Work Stresses

Story by Draconium on SoFurry

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#1 of Work Stresses

Try to keep this 18A, eh?

story of a lonely wolf.

all (c) me, Draconium


He watched her walk towards him, he watched her walk by him, and he watched her walk away from him.

All the while, he was watching the mesmerizing movement of her hips, the tail's black tip swishing gently into view from behind her legs, then flexing enticingly as she passed him. He wished he could just grab that tail and lick it, wrap it around his torso. Shaking his head, she left his sight and her spell wore off of him.

Sighing, he knew he stood no chance of getting with her. He loved her - as did every other male in the district. What would a beautiful lioness like her, with beautiful golden fur that shone in the light, want with him? A mangy dog in the eyes of many, he was a wolf, or at least ¾ a wolf, and he really showed it.

Looking in the mirror-like window of the café he was sitting outside of, he looked over himself carefully. He had some burrs stuck in his fur the other day that hadn't quite come loose, and the fur there wasn't responding to his comb. There was a small patchy spot of fur on his back that he had had his entire life, as far back as he could remember. His clothes weren't name brand or anything, most of them actually came from the thrift shop a few blocks from his apartment. He personally thought he was sub-average, not even just a schmoe on the street.

At least he had a job, right? It was a boring dead-end job, to be more precise. He loathed how his coworkers were always cheery and joking, and never invited him in on the joke. What was worse was that his boss seemed to not even know he was there. So, he sat every day in his office near the dude's washroom, doing his work and jumping to help if someone needed something, whether it was just a stapler, and he existed. He knew people wouldn't want to give him a second look if he wasn't offering to do them a favour. In the world of top notch furs, he was in the lower rung.

He sipped his coffee and thought some more on his situation, as happy, hyper people and their families passed by him. He had no family spare himself. He never knew his father and his mother had passed on a few years back, and no siblings that he knew of. He knew there was an aunt somewhere on the other side of the country, but he had no money to move to live with her, even if he had wanted to.

Getting up, he went to pay for his drink and left a small tip on the table, always one to save a little bit for the other more unfortunate furs in his area. He at least lived on salary instead of commission.

Walking down the block, he looked up at his large, bleak and foreboding workplace. The office building was a concrete grey with tinted and small windows, half of them probably locked shut with disuse. Sighing, he walked in, tired simply from seeing the place. He loved the bit of fresh air he got during his lunch break, and the sunshine that came with it.

When he reached the elevator, he pressed the button and waited for the familiar ding. Leaning against the wall, he watched as someone walked in the door. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining it, he saw that beautiful female lion walk in his work building. Suddenly, it was as though it were his first day there, full of optimism and enthusiasm at the new job.

He watched her walk gracefully across the polished granite floor to the very elevator he was waiting for. Making sure not to stare at her, his mind went zooming with questions, such as why she was there, and did she work in his company without him knowing it?

The elevator arrived, and they both stepped into it, him walking in after the lioness out of courtesy...not that he ever got recognized for it. Except this time, she thanked him for letting her enter first.

He was stunned, and luckily his face was properly furry or she would have seen him blush like a beet. He nervously waited for the elevator to reach his floor, and went almost crazy with delight when she got out at the same floor. He hung back a bit, and watched as she went to the main desk in his office. Even though he knew it was rude, he perked up his ears and listened as the receptionist and her talked.

"Hi, I'm just starting here, and I don't know quite where to go, could you help me? My name is Tameline Gauyev." The lioness waited as the receptionist, a squirrel, looked up her name.

"Ah, here we are, Miss Gauyev, correct?" Tameline nodded. "Wonderful, well, just follow me, and I'll get you started in the other room. There are a few papers we need you to sign before you can begin." The squirrel and the lioness walked off into a smaller room, the office for the squirrel's boss.

He couldn't suppress his glee enough, and walked into his office with a huge grin on his face. The fem fur everyone adored was working in the same place as him, which meant that he could ogle her for hours on end. Sitting at his desk, he immediately went to work, a small spark of enthusiasm rekindled in him.

For a few months, all he could do was watch her, as she ignored him just like everyone else. He soon got a good idea of her schedule, when she would come to work, where she would park or eat lunch, who her friends at work were...He knew a good lot about her life just from watching her for those first 3 months, until she one day ran into him in the elevator again.

