Breaking The Fourth Wall (Part 1)

Story by HansonProductions on SoFurry

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Breaking The Fourth Wall


After a serious incident on the trial of a killer Brian has found himself waking from a long coma, feeling the world around him has, completely changed, his partner Cal has awaited him to awake of course, with no recollection of who he is. Cal is escorted to leave and wait till Brian had the mind to contemplate the accident.

Brian would soon realise his memory was not what it used to be, how could he remember anything. Even as a stranger (Cal) walked into the room asking if he was alright, Brian could not place him.

You know when you forget something, but then your remember. How about never being able to remember, that was Brian's life now he was unable to remember anything. Not even if he had a sip of water, but for some reason he was never really in need of much to eat but his stomach did not forget. Only his mind did.

Cal was assured this would have erased the accident completely and maybe that was for the best. Cal was certain in fact that this new Brian could live a much happier life, the blood stained facility off the junction of the I-88 was just a blurred space of grey.

And that might be the best vision Brian could have of that terrible place.

The Law was a terrible being, it was a terrible life, and Brian had not a single memory left. Cal thought this present was the best thing to give his best friend.

The exchange of a box seemed pretty pointless, Brian had never gotten a present before, and of course wanted to take a picture of the stranger.

The Polaroid popped out and he shook the image, and he made his first memory.

"Cal" is all that was written on the Polaroid enough space under the name to leave some comment or even on the back of it

Chapter 1


Dead, with a hole of a bullet, drilled through his skull, mouth covered in blood laid Uillían, Brian best friend laid dead, the 6.5 calibre in Brian's paws shook violently, and the metal clanked on the solid metal floor. That noise shook Cal; he called out to make sure that his partner was alright

"Brian, you down?"

Brian still shook in horror of what he had just done.

That when the shot came, through his chest the blood bumped, his heart felt nothing it was silent now, that silence was deadly, as all Brian could hear was;


He heard a masquerade of bullets as his watch the faded shade of black and orange fall to the floor. But suddenly he got the courage to stand and he rubbed his chest. Then nothingness, all he could hear was;

"Shit I shot him"

That voice belonged to his beloved partner Cal, but as soon as the voices became murmurs like his heart beat was, soon he could hear nothing but bleeps, nothing at all but the same bleeping noise over and over.


Brian awoke from the daze...

"Who are you?"

Cal didn't look surprised he only introduced himself as who he was to Brian, who had a bandage around his left paw, and around his chest.

"I'm Cal, here you are buddy"

A box, what on earth was in this box, Brian had never seen this before he tore off the crudely wrapped box and took out a Polaroid camera and smiled gently;

"Thank you"

He snapped a picture of Cal smiling back

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

He wrote down Cal on the picture as he shook the picture as was instructed in the little book and enough room to write a comment too


Brian smiled and took from bed and donned on the outfit he was left on the bed side table. A uniform of some sort, but with no apparent features in it, no tags or badges or anything like that, Brian asked inequitably.

"How will I get home Cal?"

Cal looked back with a strange look.

"Home Buddy, You have to work now, the job won't like you taking off so soon, there's a car out front for you"

Sure enough a rusted old sedan sat outside looked like something he had seen before, but with that it also looked like something from the dug out of the trash for his amusement that and the uniform was pretty dirty too, it had already stained his bandage.

Brian sat in and read a little book by Cal "How to drive".

Cal sure was helpful to Brian wrote on the back of his picture "A good friend"

Brian drove to a little target circled profusely in red marker labelled "Work"

Seemed easy enough, however when Brian arrived at his destination a women approached a seductive, quite beautiful charming figure. Her approach made Brian shiver intently as she lent in to the window and then said

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were... Never mind"

Brian looked at her as if she was mad, but as if when he entered the bar, and took a seat at the platoon she came over.

"So what do you want?"

Brian looked confused, was it him she was talking to him, he looked around

"Do you treat everyone you just meet like that?"

Brian of course had forgotten her; he looked at her as she said

"Are you serious?"

He nodded

"Have we met before, I am sorry, I have a terrible condition, I forget about everything unless I can take a picture"

Searches himself looking for the camera he had left in the passenger seat of the car, and even then he could not reply to what she said.

"Bullshit...I'll get you a beer"

She filled his glass and spat in it and then got another creature at the bar to do the same. Brian of course by the time she returned

"Here's your beer sir!"

"How much I owe you?"

