My Little Andy

Story by SabbyNeko on SoFurry

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This was a story I wrote for a friend when he was sad. The name was supposed to make him grumpycute, since he hates MLP, but apparently I hit a half a dozen of his kinks so well he keeps demanding we roleplay the characters :3

It's short, a one shot about a bronco and her half Pony nephew, saying goodbye to their old life. It's a slow build, lots of ritualized sexual tension, and though it was a personal gift, we're ready to share it.

Me and Andy hope you enjoy it! <3

My Little Andy

It was surreal to see her home like this. Empty and full of echoes, all that rested on the old wooden counter was a basket of food, and all the utensils and tools to cook one last meal. The bed had been made for two, and from outside, it must have looked like it was already left for it's picture on the real estates website. Not that anyone around here had internet.

Haley hadn't always lived here. She had come from a long line of farmland equines, and was massive even by her families pedigree, a strong limbed and tall chestnut horse with a flowing mane of corn yellow. But her hooves had always been softer then her sisters and brothers, leaving the harsh life of work and toil early in her life for the city. She hadn't ever missed the life, but she had never really been too attached to her family either. She couldn't imagine what could possibly coax her back to this dusty old farm house and cut her hands on rope all over again. But that was all before the accident.

The sun was already nearing its peek, her shaded hat keeping the glare from her eyes, strong bronze fingers tracing the large wheel of the tractor, marred from so much use. She tried to arouse some kind of sympathy for the machine, some fondness for the life it represented, which she was about to cast away forever. Could she really close this door while feeling nothing for what was behind it? Shaking her head, she smiled and gave the old tarp a harsh tug, covering the wheel and tying it down. It was actually quite liberating to turn her back on the old machine, which had taken her sisters life seemingly a lifetime ago. As she closed and bolted the barn behind her, she was putting that part of her life behind her as well, and she felt only lighter for it.

You see, Haley hadn't chosen to return here because of her sister, the property, or any kind of affection she had for the life she had been brought up in. She didn't hate her sister, or this place, but hearing that she had been crushed and killed had been like reading in the news of a local death. She wanted to feel for them, but the person was a stranger to her. She barely even remembered the tough grey philly that had sulked as her father lead her off to the train station so long ago. Maybe they would have been closer if they'd stayed together.

With all the animals put in their pens, the machinery tucked away, and everything generally arranged for the real estate to come and take it off her hands tomorrow, she sat on the porch, in the old swing seat that creaked if you ever leaned to the left. It was still an hour away, but she simply couldn't distract herself any more, what with all the final preperations done. She watched the dusty path that snaked off to the horizon, chocolate eyes looking for the telltale rising of dust. It was hard to contain herself as she strained her vision, tail flicking in agitation. She knew it was a boiling kettle, but she couldn't look away. Then, wavering in the heat waves, she saw it, the old school bus rattling along, kicking up a tail of powder in it's wake. It was difficult not to shoot up out of the chair at this, but she contained herself, pacing the porch once and opting for a place by the door frame, leaning as casually as she could. She didn't want to embarrass him in front of his class mates, even if he was only catching a ride on the junker of a vehicle.

A whole year, she thought, as the bus lurched to a halt, the old automatic door folding in. It had been the longest year of her life, but there he was, standing on the side of the road with his bag tossed over his shoulder, like it had just been any other afternoon. His coat was so dark a brown it was almost black, floppy fringe nearly reaching those large and gentle silver eyes, the exact same shade as his muzzle and the paint coat of his limbs. At only seventeen, he should have been much bigger by this point, but his father had been a pony, so it was never certain what his growth would be like. The collared work flannel he was wearing was far too big for him, which just made the belted jeans seem ridiculously skinny. She just wanted to fuss on him, fluff his collar out, undo and refasten his buttons and belt, smother him with a whole years worth of motherly attention, but she contained herself. They simply watched each other for a long moment.

