entrance and just barely penetrating him.

Jace pushed back more forcefully sending Alex's vulpine member deeper into the huskies tight tailhole. "Give it all to me! I want it all..."

"I'll give you however much I decide to let you have." Alex replied, shoving half of his entire nine inches into the husky. Jace winced as his tailhole stretched wide, not having experienced this kind of feeling in a long while. The pain almost immediately subsided as it was quickly replaced with immense pleasure coursing though his body.

"You like that, don't you?" Asked Alex, seeing the pain on the huskies face.

Jace nodded as a growling murr escaped his muzzle, "More, gods more, Kit!"

Alex pulled a bit out before shoving deeper into his love. Every thrust sent a wave of pleasure though both their bodies as Alex pushed deeper and deeper. He finally hilted, his cock pushing all the way into the tight husky. Alex smiled and kissed Jace over his shoulder, pulling out so only his tip was inside the canine before thrusting all his meat into him.

Jace and Alex's moans fell in harmony as both their bodies were filled with immense pleasure. Jace pulled one of his paws free of the fox's grip, placing it over Alex's paw on his sheath and quickly making the fox paw him off. Alex soon could feel his orgasm approaching as his hips moved faster back and forth and a large knot forming at the base of his cock. He synchronized his pawing off Jace with the thrusts, feeling the husky thrusting himself into their paws.

"Jace... I'm close, I'm gunna... Uuurrrghhhh!" Alex pulled out one final time before thrusting his hips hard into Jace, pushing his knot deep inside the husky, tying them. Orgasm wracked his body as he shot ropes of his hot vulpine seed into the canine. The feeling of Alex's knot inside him pushed Jace over the edge as his tailhole was stretched and he thrust into his and Alex's paw, shooting his second load of cum all over the shower wall.

They stood there for a moment, Alex letting go of Jace's wrist, moving his paw down and wrapping it around his waist. Alex kissed his neck, murring and nuzzling into the wet fur. "I love you Jace."

Jace murred and kissed back best he could. "I love you too Alex... Kit." A smile crept over the huskies muzzle as the two stayed there until Alex's knot subsided. He pulled out of Jace, a stream of fox cum slowly making its way out of Jace's tailhole and running down his leg.

They washed each other in silence, knowing they didn't need words to describe how much they loved one another at that very moment.


Well, that's it for part 2 of meh story, hope you all enjoyed it as much as the last. Sorry bout the last one as well, the mod said only one chapter was approved or some such thing and to post chapter 2 so they'll both show, so yeah, sorry again. I tried to get this one out as soon as I could but unfortunately, this is all I've written so far. I'm not making excuses here and I know I've gotta start typing again but school's really coming down on me hard senior year but I'm sure I'll have a lot more to time to type next year in college. ^.^ I promise part 3 will come out sometime in the summer if not sooner (Helps to set a deadline. :3) Love ya all and keep telling me where I can improve and such! I am a new writer and would love for other to critique my work. Love ya all, Talic Teh Foxx.