The Cries He Wanted To Hear

Story by Nails on SoFurry

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jsut an rp i converted into a story

Ash sighed and wanderd around the castle, having no chance of sleeping he decided to go back to the ball room where he relesed lucarioLucario had been sitting on the throne, his eyes closed, his legs crossed in meditation. A blue visible aura emitted from off of his body as he slowed his breathes, breathing deeply. he sighed and turned around to wal kaway after spotting Lucario, he was the last person he wanted to see right now Whatever it is is still troubling you." He said, his silent words spreading through the echos of the dark, empty hall. He opened his eyes slightly and looked up to Ash. yeh my best friend bein kidnapped by some over excited pink thing, not like youd know anythin of friendship" If thats how you feel then suffer for all I care." He muttered. please your only helping to help clear your name with the queen, i bet it was you who abandoned aaron" he said and started walking " I could care less about clearing my name. You released me from the sceptor, proof enough that Aaron left me behind." He muttered." And you're no different than he is." "and whats htat supose to mean?!" he shouted, his vocie echoing through out the ball room " Maybe if you had kept better watch over pikachu you could have prevented him getting lost." "maybe if it wernt for this stupid tradtion of me sitting while every one else had a good tiem id been able to play with my pokemon" he said walking up to him glaring at him " Ah... So thats why you were wearing sir aaron's uniform." He said, his eyes beaming down on Ash like the twin moons of a distant planet." Did you see him leave?" "no, but i saw pikachu and evryone's pokemon head to the top to-w...ow.." he couldnt speak any more as he held onto hsi sdies pain splitting in half, well thats what it felt like, Ash hastily glanced out side, to the un trained eye itd look like an ordanairy night with a beautiful full moon. "You were saying?" Ash couldnt, get the rest of his sentance out, he ws too busy kneeling on the floor clutching his sides "!" His Aura was starting to get stronger. the heat of it sending a slight burning feeling through Lucario's fur. He stood up and walked over to him, not being totally heartless. He placed a paw on Ash's burning shoulder, ignoring the pain." Ash?" Ash's bones could be heard crackign and breaking but as if they were re configuring, changing shape and size, Ash jsut merly gave lucario a look that said run or you'll be killed He backed off slightly and got himself ready. Whatever was wrong with him, it'd be sure to tear down the castle if he didn't try to stop it. He backed off slightly and got himself ready. Whatever was wrong with him, it'd be sure to tear down the castle if he didn't try to stop it. He thought about the other's and ran to wake them. and in one moment Ash's cries of pain and suffering seemed to have stopped but only for the final stage of his transformation, the final bone being changed, a yelping howl echoed through out the hall, and in the sshredded cloth of Ash's clothing layed a whimpering Arcanine. Lucario came to a stop and looked down at the Arcanine."..Ash?" He whispered, suddenly wondering if he should have stopped instead of waking the others. he whimperd and backed up "...dont me" What do you mean?" He turned around. Well at least Ash hadn't lost control of himself, at least that much was apparent. Still, with such a strong aura like his and Sir Aaron's..."Ash..I have a question for you?" "...what?..." he said the tone of hsi vocie was clear he was disgusted with himself " Are you....familiar..with having sex with many pokemon?" He asked as he watched him slightly back away. " charizard been raping me sicne he was a charmeleon, and my snorlax joined in...its why i dont liek goign home" He sighed softly." Is that so..." he tried to think of how someone so young could put up with that." You never let them go?" "i smashed their pokeballs so they couldt return them selves...but they still keep doing it" he said in am ixture ofp ain and rage, his fire starting to blaze "Wait..they've found a way to follow you? Haven't you told someone about..this??" "where i come from...its considderd an honur for a pokemon to even touch a human around hte crotch, let alone consider breeding them" "And thats supposed to make it a reason not to say anything?" "why bother all it wil ldo is get me suspended from being a trainer and a jail sentance its bad enough of what they turned me into..soem sort of freak" " Sir Aaron was the same way with me....thats why they look and act so similar." He muttered under his breathe. "the reason max sleeps next to me is because he wants me to turn him, he caught