The Party Fox Is Upstairs

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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When Aaron and Michael heard that the frathouse was throbing a big kegger, they didn't have to be told twice to come! And by the sights of it, they're gonna keep coming and coming and coming and...

** ***

Aaron was sitting on the edge of the bed and taking the next to last sip out of his red cup of illicit kegger beer, when the door flew open, and his ears perked up. Light entered the room, as well as increasingly intense music, blasting at full volume from downstairs, filling the nameless frat dude's bedroom with the sounds of the party raging on.

The fox's bushy tail jumped at the sight of the wolf standing in the doorway, carefully trailed by a German Shepherd in a black T-shirt and some saggy jeans. Aaron's eyes met with those of the wolf, who was wagging his tail, and grinning, while he employed a paw to push the Sheppie into the room.

"Come on, dude," the wolf grumbled, as both of them stepped inside, and he kicked the door shut behind them, and caused the world beyond to fade into a more gentle thrum of voices and noises.

The Sheppie gave the wolf a brief look before his eyes turned to the fox sitting on the edge of the bed, and Aaron flicked him a friendly ear in return, and let his own tail wag against the side of the bed.

"Hey there," Aaron grinned.

"Meet Tyler," the wolf said, patting the Sheppie on the shoulder. "Tyler, Aaron, Aaron, Tyler."

"Hi, Tyler!" Aaron yipped.

The waggy-tailed wolf and the Sheppie reached the fox sitting on the edge of the bed, and Aaron's smile certainly did not wane as the two males approached and their scent intensified. It was a musk composed of two ripe college dudes, with a bit of deodorant, cologne, balls and beer mixed in. Did Aaron smell a hint of lime, too? Hmmm...maybe they were doing tequila shots downstairs, he thought. The idea of a drink made him upturn the red cup into his muzzle to get the last of the beer out of it. The suddenly frothy swallow made him burp, and Aaron giggled at the sound, and then rubbed his muzzle to the back of his paw, and put the cup down to the nightstand, next to the lit table lamp.

The wolf was still grinning, but the Sheppie simply gave him a slightly nervous look, sideways, before he looked at the seated, small fox again.

"Uhm...hi," the Sheppie murmured, tail tip switching about, and his ears on the move.

Aaron scratched the side of his muzzle as he tilted it and looked up and sideways at the two males standing by the bed, and then licked his lips with his small, pink tongue. His tail wouldn't stop wagging slowly.

"A bit quiet isn't he, Michael?" he spoke, addressing the wolf who winked and then put an arm around the Sheppie's shoulders.

The brown-furred male almost jumped at the sudden contact, but allowed himself to be pulled against the wolf's side, even if his ears seemed to flatten a little at the sideways step he was compelled to take. The wolf, Michael, simply kept on smiling, and rubbed the Sheppie's arm.

"Maybe a little, but that's because he says he never did anything like this before," the wolf rumbled. "Isn't that right, Tyler?"

The Sheppie's ears jumped a bit, and he gave a nervous nod, that only made Aaron the fox grin more broadly, and re-arrange his folded legs over his lap to give him some...breathing room.

"Oohhhh is that so?" the fox stated.

The wolf-plastered and slightly tequila-scented Sheppie nodded quickly, and breathed out an almost giggle-like exclamation that was followed by more nervous tail-swishing.

"Yeah, lol, I mean..."

Aaron chuckled and licked his lips again, and let his eyes linger on the taller male, and his eyes did not find anything to complain about it. Just another slinky, regular college dude wearing non-descript clothes in a non-descript frathouse party with lots of booze, hot chicks and...a fox on someone's bed.

"Ohhh I think I know what you mean..." the fox murmured, his voice meaningfully low, as were his eyes. "And I'm sure that my boyfriend here, Michael, told you what I could do about it..."

The fox smacked his lips, which prompted another rough chuckle from the wolf, as well as his scruffy paw suddenly patting the Sheppie's jeans-covered crotch. Tyler the doggie let out a surprised grunt and stepped backwards, as he pulled himself free from the wolf's hold. He let out a deep breath and got both males' eyes on him, slightly flattened ears from Michael, but another simple smile from the fox still sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Please forgive Michael, he gets a bit touchy feely so very easily..." Aaron giggled.

