Quest of the Braves part 2

Story by yanma on SoFurry

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#2 of The Braves

Now that Abaalythe is down, the gear is set in motion. Theodore's and Daniel's fate will forever be written, as with their body and mind.

So this is the second part. Read the first part if you want to understand the settings, but if you want only the sexy part, then here it is. Warning, though. This story deals with male homosexuality and various topics, including:

  • Transformation

  • Mind Control

  • Hyperphalic

  • Muscles growth

  • Extensive amount of cum

  • Goo

  • Musk and sweat

  • Body hair

  • Silly, weird body part

  • etc.

I can't really say how fetishy it get, but it's certainly on the fetishy side; silly even. So if this doesn't appeal to you, don't read. Other than that, enjoy!

The sound of explosion echoed through the obsidian cave. A body of a brute blasted into the wall and collasped. Huffs and puffs accompanied every motion made by a human with sweat-soaked red hair. Daniel dodged a blow from another brute and froze its leg to the ground. Without looking back he sprinted forth, several more of the same monster trailing behind him.

The mage had terrible luck, it seemed. First he was relocated, then he met a deadend from blindly following the link. And just now, he stumbled across a sleeping barrack of these hulking monsters and one have to be awake so that it can announce his presence. He had been running for his life non-stop for ten minutes, which was a feat in itself, and he cannot feel his legs anymore. Adrenaline high was the reason why he was able to perform, and that also ran on borrowed time. He had to find a way out, and soon.

Daniel rounded a corner and leapt over a small fry. He swore there were more monsters here than back at the way he and Theodore came in but he cannot allow himself to be disheartened or else he will not be able to move forward. What would Theodore do without him around? He dreaded thinking about it so he pretended to stay positive. Foot steps came too close to him and he made a quick turnabout and erected an invisible pure ice wall that blocked the narrow passageway completely. "That should hold them off for a while," he muttered and hurried along the way.

Damn, a fork. He used mind link as a mean to decide and turned left. The path was pretty straightforward and have not any branchings as far as the torch lights showed; backtracking would be easy. Hope he did not need to do that. By the end of it, there was a huge room. Not another barrack, lucky him. But there was really nothing special to this room except there were so many doors leading out of here and he had to choose one. Not wanting to use his brain, Daniel ponited at one door randomly and chanted his favourite spell.

"Eenie, meenie, miney, moe, catch the tiger by the toe." His finger hopped from one exit to another quickly. "If he hollers let him go, eenie, meenie, miney...," he trailed off as enemies poured out of the 'moe' door. " You're it!" He finished with addtional syllables, and yet the new one he chose was filled with monsters. In fact, they came out of every exit now.

He jotted down a mental note not to use that rhyme again.

Fighting all of them was suicidal, so running was the most viable option. And guess what? Those persistent buggers caught up with him. Lady luck did hate him today. His first move was reaching into his pants pocket and pulled out some capsules which he threw at the floor. They cracked and created a thick smokescreen, his signature homemade smoke bomb he used whenever he was in trouble. And when those stupid creatures were confused he would sneaked ou-- Ah, he was grabbed. Why did he try again, this was bound to happen.

Daniel swayed to and fro in the air, hoisted up by a really big brute gripping his leg. None seemed to notice him besides this particular one so he tried to get free. Pointing his staff in front of its face, he recited a quick spell of flash. Piercing flash blinded the monster and he was released. Daniel landed on four limbs, glad to be free, though it was short-lived when he realized what he had done. All eyes fell upon him. He just pinpointed his exact location with that spell!

No other option but to fight, he casted another spell. The syllables blended with one another as he spoke almost too fast. At his feet, a single-layered magic circle appeared and the immediate area around him exploded with violent hot wind current. Bodies sent aback, he chanted another spell, this time bolts of fire appeared all around him and shot forward, followed by salvos of ice arrows. Daniel rapid fired his attack spells, in hope of creating a clear path he could dash through, but the foes kept coming. He created a firewall and monsters that can fly attacked him from above. He shielded himself with an ice dome and a hulking beast destroyed that with its club. He tried to retaliated with another gust of hot air and got hit by an arrow in his shoulder. Another attemp pushed most of them back beside the really big ones. He stood up and fell down face first into the hard crystal floor, breaking his nose in the process; the small critters tripped him over. And that momentary disability was all they need to seize him and yank his staff away from his hand. He tried to wiggle his way through, but their grasps were so strong he could not anything about it. They got his limbs, his torso, his head, and every other big joints in between.

Was he going to die here? A stupid question, but he did not want to even if he did say he was gonna risk his life. Dying knowing you had left a mark in the world was one thing. Dying a hollow death knowing that you had achieved nothing or failed to help a friend realized his dream was terrible. Unbearable even. Clear liquid joined its red partner in a display of pain. Pride be damned, he weeped like a child who had his frivolous dream crushed. A spell of 'I don't want to die' was chanted time and again pathetically as he saw with his teary eyes the advancing death. His escort sat on one knee and lifted its club-shape death scythe.

It all went blank.


It was different than when Theodore floated in the mental plane, or even in the water. There was a substance to it; smooth, silky, comforting. Its weight pressed into and hugged his body tighly like a mother would do her child. It was as warm as that too. He considered that he might have been dead and was in heaven, but it was not. He was very alive inside this 'magma.' Then, it came to him that whatever this liquid was, it was certainly not the molten rock it resembled. So he slowly opened his eyes he never noticed he shut. The scenery was what you would expect when you were underwater; orangy silky mysterious liquid to be exact. His eyes stung for a moment, the substance touching the sensitive flesh, before he accommodated. Relieved that he could see fine, he started to wiggle around and inspect his body; struggled by the tugging quality of the thick liquid. His clothes was all burned to nothingness above the surface so currfently he was as naked as the day he was born. Blood rushed into his cheek and gone when he saw no one around to feel embarrassed. All in all he seemed OK. Even his breathing was OK, no matter how that worked.

An addition pressure was felt at several spots at once as they crept along his chest, his stomach, and then all across his back. Another one pressed on top of his shoulder, right besides his head. It was like... Like something or someone hugged him from behind and rested his head on his shoulder lovingly. The blush came back again.

"Can you feel me?" whispered a voice from where the imaginary head rested. There really was someone in here, hugging the naked him tightly like a lover and his blush maddened. His head turned into a big tomato when he remembered that gruffy deep growling voice too. Abaalythe was hugging him bare!

Theodore desperately tried to squirm out of the embrace, but there was no solid object to get out of. Abaalythe chuckled.

"Easy there. I'm not here to hurt you." That was not why he squirmed! "Can you hear me? I need you to stop." But this was embarrassing. Get off!

What he supposed were arms loosened their grasp. He almost cried thank you when he was turned around and punched in the stomach. His frantic behaviour bursted out along with air as he clutched in a fetal position. "Ouch." He muttered after a long pause to recover, surprised at how he was able to talk submerged.

"Good. Now stay still and listen to what I have to say." He was listening, go ahead. "First issue, no, you are not dead, and yes, I am dead. Well, technically it was me as a demon that died, but we'll go back to this topic later. Second, sorry for startling you earlier. Just wanna see your reactions. Priceless. And third, I'm going to make you my successor."

From all the things he had to say, Abaalythe had to pick the randomest, most humorously ridiculous thing ever. That, if he understood the formless being correctly. "I beg your pardon?" he questioned the approximate area where he thought Abaalythe might be. The targetted party responded with,

"I'm not there, idiot. You see why I touched you now? And you heard it right. You are going to be my successor as the most powerful being in the entire Enyphilim." Theodore opened his mouth to protest, but not before, "Whether you like it or not," was added.

He was defenseless to the oncoming assault.

A kiss.

Not on a cheek, but a full on kiss on his lips. It came out of nowhere, and all he could see was blank, which was how his mind looked like currently. He also felt a hug too, the transparent Abaalythe held him tight to kiss him properly. Something tried to poke its way into his mouth, a tongue no doubt and he allowed its entry. As the appendage touched his own, he touched it back. It curled around his, his curled around it. Theodore mimicked every moves perform by that tongue and cried when it left his mouth. Only by then did some senses come back to him.

What just happened to him? What did he just do?

"I see you are not repulse by this. I guess this must be your true desire after all." He did not see it, but Theodore could picture Abaalythe grinning.