That day, Tameline had been running a bit late and he had noticed that. So, before going to work, he grabbed 2 coffees, and waited for her to arrive. One was a double-double, for himself, and the other was a triple-triple, for the lioness he watched every day.

When she finally arrived at the building, he caught the elevator with her, and got the courage up to ask her if she wanted a coffee.

"Oh um, thanks...I don't think I know you though, have we met?"

"Sortof...actually you work a few cubicles away from me."

"Oh, well then I guess a coffee would be you have any cream or sugar to add to it?"

"Actually this one's a triple-triple, that's how you take it, right?"

Startled, Tameline flustered for a moment before just nodding and saying "Yeah, it is, thanks. How did you...?"

"Oh I saw you making your coffee the other day." Actually, he watched her do it every day.

"Oh, well thanks then! Maybe I'll bump into you later." The elevator door opened, and they both exited it, him hanging back and reveling in the first actual conversation with another person he had had in a year or so. Sitting at his desk, he drank his coffee slowly, enjoying the somewhat bitter taste.

Over the next month or two, he had several small elevator chitchats with Tameline, where he tried his hardest not to reveal that he knew so much about her. When in the office, though, he never spoke to her. He became obsessed with her, thoughts of her golden, swishing tail ran through him day and night, her clean, pressed black suit running firmly along her slim and fit body, her black hair running sleek, soft and shiny down her back...

He loved her, and she didn't realize how she was boosting his confidence day by day, with just the elevator conversations. One Monday, he couldn't take it anymore, and when she got to the elevator, he just had to tell her, hoping she would return his feelings.

"Tameline, I love you."

She stood on the other side of the elevator box, stiff and confused, completely at a loss for words. She thought of him as a friend, or an acquaintance you don't mind...but for him to say he loved her?

"I...uh...I don't know how to say this, but I don't feel the same for you, you're a coworker to me, and I don't see how it could be anything more, I'm sorry."

He put on his firmest face, and didn't say a thing, not showing that his heart was breaking inside him, his last shred of hope and dignity leaving him just as Tameline left the elevator. He trudged into his cubicle, his mind completely off and numb, and he sat at his desk, hardly doing anything all day long but rue his loss.

His mind was a pit of turmoil, his tortured self thinking of ways to forget her, or to exact revenge on her. Of course, it was always impossible to forget her, to forget her kindness, her recognition of him as a being. He was left with nothing but thoughts of her, and he got to thinking about her schedule, how she always left an hour late every day because of her workload, and how she always went to the diner after work to pick up a snack before going home.

He had followed her, a few times, and he recalled her small, but prim house and its paved driveway. His ear twitched, and suddenly his thoughts changed a bit. What if he went to her house and left a note for her on her door? She obviously didn't realize what he had actually said in the elevator, maybe given the chance, she would return the love he felt for her?

He couldn't take the turmoil in his mind anymore, and left work early, punching his card in the machine and running to his bicycle in the parking garage downstairs. Jumping on, he looked in a puddle of water on the ground, and stared at himself, looking for reasons she wouldn't like him. Maybe it was the rip in his ear, or the large muzzle with large, carnivorous teeth inside? Maybe the way his eyes held deep secrets, and made his face seem dark and disturbed? Or maybe it was the gaunt look he had from fur hanging loosely on his bony frame?

He couldn't find an answer that would fit, so he got to pedaling, following down the path he had memorized the first time he had ever traversed it, and stopped only when he found the house she lived in. The cute, red-brick house stood out in his mind, and he became elated upon seeing it there, that it wasn't a figment of his imagination. Leaving his bike in her backyard, he went to the door and peered in the window.

He knew she lived alone, and that nobody would be there at that time of day. He suddenly realized that he didn't have any paper or a pen to write with on him, and he almost kicked the cute bricks when he noticed a stack of paper on Tameline's living room table.

He very carefully thought about the idea that had just passed through his mind, and knew full well that it was illegal to break into someone's house. But, if he didn't get that note to Tameline written, she may never know how he felt for her! Weighing the two against each other, he figured it was probably worth the risk to write that note.

Trying the knob on the door, he mentally kicked himself for thinking it would be open, what a stupid idea. He then looked under the woven straw doormat he had been standing on, and luckily found a key, presumably to the door in front of him. Trying the key in the lock, he heard a familiar click and pushed the door open into her house.

