atimist commission a sizable problem

Story by Bombafur on SoFurry

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commission from a friend named Atimist over on FA

id really love some feed back its a tame plot filled story with some semi naughty things that isnt that bad

Lying in bed with eyes still closed, he had been up for at least ten minutes. Atimist was waiting for his alarm to finally go off. Until it did, he was completely ready for it; quickly he hit the button, and gave a much needed stretch. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he stood up on his tip toes, stretching again as he made his way to a mirror.

After looking at himself, he gave an annoyed growl. Why was it that every time he slept he would wake up with bed fur? It always caused him to take a shower before he went out to class. He didn't understand how it even happened, the whole side of his body up to his shaggy brown hair was sticking out; even his tail was frizzier then he liked. Swishing his tail, he grabbed a quick pair of clothes and left to go to the showers.

Living in the athletic dorms with the football team was possibly the best thing that could have happened to him during his senior year. The coach and his assistants always patrolled at night, meaning the rest of the people living in the same dorm had to be somewhat well behaved. Atimist almost always got a good night of sleep, even on the weekend. He honestly hadn't thought what would happen once the season was over. So far it was rather quiet, even after some people talked about a party; he'd been invited too by one of his favorite players.

It was quiet in the hall when he slammed his door to go to the communal showers. The showers were one of the things he slightly despised about these dorms, but the good outweighed the bad. Another thing that worked well for him was since he had to be up early for his graduate school studies and for his research team, he always got into the shower first before any of the burly athletes came in. No doubt he would get picked on for his lanky form otherwise. He wasn't out of shape; it was just that he was a slender fox. He was more into watching sports than being in them most of the time, unless it was with friends or tennis.

The water finally warmed up as the fox stepped in, slicking down his fur and thoroughly wetting himself. He washed all over and thought of all the possibilities for what his team was going to accomplish today. But he lost track of time and by the time he noticed, he rushed out of there and picked up his clothes while wrapping a towel around himself. But Atimist ran into a gigantic orange wall and fell down before he could make it out of the showers. His clothes dropped to the floor and the towel covered up his waist as he fell.

"Oh Ati! I'm really sorry there little guy," a familiar voice said concernedly. The first team lineman, Harper, bent down to help pick up Atimist's dropped clothes.

"Hey I just... I didn't see you there... I... where are your clothes?" the fox stammered before blushing deeply and covering himself with his towel to get up.

"I'm getting in the shower? Got to get ready for the party. You are coming tonight... right?" the fotter asked, looking down and covering himself as well.

"Well I was actually..."

Ati didn't get to say anything else though as Harper bent down and picked him up, setting him straight. "It would mean a ton to me. You need a break, have some fun! The season is over for me and we won. There is a party and the coaches are out of town. You wouldn't be sleeping anyway, so might as well talk with me more than a couple minutes a day a day on the bus. And come on, you're almost out of here! Time to celebrate! You're almost done with your work."

The fox awkwardly smiled and said, "Yeah I'll gladly show up if this project turns out right. Might be an all-nighter at the lab, but hurry up and get a shower. We can talk more on the bus. Need a towel? You didn't bring one I guess?"

"Oh well nah, I.. it will be okay. But hey I'll see ya later," Harper said as he gave the fox a nice, playful smack to his bottom, actually lifting Ati up somewhat from being surprised.

"Oh! I er... yeah see ya on the bus Harper," he said as he awkwardly walked away with his picked up clothes. Atimist felt embarrassed by the whole situation; he actually preferred to be without clothes, since it felt more natural and carefree, and the clothes restricted his movements when he usually glided about the lab. But more pressing matters were taking place... he needed to get cleaned and head out to meet Harper for the bus ride.

It was their daily ritual; the skinny fox and the muscled bound fox-otter hybrid sat together every morning. What didn't make sense was Harper was actually going on a Saturday with him; there weren't any classes on a Saturday. Atimist just needed to do some work on his big project, run a few tests on it. He knew that what the team had was enough to get them an A, but what they were uncovering was amazing. Picture a liquid that really reduced things? Reversed engineer it and it could be able to provide a way to grow anything. No more world hunger, maybe even world peace. With thoughts of a Nobel Prize, the fox went toward the bus stop.

