Meeting a Friend and Master

Story by Darius Tahami on SoFurry

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Darius grinned happily, running across the Canadian soccer field. His soccer team had gone national, and they decided to play it out with some international teams, mainly Canadian ones since the team was from New England states. The team was made of a balanced amount of humans and furs. Darius was a lion fur, with unique coloration, a black pelt and silver mane. This made him feel special, especially since he was great at sports. Something that made him proud.

"Darius, go for the shot! Take it!" One of his teammates shouted. Darius saw the opening, no one was watching, and his teammate passes him the ball as he was surrounded. Darius smiled, kicking the ball hard. It shot into the net as the goalie jumped for it, just as the game ended. 6-5, his team having won. He shouted happily at his teammates, running over, initiating a group hug. With the entire team made of males, and Darius being secretly bisexual, this made him aroused beyond belief.

"Nice job, Darius!", "Good shot, dude!", and "Thanks for the win, Dare!" were all compliments he heard from his team. But Darius noticed something. He saw an onlooker, simply smiling, looking directly at him. The boy, obviously a teenager, such as Darius himself was, looked away and walked towards the snackbar as soon as eye contact was made. This aroused something in Darius, but not sexually. It aroused his curiousity.

'Who was that?' Darius wondered.

Heading towards the snack bar, the human teenager, at the size of 5'7", grinned as he thought of the fur he'd seen. The boy was named Justin, and now felt a small tingling in the pit of his stomach as he got a bottle of water from the snack bar. He noticed one of the lion fur's teammates coming over. Justin felt an odd urge to find out more about that fur. Justin walked in front of the husky fur, looking at him.

"Excuse me? That lion fur on your team. What's his name?" Justin asked. The fur chuckled lightly.

"You were watching the game and you don't even know our star player?" He asked.

"Look, I'm a local, the game just seemed like it would be interesting. So, can you please tell me his name?" Justin asked.

"Oh, sure, local. His name is Darius." The fur said, waving him off and walking away. Justin grinned happily, looking back at Darius, seeing him sitting down on the field, drinking from his water bottle.


Darius emptied his water bottle, loving the flavored water. Strawberry flavor. Darius stood up, shaking his mane lightly, getting some sweat out of it. Putting the water bottle in his pocket, he looked back up, seeing the human from earlier, coming over to him. Darius crossed his arms, giving the human a curious look. Who was he, that was what Darius was wondering quite a bit.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Darius asked.

"Oh, I'm Justin." Justin replied. He grinned, looking over Darius. The first thought that went through Justin's head was, 'Wow. He's sexy.' Justin, while being gay, still had a mate, but knew there was nothing wrong with admiring others. Justin simply shrugged.

"You're Darius, if I've heard correctly. And star of your soccer team, too. Impressive, if I may say so." Justin said, smiling lightly, holding out his hand for a simple handshake. Darius just turned away.

"Look, why you know that about me, I dunno. It's creepy though. Look, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna head back to my hotel." Darius said, walking away. He felt really disturbed by that kid now. He grabbed his backpack, and the soccer ball, heading towards the van that was carpooling his team around. He saw everyone else in there, beckoning him in.

"Okay, hold on guys!" Darius ran over to the van, dropping his wallet in the rush, and getting into the vehicle, closing the door as it started off. He noticed Justin running towards where the van was, and shrugged, closing his eyes to rest for a while.

Justin swore lightly, seeing the van drive off. He stopped at where the van had been parked, and kneeled down, picking up Darius's dropped wallet. He opened it up, hoping to find a way to contact him. Upon opening, Justin saw Darius's cell phone number printed on the inside.

"Okay, I can call him, find out where he is, and return the wallet. Once I get home, at least." Justin sighs gently, closing the wallet and putting it in his pocket. Heading towards the road, he sees his parent's car, and gets in, his parents driving him home. Asking him as soon as he got in the car, "How was the game?" Justin sighed lightly.

"Not bad. I made a friend, I think. He's a nice lion fur, but he dropped his wallet. I'm gonna call him later and tell him to come pick it up, or go drop it off at his hotel." Justin said.

Darius opened the hotel room doors, smiling lightly as he looked around his room. It was pretty nice, but his viewing was stopped short as he felt his cellphone vibrate. He opened it up, seeing a local number. He opened it up.

