All The Wrong Ways.

Story by Iacobus Artifex on SoFurry

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Straight wolf does his gay snow leopard coworker.

Office wolf does his gay coworker. Might be moar if I get to it.

"So, I saw this cute little marmot the other day; Slim and small, curves in all the places, fur looks like she's spent two hours on it alone. Just struttin' it down past that sandwich place I like, breasts as big as your head," I said to uninterested snow leopard coworker, earning a sigh from the feline.

I lifted my paws, trying to figure the rough approximation of the breasts in question. "Hey, look... Like... This big," I said, holding my paws, curved, about the size of a melon apart. "She couldn'tve been bigger 'n you," I tell him, his eyes flashing up for a moment to glance at my hands. He sat back in his chair, in the cubicle across from mine, and brought his white paw to his head.

"Look, Hank... I'm not interested. Sorry. I've never been interested in any of the girls you've told me about," he grumbled, and I dropped my paws to my lap, watching him. "I'm gay," he shrugged, "I'd dropped some hints here and there, though you didn't get them. I'm trying to work, so... Could you drop it?" He asked, with a glare, and scooted back to his desk.

"Well, alright, I guess," I whuffed, rubbing my nose. I didn't mind, had suspected as much, but it was fun to aggrevate him. I turned back to my own work, and began typing.

After a few more hours of this, I stood and stretched, back popping, my black tail wagging. "I'll see ya tomorrow Ryan," I told the cat, gathering my stuff and leaving when I didn't get a reply. He liked to stay a bit later, earn a few 'bonus points' with the boss. Personally, I knew our manager, and I also knew I'd have to do something extremely stupid to even risk losing the job. The perks of having set him and his gal up.

I took the elevator down, carrying my briefcase, and waving to a few friendly faces around the building, as I padded to my car. I was home before I knew it, a mix of sleepiness and daydreaming along the way. Although I liked to talk about their boobs, the legs and rear were what usually drew my eyes, sometimes the muzzle.

I dropped my briefcase on the apartment couch, padding to the bathroom. Once the light flicked on, I stared at the wolf in the mirror, business suit looking sharp, if a little loose. He was decently muscular, friendly green eyes with perked ears. A dab of white in the middle of the black sat on his forehead. I undid my button-up shirt, unbuckled my belt, and took a piss before getting some dinner and heading to bed.

The next day, same time as always, I plopped back into my chair, arms behind my head. The now openly gay snow leopard was already hard at work, and I got an evil grin on my face, starting to make up a girl, "You'll never guess what I saw last night... This sexy little fox, great ass, fluffy tail," I chuckled, the keys clacking in his cube. "Took one glance at me, started heading my way. Boobs weren't as big as that marmot's, but they weren't small neither," I droned up, tail whumping against the chair as I heard his groan. "What? Just 'cause you're gay means I can't brag to ya?" I said, pulling up some documents on my computer. "I could describe her man if you want, though I only found out about him after," I said, starting to delve into my pile of stuff to be done.

"I do appreciate that you aren't going to treat me differently, but I'd still prefer it if you kept talk at work work related," he grumbled, his voice light, and not all that aggrevated. "I saw this busty intern last week," I said immediately, and he sighed, going back to ignoring me.

Tuesday night next week, I left the gym I'd been working out at, after my normal routine and shower, and headed back home, pulling my phone out once I reached the car, calling up a friend of mine, a bull. "Hey Richy, you busy tonight?" I asked, and he huffed. I could imagine his ears flicking, "Yeah bud, sorry. I forgot to tell you, I got this new girl, and she won't let me do shit without her. Can't go out or nothin', or she gets all pissy," he told me. "Damn, well... Maybe in a few weeks," I grumbled, hanging up after our goodbyes. I tried a few other friends, all busy or preoccupied. Apparently I was going to have to do something drastic if I wanted a drinking buddy tonight. I wasn't looking to go out and get laid, just sit in a bar with a friend, get tipsy, maybe a bit drunk, and watch the football game.

Once home, I browsed my contacts for a bit, trying to decide who would be alright to bring along. After a bit, I shrugged, calling up Ryan, to see if he had anything better to do. "Hey cat," I said once he picked up, laying back on my couch. "You wanna go get some drinks tonight? I promise I won't try ta set you up with any girls," I tell him, before he can get a hello out. He remains silent, and I hear the creaking of a chair as he moves. "I could use a couple shots," he says, to my amazement, "But we have to go to a bar I like," he tells me. "That's fine, so long as there ain't any guys in their undies dancing on my table," I tease him, earning a chuckle.

From there, I get the directions from him, and a time to meet up. I laze about before heading out, changing out of my gyms clothes into a dark grey t-shirt and jeans, just something easy to wear, but attractive enough to catch some eyes, if there was any girls at all at this bar. An hour later, I leave, heading out into downtown, the buildings bunched here. I've been around this area before, and it doesn't take me long to find his bar. I park nearby, and walk up to the door, and it seems like just another bar. Advertisements for a few of their drinks, a chalkboard on the sidewalk, though on their door, just stuck casually into the corner, is a rainbow colored pride symbol, showing that gays were welcome here. I pressed the door open and walked in, welcoming the warm smell of beer.