Loud thumps announced that the jock was coming down as fast as he could to catch up. It was kind of amazing how one big bellied guy could run that fast. "Hey! Don't leave me, wait up! Can't leave a fat guy," he proclaimed as he sprinted past. Ati couldn't help but notice his well-muscled arms swell up as he clenched his fists when he stopped, or how some of his body just jiggled as the big guy's momentum kept wanting him to move forward. After snapping himself out of it, Atimist couldn't help but blush and laugh a bit as he continued walking.

"Hey I wouldn't leave ya, I knew you were going to come," Ati said as they boarded the bus together. "Why are you even coming on the bus today? It is a Saturday."

"Well I had to make sure I knew where you were because we are picking you up when the party starts. That way you don't skip out on it," Harper said.

"What!?!" the fox exclaimed.

"Come on, have some fun. Better do it or else I'll sit on you. And in case no one has told you, I do have quite a heavy bottom," he said as he pushed the fox into the wall of the bus. Why Ati chose the window seat, Harper would never know.

"Okay fine I will... but only cause you asked nicely. Also... this," Ati said as he grabbed a handful of the chub that was sticking out from the fotter's sitting position, causing him to move back out of surprise. "Got cha' " the fox giggled as they went on to talk about the party.

"Yeah, tonight we are going to be taking a shuttle so we can get a bit drunk when we go over to some Texan part or something. Though I don't think I'm going to do that, it leaves tomorrow," Harper said. "And besides, you can't come tomorrow anyway right?"

"Well yeah I have to actually present this sometime tomorrow night. But hey I have to go, text me or something. I'll probably be busy but you know the drill," he said as he hopped over the fotter. "See ya tonight big guy."

"Bye ati!" Harper yelled after the running fox, his fluffy tail whipping behind him as he scurried off the bus.

Atimist really didn't know what was up with Harper today. It just seemed just a bit too weird, or how he had spaced out when he thundered past him before the bus ride. He blamed this project; its added stress wasn't really helping him, even if it was basically done. Of course he had to also question his own sexuality. Honestly it didn't really matter to him what happened. It was what it was. He liked what he liked but he wasn't going to blatantly spurt out that Harper's big body was always a pleasure to look at. Which may or may not have been true; again it didn't matter to him.

The fox rushed into the building and grabbed his coat. "Hey Pryor, have we run the test yet?"

Two furs, a deer and a German shepherd mix, both turned around in surprise. "Oh hey Ati, wasn't expecting you here. You've already done much more than your share for this project; heck you did it all" Pryor the albino deer said while he smiled back at the excited fox.

"Yeah honestly you could just sit back and let us do it. We had an accident already, and I think you'll really be excited about the results," the shepherd said as she gripped her lab coat, protecting her breasts.

"Oh? Why is that?" Ati asked and doubled his speed to the table to look over what he had set out the night before. "Everything seems like it's here."

Then Pryor handed a ripped up piece of pink fabric to Atimist. "That was once Sam's shirt," he smiled with a little giggle as he remembered the shepherd putting his coat over her breasts moments before.

"The... wait it worked? No way. What about you? Did you get any on you? Are you okay?" Atimist asked, but was stopped by the shushing of German Sheppard mix.

"It doesn't work on living animals. But it does shrink something to 6% of their normal height. We were about to test your solution on some other things to confirm it, with this video tape if you want to be in it," she explained.

"Well... yes let's try this out. Better be more careful don't need another wardrobe malfunction, or do we?" Ati teased as he and Pryor laughed a bit, but stopped as Sam hit his arm.

"We should probably note that it doesn't shrink everything, like glass, for some reason the glass didn't shrink," the fox said as he swirled the bottle a bit, and then dripped the green goopy solution over the top of a basic wooden coffee table. Just like that the table stared to wobble, and dust started falling off the table as the solution automatically started to move itself around the table, eventually covering it completely with the goop. The dust started falling off exponentially and the table wobbled as it sank into the ground. But wait! It wasn't sinking. It was getting smaller; for 30 minutes it shrank. Proportionally it was the same table, just considerably smaller. The dust that came off of the table was no were to be found. Seeing how it was perfectly done, there was only one more test.

Pryor brought two flower pots in, one with a petunia and one with a pea plant. Pouring the liquid on and around the plants, the three students waited. Ten minutes passed and nothing happened. "Well I guess that was hoping for too much. I mean we don't have a smaller angry mutt yapping at us, I wasn't expecting to have smaller plants," Pryor stated as Sam delivered a blow to his arm.