Andy was not her son. She had found out she was an aunt only three years before news came of the accident, and with most of the family now too old to take care of him, she had had to come home and play mommy. She had never forgiven his father for leaving him, and she had spent too many nights sitting up in bed with her nephew, cradling him and wishing she could explain to someone so young how people could just disappear like this. When he had looked up at her with those large, innocent eyes, so desperate and longing and scared, she knew she could never leave him. Not even for all the lights and sounds and noise of the modern world. It had been hard raising him and managing the farm on her own, and even though he had gotten old enough to help, she simply couldn't afford helpers. Not if they wanted to leave. Her sister had left the farm in debt.

It had been Andy that suggested it, and sending him off to work had been the most difficult thing she'd ever done. The orchids paid well, but they were so far away, and there was no phones up there, and no signal even if she could have somehow bought him a laptop or Blackberry. This farm life had been all he'd ever known, but he was always fascinated by city life, and the only way they were going to make it there was work, work, and more work. And now it was over, she thought, as he came up the two stairs and stood before her. The silence stretched on, but they were grinning now, waiting to see who would cave first. Then, both giving up at exactly the same time, he dropped his bag and found himself crushed into her large bosom, the much taller woman kneeling down on one knee and wrapping her large arms about him. She barely even registered his own scrawny limbs encircling her lower back, letting out an over joyed whinny into his hair.

"I missed you sweety..." She crooned, rubbing his back and pushing her head against his, rubbing them together like all equine did, ignoring the way his ear flicked her in the nostril. Normally, he might have blushed and tried to wriggle free, laughing off the embarrassment, but he only gripped tighter, shoving his silver muzzle against hers.

"I am never picking another apple again" He said in a mock grumble, chuckling as she roughed his hair up with one massive hand, taking his bag and standing. She pressed her free hand to his shoulder to lead him inside, and they met eyes again and could only smile broader.

It had been a while since she had cooked for anyone other then herself, and by the time she had finished the roast chicken and lasagna, his favourite combination, by the way, it was already turning dark outside. The entire time, he had either been at the table with her, talking excitedly about his time at the orchid, or rushing ahead to help her, all the while never shutting up. She spoke occasionally, but she was just glad to hear his voice again. Maybe he knew this, and just ignored her silence, giving her what she wanted, and feeding on it himself. He had always been a 'mommas boy' like that, and as he hopped ahead to get out a pot she needed or clean and dry something without being asked, she felt her heart swell in her chest. Such a good boy.

When they were both finishing up their dinner, and he finally ran out of steam, the silence set in, and he leaned his chin on his folded arms, peeking up at her once with a flush. It was like he was reassuring her with that one glance, somehow, telling her she didn't need to say anything. Maybe she was just projecting even more then normal after the long time away, but she wouldn't keep silent after that. Dusting her hands off with a cloth she tossed it at his grinning face, smirking. "Get to work ya lil freeloader, dishes need doing. Gotta go get the fire ready"

The plumbing in this house hadn't worked so good, and the shower broke completely while he had been gone. A wooden basin was outside in the back yard, underneath the water pump and next to the bonfire grill that rested between the home and barn. By the time Andy had dried and packed the dishes away in their box, it was pitch black outside. Only the roaring fire and the light from inside illuminated the area. Meeting eyes as he tossed another log into the grill, they sat down next to each other on two upturned buckets, letting the reality of it all seep in.

"What, you're not actually guna miss this place are you?" She mumbled as she jabbed her elbow into his side, hoping he wouldn't pick up on her own doubts, or at least ignore them.

"Nah, it's not that... just..." The half pony pulled his legs up onto the bucket and hugged them to his chest, flashing a smile up at her as if to reassure her that he was okay. "I'm a little scared, to be honest. New home, new school... I'll manage though! You got enough to worry about Aunt Haley" Smirking, she smacked him lightly across the back of the head, getting her thick arm around his neck and rubbing his scalp with her knuckles.

"Oh you little shit, stop acting like an adult! I gone a whole year without smothering you, you can survive one night" Laughing, they struggled together for a bit, and as much as he tried to, he couldn't hide his delight at the treatment. It had been so long since he'd heard his Aunt swear, or brush off his attempts to 'lighten her burden'. Secretly, he craved it, this affirmation of his place, of his dependence on her, and no matter how much he grew up, this simple escape would always be open to him. He knew it. And he loved her for it. He knew she needed this just as badly as him, and if being her little angel made her happy, he couldn't deny her.