Theodore stuttered, "M-- My true... desire?"

"Don't feign ignorance. I know it the moment you tell me that dream of yours. You exclude one on purpose. One you keep hoping in despair that it would one day become a reality. One you are too afraid to even admit you have one, yet you find comfort in indulging it.

"You love male." Theodore's face could not be any paler. His darkest secret revealed.

"No... I..." He did not know what to say anymore.

"Don't hide it, young man. This is what you truly desire. You want to be with men, yet the society shunned this idea so you has been suppressing this urge for a long time. Release it. Reach out to your fantasy and relieve that pent up emotion." Like a book, he was read. The agony when he realized he love male, a trait that haunted him for years before he finally learned to cope with it. Though he still shared this with no one, and that was the first time he kissed someone. It was... Incredible. And the intimacy... Dreamy. Just reminiscing on it made him pant, his cock stood erect.

Abaalythe smiled. The human coming along nicely. He did not think that the human would be a homosexual. That kiss and hug were intended to lower Theodore's moral boundaries than initiating a hard on. He himself used to be as straight as a mast before, but, after a lifetime of being a demon, it did not matter anymore which gender his sexual counterpart was. And seeing Theodore like this made him hard. His member, created entirely from the orange liquid much like every part of him, poked the other's stomach and rubbed with the other's own. He leaned in, not that Theodore could see, and whispered, "Do you like it?"

Theodore nodded.

"Do you wish to continue living in this fantasy forever?"

Theodore hugged Abaalythe in return, then nodded.

"I can give you the power to fulfill that dream. Or rather, any dreams you wish to come true.

"Just say yes. And it will be yours."

He parted his lips and moved in for a kiss. An answer was made when he pulled out, barely heard at all.


Daniel saw nothing. It was black. He heard nothing. It was serene.

Was he dead?

He should be. That club was homing in on him. This was just that, his mind floating in the dead's plane of existence or something. Man, he did not even register that last hit that took his life away.

He heard murmur. It came from everywhere around him, which was still blank. Where did that come from? Why could not he see anything? He opened his eyes wide right?

No, he was not. His eyes were closed. That was why he could not see, so he opened them.

His noble escort filled the entirety of his line of sight.


He was not dead after all.

Daniel wanted to see what the commotion was all about, and above that why was he spared, but those that trapped him were still there. He sighed, and waited. Snarls, growls, and other bestial sounds were the ingredients to this crowd-wide conversation. He wanted to know what they were chattering about but then he had to learn primal language first.

They stopped now.

Shuffle. Tap. Clack. Thud. It sounded as if they were moving.

He listened to those mysterious sounds for quite a studious time, then the brute that obscured his view got up. All the other patrons had already gone and the room had never been roomier. Following that, the others pinning him down released him one by one and he was a free man. Not sure what to do, Daniel lay still like a log which turned into an awkward moment when he realized eyes were watching him. Steadily, he gathered himself up, sitting on his knees. There were still some left around but they were just there; standing, bonding, socializing, or not doing anything in particular. Some stared at him and some just did not care. They acted so normal like this was what they did everyday when no challengers intruded their fortress. How did the situation develop into a scenario of a human character smack-dap into the daily life of the demon lord's minions like this? Confused, that was an understatement; one he happily swallowed whole for the benefit of not getting vaporized.

He proceeded to properly stand up, and not one paid mind... Well, except for those that still stared at him. As he got a tiny bit more comfortable, he noticed something. All the exit out of this room was occupied by at least one creature. Correction, all except one. He thought that was strange and shrugged it off as something unimportant. A quick look around the room, he spotted his magic staff, in perfect condition. He expected some behavioural changes, but none seemed alert by him taking his weapon. Did he turn miraculously into a trustworthy figure? Should he himself trust this weird change of mind? There was only one way to find out.

Daniel, still clinging to his staff, treaded carefully toward one guarded exit. A greenish brown skinned muscled brute leaned against the wall, eyes fixated on him. He shrunk under that stare. It was sharp, intense and ferocious; an intimidating combination. This might not be a good idea.

One bad step made and it leapt out of the wall, baring its fangs. Daniel jumped back, startled and readied his weapon. The musclehead was unfazed, and stood his ground. Oh god, Daniel thought, he had to ruin his luck again so what now? Another fight? Apparently not. It did not quite move from the spot, just... Threatened him. Threatened him for what? He chanced a foot in and it growled. He pulled it back and the growling stop, still showing its wonderfully monstrous set of teeth. Alright, going in was a no-no and stepping out was an OK. Message clear, Daniel backed away from the monster. His eyes studied its action, which was staring him back and leaned back against the wall.

Daniel reviewed the situation again. He was allowed to live, and lifted off the death-on-sight target status. The demon's underlings were pretty dormant as of now, but if he get too close they will bite. This theory was tested when he tried to close in on a smaller one. The bitemark was still present on his ankle. Any violent behaviour would be responded in kind. He also tested this when he tried to pry the biter off with his spell. That club, halted hair-width away from his nose, was the most frightening thing that could ever happen to a nerdy mage. As all but one way out of here boasted at least one territorial creature, there was only one option for him to choose now; the idea of initiating another fight thrown out of consideration seeing how bad it ended. And if this turned out to be a trap... Daniel reasoned that he was as good as dead the moment earlier anyway. At least he would get more time to figure out a better escape plan should the same thing happened again.

It might not be a coincidence his mind link pointed 'this way' too.

Oh, what the heck. Theodore was waiting for him.

Without further ado, he checked all his belongings and ran out of the room.

Abaalythe smiled, knowing that he would not be declined. He stroked Theodore's hair at the back of his head and pecked him on the forehead. "Good choice," he commented and hugged his partner even tighter. The hardest part has already passed and now it was fun time.

Abaalythe started with a kiss. His lips touched Theodore's and his tongue dove down. Slick and wet, Theodore felt the appendage moving about sensually. His moral defense rose up and instantly vanished like a flash when he melted in to the embrace and flicked his tongue against it. They tapped into each other, tip to tip, side to side, intertwined in a coil of mutual passion. Abaalythe moved his hands to touch both sides of Theodore's face. In turn the human hugged the liquid being under his armpit. The kiss accerelated into something wilder: lips nipped, breathe shared, heat risen. Abaalythe kept ravaging his mouth to his heart's content.

A hand slid along the flesh, Abaalythe circled a point finger around one nipple, eliciting a moan from the human. His tongue left the wet orifice and licked across that lovely cheek. "You know, you are quite a looker yourself," he whisper into Theodore's ear, "That battlehoned body spoke of nothing short of handsome." That index finger trailed along the line in the middle of that chest. "These pecs." Down to the washboard abs. "These packs." Passed the belly button straight to the eight inch erected pink circumcised cock then under. He heft Theodore's scrotum up and roll those balls in his hand "And this package"

Theodore revelled in the first sexual intercourse he had ever had. His shaft was mighty hard and super sensitive. When Abaalythe trailed up with his finger and touched his mushroom head he just lost it. He jerked and shot his load; the orange liquid surrounding them adorn with white dollops.

"Huh. We hadn't even started yet and you spent your load already? Your naivety knows no bound Theodore," Abaalythe chuckled. He saw the human panted and blushed. The first shot sent white across to his abdomen. The second shot sent it halfway. And the third just dripped down that penis. Each shot not more than half teaspoon. "And it ends too quickly too. Your sperm production's really subpar. Guess there's a reason why you didn't have the ball to oust your true self from seclusion." Theodore's pride was hurt, something Abaalythe noticed and rectified his statement, "But nothing we can't fix." He kissed Theodore lightly and the cock that supposed to go flaccid hardened again.

Abaalythe reached around and grabbed those buttcheeks. They filled his hands nicely and he started massaging it. Meanwhile he licked the other nipple he had not messed with yet. For each administration, Theodore was given more pleasure. Then it crossed his mind that he should returned the favor too so he reached out awkwardly; not sure where to put his hands since he could not really define Abaalythe's body. The orangy body saw that and proceeded to help. He stopped his tease and grabbed Theodore's hands, guiding them toward two locations.

