Matheau s2: The History of Matheau and Beijore pt2

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Matheau s2: The History of Matheau and Beijore pt 2

You all know the drill by now. No one under 18-21, yadda yadda, Matheau, Beijore, and Beijara are all copy written to me, so on and so forth.....Enjoy the story!

Matheau awoke the next morning with a tickling sensation on his neck. He chuckled and rolled over, trying to get away from it, but it was rather insistent. He opened his eyes and Beijara was licking his neck. "Well, good morning to you too, darling." He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes. She smiled lovingly at him. "I trust you slept well, my darling." She said, nuzzling him under his chin. "You snored loudly enough to show you were sleeping." Matheau frowned a little bit at that, but shook his head. "I don't snore." Was all he said after climbing out of the bed and stretching himself. Beijara rolled out of the bed and stretched herself as well. "Are you going to continue your story to me today?" She asked, purring softly. Matheau was a little slow that morning, and he looked at her questioningly. "Story? What story? I don't remember telling a story. Beijara gave a small pout that Matheau could only describe as sexy. "You were telling me the story about the history of your mother and father, my mate." A light of recognition appeared in Matheau's eyes. "Oh! That story! That's right, I did tell you part of the story last night, didn't I?" Beijara nodded. "Yes, and I would like to hear the rest of it. I wanted to hear the rest of it last night, but you said it was long, so I understand why you didn't tell me all of it." Again, Beijara gave him that sexy little pout. "So you're going to finish it for me, right?" Matheau nodded with a sly smile on his face. "What is it, my darling?" Beijara asked. "I will continue the story for you in due time, my love. But there are other things to talk about first." Matheau said. "Besides, we've not even had breakfast yet." "Mmm....yes, I do believe that breakfast is a wonderful idea, my beloved." Beijara said, climbing on top of Matheau. "But food is not the kind of breakfast that I have in mind."

Beijara reached behind her and grasped Matheau's member and stroked it softly until he was fully erect. She purred to herself as she raised herself up to rub his erection over the lips of her sex, and then slide him slowly into her. She groaned pleasurably as her slit stretched to take him in fully. Matheau groaned and pulled her head down to take her lips in a deep, passionate kiss as she started to ride him slowly. Her juices helped him to slide into her easier and deeper. He grasped her hips and thrusted hard up into her as he pulled her down onto him. They both writhed and moaned and panted as they mated, causing enough noise for a few of the passerbys in the hall to stop and listen for a few moments before moving on. Beijara was close to her climax, and she started to ride Matheau hard and fast, wanting to feel the flowing warmth of his seed rushing to fill her womb. She slammed down on him one more time and they roared in unison as Beijara's muscles clenched Matheau's throbbing member hard, pushing him over the edge. After their climaxes started to subside, and the both of their breathing had returned to normal, Beijara climbed carefully off of Matheau so that his cock could retreat back into the safety of his sheath. "Enjoy your breakfast, darling?" Matheau asked with a purr. He liked how she had taken him like that. A little bit of a submissive thrill. But then again, it wasn't surprising, since he was his father's son. Beijara nodded and got off the bed, rubbing her belly which was now full of her lover's seed. "Yes my love, I did enjoy it. Now may we continue the story?" Matheau nodded as he rolled out of the bed and followed his mate down to the private study, which Matheau unlocked. He wouldn't let anyone in there unless accompanied by him, or unless he was already in there. So he told one of the many servants to bring them some real breakfast.

"Now, where did we leave off last time, Beijara?" Matheau asked, sounding more like a teacher asking a student a question. "Well, where you last left off, your mother had just put the collar on your father and made him go to bed." Matheau nodded his approval and opened the book back to the marker that he had left in it the previous night. "And so I will continue it from there." Matheau said, finding his place and beginning to read.