one of my changes, and keeps buggin me to turn him" "Well why dont you?" He asked." He really seems to want such an "honor"." "coz im not a pedo, or putting hi mthrough the pain that i go through every few nights" " Have you ever tried to seek help?" he asked. "yeh that'll go down well i can see the headlines now, lunatic boy locked up on beleife of being able to turn to a pokemon, even if i showed them id be locked up in a lab" " Sounds like you're expecting the worst of fates." He muttered." Do you really think so terribly of them?" "im a human its natral for me to becurious about thigns i dont understand and that goes double for people who controrl armies, or who want to run or take over other countries" "And to think, thats how the world turned out to be so perfect isnt it?" he muttered sarcastically. he sighed and picked what was left of his pajamas in his maw and started to walk out, he normaly didnt wear pj's to bed but had to since max started sleepign with him He sighed and walked back to the throne, folding his legs. "is their any where i can hide till teh sun coems up?" "You can stay in here if you wish." He sighed." No one shall be awake until then." he smiled a little and moved towards the throne, laying behind it so that hed be hidden for when eh changed back He closed his eyes and let his breathe slow again, falling asleep. the next mornign was like any otehr time he had a transformation, he woke up in aggony, he never felt hsi change to human, but he always woke up in pain, though soemthign was diffrent, he coulf deel a warmth that was slowly but surly starting to take soemthing in, it felt familliar too, he blushed wide eyed feeling his member hard as hed ever felt itstarting to sldie into Max's recently torn undies "shit please dont be awake" he mutterd to himself as he tried to pull out unnoticibly. "I'm awake." Max said as he blankly stared up at Ash." You've been ontop of me, naked, for over an hour. Max pushed Ash off and sighed." You could of at least let me wake up for it!!" "its not what you think i swear id never do anythin like that to you, your like a brother to me" he said pullign the covers over him "...i had a change last night...Lucario must ove carried me here" "So wait wait wait...Lucario knows about me wanting to change? Thats awesome!" He smiled and laughed." But you know, you're still stiff." He said, crawling to his lap." And I wasnt awake for whatever you did to me." he blushed brightly and tried to push him off, but his change left him in a weakend state "m-max!, i didnt do anythin to you i swear, Lucario msut ove put me liek that and torn your undies" He sighed." AAAAAASSSHHH!!!" Lucario walked in and chuckled." So then, has the deed been done or has he held out the entire night." Max got up and ran over, tugging on Lucario's arm." Ash won't have sex with mee!" Lucario shushed him." Not so'll wake the princess." he said. "Max i wont put you through all the pain i go throug every nigth" he said grunting, some form of seep primal urge was taking over the longer he looked at then aked boy, the more it took over. "Maybe it's time to explain to the boy exactly what it is that you go through when you change. Obviously you have not explained to him clear enough how painful the process is." he said, leaning on Max's head. he walked up to them and shoo'd Lucario away "look max...i dont want to hurt you, i want you to find some oen who will take your first time with love..not lust". " I dont care about my first time." He pouted, poking out his lip cutely." I just want to turn into a pokemon!" a deep growl came from Ash as he suddenly slammed Max onto the bed forcing their lips togethor, he was ready to jsut maul his ass then an there. Max yelped and shoved MAx off. A blinding force tackled Ash down to the ground and slammed him into the wall, holding him their until he had calmed down. "Max...please...dont force me to hurt you...your like my own personal brand of heroin, ever since this happend to me ive wanted to do stuff i shouldn't think about!" "Ash..Tell me when I can let you go." He said, still holding him tight against the wall, hugging him with his arms wrapped close to his waist so he couldn't move. "as soon as Max leaves...thats when the feeling stops, ive never felt so compelled to force soemthign on some one..its not right, your like my brother!" He shoved him back harder against the wall and growled." Out, now Max." The call of his name seemed to break him out of his trance of fear, and he quickly ran away from the room as fast as he could, shutting the door. Lucario sighed. " you see why i hate myself, you were out of order putting me back in there with him" "Keeping him from out of the know is out of order." He said, already having convicted himself for his crime against Ash