"Hello? Who's this?" Darius asked.

"It's Justin." He replied. Darius gasped.

"How'd you get my number?!" Darius asked.

"I got it from your wallet. It fell out of your pocket when you were getting in the van, that's why I was running to tell you. Give me your address, and I'll bring it over to you ASAP." Justin said. Darius sighed lightly. He needed his wallet back, so he needed to get Justin over here.

"Fine." Darius said. Quickly telling the address of his hotel, he heard Justin chuckle.

"I can get there by foot in 10 minutes. I'll be over there soon." Justin said, hanging up. Darius shrugged lightly, and laid down in his bed, running his paws through his mane and yawning. This was going to be a long day.

Justin headed out onto the street, Darius's wallet in his pocket, and ready and willing to see him. Already, he could see the hotel, but while keeping his hands warm in his red jacket, he looked around, savoring the simple Canadian air. Something he'd grown to love and enjoy. But these thoughts quickly vanished as he realized he was at the hotel's front steps. He entered, quickly feeling the warmth of the building. He walked up to the counter, smiling gently.

"Excuse me, can you tell me what room Darius is in?" He asked.

"Hold on, without the last name this may take a little while." The fur said. Justin recognized it as a fox, and smiled lightly, waiting for Darius's room number. He felt a slight vibration, recognizing it as his phone. He pulled it out of his pocket, and opened it. The number 261 showed.

"I'm sorry, but I think I just got it." Justin said, walking towards the elevator. Memorizing the number, he headed up to the 3rd floor, where 260-300 was. The door opened, and he walked over, knocking on the first door to his right.

"Come in, Justin." Someone called from inside. Justing instantly recognized it as Darius. He opened the door, smiling gently.

Inside was Darius, dressed in his pajamas, only a pair of long pants, his entire torso exposed.

"Thanks for bringing over my wallet. I'm sorry for how I treated you on the field." Darius said, patting the spot on the bed next to him. Justin got a surprised look on his face, and Darius chuckled lightly.

"I wanna talk with you. I was thinking we could be..yunno..friends." Darius said. Justin smiled hugely, running over and jumping on the bed, handing Darius his wallet. Darius looked through it, and satisfied everything was in it, put a paw on Justin's shoulder. Justin, excited by this, felt an odd need to ask Darius something.

"Darius, what's it like being a fur, not human?" Justin asked, making Darius grin hugely.

"It seems to be just like being a human, except with better senses, more instincts, bone moved different ways, and fur or something else all over your skin. Not much difference." Darius said, chuckling as he playfully licked Justin's nose, causing him to freeze. He stutters, trying to for a complete sentence.

"Uh, Just..uhm..look...I, uh..I think I should leave..." Darius said, quickly running out of the room, before Justin had a chance to react.

Justin just looked out the door, wondering what had really just happened. He had mixed feelings about Darius now. Guilt, for apparently driving him away, lust, knowing he was sexy but not wanting to cheat on his own mate, and worry, wondering what really caused him to run out of the room like that.

"Did I do something wrong? Was Darius offended by what I asked? Wait, no, he replied to it fine. Was he embarrassed about licking me? Why would he...oh, yeah, that's considered intimate to him, probably. I should probably give him some time to think it over." Justin sighed gently, lying down on Darius's bed and resting his eyes, waiting for Darius to return.

Darius was sitting in the nearby park, only a mile and a half away from the hotel. Staying on a park bench, he was sobbing quietly, wondering what had gone and possessed him to lick his friend's nose. He knew he was only supposed to do that to someone he was affectionate with!

"Oh life is over. Justin probably thinks I'm some pervert lion who's looking for a quick lay..I just wanted to be his friend, and then my instincts go and turn on me! I hate being a fur!" Darius cried out, his tears soaking his face fur and mane. He sighed gently, taking out his cellphone, and tracing the address where Justin had called from.

"I should go apologize. Even though he probably doesn't ever want to se me again.." Darius gets to his feet, heading towards the address given by his cellphone.

Justin had decided to head home after waiting at Darius's room for over two hours. He was worried now, wondering what might of happened. Entering the house, he noticed his parents were gone. He shrugged lightly, figuring they were out shopping. He went into his room, opening the door like he always did. But something was different. A familiar figure was sitting on his bed, twiddling his fingers.

