Teaching The Young: Part II

Story by Starallon on SoFurry

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#2 of Teaching the Young

The following story is intended for only those over the age of 18 and who don't mind sexual scenes involving dragons. If you don't meet these requirements, well, don't read any more! Shoo! Go away! Nothing to see here!

And if you like it... well, just enjoy and let me know if you did!

Teaching the Young, Part II

Well the twins, having had their exciting and revealing day the other day... Oh what's that, you didn't know what happened? Well you see the twins, the Two silvery dragons that are of a ripe age of twenty had just been entering puberty and off on their normal bit of mischief. That bit of mischief they found though led them to watching a male dragon enjoy himself and then themselves learning about it upon themselves too, even though the poor twins didn't know a lick of just what it was... And what do the young do when they don't know something...

"Daaaad!" A pair of voices in unison called out as the twins flapped in to their cave, landing and galloping inside up to a very large silvery dragon stretched out and reading a book. Nearby was a dragoness stretched out of a more golden color with silvery spots that flumped her tail down into a pile of pillows. The large male dragon lowers his book and reaches up adjusting a pair of spectacles on his snout as he looks to the two smaller twins. "Well, hello to you to!" he said with a bit of a grin "Have you two gotten into trouble again?" He questioned as if he already expected the answer to be yes...

"Well, we aren't sure dad..." The brother said, and looked to his sister.

"We, felt something new... and saw something to!" The sister said, "We came across this one dragon who was sunning himself and... he had been stroking his... You called it a penis, right brother?"

"Yes, that..." He nodded "He was playing with it, and it exploded... Then, well... Sister here started licking..."

"Brother!" She turned to him and hmmphed a bit.

Their father simply listened and watched the two talk, putting the book down with a bemused sigh and looked over to the dragoness. "They do grow up quickly, don't they?" He said to her and she simply nodded and smiled.

"Daaaad!" The brother continued, "Well, I felt funny... and then, my own penis came out... and I started rubbing it to, like the one dragon... And it kind of burned, but felt good, and then I, well, decided to try licking and then taking it into my mouth and... I shook all over and my mouth filled up with salty stuff!" He shook his head a bit "That, wasn't bad, was it?" he questioned, moving now to relax a little more and sat his silvery scaled rump down on a large cushion in the den of their lair.

His Sister looked over and she blushed a little "Well... I... I admit father, I did the same to myself too... And, it felt very nice..." She says in quieter tones and sits down as well across from her brother.

Their parents exchanged looks with each other and then looked down to the twins before their father spoke "Well, my children, we didn't think you'd be feeling like this for years to come... but I guess it's important that we tell you about it now." He smiles as he speaks "What happened was all a good thing... and it's probably something your bodies are going to want to feel again, and again, and in time you'll want to feel it along with someone else." He looks over at the dragoness "Why it's because of that that the two of you were laid after all!" He grins and winks at her.

The twins look at each other and then at their father, tilting their head to the side with a look of confusion at this. He chuckles and shakes his head "Perhaps we need a little anatomy lesson for the two of you..." He looks over to the dragoness "My darling Nolla, would you mind standing for our lovely children and, lifting your tail? I want to start with showing you off..." She laughs and then blushed a rosy brass color to her own cheeks as she stood.

"Very well lover... we should teach them right, after all!" She says and rose to her feet, stretching out in the many assorted colored pillows. The golden and silvery dragoness then turned slowly and stretched out, bent down a little with her wings flat to the side. Her tail lifted up and she was in full-blown view to all in the lair, more widely open than the cavern of my Great Aunt Gurtruda. Their father moved over towards her, stopping to admire the view. She was quite a brighter golden color there as she displayed a slit and a puckered hole near the base of her tail. The father reached over with one claw and pointed first to the puckered Tailhole. "First off, this is something we all have... It's the anus, or tailhole as we often say, and well you all know what's done with that."

The Dragoness looked back to him "Oh, I'm sure they don't know everything." She said and wiggled her tail and winked at him, obviously enjoying showing off here a bit.

He just looked back to her with a look of "We'll test that later then..." sort of look and moved down with his pointing toward her slit. "Now, you see here is where the two of you become more different." He reached a talon forward and lightly pulled at the edges of the slit, revealing a cavernous moist and glistening silvery entrance beneath her golden-scaled feminine hole. "Now girls have a slit like this... that one can put things in..." And he gives a demonstration by bending his talon down and inserting it slowly inside, then pulling it in and out a few more times. A slight moan could be heard from their mother there, which she tried to stifle a bit.

The twins themselves have now stood and have come in to take a closer look. The brothers cockhead had started to peak it's silvery slip of a member out as the scents in the room had started to play at his own instincts. The sister seemed to be having a similar issue as her own tail seemed to be slightly more lifted naturally than was normal for her.

The father continued, pushing in and out of the dragoness' slit and pumping her for a moment like that credit card that just doesn't want to work. He then grinned at the two of them "Well, it also feels very good to be touched here and to touch here ourselves... And it's okay to do that, though only those you like and trust should be touching there. Though you can touch as much as you like." He nodded at them both, noticing their piqued interest. "Though now for boys, our slit is a little different..."

"Oh Tarmis darling..." The dragoness said and looked back to him "Shouldn't I show them your slit?"

He looked to her and laughed "Oh love, there isn't any need to... I think they can see for themselves right now..." And indeed the twins could as their father stood up, his draconic member hanging out fully and glistening silver in the orb light of the chamber. He lifted a leg and pointed down to himself "And this is the penis... or sometimes called shaft, or dragonhood, or even more vulgar names I'm sure you'll learn in time." He said to the twins and gave his shaft a light squeeze. "It should feel very good to be touched here and to touch yourself, too." He purrs a little as he stroked himself a few times "And it starts to show when we get aroused..."

