(un-editted) S under D Chapter 7[Arc Finale]

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#7 of S under D

This NOT the final chapter. This is just the final Chapter in te Original Arc. More arcs are coming most likely in the next few days.

Chapter 7

Hey it's Ben. Me and Cindy are on our way to rendezvous with Nancy. She is in danger. I left a message for Jason when I shouldn't have. I am still depressed about my recent encounter with my brother.

"We are here this is where Nancy said she would meet us. There she is!"

"Whew I thought they got to ... her?"

I saw Nancy there being arrested by the police. Cindy got out of the car and showed the badge to the officers

"What is the problem here officers?"

"This girl here is suspected of child abuse and molestation!"

"What I would never! Who the hell would accuse me of child abuse?"

"None of your business but a father of 2 boys you used to babysit confessed about it"

"No way they wouldn't I know they wouldn't!"

"Well you have to come with us to the station"

"Officer I am filling an injunction to have transferred to the DOD."

"Why would we let her go to the DOD?"

"She is currently a witness in a case. It would be good if we could have her in our custody until this mess is sorted out and to make sure she is not targeted by those who are after her"

"You will have to get it authorized"

"Certainly but you do not mind if I accompany her do you?"

"Fine by us"

"Ben take the car and go wait at the Freemont hotel!"

"But I don't have a license"

"What!? Your 22 how the hell don't you have a license"

"Wait that boy there! He is supposed to be detained on sight"

"He is also in my custody."

"This sounds fishy. I am calling it in!"

"Go ahead. Just tell them agent Cindy Paden wants custody of the 2"

The police made a call then released Nancy and left. The 2 girls entered the front seats of the car as I was ushered into the back seat.

"Good move Cindy! I didn't expect it happen"

"They sent law enforcement after you. As ben suspected they know the ways we communicate with Jason and Jake"

"Then that is a problem how much did you tell them ben?"

"Just about the rendezvous and the warehouse. They weren't at the warehouse so I guess they only got the message recently"

"How did it go at the warehouse?"

"Well I found some things we need. A few shipment records. Latest shipment was to an academy."

"I know that academy. I have someone in there right now being programmed"


"That academy is a programming place for young boys. One of the boys I used to babysit got admitted he heard about S under D and told me had an allergy to their programming. I am going to try and get him out of there before they find out and ship him off to the facility."

"But he could be of use to us. I have an email here mentioning the fall gathering. That is in September to celebrate the start of fall. If I am right there is going to be a final initiation party for the new students. If we can get video evidence of it we can start an investigation. And with these shipment records and inventory we can at least show some kind of a connection to few businesses and the academy"

"Sounds like we finally have a plan"

"Yes we do. So me and Cindy will look into these businesses. What are you going to do ben?"

"I am going to new York!"

Cindy and Nancy both became wide eyed as they looked at me.

"Are you crazy? That is your father's territory. Most S under D members there would know your face or at least your brothers!"

"But I may find something useful. And with the records I know places and people to avoid."

"Cindy there is something he could investigate for us."


"Jason had failsafe. He gave me a second sample to analyze. I have the analysis here. There are a few chemical compounds here I don't recognize but there is a lab in New York that might know about them. It might be a bit dangerous but if he could ask around about them we might find out how they make their stuff"

"But how would he ask around?"

"I can give him an alias as a new college chemist."

"I could say this chemical was part of my college thesis. "

"Can you pull it off?"

"Well I did research biochemistry while running form my dad I should know enough to at least get by

"Well then hook up with agent Leon and get everything in order"

"Agent Leon?"

"Yes I am not sending you into the lion's den alone so I am sending you with a lion!"


"Agent Leon is an FBI agent on leave after an incident involving something you were involved him"


"The chemical scare he was implicated in it. Even though he was not available a call to do it was made from his phone and his authorization. They are investigating it. I am guessing they might try to recruit him. But I am more worried if they find out that he is the one who reopened the investigation into S under D"

"Well I guess they do have the connections need to pull this crap off"

"They seem to be quite the formidable criminal group but I think we have a way to take them down"

"Cindy one question? How did your bosses approve this?"

"My boss is concerned about it because his father was one of those investigators that did the investigation. It was a spot on his father's record that he wants rectified. He says while my leads sound inconsistent he thinks I should investigate."

"Well I am going to do my best when do I leave?"

"I can book your flight in a few days. I will get everything you need setup"


"No problem"

A few days past and I had already started asking about the chemical Compound Cindy had analyzed. None of them had seen anything like it before. And I wondered if there were any that really knew of it. My luck would change for the worse though I was going to have to face off with someone I would never dream of.

I had just left the latest lab and was going to get in contact with Leon. But when I got to the meeting point he was nowhere to be found. But I did find someone I never expected to see



"Yea it's me. I can't believe they accused my of molesting children from the team"

"I don't believe it. I saw the video file it was the coach"

"You have to prove my innocence"

"I have a video file proving the coach molested those boys. I think you could use it. Let me give you a copy of the video file"

"Thank you so much you are a life saver"

"But one question. How did you end up in new York?"

"I know a guy who was going to get me out of the country"

"But it is suspicious meeting you here where I was supposed to meet a friend"

"I was just walking past"

"No you weren't. I found something out about S under D. very rarely do they talk about themselves in public. There is no way your son over heard anything about them!"

"What are you talking about you said you believed me before!"