The human felt something in his right palm - something phallic and throbbing. It took him no time to register it as Abaalythe's penis. Another was brought lower than that and put under a warm sack - the demon's scrotum. A command was heard, "Play with them." And play he did. Theodore traced the demonic phallus from the base to tip and down again. The texture was gooey, liquidy and hard, unlike the material it made of. As he trailed the underside of it, his fingertips ran across ridges and the penis jerked. He experimented on it again, producing the same result; his curiosity so childlike. His fingers stopped at the penis' head, while he could not make shape of it, he rubbed it around and Abaalythe moaned, encouraging the human to go on. Through his feelers alone, Theodore visualized the acute tapered head that reminded him of Abaalythe's weapon. Down along the ten-inch length were multiple ridges that gave him a satisfying feeling when they passed through the ring he made with his thumb and index. Its base was smooth and hairless, a little bit wider than the one-inch-and-a-half width of the rest. His left hand fondled the sack, rolling the two egg-size balls around clumsily. It was warm and sweaty, but his already submerged hand could not be more soaked.

As he focused his mind on the new plaything, he unconciously put his head down lower and closer to the invisible cock head, his mind saw it clearly as day. Abaalythe, who had been enjoying the exploration, grabbed Theodore by his hair, shoved it down and slapped his cock across the human's forehead. The opaque blurry orange tube obscured a great bit in the middle of his eyesight. Another order came from the demon, "Lick it." Theodore was more than happy to oblige.

He licked the base of the cock, where his mouth was positioned at tentatively. It tasted awesome; salty, mildly sweet, fragrant, musky. His tastebud screamed for more and he could not help himself. His tongue darted out and licked fervently. And when that was not enough, he moved his head, which was free from Abaalythe's grasp a while earlier, and covered larger surface with it. A lick up the length across those ridges stimulated his tongue and he drooled like stupid. A lick across the head provided him with a fresher flavor while a lick at the base sent a more concentrated one down his throat. Everywhere he went, he just loved it. The entirety of the shaft was coated with drool, and if it was not for the environment would drip profusely.

His tongue's adventure did not end with one beast, it went down south to encount another monster that was the sweaty balls. A new taste ravaged his bud taste again. Muskier, saltier, tangier and overall manlier. Abaalythe was the man and every other part of his body should be of the same quality. Realizing that, Theodore squeezed his hands that had been grabbing at Abaalythe's thighs for leverage. Their muscles pushed against him like solid steel. He slowly traced along the curves and lines of those muscle mounds he saw when they fought. It was like an art; how they flowed and connected to each other, how they swelled up and down and created a rhythmic sensual experience. His calves were fabulously thick and then he reached his feet. In their floating state, it was easy to explore every nook and cranny. And to make it even easier, Abaalythe bent his legs, trapping the human's head that was busy on trying out cock sucking, and rested his demonic feet on the human's palms.

Theodore felt the sole of those feet while his lips shut tight over that cock head. He licked the spearhead shape eagerly, extracting more moans from the demon. Abaalythe feet curled in and out, entangled with the roaming hands. Those wicked claws, the throbbing veins, hard and rough calluses, he felt all of them. His tongue prodded the invading prick's urethra, which started to oozed orange translucent slime out. It landed on his appendage and the flavor that he came to love blast away his tastebuds. He unclasped and clasped his hand reflexively, kneading the magnificent feet's heel like dough. He pulled back his head and see for himself the drooling pre. It was a hot sight for Theodore and he lapped the slime up like a good puppy, removing his hands to grapped at the pole and squeezed at it. Abaalythe groaned and more pre oozed out.

If seen from afar, they were slowly rotating, since Theodore pushed all his might into sucking that cock and Abaalythe only tried to stay still. But to Theodore his effort was not satisfactory as lapping prove to be ineffective at quenching his growing thirst. To fix it, he wrapped his mouth over that head; the tip rested on his tongue comfortably. The clear fluid accumulated inside and he downed big gulps after big gulps. This also became too slow for him after a while, so he decided to go deeper, to stimulate further. He pulled on the phallus and pushed himself in. He passed that first ridge, then the second and the third before it hit the back of his mouth. Several more inches were for his hands to attend to for now.

He bobbed his head up and down, going slow at first and quickening his pace as he got more familiar with it, using his hands as leverage. He sucked on it like a straw, hoping that more would get out that way. And indeed it did where before it oozed, now it flowed out like . Theodore was in glee, getting the salty syrupy treat as much as he wanted now. It pooled in his mouth, and was constantly gulped down with lewd abandon. Abaalythe was happy to see that.

The demon grinned wide. Theodore was such an eager child when it came to sex and he was like a father teaching his son how to do things. Figuratively speaking, it's true. He was his successor now and as a predecessor he would pass all that he know down. And the first thing he needed to learn was how to perform a blowjob like a man. Abaalythe grabbed the man by his hair. The man in question shot a glance upward, curious to know what the demon intended to do.

He then pulled on strands of hair lightly, forcing the human to lean back and expose his proud demonhood. He pulled until all except his cock head was visible, and slowly pushed back in. He hit the back of Theodore's mouth at three ridges deep, pulled out again, adjusted his position a little and thrusted in, this time it ran past the three ridges mark.

The gagging reflex initiated; the learning human squirmed.

"Shh," Abaalythe consoled, "It'll be fine. Trust me." Theodore eyed him pleadingly and stilled his movement. He was still gagging though. "There, I'll stop here. Take your time to get used to it." Theodore was not sure if he could handle the offending organ. It was a natural reflex here. Did not know what to do, he whimpered. "Just try, ok? Will that gagging down. Suppress it."

He tried doing as told. It was as hard as solving a magic equation but he managed. He successfully suppressed his reflex, and just then Abaalythe backed out and pushed his penis in even deeper. He gagged again.

"Good boy. Now try and suppress this." He petted his head and locked eyes, filled to the brim with love and care. "I know you can do it." Encouraged, Theodore endured another session and when he passed, Abaalythe gave him a harder excercise to do. This was a training. He was learning how to get all the tasty pole into his throat. Knowing what he should be doing now, Theodore set things at his own pace and dipped his head in until his nose was flat against his demon escort's crotch. Abaalythe gasped, the sudden eagerness and the squeezing, virgin throat brought him so much pleasure.

He was going to retch. It was tormenting and it hurt. A drop of tear leaked out of his squinted eye. His throat burned and warned him to get the intruder out with dry hurking sound and upward surges. But that all passed when he finally suppressed all the natural reflex. He did it. He deepthroated Abaalythe's cock! He would sigh if that was possible.

However, he began to miss the delicious pre. So he pulled it out until he tasted that liquid again. Surprisingly, it came out in larger amount. Concluded that it was the effect of deepthroating, he shoved it in all on his own, surpassing the vaning gag barrier and let the penis be hugged by his throat muscles. He heard another gasp and moan, this must feel really great and he was right. When he pulled it back he was greeted with more pre. So, the human worked between plunging hilt deep and lapping that head, creating a rhythmic bobbing that made the demon's tongue hung limbly out of its home.

Abaalythe was tempted to fuck that lovely throat until he cummed but then an idea hit him. Theodore was pretty serious about sucking him dry. He had been drinking non stop for ten or more minutes and still going at it. The human's body was filled with the concoction, that six packs were already less defined from all the slime accumulating inside his stomach. While he had an unlimited source for his pre, and he was enjoying a time of his life, it was not enough for an occasion like this - a grand coronation ceremony. It needed to be more special, more sensual, something that would engrave the whole experience into his successor's soul.

With a groan of protest from below, Abaalythe pulled his shaft free from the wet embrace. Theodore, desperate to get his little pacifier back into his needy mouth, thrashed around to swim his way to the glossy orange dick, which was stopped short when Abaalythe placed a hand on his forehead.

"I swear you are acting younger and younger," the demon commented, "I don't mind it. Just don't cry on me like a baby."

Theodore whined.

Abaalythe flicked the big baby's forehead; an 'ouch' escaped his mouth. "Told ya," he said that and laughed, "Now be a good boy and turned around for me?" The intention was clear; he was going to fuck him in the ass. The prospect brought a new life to the human's cock and he, as quickly as wading in the thick liquid could be, rolled over one hundred and eighty degree. The human virgin ass rotated down into Abaalythe's line of sight and he grabbed it. Them cheeks soft for a warrior like him, very squeezable. The demon parted them away to reveal a small hole, no larger than a thump wide. He thanked gods, whether they were real or not, that he can work magic with this too small a hole. Or it would get pretty tedious trying to break it in.

