Cub Crush (Version 2)

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#1 of Cub Crush

Long time no see people, I've been avoiding writing for quite a while due to lack of motivation (mainly) so I figured I'd get the ball rolling by doing a rewrite of a few of my old stories to blow off a few of the cobwebs and edit them for content as well adding more story overall.

For those new to this story it contains adult/cub action, NC and other unpleasant themes.

Cub Crush - Part 1 (Version 2)

Thunder rumbled in the distance as waves crashed alongside the bow of the cruse ship, a slight storm was brewing off of the main continent, the ship large enough that it hardly bobbed at all. The SS Para was a fine ship indeed, with over 1000 cabins and a stage that could seat over twice that many at a packed show jaunted though the storm as if the seas where calm. Out on the main stage was the crowd's favorite, Johnny V, with his slick guitar moves and his flashy outfits he was one of the main reasons the ship was doing so well this year. In his mid twenties he was a teen pop icon who never stopped making money, never stopped showing, it helped that though he got taller and more muscular, he kept that same youthful face and killer dance moves that made ladies (and some men) of all ages try to get close.

Out in the audience was a small vixen girl, accompanied by her mother where sitting near the front row. Sandy, a ten year old arctic fox who was still growing, a little over four feet tall she was wearing a blue sun dress that was bought for her just a year or so earlier, it reached down to just above her knees and was a little tight on her, but the little girl did love the dress so she insisted on bringing it along. Sandy worshiped the performer on stage, thrilled when she found out that she'd be seeing him on the cruse, and absolutely thrilled when she found out her mother had entered her in a contest and had gotten her a back stage pass after the show.

After the last encore finished, the sounds of music still buzzing in her little ears, her mother left her backstage with a female security guard, informing her mother that if she wanted that they could leave the girl there for the night so the mother could get some time alone at the bar. The older vixen took one look into her daughter's wide and watery eyes and nodded, letting her daughter disappear back stage with the female crew-member

Smiling the whole way there, Sandy was led into what looked like a cross between a bedroom and a dressing room, a large mirror on one end of the room, with a "He'll be with you in a short bit, he has to sign a few autographs first" the stage hand informed her. Looking around, the mirrors had various head-shots of cubs, she assumed fans of his. Biting her bottom lip as she looked at his bed, it was silly but she wondered if he ever made out with girls on it, just the thought made her blush.

After about 5 minutes Mr. Vulpine came into the room, looking at him in real life was different then in her posters, about six feet tall he was well muscled with orange fur, save for his white belly and chest and one brown 'sock' on his left paw. Coming in wearing nothing but his stage pants, the rest of his outfit haven gotten too hot for his liking, he smiled as he looked upon the young girl, here was someone who worshiped him, who would do whatever asked...

The fox gives his award winning smile, moving over to his bed to sit down "Why hello beautiful, what is your name?" he asked softly, his voice almost having a musical quality to it even while he spoke. Sandy blushed at being called that, so deep you could see it through her soft white fur "Umm, Sandy sir" she said softly, almost trembling. Johnny chuckled softly "Well Sandy, there's no reason for a mature girl like you to be so formal" he said softly, looking the girl over almost lewdly. This caused the girl to blush even more, never in her young life had anyone looked at her like this, and seeming it was her idol she wasn't even capable of thinking at as anything but pure. The adult patted the bed next to him "Come now, come sit next to me" smiling as he looks at her. Sandy hops over there almost at once, meeting her favorite star is like all her Christmases combined, she looks up at him sweetly, the male having a good foot and a half on her near four foot height. Reaching down and touching her leg gently, he watches Sandy's nervous expression. The girl goes still, freezing up at the odd touch, feeling those fingers dragging upwards towards her knee.. "Now Sandy, try to be quiet, if you make too much noise I'll have to go," he says softly, rubbing up her legs.