"I had Cindy check you out. You did not exist until 5 years ago. And when I talked to my mom there is no one in the neighborhood who can remember you living there for more than a few months"

"Well look who became smart all of a sudden."

"So you are working for them! I should have known. You were the one who tipped off coach and Jeff about me"

"Not only that but I also was the one who told Jake's father where to find him!"

"You aren't going to take me by yourself."

"Who said I was alone"

Then from behind me came Jake, Jason and Jeff.

"They got you two?!"

"They saved us and now it is time for us to save you"

"I heard your crazy analogy before. I won't let you take me in so easily"

I took a vile out my pocket and threw on the ground and then made my escape. As I ran they followed me. They were expecting that and were prepared.

They gave chase. They were keeping up even when I ran through traffic. Thank god it was rush hour. I kept running for a long time until I ran on the wrong road. I ran towards what looked like a bridge. It was the Brooklyn Bridge. I think I could lose them there. I paced myself. I had a plan to outrun them once I hit the end of the bridge. I needed to get some distant first though so I stole a bicycle from a store. And threw a few hundreds at the clerk who just grinned. And I rode onto the bridge. Now I had a bike riding through. And I was making good time on the bridge that was until I saw what was coming. On the other side coming towards me were 7 enforcers. There was no way I was going to out run them. And behind me now on the bridge were Jake and the others. I had no way out. A train was approaching on the tracks on side and the other side was a fall straight down to the ocean.

It was over. After 7 years it was over for me. No! I won't let it be over. I still have one chance. I may risk my life but it is better than becoming one of them. No way am I going to join them! I climbed the fence. And stood on top of it. And watched as everyone looked on in horror as I jumped into the ocean below. That was the end of my life.

Hey it's Henry. Henry ville. Yes that henry. Jeff's brother and Josh's Boyfriend. I am on the Brooklyn Bridge just reflecting on some stuff and waiting for tonight when I am hosting a party for a few S under D visitors. I was looking out towards the statue of liberty when some enforcers came running by. I followed them hoping to see who they were chasing. I saw them corner Ben. It was Ben! He had enforcers running towards him on both sides. He was finally caught! Josh will be so happy! At least that is what I thought before he jumped into the water. I can't believe he did that. He ... killed himself?

I ran over to the scene as everyone looked down into the water with horror. The river was flowing a bit faster than normal thanks to all the rain we had and the water was muddy but minutes passed and no one came up. Boats had begun looking and Jeff had already called our dads who were in the area.

Hey it's Jeff I was looking on as Benjamin committed suicide. I can't believe it. He choose death over S under D?

My dad is furious about our incompetence and that his eldest is really dead this time. I don't even know what to say to him. The police are investigating but they said his body could have been dragged out by the current already.

I spent the rest of the day comforting Josh. This was hard on him. I broke my promise to him. I couldn't bring his brother home to him all I could do was watch on as he jumped. I failed and thus I am no longer able to call myself an enforcer when I shall be known as the one who caused the first death like this.

I went the next day to the site of my failure.

"Not your fault Jeff he was the one who jumped"

"But I was the one who didn't catch him Jake"

"No it was mine for helping run"

"I failed my dad and my entire family what am I going to do now?"

"How about live. Just live"


"Benjamin told me this when we ran together. He said all he wanted to do now was live"

"But he jumped"

"He wouldn't have if he thought he would absolutely die. I can guarantee you he is still alive. We just have to find him"

"I hope you are right. We still have to clean up his mess though."

"Yes he has gotten the DOD involved in this now. But we have enough influence there to make sure nothing happens"

"Good I would hate to have the situation turn even more dire"

"Can't turn more dire than it already has can it?"

"I have a feeling it can. There is still a lot out there trying to take us down but there are even more waiting for us to save them."

"Ben misunderstood our message and it cost him. But I know he is out there. We will find him"

"Shall we go then we have a party to get to"

"Yea let's"

Hey it's ... who am I? I just woke up in a hospital with no memory of anything. I asked the doctor attending to me and he said I was brought in by a group of people 2 months ago? I was out for 2 months? What happened to me? Who am I? Where am I?

"You all can come in now he is fully awake and aware but I fear he has some memory loss at the moment"

"Thanks doctor!" I heard a cat say and she and raccoon walked in the raccoon looked like he was 15 at the most. Who were these people? After a few seconds a lion, coyote and a Dalmatian walked in.

"Who are you people?"

"He lost his memory?"

"Doctor said he is having memory trouble."

"Maybe we should wait then until his memory comes back to tell him anything"

"Tell me what! And who are you?"

"My name is Tylan Zeal. And I wanted to tell you welcome."

"Welcome to what?"

"Welcome to operation Conquest!"

What the hell is going on?

(un-editted) S under D Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Hey its Josh. Yep Josh Ville. Ben's little brother. I am in the northern part of Illinois right now. Me and Henry are visiting his uncle. Henry is Jeff's little brother and also my boyfriend. We are just walking around the small town. Dad...

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(Un-editted) S under D chapter 5

Chapter 5 Hey its Jake. I am currently at the facility that I broke out of a few months ago. They resumed my programming. Some furs like me have bad reactions to their programming so we have to be monitored when they fully programmed. Right now I...

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(un-editted) S under D chapter 4

Chapter 4 Hey it's Jason. I am currently checking the video files Ben sent me from the coach's locker room fun. I knew this was just what we needed to start our mission to take S under D down but now we needed some way of connecting this to S under D....

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