"Dudes... do you know what this means? We get an A," Sam said as all three cheered and hugged each other. Sam's breasts popped out of the coat as she put her arms around Atimist, pressing into the fox; he could feel them squeeze against his own chest as the happy go lucky dog bounced up and down with him.

She didn't realize what she was doing and Atimist blushed as much as he did when he realized he was gawking at Harper. "Psst.... Sam? Might want to cover up girl..." Pryor said.

She snapped back to attention and covered herself in embarrassment as she stepped back. "Uh... so yeah we pretty much get into any grad program we want now... want to celebrate tonight guys? I have some video games and stuff..." she shyly said.

"All we ever do is play video games with you, that's not really all that fun. We're in college not high school Sam," Pryor sighed.

"Sorry guys but I actually have a party to get to tonight. Somebody from my dorm invited me. And I guess..." Atimist said before he was cut off by Pryor.

"Dude? Are you for real? Those beefy guys only invite people from the team, or chicks... "

"Guys, harper wouldn't do that. He seems like a nice guy, even if he does whatever he wants. And since he does whatever he wants, he invited me; we talk like every day, he's my next door neighbor dorm wise, and he actually is rather silly even if his nickname kind of reflects what he is. I'm sure he's a pretty chill guy. Plus I'm sure I can invite you guys as well, want to come?" the fox said.

"I honestly think that's the longest non-science thing you have ever spurted out ever," Pryor replied. "But nah I'm good, I'm going to go with Sam to talk about boys, because boys are where it's at."

"Your gayness knows no bounds deer, but with a rack like that why not? You'll get all the boys," Ati joked.

"But I don't have boobs, what do you mean?"

"He means your antlers whitey, let's go," Sam said and grabbed an antler to pull him toward the door. "Oh hey, Ati, can we borrow some of that stuff? It's actually pretty tasty."

"YOU ATE SOME OF IT? Why in the hell would you eat a substance that's supposed to shrink things?" Ati bellowed at their stupidity.

"It doesn't affect living things, and I accidentally tasted it a bit. Maybe you should try it? You might just like it, and if anything maybe it will be negative calories," Sam said as she left without another word, Pryor still in an antler lock with her.

Atimist was angry at them for even trying it, especially for being stupid while doing it. Safety in the lab was top priority. "You don't just eat an untested substance," he thought as he dabbed his finger in the solution and licked it off. Curiosity killed the fox, or the cat... however that saying went. But it turned out the product really did taste remarkably well. He was worried he was going to eat more, but instead he decided to put it in storage. It was a strange taste... he couldn't quite put a finger on it, so he brought out a test tube and poured some into it. After he put the stopper on he texted his ride; at least it was going to be an interesting night.

Atimist sat on the steps waiting on his ride; he'd texted them quite a bit ago. Harper pulled up in his old, rusted out, yellow van he never drove, and the side door slid open. A rather bulky tiger stepped out followed by a black panther that exited on the other side and came up behind the van.

"Uh... hi guys?" Atimist said as they both gave an inquisitive look at him. Harper came up behind them both wrapping his arms across their shoulders and popping his head between them both.

"Ya hungry? I am! Let's get some food!" he excitedly yelled as the tiger face palmed.

"You're always hungry aren't you?" the panther asked as he swished his tail and turned to look at the slightly taller fotter.

"Well I am kind of hungry," Atimist said as he out his hands in his pocket. The craving for that solution he ate in lab was fresh in his mind as his mouth began to water. "I haven't eaten since this morning so I am kind of hungry," he said with a grin.

They boarded the van and went to a local sit down dinner to eat. Over the course of the meal, Atimist found out that all three of them were on the varsity squad of the college's football team. The panther, Jim, was one of Harper's neighbors in the dorm living on the opposite side of the hall. He was of course really proud of his body, even going so far as to take off his shirt and flex his muscles; he wasn't all that muscular though, it was more like skinny with lean muscles and enough definition to show that he had something.

After they were done eating but were still waiting on Harper to finish, they got back into the van. The tiger said that if Atimist needed to get back to his room tonight, Harper and Jim would take him back since they all lived near each other. When they finally got on the road and arrived at the party, they each squeezed out and waited on the side walk for the fotter to get out. Harper decided to do what everyone else was doing and come out the van side door, which ended with him plopping down on the sidewalk while the van rocked back and forth due to his weight. They laughed while Harper blushed in embarrassment and yelled "Hey! It's not my fault the... struts, or whatever are old."