He knew the hole was well lubed by now, the slime surrounding them provided more than enough, but he still wanted to taste that pucker. He buried his face under those cheeks and licked, startling Theodore with a new sensation. Licks came to prods and he slipped his tongue in. The demon could already tasted a particular kind of flavor already - the flavor of change and corruption, brought forth by the powerful concoction they were submerging in, and what his whole body currently comprised of. No wonder why he acted so differently.

Theodore was nervous. He had never imagined himself being a bottom before; his fantasies only involved him and his crush being close together. Oh yes, he fell in love with someone. And he wished he could make love to him the way he was going to recieve in the rear. After a few pleasurable licks, Theodore felt that face backed away. He was turned around sideway, his rump and back properly presented before his love-maker, and pressed down to align with the leaking member.

Abaalythe went slow, something he had never done before. His tip poked at the opening, slick and wet, and it tensed around the cock head. He slipped more in gradually, making sure Theodore could adapt with being penetrated. The human moaned and again. This was the first time anything went up his ass and so far it was heavenly. Gentle waves of pleasure washed over him constantly as Abaalythe pushed in, and so did the demon as ridges sunk into the tight rectum; the way it hugged his pride was unlike any loose holes he had had for the past few years. In no time, those cheeks reached his crotch, cock hilt deep inside his human. He paused for a bit to observe Theodore's reactions. The moans, the muscle flexes, the squeezes, they all indicated the joy the human had, so he proceeded to the next agenda; pulling out.

At the same pace as before, he slid his penis out. Both of them gasped as the ridges scraped the slick wall and out passed that tight ring again. Theodore's penis started to drool its own precum, water-clear. He panted like a dog, and he realized, he was being mounted like a dog too. Kinky. He liked it. And to further concrete this act, he let his tongue hang low, more fluid around him flowing into his mouth. Abaalythe slipped it almost all the way out, leaving only his head inside and pushed in again. In. Out. In. Out. He created a casual rhythm that his partner could follow and dance along. Theodore adapted fast and learned to tighten his pucker at the right time to produce positive reactions such as grunting voices, a jerking dick, and bursting pre.

Over time, the pace quicken, weight being put into use too. Every thrust propelled him forward slightly. And one such thrust made Theodore's senses snapped. His eyes clouded with white flash and he could not project any sound, paralyzed from intense pleasure. It turned out that abaalythe had altered his angle around and hit a certain spot hard. "Strike home, huh? That's your prostate, the most pleasurable spot inside your butt. Get used to me rubbing it often though," he explained the brand new phenomenon through pants and did exactly what he had warned. This time Theodore managed to blow out a breathy silent scream of ecstasy, his penis squirted out more precum, a little opaque from whiteness.

Abaalythe was relentless. When he pistoned in, he made sure to at least touched the human's prostate; a lewd wet sound of one flesh clashing into another accompanied a complete insertion. And when he yanked out, his wavy ridges stimulated the tight bowel to no end. Theodore grunted and moaned like a bitch, and, in spite of the already intense fucking, he wanted to increase the intensity, to piston himself to and fro too and slammed into that dick hard. The environment did not allow such act and he sent out a little whimper of distress. Abaalythe caught on.

The demon spun the human around his shaft and brought him into a hug, fucking all the while. They exchanged tongues and saliva like a mad couple that only accelerated the tempo at which they went. And with a leverage, Theodore bounced up and down adding to the force and friction behind every thrusts; the vein on his penis bulged dangerously like it could pop in any minute. He would not last longer, balls contracted, flood gate opened and he let loose his second orgasm of the day. And then something totally unexpected happened.

Abaalyhthe blocked the urethra with his finger. The contact only made him cum more but the flow of sperm stopped dead at the barricade. His ecstatic shout died in his throat. Theodore looked into the demon's eyes and they were filled with mirth before his own receded out of sight. His lips stuttered in silence. His manhood bloated with cum and more was accumulating inside his testicles which Theodore could not register anymore; his mind went on a vacation in the pleasure overload paradise.

The pleasure drunken human was an absolute turn-on for the demon. The feat which was blocking orgasm done easily by creating a cork from pressurized goo and pressed on it. The slime that had already invaded the human's system should take care of the pain and physical alteration needed so there was no need to worry; he can feast on this yummy sight until he cummed which should not be long. And the reason for that was because the semi-concious human kept concracting his pucker with every orgasm he made. Damn, that was his tenth. The goo had fixed those manhood problems, apparently. The eleventh caught his shaft in the head and it spurted a really big one. The twelfth hugged his whole dong nicely when he was pulling out and squeezed another large chunk from him. The thirteenth and his self control fell apart. Abaalythe roared like a beast he was and cummed huge blasts of orange goo into the human's intestine, each so large it could filled a dinner plate. The finger that had been clogging the human's cock slipped off. It was a sight to behold; like a white comet drawing a line in a clear orange sky, a single continuous stream of semen cut through the viscous liquid with otherworldly strength, speed, and volume.

Abaalythe came again and again; five, ten, twelve, the number going up. They filled the human's stomach in quite no time, but still Abaalythe came. Without anywhere to go they backfired on him. His body absorbed the cum and slime all around them to fuel more cumshots. He keep injecting the fluid and it started to show when Theodore's defined abs was gone and replaced with a growing belly. They also went to other places, making several parts on Theodore's firm body bloated and sagged: his chest developing man boobs, his neck lost under the dropping chin, his belly stacked, his thighs forced apart from collective cum. The fit Theodore was hidden under the fat-like gooey cum layer; one would think he had been a lazy slob for his whole life. His weight went from ninety kilograms to three hundred in a jiffy and still rising at a decreasing rate; Abaalythe's flow slowing down.

He came back from the sexual high with a sigh. Abaalythe inspected his creation. While slob was not his spec, he knew the three hundred and forty-ish kilogram titan would drasticly change, but into what he did not know. That was up to Theodore's desire. Theodore was the one in charge now. His duty had ended... Almost. There was one more thing to do.

"Oh my successor, my child, my Theodore," he called out to the still outcold man. Even if he was unheard, the words would engrave directly onto his mind. "I am so glad to have you. Not only you have fulfilled our destiny, you have brought with you hope. A hope I've lost far too long. And furthermore, you brought love. This pool of potion was capable of changing anyone it desires, providing them with power, and enchancing to the point of twisting your desire to the extreme. In turn, the potion evolves through the desire it has entangled with. Theodore, you have no idea what you have done and what you can achieve. You even changed me into a caring person, a feat in itself.

"Your body will transform, your mind will corrupt. Your desire is the core of your being now. A naive human named Theodore is no more and in its place is a being of power, a driven creature that can rule over all. I, Abaalythe the Terror, hereby annouce you as Xenxal the Innocent, my rightful successor."

The demon gave the sleeping beast's forehead a kiss, almost like telling him goodnight. After all had been said and done, his fluid body started to dissolve. He chuckled, scruffing the blonde hair on that head. "Look at you. Making me say something so cheesy. Hah... Too bad I didn't get to see your world, but I will always be here to give you more advices. Or more fucks if you want." His head barely clung together.

"Until then, goodbye."

There was no activity or anything at all in the throne room. It was quiet with random 'blorbs' and 'sloshes' coming from the occasionally bubbling fake lava. Evidences from the epic fight earlier remained: burned spots, dentures, cracks, cuts and blood stains. Though all of them were shown on the higher floor of the stone platform. To the side of the cliff, there was a stairway that led to the lower floor, which was extremely hot due to being close to the same altitude as the steaming goo.

The arguably calm surface of the pool broke with a pudgy hand, followed by a head and the other hand emerging from down under. The figure came out, puked the same orange slime into its pool and gasped loudly for air. It waded its way toward the shore and climbed out onto solid ground, crawling on its four and collapsed face up three steps in; its belly bloated and jiggling. The being that used to be called Theodore inhaled deeply, his body dripping with slime.

When he had come to his senses, he was alone. Although invisible and unreachable, he knew in his heart that Abaalythe still lived on, as part of the potion that filled him and flooded the lower part of this room. The potion... He did feel power emanating from it when he concentrated - immense power no less. Xenxal reminisced on what he had been told. He agreed to be the demon's successor. Did that mean he was a demon now? Some part of his mind instantly screamed no and he agreed. For him a demon was pure evil, but he had no plan to eradicate society or destroy the whole planet. In that sense, he was not a demon.