I find the cat without much trouble, as he's sitting at the bar, and I take a seat next to him. "Evenin', Ryan," I said, looking up to the TV behind the counter. A game plays, not the one I was planning on watching, but that's no biggie. Never been so into sports that I would complain about what's on. "Hey, Hank," he replies, and I notice he's already got a drink, a dark beer from the looks of it. This close, I can smell him, a rather light scent, flowery, but manly in it's own regard. "You come to this bar often?" I asked, and he sets his beer down, a smile on his muzzle. "You trying to pick me up, wolf?" he asks back, and I blush a bit, ears flicking. "'Course not. Just wonderin' if there's any drinks I should try," and conversation goes on from there, from what we've been up to out of work, to video games, sports, and damn, I didn't think he'd be this fun to hang out with. Shows what I know.

We end up stayng rather late, and I'm a bit more drunk than I meant to get. I pay off the bartender, and stand, the cat not far behind me, he's buzzed, but not as bad as I am. I'm sure I can make it home alright, and we step out into the cool night, the fresh air helping me a bit. I turned to face Ryan, and he's standing not far from me, eyeing me up and down. I give him a smirk, a bit cockier than I meant to, and he blushes, looking down. "Thanks for calling me up," he says, and I wave a paw. "Hell, if I'd known you'd be this fun to hang out with I'dve called ya earlier," I told him, and he smiles at this. I dunno why, but it makes me smile wider too. I nod at him, and turn, only getting a few steps before I feel a tug on my tail, and I turn, the cat's scent stronger now that we're outside, and since he's so close to me. I have just a moment to register it before he's leaning up to me, paws on my chest, and then his muzzle is pressed to mine.

I can't think of anything else to do but kiss back, his paws pressing into my neckruff now, one sliding down my belly to press against my bulge, which I swear I didn't have a second ago. I keep the kiss, blaming it on the booze, one of my paws reflexively going to press against his lower back. I break away and chuckle, not at the tightness of my pants or his warmth against me, but about how he has to stretch up on his tiptoes to reach my muzzle,

He doesn't stop though, and his paw is feeling nicer and nicer on my groin. "My place isn't far... We should go there," he suggests, brushing my erection through the jeans. I nod, a bit flustered, and he leads the way to his car. I dunno how, but he manages to drive, tipsy, not crash us, and keep my raging hardon going through the drive. Once he parks, I'm panting, almost whining, since I'm so horny. There's a growing dark splotch where the tip of my member is, and it almost hurts to stand, with those constricting jeans. He takes the lead, and I follow, only now noticing his rear, admittedly cute, just the right kind of perky, not starting to sag like some of our other coworkers. He definately works out, though less than I do.

I stare at his ass while we walk to his apartment, and he notices as we near his door, flashing me a toothy grin as he unlocks the door and walks in, with me following like an obedient pup. Once he's inside, he turns to face me, slowly walking backwards as I kick the door shut, barely remember to lock it as he strips off his shirt, showing off his fuzzy white belly, thin and trim, into his nicely curved sides, not as prominent as a gal's, but god if they don't work right then. He tosses it to the side, beckoning me closer with his tail as he heads to his bedroom. I figure it's the right time, and toss off my dark tshirt as well, his eyes on my black chest as he crawls into his bed.

He undoes his pants, zipping them down, revealing another inch of creamy white fur, and a bulge that matches mine in his boxers. I climb ontop of him, his scent thicker now, male musk strong, and for some reason that makes me all the harder. He coos as I slide over top him, pressing my thicker muzzle to his neck, trailer up to his chin, where I give a lick. His paws play over my sides and belly, and finally he says. "Lets get you out of those pants," a lusty, playful tone in his voice. He scoots down a bit, paws working the the catch, and then with the zipper. He doesn't bother moving them down now, and instead one of his paws goes to brace himself on my side, while the other slips in, warm pads sliding over my hard cock. I groan, a bit loudly, my member already rather slick since I've been leaking. He pulls his paw out a few moments later, bringing it up to his muzzle to lick off my pre. I sit myself back, so I'm not overtop him, and slide out of my pants, showing off my seven inch maleness to his curious eyes. I press against his belly,leaning in close, my cock dragging over his pants, before I worked them off.

He's smaller than I am, pinker, but I don't mind. I hesitate there, looking at his arousal, and start to wonder if I should be this aroused by a man, and then he's touching my muzzle, and we're kissing again. I promptly forget what I was thinking about, pressing my large tongue against his small textured one, then he's pushing me over, onto my back, and he climbs ontop of me, scooting back until he can lean down, pink nose teasing my belly above my cock. I close my eyes and lean my head back as he starts to lick and suck my dick.