The Sheppie bared his teeth in a quick huff and rubbed the back of his neck, while his eyes jumped between the wolf and the fox, tail swishing from side to side in a jerking motion that made audible flaps against his legs.

"It's your call, though, of course," the wolf spoke softly. "We're sure as fuck not forcing anyone, and I can as well go down and find someone else who's more interested."

The Sheppie let out a grumble and raked his fingers through his head furs that showed signs of being styled with some jelly before embarking on a night of crazy-partying, keg beer and...hmmm. For the other males in the room, it looked like a battle of the will, trying to decide whether to flee the place or just...get on with it. Aaron sat with a remarkable expression of serenity on his face, tail still flicking about occasionally, while the tall wolf stood, arms relaxed about his sides, but shoulders slung back, to show off his nicely toned chest. The rumbling breaths of the Sheppie made their ears flick occasionally.

"Just don't keep the gentleman waiting...or the others waiting, if you want to go downstairs again," Aaron spoke, after what felt like minutes of silent waiting.

The Sheppie almost jumped. The fox's soft voice seemed almost loud, even with the din of the party thumping a strange baseline into their inner soundtracks, but in the relative privacy of the room, it was still enough. He let out another grumble, let his eyes linger between the two males, and then, finally, he nodded.

"What the hell," the Sheppie grunted.

"There we go!" the wolf grinned. "Just step right up and see what happens when Aaron works his magic."

Aaron's tail was already wagging at full speed while the Sheppie took a couple of tentative steps to approach the bed, and the stood a foot away from the leering fox. Aaron's eyes moved from the Sheppie's sneaker-covered paws all the way to his nervously puffed cheeks, and then licked his lips again.

"Nice," the fox smirked.

"I know what you like, dude," Michael spoke from the Sheppie's side.

"Ohhh I like..." the fox grinned, rubbing his paws together.

"Just fork out the cash and he's all yours," the wolf rumbled.

The Sheppie again gave the wolf a suspicious look, but nonetheless stuffed a paw into his jeans pocket, to pull out a worn-looking black wallet. Aaron grinned and picked up his red mug from the night table, turned it over and shook it to get the few remaining drops of beer off from the cardboard before he then presented the cup for the wolf with a little playful flick of his wrist.

"It's for a very good cause" the wolf pouted and flicked his ears cutely, tail still as mobile as ever.

Michael chuckled roughly and Aaron could see the wolf rubbing the front of his own pants while the rumbling Sheppie fumbled with his wallet.

" bucks, right?" the Sheppie breathed out as he worked through the leather folds for the cash.

"Ten bucks for a pawjob or a blowjob, a hundred bucks for buttsex," Aaron spoke sweetly.

The Sheppie's brow jumped curiously, and his fingers stilled.

"That's some big price jump, lol," he muttered.

Michael snorted.

"Gotta keep some standards," the wolf said. "Besides, that butt belongs to me, and I don't usually like sloppy seconds."

Aaron winked.

"That's why the ass service is pricey, but believe me...Tyler..." the fox murmured, looking up to the Sheppie with his innocent blue eyes, "I've sucked a lot of cocks, and I would do it for free if I didn't know that I'm so good at it that guys are actually willing to pay for the...privilege."

The Sheppie snorted and then stuffed two 5-dollar bills into the fox's still offered cup before the wallet disappeared into his pocket again.

"Thank you for your purchase," Aaron grinned, and put the cup onto the nightstand.

"Heh," the Sheppie chuckled, again sounding nervous.

"Remember to be nice to the fox, dude," Michael rumbled as he watched the Sheppie eye the seated fox. "Or the boyfriend's going to be very pissed."

The Sheppie's ears flattened again, but flicked soon when he suddenly felt nimble lupine paws land onto his hips. His eyes dropped down to meet the fox's, smiling and licking his lips while he gave the Sheppie's rump a meaningful tug.