She looks up at him confused but nods, she lets out a noise nearing a whimper though as he starts to raise her dress up "Umm, what are you doing?" she asks, not wanting to speak louder for fear he'll tell her to go. He smiles as he looks to her "I'm just showing you what I show all of my favorite fans, now you do want to be my favorite don't you?" he asks, murring as he touches the outside of her little panties. Sandy nods and whimpers softly, not really thinking this is right, but still it's 'him' and she can't just chicken out like a little baby, her tail twitching behind her nervously, she freezes up as she feels his paw touching her privates. Legs spreading a tiny bit, not wanting this but unable to refuse him. Rubbing her little soft cunny though her panties he murrs, his, paw gently grabbing the fabric and pulling it down towards her knees "That's a very good girl, you're going to make me so happy" he says, gently rubbing his finger along her slit, slightly dipping his finger into her. She gasps and whimpers at the contact, trying to squirm away as she is violated like this for the first time.

Unable to move, afraid of what is about to happen, she looks up at him, whimpering out in discomfort as that digit slips in against her little barrier. Looking back at her he smirks softly, unzipping his pants, over 6 inches of black fox meat slipping out into view, the scent quite musky as he pulls his finger out of her, laying her back onto the bed "I'm going to make you a woman tonight" he says softly, muzzle dipping down, kissing licking across her soft little ears.

Sandy whimpers louder and shakes her head "I-I don't wanna" eyes wide as she lets out her first real protest, trying to scoot back, but he simply doesn't hear her he gets over her and flips her around onto her hands and knees. The little vixen starts to struggle now, still not screaming out though, in fear of what would happen if he just left her as well the fear of being hurt. The male simply holds her by her hips, rubbing his cock against her silken entrance, from being teased before and the feel of pre dribbling across her tiny slit, she's at least a little bit slick, those plump lips spreading bit by bit.

Starting to push himself into her whimpering little tunnel, length driving forward through her barrier, gasping at the tight feel of her hot tunnel grasping around him. Grabbing her muzzle tightly so as to muffle her cries, until he's in her fully, plump balls resting between her legs. It feels to her like she is being ripped apart, she screams but a hand to her muzzle silences it to muffled protests, she cries as she feels every inch of him push into her, little body shaking all over as her virginity is taken from her.

After a few minutes she calms down, the pain an aching burn that leaves her feeling very filled and very confused. Pushing in and out of her slowly for a few moments, not wanting to injure her any as he picks up the pace bit by bit. "That's very good Sandy, just try to relax, you're so tight and wonderful inside, such a good little fan for me..." he says. Though she doesn't want to hear it, his words make her feel both wanted and gross at the same time, almost as if she wanted it in the first place, she shudders all over, feeling pleasure from this only making her shake harder, feeling humiliated that she could like this.

Johnny moans softly as he pumps harder into the girl, picking up his pace to further his pleasure, knot starting to swell and slip out of its sheath. Sandy whimpers a bit as she feels the bulge against her, old enough to take sex ed, but far too young to think she'd be doing this "P-please sir, don't tie with me, I don't want it to hurt anymore" begging him softly, tears running down her face. The male simply chuckles "No, no hon, you need to be tied with, don't worry I know you can take it" he mumbles out, knot 'kissing' the girl's sex, his orgasm almost upon him. The little 10 year old shudders under him as she is spread so wide, it doesn't tear her like she thought it would it just really hurts as it fully locks into place, shaking all over, the feeling of a knot in her sets off something in her, her body moving and gyrating against his of its own will, she orgasms around his cock, her little sex contracting and milking around his cock. "Oh gawds no..." she says softly, tears streaming down her cheeks as she feels his length pumping hot seed into her, filling her virgin womb for the first time.

Johnny gasps as he fills her with his seed, his jaws lightly circling around her neck, holding her in place as he pumps his potent seed into her young womb. After minutes of bliss in her he calms down, rubbing her sides and belly he smiles and kisses her neck "That's a good girl, this is going to be a fun night indeed..."

The end?