Tavern Wrench

Story by Smiling Wolf on SoFurry

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Done as a free request for a very good friend of mine

Tavern Wench

Light bloomed briefly onto the dimly lit street as the bar door was opened, the torchlight reflecting against the hissing rain, noise from the tavern's patrons spilled out like poor wine before it was cut off again as the door swung shut heavily. The street returned to its gloomy state, the cold rain biting in the uncaring paving stones, as silence reclaimed its throne in the frigid night.

The tavern by comparison was stifling hot; a roaring fire provided both light and warmth in huge amounts, but worse than the stifling heat was the stench of stale beer, vomit and unwashed patrons. All of this was bearable though because the beer was wet, the tavern was dry, and the women were hot.

The wolf planned to enjoy all of pleasantries offered by the bar. He strode towards the fireplace over which a side of beef turned lazily but he viewed at it with little interest. He had come to satisfy other hungers tonight. There were far finer things to chase this night.

Tossing a few near worthless copper coins at the bartender earned him a scowl and tankard of watery beer, he could have gone to places which served finer beer but again that was not his reason for being here. The beer he could have done without normally but it served to attract his real reason for being at the frightfully filthy tavern.

As he sat down more than half of his drink found its way onto the floor, he didn't plan to drink any of this pale imitation of beer if he could possibly manage it, taking another feigned draw at his beer he managed to empty the rest of it onto the ground without anyone being any wiser.

Artfully slamming his mug onto the table, he signalled a barmaid for another, here was his real prey. A beautiful feline, a cross between a panther and wolf, if he wasn't mistaken and he rarely was. Her large bust was being pushed up by a corset which was at least two sizes too small, her breasts pressed entertainingly together by the pressure of the corset. Her skirt was so short it was a miracle the wolf couldn't see her more intimate parts from where he sat. Her legs were hardly covered at all by the short stripped stocking she wore; this saucy maid was clearly beyond the bounds of reasonable dress. She was a clear favourite of the audience.

Pushing the worthless copper coins into one of her hands, he slyly slipped a much more valuable silver coin between her impressive breasts. He grinned at her roguishly as he nodded his head towards the stairs, the feline boldly pulled the coin out of her breasts and put it back on the table, "You'd have to triple that to interest me" she replied with a saucy swing of her hips.

Unfazed the wolf tossed nine more coins onto the table, "Is that enough to capture your interest?" he replied in an almost bored tone, concealing his predatory grin. He acted as if the money meant nothing to him, and in all honesty it didn't, it was a pittance to him but it was more money than she'd see in a month. He knew he had her by the look in her eyes.

She scooped the money off the table, "Half an hour. Be upstairs in the second room on the left," she said, licking her lips in a manner she probably meant to be sexy but struck the wolf as merely crude. Not that it mattered to him, he was not after refinement after all, he was here for a very different reason entirely.

He left his mug on the table; he ignored the rest of the patrons as he walked up the stairs, the second door on the left yielded easily enough to his exploratory push. That just wouldn't do for what he had planned tonight. The bed met with more of his approval, a solid piece of oak that could not be easily moved. He stripped off his shirt and carefully laid it on the crudely carved chair in the corner of the bar wench's room. The rest of his clothes followed his shirt, all neatly folded and out of the way. It wouldn't do for them to be stained or torn; they did cost more than this woman was worth.

He sat on the edge of her 'work' rumpled bed, it had obviously seen a lot of use in the past, but he had no doubt it had seen more than its share of disturbing nights. He idly stripped the sheet off her bed and began tearing it into long strips. In motions mastered by practice, he began twining the strips together to make five strong binding ropes; he tied four of them to the corners of the bed, leaving four nooses sitting idly on the bed waiting for their victim.

He stood by the door, the last rope twisted and short in his hands, a large lump in it, this rope had a very special purpose and he waited for the feline to return to her room. Finally his waiting paid off and his intended prey for the night walked through the door, his hands snaked out and shoved the gag into her open muzzle, stifling her scream before it was even born. He dragged her into the room and threw her at the bed, he slammed the door closed and pounced on her before she could fully recover from his unexpected attack.

He pulled her into the middle of the bed, stunning her with a ringing slap, and while she was stunned he pushed her arms through the binding nooses at the top of the bed and pulled them tight. Her feet were also quickly bound up. The wolf breathed a sigh of relief once his victim was tied up. It was always so stressful when he had to fight them into the bed. It wasn't as fun if he had to knock them unconscious to tie them up.

He jammed the chair bearing his clothing against the door to prevent any curious customers from investigating later in the night and with that final nod to his safety turned his full attention upon the squirming wench.

He pulled a dagger from his belt, drawing it slowly to get the feline's attention, "This night can end one of two ways, my dear. The first one ends with you being found tomorrow by the owner of this filthy establishment alive and bound up, that's what happens if you are good. The second option ends with you being found tomorrow carved up like a side of beef on a butchers block. I don't think I need to ask which you'd rather" he said, a contemptuous smirk on his face.

The cold point of the dagger rested chillingly on her stomach for several frightening moments before slicing upwards, rending her corset in two pieces, exposing her large tits. The sharp point of the dagger dragged painfully across her nipples before the wolf slammed it into the solid headboard of the oaken bed, a few inches above the feline's head, "Just look at that dagger before you get any ideas, imagine how exquisitely painful it will be sliding into your stomach" he snarled at her.