and Max." If he knew the truth he wouldn't be so ready to give himself up to you, and you would not have had to suffer him going through that now would you? You could have avoided this whole conflict if you had not been so childish of your own thoughts of yourself that you would have left him in the dark like that." "...lets jsut get to the tree of beginning and then i can go home and stay there" "So you can let your Charizard rape you?" He muttered, and just dropped him their, shaking his head, even almost bringing himself to laughing. He'd rather laugh than cry." I'm going to go check on Max." He said, whether the other cared or not, and left, closing the door behind him to leave Ash in his loneliness. Ash stayed silent, and stayed on hsi knees ^its better than hurting otehrs, id rarther be hurt than hurt otehrs^ he thought pulling his hat over hsi face. Max was trembling behind a door in a cased up room. Lucario sighed. He'd never have children as far as he was concerned. A cute lot at first, but too much work to deal with without much pay involved." Max." He said." H-he tried...he tried to hurt me!" He hugged himself, looking like he was shrinking into the corner of the wall. Ayye... I cant believe I'm about to do this." You know, Ash can't really control himself around you." He said, kneeling down close to him. he got dressed and came out hsi room, leaving his tradtional hoodie behind, and stayed in a t-shirt, he knew if he didnt show up for breakfast theyd knwo soemthign was wrong. "but he~!" Lucario placed a paw on his mouth to muzzle him." Hush child." He said." ..Now I know why sir Aaron never married.... It wasn't his fault that he did that to was sort impulse do to his aura." He knew that telling only half the truth wasnt the best idea." he could feel the urge taking over again as he got closer to Max in the otehr room "Max..You cant blame him for this." He said. Then he felt the emitting of a large aura through the closed door." I'll be right back." He said and closed the door behid him, standing face to face with Ash." Don't." He warned, holding the doorknob defensively. " jsut getting some breakfast, keep me away from max, i dont wanna hurt my brother". He nodded and sighed." You must speak with him one way or another, even at it's costs." He said, almost bitterly." Max is your brother, and he deserves to know. Its his choice to take the risks, buut as the older brother all you can do is supply him with his needs. "only with you to keep me at bay" he said looking at lucario "I wouldnt mind tying you up to a pole or two." he said, grinning." I actually think I might enjoy it...and speaking of enjoying things, the others are starting to get worried, you'd better go now." "tell em to wait this is more important than breakfast" He sighed and nodded." Though I'm not leaving you for three seconds with him. Looks like they'll just have to wait." He said. He grabbed his arm and sighed." Okay..lets get this over with..." he went inside the room and stayed by the door "Max...i can only say im sorry so many times an that wont be enough..nothin i do ill make up for it, i jsut dont want to see you suffer the same way as me, you wanna know how i got this abbility?" Max stood, readying himself if Ash charged at him again. Trying to look tough, he pressed his glasses towards his face and nodded, staring seriously, intently at him, his fist balled just in case he had to. Noticing how cute he looked, lucario tugged on Ash's arm slightly as a warning. He wanted to let him know that if blow came to blow, he would kill him if that was the only option. "this is no way to switch thigns aorund but...i only got hsi ability by my charizard and snorlax, they both raped me, their power forced a change in me, and ever sicne then, all ive doen is thin kabout is how i can save you from that pain, but...if you really stil lwannab e like me then as a big brother...all i can do is support you" " actually finally get it." Lucario whispered to himself, rolling his eyes at his own shock. He sighed and shook his head, pushing Ash against the door as if to restrain him, holding his shoulders square against the wood." The only reason that your change is so painful is because the way it was done was painful. They did not love you, they owned you. You love Max, do you not?" he nodded "as much as i love pikachu" he said, pushing agaisnt Lucario for the moment. Lucario smirked and pinned Ash against the wall with his body, holding his wrists high above his hand with one paw, his other lifting Ash's chin to his." Then you should know how much different it would be if you had sex with him for love and not lust. The boy obviously cares for you more than any ordinary brother, and you obviously love him. So then, if you do not rape him, he will not