Ticklish Pet

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_short and sweet, enjoy! ^_^

**insert disclaimer here. Cub in yiffy situation, entirely fictional, blah blah blah**_

There was a subtle difference between a Slave and a Pet. Despite what the 'official' meanings may be, anyone who had experienced the life knew. A Slave served their Master. A Pet pleasured them.

This distinction was no comfort to Sally. The little rabbit girl had been purchased to work in the kitchens, but despite regular spankings she still could not work fast enough for her Master's liking, so she became his Pet instead. Her young body, naked save for the collar that bound her to the bed, was trembling in fear of what she would soon face. She sat curled in a ball, rocking herself, long ears drooped as images of pain filled her mind. She wasn't ignorant of sex, but she had no wish to do it. When she was little, her mother was used as a sex-toy, and Sally had heard how her mother sobbed and howled. It hurt, and she had little tolerance for pain. Even a soft touch was enough to make her flinch, and the spankings her young rump had endured had been unbearable. The idea of her Master thrusting into her too-young virgin cunny brought tears to her eyes.

The door to the bedroom opened without warning. Sally jumped, shaking with fear. It took all her willpower not to wet herself. Her Master, a heavy-set Renamon named Jaeger, smiled at her as he crossed the room.

"Enjoy your day, Pet?"

Sally said nothing. Her day had been nothing but terror in anticipation of this moment. She was scared that whatever she said, she'd be punished.

"Fine, don't answer," Jaeger said, his voice light.

As Sally watched, Jaeger opened his wardrobe, picking out a clean dressing gown. As he did this, a fox-Slave named Alex entered, carrying a tray.

"Put them at the foot of the bed, Boy," Jaeger spoke without turning round, searching for slippers in the bottom of the wardrobe.

The slave nodded. Sally watched the young male, feeling envious. At least he got clothes, even if they were rags.

As the boy left, Jaeger turned back to Sally. "On the floor," he commanded, pointing to where two bowls had been placed. Frightened, the young girl slipped from the bed, and got down on all fours. The right bowl was filled with clear water, the other with what looked like rice and diced vegetables.

"Eat," the Renamon commanded, removing his clothes and tossing them into a laundry hamper.

Reluctantly, Sally obeyed. It was humiliating to eat like this, but she was hungry. She listened as the Rena moved, walking around her, watching her. It made the ordeal all the worse for her when he tapped her legs with his foot, making her open them. With her tail nothing more than a white ball of fluff atop her snow-covered bottom, there was nothing to hide her pink slit. Fighting back tears, she pushed her muzzle into her food, eating as best she could. Even without the shame of her posture, eating without her paws was difficult as she tried to eat without spilling food on the floor, and forcing each mouthful down her throat. Hungry or not, her fear made swallowing hard.

When Jaeger touched her, Sally nearly knocked her food bowl over in fright. Jumping in shock, she quickly settled back when the large paw pushed her downward.

"Hush," the Rena said, his paw gently stroking the girl's back, massaging between her shoulders. She hung her head, tears dripping into the food, unable to continue. She could feel her Master's eyes on her, waiting expectantly, but she couldn't bring herself to keep eating like this.


She nodded slightly. Jaeger stepped back around to her front, and knelt down to look at her once more.

"Look up," he commanded, raising a handkerchief and wiping her face, removing the stray rice that was sticking to her fur.

"You can leave the rest for later, then. I'd advise you eat it all before bedtime, otherwise you'll get less to eat from now on."

The words were not spoken in a cruel tone, but the warning made Sally force herself to keep eating. Soon she had cleaned the bowl, and drank most of her water. Raising her damp face once more, Jaeger cleaned her again and smiled.

"Good girl," he said, stroking her head softly. "Now, I'm guessing there's something else you'll need about now as well."

Sally knew what he meant. Letting the Renamon take her hand, Sally was made to walk to what looked like a footstool. It was just close enough that she could reach it, though the chain was pretty fight. Jaeger removed the lid, revealing a litter tray beneath. Sally gave a whimper of shame; she was going to be treated like an animal with this as well.