He did have a plan though. He threw his human self away to obtain a mean to his dream, whether this was pre-destined or not did not matter. And he was going to execute it, when he was able to walk properly. Abaalythe said he would change but nothing seemed to happen so he lay there expectantly. His mind drifted back to the idea of power. What about Maegiaus, his old source of strength? From the way it looked, he might not be able to wield it again. He had to try that later.

Then this newfound one, after he had done with his plan, what was next? Live happily ever after with his loved one, not a care in the world? No. He was not a nobody anymore. He was somebody with a way to change the world. And he would not sit on his butt when he could go out and improve society. He could visualize it, him patroling Enyphilim as a peacekeeper, him putting down the bads and the corrupts and bringing them to justice, him curing the ills and feeding the poors, him helping the villains turning over a new leaf, reforming their mindset, aligning them with the peaceful society he was going to create, transforming their body so they suited his ideals... Corrupting them for the better... Introducing them to the true peace and happiness that could only came from love and lust. Yes... Only he could show the world. This will be his second agenda.

Xenxal loved this idea so much it was shown on his erection. He instinctively grabbed and stroked it as he imagined the world full of people making love to each other, everyone was happy and at peace. The sensitive flesh was squishy in his hand, engorged with orange goo. He moaned and the image in his mind changed into a hectic orgy, strangely everyone possesed a male genitalia. His cock leaked pre and using that as a lube he picked up the pace. The higher his horniness, the weirder his imagination. At one point all female citizens became men completely. Then someone grew a second phallus, many took after him or grew multiple sets of man meat. The real world counterpart spurted precum like spring water, pooling on his lap and fell down to the ground. The imaginative orgy was out of this world, no one resembled a normal human anymore, bestial features the likes of horns, muzzles, fangs and claws were presented in every perpetrator. Some started to merge into one another or turning their sexual partner into a part of themselves. Some relegated to use their new appendages to pleasure a single figure amidst all this orgy which was Xenxal himself. More pre squirted from that sight alone but when he saw who it was that got a special spot in his lap he just lost it.

A changing human with a distinct red hair. A frail, pale-skinned male that spoke of lack of outdoor activities. A mage he could identify anywhere in the crowded. His friend and above all 'his crush.'


And he was fucking him raw.

He cummed at what he considered to be the hottest sight he had ever seen. Much like in the concoction, his semen jetted upward in a thick line. At the zenith of their ascension, it broke apart and rained down upon his twitching body. He came inside his imaginary Daniel and the man screamed, transforming rapidly, changing from a meager human into a sexy beast with big engorged manhood, reaching climax too. He opened his mouth to catch the shooting sperm and it was the next best thing since the orange potion. Xenxal's ejaculation intensified, each eruption scored thicker and higher and seemed like they took mass out of him. His goo-fille body looked like it was deflating but in fact it was contracting. His wobbly soft flesh turned into steel hard muscles, more defined than ever. His chin retracted, sagging skin reverted, boobs and tires that formed belly disappeared and revealed an impressive set of pecs and abs as 'fat' went out of his system.

The image of him in his head changed from a slob to a muscle stud too. He thrusted feverishly; semen splashed out soaking their lower body and every immediate surrounding people as they worshipped his godly proportion. One licked his biceps, two ravaged the mountains he called chest, several more cleaned the white cream off of him and Daniel, and one careesed his growing scrotum. Despite the twenty-ish shot he had blasted, his scrotum only get bigger. The sack hung lower and the balls enlarged, first they were grape size, then golf ball, then orange. They grew at an alarming rate and so did his monster dong, forteen inches along and four inches across. His foreskin reformed and hugged the head delightfully.

The growing effect spread outward from his groin, down his ballooning thighs and up his eight packs. Muscles inflated and flexed bigger then inflated again only to flexed to be even bigger. The ripples of change course through him and he was in high heaven. He lost counted of his cumshot at around thirty-six, which was five minutes ago. Under the white viscous coating of his cum, his skin started to change its coloration. His slight tan darken, the brown tinge washed away and he was left with a dark grey skin. The change ripple reached his head now and he howled. The first transformations were in his mouth; fangs grew sharp and sinister, his tongue longer and more flexible. His face shape squared out, his lower jaws more pronouced. The flowing neck-long hair on his head bleached and he was left with completely white hair. His sideburns also grew to reach that angular corner his jaws made, while the front of his face remained clean. His forehead stung for a bit and then went numb. A small protrusion formed in the middle and then broke through the skin; a red fleshy horn in a shape that would strike anyone as a phallus grew straight up each time the wave of orgasm hit, which started to die out. He bucked up once, his horn grew an inch; twice, the fountain of cum merely a spurt; thrice, his horn ended in a pointy mushroom head, five inches in total, and cum trickled pathetically to join with the pool of white all over and around him. The whole process of transformation lasted an hour and as he had watched his ethereal self from a distance and simultaneously felt in his tangible body, every detail was a supernatural experience.

From head to toe, there were nothing but a mass covered in man juice. An offending red cock horn poked out, though it was there just for show and stimulation but not for reproduction. Xenxal's face showed exhaustion and contained intimidating bestial features: pointed ears, big jaws filled with scary set of teeth, crimson slitted eyes that were clouded with white mist and still shone with an otherworldly glow. His hands and feet were larger and equipped with deadly claws. His body was like a muscle god. Every muscle was thick and enormous and still maintained a somewhat natural proportion to the body. He thought he gained a couple feet in height and girth too. His cock an overwhelming long and fat black monster, a foot and a half long and eight inches wide, complete with a set of low-hanging bowling-ball-size testicles. Overall, it was something Xenxal find sexy, manly and cute; a man of all man that cannot be resisted. Any free or occupied cocks were his and any orifices opened, he would claim.

And he wanted to claim Daniel's so bad.

But for now, he needed to rest and catch up with his breath.

After a long run, which degenarated into a walk, Daniel finally reached the same room he had been in with Theodore before that trap sprang. He looked around and spotted the hidden route that Theodore must have taken. The mage braced himself; he was taking such a long time to catch up that it was unlikely that the match between Abaalythe and Theodore had not finished. But, whether it was or not, he would better be ready, though walking in to find his friend died....

He shook the bothersome thought away. His luck was already bad as it was and jinxing would not improve anything. After all, his mind link was still intact so at least his friend was alive, and his help must be needed. Resolute, Daniel took a deep breath and continued along. He spent another ten minutes inside a long corridor until an orange glow from an open door was seen. He picked up the pace, wishing for the best. Alas, his wish was for naught when all that greeted him was... Nothing.

The throne room was empty, unless you count the remnants of a battle as being something. They were everywhere: shallow grooves like something was dragged along the ground, a really long cut that was half as long as the platform he was standing, a crazy enormous indentation that looked it was carved in repeatedly, an even bigger burning circle of dark fire that looked like it was going to dissipate soon, a pool of black blood and a trail leading away made of dollops of the same material, a broken chest part of Theodore's armor....

A broken chest part of Theodore's armor!

Daniel jumped and bound to it. It was burnt, and fragile. The moment he touched it crumbled, and so did his heart. He shot his head up, eyes searched frantically for any signs of his friend being alive, while his mouth kept repeating 'Oh god, please let him be alright.' Seeing naught but random debris, he finally shouted, "Theodore!"

Silence... For a short period.

"I'm here," came an answer.

Daniel smiled and sighed out of relieve. The sound came from the direction that his mind link pointed to. Stupid him. Of course Theodore would be at the end of this line. To justify himself, the color of mind link was almost the same as the glow this place gave off so it blended with the background. The link pointed downward and he noticed what he assumed to be a stairway at the very edge. The lower ground was dangerously close to the hot liquid that he sweat profusely just being there. His garments soaked, but he paid no concern to them. Theodore was a priority. Daniel made a turn at the corner and the scenery in front of him took some of his life span away; a dark grey behemoth lying and covered in white liquid. Its thickness was half his height. Wicked claws adorned the end of its extremities. Abaalythe! Grabbing his staff he called out again, "Theodore, where are you!"

The mysterious mass squirmed and he readied his spell, taking a lungful of breath and gagged. The air around here stank! Like accumulated sweat or something nastier. The smell penetrated into his brain and his eyes watered.