"Sure it is chubby. Let's go get you more cake," the tiger snickered.

"Hey that was not my fault, they offered me two!" he replied.

"Yeah after you ate the first one so fast in front of the waitress."

"Okay, okay, you've made your point. Can we get drunk now?" he said as he glared at the tiger with the intensity of a thousand suns.

They each made their way into the dorm's common area where they had a big screen T.V. and two couches lined up on the walls. A very small kitchen area was attached at the side. As soon as they came in the room, Atimist saw at least fifteen other people there all socializing.

"Hey! Think fast," a random raccoon said as he opened the cooler and threw a beer to Harper, Jim, and the tiger; none of them dropped the booze. "Oh hey who is this little guy?"

The panther looked down at the chest high fox. "He's Harper's guy, you know?"

Atimist was confused about him being Harper's "guy," but he didn't question it. He just gave a skeptical look and rolled with what they said. The raccoon gave him a beer too and that's when the night started.

Over the course of the evening the fox talked with just about everyone, drinking a beer here and there until he got hungry. He went into the kitchen when no one was around and decided to eat some of the snack crackers in a bowl. Since they were for everyone to snack on, he decided he was only going to eat a few and save the rest for everyone else. That's when he remembered the really tasty concoction in his pocket, and without thinking about it he poured some on a cracker before chomping down. Lost in the delicious taste, he did the same with another and another. Soon he realized all of the liquid in the vial was gone along with a good portion of the crackers; then his stomach started to hurt.

Stumbling out while holding his stomach, Atimist came out of the kitchen area and noticed Harper and the panther joking around with a couple others. He made his way over to them, tugging on Harper's shirt as the fox noticed something different about his friend. He was puzzled, and thought maybe he was more drunk than he realized but... standing straight up, Ati noticed that he only came up to the lower part of the fotter's chest.

"Uh... Harper, can you take me home? I'm not feeling good; I think I am going to throw up."

"Aww really? We barely got to talk all night. I haven't even..." he paused, drunkenly looking down with a sympathetic look on his face. "Okay, let's get you back home. JIM! Come help me. I don't think I can walk straight."

"That's not the only thing that's not straight," he mumbled only loud enough for those close by to hear.

Harper picked up the smaller fox by putting one of Atimist's arms around his neck while keeping a beer in his other hand; Jim came to Ati's other side and did the same. He dangled there between the fotter and panther, being escorted out of the dorm party and into the hall way where the people stayed. With Ati being semi drunk at the time, he couldn't tell what was happening other than the pain in his stomach.

He noticed that his arms couldn't fit around his friends' necks anymore, and was fighting a losing battle to stay up as his arms slid across the necks. At the same time he looked down and watched the floor that was getting farther and farther away as the bodies that were against his sides kept getting bigger and more bulky.

Just then the panther on his right stumbled into the wall, bringing the other two with him for the ride. That's when the fox knew something was wrong; the knot in his stomach stopped hurting and it cleared his head a little right before he was pressed against the tight, muscled abs of the panther; the soft presence of a gigantic mass pushing on his back for a split second made Atimist realize what was about to happen next.

The fotter's belly smooshed against the pile of clothes and against his friend; Harper was completely wasted at the time and hiding it well. He looked down at his girth and saw a tiny doll thrashing about in some clothes.

"Harper! Get off me and let's get him back to the room," Jim said pushing against the fotter.

"Hold on fer a second," the fotter replied as he went to take a drink from the beer in his other hand.

Atimist saw and heard what was going on as he looked up, trying to struggle with his clothes. Suddenly he guessed what had happened to himself; he'd shrunk to about 2 feet tall, a doll's height. He no longer could feel his pants around his legs, but he could see a pant leg wedged in with himself and the gut. He had to struggle at first with the shirt as he swam in it to free his arms. He looked up in time to see a webbed hand lift a beer can towards a mammoth sized head, and he could see the colossal mouth open wide to pour a beverage in his mouth, spilling some down his chin and down onto the shrunken fox.

Ati tried to yell, which was a bad idea. As he began to yell for attention the beer was spilt, soaking him as he accidentally swallowed. He coughed up as much as he could before the pain began to come back. Curling up into a ball between the fotter's belly and the toned abs of the panther, they began to move.

