Camping trip Chapter 1: Awkward Beginnings

Story by warewolf1542 on SoFurry

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#1 of Camping Trip (Series)

The first story I was able to get onto paper. I have since edited it and possibly added some to it so re-read to see the better version. Rate, comment, and please give constructive feed back if you find something that could be improved. Otherwise, enjoy!

Camping Trip A story of love between two campers

"Damn," Bernard growled in frustration, kicking the ground in protest. He was trying to set up a tent on his camp site and to his misfortune; he had no instructions on how to set the darn thing up.

It was an old, green tent, which he had found inside his storage shed days before. It had a thin layer of dust but besides that looked very new. It probably, he thought, was useable since it had only been used once before at a camping trip with friends years back.

Dismally, he cursed under his breath. "Damn...damn this tent the day I bought it!" The German shepherd tried once more in frustration, but the tent continued to teeter to one side. He finally gave up in a rage of fury, throwing one of the tent stakes at a tree. It was his weekend off from work. He was trying to escape the labor of deadlines on reports of the geothermal plant he worked at. This wasn't the weekend he was dreaming of. He took a minute to lean on the tree to cool down his temper; to think things over with. Tents are so simple to set up, He thought, why won't this darned contraption work?

"Excuse me?" Another camper had entered his camp site, "Do you have some extra firewood you'd be willing to give?"

"No," he said bluntly, looking toward the man, who happened to be a big badger.

This man was enormous in both height and girth. As he walked closer, his belly seemed to carry with him His fur pattern was the same as any badger--black and white. Most of his face and chest were white except for his black mask, the black on the outside of his ears, and the top length of his muzzle, his nose seemingly gone due to the lack of contrast in color. His face was rounded, with short, frizzy white hairs across its length. To complement the fullness, he had a very noticeable triple chin. The fur on his head stuck up a tiny bit as if it had been styled that way. The badger's two top canine teeth stuck out, giving a chic and almost sexy look to his face. All in all, the man had a very regal air about him and looked to be in his forties.

Bernard seemed to lose himself in the immensity of the badger. He was too real to be true, a man of a man. All of Bernard's stress seemed to leave him that very instant. Refocusing himself from his obvious infatuation of the man, he spoke. "I-If you'd like," He stammered, "I could go to Kernville and buy some for you." It would be a good thing to do away with this burden of mine. He thought. It'll help me relax and possibly get to know someone. Someone.......interesting.

"You sure? That seems to be asking a lot of you, and I wouldn't want to impose." The badger replied impishly, noting that the dog was having a problem with his camping equipment. "I see you're having trouble with your tent." He strode over to help assess the issue, finding the problem rather quickly. "There's your problem!" He grunted triumphantly, dusting himself off as he hefted his impressive bulk off the floor. "You're missing a tent pole." He chuckled to himself. Bernard felt rather embarrassed that he would miss something as obvious as that. No wonder it wouldn't stay up.

"Tell you what," the badger beamed at him, "If you could buy me some firewood, you can bunk with me-I mean my friends and I as long as you need."

"Ok," Bernard said. Wow.....good-looking and generous too. He smiled as he thought to himself, his mind beginning to wander.

"Thanks a lot bud," the big badger patted him on the back, knocking Bernard over with the sheer force of his paw.

"Ah!" The badger exclaimed, catching Bernard mid fall with a single arm. Wow.....he's strong too! The dog thought. The incident was understandable due to the immense size difference between the two. Bernard had a skinny, somewhat muscular build, while the badger was easily twice his size. Standing close to the badger, Bernard noticed he only reached the man's muscular chest and had to angle his head a little to speak face to face.

"Oops, sorry," the badger apologized, "I guess I don't know my own strength." He pulled up his sleeve and flexed his bulky arm, grunting and complementing his show with a toothy grin.

Is this guy trying to flirt with me? Bernard thought as he dexterously moved to hide his rising boner. Is this really about the firewood? His testosterone level seemed to spike and he felt lust for the large badger. " you mind if we go now?" The badger asked. "Sure..." Bernard replied a little more warmly this time, his grin growing wider and wider. This badger was being so nice to him, and Bernard greatly appreciated it.

The two walked to his car and headed down the short drive to Kernville. The sights were amazing as ever. The shady mountains hid the sun as it was nearing day's end. The trees on the opposite side of the road rustled in the slight breeze, birds flew by to different trees, singing their love songs. The water of the Kern River simmered beautifully in the last rays of the sun, an autumn mix of oranges and reds. The river's current grew much more rapid as they drew closer to the small town, the rocks became much larger, a deadly element to such a majestic sight. Many have drowned in the river because of its strong undercurrent and jagged rocks.

"Ain't she a beauty?" The badger watched as they passed the waters edge, his maw opening wide for a large yawn. His body could tell it was getting late already. He stretched his arms, causing his shirt to ride up, revealing the entirety of his stomach. His happy trail was white in comparison to his main black coat. It led to all the unseen goods and treasures down below. The dog couldn't help stare at it. "Yea, it's beautiful..," he replied, noticing what he had just said, "I mean...uh...she's, she's beautiful." He exhaled, hoping the badger didn't notice his blunder.

The badger did and smiled without a word.

"So...I never got your name," Bernard explained, moving the conversation forward. Direly, he wanted to know more about his guest beside his name.

"Grant....and yourself?" he responded. "Bernard, but you can call me Burny if you like." "Alright.....Burny." Grant snickered.

Coming to the first building of the town they could see firewood in bundles outside. Parking, they went inside to see what else was for sale and to stretch their legs from the drive.

"Any chance you're a drinker Burny?" Grant asked curiously, sizing up different beers. "Sometimes, why do you ask?" Bernard said, thumbing through a fishing pole magazine. "Just wondering," Grant said, obviously displeased with the answer. "The guys and I have some back at the camp, and we usually drink all night."

"I had a feeling you were a drinker." Bernard chuckled, trying not to stare too much at the badger. "What? You calling me fat?" He said in a new, serious tone."No no, I didn't mean that...I..." Bernard choked back, a little frightened to see the change in his person. Damn it, Bernard thought to himself...what did I just do?

"Well, how else would you know eh?" Grant said, rudely bumping Bernard against the aisle shelf with his large gut.

A few of the other customers glanced for a second at the pair, draw to the noise of the rattling shelf merchandise but swiftly turned their heads away to their own business.

Bernard didn't know how to react. He was both frightened and in love with the situation. Grant's gut was so big and soft. It seemed to engulf him. His testosterone was rising again, this time much faster. "I'm just yanking your chain bud." Grant said, backing away, giving the dog back whatever personal space he had left. "Uh...alright then..." Bernard stammered. Bottom of Form

Without another word, the pair gathered some firewood and quickly headed back to the car.Grant tried in vain to start up a conversation but couldn't think of what to talk about, considering what he had just done in the store. Was that too much for him?

Nearing the campsite, Grant mustered a sheepish "Sorry". Repeating it over and over as the pair drew up to the campgrounds in the car.

"I thought that you...ya'know, liked that sort of thing," Grant said awkwardly, refusing to throw a glance at Bernard. Hell, Grant knew by the dog's reactions that he liked that sort of thing, but why was he acting so different know? Bernard practically jumped out of the vehicle and crossed over to the now depressed looking Grant. "I hope you can forgive me," he pleaded, his yellow eyes staring at the ground.

Dropping the firewood, Bernard lustfully wrapped his hands around the Badger's thick neck and pulled it down toward his muzzle for a passionate kiss...

"I do," he grinned softly.