"It's on the house"

Brian drank the concoction down and smiled as the fellow male snickered lightly under his breath before she placed a paw over the glass.

"Wait your serious, come with me"

Brian had no Idea what she was on about, but continued on regardless and followed her to his car, he smiled taking the camera from the car.

She had been so nice to him.

"I never caught your name"

She smiled and seductively grasped a pen in her teeth and said


He snapped her and wrote on her picture "Elisa"

She noticed Cal's picture in the car.

"Do you know that scumbag?"

Brian nodded and chuckled

"A little he helped me, gave me the car and clothes"

She smiled

"Between you and me, I would not trust him, he's an addict"

Brian asked for the pen and wrote under Cal's name

"Do not trust him"

She smiled taking the pen back

"He'll lie to you, he's a fraud, actually owes me some money"

Brian took a matchbox from the car and saw she needed a light.

"Can I use them stud?"

He nodded from the matchbox fell a small note that said

"Meet me here"

He read the box when she had ignited her cigarette.


She turned on place

"Could you tell me where the Long Arms Motel is?"

She circled it on his map of the city.

"You are going to get a girl there?"

He shook his head and hid the note he had seen fall from the box.

"I just need a place to sleep tonight is all?"

He got into the car and smiled as he wrote under her name.

"A little shy, sweet women"

Brian felt his eyes grow heavy he felt himself scratch at his paw until he felt himself growling at the car, you think a man who has awoke from a such a long coma would not need it but in fact. Brian had never felt so tired ever, he felt himself drift off nearly driving to the motel off the I-88

He walked up to the bell leaving his camera in the car again the clerk smiled.

"Can I help you sir?"

"Yeah I need a room"

The clerk gave him a key.

"It will be $20 dollars a night"

Brian nodded and stumbled up the stairs to room 36 and fell onto the bed as he shut his eyes, and a few moment s later, after a terrible nightmare he awoke in sweat, and panting like a dog, as the phone rang.

The person on the other end asked;

"Sleep well"

Brian assumed it was Cal, the voice was deep over the phone, but it sure sounded like Cal, he spoke out the nightmare of this vivid nightmare, each portrayal, every last inch of the nightmare uncovered on the phone, every last detail. Something about his accident, something about how he shot his best friend everything was so clear, everything was so together, until the phone went dead.

Brian escaped to the downstairs lobby once more and on the table his camera and a 20 dollar bill.

"Is everything alright Brian?"

Asked the clerk

"I'm sorry I have"

The clerk shook his hand up at Brian knowing;

"Yes the condition, your friend is outside"

Brian picked the camera up and snapped the clerk

"Your name is?"

The clerk smiled


Brian wrote that down and smiled, as he flicked through the photos and then the clerk noticed Cal's photo.

"Who told you to write that?"

Pointing at the don't trust him


John smiled and said while nodding

"She's wise mate, he is trouble"

Before he walked in Brian but an explanation point and underlined the sentence and then said as Cal walked in.

"Are you ready?"

"Thank you John!"

Cal smiled as Brian handed over the money and then said

"See you later Sammy"

To this the clerk nodded

"And to you Cal"

Brian tucked the photos into his pocket but the picture of Elisa fell out of his pocket underneath it

"A little shy, sweet women"

"As if man"

Cal chuckled out that writing beneath what Brian had written;

"Cunning and manipulative, she will use you"

Brian didn't ask why Cal was there, as he was still presuming he had been on the phone to him moments ago, Brian scratched his paw, and then forgot all about the phone conversation, Cal hadn't spoken in a while as they bulleted past a building on the I-88, Brian held his head

"Migraine mate?"

Cal asked as if worried, Brian nodded as to agree, suddenly he felt the piercing pain in his paw once more the piercing pain of the bullet threw his chest and suddenly he began panting louder than before, hearing the ticking soothed him so.

"Are you alright"

Brian nodded,

"I just... had the weirdest day dream is all, I had these pains."

"Whatever you do don't remove them"

Cal pointed at the bandages.

"Are you alright?"

Brian nodded to Cal and took out the photo

He wrote on one of the bandages on his paw as Cal drove to some destination

"Remove me"

Just out of sight of Cal's sight, so he could know that at all times to never ever trust Cal, Both Elisa and John had told him he was trouble but Brian was glad Cal was there, but somewhat to see how troublesome he actually was, well that would stir, but Brian would in time soon forget that too.