"Darius!" Justin gasped. Darius looked up, and Justin instantly saw the guilt in Darius's face.

"Hey Justin.." Darius sighed. Justin walked over to him, sitting on the bed neck to Darius, wrapping an arm around him.

"Darius, what's wrong?" Justin asked. Darius turned his head away.

"Look, I'm sorry for..y'know. I'll understand if you don't want to ever see me again, I just wanted us to be friends. I never tried to-" Darius was cut off as Justin spoke.

"Look, Darius, there's nothing to apologize about. I know it was an accident, it doesn't matter. Besides, I kinda..enjoyed it." Justin said honestly, smiling. Darius's eyes went wide.

"Wait, you're-?"

"Gay? Yeah. Why?"

"I'm bisexual." Darius smiles lightly, and so does Justin. Darius heads towards the door, smiling back at Justin.

"While my team is up here for the next year, I'm gonna be going to the nearby school. You go there, right?" Darius asked. Justin nodded simply.

"Okay, see you tomorrow then." Darius walked out, heading out and back to the hotel. Justin already missed him as soon as he was out of the room. But Justin just got into his bed, imagining Darius naked and smiling gently, drifting off to sleep with a full erection.

Justin entered the lunch room the next day, smiling gently, happy it was lunchtime. Sitting down at a table with some pizza, he started eating, not noticing Darius walk into the cafeteria, Darius having transferred into this school for the time period he was to remain in the area. Darius grabbed a chicken salad with some blue cheese dressing. Darius noticed Justin, and smiled happily, walking over to his table. Darius quickly sat down, kissing Justin's cheek lovingly as he sat. Justin jumped a bit, surprised, but calmed down when he saw it was Darius.

"Hey Dar." Justin said, giggling gently. Darius chuckled, hugging Justin.

"Hey Justin. How are you?" Darius asked. Justin shrugged, kissing Darius on his furry cheek.

"Pretty good, just missin' you." Justin said. He heard some people behind him laughing, and turned around. A group of jocks was there, pointing at Darius.

"Check it out, the transfer is a fag." Darius heard this and turned around. He saw the jocks, and sighed gently, looking down and starting to eat. This pissed Justin off quite a bit. Justin stood up, shoving one of the jocks.

"Stop talking about Darius like that. Even if he's not straight, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with him. If anything, there's something wrong with you for not accepting him." Justin scowled. Darius was just simply amazed. Justin was so dominating when he was like that, even when Darius was submissive. With this realization, a tent grew in Darius's cargo pants. As the jocks left, Justin turned around, and saw the tent in Darius's pants.

"I'll just ask about that later. Meet me in the park after school, okay Dar?" Darius simply nods, and Justin grins, winking as he leaves. Darius rubs his head gently, trying to figure out what Justin may want to speak to him about, but then just shrugs, and keeps eating.

Darius entered the park, seeing how great it looked with the sun getting lower in the sky.

"Justin? Where are you?" Darius called out, not too loud so he didn't interrupt anyone. He started walking deeper into the park, wondering who he might see. Then he saw the reason Justin hadn't answered him. Justin's unconscious body was beaten, battered, and bruised. He was surrounded by the three jocks from the cafeteria, which Darius was instantly pissed at. He ran at them from behind, and before they knew what was happening, Darius was behind the middle one, and he was dropping to the ground, out cold.

"You hurt Justin, you deal with me!" Darius snarled as the other two turned around. They looked scared, seeing their fallen friend. The taller one on Darius's left threw a punch, apparently thinking he could get in a quick blow. He was wrong. Darius grabbed his fist, and twisted it, a sickening crack and crunch going into the air as the jock fell to the ground, crying and writhing on the ground in pain, his arm twisted in an obscene way. The other jock just stared for a moment, then ran. Darius dropped to Justin's side, picking him up with both arms.

"Fuck! Fuck! Justin, wake up!" Darius shouted, quickly checking Justin's pulse and chest. Pulse a bit erratic, and still breathing. Darius, having learned quite a bit about injuries, classified it as a minor concussion. He looked around, setting Justin on the ground lightly and walking over to the jock on the ground who's arm he had broken. He grabbed the jock by the collar of his shirt, snarling.