"Come on I'm tired and I want to sleep," Jim said as he pushed the clothes into Harper's hands.

They began traversing back to Harper's room, none the wiser of what had happened to their fox friend. The two drunks eventually made it to the room and walked in.

"I didn't even get a chance to ask him... wait what happened to him?" Harper drunkenly stammered

"Him? Oh you mean the fox dude you have the hots for? I think he went to his room when you stupidly rammed me into the wall!" he said as he poked Harper's chest.

The fotter frowned as he threw Ati's clothes onto a chair. His anger rising, Harper stomped closer to the panther who backed up with each of the angered, over acted stomps. His body language and breathing showed he was absolutely angry as he cornered Jim. And just like that his anger turned into a sob, hugging the fit panther and picking him up as he cried.

"Hey hey hey now," Jim said, surprised when he was picked up by the sobbing fotter.

"I'm just so alone and I just wanted to talk with him and he was here and we brought him, I thought we brought him! Where is he?" Harper sniffled.

He slowly got in bed with the panther, and with a big sigh fell asleep. He kept an iron grip on Jim with a muscled arm around his friend, forcing him to be cuddled as the fotter fell asleep almost instantly. The panther tried to escape but Harper's grip couldn't be loosened, so eventually he gave up and fell asleep. As a tiny fox tired himself out from struggling with the clothes and the pain, he fell asleep as well using the shirt as a blanket.

"Fat ass! Let me up queer bait!" the panther yelled, waking everyone in the room.

"Oh... my head... what happened?" the fotter asked groggily as he let the panther go. Jim jumped out of Harper's clutches quickly.

"You are sick, you know! I don't like being the little spoon! I'm a man, man!" the panther yelled as he helped the fotter up.

"God what hit me last night? Did I do anything stupid? Is Atimist okay? Where is that guy? Oh shit! Did I say anything last night?"

"Actually I don't really know last night is kind of all a blur at the moment. Better call him and find out, but... I'll see ya later Harper. Remember! You don't tell anyone nothing about this you got it?"

"Yeah, yeah see you later Jim," Harper mumbled rubbing his head.

As Harper got up and stretched, the tiny fox finally climbed up to the arm of the chair to watch the grand spectacle of the chubby fotter take off his shirt and give a mighty stretch, letting his full, plump belly out in the open. To the fox, Harper was a living mountain; he'd shrunk during the night one final time. He looked down to see the expanse of the room and what messy items were on the ground.

Harper took off the rest of his clothes and put on some gym shorts. Atimist saw his chubby friend grabbing shower gear before stopping in front of the chair to bump it with the back of his foot, making the chair slide back a bit. The fotter pulled out his cell phone to call Atimist and check up on him after the crazy night.

To the mini fox on the arm chair falling back down into the chair, he considered himself really lucky to have fallen into the chair and not down to the floor; this was too high off the ground to feel safe falling all that way. But when Atimist looked back up he reconsidered that as he saw a giant rump take over his view like a great eclipse of the sun. Quickly he got up and ran as close to the edge of the arm chair as he could get when the rear fell down into its seat.

The chair creaked when the massive bottom fell down, with Atimist mushed between the fotter's gigantic hip and the chair; he was in an awkward position, unable to get out as he tried to thrash about. He heard the vibration from his phone under the fotter as Harper got up. Harper was surprised by the phone vibrating underneath, as leaned to the side to reach for it.

Atimist was moved up as the hip slid across until he fell back down onto the arm rest. Seeing his phone get revealed from under Harper, he ran toward it; maybe some how he could answer it and get his attention. The shrunken fox ran as fast as he could, watching as the massive butt cheek rose into the air. He jumped toward his phone right as a giant webbed hand grabbed him and picked him up instead of the phone. Moving in front of Harper's face, Atimist saw a look of pure disbelief and shock for a split second before the massive fotter fainted and dropped the fox on his gut.

Ati landed on Harper's gut and looked up at his now limp, gigantic buddy. He had to find a way to wake Harper up and get some help. He climbed up from the bottom of the huge hill that was the fotter's belly. He hated to admit it, but this whole situation was kind of awesome; he loved being smaller than people and this was taking that love to a more extreme level. Ati stopped absent mindedly and hugged all that he could of the fotter's belly. It was really nice hugging into the warm girth of the fotter, but he had to keep pressing on so he rose up and climbed to the crest of the mound of belly.