It was a never-ending chaos, forgetting everything seemed dismal at the best of times; Brian shook his head in his paws before he heard the phone ring.

"So tell me about Uilían"

Brian had awoke in sweat again and was able to quote down the line just how much details he could give out about a name he had never heard before.

He went down to the dispersal coffee machine and read his pictures again. He went to the diner where he was meeting by a distraught Elisa.

She was tearing up some papers and being slapped around by someone, Brian conjured up some courage and spoke in a darker tone;

"Hey buddy, scram!"

The hooded figure took a bag from Elisa and dashed whole hearted over the fence to get away from Brian as he came to the shook Elisa, by the time Brian had reached her, he had forgotten of what had just occupied here.

"Why are you crying Elisa?"

She huffed and looked at him and said.

"You're fucking kidding me right, no one is this stupid"

*She took his pen from him in a sleek sneak way*

"Oh by the way dick-cheese, you forgot your precious camera"

Brian glowed red in shire anger talking Elisa's photo out of his pocket she smiled watching him struggle giving it time before taking some barbed wire from the fence and scrapping her face, she looked up and waited before she broke the hell off her shoe

"Help, oh help!"

Brian shook his head not remembering anything Elisa had said and rushed to her aid.

"What's the matter?"

She huffed and puffed

"A man's after attacking me Brian, I know where he is, and you're my friend right?"

He nodded and lifted her up

"Could you take care of this man called Nythus, he is evil Brian a true drug lord, he even raped me"

She bite her thumb

"Where is this bastard?"

She took his map and circled with his pen.

"He lives in the Pemberbroke Flats, pretty hard to get in there"

Brian gently shook his head

"Anything for a friend"

He wrote on the map "GET NYTHUS"

Cal knocked on his door violently. The door rattled from its hinges, as the map suddenly became a blur the photo's started to turn black and soon Brian felt his memories slip away as the repeating knock eroded them away.

"Help me!"

Slipped Brian's lips before he clashed to the ground he heard breathing panting, the noise of pounding replaced by sirens.

The overall shuddering feeling of déjà vu as he got to his feet and shook his head side to side, his ears filled with liquid as he held his nose.

Something told him he was not in the motel room anymore.

Before him stood Uillían, who grasped Brian's wrist with gusto.

"You've got to believe me Brian?"

For some reason when Brian's head came around he started to nod as if he knew exactly what Uillían meant. That was until he fell to the floor after shooting Uillían straight threw the head and all of a sudden found his heartbeat echo in his mind.

He returned from the tranquil solace and the door was still being pounded by Cal

"Buddy you screamed open the door"

When Brian took the door off the latch his eyes were covered in black circles, clearly not having a good night's sleep.

When Cal took the phone and said "What's going on?" Brian simply fell to the floor...

Chapter 2

Best Friends

When Uillían walked in, it, was certain that another new person to take a photo off, but alas, when he came over and patted Brian on the shoulder and walked in through a curtain and quickly changed, and then just seemed to breeze over Brian as if he was not there, only to double back and call to Brian.

"What, you not coming buddy?"

The rusty wagon Uillían drove looked seemingly familiar, and the more Brian pondered it in, the more he recalled that vehicle to memory. None the less Uillían's voice broke his concentration once more

"What on earth are you staring at? Hop in"

Uillían then shoved some gum to Brian's face, and Brian stuck up his paw to distinctively decline the invitation, Uillían was a large certainly strange character, his accent and terms of phrase where bewildering to Brian, even as they flew on down the I-88, Brian didn't mutter a word, distinctive shakes and nods of the head answered an onslaught of questions Uillían seemed to have.

"You're going to the station buddy" Brian nodded to concur.

"That Cal guy is a real jerk to me, I've been late maybe twice this month and now he's all over me about fucking "protocol" this and "protocol" that, he is out to get me remember that!"

Brian nodded and smiled hesitantly, Cal had always been nice to him, and never showed any signs of any hatred towards his large counterpart. When Brian opened the dashboard compartment and a small letter assigned to Uillían unopened of course, Uillían lashed his paw across the car and slammed the dash shut

"Now no need to be nosy buddy" Brian nodded and lifted his paws back as to simples' he understood loud and clear.

As he looked out on the I-88 rush by him, the journey seemed pointless where on earth was this station that the Bearino had suggested, although when Brian opened his mouth a little, not a word escaped his lips until Uillían then forth suggested.

