in a pack part 3

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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#3 of In a Pack Redone

This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth mark . Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to Humans, his father the leader of the Human clan orders for the death of his own Child. His Mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. more summary inside.

Warning:Paring between a Human and animal

In a Pack by SindragonV2

I own Stuart, Nala Ironfang ,David ,OC and Silvermoon.

I don't own Soto Diego, Manny Sid is own by Blue sky

This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth mark . Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to Humans, his father the leader of the Human clan orders for the death of his own Child. His Mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. Only to die and with her son, still alive in the cold. But her son is found by a Sabre, who take the baby home to her clan. To raise him in as one of them

Warning: There will be paring between a human and a animal. If you don't like that stuff don't read this story ok !

Also I will keep the parings the same as they are in the movies.

Chapter 3 A walk,pounce and spying

After 5 minutes of walking from the caves,they had finally came to the forest. That link,the Sabres territory with the Human territory. As they 3 cats and their adopted Human brother ,walked into the forest .So they could get to their spy spot ,that they were using to spy on the Humans .To see what they were up to o.

As it was a long walk in the forest, to get to the spy area. So to past the time,Diego, Soto,Sin and Nala decide to chat to past the time. Soto then notice a new weapon, his adopted brother was holding. Wondering what the item was and what it did ?

" So what is that, your new weapon Bro ? " Soto asked Sin,as he turn his head to look at his adopted human.

' Well I call it, a bow and arrow" Sin said replying, to his adopted brother question .

" What dose it do ? " Diego asked him, as he was getting interested into the new toy.

" Well I use it for stealth hunting , basically to kill prey with out to much noise" Sin said to Diego and Soto,replying to their question . They asked him about his new weapon.

Sin then held out his Bow, which was made from a large thick tree branch. For the body, which was bent,to form the D shape. While the string,was a type of stretching vines.

For the arrows Sin has used once again,thick tree branch,but lighter and thinner. So they could fly faster and further,he then used sharp blade like stones. As the main deadly point of the arrow,as he used the vines to tie the stone together with the wood.

As Sin was looking at his weapon he had made. As he was doing this,he didn't see Nala sneak up on him. Until it was to late for Sin. Nala sneak behind Sin as she then pounced ,stealing Sin bow in her mouth .Before running down the path ,leaving an annoyed Human in her dust.

" Nala" Sin yelled at her as he chased after her. Causing a muffled laugh from Nala, as she kept running away from him.

Both Diego and Soto rolled they eyes and huff in annoyance. At the childishness action between Sin and Nala. As they went after them so they could, get back to their job.

" Both of you 2 stop it, we got a job to do" Soto said snapping at them,as they had caught up to them.

At that word Sin manage to caught Nala off guard for a sec. As he pounced on Nala as they crashed to the ground ,as Sin had flip Nala on her back. As he was on top of her, as he smirked at her. Nala grunted a bit before smirking at him. As she then flip her hips,as she used her strength to flip them over. As Nala slammed Sin down on the grass,as she pin him with her paws.

" Pin ya Bro, " Nala said to Sin , smirking at him. As she bared her Sabre fangs at him,as her nose was touching his.

Sin chuckled a bit as well blushing to, being this close to Nala. As he stroked her ear,causing Nala to purr a bit, making her blush as well. Hopping that Sin did not see that.

'" You 2 stop it, we got a Job to do. So stop messing around" Diego said angrily ,as he walked past them to stand by Soto.

" Sorry" Nala and Sin said in a embarrassed tone,as Nala then let Sin up. As the 2 tried to act normal,from what just had happen.

Diego and Soto rolled their eyes, as they walk onwards in the direction of the human camp. Nala gave Sin a nuzzle before starting to walk. In the direction of, were her brothers went. As Sin walk beside her,as they watch their older brothers in front of them.

"Sorry Bro"' Nala said to Sin.

" It ok, Sis" Sin said to her, as he smiled at her.

Nala smiled at him,as Sin picked up his bow. As they chatted behind Soto and Diego.

30 minutes later

The small group of Sabres and the one Human, had nearly reached there destination. As they were chatting about plans, on how it would work out. On their spying ,on the Humans clan. As they started to climb up a hill ,to get to the spot they would be spying at.

" Once we sort out this Human problem,what are we going to do about the Wolf pack problems ?" Sin asked his adopted family.

" What about the wolfs?" Diego asked in a confused tone,as he turned around to look at his adopted brother.

" Well 3 days ago, while I was out hunting. A group of 4 wolfs came up, to me and threaten our pack ." Sin said to Diego.

"Sin why haven't you ,told mum or dad or any of us" Nala asked him,with tone of anger but more in annoyance. At Sin for not telling them sooner, about this new threat.

" I was going to but we kept on, getting sent on jobs." Sin said ,as he was trying to explained to them.

" What did they say Sin " Nala asked him, glaring at her brothers. Who were giving Sin the death,glare for him not telling them about the Wolfs.

"They said that our pack would be doomed and they would,rule the whole Ice age." Sin said to them,trying to remember the full speech. That the Wolf group had gave to him.

After a few seconds listening to,Sin speech about the Wolf problem. Soto looked at Diego before, both of them bust into laughter.

" 4 wolfs beat us aha that, a good one Sin" Diego said between his laughter,as he was rolling in the snow.

" Yeah good one bro" Soto said chuckling, as he stayed on all 4 paws unlike Diego.

" Guys cut it, we need to pay attention. We will tell dad and mum later, but first the Human camp." Nala said in demanding tone ,as she walked past the boys.

The 3 look males looked at each other, before saying the same word at the same time.

" Girls" All 3 boys said.

" I herd that," Nala said snapping tone. As she walked into the bush to,set in their spying place.

The boys just laughed,as they fallowed their sister into the spy area. Which was a cliff above a area over the Human clan home.

As they look down,to look at the human camp. To see their was a group of about 30 Humans. Though Sin then spotted 4 things,that weren't Humans. But something he had just brought up,to his family .

" Guys those are the 4 wolfs ,I mention that gave me that threat" Sin said to his adopted family.

" What?" All 3 Sabres asked him in,a confused tone. At what he meant by that.

As they looked down at the 4 wolfs, Sin was pointing too. Who them self, were chatting to the Humans?

End chapter 3

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in a pack part 4

**In a Pack by SindragonV2** I own Stuart, Nala Ironfang ,David ,OC and Silvermoon. I don't own Soto Diego, Manny Sid is own by Blue sky This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth...

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In a pack part 2

**In a Pack by SindragonV2** I own Stuart, Nala Ironfang ,David ,OC and Silvermoon. I don't own Soto Diego, Manny Sid is own by Blue sky This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth...

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In a pack part 1

**In a Pack by Sindragonv2** I own Stuart, Nala Ironfang ,David ,OC and Silvermoon. I don't own Soto Diego, Manny Sid is own by Blue sky This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth...

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