He gazed at the titan before him. He could see his massive, chubby face and his muscled pectorals. The body took up most of his field of vision, and if he had to guess how tall he was... it could be anywhere between 3 and 5 inches. Quite an interesting height if he had anything to say about it. Not so small that he couldn't interact with people or accidentally get misplaced and easily forgotten. Long distances would be a bit hectic, but now he could slip under doors. Maybe even into the women's dorm. Another thing he could enjoy about this height was never worrying about clothes; he always thought they just got in his way when he ran or stretched about anyway.

He started his accent to the top of the fotter by going in the trench of his mighty muscled chest when Harper started to stir underneath. Ati fell down between his pecs and as he looked up, he saw Harper's shoulders roll and the muscles in his flex as he lifted his arms out in front of him. Harper put his two hands together as he groggily stretched out. The action of him stretching pressed his pectorals together squeezing the tiny fox between them.

As he stretched he felt Atimist wiggle on his chest. Surprised by it he stopped stretching; looking down at the fox it took a moment for it to click in his head. Harper looked down with full surprise at the miniature fox recovering from his ordeal on the chest.

"Ati is that you?" Harper asked as he picked up the 4 inch tall fox. "How did you get so small? Oh crap, don't look I'm naked," he said as he cupped the fox in his webbed hands. Harper put him on the bed and put a blanket over top of Atimist so he could rush about the room to find some sort of clothing to wear. The fott quickly put on some underwear and some work out shorts, snapping the waist band shut as Atimist crawled out from underneath the blanket. He stared up at the massive fotter, yelling at him so he could figure out how he had shrunk.

The fotter put on a shirt and put his hand down beside Atimist, offering his friend a seat. As the mini fox clambered up into the webbed hand Harper transported him carefully to the desk.

"What did you do to me?" Atimist asked in an angry tone as he tapped his tiny paws on top of the table with arms crossed.

"Look, I did not do anything to you. I would never hurt you. In fact that's why I invited you over to this party. I was going to invite you back to my place and... I don't know," Harper awkwardly spoke as he started to fidget with his fingers and looked away from the fox.

"Wait so you had nothing to do with it? What about... wait what do you mean by that?"

"Well... I kinda have a crush on you. Why do you think a football player would stick around and listen to things that go way over his head? Or the showers, I mean think back to yesterday when you forgot your towel and I had an extra one? I've been dropping subtle hints for a long time. And last night I was going to kind of tell you my feelings," the fotter explained, rubbing the back of his head as he looked away.

"Okay, well we can talk about this later okay? I don't think that I am in the position to do much of anything at the moment. I think..." he stopped in mid-sentence. "Harper! Grab my phone. We have to see what has happened to the plants. I think I know why I'm small now!"

Atimist was practically jumping up and down with excitement as the thoughts went through his head; he just had to confirm what he was thinking about Sam's plants. Harper turned without speaking and bent over to get his phone out of the shrunken fox's pants. The room was already small; the dorm rooms were rather small and with fotter normally being so big he made the room even smaller. But at Ati's size the powerfully plump fotter was already close to the chair where Ati's phone was. His massive backside took up most if not all of the fox's frontal view. It took everything Ati had to not look at it as he chuckled a bit.

Something about this situation just seemed funny to the tiny vulpine. He was getting mooned by a now obviously gay jock that had a crush on him, along with a couple hundred tons of muscle and weight compared to his ant like size. If Harper didn't pay attention, he would end up crushing his crush. Harper got back and placed the phone next to the miniature fox as he plopped back into the creaking chair.

"What? What's so funny?" he asked as Atimist rolled around laughing audibly enough for him to hear.

"I think you need to go on a diet; that was one full moon if you know what I'm saying. How much you weigh now? One? Two hundred tons?" he said as he laughed up to the huge mass of fotter before him.

"Well at least I'm not a tiny little doll. Want me to get you a dress and play dolly? I think my sister would enjoy the company for a couple hours? Besides I think you would look good in a..."

The door knocked, and in a panicked frenzy the fotter scooped the fox up and attempted to put him in his pocket. But he found out he didn't have any pockets in the athletic shorts.