"Bet your hungry, we'll take six to get donuts, on me buddy"

When Brian searched his pockets he found no wallet a single set of keys and a badge labelled

(113- B. Rhodenspire -Afton Private Officer, NY)

As he span it around in his paws as he felt the car come to sudden jerk, again felt familiar as it seemed a blur of orange and black, in a flash he smelt the fresh scent of coffee, and cooked dough as he saw the bag beneath his nose.

There was nothing suggest Uillían was in any rush to eat his though until he grunted out his nose and felt the bits hit the wheel.

"Fuck my sense of time!"

They rushed off exit 6 and onto the I-88 once more, the two sure seemed to be more than meer colleagues, Brian would of never of known until now that he and Uillían were as they say best friends.

"So you slept well at mine, sorry the house is in such a state the cleaning duties of mine, have been second best, to work, and well just trying to get to sleep at night, and then on top of that, you got the super bowl on the way, can't be too upset to watch a little bit of pig-skin get tossed from side to side now can ye'. But then again I do have to record the Gaelic when I get home those men know what real punishment is, your guys, are pansies!"

Brian felt that soon the car grew colder and his friends voice soon more than the bubbly up tone it usually is became slurred and monotonic like Cal's was.

"Are you alright Buddy?"

Brian then awoke watching the 1-88 fly by, as sitting now in the driver's seat to his right was Cal.

"Yeah I am fine"

These where the first words Brian had apparently spoken for in hours as him and Cal shot down the 1-88, in Cal's much fancier Mustang.

"You been out cold for a while, did you rest well there man?"

Brian felt why, he coldness had shocked him suddenly his arm had clicked the window button down, and on a chilling autumn day that it was , the degrees was 55 or so according to the cars gauge,

"Yeah, just had a strange dream about..."

Nothing came to mind Brian had not remembered a thing although everything was so vivid and realistic it was just not there for him to remember

"About you actually man"

Cal smiled and snickered

"Dream of me much man?"

He said in a snarky tone, as the pulled up to the station off the 10 exit of the I-88 up in the hills looking down upon Afton. A small grey industrial looking building, decrepit and falling to bits even from up here it was shanty.

"What's that?" Brian pointed to it looking at the exit number of the I-88 and as clear as day exit 6, made Brian's spine tingle like never before and soon he was curled in a ball sweating, Cal dragged him inside.

When Brian's yeti fur finally settled enough to be able to be held as Cal looked over him as he huffed

"Shit man, you got an awful case of the jitters, you're not fit to work today, got your badge?"

Brian nodded and walked slowly to the car with Cal behind him, as Brian shuddered less violently this time as Cal, held on to his paw tight and then let out a sigh as Brian opened the passenger door, and then opened the dash board. And there was a letter from Cal to Uillían.

And Brian stuffed it into his jacket pocket and then handed the badge on top of it to Cal;

"Everything alright, you want to head back to the hostel."

Brian opened his map and looked in the heavy set circle, and shook his head;

"Actually I need to go meet Eliza, can you bring me to her house"

He nodded and went into the driver's seat and he held out his paw to Brian, which Brian shook and took the camera out of the back of the car and placed it on his lap and then as he arrived up the I-88 and then took into the house as Eliza noticed Brian walking up the driveway she removed all the pens and put them in her pocket as the knock came to the door.

"Oh it's just you Brian, I swore he'd be back for me"

Brian held his breathe before he could speak.

"Am I glad to see you?"

She flung her arms around his neck and then sealed onto his lips a small kiss, before perking her paws around his chest and down his body.

"I....I am happy to see you"

She smiled and then slapped him right across the face and then said.

"So do you break all your promises, you cunt?"

He looked at her hesitantly.

"What's the matter you liar, cat got your fucking tongue, take a picture it will last longer, I am off to the shop"

Brian snapped her, seeing her for truly the bitch she really was, and not because she was female and canine, her true spirit and hate came out as she went to her car and slashed her face. Brian stumpled through drawers and over presses to find a pencil or a pen, but nothing and soon he was shook by her tears and blood streaming down her face.

"Oh Brian, thank god you came over, Nythus came back for me, he wants the money now, you'll get him for me?"

Brian forgetting what callous actions had be folded before nodded and she handed him a key card to room 40.

"That place on your map will tell you, now you're able to get in, please go get him"

Brian then stormed out determined with the new picture of hers and wrote on it with a pen that Cal gave him, "she needs my help"

On his other picture of her struck out was she will use you and instead wrote on it A soft sweet creature. Cal then said again.