As their energy ebbed away, she reached down to take his chin, tipping it up and forcing him to meet her eyes. Usually, he'd look away after a few seconds, but not now, not when she held his face on the tip of her finger like this. His throat tight, eyes large and glistening in the fires light, he just stared up at her, those same eyes when he was a fowl, clinging to her nightgown. He was already swelling, jeans becoming tight and pushing against her leg. The need had been simmering in both of them ever since he'd stepped off the bus, left unspoken between them. Reaching down to graze at his brow affectionately, she stood and drew him up with her.

"Bath time" She whispered, and he was shaking from more then the cold now, but nodded with a brave smile, mumbling 'yes Aunty'. Turning on the hose, which was left in the basin, Andy found her arms around him before he could turn, Aunt Haley slowly popping each button of his flannel. He didn't resist, pushing back against her, twitching with a yelp at the feeling of teeth near his neck, ear flicking. She couldn't resist a feel, hand gliding over his firm chest and stomach as the shirt came undone, 'hurrumphing' at the feeling of muscles. "These weren't here last time..." She crooned, eyes flashing with a smirk. He chuckled, embarassed, and almost squirmed in light protest of the searching.

"Aunty!" He whined, turning around in her arms so he could focus on her own flannel. They never undressed themselves at bath time, that was a rule she had set early on. It was almost torturous to ignore those massive, firm breasts as they came out in the dancing light, cock jumping against his jeans, inhaling deeper. This was a little game they liked to play, just ignoring the need, trying to see who would submit first, who would even ackowledge the hard, throbbing thruth of it all. Her heart was pumping, lungs filling with slow, deep breaths, the sight of him unbuckling her belt making her legs twitch and tail whack at his sides. She wouldn't be outdone, she thought, turning him right back around the way he had been, before her pants had even fallen. She stepped out of them as she fumbled with his belt, arms locking about him, pulling it free and pushing them down his thighs. She shoved her head against his out of pure mating instinct to toss her mane as it sprang free.

He may have had some pony genes stunting his growth, but he lived up to his bronco heritage when it came to his manhood. Thirteen inches of iron hard black meat sprang up proud and tall as the jeans came down. Even hard and pulsing as it was, it sagged under it's own weight, thick enough to need both hands just to wrap around it. Squatting behind him, she tapped his calf twice, which made him lift up his hoof instinctually. He hated that, ever since she had done his first shoes all she had to do was walk up behind him, swat his side and click and his hoof would come right up. He scowled at her over his shoulder, and she just smirked right back up at his pouting lips. She was winning.

Naked and freezing in the cold night air, he stepped into the vat of water, which was like ice, and kicked some of it at her. She shrieked and threw up her hands, glaring at him dangerously through her fingers, teeth flashing in a grin. Oh no you don't, she thought as she stepped in, the both of them now thoroughly invested in their little mind game. She wasn't going to lose her cool over a bit of water. Using the tin cup in the bottom of the basin, she dropped the contents over his head, and he snapped immediately rigid with a sound like he had tried to inhale for a scream and didn't quite get the air in right. Shaking in place and fixing her with the evil eye, she took the advantage and rubbed the bar of soap between her hands, grinning as she took control once again and lathering up his wet shoulders.

"My, they must have worked you a lot harder then me... all these new muscles I'm finding" She crooned, hands sliding down his chest and sides. Determined not to be completely at her mercy, he took the soap from her hands and began to lather up her own body as well. They stood together in the ankle deep water, one of her legs between hers, member throbbing against her stomach, hands exploring each other, bodies shaking from the cold water. They had ignored each others more sensitive areas so far, and when her cold hand glided across his length it was all he could do not to stomp the ground with a huff. Shuddering, he spread his legs slightly as her hands focused on his hips and lower back, taking his throbbing sack between them and very gently polishing them. She reached down his thigh with one hand as the other gave his length a casual once over, never lingering long enough for it to be more then just bathing him. He wouldn't let her see just how much he was being effected by it, but he was too late to stop the shuddering groan when she took the end in her palm, like juicing an orange.