"I'm so sorry for this," Harper whispered as he pulled out his waistband and dropped his new passenger into the tight boxer briefs. Ati's protests were already causing him to spread his legs and bend to try and give him as much room as he could, but it was no use. Harper walked to the door, giving himself and his passenger a little squeeze hoping that Atimist would get the idea to stop wiggling around near his private parts. Harper opened the door to greet a very muscled, golden Labrador.

"Oh hey what are you doing? You look familiar; do I know you from somewhere?" Harper asked.

"Yeah I'm on the weightlifting team, and I help you guys with your workouts on occasion. You've probably seen me around there. Um... but that's not why I'm here," the dog said as he took a step closer and wrapped his muscled arms around the fotter. The labrador squeezed him up against his body and as the fotter was picked up his groin rubbed against the well-muscled dog.

"Hey whoa? Wha-whats up?" he questioned, taken back by the show of force the dog had over him. He hated to admit it, but not that many people could pick him up or over power him. But that was exactly what he secretly liked. Harper tended to like two body types: overly skinny and lengthy or built like a mountain. And this stranger had one of those types.

"I heard that uh... your special friend ran away from you last night before you could confess your feelings for him. So I figured-"

"Wait, what? Who told you? Who are you?" he asked. Harper remembered his straight friend, the panther, who he had forcibly grabbed last night as he fell asleep. "Oh. You talked to Jim didn't you?"

"Uh... well maybe, this is a bit embarrassing," the canine said with a visible blush. "Is it me or are you really happy to see me?"

Harper, who was still picked up and hugged by the massive wall of Labrador, was dealing with a new feeling, one he hadn't felt for anyone before this incident. And that's when he remembered the fox in his increasingly tighter pants.

"Uh... hey put me down big guy." Harper said and pushed himself out of the Labrador's grasp. He found himself having to look up a little bit to the huge dog, something he never had to do before in his whole time at college. "I uh... want to get lunch? Or something? Later that is. Not now! I need to take care of something. Do you have my number? I'm sure Jim will give it to you. I have to go but I really want to get to know you. I'm kind of making a fool of myself but I have to go. So I'll see you around!" Harper rambled as he backed into his room and closed the door, panting and leaning against the door. Pushing his weight on the door as he slid down onto his butt, the fott remembered the poor fox in his underwear and reached in to get the poor little guy out of his prison.

The fox took a massive breath of fresh air after he squeezed his head between some webbed fingers. He noticed the fott blushing and panting from the encounter that he had just had with the bulk of a dog that had just dazzled him. By the time Harper came to, he looked down to see that he was already getting chastised by Atimist.

"...silent? Really? How dare you put me there! Do you know the things I saw? Or the things that happened while were you doing rubbing me against you or something? And don't get me started on the stench! For one that's part otter, you need more than just a shower."

Looking down at Atimist in his hand, something about the fox had changed. Harper couldn't tell exactly what that was, but it wasn't the same. Something about the lighting or how Atimist looked when he was angry, just made him look like less of the crush than what he'd had before. Could it be that he was over his single obsession he had, had for most of his college career, just like that?

"Okay we need to find my phone. I am done being this small, I need to get what little control I had before back," Atimist huffed.

"Okay, hush. It will be okay don't be childish."

The fotter got up, making sure to keep a little grip on Ati as he got his lumbering self up from the floor. He found the fox's phone to check the many missed calls from his other lab partners. After reading the texts and listening to the voice mails he concluded just what had happened to him.

The lab was overrun with the plants they had put the serum on, grown to the same proportions as the shrunken desk but in the opposite direction. They had taken care of the problem but were angry with Atimist for ignoring their calls and texts. After the very short fox listened to everything, he needed to think.

Originally the solution hadn't worked on living things; at least he still knew that because Sam hadn't shrunken down to his size. But the plant had grown... so it must have digested the chemicals. But why was it that he had shrunk? That's when he thought of a lab he did once where they had actually made a rather nasty beer in class. He had a hypothesis as to what had caused the shrinking and the otherwise ineffective shrinking solution to make the plant grow instead. He put two and two together and concluded that the opposite process of photosynthesis is the fermentation process of making alcohol. The beer he had drank along with the serum had shrank him along with the plant growing due to the process of photosynthesis.

"Harper! Get me to my other lab partners! Call them with my phone. They have all my notes and are smart; they can help me get back to normal."

"But do you really want them to see you this small? How do you think they would react?" Harper thought aloud.