"So where to now Brian?"

Brian pointed to his map.

"So a new errand boy" Cal muttered half heartily, enough for Brian to hear him, but anger blood boiling and everything going inside him adrenaline and all flowing fast through his veins as he stormed up to room 40 and broke the door down.


The man in the room looked horrified and then put his talons up in defence.

"Man I ain't got any stuff, look this is all I have" tossing the bible of the room on the bed

"I swear what do you want?"

Brian lashed his claws across his face and beat the poor helpless eagle to a pulp, feathers exploding to and fro and blood stained his white fists of pure fury and anguish as Brian tied and gagged him in the closet, now of course as the anger and everything subsided, soon a voice of reason came calling, Cal's.

"Brian is everything..."

There sitting on the bed with blood stained paws, and a bible in hand, and no recollection of how or what had just gone down Cal screamed and shut the door of room 40 and then said in a voice of calm tone

"Look buddy you alright what on.." Muffled voice from the closet alerts Cal's ears "Brian who the hell is this," Brian sees Cal has brought the camera.

"Someone, something I can't remember"

Brian had no map or nothing to remind him of who this was as Brian and Cal store at the blooded Eagle masked and bound in the closet as Cal whipped of the tape covering the Eagles beak.

"Look here, please forgive my partner's misjudgement, but he has very bad memory"

Brian pushed Cal to the side and then snapped a photo

"Who are you?"

The Eagle shook in fear, and then said with some hesitance.

"Niall Yanic Ethus, I'm just a resident here?"

He wrote on his photo as it started to fade in "Niall Ethus"

Brian then looked at his photo of Eliza and held it up to Niall and said calmly

"Do you know her?"

Niall nodded and then coughed

"Look you two won't lock me up now for this, but I'm her dealer she's in the hole, she's got some fucking money of mine, and she's ratting out to another gang, actually when you came, I thought you where one of the gang looking for your share, but look man I don't deal out here, I don't, I swear"

Brian wrote under his name with enough room to write something other than that "The Dealer"

When he said to Cal who had just posed the question on Brian's mind

"Other names... I suppose the gangs and maybe Eliza call me Nythus, it's a play on my name, please i swear I won't say a word, just let me go"

Cal untied him and took Brian down to the car as Brian wrote Nythus and then it started to make some sense. Nythus was the dealer Eliza was on about but he had no Idea she owed him money, not to his memory anyway as he saw room 40 shut close and then Cal said;

"Are you out of your right mind, give me that fucking map, Get Nythus, what is this about man? What the fuck she put you up to?"

Brian shook in resistance, he was just so scared of it now, the disease had claimed his anger and when he could or would strike again was unknown. But Brian was his own worst enemy.

"You got us into some shit man and it will be your fucking neck when we get the gangs of Afton down here and wanting blood for blood. You're in for it now mate"

The phone rings again and this night as all the others he awakes in sweat under some dream about the same person his best friend falling to the floor stone cold, eyes white and lifeless as Brian answered the phone once more


The voice asked "So tell me about exit 6"

Brian this time hung up the phone and heard that ringing sound echo through his head and all of a sudden he felt as if the ringing sensation would never stop, and then he fell to his knees and screamed...

Chapter 3

Exit 6




hrough his seizures during the nights, the mattress in which Brian had slept on was becoming an unnatural water bed. The terrifying dreams of Brian's where inducing insanity, none to the closure of his "friend" Cal. Who showed deep sympathy for his friends unnatural sleeping?

"Is there anything on your mind?"

Brian never told Cal about the phone calls during the time he was away, only because he presumed that Cal had made the calls in the first place. Brian's bandage arm began to flare and scratch.

"You taking that off yet man?"

Cal noticed his friends uncomforted. As Brian shook his head, just to focused on what was going on with his arm, down the I-88 seemed to scream by his open window, Brian recalled he asked earlier in the endeavour if he could get fresh air to breeze out his sweating fur, stained in sweat, a shower seemed almost useless. Brian only perpetrated more when on the job with Cal. Till all of a sudden the dense feeling crushed upon his chest.

This letter he had stolen, stuck no chords with him, addressed to an Uíllian, Brian was not familiar with this name at all, but as his lips parted to move the sign caused Brian to spas out once more causing Cal to have to pull over.

"What has gotten into you?"

