day 10: relaxing and loving bread

Story by superhiro220 on SoFurry

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#9 of Project: perfection

Today, we mostly sat in the woods. We watched and listened to the world around us. It was peaceful, so very peaceful. Chris just held me close and let me hold his hand.

We saw all sorts of feral animals, deer, birds, squirels, turtles, lizards, wolves, and foxes. It was amazing and beautiful. The deer scapered, they're so fast and agile. The birds sang and swooped around, it was like they were so happy to be alive they needed to sing it. the squirells were collecting nuts, they were little acrobats. The turtles and lizards were sneaky and one startled me a bit. The foxes played and did some fooling around, it was cute and made me a little horny.

Chris let me try an MRE, it was okay, though the taste was a little off. the best part was the potato sticks and the molassis cookie. The cracker was nice and the cheese made it better. I told chris about my philosophy on food and culture. I told him " the staple of every culture is its bread. A lot of cultures have breads and each is unique to the area its from." Then I told him I love bread and we laughed.

With Chris, it's almost effortless. It's weird how well we work together. Dishes, cleaning up, deciding things, yes I let him lead, but he doesn't abuse it and takes my feelings into account. He also explains how to do things right rather than just telling me I'm doing it wrong, even shows me if I ask. I dont' think he was looking for just a bunk mate and the really scary part... I think found more than that in me... I want a serious relationship with Chris. He's like no one I've ever been with. When he smiles, it's real, when he laughs, its real, when he holds me and tells me it's okay, it's real... He's real with me and tells me when I'm being an ass or that I've over stepped a boundry. I listen and reel back, which has been hard with me. He listens to me as well, likes it when I compliment him or marvel at his knowledge and skill. Neither of us find it weird that I'm thirty-five and he's fourty-nine, even though the age gap is a little wide.

Nyyaaaaahhh. Don't scare me like that.... I'm sorry to worry you, I didn't think you'd notice that I slipped out while you were asleep and i didn't want to wake you by recording this.... You missed me... you were worried when I didn't come back........... I'm sorry Chris, I'll let you before I leave the tent in the middle of the night... I couldn't live without you, out here I mean... I am not blushing!..My headset's still blinking?... why do I keep forgetting... Yes, yes it does make good reading... when we get back to the tent... will you... rub and scratch my belly again... I like it a lot... thank you... yes I will shut my PDA off... I'm still recording?... Grrrrrrr...

Dr. Mitchell J. Straton

Day 9: sinking isn't just a feeling and cooking talents

Executives Ryker and Skywing has noted my concerns on project perfection and seems worried about this too. When they're worried, I get worried because only bad things that are likely to happen worry them They called to check in on me and Chris to see...

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day 8: maditory vacations aren't all bad

They sent me out to the building's camp site for a vacation. What would make them think that, after two years of continuos work, I'd need a vacation. Hansen, excuse me, Chris, says vacations are good once in a while. I don't need a vacation, I punched...

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day 6: icing my balls

Well, I got a few kicks to the nuts today. First, one of the lab assistants thought it would be funny to add a temporary breast growth chemical and a lactation inducer to my coffee and then tried and suceeded to suckle my for-a-day boobs. Atleast they...

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