Transformed into a Sex Monster

Story by Uldar on SoFurry

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Deane experiences the strange....

The story is very simple and short but I hope you enjoy it.

Contains expliccid sex scenes

Transformed into a Sex Monster

Dean had been walking for a good half hour since he left the club. It was drizzling and dark, all he could see were the cat's eyes on the road that led to his parent's farmhouse outside of town. The human was twenty years of age, average height and brown hair; somebody who was inconspicuous in the tiny town.

He had left the club for no reason particularly, all his friends were too drunk for his taste and he just wanted to go home. He grumbled as the rain started. A headlight shone past him from behind, someone was coming as would be passing his farm. He decided it would be a good idea to hitch a ride with someone, the town had friendly people and it was likely somebody he knew.

He lifted a thumb, immediately the car slowed ahead until it stopped right beside Dean. It was a dull red Chevy, the window opened to reveal a complete stranger. Dean had only to take one glance at the man to know he was not friendly. The roughly 40 year old had long black hair and a clean shaven face with eyes that burned.

Dean's head bussed for an excuse "Sorry, could you tell me where the winter's farm is?"

The man shook his head "Jump in"

Dean smiled politely "No thanks, I like walking in the rain" with that he continued with a brisk pace. He was nervous for what seemed to be no reason, but the man disturbed him. He was a small town boy, how could he not be?

The car motored up beside him the man shouted "Get in the car, son!"

Dean's heart froze but he ignored the man and continued walking. This time the car did not follow, leaving him to take the turn and out of its sight. He sighed with relief, he had never been so nervous.

He continued walking, only to hear light steps behind him. His legs almost collapsed when he heard the stranger's voice "You're in deep shit kid"

Dean began to run, he faltered though when a solid object hit him on the small of his back. He cried and fell to the floor, grazing his hands on the tarmac. He looked up at the stranger "What the hell do you want?"

The stranger's eyes were indeed disturbing, he was insane. Lifting the wooden baseball bat above his head, Dean could do nought but scramble from him.

Before the killer could do anything, a scaled creature lunched itself from the forests beside the road. Tackling the stranger and landing on the road with such force the ground shook.

The creature stood, Dean gasped at the mangled body on the floor. The creature had killed the man!

Deane tried to turn and run, but was too shocked to comprehend what he was willing to do. The creature turned in the dark light to look directly at him. Its scaled form and long snout with fangs protruding from its maw accompanied by fierce snakelike eyes; though it moved silently as it strode towards him.

Deane could only take a step, the creature stretched out its clawed hand and brushed it gently down his left arm down to his hand "you're hurt" it said with a voice that sounded like crumbling rock.

Deane could not talk; finally he felt his knees give in. The creature moved forward swiftly and caught him. All he could remember was it saying "Rest now, your e safe with me"

Deane dreamt of the drivers face the previous evening, how he was mangled from the creature that jumped out of nowhere. He launched bolt upright in bed with a cry of shock. Two arms were wrapped around him. He looked down at them, the black scales from last night covered them and he followed them up to the scaly face of the creature.

He yelped and moved off the bed, crashing to the floor. He remained there, dazed and still shocked "What.... who are you?"

The creature swiftly moved from the bed beside Deane "Please don't be alarmed. I don't wish to hurt you, my name is Saloor"

Deane contemplated the draconic face talking, then the room, it was his own. "How did you get me here?"

Saloor shrugged and sat down beside the human "You managed to mumble it in your dazed state last night when I asked you"

Deane nodded; Saloor was now sitting beside him, his arm brushing against his own. He finally realized the creature had no clothes on. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander down to the crotch where the draconic beings limp black penis sat in all its large glory. He looked away quickly as Saloor's head moved to where he was looking "I only have clothes that cannot be slept in forgive me, is it awkward?"

Deane's head spun "he's huge!" he looked up at the creatures face and managed to mumble "No, I understand" truth be told he did not want him to hide his body. He wanted to see the rest of it.

They were quiet for a moment then Deane asked "Why did you save me?"

Saloor looked away "No reason..."

Though the human did not know him, he knew Saloor wanted to say something "Really? Is that all you have to say? You're pretty strong, thanks for saving me"

Saloor looked at Deane and gave him what appeared to be a draconic smile.

"How can I thank you?"

Saloor looked away once again "...there's.... no need"

Deane looked him over and decided on the creature's intentions, Saloor fancied him. Deane looked over the creature's body once more; he had the urge to feel his stomach and chest.

He decided that if this new visitor and savour would not comply, he would take the chance himself.

He leaned in and gently placed his hand on Saloor's chest "Thank you for saving me" he proceeded to move down over the rippling belly until he felt the soft skin that was the base of the creature's penis.

The black body breathed in deeply when Deane wrapped his hand around Saloor's member.

Saloor looked at him, his eyes now filled with a fierce gaze that was not there a second ago. Deane almost stopped but before he could do anything, Saloor picked him up with incredible strength and laid him down on the bed. He did not hesitate to remove his boxers and t-shirt. Before Deane knew it he was lying completely naked on the bed before a black draconic creature that was perhaps going to fuck him to a stupor. Saloor's black penis was now harder; he bent down over the human and massaged Deane's limp penis and balls.

Saloor looked into his eyes "I've been watching you for a long time wondering when I could meet you. I wanted you for myself so badly"

Deane smiled "I'm glad you did". Saloor gave him a passionate kiss; he human squirmed as Saloor's tongue delved deep into his and swirled around tasting him.

Deane panicked for moment at how quickly things escalated. He never had sex with a creature before. His worries passed when Saloor moved from the embrace and lifted the human's one leg. His black penis was already dripping with pre-cum as he slipped it into Dean's ass with incredible ease, he knew what he was doing.

Deane's eyes widened with a mixture of pain and pleasure and he began to squirm when Saloor plunged deeper into him. He tried to tell him to slow down but it all went too fast he lost his breath. Before he knew it the draconic creature was deep inside him shoving at his insides.

Deane heaved a breath as Saloor rested deep inside him before the creature began to thrust. Deane once again fell into a panic as the penis plunged with such force he feared he would explode. He tried to move up to reduce the amount of the creature's shaft that entered him but he was held tight as the creature would thrust faster and faster.

Deane finally could not help but cry out in complete painful bliss as he hit and incredible orgasm. His cum spurting all over the bed, he resorted to a moan a minute later when Saloor grunted and slowed. He came deep inside the human, filling him sufficiently as he pulled out his white seed dripped from Deane's ass.

Deane could feel an itch begin at the small of his back, but before he could say anything, Saloon pushed him flat on the bed and turned over to a 69 position. Deane tried to stop the incredibly fast proceedings but the creature's penis was thrust deep into his throat. He gagged and breathed one big breath around the menacing cock before more cum spurted down his throat and directly into his stomach. Filling him until his belly swelled. He panicked as his body began to scream for oxygen. He found a chance to gulp in another breath; his entire body began to itch incredibly as Saloor began to suck the human off. Deane watched how his hands rippled into dark black scales. He began to scream in a panic, his body was changing into whatever Saloor was. His panic subsided once again into a groan as he hit orgasm; Saloor swallowed all his cum lovingly.

The creature sat up on top of Deane and kissed him once again, both their long draconic tongs swirling in each other's mouths tasting each other's cum mix with their own.

Saloor sat up again "you, Deane, will be an excellent in capturing more of my victims"