He pulled her skirt up roughly exposing her pussy; he was unsurprised to find she wasn't wearing anything under the skirt. He brutally forced several fingers inside of her, the wolf's fingers roughly loosened her up, totally unconcerned for any pain he might be inflicting upon her.

This was the reason he came to this filthy places, anonymity and a lack of consequences, if he did this to a refined lady the investigation would last months but attacking a serving wench attracted no attention from even the most stalwart of detectives. It happened too often for them to care about.

The feline tried desperately to push herself away from the wolf's intruding fingers but bound as she was there was nothing she could do. The wolf didn't even bother to strike her for such a pitiful attempt to escape him. He had done this many times before; he knew his ropes wouldn't allow her to get away from him.

He rubbed his thumb over her clit as he roughly fingered her, not out of any desire to give her pleasure but rather to make sure she was wet enough, he didn't want to fuck her if she was dry. There was no satisfaction in that. He pounded his fingers into her pussy, making sure to rub her inner walls as much as possible; he wanted her wet and ready for him.

Once he felt the wench was wet enough the wolf withdrew his fingers, wiping them with disdain upon the feline's breasts, a brief smile of satisfaction crossed his face as he looked at the prey he'd managed to snare.

With another cruel smile he placed his shaft against her pussy; he ground it against her, pushing harder and harder until the thick head of his cock popped into her. Not pausing for a second he rammed his hips forward, sinking as much of himself into her tight cunt as he could.

Indulging in his cruelty he bit her on the shoulder, his teeth clenched painfully into the tender flesh of her shoulder, her muffled screams absorbed entirely by the thick knotted fabric of the wolf's gag. His shaft pounded into her sore pussy brutally, his thrusts would have slammed her into the hardwood of the oak headboard, but since the ropes bound her so tightly, they instead cut cruelly into her arms and legs.

She tried to scream loudly enough into her gag to be heard but the wolf would have none of that, he wrapped one hand in her head and pulled her head sharply back with her hair, "Remember what happens to you if you misbehave," he snarled into her face.

With a contemptuous snarl he roughly pushed her back into the bed, his hand pulled loose from her hair, she bucked under him trying to escape the tight ropes but all she managed to do was dig the tightly knotted rope deeper into her skin.

The wolf's knot started to form, slowly swelling as he pumped his cock into the wench, he had to thrust slightly harder to force the forming knot into her tight pussy and pull harder to draw it back out but it didn't slow his pace. The feline winced every time the wolf rammed his knot it, it felt like he was splitting her in half whenever the sadistic wolf pounded the swelling ball into her.

Thrusting harder the wolf pinned the serving wench to the bed, his strong hands pushing down on her shoulders, pulling her against his thrusts. He used her body as leverage so that he could ram his cock as deeply as he could inside her cunt. The oaken bed inched forwards, pushed by the power of the wolf's thrusts, the oak scraping horrible against the floor.

The wolf's knot began to swell more as he pounded the feline's pussy, dragged in and out with painful regularity, his hands gripping her shoulders tightly as he rams her as hard as he can. The wench screamed pitifully into the gag, the pain and pleasure of the wolf's rape was pushing her towards an orgasm even though she tried to fight it.

With a groan of pleasure and a grunt the wolf shifted his position, he lowered himself down and wrapped his arms under her back so he could grip her shoulders more firmly, and he began to fuck her even harder than before. With a tremendous heave he pushed his knot into her pussy , his knot swollen too much for him to pull it out of the feline's sore pussy, he humped her rapidly, his knot tugging at her entrance even though it couldn't leave her.

The huge knot was rubbing against the wench's inner walls, playing with areas that no unknotted member could hope to touch, she panted heavily against the heavy fabric of the gag as against all of her wishes the huge knotted shaft pleasured her.

His breath hissed through clenched teeth as he pounded the feline's cunt, his balls drawing up close to him as his climax came closer with every short, sharp thrust of his hips into his bitch. His balls slapped against her as his thrusts became faster and more erratic, his jaws latched onto her shoulder in a vicious bite.

He thrust home one last time, burying his shaft entirely against her, his howl of pleasure muffled by the bite he held on the feline's shoulder. His cock pulsed and throbbed with orgasm, his knot swelling fully, tying him to the feline. Hot cum spurted deep inside the serving wench, the wolf's knot trapping all of it inside her, his cock continued to pulse as it sprayed as much of his thick, warm cum into the feline's abused pussy.

Hate surged against pleasure but lost, as a powerful climax tore through the wench's body, her body instinctively milking the wolf's thick knotted shaft as it spurted its thick load into her hot pussy. A yowl of intense pleasure was thankfully hidden by the gag in her mouth.

The wolf sighed in contended pleasure as he released his painful bite, he relaxed in the aftermath of his orgasm as he felt his knot throb inside the wench, and he nodded in satisfaction as he surveyed his handiwork. He laid down on her limp, worn out body to nap while he waited for his knot to subside.

A short while later the wolf awoke from his short nap, with a slight tug he pulled his much smaller knot from the feline's tortured pussy, he counted out ten gold coins and hid them behind her pillow. It was more money than she would see in three years of working at this run down tavern. He slowly got dressed and untied the feline from the bed, he covered her as best he could with the ruins of the blanket and unblocked the door to the tavern.

He calmly walked down the stairs and out of the tavern, no one gave him a second glance as the wolf opened the door and stepped out into the hissing rain.