"Tell me where the fuck the hospital nearby is if you want to live. I broke your arm; I won't hesitate to kill you for being prejudice against sexual orientations, fucktard." Darius grinned, letting his fangs gleam. The scared jock shuddered, and Darius smelled a huge outburst of urine, making him chuckle.

"D-down the road...a block away." The fallen jock spoke, pointing with his good arm. Darius let him down, then took out his cellphone. "The number?" He asked. The jock quickly gave the number, and Darius dialed it.

"Hello? There's a medical emergency. Right outside the local high school, a bit east of it, a quarter of a mile from the back entrances! Concussion and a broken arm, two victims." Darius said, hanging up and putting his phone away as the jock passed out. Darius ignored him, leaning down and kissing Justin's cheek while tears streamed down his face.

"Please be okay..."

Exactly eight and a half minutes later, an ambulance came through a large path to right behind Darius, about 20 feet away. A fur and a human rushed out, both getting the jock with the broken arm into the ambulance. The fur, a rat, came up to Darius. "Who has the concussion?" He asked. Darius looked down at Justin, sighing. The doctor simply nodded, and once the jock was in the ambulance, the two came over, picking up Justin and putting him in the ambulance. Darius came over, starting to get in the ambulance.

"Not enough room, I'm sorry." Someone said. Darius saw the rat, and scowled. "The one with the concussion is my damned lover, you motherfucker!" Darius shouted, only wishing it was true. The rat had a conflicting look, and nodded.

"Fine, get in." Darius smiled, getting in the back, next to Justin and stroking his head softly as he was situated in, an oxygen mask placed over his face. Darius was just about to kiss him, but gasped in surprise as Justin's eyes opened.

"H-hey Dar..." Justin murmurs, smiling. Darius simply stares for a moment, resisting the urge to hug him. "Justin....I'm so...glad you're alright!" The formerly tough lion starts sobbing in happiness, extremely relieved that his friend is okay. Justin gave him an odd look.

"Darius...?" Justin murmured, reaching up and stroking his cheek softly, all inhibitions gone for the moment. Darius just looked down at Justin, tears still streaked down his furry face.

"Justin...I think...I'm in love with you." Darius murmured, and he instantly saw Justin smile, then his eyes closed. Darius felt the truck stop, and swore, looking around. "What happened?" He asked. One of the doctors smiled. "We're at the hospital." Darius just thought this was odd, it had barely felt like any time had passed. He shrugged, and as Justin was taken out, being brought into the hospital Darius walked over to a bench right at the entrance, sitting down in it.

"Please be okay..." He said for the second time that night.

About two hours later, Darius was called up into the hospital by one of the doctors. He was directed by a doctor to a recovery room, and dashed in, smiling before he even got in. Justin, looking all and well now, rushed forward to meet him and hugged Darius tightly, smiling.


"Justin!" Both shouted at the same time, hugging eachother tightly. Justin simply smiled next, twirling a finger in Darius's mane.

"I've been meaning to ask you about your coloring..." Darius simply shakes his head, leaning forward, and kissing him deeply. They break the kiss a second later, Justin giving him an interesting look.

"Darius...I have a mate...but I have an idea as well. Are you submissive?" Justin asks. Darius

simply gasps, and nods.

"Yeah. Why? Are you dom?" Darius jokes, not realizing that Justin was.

"Well, yes, actually. I was thinking-"

"Master and pet?" Darius interrupts. Justin goes wide-eyed, nodding. "Sounds good to me, Master." Darius smiles, kissing Justin again. Justin pushes away, sighing.

"Wait until we get to my house, pet." He says, smiling. Darius nods eagerly, wondering how this would work, hoping it would work well.

Darius and Justin, after getting Justin signed out of the hospital, start walking, heading towards Justin's home. They held each other's hands, or in this case, hand and paw. Darius sighs a bit, shaking his head.

"Justin, I'm sorry about not helping you sooner...I never expected that-" Justin cut him off, holding a finger at his muzzle.

"You call me Master. And it's okay. It's not your fault that you didn't get their sooner." Justin says, smiling. Darius nods, smiling, not even noticing that they're at Justin's home. Justin leads him up to the door, opening it and walking in, taking Darius in with him. He leads Darius into his bedroom, and Darius inhales deeply, smiling.