change harmfully like it was once done to you. Problem solved." he stayed quiet, the 'solution' did make sense but he wasnt goign to take any chances "will it work liek that?" he asked? Sir Aaron never showed any pain when he was changed." "..sir Aaron was like me?" he asked lookign ath i mshocked "Of course. Why do you think his Aura is so similar to yours?" "i jsut thought he learnt to use it proeprly" he said, and looked at Max "so...what do you say bro?" Max nodded hastily and smiled, running over to both Ash and Lucario, hugging them together. Ash smiled and hugged him clsoe, feeling such a relefe , liek a sumo has been lifted off his back Lucario sighed and shook his head." Ash, you still have to control yourself as I had to when I turn-.." already in the zone of giving out too much information, he might as well have told them." Sir Aaron's changing is my doing." "ah i see..." he said leaving it at that assuming Lucario didnt want to tal kabout the past "we should get breakfast befoe May sends a search party" Lucario smiled thankfully to him for not prying. but his face turned to the casual, adventurous smirk he always wore." In a lot of ways you are a lot like my master." "how? you said he was a teacher, me i aint no teacher" he chuckled as they walked to breakfast "Believe it or not you're teaching your brother, Max, values." "and i'll prolly teach him more than that tonite" he smirked a little "tonite should be easyer on me the moon wont be as high or as full" He sighed and chuckled." I can only hope that this will go well. The boy has an everglowing hope over him." He glared at Ash." don't ruin it. It is a rare beauty." "thats why when me an max do'l be there to keep me in control" "I'll be what?" He said, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets." It would not be right for me to be there while you two mate." "why so far youve been pushing us to mate, hell you nearly madem e molest him thsi morning" "I didnt make you...okay yes I did." He rolled his eyes." But only because he was begging for it." A few days later the trip on the road in the car was abit awkrad, Max inbetween Ash's legs, with hsi feet up on teh seat, May giving questionable looks at them, as if she kenw soemthign was up Lucario ran slightly ahead of the car, not wishing to be scrunged into the small thing with them. He looked back everyone once so often just to take notice that they were still following. Ash gasped a little, he could feel max delibratly grinding agaisnt his crotch, though hed lie if he didnt admit to teasing back by bittign his neck a little Lucario could feel their lusty pleasures heating up with each other." Flirts." He deemed them and kept his eyes back towards the road. soon the car stopepd as they came to a hotspring, Ash and brock left to give the girls privacy to get changed, Max was told to stand out side the car, brock left and started to work on lunch, leaving Ash on his own as he started to undress. Lucario walked over to a few rock cliffs near the hot springs, folding his legs. It took him a moment to remember where he was. He closed his eyes and thoughts of him and Sir Aaron came to mind. when he finished changing he saw that Max had too, he gulped seeing his bare chest, clenching his fist, the urge came back but not as strong, in fact, the urge came back totaly weak, he smiled and walked up to Max "heya bro, comin in for a dip?" MAx nodded and smiled, walking up to him." Oh I'm comin for more than just a 'dip'." He said, smirking as he thought of all the tortures he could put him through alone. he smirked and tugged him int othe water, sneakily and gently pressing him to a wall "if your not carefull i might have to do you here an now" "And I would have a problem with that?" He asked, smirking. he chuckled and checked to see if any onewas looking, before pressing his lips to the otehrs softly, but deeply, hsi arms moving around Max's yougner but hevily desirible body. Max couldn't help but squeak and blush as he clang to the older boy's chest, kissing him back." We're alone here.....should we do it now?" he asked. "only if you want to" he said still a bti shaky about it, one hand gently resting on his butt He shivered slightly at the new sensation. It wasnt like earlier. This touch felt...special. Max's lip quivered as he nodded, kissing his lips." I do." He smiled and hugged him clsoe as he kissed him even deeper, his hand gently but firmly squeezing hsi ass, as Ash's erection from the exciment of the moment could be felt fro mhwo close they were Max blushed as he grew a small stiffy and pressed his body needily against Ash's, kissing him deeply as his shrimpy arms held fast to his body. TO BE CONTINUED!!!!! (C) copy righted to Streak Industrials

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