The first thing he did was smell the air in her home, the air she breathed, the air she lived in. He absorbed her scent into his canine senses, his ears fanning rapidly for any sound of cops or similar. Proceeding to her living room, he found a pen and took a sheet of paper. Scrawling rapidly, he went through several versions of his love letter, crumpling up each failure and throwing them into her wastebasket. By this time, his love for her was surging, becoming an unstoppable passion that took control of his better sense, and he decided he would stay there and wait for Tameline so that he could hand it to her in person.

His mind reeled as he waited for her, several hours. She finally arrived, and he hadn't turned on any of the lights, but he had left the back door unlocked. She left her car in the garage, and went to the door, surprised when she found it unlocked. Becoming very cautious now, she picked up an umbrella from next to the door to protect herself with should the suspected intruder still be in her home.

By now, after having waited for so long to see her, he had become very eager, and planned now to kiss her, the moment he saw her. His love and passion had become a want and a need, he needed her. She had been the only thing keeping him sane for the past few months, and he hid behind a door so as to pounce on her the moment she walked in.

She was hoping it was just her boyfriend paying her a surprise visit again, like he had done a few weeks ago, and so she decided she'd turn on the light before swinging wildly at things with the umbrella. She walked slowly into the living room, and reached along the wall for the switch, not knowing what to expect.

The moment she turned on the light, he pounced. Locking her lips in his, he pushed her against the wall, grasping her shoulders so tight he could have bruised her. She screamed through the forced kiss, and swung her umbrella at the attacker, hitting him in the gut, and again in the knee. He pulled away to rub his leg and she saw who it was.

"You! Get out of my house now! How did you even find this place? Get out now or I will call the cops!" She had her hand in her pocket, searching for her cellphone to indeed call the police.

"Wait, don't, please, here, I wrote you a letter..." he handed her the letter now and she read it quickly, before tossing it back at him.

"What did you not get when I told you earlier today that I don't like you back? I have no feelings for you, now leave my house before the cops arrive!" Finding her phone, she flipped it open, and started dialing 911, before the phone got knocked out of her hands by the wolf's scratchy paw.

"Don't call the police! I love you, please, tell me you love me back!"

"I don't! Now, get out of my house!" Tameline reached over to her landline phone, and picked up the receiver, but was stopped by the wolf shoving her roughly away from it, and into the wall. Collapsing briefly from the impact of the wall, she grabbed the umbrella and raised it over her head to swing at the wolf.

He couldn't stop himself from shoving her, his love and fear mixing together into a wild rage, and he would get her to say she loved him back if he had to beat it out of her. He batted away the umbrella she held up above herself in a weak attempt to stop him, and shoved her to the floor, knocking things down around them as he punched her several times in the face, constantly shouting, "Say it! Say you love me!"

The love he felt for her coursed through his veins, mixing with the adrenaline pulsing through him all the way to his loins, and her thrashing made her breasts push tightly against the half unbuttoned shirt she was wearing. All this combined made him very horny, and him as a virgin and in his current maddened state, he suddenly had an urge to satisfy himself, to show her that he meant what he said about loving her. He would have to show her in the physical sense, if she couldn't understand his words.

She kept her arms raised to help defend her head against his barrage of wild hits, and thrashed to try to get off of him. Crying openly, she screamed herself hoarse telling him she hated him, and that she wanted him to leave. This only made him try harder to prove his point, and she soon noticed the bulge growing in his pants. Spying a fallen statuette near her arm, she picked it up and made a wide blow to his body, hitting, and just managing to scramble on all fours away to the hallway, where her cellphone had been knocked to.

He howled in pain as she hit him, and reeled away for a moment, only to snap back to reality when he noticed her reach the hallway. Picking up the statuette she had dropped, he followed her, and knocked her out with it, the numbers 9-1 punched in on the phone.

She slumped forward, unable to complete the call for help, and felt herself weaken and black out.


She awoke 20 minutes later, on her couch with her hands tied behind her back. Tameline was facing down onto the arm of the couch, and the wolf was molesting her tail. Eyes widening, she realized he had taken off her skirt as well as tying her up, and she squirmed, trying to get onto her back, her body aching from all the previous blows.