She squatted once again, powerful knees bending, thigh muscles tensed, rubbing her nephews legs up and down, lathering soap into them, lingering a little too long on his tight young behind, fingers digging into his cheeks.

"Aunty..." He mumbled with lidded eyes, placing his hands on her head, hips lifting so his hot meat was pressed into her cheek. No, he wouldn't submit... not yet. Leaning down to take the cup of water, he poured it slowly over her head and began to massage her scalp. Locking gazes, they watched each other as they worked, Aunty Haley squatting with her arms around his legs, her little Andy playing with her hair, cock pressed up against her cheek. It would be so easy to give in, to just grip her golden mane and smoosh his pulsing balls against her lips, growl his need for her, end the game right now. She was practically willing him to, her large chocolate eyes egging him on, telling him to take what was his. Teetering on the precipice like this, she finally decided to stand, using the cup to rinse the suds from his body, washing him clean. She turned around and leaned forward, hands braced on the water pump, her thick behind stuck out for him.

"Wash my tail as well precious" She smiled over her shoulder at him, feeling his cock slide up against her leg and between her buttocks as he stepped in. He was gentle, however, fingers working the soap into her shoulder blades and back, pouring the cold water over her now and then to wash the suds out. She shivvered, cooing her pleasure and almost tapping the wooden basin with her hoof. Then his lean arms were around her, and as he pressed in to reach her stomach, his thick base squeezed between her cheeks, balls pressed to her hot folds. He took her breasts in his hands, working the soap in, resting his head against hers, trying not to pant so loud. She was breathing harder as well, fingers gripping the cold metal pump tighter, peering back over at him and pressing back into the heat of his need. They couldn't hide the panting, the way they pressed together, or how he had stopped washing her and simply held her chest in his hands. Her thighs were shaking, the strong muscles in her legs quivering, wet tail flicking at his legs. She felt his shaft slide down against her folds, the long and thick length traveling down and back up in one slow, torturous grind, pulsing and jumping, and as the head skidded along her slit she almost cried out to be taken. Pushing up on one hand, almost standing, she reached back to grab his flank, forcing her behind against him with a sigh, and just as she looked back, she met his lips.

He may have been shorter then her, but leaning forward like this with her legs slightly bent gave him just enough room to reach her mouth if he strained. He groped her breasts firmly as he thrust her once, hard, huffing a breath into her neck and seeking her lips again. Twisted like this, hand on his flank, she ground against him and whinnied into his mouth, tail swatting at his legs and eyes slit with pleasure. When she pulled away it was with an explosive exhalation, almost flopping forward, hands on the water pump and ass raised for him. She threw her wet mane back and shot a glance back over her shoulder at him, which seemed to flash in the dancing fire light, huffing a breath out as her nephew grabbed her hips with his small and strong hands. He let out a whine as he shoved his arousal against her again, whole body shaking as he tossed his mane out.

"Come on, you little brat... make your Aunty proud" With that little encouragement, he took a step back, just enough to force his cock down, gripping it just below the end and stuffing it into her quivering nethers. Scooting forward, he pulled her hips back as he slammed forward, as hard as he could, sinking in right to the base with a groan. Haley bucked once, tossing her mane with a loud grunt and pushing up on the pump, arms straight and taught. She swore under her breath, eyes squeezed shut and legs quivering, stamping the basin once with a much louder and much nastier expletive. Andy wasted no time, bending his knees and thrusting his hips forward in short and strong movements, remaining buried deep even as he started feverishly mating her.

It all took only a few seconds, shooting up onto the tips of his hooves and digging his fingers in, stammering "M-m-mom!" as he pulsed and burst inside of her, whole body quaking. He never could deliver on the first, especially after a long absence, but she also knew how he would writhe and shudder, and she was not about to let him dance around and slip out. Slapping her hand back onto his hip, she fumbled blindly as she threw her tail about, eventually clasping her fingers about it and yanking tight, essentially strapping him in with the long golden hairs.