A snarky tone for a man clearly in a rush somewhere, he looked at the sign and then to the I-88, and then shook his head, to face himself with the injustice of this. Exit 6, was clearly invoking Brian. But as Brian came forth this time,

The bed beneath him didn't seem as wet as before, although these dreams like the others he had had night after night seemed ever so realistic as if that had happened.

None-the-less, he opened the shades to draw in a new day, as he did so the phone rang, and Brian answered, with the gusto as if it was not clear the many times before that the voice of Cal would beam down and ask him something about the dream.

"Hello Cal"

Brian answered in a upbeat manner. The line was a stream of static noise a whistling buzz, that would irritated anyone, and under the static came the voice of a stranger, a much harsher accent than Cal's, one so familiar Brian answered the voice.


The voice now became more prominent no static noise for a moment until his voice came through, blurry but Brian wrote down everything the voice said.

"That, cold, faithful morn, we drove in your pick up to the Hanbell Motor Plant, it was a shack the place was dead, and seemed as if our badges would not be needed, and you called out "Hello" for it to echo of cold steel lifeless walls. The sound of rain then started to pitter patter along the steel roof, that noise, you remember it right? Never more we continued through the plant, just a shell of a place, till you found the stairs, the one with the yellow, badly rusted rail, to the basement, that's when I knew, that's when you know, that this was..."

That's when the line went dead Brian shouting insanities at it till Cal opened the door, and held Brian's shoulders.

"Jesus, relax kid, probably some low life drunk, in one of the other rooms"

Brian never told Cal what was spoken to him on the phone; he never wanted Cal "Don't Trust Him" to know of what the call was about.

If Cal asked Brian went on the feasible alibi of his memory, even though in a small note pad, word for word, Brian contemplated those words.

When the sweating stopped and Brian had a comfortable nights rest, he decided to go to the hill resort that Cal had brought him to earlier on in the week, with this Brian brought his artillery and anything he remembered to do, he wrote it down, several times.

"Find the Hanbell Motor Plant"

In an internet café off exit 4 of the I-88, Brian took to the search engine, kindly opened by a shop regular and typed in Hanbell Motor Plant, an article of strange unsolved case all but 5 years ago, since then the plant's records and even its location is hidden.

Brian highlights a name Xavier Calamari, and an another one Uillían O Gearrá.

Then a date, and an number that's haunted him for no reason.

"11-July-2007, Exit 6 I-88, Anton, New York"

Is the last record of the plant; this of course was the day a body was found. No other information on that, but when Brian found the number of the case, he wrote it into the centre profile on the police quarter's site, written here was much more info on it.

The shack he spotted off the cliff was defiantly the picture he pulled from the site, matched unidentified to what he saw, but still Brian couldn't take exit 6 it only made his cast itch, it only made him shiver and sweat, but no longer did the mere sight of it scare him, only the thought of taking it did.

Brian finally unlocked the letter which addressed from Uillían to Cal finally made his suspicions go as far it seemed he had to know what the last written words were.

Dear Xavier

If we need to get the deal done, it must be off the map, otherwise, this can't happen, send that rookie here, we are good friends, I know I can rely on you to do that, send the kid my way, number 113, don't forget to tell him to meet me off the I-88 and to bring me to the plant, disclosed is a small picture of the stash, man the green, will load our pockets for the next year, we'll finally be able to get whatever we want, thanks to this deal, your share will increase if you can do everything I say, 113's gun is loaded with rubber ammo, that stuff won't penetrate the armour, his shot will act as a diversion, then from here, you'll need to load the stuff into his car, I forgot to mention, no fucking fuzz car's the dealers were quite clear on that. A peep of this to the department man, and the fuzz will be on you as quick as they will me. I send this letter to you to say. I think I can trust you, send the errand boy at exactly 8pm sharp to my location, 19 Elder Grove, Anton, New York, and for the love of god, just say he needs to collect me, my tires have been slashed or something, and then I can use the intercom with the recording of a wanted suspect at the Motor Plant, this will cause our errand boy to do a heroic thing, i'll try coax him out of it, you know, the works of "Your mad" that spiel and shit, he never has to know, if you don't come before 9pm sharp, you're out of the deal, and Xavier. I spent so much time on this, so none of it can be linked to me. You get me in shit, the evidence you have will all fall short, everything you've done gone in moments before a court of law. Remember 110, you got your number on this; my identity is all but a shade of grey. Bring 113, he'll be a good little errand boy.