Matheau had a very rude awakening the next morning. One moment, he was sleeping peacefully, and the next minute, he was pushed roughly onto a hard stone floor. "OW!" Matheau exclaimed loudly, sitting up and rubbing his head. "What the hell is going on?" He heard a loud growl, and Matheau shuddered. Everything flooded back to him in a matter of seconds, and his hand reached to touch the leather collar around his neck. He had been hoping that last night was all nothing but a bad dream, but it appeared that he had not been so lucky. "Get up!" Beijore hissed at him. "I can't be having a lazy slave that isn't even awake before I am! It seems that I'm going to have to give you some proper training as well!" An already bad situation was turning worse quickly. "I....I'm sorry my mistress." Matheau tried to apologize. "Your pet was tired from his trek through the mountains." A smile split Beijore's muzzle, but Matheau inwardly groaned to himself. Great, he was already talking about himself in the third person. "Well, I suppose I can forgive you this once, Matheau. Now, your duties will begin today. And the first thing that you are going to do is bathe me." Matheau tried to hide his shudder. First he had to sleep with that beast and now he had to bathe her too? How much worse could things possibly get for him? So he did the only thing he could do and followed her through a complex series of caves until they came to a large, clear pool of water. It was obviously fed with water from the mountain somewhere. Beijore went into the water and beckoned for Matheau to follow her. He started to go in with his robe on, but Beijore shook her head. "I didn't get you dry cloths for you to get the soaking wet, slave. If you get those wet, you'll be parading about naked, so I highly suggest that you shed them." With a heavy reluctance, Matheau shrugged the robe off and got quickly into the water. "Is my pet shy of his nakedness?" Beijore asked with an odd purr in her voice. "Don't worry. I soon plan to rid you of that shyness." Matheau liked the sound of that even less than he did anything else she had said since meeting her. She handed him a large cloth. "Don't just stand there slave." Beijore hissed. "Bathe me!" Matheau started to scrub her scales quickly before she got any angrier than she already was. He started with her hind flanks and worked up her back to her wings, which she fanned out for him. "You had better be careful cleaning those." Beijore said in a low voice. "If I take any damage to my wings, it takes a long time for them to heal, and you will suffer the entire time until they do." Matheau was so gentle cleaning her wings that she purred the entire time. When that was done, he cleaned her face and under her chin, down her throat, and he carefully avoided her large breasts, passing down to her belly and again past her thighs and sex, thinking she would clean those areas herself as he started to work on her long tail. "You are way too shy, Matheau." Beijore said softly. "Have you never been with a woman before?" The question made Matheau blush, and he was glad she couldn't see it.

"No mistress, I have not." Matheau said, cleaning the ridges of her tail. "And you are the first dragon I have ever come face to face with." Beijore turned to him with a toothy grin that made Matheau drop the cloth in the water. "Good...then I as your mistress will be your first." His first what? Surely she didn't mean lover. Matheau could not see himself.....having sex with this dragoness. Though she was attractive and exotic in her own right, he was no dragon. He backed up a step and Beijore purred. "I see you are beginning to see what some of your duties are......come here Slave." Matheau didn't want to. He wanted to run. He wanted to hide. But there was nothing he could do. He actually found himself LONGING to be chased by the villagers at this point. Beijore wrapped her tail around Matheau's waist and pulled him within inches from her. "I don't care if you don't like it, Matheau." Beijore said in a low, sultry voice. "Your going to have to come to accept the fact that your duties are going to include fucking me and pleasing me sexually whenever I have the desire for you to do so. And when I want your body....." She reached under the water and wrapped her claw gingerly around his cock and started to stroke him softly. Matheau shivered softly. Her scales weren't rough and hard, but oddly....soft. "You will give it to me without question, is that understood, slave?" Matheau made a nod so small that it was barely noticeable. He couldn't speak even if he had wanted to. Here he was getting his cock stroked by a horny dragoness, and his body was responding to it. He was fully hard in her claw now, and she was smiling wickedly at him.