"Ooohh, that's it... that's my little man... fill your momma up..." She whispered, biting her lip, watching his adorable face in the flickering light as he struggled not to buckle and collapse. He always called her Mom after a particularly good orgasm, and hearing it in his throes of ecstacy, knowing it came from nothing but pure animal instinct, both made her want to cry with the pride, and scream for her own orgasm. She yelped as he stamped the ground and bucked once, driving it in deep, cooing his relief. It had been a long time since she'd seen him cum so hard... he better have another left in him! When his legs stopped quivering so much, he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around her and huffing his hot breath into her shoulder, as if he had just sprinted a mile. His length had gone completely soft inside of her, like any equine did, and she pulled her tail tighter to make sure it wouldn't slip out. He grazed at her neck with an apologetic whimper, dulled by the excited huffing in his voice.

"S-sorry Aunty..." He always apologized, every time, no matter how normal it had become to them, and each time it made her heart swell for him. They just remained like that for a while, locked together over the water pump, enjoying each others closeness, even if Haley's own need hadn't been quenced. She could give her little stud a few moments to recover. And he never took long. When she felt it growing again inside of her, she braced on the pump again, peering back over her shoulder and leering at him, tossing a curtain of hair from her face. In complete silence they moved, her thick rump grinding and rolling, coaxing his member to life again. Andy reached up to cup her breasts, biting her neck once, loving the sound she makes whenever he did that. Moaning softly, she whinnied and gasped, her nephew taking his time now, sliding his length in and out of her hungry, starved body in firm and quick thrusts. His balls began to smack into her, stomach slapping her thick behind, and soon he had to stand again to resume the relentless mating that it always came to, every time.

She snarled and threw her heavy body back at him, growling like an animal and stomping the ground, tossing her mane back to glare at him over her shoulder. "Don't you dare, don't you dare..." She whispered, shaking her head, voice low and breathless as she huffed and wheezed, the heat rising up inside of her, building and building. "Mommas guna cum precious... fuck her..." Whining, she squeezed her eyes shut and stomped once, hard, swearing loudly and writhing, reaching for another part of the pump as she stretched and arched up, grunting. Her burning nethers clenched around him, thigh muscles and buttocks twitching as they tightened up, whole body locking up from the powerful orgasm. It was a whole minute before she relaxed, swaying and slumping over the water pump, wet hair draped over her breathless face. And all the while, her little Andy held onto her, making sure she wouldn't fall, waiting for her to finish without even a care for his own relief. What a good boy Haley had. Her little breeding bronco. Her angel. Her mate. Taking in a deep breath, she stood and held his arms around herself, cooing appreciatively. He pulled away, springing free of her, and she turned to pull his body to hers, hands tugging him in by the behind, fingers dug into that firm little ass she loved so much. He never complained as he left her warm insides, pushing on his hooves to nudge his muzzle to hers. She bit his ear and neck, knowing how sensitive he was, that he could never stop the jerk or the swell to his cock, and he buried his face into her large wet breasts.

"Mommas little treasure, ain'tcha?" She crooned, leaning her forehead to his, staring into those big silver eyes that had so long ago stolen her heart.

"Yeah, that's me" He whispered, pressing his pulsing cock up against her belly, the tip poking between her breasts. "Your little bratty treasure" They held each other a while, and not even the cold water or the night air could sooth his raging need. And she had no intention of leaving it anything but sore and used up. To his squealing and flailing, she picked him up like he weighed nothing and tossed him over her shoulder, like just another sack of grain, carrying him inside and up the stairs and dropping him on the bed. He clambered back to give her room, but she was already stalking over him on hands and knees, hungry eyes locked on his. She pushed her hands against his chest to keep him on his back, trailing down the centre of his body as she scooted back to kneel at the edge of the bed, leaving pathways in his wet coat. Dragging his ankles, she yanked him over to sit on the edge of the bed, pressing a kiss to the underside of that massive head, still throbbing for attention. Wrapping her lips about the head, which barely fit, she sunk down as far as she could go, brow furrowed with the concentration, hands sliding up and down his length. It always took two hands to please her nephew, first gliding up and down like she was polishing it, and she flashed her eyes up at him as she felt his fingers in her hair. Thats right you little cunt, she thought, squeezing her hands together to wrap about his whole length. Fuck your aunties face!