"Here." The same answer came from the thing before him and that confused him. "Under this... dead titan..." But not for long. His link also confirmed the approximate area his friend should be.

Daniel was so happy but another inhale brought him to a coughing fit. "Cough. Theodore, thank god! Couch. Cough. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little clumsy and messy. Killed the damn thing and h-- it fell on top of me. I'm so wasted I can't even push hi-- it off of me... I think it's starting to rot away or something too, this white slime just keep spewing out of its wounds." That summed the situation up for Daniel pretty well. While the idea of his friend being soaked with slime was disgusting, he had to offer a hand.

"Here. Lemme help you." As Daniel got closer, the worse the smell became and he was steps away from the source. Imagining what it would smell like in Theodore's place made him cringed. He circled around the giant demon looking for some leeway. Alas, there was no way to approach without getting some stain so he manned up, held his breath and marched in, hoping to make it quick.

Quick it did - the sequence of actions afterward.

First, Daniel's scream was that of a girl when the 'dead' demon grabbed him. Then, he was hugged and pulled down to lay on the gooey beast's chest, a huge tube of sort got sandwich in-between. Next, his face was aligned with the demon's. Lastly, lips smacked into lips as he was forced to swap saliva with the abomination.

His luck was something else.

Daniel tried to scream through his gritted teeth, a barrier against the ravaging tongue hoping to gain access. His effort to squirm his way out was futile under the strong embrace, but prove to be effective at soiling his cloak. It soaked through and through; the warm wetness penetrated into his skin and he shuddered. The arms on his back changed position, one move to wrapped around his head and pressed him even tighter for the kiss, another ventured down and caressed his rump. The smell strong and offensive, he tried hard not to inhale and did anyway. This was humiliating and degrading and tormenting. He found no more evil way to make less of a human than this. If he could get out he would....

"Waaah!" he cried, eyes poking out almost comically. He was prodded in the waist and he was very ticklish! In that moment slip the tongue shot in. Dripped with the gooey stuff, it filled his mouth and more. He involuntarily tasted it and it was musky, smelly, salty, slimy, warm, disgusting, downright horrible. He wanted to puke but he was prodded again. He wanted to bite that tongue off but the ultimate intercept called prodding stopped him yet again. In the midst of it all, he had ingested all the bad viscous fluid in his mouth and was left with equally repulsive saliva. He endured all the torment and finally the demon decided to back off. The first thing he did was spitting, trying to get rid of the experience in vain. He shot a glare at the demon and it just grinned like an idiot.

"Let go of me," he took a shot at being intimidating.

"Never. I will never let go of you again." Though deeper, he was able to identify the voice as Theodore's. But... That cannot be....

"Theodore?" the human with furrowed brows asked.

"Please call me Xenxal." That voice certainly flew out of that wicked mouth. Daniel could not believe his ears.

"You are... Theodore..." He was given a nod as a response and that just made his eyes wide. "Wha... What happened to you?"

"Well, long story short, Abaalythe gave me a new perspective at the world, my love." Daniel's hair stood on end. Did his friend just call him love?

"A new perspective?"

"I finally see how to create the ideal world I kept telling you about, Danny." God, his nickname. This was Theodore, no doubt about it. "Abaalythe showed me and I have been reborned for that sake. I have surpassed the limitation of human that has been eating away at my soul. Now I can do whatever I want." The demon that used to be his human childhood friend leaned close for a nuzzle. Daniel headbutted the approaching male away... Was that a penis growing on his forehead? Eww. The fearsome, sexually offending beast muttered an ouch. He had to admit, the way he did it was full of adolescence, contrary to his present image.

"No. This is not you, Theo." He heard and ignored a little protest of, 'It's Xenxal.' "Can't you see? You aren't supposed to do this. You are not this kind of person. Abaalythe must have done something with you... We can fix this, buddy!" he tried his best to persuade his friend, but, it was in vain.

"I admit I come out not exactly the same, but I assured you this is what I've desired my entire life," he closed in, dodging another headbutt and licked the soaked cheek. Daniel cringed. "Especially you. I've wanted you all this time...," his eyes glazed over. Daniel caught a spark in there and he was mesmerized, drawn into the swirling white smoke inside the red pool. "I really don't wanna trample with your mind, Danny. I only hope that you could come to love me as the way you are.

"Would you accept my love?"

'No!' his mind screamed, but Daniel found himself stuttering. The word lost, and so did his breathing. His face paled and he was suffocating, still he could not take his eyes off. Something had gone wrong, Xenxal noticed; he immediately broke the spell. The human's eyelids snapped shut and he gasped for oxygen.

"Sorry for that. I'm not familiar with my power yet," he made it sound like it was nothing big, but Daniel begged to differ.

He shook the black corners out of his vision, more frightened than ever. "What magic... Is this...? No, you are not Theodore any more. You're a demon. An abomination. Evil incarnate!" If the words were not hurtful enough, the look Daniel gave him sealed the deal. Xenxal was hurted than ever before, not only at the aspect of being rejected but to see such a hateful stare. It tore his heart apart.

"Get away from me!"

Tear trickled out of Xenxal's eyes and whatever protest Daniel brewed melted away at the sight. Everything about this situation sent the wrong signals into his brain, which failed to comprehend anything. And before he knew it, the dark gray face overlapped the human he knew completely. "I'm... I'm sorry, Theo. I-- I didn't mean it." He could not help comforting the emotional beast.

"Xenxal." A response that evoked some processing but Daniel got it.

"Xenxal," Daniel corrected himself, "It's just... You've changed so much. And that confession. You just barged all of them into my head and I didn't know what to do." A reasonable excuse. Xenxal felt a little better.

"It's alright. I don't blame you." He hugged even tighter, rocking left and right slowly and Daniel could not help but feel awkward with male to male intimacy.

They were there, silently lying around. One was content and one was at a loss for word. After a long while, the latter spoke, "So.. Are you? I mean, the accusations I've made. Were them true? Are you an evil being now?"

Daniel hoped that did not irritate Th-- Xenxal's sensitive mood, and indeed it was not when the corner of his lips lifted. "Not at all. I'm still the best friend you've ever got. My intentions mostly the same, but now I have something to back up my decision. An ultimate power. Look, I can even do this." He parted one hand and pointed a finger at the lava pool. The spot he pointed at bubbled. Then he flicked his finger upward and draw a circle; a stream of lava followed his gestures and swirled around itself until a ball of lava formed. Finger bent, the ball floated unto and aloft his palm. "Isn't this amazing?"

Daniel gulped as he watched the ball spin with awe. It was indeed amazing, but he could not help but felt... Scared. "What do you intend to do with that power?" Xenxal had a gleam in his eyes that hinted at malevolence.

"Oh, you're gonna find out for yourself."

Daniel was not prepare for the assault of the charming spell. The red slitted eyes were deep and his gaze sunk into them as his body went stiff. Xenxal made sure he used the sufficient level of intensity this time. Daniel was left with some thoughts, and all of them demanded for an explanation. Xenxal seemed to sense his confusion.

"I'm no evil, that's correct." He smirked. "But I'm a sinister being with a purpose now. And you gonna help me realize it too." Xenxal snapped with his free hand, and the clothes was yanked away by invisible force. The naked human body glistened with perspiration and semen. It was such a turn on for Xenxal and he tipped his head into the cleavance between Daniel's neck and shoulder. He took in his friend's scent and it was gorgeous: fragrance and spicy. Ah, and a little bit of corruption. "I see that the seed I've planted has sprouted. Talk about time." He beamed, showing a row of wicked teeth. Daniel cried, his friend was really far beyond redemption. Xenxal tried to ignore that the best he could, and presented the ball of - the human have finally noticed that it was not lava - orange slime. He snapped again and the other's jaws hung low. The human silently screeched, having an idea what was going to happen. "Let's speed things up, shall we?" And he dropped the ball in. Snap, shut. Snap, gulp. Snap, he released the man from the spell.

Daniel was on the way to puke the slime ball out when he felt something odd. The inner flesh where it touched with the goopy trail tingled. His stomach felt warm, then hot, then scorching as the tempurature inside rose. He sweated even more, adding to the white pool under. His face contorted with pain, but that was remedied when Xenxal stuck his tongue in and kissed the man again. To Daniel's surprise, he was not repulsed by the activity. He even returned the kiss with abandon, his hands grabbing his friend's face for better administration.

