The Pack

Heh. This is a story (c) me, Draconium. All Characters and names used in this story are mine and mine alone save for those who ask for and receive my permission. Constructive criticism is always pleasantly received. Note~~ If you are not of the...

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Wolf Hunt

I was looking for an idea for my story, and thanks Tim for the idea of wolves n foxes! thanks!! If you don't like or approve of sex #1 why the fuck are you even here? #2 don't read my story. Be at least the age of consent in your area if you're...

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Work Stresses

Try to keep this 18A, eh? story of a lonely wolf. all (c) me, Draconium ~~~~ He watched her walk towards him, he watched her walk by him, and he watched her walk away from him. All the while, he was watching the mesmerizing...

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Hunting Skills

That took forever to write. Damn writer's block. ANYWHOO If youre under the age of consent, bugger da hell off. If you don;t like my stories, bugger da hell off. If you dont like sex, WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU WEIRDO??? lol. Enjoy the...

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