Without waiting to be told, the bunny girl positioned herself over the litter tray. She noticed the tray had its own half-seat, designed so she could kneel comfortably whilst using it. Naturally, it was positioned so she would be facing in to the room. There was also some sort of glass prism pointing toward her. She guessed, quite rightly as it happened, that this was to make it easier for her Master to see her slit whilst she peed. Embarrassment and fear of punishment fought for control of her bladder, and fear won. Soon after settling into place, a thin stream of piss came forth. As soon as she began peeing, Sally heard the approving murrs of her Master, and saw his exposed sheath begin to swell. For Jaeger, the sight of the little bunny, pissing and trembling in shame, was enough to make him want to fuck her right there and then.

When she had finished, Jaeger lifted the crying bunny up into his arms, and placed her back on the bed. Giving her slit a quick wipe to remove any lingering wetness, he patted her on the rump until she had squirmed her way to the head of the bed, curled up and crying silently.

"You've been a very good girl so far, Pet," Jaeger cooed, his claw softly tracing a line down the rabbit's side. He smiled as she squirmed at his touch.

"Now that you are fed, and your bladder emptied, we can discuss how you will serve me."

Sally risked a glance at the Rena. As she feared, his cock was hardening quickly. It was not as big as it had been in her nightmares, but even a normal sized adult cock was still far more than she was willing to take.

"P-please," she sobbed. "I d-don't wanna be r-raped..."

Jaeger grinned, scratching at her side with a claw. The bunny squirmed under his touch, giving a squeak as she tried to get away.

"Ticklish?" the Renamon asked, already knowing the answer as his paws moved to Sally's feet. This time he was rewarded with a giggle, and renewed attempts by the rabbit to crawl into the corner.

"Y-yes!" Sally shrieked. "Yes, I'm T-ticklish..."

Jaeger shifted position, and tapped his lap. Reluctantly, the girl crawled to him, curling up on his knee as instructed.

"You can serve me in other ways than with your cunny, Bunny," Jaeger chuckled, tapping her nose. "Do you know what a blowjob is?"

Sally nodded.

"Good. Would you be willing to do that for me?"

The rabbit hesitated. She risked a wet-eyed look at her Master, meeting the calm eyes of the Renamon.

"J-just blowjobs? Please? I'll suck you off whenever you want, b-but please don't mount me!"

The Rena's paws stroked her back softly. "I knew you were a good girl at heart. No, I won't take your pussy yet. It could do you real harm, maybe even kill you. I wouldn't want that, Pet." He pulled her close to him. "I want you to be happy. I know you are frightened, and I know you probably hate me, but in time you'll calm down enough to appreciate this."

He pulled her back, looking deep into her eyes.

"Now, are you willing to pleasure me as I asked?"

Sally nodded. "Yes, Master."

To her horror, his muzzle turned into an angry snarl.

"That isn't what I wanted to hear, Pet."


"I wanted you to say no, so then I'd have to tickle you until you surrendered."

The rabbit froze, confused. Jaeger flashed a playful grin, and she understood what he meant.

Not waiting for the girl to respond, Jaeger's paws began to work. One paw reached under her armpit, the other went to her waist. The merest touch made the girl giggle, and once he began tickling the bunny became a squirming mass of giggles. She wriggled left and right, trying to escape the older male's paws, but her efforts only brought her closer to his chest, the throbbing meat of his cock rubbing against her hip.

"When you can't take anymore, I want you to yell 'I want you to fuck me', then I'll let you suck me off."

Having given the girl her instructions, he shifted and tossed her gently onto the bed. Before she could recover, the Renamon was on top of her, gripping her arms and forcing them to the headrest. Alongside the heavy steel bolt that secured her chain, a pair of manacles waited for her wrists, locking her in place and leaving her totally at her Master's mercy.

With his Pet bound, Jaeger rose from the bed. "I want this to be fun for you, pet, but I expect you to play as long as I want you to. So, if you surrender too early, I have a special punishment lined up..." He glanced at the frightened rabbit, and removed two items from a drawer; a large feather, and a paddle.

"The feather I'm using now. The paddle you get if you don't play along."