Thoughts of Pryor dressing him up and being overly gay, and thoughts of Sam towering over him filled Atimist's mind with all the devilish possibilities they could do to him at this new size. It was something he was now more than willing to avoid. Even if the thought of Sam and her enormous breasts did have big perks to his current condition, he just couldn't let the mutt know. She was already dominating enough as is.

"You're right... but we need to, all three of us worked on this as a team. You'll have to help me without compromising my position," Atimist said at last.

"Hah! Are you a spy now?" he laughed as he picked the tiny fox up and set him on the desk. "I know, I can wear a colored shirt and you can feed me the information and then use me as a dummy to do what you need to. Or I can wear a hat."

Just the thought of the height on top of the fotter's head almost made Ati nauseous; there had to be a better way.

"Tell them to do their own research on the plant and I'll compile and search for the data. Can you do that for me Harper? I'll start at it right now... can you move a pencil over here on the desk... and paper... I can't do anything on my own like this can I?"

"Awwwww," the fotter said as he picked up the distressed fox, hugging him before putting him back on the table. The fox twitched at the act of it.

"Oops, I er... I should leave sorry," Harper said with a blush as he left, wondering if that Labrador was running around somewhere. Maybe he could ask that deer guy if he saw the dog at that GSA meeting as well. Harper was just huge, whole mountain of emotion after the day's events.

And he still didn't know what he felt about Atimist. The shrunken vulpine was in his care for the moment and for the foreseeable future. It's exactly what he wanted only way weirder than what he'd hoped for. But he was always curious to what he felt about the whole matter, even though now it just seemed different. It was as if he wasn't crushing so hard on Ati.

Suddenly the fott bumped into something and fell down. He looked up to find that Labrador, immediately blushing and laughing awkwardly as the muscle head helped him up.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going I apologize."

"I was just looking for you! Have you given any thought to getting food or something? Pryor says you like to eat a ton," the dog said looking overly happy, his tail wagging heavily behind him from what the fotter could see.

The deer from the meetings? How did he know about him?

"I... I would love to," the fott stammered. "How did you know Pryor? Or is this something to discuss over dinner?" Harper fretted over what Pryor could have told him. If that deer spilled the beans, he was going to have to break the twigs on top of his head.

"I told him my interest in you and he told me that I should hurry up and tell you before you made a stupid mistake with a straight guy."

Dread filled Harper's heart when he heard that. Atimist was straight, and somehow Pryor had known about this from the get go? But he had to talk to him and Ati's other lab partner as soon as possible.

"Oh, I... yeah mistake already made unfortunately," he said with a dismissive laugh "Let's get dinner. Mind if I bring some friends?"

That surprised the canine a bit, being so quickly noticed by the fotter. "I er... of course you can, in fact I insist. The more the merrier."

"Awesome I'll go get people ready," Harper said with a smile as he flipped out his phone and started calling Pryor.

A couple hours later the Labrador, whom Harper learned was named Havak, sat down at a booth at a local place, and Harper needed to explain everything that Atimist had said. While Sam and Pryor were getting acquainted with Havak, Harper was making an excuse as to why Atimist couldn't be there.

After several weeks they eventually figured out something to make them grow, an antidote. Of course after the couple weeks it took them to engineer a growth serum, Sam and Pryor became curious about the whereabouts of Atimist. He hadn't been seen utill after they fabricated a test dose of their new growth serum.

And in those two weeks it had been pretty hectic for the tiny fox, having to survive the perils of being 4 inches tall. Taking showers with Harper, dodging the ever present webbed paws as much as he could, and of course dealing his new boyfriend situation. If you have ever complained about how loud a train is, try being 4 inches in the same room as very large giants doing their adult business. And even sometimes getting involved with it! He had to try to get them to calm down and acknowledge his presence. But trying to make them simmer down had pretty much the exact opposite effect.

Of course Havak found out eventually, and he told Pryor about Ati's tiny situation. And then of course they had a nice shopping experience in the toy isle where Atimist got to become really flashy in some nice new clothes. Pryor sure enjoyed the view of his tiny lab mate.

Now Sam was a different story entirely; she never found out about Ati's shrinking adventure nor exactly what had happened to him. But they both found out they did enjoy each other's company. That and Sam had to "accidentally" try the growth serum they had made after Atimist was back to normal. Over all it made for some new beginnings, and some very big situations. But for the moment everything was back to normal.

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