Andy groaned and leaned back on one elbow, taking a firm grip of her hair, fingers digging into the blankets and pulling a handful of it into his fist. Reclining further, breathing harder, he reluctantly let go, squirming free on the damp blankets, pulling at them and gasping for relief, begging his Aunty for permission, like a good boy always should. She pumped him hard, from base to chin, until her elbows began to burn with the effort, and just as his hips began to quiver and rise off the mattress, she stopped. Releasing his cock with a pop and sucking in a loud breath, Andy almost whimpered as he was denied, pushing up on his elbows and giving her his most pitiful pout.

"Not guna work young man" She teased, fondling his heavy balls, which no doubt were already starting to hurt. Watching him squirm as she licked at his balls, she pressed a kiss to his tight hole, lifting his legs up and lapping between those firm cheeks. Squealing, he crawled back a bit, holding his knees up for her, sighing her name, and begging yet again for it. He knew she loved to hear him beg, and she was never sure if he was just doing it to appease her or not, but it turned her on every time he did it. She kissed his black balls again, eyes rolling up to watch him, and he just stared right back, the need rising up between them. He reached down to cup her head, smooshing her into his ass, and she buried her fingers inside of herself, dripping with need.

"Aunt Haley... please... let me fuck you..." He groaned, in his sweet submissive voice, and she climbed up onto him, hooves planted on either side of his hips, reaching down to hold his length straight and sinking down without hesitation. Her ass plopped into his lap with a loud smack, gasping in a breath and wrapping her arms around him, feeling him do the same. She held onto him like she may fall away if she let go, mouth hanging open as she gasped her breathes, forehead pressed to his, bouncing on his lap. When he tried to hold her hips, she pressed him down with both hands, firmly, round behind smacking down on him. He didn't protest, letting her take the lead, just watching his wonderful Aunt ride him, swooning for her. Finally, not wanting to wait any more, he rolled her over, which caused her to bite down on a shriek. He pushed up over her, and she grabbed his strong and lean sides, legs wrapping around him, leering at him as he thrust in deep and hard.

"Tell me again son..." She whispered, chest heaving, a hand snaking down to grip his ass. "You know what I want to hear... tell me..." She practically growled as she stuck her middle finger inside of him, right to the knuckle, grunting as they sped up their pace.

"I love you mom" He whined, gaze locked on hers, speaking the words as if they were some kind of solemn prayer, moaning and slamming his hips against her, taking her like she wanted, like HE had wanted, and when she jammed the second finger in and repeated herself, he bucked hard and moaned. "I love you mom!" He yelled, just as his hips came down, and stayed down, her walls tightening, squeezing him and pulling him in tight, length swelling inside of her. She dug her fingers into his sides, his arms quivering as they held him suspended over her, the both of them silently cumming together.

Soft inside of her, drifting on the edge of consciousness, his head pillowed on her chest, little Andy laid over his Aunty Haley, breathing slow and deep, as if he were asleep already. She had long since stopped constricting him with her legs, just praising his soft hair, crooning sweety to him. Finally he pushed up just enough to rub his muzzle against hers, and they kissed, as spent as they had ever been. "I love you mom" He said, and somehow, without the fire of mating in his voice, it hit home so much harder, tears welling up in her eyes, one spilling down her cheek. He bumped his muzzle against it, dabbing the damp streak away, and she pressed a kiss to his head.

"I love you too son. I need to change these blankets, or we're going to the city with a cold. Why don't you go have a shower and I'll make us some leftovers" She smiled, tousling his damp hair. A few seconds passed before she realized her error.

"Wait... you said the shower was broken..." He pushed up over her, fixing her with a glare, and the sheepish grin was practically an admission of her guilt.

"Uhm... I said it got broke, I never said I didn't fix it. Hehehe..." Oh boy, she thought. He was going to make her sore for that one.