To Xenxal, his friend's body odor got better and better. More bestial, more musky while retaining that fragrant quality. He smelled like a good cologne and he bet his scent alone could entrap any individual into a lured state. He pulled away from the kiss, strings of saliva connected their lips. He smiled, but Daniel seemed like he hesitated to do so, even if the poking arousal showed how much he enjoyed it.

"Do you like it?"

"It's... Not bad, I guess." The warmth in Daniel's stomach spread out to other parts of his body.

"What about me; do you like me?"

Daniel paused for a briefest nanosecond and then replied, "Yes, I do." The warmth reached the tips of his finger and toe, riding up on his neck.

"Do you love me?"

His head felt warm, the orange goo that coursed through his blood vessel reached his brain, flooding it with images of Xenxal and him in compromising poses. Daniel panted, his face as red as a tomato. "I--" He stopped in time, almost said something he might regret. It was frightening, the monster his friend had become. He had the power of magic and now he had the power of seduction? What did he want anyways, trying to win him over with that sexy bod-- No. Stop thinking about that. Hot piece of man meat. No!

Daniel argued with his head, the idea of Thedo.. Xen.. Th.. He could not think straight. More images ravaged his mind to his chagrin and his defense against the mental assaults was dwindling. He was fighting a losing battle, though he did not know what would happen after he lost. He looked into those hardly human eyes, pleading for mercy. A pang of sadness glimmered but none of guilt. There were no ways out of it.

"It will be faster if you embrace the change," came a caring reply but Daniel was long gone. He panted more and could not stop from touching Xenxal. He dragged his finger along the valley the mound of pecs created, feeling every head of muscle and collecting the remaining cum. He took it into his mouth; the flavor so pleasant he had to get more but there was none left on the chest so he looked up. Soaked with seed was Xenxal's entire head, but his gaze fell upon the red cock-shape protrusion. It was mouth-watering and when he knew it he had already reached for it. He grasped the whole length and Xenxal moaned; it was as sensitive as the anaconda between his groin which were dripping precum. Daniel curiously stroked the horn up and down, and bolts of pleasure went straight into its owner's cock, hard in an instant. New to the sensitive organ, Xenxal tried to pry the hand away so that he would not waste the load he had prepared for his love, but in the process of yanking it off, it touched with the underside of the spearhead. He muttered his roar as his pre was muddled with white, finally getting the curious hand off.

"Naughty you!" He scolded Daniel with mock frustration. The culprit just giggled, and that was cute. "Come here," he said with a playful growl and pulled him in for another kiss, even wilder and hotter. The conjoined hands sensually parted; the fingers interlaced one another and they closed the gap, holding each other hand in hand. To Xenxal, it was a dazzling moment that lasted forever. The kiss ended quicker than before; the foreplay was finally over and it was time to fuck.

Daniel felt something moving under his body and he looked down; a semen-covered one eye black python hiding between grey and pink met him. He greeted it with a lick to his lips and it jerked back in response. The long and fat little demon was so irresistible that he had to give it a lick too. He was very enthusiastic about it that Xenxal had to stopped him from bending down and instead tucked his head into his armpit, where Daniel washed his face with sweat and cum, slurping every bodily fluid there was; the manly stink not bothering him anymore.

Xenxal hurried with the insertion. He moved his hand to support the human's legs and pulled them in. Daniel bent to the applied force, head still, and the hefty black sausage dipped in white sauce flopped out free. Xenxal took aim and carefully dropped the man down, his foreskin-half-covered cock head touched the ass crack and pushed its way in without much effort. Daniel did not even flinch, too high on musk to notice anything. Inch after inch it sunk in until he was fully inserted. The feeling of something other than his hands wrapping around his shaft was overwhelming. It was so tight he could never imagined it and his mind flooded with pleasure, at the very peak of his limit. But he had to endure for a little more.

He slowly pulled out all the way, the tugging feeling the tight bowel provided invited him to plunge in again so he did. His pushed in forcefully, flicking Daniel's prostate hard and the human moaned, finally realized what was happening down below. His first anal sex was overwhelming for him too and his cock leaked uncontrollably and without thinking he clenched his ass; an act that pushed Xenxal over the edge. His dam broke, the fountain of seed rushed through intestine to fill Daniel's stomach. The sudden intrusion of hot liquid sent the bottom to heaven too as he orgasmed, shooting semen across their belly.

Daniel's orgasm ended after a few shots, but Xenxal kept cumming, injecting his love full of transformation-inducing sperms. They started their job at once and wiggled their way to merge with any flesh they touched, but most of them were still a little dormant. Daniel's belly bloated with cum. He had never been this full before and he had not eaten a thing. When his stomach felt like it ran out of space, it just expanded to accommodate for more, and more Xenxal pumped. It must be his thirtieth shot by now.

After forty one streams of cock milk, he at last stopped. Xenxal panted, reveled in post orgasmic high. Daniel's body was not as rounded as he had been, but that was for the better. He weakly hugged the satisfied human, who hugged him affectionately in return, and fell asleep. Daniel, spent too, drifted off to slumber land on top of the meat and muscle bed.

When Xenxal opened his eyes, a portion of his dream was fulfilled; he woke up to see the man he loved the most lying beside... Correction, lying with his dick lodged inside. His smiling face was angelic, and his eyes were shinier than ever. Those lips made their way to his cheek, and Xenxal blushed.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," Daniel responsed, "We need to talk."

Xenxal's paradise shattered in an instant. He did not know what would be discussed but it did not sound good to him. "Um, sure. About what?"

"About what you have done to me." His eyes turned serious. "You're a deep sleeper so I've got plenty of time to reflect on myself and I've come to understand many things. You kept most of my mind intact and just messed with my libido and orientation, right?"

Xenxal nodded, that was all he had done in a nutshell. "I just wanted you to be able to love me. What's the point if I have to force it and pretend that you actually love me." His voice carried the sadness and loneliness that resided in his heart. This was it, he guessed. This was as far as his fantasy can go.

Daniel caressed the gray man's chin, his face so gentle. "Heh. You are really sweet. I guess that's why I love you."

Xenxal had not raised his hope high, seeing his reactions before, so when he heard it he can hardly contain the shock. He simply can not believe it; his eyes wide, his mouth agape. His mind overloaded and shut itself down for a couple minutes before it restarted, stuttering out an inquiry, "R-- Really?"

"Really. Now that I know how to love a man, I can't stop thinking about you." Daniel clutched at his heart, emphasizing the point he had made. "Can't believe you've been keeping this feeling down the entire time." A loving nuzzle was given to Xenxal before he said, "But I guess we've got plenty of time to make up for that." A hug was given to demonstrate what he meant, and he was hugged back by his newfound lover. He was happy. Xenxal was happy. This was the right place for him to be, and the right person for him to love. Life couldn't be any more perfect, both pondered, as they rocked back and forth steadily. Wet squishes echoed throughout the spacious room.

Daniel broke the silence with a question, "Should I have a new name?"

Xenxal considered that for a second. "Well, should you?"

Daniel was thinking about lecturing the man that answering a question with a question was not polite, but he guessed Xenxal wanted it to be his decision. Somehow, this made him feel like they were equal. No one was higher than the other in this relationship. A conciderate lover he made. "I'd love to have you name me," was his decision.

Xenxal grabbed his chin, deep in thought. "Hmmm.. How about Negus then?"

"Negus... I like it." Whatever the man said, he would accept anyways. Xenxal was the owner of his life and in turn he was his. What was the right word? Ah. Mate. They were mates now. He took stock of his mate, a handsome creature with sexy musculature. After a slurp of his drool, he observed himself too. Despite the wobbly belly, nothing really changed about him. This bugged him if not a lot. "When do I get my full transformation?" Desperation filled his voice.

Xenxal grinned mischievously. "It should be any moment now."

Right on que, Dan-- Negus moaned. Heat poured out of his stomach, not unlike when he had ingested the lava ball, and he sweated profusely. That cologne-like smell hit Xenxal's nose again and that was when he took notice of the changes. His mate's belly had already receded and in its place was a set of abdominal muscle hills. He counted six in total, the seventh and eighth forming below that. He groped that chest, the developing pecs were heavy and dense; those nipples stood erect, bobbing with gravity. A drop of sweat rolling off of it making the scenario seemed like he was lactating.