Monsieur U

Brian could make no sense of it, just that U was code for Uillían, and that now some deal was going down, 113 rang a few bells, but of course that Cal had taken his badge earlier that bell was just as the fuzzy as the voice rung through his head. And the more Brian thought of it the more Brian shook with rage, and the more he dared, and then he went on his urge.

This drive would be the first time Brian would take exit 6 of the I-88 and if Uillían had highlighted, it would certainly not be last time he would take exit 6. Xavier Calamari, who was he, and what was his link to anyone at t'all.

For when Brian awoke the next day, after his inclusive search for the Motor Plant, which at night was hard exit 6 was badly marked even during the day you'd catch the glimpse, but when Brian took it, anger and rage turned into doubtful nausea and the sense of constant yawning persuade this issue to rest.

But as if ants had snooped inside the bandage, it really flared and burned and caused Brian to bite his bottom lip grasping a plastic fork even to ease the pain,

And then the writing "Open Me". Brian forgot of course he wrote that, he noticed his handwriting and as he did the white bandage slipping off his white fur stained with blood and ink. And it read...

Chapter 4

Brian's Casting Call

The bandage fell off Brian's arm revealing a tattoo

"Never Answer The Phone"

Brian cowered in the corner in a ball, his arms slammed the phone to the floor with a clank and click as he started to whimper it wasn't Cal on the other end, and it never was.

Brian went down to the office in a panic, of course forgot the face of the hostel owner but asked if all his calls could be diverted.

The hostel owner clearly was able to do this and nodded simply and said

"Sure thing Brian"

Brian stumbled and stuttered and nodded to thank the broad wolf behind the counter till he noticed Cal outside, discarding something in a neat paper envelope. When Brian went outside Cal shuddered and then turned to hug Brian.

"Ah, good morning buddy, what's wrong with you? Looks like you've seen a ghost!"

Brian didn't answer he only scratched his head downing his head and then he spoke.

"Are you here for something?"

Cal ignited a cigarette, from the corner of his lips he mouthed to Brian.

"I just came to check up on you buddy*

Brian simply did a pat to Cal shoulder and nodded to say he was alright before Brian went back to his room donned his attire, and put the photo's of all those he had met in his top inner pocket, laced with a piece of paper, and then also picked up his map for anything he may of written on it but something stood out as if it was 3 demensional from the map Hanbell Motor Plant, he turned on his pc, left on standby mode as it flashed open a search for the exsact place on the map that seemed to be as real as if the map was telling him something

"Go Here"

Is all he wrote, reading up on more about the Motor Plant, it wasn't on any google map or on any other maps in the city, he found it on the wimp that it was raised somewhat from the rest of th

When Cal stepped through to the motel door, cracked in two pieces, there was no sign of Brian at all. It was certainly not clear in how or why, but he was gone, clothes a mess bags torn and wall shredded like some sort of beast had been let loose. All Cal could find other than the mass of clothes strewed on the floor.

Mark appeared to know nothing of where Brian had gone, or what had happened in the room at all Cal left that detail out. Brian was clearly gone mad clearly sick of the torment of forgetting everything but that was about to change.

Cal was clearly disturbed of the photo pinned on the wall back in Brian's room, "Never Answer the phone" tattooed on Brian's nice white fur was almost like a burn or etching engraved into the fur.

Cal remembered Brian's talk yesterday and went to the last known place where the two had talked about Brian would of clearly gone here.

Cal took exit 6 off the I-88 and went to the hanbell motor company. Parked outside the place a distraught looking blue van which caused Cal to shiver as he walked by it carefully looking in the vans cut off back, bullets and many other bits and bobs, where strewed on the metal bed.

The door opened with a loud creak the sound only echoed throughout such a hallow empty shell of a building, the walls dripped with moss and the sound of a billion creatures buzzing all about the place as from room to room of the place unearthed more stenches.

The room in which was still clearly in renovation, the scaffolding and pillars, plastic sheets with protruded from the roof to the floor, was a basement. Cal too out his flash light and schooled the outstraught cellar, this room was unlike the others, dark dismal, but no life grew here.

Cal called into the cast of building rattling the tin covered floors


But to no avail, all he could hear was the rattling echo and creaking of the building around him, it chilled Cal to his spine, so much so he felt faint, and took outside and ignited a cigarette. Officer Mc Callie was outside searching the area with Cal, the lost yeti had to be here Cal was almost certain of it, Cal whist mid ignition said to Callie.