"You've been jacking off in here a lot, huh?" Darius asks. Justin shrugs, pointing to his computer. "Ah..." Darius murmurs. Justin walks over to his bed, sitting on it.

"Oh don't need clothes on. And neither do I, so get me out of these." He smiles, just as Darius comes over, kissing Justin's cheek. He grabs Justin's pants first, both of them having removing their shoes and socks at entry. Darius pulls down Justin's pants, and he quickly shakes them away. He then grips Justin's underwear, leaning down and licking the flaccid length after pulling down the underwear. Justin pets his mane softly, smiling.

"Good pet...don't forget my shirt." Darius nods, getting up and taking the base of the shirt, lifting it over Justin's head and tossing it away. Darius then grips his own shirt, pulling it off and tossing it on Justin's shirt. He then grips his waistband, pulling down his pants, showing Justin a surprise.

"You don't wear underwear?" Justin asks. Darius nods, smiling.

"Correct, Master." Darius drops his pants on the ground, smiling. Justin leans forward, stroking his cheek, then reaching down and stroking Darius's sheath.

"Are you a virgin, lion?" Justin asks. Darius nods, shivering in pleasure. "Okay then, how shall I take you the first time...?'ll ride me, giving me your body yourself." Justin nods, liking this idea. He spreads out his legs, smiling. "But you'll have to make me hard first, Darius." This instantly makes his flaccid cock throb, and Darius leans down, taking the soft meat in his muzzle, and he starts to suck. Justin instantly starts moaning, stroking and petting Darius's head, happy to see him so eager to be dominated by another. He starts weakly thrusting into the teen lion's muzzle, moaning a bit as his cock slowly hardens. But his thick tool instantly flares to erection when Darius starts licking while sucking. "Off, pet!" Justin shouts, and Darius instantly comes off, admiring the cock in front of him.

" know what to do. You give me your virginity and your will." Darius nods, and sits up, looking as if you sit on Justin's lap, but lifts his tail and placing his hole over the cock. He slowly lowers himself on the cock, groaning and wincing in the pain of his virginity being lost. Justin simply strokes over his back, smiling.

"You'll be alright, my lion." Justin whispers, letting Darius work his warm hole onto his Master's cock. Darius starts to moan as he gets used to his hole being stretched. Justin instantly recognizes this, and reaches his hands around, stroking Darius's chest, making him purr.

"Good love this, don't you?" Justin asks as Darius starts moving up his cock, then slamming back down, making him shudder in pleasure.

"Y-yes Master. I love it a lot!" He growls, smiling as he begins sliding up and down his Master's cock faster and harder. Justin takes this as his cue, and while moaning from the tight hole on his cock, he reaches down, wrapping his hands around Darius's cock and starting to stroke his cock rapidly. This makes the lion hump against the hands, squeezing with his virgin passage on the cock inside him. This pushes Justin over the edge, and he slams into Darius, jacking his pet's cock hard as his orgasm erupts inside Darius, coating his walls with his hot white seed. Darius lets out a roar, blasting out his semen into the air and onto the bed. He lays back against Justin, panting from such an intense orgasm. Justin simply smiles, letting his pet rest against him as he strokes the lion's mane.

"Mmm...such a good're my bitch now, okay lion?" Justin smiles, kissing Darius's head. The lion nods, smiling. He quickly murmurs "Yes Master..." before falling asleep in his Master's arms.

Chapter 2: Quite a Big Surprise

It was Friday, a day every teenager in highschool looked forward to. For some, a nice party and hanging with friends. For others, a quick lay and getting drunk. But for entire plan coming to light. Darius, back in his human form via the...

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Chapter 1: Friday Night Surprise

It was the first day of Highschool. In the year 2364, science ruled. Humanity had been eating away at the planet for centuries now, and it wasn't going to get any better. Not without divine intervention. The streets were all paved, there were now trees...

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Darkest Desire

Damien sat in the wobbly seat at the end of the classroom. The human been waiting for the past nine minutes, and the bell was going to ring any second now. Tomorrow was the second to last day of 12th grade, something he'd been looking forward to for...

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