The Renamon settled back onto the bed, lying next to the shaking girl. Slowly, gently, he began to trace lines across her stomach, watching how she bucked and giggled at every touch. Each time he'd pull the feather away, letting her calm down before the next caress. He worked across her body, the anticipation alone making her squirm and giggle as the feather approached her sensitive spots. Occasionally, he would drop the feather and tickle her fiercely without warning, making her shriek and beg for mercy, only to return as suddenly to the drawn out game he was playing. Each tiny nipple, rock hard from the teasing, was given a lengthy examination by the feather's delicate tip, not stopping despite the whimpering pleas for mercy.

After what felt like an eternity, the rabbit girl was exhausted. Her whole body shook from fatigue, yet the pressure of Jaeger's cock against her was a constant reminder that it would not end any time soon. Murring softly, he shifted once more, giving the girl brief respite as he turned to her hips.

"Open them," he whispered, watching lovingly as the rabbit curled up her legs, and presented her beautiful slit. Jaeger leaned in, pushing his nose up against her young folds and sniffing deeply. The scent made his cock twitch and throb, but he held his lust in check; the denial was almost as wonderful as the release. He smiled, licking the damp flesh, enjoying the taste of his pet's juice, and feeling pride that he had been right about her still-forming lusts. Her voice may cry and her body might fight, but her pussy was screaming for more.

He gave it what it wanted. As soon as the feather brushed against her nub, Sally renewed her laughter, legs bucking to try and shield her vulnerable pussy. Jaeger had been ready, barring her legs with his free arm to prevent them dropping. Up and down the feather worked, sometimes flowing, sometimes erratic, ensuring the rabbit could not prepare herself for what was coming. Her pussy jiggled and danced, wet with her lustful juices, begging for release yet never able to get it.

"F-fuck me!" Sally screamed at last, unable to endure her torture any longer. "I w-want to be fucked!"

Jaeger grinned, placing the feather to one side and kissing the girl's slit. He ran his tongue over her special place, hearing her whimper in loving thanks.

"Such a good girl," he purred, leaning over her body. As his paws reached the manacles, the head of his cock found her opening, pushing just enough to feel the inviting warmth of her insides.

"If you want me to, I will," he whispered, his muzzle an inch from hers. Shame and fear filled Sally's eyes. She was still too young to truly understand why her body screamed for more, why she wanted, despite her terror, to tell her Master to do it. Thankfully, he took away the choice. Lifting her up, Jaeger shifted onto his side, and made the girl lie down next to him, each staring into the sex of the other.

Knowing what was to be done, Sally carefully took the Renamon's pre-soaked cock in her hand, and put the tip in her mouth. Warm pre coated her tongue, the taste strange yet not unpleasant. She meeped as Jaeger's fingers began to trace across her pussy, teasing the sensitive folds. Encouraged by his touch, her tongue began to trace the tip of his cock, hands exploring his body. She became lost in the moment, her actions rewarded by loving strokes of the Rena's tongue. More and more of the throbbing cock was taken in by the needy pet, her hands caressing his seed-laden sacks. Her soft, supple tongue made Jaeger's cock jump with every blissful stroke, and she subconsciously fell into step with her Master, both licking each other in time.

As the Renamon's tongue stroked her clit, Sally felt a strange sensation building. Every caress, every lick, made the feeling grow stronger. Her body tensed, and for an instant she couldn't breathe, such was the intense feelings racing from her pussy. The moment passed, and juices flowed from her slit as she screamed into Jaeger's cock. Her first orgasm, more intense than she had ever dreamed, set off her Master and he pumped his cum into her mouth. She swallowed it all, lovingly nursing his manhood as she came down from her own ecstatic high.

"Did you enjoy that, pet?" Jaeger purred.


The Renamon laughed. He sat up, leaving the girl to lie where she was. He rolled her over carefully, rubbing her stomach affectionately.

"You are beautiful," he sighed, breaking the caress to fetch a towel.

Sally lay still. She never wanted to move again, in case doing so would take away this feeling. She barely noticed as Jaeger lifted her up, and placed her under the covers.

"Sleep now, pet. You have done your duty tonight."

The lights dimmed, and soon the rabbit girl felt the warm flesh of her Master once more. She nuzzled into his chest, feeling safe in his arms.

"I love you, Master."

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