"Any luck bub!?"

Almost as if he did not care, and Callie said with no reprise to his voice either.

"Zip X"

Cal nodded and shafted the cigarette to the side, and tooted up in his head of any local parks or any local "hide-outs" that might be near by

Callie called to him as they went to the car

"You think he scattered X"

Cal shook his head Brian even in a normal sense of self would never do that, but as Cal thought of it, the idea of being so far from yourself could cause someone even as reserved as Brian to do something as silly as take up and leave this mental life, and start a whole new world and life somewhere else, but it was out of the question where would he go.

Callie and Cal drove off to the hill look out maybe they could get a better watch of the area, Brian certainly would not of gone out during last nights storms, so they plotted he might not have been long gone before Cal got there. Callie asked once they got to hill look out at exit 12, and looked to the tree filled floor below them ;

"X, Do you think he's going to come here?"

Cal breathed out a sigh of ill faith

"It would be a long shot to say yes"

Cal had never thought till now that maybe leaving Brian in such a state he was in alone, and allowed him to fill his mind with awful plots of what maybe happened to his poor little yeti friend.

Callie got a call out to the scene of a crime, but Cal's number was not on the list, but Cal put the keys of the car in Callie's big buff lion paw and said

"Take it, I'll hitch a ride later"

Callie dispatched and left Cal alone on the mountain side look out finally something clicked with Cal. That bitch Elisa, said something to him yesterday, Cal spoke to himself as the breeze whispered to him "Elisa Elisa"

Cal walked to the roadside and held out his thumb, some flew by one or two asked if he was going out or into town, one creature did get Cal to Elisa's house and Elisa answered the door


She tried in vain to slam the door in Cal's face.

"Where is he?"

"Who?" Cried Elisa struck by Cals fierce paw

"Brian, where on earth is the little cunt"

She cried having no idea where on earth he was, Cal just left her door wide open, and ignited a light from which he smoked another cigarette. Hearing Elisa crying curled on the floor in a ball.

Cal noticed as it pulled up to him the Car of Brian's but clearly not Brian's car. Cal was brought down to the forest just off exit 6 of the i-88 he expected the worst of news from Callie.

"Yeah after I was called out my number was taken off the list, apparently it was only team orange they wanted out there, and then when I finally got back, you where gone all we could find was this was parked here and written in blood on the side of the car is "

Cal shook and written in capital letters in blood was


Cal looked pale and Callie looked back on him;

"We have to get rid of the evidence, the thing is the blood on the car, it's not belonging to Brian, it belongs to you"

Cal knew that, Cal kneeled in the forest as the two washed the Car clear of any blood and drove it back to the motel and left it there, Callie brought Cal back to his house for a sit down by the fire;

"X, why was that on the Car?"

Callie looked at him handing him a mug, tears leaked from his eyes and then suddenly he felt the strong paw of Callie come to his chin and all of a sudden there lips parted and the two males sitting in front of the open fire, made out gently. The fire crackling as Callie and Cal shared a kiss.

"Cal no tears, you would not kill Brian, I know that, and I think your being framed my dear"

Cal blushed brightly and look at the lion straight in the golden eyes of his and took a deep breath and smiled

"Thank you, I am"

The Lion and Cal kissed this time with much more tongue than the last once the two males shared each other Callie ripped Cal's clothes easily with his big burly paws and Cal unknotted each button and pressed his paws into Callie's chest of muscles and stroked them softly breathing in his breath as the two shared the kiss by the igniting fire.

Callie broke the kiss once more and spoke out in a soft seductive tone.

"Poor little Xavier, you're safe with me"

Cal was lifted from the couch and placed to the chest of Callie's the two males only in there under garments as the rain pelted the glass outside dripping in water as lightning came the outline of Brian, Cal shook with fear in Callie's paws. But that night Brian was clearly all that filled Cal's mind ...

Rhodenspire Trade Part 1; Chapters: I-V

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The Time Of Your Life

The Time Of Your Life Characters Protagonist: Bruce Fitzsimons Dashingly handsome, high middle class socialite is outgoing and thrives on education and status. Yet has a soft and inner core that needs love. Stage play 1.3. SCENE 2 2.1....

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Lyte's Story

**Lyte: The Initial One** # Preface: This story embarks on the epic encounters of an amazing female ti-griffin called Lyte. In all the times of darkness a light so bright stands to the initial breaking point. In encounters with time, and she will...

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