There was an itch in the center of the ballooning chest - an itch that was irresistible to scratch, but Xenxal took care of that. Since he saw something sprouting around there, Xenxal used a hand to rub the area around. The distinct feeling under his palm was definitely hair. Red hair, very similar to the one on his head but a little thicker was growing on his chest. And not only that, it was also growing on his arms and his ever growing muscled stomach. Even his frail mage face was growing sideburns, a mustache and a beard. The very short patch of facial hair connected to each other and gave Xenxal what to be expected of it.

Negus only felt the power coursing through his vein, and wherever it went, Xenxal would spot the changes. His biceps and triceps swelled like balloons - balloons of muscle. They also moved outward as the chest grew to eat up the space. It would obstruct Negus' movements before long but the change has already covered that; the highly defined shoulders expanded with the broadening neck.. A loud creeking was heard as his bones rearranged and grew to be able to support a bigger proportion. His fingers were twice as big as before and so did his entire hands including wrists. Negus clenched and unclenched those knuckles; thick veins and tendons bulged outward everytime he clenched too hard.

Similar to the upper body changes, his thighs were forced apart from the larger muscles too. They were the size of a tree trunk, his knees forever unable to touch each other unbend. His calves bulged out the same and ended with gigantic feet. Between those limbs was a behemoth. Negus felt like he went from being fully hard, to half limb, and hard again. A cycle that Xenxal saw as the growth of penis. It stretched longer and wider; his pant came out louder and hotter. Not to be left out, his scrotum swell, broke the thighs apart even more, the balls churning with cum, ready to shoot big loads at any moment. His whole member even bigger than Xenxal's: watermelon testicles, a two feet long and ten inches across proud dripping manhood.

Negus' face twisted in bliss. The transformation truly felt amazing and not to mention the cock inside his anus that was hardening from just seeing him transform. He could felt the vein on that cock throbbed against his inner wall, a constant beating that synchronized with his heartbeat; a prove of their connection other than the mindlink that he had entirely forgotten about. An idea hit him and he opened the communication link again, proving that he still retained his magic abilities despite his body indicated otherwise. Sexy. Ah. His pucker was tightening. Mmm. Nice, tight ass. Ah. Those muscles and that scent. Thoughts of sex overloaded his mind and somehow that accelerated the transformation.

Xenxal took note of growing red spots on Negus' skin while the latter felt his back being tugged by two spots just below his shoulder blade. The discoloration spread fast and in no time covered most of the skin including that raging demonhood, adding to the furious motif of it. It even spread to the body hair, adding to the red and darkening them into a bloody tone. And when it reached his fingers and toes they seeped into the nail, turning them black before they all sunk into the skin. All of them later came out at the digits' tip, sharp and thick like claws. His face transformed as red crept up from the neck too. Rows of canine filled his mouth, jaws extended wider, ears stretched and ended in a point, browridge and cheekbone formed angular bulges that have never been there before. His eyes slipped shut before red coloration covered the eyelids and when he opened them again his pupils were gone; the eyeballs completely white. The red finally reached his hair and his beard, making it looked like there were blood covering most of his face.

The two spots Negus felt on his back poked out again. Then they grew out a pair of extra limbs that ended with a three-fingered hand. They looked like two more arms that bent in a strange way at first before the lower two of three digits grew longer; a thin black membrane formed between those appendages and the fully-functional wings flapped experimentally.

Negus wrapped those wings around them like a blanket while he hugged his mate even tighter. He shared the lusty thoughts through the link and they both groaned with lust. They had sex with each other like a wild animal repeatedly inside their mind and their leaking genital reflected how lewd they were. The temperature inside rose so high it was like an oven, baking them ripe with perspiration, preseminal fluid and musk. Xenxal unconsciously thrusted into that rump and continued to do so as their imaginary sex escalated. They wantonly licked each other and kissed. Hands pinched at nipples or groped at buttocks. All in their head. But it just felt so real to them. The mind link sparked, the information of sex put a heavy burden on the link as it thickened. Before long, Negus hit orgasm, ejaculating his first batch of magic-infused transformative seed everywhere. He tensed and involuntarily tightened his pucker, squeezing Xenxal's pole and sent the other to high heaven too. Cum rocketed out, hitting wall of flesh, coursing up to stomach and got absorbed. Every momentum from each clash between semen and flesh were sent directly into the very top of Negus' ass crack, where a nub of flesh pushed out to the rhythm of ejaculation, lengthening into a thick red tapered tail with a rounded tip. The ethereal line's color lighten from orange to yellow and to seminal white where it shattered from the stress of conveying overloading pleasure, cutting off their direct sexual images feed and sent the spent couple down to Enyphilim.

The ball of flesh and muscles lay still; breathing can be heard from inside. It was wet and warm and dirty and smelly but both of them like it this way. This was the proof of the love they shared and represented the start of their new life together. Negus slowly unfurled his wings, their inside painted with his cum alone as with their entire body. The sticky fluid seeped into every fold and accentuated every curves and crevices, dripping from the hair and skin gradually into a pool below. Negus regarded his first ejaculation as a sex-hungry beast; his seed could fill buckets and he was proud of it. He took this chance to study his transformed self too.

The first change he noticed was that he was buff. As a mage, he have no need, or time, to be fit and firm like soldiers, knights, labor workers or muscleheads. But he surpassed all of the given examples. He was bigger than Xenxal too, covering his love entirely from head to toe with a couple extra inches left. This also applied to his manhood. He resembled the warrior Xenxal used to be than the man himself, which was weird. But he guessed that must be his mate's spec; a man with them powerful and practical muscles packed inside one body - an eye candy to be jealous of.

The second was that he had developed several spots of dense dark crimson hair. His body used to be so smooth but now there was a patch of hair, as dense as fur, between and below his plumb pectoral muscles, thinning and trailing along the line his meaty eight-pack washboard abs created before it thickened around his belly button, down to covered the entire crotch and his balls. Not to mention the forest that he felt shuffling inside his armpit when he moved and those thin layers on his arms. All the hair on his head was not lost on him, he noticed that from the picture his mate projected through the communication link. Basically, he had a short full blood red beard now. And all of them hair was covered in cum and sweat. He had no doubt that every strand would absorb all the fluid to the very root, forever marking every patch with his signature musk cologne.

Negus also noticed that his look was more demonic than Xenxal, who was just a grey-skinned human with a weird cock horn, slitted eyes and hyper equipment; more irony to add to the one who supposed to be Abaalythe's successor. Xenxal could be fooled for a human with proper clothings and accesories. Not that they wanted them for the life they were going to lead - a lust-powered, transformation-initiating, sex-filled life.

Xenxal took in those details as well. He liked everything about it, especially his musk. The cum, the sweat, even his saliva, his bodily fluid was filled with an aroma that was very addictive. He took another deep breath. "I love your body odor," he finally broke the silence, "I should bottle it for later use. I wanna wear that scent all the time."

Negus took pride in that comment, but he also had to laugh at it. "Why would you bottle it?" He lifted his arms and showed his armpits, hairy and soaked with sheen of sweat. He gained the ability to secrete sweat and released the alluring odor anytime he wanted now. Xenxal placed himself on the opening on his left while his right hand scratched the other pit and got sandwiched inbetween. His hands wiggled in the pit of musky liquid while he licked feverishly, cleaning the other pit as thoroughly as possible. "When you can have a fresh batch, straight from the source?"

Xenxal took his time to enjoy his drink before he offered a situation, "What should I do when you are not around then?"

Negus flicked his forehead and the smaller monster cried like a child. Cute. It never gets old. "Who said I'm gonna leave your side ever again?" He would never dream of it too. Xenxal smiled, truly happy with how things turned out.

"So, what do we do now?" asked the red one, having the grey stopped to consider their options.

"I was thinking about redecorating this room." Xenxal realized that he sounded like a housewife, but for now, he had no idea of what to do better. "Just look at all the mess me and Abaalythe left behind."

Negus brushed the idea off. "I have a better plan," he said that and licked his lips, flashing a toothy evil sneer.

"How about we introduce our lovely minions their new bosses? I owe some of them thanks for the hospitality and I 'just' had the perfect way to say it."

It was truly a better idea, Xenxal thought, spurting pre.