The Fabric Shop Pt. 2

Story by BoozeHound77 on SoFurry

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I sighed and looked at Kyle, he also sighed and we looked away. I went to the table and took yet another shot of whiseky as i saw Kevin get up. "My brother's here with his friends, i'll be right back." He said, walking for the stairs. I sat on the couch and heard them all running down the stairs and i almost gasped when i saw who it was. Not only was it my best friends older brother and his friend, it was his friend that had hit on me last week. A week before he had been drunk and i was hanging out with his friend's younger sister and he said he was attracted to me, then again he was drunk and i wanted some for myself so he thought i was a great girl. Well it was my turn to hit on him, first i ran up and hugged him, i didnt even know him but i didnt care. He sat on the couch by me and i leaned on him, loving the feeling of someone with me. He began talking and i was totally lost in my mind, the alchohol and his voice were so soothing, and so arousing at the same time. He's a nice guy really, alot sweeter then my other friends but that wasnt what i was really looking for at the time. Kyle walked by and laughed, looking at Chris "You better watch out, she's very affectionate when she drinks." He said with a wink and walked away. I saw Chris's eyes and he looked at me. "Is that true?" He asked, looking around. I nodded and he smiled. "I've got an idea..." He said, getting up and walking over to the table with the whiskey.

Well before i knew it, there i was, reaching for his pants and he chuckled. "Need help?" He asked, starting to undo his belt. I couldnt help but laugh at myself and I slurred out,"I can't get it...its smarter then me..." I could hardly even see straight at this point, im sure in the back of my mind i was fearing i had drank to much. Once he undid his pants i reached down and imediatly took his cock into my mouth. I was a horny bitch when i drank, and i wasnt about to pass a free meal. I worked him and worked him, mabey it seemed like forever because of my state of mind, or mabey it was because he really did last that long. But i kept going and going, right on the couch infront of everyone. Every now and then, someone would walk by and be like "Is she really...whoa god she is..." And they'd back off, not wanted to watch there friend get sucked off by a basically complete stranger.

This went on for a while, every now and then he thrust into my mouth or moan lightly. Eventully he pulled me off and looked at me with a gaze of arousal. I was confused why he had me stop, then he smiled and whispered."Follow me..." He said, tugging on my paw and i followed, he led me to the back room and i saw a mattress on the ground. He shut the door and the first thing i did was lay on my back on the bed, i was barly able to stand and knew if i did to long i'd probly throw up from the huge amount.

While i was spacing out, i noticed him bend down by me. "Here sweetie, let me help you, we dont need these." Whoa wait a second, he's taking off my pants? Well i should have seen it coming and before i knew it me and him were naked from waist down. He moved himself and mounted me, looking into my eyes. This first thing i did was look at him and had to say something."It's...It's my first time, gentle..." He nodded and began to push into me slowly.

He took the pace slow, soon realizing i was ok with it he began to go faster, pulling out then thrusting back in hard. I was slightly disapointed because he wasnt the biggest guy around but man he could last long. What he lacked in size he made up for so well, honestly im not sure how long this was going on but i was having a good time. "Your so tight..." He muttered thrusting into me. I smiled at him and kissed his neck as he reached for my shirt. He lifted it and began sucking on of my nipples and my first reaction was to buck against him, hearing a groan from him as his tounge did wonders. He was very talented and a sweetheart at that.

Things were going well and i was likeing it alot, but the only problem was becuase it was basically a party and we were the only ones fucking, the only ones drunk for that matter, people walked in on us for the most random of reasons, interuping us and wasting time. Eventully my cell phone began ringing and being the drunk i was, i was dumb enough to answer. "he...hello?!" i would moan out, panting and waiting for a response. Lets just say thats the last time that friend will ever call when im at a party. I was so aroused by the fact that we were lasting so long i just turned the phone off and whispered into his ear"Your really a great glad we're here." He smiled and responded through his panting, "I like you to, ever since i met you last week iv'e been wanting to see you..." He was thrusting harder now and i reached my paws down, gripping his ass and draging my claws up slowly to his sides and he moaned loudly, letting me know it was one of his spots. "I've always wanted to be someones first." he said, now almost bouncing with me.

We were still going, from what i understood who knows how long this was lasting, according to my friends later we went on for nearly 3 and a half, mabey 4 hours. He looked at me at one point and pulled out of me, panting loudly."Since...its your first you want to" At first i thought i wouldnt but i couldnt help myself and i nodded, flipping him over and mounting him. "There you go..." He was so sweet, helping me through since almost everyone is nervous there first time. "Just...just find my cock with...yes thats it..." He purred into my ear as i pushed down on him, feeling his hot cock throbing in me. I began bouncing slowly on him, soon quickening the pace and he moaned loudly as i clawed lightly at his sides. Eventully he couldnt stand it and fliped me over, starting to pound into me harder.

I began to moan loudly as he growled into my ear with lust. Suddenly i felt him grip my ass with his claws as he exploded into me. The sensations of it all sent me howling and i came as he gave his finally hard thrusts.

I licked his ear as he laid ontop of me, glad that i was lucky to have someone sweet for my first time. We laid there and he began to relax, finally pulling out of me and i closed my eyes. My life was gonna change now, i was no longer a virgin and was going to like it that way.

(well there you go, the lastest from me. if you havent noticed i love to write so it sure wont be long before i add something else. Im wondering if i should continue this plot so drop me a line with your oppion if ya like, and i'd be more then happy to respond)

A diffrent kind of party

Brad hurried down the stairs of his small house, frantically trying to get his boxers on as he ran for the phone. It rang on and on but luckily whoever it was had stayed on the line long enough for him to answer. "Hello?!" He yelled, as he exhalled...

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The Fabric Shop

My first shot at actully submitting something to a site, yay for me^^ I wanted to note that iv'e loved the site forever and as i sit here at 11:20 at night(school in the morning...yay...\*sigh\*) i decided to write for you all as a thank you. This...

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