Mouse Marks on My Life Chapter: 01 My Little Mouse

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Mouse Marks on My Life

Chapter: 01

My Little Mouse

Owain is my puppy mouse I found six years ago sitting in a bus shelter unconscious and freezing his little tail off. I brought him home only to find him burning with fever, flu and chills that made even me freeze a little, but I did what I could and he turned out very well.

He was very bright for a mouse his age then, I consider his mom must have abandon him because his life would be ruff, but in my mind I think she wanted him to be free and to have a good life and he has that here with me. I like to think I'm relatively handsome for a Belgium Sheppard male. The only thing thats wrong is with me is that I am mute, I have not spoken a word since I was seven, since that terrible measles epidemic in twen-ty fifty-eight.

Afterwards I learned to use the(sign-language) hand-paw movements I also I have V.A.M device (Vocal Apparatus for the Mute) for my work as an lawyer and it also helped me to teach my puppy mouse sign language for which he uses to speak with my friends and their kids. Is wrong that I love him as both a lover & son some people would say he is nothing more than slave in which you raised, so you can do what you want to him.

I did do that to him too, it was after he got over being sick that I took him in the bath-room to bathe him, but as with all mice pups Owain was deathly afraid of being im-mersed in water. I found that first handed as I was running his bathwater and he was in the private area of the bathroom sitting on the toilet passing waste from his body into the commode pan. It wasn't much water in the tub three and half inches just enough to scrub a young pup's fur. But as he finished relieving himself, I called him by using the V.A.M device to me as I was shutting off the water.

"Owain come here I typed to him and he came to me only in his white and milk chocolate fur as dirty as the dirt on the ground itself. I remember looking him over when I brought him home with me, his clothes were home spun and patch in places barely could keep him warm, taking the clothes off the mouse boy I saw the smallest frame that shivered on my bed. As I wrap his nude body and mine together in thick blankets then put my arms around him as I lay on my back, him on my chest. I held him in a long hug until his breathing evened out in long even breaths as he snuggled further into my warmth and sneezed into my fur as I hugged him tightly.

Such a sweet mouse I thought as I lay on my back, keeping him warm as he shivered, a cold mouse's tail laid straight between my legs, freezing my nuts as the offending tail laid against them. Looking at the face, my eyes saw the patch of white around his left eye, right then and I wanted him to open those eyes, so I could see what color they were. Large dish-like ears were still as I lay with him on my chest, he was lithe in body & face more girlish look then a boyish, if it weren't for the little mouse sheath and balls that was between his legs I would've taken his appearance for girl.

Coming to me slowly he walk with a timid grace as if he were afraid of me, "come to me here mouse lad." I typed on my right arm pad as he stops in front of me. "Now one thing you need a bath because you smell like a stinky doggie, Okay?" Picking him up and I nearly placing him into water, I had to stop because pain lanced in my right hand paw as the mice boy teeth bit hard into my paw, probably hard enough to break the skin.

Putting him down quickly, he ran on back into the private area, only peeking his head beyond the screen looking at me as if he expected I would get up, an run after and beat the holy ham sandwich out of him. Looking at my right hand-paw, seeing that the skin was n't broken only dented with mouse marks that came from his teeth as he bit down hard on my hand-paw. No blood I thought happily, as I walked to the entrance of the private area, going to my knees at the entrance, he backed away to the toilet and slid into the side of the toilet.

Plea... please master don't beat me, I am sorry for doing that but I don't like baths. He cried as fat tears flow out of his eyes as he sat down legs to his chest and arm around them and head upon his knees as he cried. He looked to be the sorriest person in the world. Walking to him, I stood in front of him; I just petted his head, back softly as the V.A.M. spoke to him. "Puppy mouse I know you didn't mean that okay, I didn't know that you don't like baths, the best thing I can do is correct this matter is to give you a shower instead of a bath Okay." As I moved to pick him up, he flinched at my touch and cried harder. "I won't hit you puppy mouse I'm just going to give you a shower, I just want to give a shower to make you to smell and feel better okay." I said. As I raised him up to my chest and walked of the private area with him cling to me, I took him into the shower putting him down, he look at me with the tears blurring his beautiful blue eyes.