"Come on then, stud..."

The Sheppie rumbled quietly and his paws went for his belt buckle.

"That's the spirit," Aaron giggled. "I bet it's gonna be biiiiiig..."

The Sheppie let out a small bark and the belt buckles clinked, and he wasted no time before the zipper was drawn too, and jeans came down to his knees, followed by some expensive-looking Calvin Klein boxers. A red, musky erection bounced free from under the young male's shirt hems and emitted a cloud of masculinity into the room. Aaron's nosepad wrinkled with the depth of his inhalation, enjoying the smell. Michael the wolf squeezed down on the bulge on the front of his pants and wagged his tail, enjoying watching this as much as his boyfriend was.

"Hmmm...nice..." Aaron rumbled his approval at the sight of the springy erection.

The Sheppie smiled nervously, but rumbled in obvious pleasure when a paw landed onto his swinging ball sac and gave it a nice tug. Aaron rolled this nice, warm nuts in his palm and even remembered to give them his patented three-padded squeeze, while the rest of his fingertips simply tickled on the tight pair of balls and elicited a proper moan. The stout shaft jumped a little, as did the Sheppie's tail.

"Very nice...and big, full balls too...haven't gotten off lately, have you?" the fox slurred sluttily, feeling up that nice, hefty pair once more.

"Uhhh...not since yesterday..." the Sheppie rumbled, voice falling into a lower register now as he was finally getting the stimulation he needed.

"Heheheh," the fox chuckled, eyes following the gentle bounce of the aroused, fully knotted dick throbbing as the very pleasant sprout of the Sheppie's musky loins. "Bet it was you jerking off under the covers, quietly so that your roomie won't be woken up...maybe cumming into a sock..."

The Sheppie almost barked at the sensation of the another tug his balls were subjected to, his paws clenched into fists by his hips, and then he shook his head.

" the shower..."

"Niiiiiice," Aaron smacked his lips in approval and released the Sheppie's balls suddenly, his paws landing onto the tall male's hips, now. "Sneaky..."

Aaron leaned forward and pressed his nosepad against the very base of the Sheppie's dick, and breathed in the musk that was there, in that fold of skin formed by his retracted sheath. The Sheppie rumbled and his tail wagged loudly once more at the sensation, not to mention the renewed throb of his thick shaft. His next breath came out as a considerable "ruff" that made the wolf standing nearby chuckle.

"You like, dude?" Michael rumbled, to nobody in particular.

"Uh huh," the busy-lipped fox replied, his muzzle now moving upwards along the Sheppie's shaft with slow, wet kisses.

Tyler the Sheppie didn't speak, but did put one of his paws over the fox's head. He wasn't putting any pressure down on him yet, but the wolf could definitely see the flexing of the fingers.

"Good job," Michael grunted, a rude grin splitting his muzzle while he watched and listened his boyfriend work on the Sheppie's shaft.

Aaron added his tongue by the time he reached the broad, pointed tip, and lapped up all the pre-cum that had accumulated there during the protracted teasing. The Sheppie let out another small bark and bucked his hips, but he was rewarded with a little pat on his rump by the fox, and a wink across his long muzzle, when their eyes met.

"Patience, stud," Aaron grinned, "you'll get off in no time..."

"Well not too quickly!" the Sheppie yipped when he felt the fox's lips again, and that tongue, making circles.

"Ohhh man..."

Aaron chuckled merrily before he angled his neck properly for the act of slipping his lips around the Sheppie's tip. He leaned down a bit to make for a more pleasant angle, and then suckled on the first inch he had caught into his maw. The Sheppie's tail slapped against his legs and made him grumble loudly.

"That's it, that's how he does it," Michael grunted hotly. "Good, huh?"

The fox heard the wolf's words and winked at him, quickly, even as he was already fully concentrated in playing with the thick, throbbing dick soon to be filling his muzzle. What he was doing now was mere teasing, to get the juices flowing, and put the taste of the canine's sharp musk over his tongue.