A minute later and he's taken me down to the base, I don't know how many times he's done this before, but god he's good at it. I've been moaning and groaning the whole time, bucking up, paw pressed to the back of his head and his ears. He pulls away before I can finish, and looks up at me, smiling. "There's some lube in the nightstand," he whispers, and I nod, turning to fish it out as he climbs back up, resting his paw on my side as I pull it out. It's my turn to take the lead, and I roll over, watching him smile, as I press him into a kiss, sliding my paws over his soft form, squeezing his firm ass for a moment, while his tail flicks about. He must be loving this, but I hardly think about that as I lube up my cock, which barely needs it, from his spit and my slick pre. I squirt a bit more onto my paw, and reach around, under his tail.

I rub the clefts there for a moment, and press in, finding what I'm looking for without trouble. My fingers press slowly but surely, and slide in easy, aided by the lube. I do notice that he presses up close to me during this, as I apply some lube, taking a moment to finger him while his erection pressed into my thigh. He gives me a lusty half meow, half moan, and I press my muzzle back against his neck, pulling him up, as I roll ontop of him, my slick cock pressing against his furry cheeks, and his into my bellyfur. I rock back and forth for a moment, and finally push into him, just an inch, and I feel his claws pressing into my fur, his arms wrapped around my neck. I hold off for a second, as long as I can, drunken arousal not wishing to wait long.

I start sliding in and out, working more of my length in with eash thrust, growling as it feels so good already. He moans into my ear, and I start to fuck him, holding his hips steady as I press in and out, balls hitting his fuzzy ass after a moment, my knot pressing to his hole every time I hilt. I grab his hard member in my paw as we go on, stroking him with quick, short moves, thumb rubbing over his tip when I feel like I can't concentrate on screwing him and touching him at the same time. It doesn't take long at all for me, and I bite, lightly, on his shoulder, growling as I force my knot in, hearing a loud squeak from him at that... It probably hurt, but now it's in, and I'm bucking back and forth in his warmth, cumming before I know it, with my paw clenched tight around his cock. He gives one last moan, a bit weaker, as his member throbs in my paw, spurting between our bellies.

Spent, I lay down, ontop of him, and pant into his ear. I barely notice him pulling the covers over us as I pass out.

I don't realise what I've done until the next morning, as I wake up, my breath ruffling the fur on his head, my arm draped over him, while he's pressed up to my chest, tail wrapped around my leg. I have to sit there and think about it for a moment- I just fucked my gay coworker. I'm not even... Gay. I've got to go. I pull away, and he squirms. I worry about what would happen if he wakes, but he just rolls off to the side. I get out of the bed, and pull the covers over him. It smells like sex, male wolf and cat mixing together, with a bit of passion in here. My ears are flat against my head as I get dressed, completely forgetting my shirt in his living room as I leave, calling up a taxi.

I take the next two days off of work. I don't know what I'd do if I saw him. I can't have him telling the office. I don't want to see his knowing smirk, and teasing eyes. I don't want to watch him stand, and show off that rear and fluffy tail. I just sit at home, not talking to anyone or doing much of anything, until I get a call from my boss, telling me he's worried, and that I need to come back as soon as possible. Guess I have to go in tomorrow.

In the morning, I shower, dreading going in, both wanting and not to see him. I know he'll want to gloat about this. How many gay guys get to say they've fucked the guy who brags about all the girls he sees? The thoughts about what I've done and what he'll say plague me as I get ready, drying off and getting dressed in work pants, an undershirt, my buttonup shirt, and a tie. Unfortunately, I don't take long to get ready.

Thirty minutes lately, I'm sitting in my desk chair. I haven't so much as looked away from my monitor since I arrived. I guess I should be happy he hasn't said a thing, either, but all I can feel is worry and dread. I don't calm down until lunch time, where it becomes apparent that my life isn't going to end or change dramatically. I'm much calmer for the second half of work, though I still don't attempt conversation with him.

At home, I sit on the couch, idly watching the TV, shirt unbuttoned and a beer in paw. There's some show about teacher turned drug dealer on, but I'm not really watching it, my mind is on that cat. It's strange how he's been all I've thought about, one way or another, the past few days. His smiles, purrs in bed, and ass are all on my mind, as if I've forgotten I'm not supposed to be thinking about that. I'm decently hard in a few minutes, though I will the erection away. I head to bed before long, with snow leopards on my mind.

I don't sleep well, and it shows the next day, as I'm rubbing my eyes and yawning all day. Lunch is uneventful as always, another bland sandwich with some soda. I start packing up near the end of the day, and faintly register that the cat in the cubicle next to mine is packing as well. Earlier than usual, but I pay it no mind, and I get up, heading towards the elevator. He's behind me, and I flatten my ears, speeding up to try and get into the elevator without him, though I fail. I enter, and he's in before my tail has fully entered the cab. I turn, hitting the ground button, faintly aware he's smirking. I can't blame him, really- I'd want to gloat if I were in his situation, but he doesn't say anything, or do anything.

Until the elevator starts moving. "You've been kinda quiet, Hank," he says, and I grunt, looking very interested in the patterns on the wall. He pads closer, leaning against me, and I try not to think about how nice his warmth is, and the way his scent makes me tingle. I squirm a bit, shifting about, and he takes advantage of that, pushing me with his small paws, against the side of the elevator, his short form rising up, and pressing my muzzle into a kiss, ignoring my whine.

I really don't want to like it... But I do.

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