A mop of unruly blond head fur a little long for a boy and two large dish like ears pro-truded from that unruly head fur, as I was looking at his adorable girlish face, it just made me want to hug and kiss him, and suddenly that's what I was doing. Kissing his forehead and hugging him tightly chest, blue eyes looked me surprised, as if what I was doing to him seemed wrong to him. It looks as if I my need to take you to the fur-cuttery

Grabbing the shampoo and turning on the warm water, I placed him under the spray of water and put a small glob shampoo in his head fur, using clawed fingers to scrub the dirty mop of head fur clean, to a shining blond. Next with the water still growing hotter to the perfect temperature, I grabbed the next bottle that was body-wash, taking a paw-full of body wash I attacked his chest, arms, legs with a vengeance, turning him around I did the same to his back, buttocks and ropey mouse's tail. Sitting him down on his but , I take a look at pads on the bottoms of his foot-paws only to find the most dirtiest foot paws I have seen in my lifetime even my cousins in the country have cleaner foot-paws than he had. Taking time and most of the bottle of body-wash to clean them, the foot paws came clean under gentle rubbing and footpads shone bright pink in my eyes, tak-ing a look the hand-paws, they too were dirty, but not dirty as the foot-paws were earli-er. Rubbing the body-wash in tiny circles on the small the hand-paws the dirt left them quickly as if it was never there. Rinsing the fur clean on the mouse boy I opened his left hand-paw and poured some body wash into it. I turning his back to me and pulling him to my chest, I took his left hand-paw moved it towards his small mouse sheath, and had him scrubbing his own sheath fur, then I pulled back his sheath and found out a big and small surprised myself.

Well I found out that my mouse wasn't circumcised, and that he didn't have a pee-slit, turning him around looking much closer that I needed to I found that he did indeed have a pee-hole, but it was a little larger than most and a few centimeters below from the top of his meatus head along the lines of the Urethra once erect.

Using my own paws to clean the little penis of all the cottage cheese like substance on it I forgot what it was called, I believe its call smegma. Taking a small cleaning brush with a dollop of body wash, rubbing lightly on the mouse shaft caused him to squeak loudly as I cleaned his little penis-body. Rinsing the brush off in the stream of falling water and returning the brush to the sheath I replaced the sheath over the redden small cocklet, then pushed the brush into the mouse's sheath scrubbing a little lighter in the sheath, causing little yips of pleasure as I cleaned the insides of the sheath of smegma. Mice are very sexually sentive creatures, that why some canines keep them as slaves or pets.

With his little body cleaned I switched places with him, so I could clean myself, scrub-bing my chest, arms, legs and tail. With my head under the water wetting my head fur for washing, it took me by surprise that I felt something tugging on my sheath, pulling my head out the spray of water, I saw little mouse paws tugging at my sheath. Trying to pull back the sheath to get to at my penile bone inside, typing quickly I asked. What are you trying to do, puppy mouse?" He didn't answer me, small paws kept working, trying to pull the down the sheath, but he only succeeding after getting me hard. Eight inches of redden hard Sheppard cock was staring him in his face, as he examined the hefty member in his cubbish little paws. Small lips opened and he said "it's different from mine, bigger back here, here and here. He pointed to my head, shaft and large knot, which was huge to his hand paws and eyes. Changing the voice on my V.A.M to an in-quisitive tone, "what are you trying to do?" I asked the young mouse that was examining my cock

"Cleaning" he'd said as he reached for the brush with the toes of his foot paws and giv-ing the brush to his hand paws, letting go of the dick he got some bodywash on the soft brush and started to wash my cock, as I laid my head back and enjoyed the manipulat-ing hand paws of the mouse boy. The feelings, as those small hand paws made me growl low in my throat, as memories my last lover a skinny lab friend, as I watched the young mouse boy's treatment of my cock and balls, now wishing I could howl, as I felt the churning inside my balls, as they pulled up tightly to my shaft, and I shot my hot Shep-pard seed that cover all over his face, hair and hands. Panting, and out of breath, I looked at his face and muzzle cover in my seed. I curse at myself silently because I just finished clean him up and here I go shooting my seed all over him.

He laughed silly at the strings of suds and mess as I rewashed him thoroughly, only to remember about his head-fur, which had taken brunt of my massive load "close and cover your eyes." I typed. Covering them as I shampooed his head-fur, he let go with girlish giggle of a laugh.

"Master I'm sleepy," he said yawing as I finished cleaning him over again. Leaning into the Sheppard the mouse boy slipped into sleep. Stopping the shower, I dried him, myself, and put him of us to bed only to find him already sleeping soundly as I put him in bed. Getting in bed I looked at him with mixed feelings both love, lust and my own self-pity. He was cute mouse boy in which anyone would take home and do anything too.