The brother looked to his father, his own smaller shaft dangled out now "Then, what's causing my own to show now father?" He asks as he looked to his father and then to his mother.

Their father looked to his son and noded, sniffing the air "It's what you're smelling... the scent of a dragoness and dragon, the scent of aroused females and males tends to cause that reaction... It's because we mate by using our dragonhood." He continued to stroke himself and his eyes closed halfway in a pleasured look.

Their mother nearby looked back to him and let out a little clearing of her throat "Dear... since we've taught them so much... Why don't we just show them how it works?" She questioned and winked to him again, her position crouched with her tail raised had not changed in the least.

Their father looked back to the twin's mother and grinned a toothy grin of interest "Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt... and then they'll know!" He said, stopping his own stroking and moving over towards the dragoness. He looked to his children "Now Children, this can be done in many ways... But when you're ready to finally have children of your own and lay eggs, you'll have to mate." He smiled "It's a truly wonderful feeling, especially with the right dragon, and you can accomplish it in many ways... In flight, on your back, over the back, in a thun..."

The dragoness cleared her throat again "Why don't you just show, and less talk?" She said a bit more forcefully and looked back to him. He grined a little and looked to the twins "Well, your mother has spoken..."

The two twins looked to each other and spoke hushed between them selves as they watched an interesting sight. "Is he... going to spear mom?" They questioned to each other... To which the answer was blatantly, Yes.

The large silver dragon moved behind the dragoness, first sniffing and giving her a little lick to her silvery golden slit before rising up on his hind legs. His forepaws found purchase upon first the dragoness' rump and then moved forward as he stepped forward a few more times, his shaft bobbing and dripping down onto the colorful pillows beneath the two of them. He stroked at the joints of her wings before giving a few trying thrusts with his shaft, blindly searching for the proper hole. After a few thrusts he let out a contented sigh as it slid into the wet and waiting chamber of his mate. He looked back to his children "And this is how mating often starts... I simply inserted... my shaft into... your mother's slit..." He pants a little as he talked, his hips continuing to move forward and back. "You just... keep the motion... going..." he said in-between thrusts. The dragoness was enjoying and squealed a little while her tongue hung out the side of her mouth in a contented lolling of enjoyment.

The twins looked to each other and nearly in unison "Should we try that?" To each other but they both shook their head "No... maybe not..." The brother flopped down on his side and started to stroke his hardened shaft. "Mmmm... but I do need... to touch myself... It was... starting to hurt." He said to his sister who watched between her brother and her father.

The large silver dragon continued to thrust into his dragoness; his wings occasionally would spread out a little in the lair, causing a slight breeze to cover all of them. He bent over and lightly nipped at her neck and then gave a possessive bite as he started to thrust in harder and harder, rocking their bodies together and becoming unaware of "teaching" much else at the moment.

Brother dragon continued stroking himself and then lookd to his sister, moving his tail over and brushed up under her tail and teased her own slit there which he found wetter than that time he thought that the large lily pad would support his weight like it does in many video games. She let out a little squeal and purr and her rump pushed back to his tail. She looked at him "That felt good brother... keep... doing it..." She said with a look of pleading to him in her eyes. She then looked back to their parents, affixed upon them and just watched that silvery shaft of her fathers slam in and out of the dragoness' feminine nethers over and over... It was very stimulating for her to simply watch... then her brothers tail found it's way inside her own and she pushed back, sliding the tip in a bit deeper and then back out, and in. She looked to him "Oh yes... do that... more..."

He smiled through his panting breath while he continued to stroke himself seemingly fixated between watching her and his parents. He made a quick comment "Well, I won't stop... but why don't you help me here to?" The brother questioned his sister, removing his paw from his own shaft. Little had his paw left than his sister's tail replaced it, eliciting a hiss of pleasure as he laid back and relaxed on the large pillow. The two watched their parents fully while each others tails helped them along...

Minutes passed by and their father picked up his speed and finally with a heavy grunt he started to climax. His shaft held into the depths of the dragoness as it let loose his seed. The dragon's body shook atop her for a minute till the sensation started to abate. With a soft popping he slipped his shaft out from her and looked back to his children, eyes going a bit wide at what he saw.

The twins had gone from using their tails to using their mouths to help each other now. The brother had moved below and was licking up into the slit of his sister, nuzzling his scalely snout against her and lapping in while she took his silvery shaft into her own muzzle. Both were inexperienced, but creative, which worked just fine for them. No sooner had their father and mother both started watching than they reached their peak, together, shaking and quivering as both reached orgasm. It was short, but strong and sweet. With a flump the sister flopped over into a pillow next to her brother and cuddeled against him. They looked back to their father and in unison said "Thank you for the lesson, father."

He just looked at them and laughed a bit "You two always were quick learners..." He grinned at the twins who were quickly falling asleep, using each others tails as pillows in a sort of erotic yin/yang type position. The dragon looked back to his mate "Well, before they get into to much trouble... perhaps they need to make a few other friends?"

She nodded in agreement "Well, I do know Mathin's daughter wanted our son to come over to play and share some cookies she baked... Perhaps she'll be interested to? I know our daughter has a few other male friends to they all play with also." She said softly, moving over to a set of pillows and sprawling out. Her mate stepped over and nestled up against her. "Though I think the kids have it right... time for us to sleep to." She said to him and gave him a soft lick goodnight.

The silver dragon nodded to this and smiled "Yes love, I agree..." And with that the two parents fell asleep to surely dream of things themselves while their children dreamed too and pondered their newfound knowledge and how they could have all the more fun in exploring it...