Nights at Club 6 (Part 3)

So yeah, this is part 3 of Nights at Club 6. I really don't have much to say on this except I'm sorry it came out so late. But there are new turns of events and I hope it keeps your interest. Most are probably lost by now. Lol. Anyway, I don't really...

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Nights at Club 6 (Part 2)

Hey all, this is part 2 of Nights at Club 6. Blah, blah, blah, gay sex, blah, blah, 18 and up, you all know the drill. Oh, and the legal thing, do not take false credit and all that good stuff, just ask before you take any characters from the story,...

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The Sons of Epion, Part 1

Legal thingie, yada, yada, yada all characters and stories written about or from Talic are copywriten to Talic and may not be used without his permission and review of whatever story they are in. Honestly furs if you want to use 'em just ask and odds...

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