Love In The Castle: Part 3

Story by Gmagma22 on SoFurry

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#3 of Love-Castle series

Beginning to wake up from feinting earlier during the king's pleasuring, she starts to open her eyes only to find she can't see through the all consuming darkness. Now more than a little frightened she immediately wakes up seeing that she is lying in a huge bed in a room fit for a giant. The walls are covered with colorful tapestries of every shape and size while the floor is covered in treasure: gold, diamonds, etc. Stunned by the amount of wealth lavished upon the room she slowly climbs off the bed to stare in wonder at the room's majestic glory.

Moving closer to a peculiar item on the far side of the room, she notices it's a golden chalice with a single drop of some unknown liquid. Without making a sound an unknown dragon positions himself behind her, "Ah you have a good eye," he said before she jumped away, "hahahaha... don't worry I won't bite, but I'm curious do you know what this is?"

Now realizing it was the King she moves back towards the mysterious chalice to get a better look, "I have a guess, but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong."

He continues, "Give it a try anyways."

"Alright, I believe it is a drop of dragon's moon." She answers.

"Very good! But this is a very special type of dragon's moon and what you see now is the only drop left on this planet." She stares in wonder at the glowing liquid further intrigued by it, "What makes it so special is that it has the power to transform anyone into their perfect form. The only problem is it only activates when lit by the rays of a full silver moon..." When he says this they both turn towards the ceiling and through a nearby window they can see the moon.

"It's a full silver moon tonight!" in awe at the major coincidence she looks at the light coming through the window. It had begun to creep towards them and the chalice behind them. "Do you see this?" she asks.

"Yes, I had the chalice set right in line with the window so that when a full silver moon did appear the light would reach the dragon's moon." He stated rather amused with her reactions. When the light is almost to the chalice both dragons move to each side of it to allow it to pass unobstructed. As the light hits the drop of dragon's moon the room is filled with a blinding light that cause both dragons to shield their eyes.

After the light begins to fade they both walk over to the chalice to examine the now activated dragon's moon. "Amazing! The moon light crystalized the liquid, as well as changed its color from a luminescent scarlet to a deep ocean blue," she reaches for the now crystalized dragon's moon, "I wonder..." Before the King can stop her she touches the crystal which caused everything near the chalice to go flying in every direction. Tossed into a wall by the blast the King is now left unconscious...

Love In The Castle: Part 2

Before she could even move he picked her up and carried her over to where he had been lying just moments ago. Laying her down on the rock bed he moves back to give her a little space, but not much. As she starts to sit up, now regaining some movement...

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Love in the Castle: Part 1

Love In The Castle: Part 1 _Warning! If you are not mature enough to read this graphic section then please look away and do not partake in this mature content. This is my warning if you choose to not listen to it then it is by your choice and choice...

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