He had become no less horny in the 20 minutes she had been out for, and he had stripped down to paw himself off a bit, until she awoke. When she tried to turn over, he hit her, and jumped on top of her to keep her pinned down. Growling into her ear, he whispered "Now you'll see how much I love you." Stroking her down her spine gently, he nipped at her neck and pushed her weakened and bruised legs apart, biting down on her neck when she tried to prevent his access. Something about the way she looked, all tied up, defenseless and shuddering made him want her all that much more, and he trembled once before positioning himself between her legs and just in front of her opening.

Pinning her tail down on her back above her hands, he clawed gently into her shirt, grasping her firmly by the waist as he pushed his hard, ready cock deep within her cunt. Moaning, he stayed in her for a moment, fully immersed in her warmth, and relished the feeling of his first pussy. Grinning, he pulled out of her, Tameline's scream of pain and anguish only spurring him on to thrust back into her, show her who was in charge.

He felt so alive, pushing in and out of her sex with his hard and throbbing member. Every scream she gave encouraged him to shove into her once more, every thrust a proof of his unending love for her. The thrusts soon became more like a jackhammer, as he grew quickly to his first ever orgy. Each thrust was a sharp spear of pain for her, both from his cock and his teeth in her neck.

Tameline had cried herself hoarse to the point where she could barely whisper, and she just took it, her mind reeling, numb against the very personal intrusion on her body and home. Suddenly she felt him tremour and press hard into her, and she felt his knot grow, large and tightly wedged in her, and she screamed anew with the pain of his knot crammed in her.

As his knot grew, he pounded into Tameline's body harder and faster, forcing the knot into her cunt, and the tightness peaked him nearly to explosion, and then she clenched. With a loud grunt and howl, He came, his thick white semen spewing into her in great globs, filling in her tight feline pussy and squeezing out around the very tight knot. The feeling of her shuddering and continued clenching set him off on a quick second orgasm, and he bucked into her, fresh semen piling into her, filling her numb body with it as he rocked back and forth with her on him, slowly coming down out of his reverie, no longer a virgin.

Pushing her roughly to the couch, he rocked gently back and forth inside of her, the knot not coming out, but rising him again to another much nicer feeling round of his heated sex, his teeth clamping down hard on her neck, and he thought he tasted blood, but he didn't care. The creamy feeling of his semen lubed up his cock and he quickly bounced in and out of her to a third quick finish, the semen this time spraying on her ass as he pulled out of her. His jaw clenched harder than before on her, and she let out a loud wailing mewl before a loud crack was heard.

Tameline's body went limp, and he didn't know what had just happened, but the fervour in his mind was calming down. He didn't feel as though he needed her anymore, and he could definitely taste blood now. Looking down at the form beneath him, he suddenly realized he had bitten to her spine, and broken it in her neck. He had killed her.

Thinking about what had just transpired, he realized he had become a killer and a rapist, two things he had never thought would happen to him. His blood ran cold in a matter of seconds, and he immediately got his clothes together, dressing as he wiped himself clean of his semen. Looking at her body, he realized he had to leave it. He had no idea what to do with it otherwise. He grabbed her purse and figured what the heck, he may as well borrow her car...and maybe a bit of cash for a quick dinner. He had almost no money of his own, and hadn't eaten in hours.

Dashing to her garage, he took her car and her entire purse. He put the keys in and turned on the ignition, driving off to the diner near his work. After a quick meal on the 20 in her wallet, he looked at her many credit cards, and figured she wouldn't be using them now, either.

Looking fervently around, he went to the nearest ATM and tried her credit cards one by one, taking out the max on each, and then returning to the car, some 10 000 dollars richer.


A week later he was in another city, small, but with a nice population of people who kept to themselves, and didn't ask many questions. The news in his old town was buzzing with questions of the rape-murder case, and he just hid in that new town, thinking about what had happened a week ago. The release he had gotten by fucking her...the pure, intense joy he had felt...He had not felt so energized in ages, years. He had loved raping her. The control, the power that he had felt. It all made him want that moment back, and given the chance, he would do it all over again.


A month in his new home and he needed a job, so he got one at a local newspaper. In his interview, he met a very opinionated and passionate boss. Who happened to be one hell of a hot poodle. She kept her fur neatly trimmed, and so did he, these days. Her pink skin was bright and clean, and he thoroughly enjoyed the idea of working for her.

On his first day at the job, he got to meet the team.

"Hi everyone, today we have a new employee to the job and he's going to introduce himself to us now." The poodle boss stepped aside to let him speak.

"Hi! It's a real pleasure to be here and to meet you all. My name is Ryan."