The slow circles around the Sheppie's tip seemed to be more than he could take, because the paw and the arm connected to it flexed suddenly, and in a flash, the red cock was showed forward all the way to the knot. Aaron let out a muffled grunt at the sudden invasion of his entire oral cavity, and only the knot bumping against his lips prevented that thick dick from pushing into his throat to generate a proper gag. Instead of that, he opened his jaws obediently and applied some extra nice suction into the fulfilling rod within his muzzle.

" him who's the stud, Tyler...that's how my Aaron likes it...fuck his muzzle if you want long as he gets cum, he's happy..." the wolf edged the Sheppie on, his own tongue now lolling out of his muzzle while his paw kept groping his crotch.

The Sheppie seemed to lose the remains of his inhibitions, listening to the wolf's dark voice while his eyes were fixed on the fox's eyes, looking up to him adoringly while his lips worked around the slick length stuffed into his long muzzle. The fox winked and flicked an ear, and then rolled his tongue against the underside of the firm shaft again.

"Fuck..." the Sheppie growled.

"Aaron's muzzle's the greatest," Michael rumbled in return. "Extra hot and nice...better than pussy, I bet..."

The fox shook his head and made exaggerated slurping sounds around the cock stuffed into his muzzle.

The Sheppie didn't speak in reply, but simply yanked his dick out of the fox's muzzle until only the tip remained, only to be pushed promptly knot deep into the fox's warm, alive maw. Tyler dropped his other paw down to the fox's crown, and clasped his head with all of his digits now, to keep him steady while the thrusting started.

There was no finesse to it, nothing besides the want to get his rocks off, and to breed his seed into this warm hole that had been offered to him at a reasonable expenditure. The slick sounds of his cock seesawing through the fox's suckling lips soon filled the room, and Michael, ever the eager voyeur, watched how the doggie's butt muscles flexed with the effort of facefucking the fox with rapid, warm strokes.

"That's it, stud," Michael panted, watching the Sheppie ravage his boyfriend's muzzle, "that's how a real dude does it...nice and hard..."

The Sheppie growled and bit his teeth together, so viciously that Michael could see the flash of white between his curled lips. The big male was panting now, too, putting all of his drunken energy into humping his cock into the heat of the fox's muzzle.

"Bet you won't be thinking about cheerleaders tomorrow morning, Tyler boy..." the wolf husked again, speaking since the fox wasn't able to at the moment to vocalize except via muffled grunt. "Only about the hot little fox..."

Tyler's balls were bouncing against the fox's slick chin now, making another loud, slapping sound with each contact between nuts and face.

"Shut....nhh...the...fuck...up!" the Sheppie growled, pumping with vigour and panting furiously.

Michael chuckled, and let his tongue loll out of his muzzle while he simply enjoyed the show from then on, the scents, sounds and the mere sight of the glistening shaft gliding in and out of that moaning muzzle more than ample turn-on to the wolf. The Sheppie's grunts were almost pained by now, and his breathing, panting as it was, slowly approached the level of wheezing while he kept pounding his knot against the fox's sweet black lips.

"Just like that..." the wolf murmured.


"That's it...that's it..."

The fox's jaws were almost numb by now, tensely working around the thick dick while the Sheppie thrust in and out of his hot oral cavity. His paws gripped the flexing hips and added a nice scratching sensation with his claws, which the Sheppie definitely enjoyed, judging by the extra hard thrust that followed...and another...and another...


The Sheppie bit his teeth together and gave another thrust into the hot, suctioning foxy muzzle before his balls contracted and his orgasm washed through him, just like the thick spurts of doggie seed streaked across Aaron's tongue. The fox swallowed instinctually, gulping down everything the Sheppie pumped into him. His nose filled with the musk, even if the spunk was flowing practically directly into his stomach. The swallowing motion generated extra nice suction that made the Sheppie yelp whenever the waves of pleasure coursed through his meat.