"There are no male dragons in this area, Matheau." Beijore said, continuing to stroke him. "That is why I take slaves such as yourself." Matheau nodded slightly again, trying to keep a low moan of pleasure from escaping past his lips. Then, to his surprise, Beijore dunked her head under the water, and Matheau could feel Beijore's long and slender tongue wrap around his cock and draw it into her mouth. His body went completely rigid as he felt the heat of her mouth surround him. Oh gods, it felt great! He had never been with a woman before. That was the truth. And he didn't know what to expect. But as Beijore started to suck him, as if trying to nurse from him, he found himself instinctively thrusting into her muzzle. He could feel her fondling his balls, and she started to suck on him hard. That sent him over the edge, and he cried out loudly as he came, shooting his seed into Beijore's hungry mouth, which he was sure she drank down eagerly. He felt a final lick on his malehood before Beijore resurfaced again and smiled at him, licking her lips. "You taste delicious, my pet. I will have to drink from you again later." Matheau stood there, dumbfounded, replaying everything that just happened back in his head. He just got a blowjob from a dragoness....and he loved it. Some part of him said that that wasn't right, but another part said it wasn't his fault, so go with it. Beijore beckoned to him again, and Matheau went to her without hesitation this time. "Touch my breasts, slave." She commanded. Matheau's hands rose shakily from the water and touched her breasts, flinching back as if they were hot. Beijore grabbed his hands and pressed them against her huge breasts and started to knead his hands against her breast scales, and she purred loudly as she taught him how to please her. "Mmmmm....yessssssss.....that's a good little slave...." Beijore said softly through closed eyes. This went on for awhile, and Matheau just let her use his hands for her pleasure when she suddenly guided his left hand down under the water and to her parted thighs, rubbing his fingers across her slit. "Ooooh gods....yes, touch me there my slave." Beijore said, almost pleading. Beijore then taught him how to please her sex with his hand, and soon had him fingering her with all but his thumb. She writhed and moaned and panted. And then, almost as suddenly as it had started, Beijore stopped and pushed him away, an odd look in her eyes. "Come on, my slave." Beijore said hungrily. "Your going to fuck me now wether you like it or not." Matheau was really hesitant to go and it took Beijore yanking him forcefully out of the water for him to follow her. She didn't even let him get his robe this time, and she dragged him all the way back to the bedroom. An odd smell filled the air, and Matheau had a feeling he knew what it was. She was in heat. That is why she wanted him to fuck her so badly. She practically threw him on the bed, and to his surprise, she cuffed his arms and legs to the bed with shackles he hadn't even known were there.

Beijore climbed onto the bed and put one of her hind legs on either side of his body, rubbing her slit against his hardening cock, whispering in his ear. "I told you that you were going to fuck me one way or the other, slave....." Beijore grabbed his shoulders and squeezed tightly, almost to the point of being painful. Beijore had gotten what she wanted, and despite himself, Matheau was once again fully aroused. Beijore lifted her body and slid herself down Matheau's cock with a low grunt. He was long and thick inside of her. She was a small dragoness, and he was big for her. So big in fact, it almost hurt her to take all of him. She began to lift and drop her hips upon Matheau's, taking him deep each time, moaning and purring loudly. "Don't you dare just lay there slave!" Beijore hissed. "You fuck your mistress and you fuck her hard!" She brought a talon to Matheau's throat, and Matheau once again remembered that this was against his will, and that he was a slave as he started to thrust up into he as hard as he could, feigning pleasure for her. Matheau was sweating from the heat of all of this, when Beijore suddenly lifted his head to her breasts and told him to suck. Matheau obliged, wrapping his lips around one of her thick nipples, sucking hard. Beijore hissed in approval and rode him harder. She was so close, and she wanted release so badly. She reached down and began to stroke her clit, and that was all for her. She roared loudly as she came hard, soaking Matheau's hips with her dragon juices. Her muscles clenched Matheau so hard that Matheau released him seed deep into the dragoness. They both lay there panting, and Beijore draped her wings over them, whispering. "Very good slave.......perhaps next time well try it without chaining you down......." And that was the way they slept.


Matheau closed the book and looked to Beijara, who was currently rubbing her dampened slit with her claw. "I take it you enjoyed that segment of the story, love?" Matheau asked, rising from the chair to make his way over to her. Beijara nodded. "Mmm, yes my love, and from the looks of it, I'm not the only one." Beijara said, pointing to Matheau's bobbing erection. With no further words needed between them, Beijara presented herself to him, rising to all fours and lifting her tail high for him, so that he may take her as he wanted to. She felt his cock slide against her slit, gathering her juices before he pushed into her with a loud moan. She felt his claws lock under her belly, and knew that he had mounted her as she felt him start to hump into her with much enthusiasm. Beijara pushed back, moaning loudly as she felt him hilt into her with each thrust. Minutes seemed like hours as the happy couple continued to mate, their energy seemingly endless. Then finally, an hour later, two loud roars were heard throughout the palace as they both reached their peaks, Matheau filling Beijara's womb with his hot, thick seed. When the servants came by later on that evening, they were both sound asleep like that, With Matheau mounted upon Beijara and still buried deep inside of her, a pool of their juices beneath them, and Matheau's wings draped protectively around them.