"Booyeah...both the fox and the stud getting their treats..." the observant wolf rumbled, licking his own lips dirtily, now that he had finally caved in and slipped a paw into his pants, to get his fingers around his own bare, hard shaft. He'd already made quite the mess against his palm, and remembered to lick all the copious canine pre-cum up to his thirsty tongue when he came for a good sniff of his own musk.

The Sheppie was still panting, but his cock had finally stopped twitching, and it was soon pulled out of the fox's muzzle. They parted with a sloppy sound, his cock bouncing up wetly against his belly, and Aaron...well, his tired jaws simply remained open, and he took a deep breath, the first through his muzzle in several minutes. The slightly tired smile was unmistakable.

"Fuck..." the Sheppie panted.

"Yumm..." Aaron smirked as he licked over his glistening lips.

"Told you, he'd good," Michael rumbled from his side of things, and winked rudely.

The Sheppie still seemed to be a bit woozy from his orgasm, but he still had the presence of mind to bend down a bit and start pulling on his boxers. His tail wagged furiously, however, and made the aroused wolf pay special attention to the cute butt before it disappeared under the fabric all too soon. The belt buckle clicked when the jeans soon followed.

"That was one nice load, Tyler," Aaron smiled, paws pushed back as he relaxed on the bed. "You really needed this, I see..."

"Don't be afraid to come back for seconds later, if you feel like it," the wolf added. "The same rate applies."

The Sheppie flicked his ears sharply in the wolf's direction, but didn't say anything more, instead he seemed too busy with zipping himself up that he didn't want to pay attention to the rude wolf intent on pimping out his kinky boyfriend.

Aaron giggled and smacked his lips.

"Though the cream is free, hehehehehe."

"Hahahahahh," Michael accompanied.

The Sheppie's ears flattened as the two other males chuckled at their dirty brand of humour, but they soon shot up, quite suddenly, when there was a sharp knock on the door followed by the very same door being opened. A lion and a cheetah burst through the doorway, with gait that more resembled a semi-controlled stumble, and both of them let out loud "WHOOOOOOOOOOP!"s as they entered the room.

"Heeehehehehehey!" the lion bellowed.

"The rumours are true!" the cheetah added, purring openly.

The Sheppie's eyes widened at the sight of the two cats suddenly intruding into the dimly lit room, and his eyes were immediately drawn to the now open door, offering escape, as well as the pounding of the dance music from downstairs.

Michael the wolf's furs bristled as he moved to stand in front of the fox, with a quick step, while his arms folded over his chest, and his tail twitched sharply. The two laughing cats stepped forward, not caring for the Sheppie, it seemed ,since the lion immediately put his arms around the wolf and almost lifted him off his paws.

"Mikey!" the hunky lion enthused.

Michael's ears perked at the recognition of the scent and the voice, and the smile, now looking at him inches away as he was super-hugged by the burly guy.

"Wayne!" the wolf yelped.

"Hi, Aaron!" the cheetah purred from the lion's side.

"HI!" the fox grinned in reply. "Long time no see!"

"We're baaaack!" the cheetah declared as he bounced onto the bed and almost tackled the fox down as well.

"Hello there!" Wayne the lion smirked and purred as he leaned over to smooch the wolf still held in his muscular arms.

The Sheppie watched the wolf and lion get cozy with an increasingly puzzled expression on his face, which was only added up to when the fox and the cheetah traded some words and then giggled, tails flicking and then entwining on the side of the bed. The four males seemed so taken by one another that the frat dog decided that it was best for him to leave...before more guys would barge in. He didn't really want to be seen there, anyway, getting a ten-buck blowjob from the talk of the party. He made sure not to make too much noise when closing the door behind him.

Inside the room where a hint of Sheppie musk still lingered on, both the newcomers now had some appreciate arms around a pre-existing fur, while grins and banter were traded eagerly.

"It's been so long!"

"You look great!"

"Nice abs!"

"Love that shirt!"

"Love that dye!"

"Where've you guys been?"

"Liked the party so far?"

"Got many customers yet, buddy?"

"Mind if I pay some of my ten bucks in quarters? Just in case you need some change ehehehehe?"
