Commission: Contest Conquest

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Commission for Lilavi, involving some characters from American Dragon: Jake Long.

Jake Long felt a tingle racing along his spine as he roamed the hall. The American Dragon perked up, a slight grin flashing across his muzzle. Someone had activated a little trap he'd planted in his room. He knew that Fred Nerk had been planning on pranking him. Seeing as how they were taking a short break from the competitions, that seemed like the best target. He knew this, cause he'd planted a few surprises in Nerk's room as well. Didn't take a genius, not that he was one, to figure out that Nerk would want to get some revenge.

The tingle raced down his spine again, making his tail twitch. He'd better hurry before Nerk found out how to break free of his trap!

Spinning on his heel, Jake felt flames roll along his body as he transformed. By the time he had turned around, the change was complete and he launched himself through the air. Shouting apologies behind him, the dragon buzzed through the air, headed to where they had stuck him during the summit. It was a little suite that he shared with his Grandpa, nothing too impressive. He had a room to himself, which was a million times better than having to share with his elder.

It was just a matter of seconds before he was at the suites, slipping through the door quickly. The main room was all quiet, just as he expected it to be. With Grandpa out at one meeting or another and Fu dog off getting into some sort of minor trouble, he had the place to himself. Which was perfect, since it gave him plenty of time to find a way to ensure that Nerk wouldn't come back to his rooms. Jake flashed a grin as he crept over to his door, which was partially open. The drake reared back and kicked the door open, lurching through it.

"AH ha.... whoa!"

Nerk wasn't the one caught in his trap. In fact, the Australian dragon was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a stranger in his room. The stranger was small, comparatively, with white scales and a rather embarrassed expression on his face. He hung in Jake's snare, a simple thing he'd set up under some of his clothes, one leg caught. There had been a few traps around the room, with the snare having been the simplest one. Honestly, he'd set it in hopes that Nerk would've either gotten trapped in it, or avoided it and stepped right into one of the other traps he'd set up. He really didn't expect to find another dragon in here, especially one that he didn't have any problems with. Especially not a stranger that was sporting a semi-erect cock.

The stranger looked at him with wide eyes, his cheeks burning as he swung in the rope slowly. He squeaked and began to babble, words spilling from his muzzle faster than even the most aggravated of New York natives. What Jake did catch was that the other male had slipped in here after seeing Jake at the competitions. He was a bit flattered that the white male thought he was all kinds of hotness. But he was also creeped out that the guy had snuck in here to spank it while sniffing Jake's clothes.

Before the smaller dragon could spill out too much more, Jake clamped his mouth shut with a hand. "Dude, not cool."

Jake released the snare with a tug, letting the other male hit the floor with a muted thump. The guy barely hit the floor before he latched onto Jake's ankle. "Please don't tell anyone. Please please! I'll do anything, just don't tell anyone." The little dude kept babbling and holding onto Jake's ankle, nuzzling into his thigh. Despite the fact that this was another dude with his head rubbing down there, the Am-dragon felt a familiar tightness starting to form in his groin. He gaped for a moment, instinctively clamping down on that urge. But then he stopped himself and thought. This was a dragon summit, he probably wouldn't see any of these guys for years. He knew that there was a lot of sex going on behind closed doors. People experimented here, trusting in the unspoken rule that what happened here stayed here. So what if it was another guy, sometimes a bro just had to nut. It'd be cool, just so long as no one found out.

He shook his leg, rattling the guy free before his schlong could pop out. "Chill, Little dude. Listen, been here a bit and I've been a bit backed up, yanno. Hadn't had no honies to stoke my fires yet." Even if he was the one that 'handled business' himself the majority of the time, he had an image to hold up. "So if you'll just do some knob-polishing, then I'll let you off, a'ight?" The other male looked confused about what he'd said. At least until Jake sat down on the bed and spread his legs invitingly. That seemed to get the message across to his little room invader.

The smaller male blushed as he hurriedly knelt in between Jake's legs. "I'm Avi," he whispered as he nuzzled into Jake's belly. Jake breathed out a sigh as he felt the scaled pouch that covered his junk stretch. Leaning back, he propped himself up and cooed, "That's cool." Avi's cheeks burned as he nuzzled the male's thighs, reaching up to push the scaly pouch out of the way. The larger male's cock sprung free of the protected pocket, smacking him right across the muzzle. He let it stay there for a moment, breathing in the male's scent. The musk clean, but still fairly strong. Avi bit his lip as the scent stirred his own lusts.

Opening his mouth, he angled his head back until the cock fell forward into his waiting mouth. Well, normally that's just what it would have done, except that the Am-dragon was already stiff as a board. Avi's eyes crossed as he looked at the length, the scent filling his nostrils. The cock was huge! Nice and thick and long, just how the little dragon liked them. The ridges that circled the male's cock looked like they'd make him squeal in no time if Jake felt like fucking him up the ass. A shiver race through his body as hie tailhole clenched, just thinking about how great it'd feel. He rose up a little, just enough to wrap his lips around the point tip of the male's length. His cheeks flushed as the male moaned, releasing some delicious precum for him to lap up. Despite his smaller size and relatively short muzzle, Avi was able to take the dragon right down to his root, letting his throat clench around the invading head.

Jake went cross-eyed as the smaller male took him all the way in. Not even Rose, on the rare occasion that they had tried anything, could take more than a couple inches when he was in dragon form. Not that they'd done anything more than this really. She'd given him more than a few handjobs, blow him some, but he hadn't gotten into her pants yet. Judging from the way this little dragon was eagerly blowing him, he could probably get anything he wanted. Jake just managed to keep from kicking his feet up, but he couldn't stop his toes from curling, as the male's tongue danced over his cock. If any of his friends saw him doing this, he'd probably never live it down.

When the little guy started to move his head, Jake knew that he wasn't going to last too long. He just couldn't compare what he'd had before to what he was getting now. How deep Avi could take him, the way that the male twisted his tongue around his dragonhood, and the tension coming from that clenching throat. Sparks leaked from his mouth as he arched his hips forward, body tensing. Throwing his head back, Jake let out a guttural roar as he peaked, cock jumping inside of Avi's mouth. The smaller male pulled his head back, focusing the efforts of his tongue on Jake's tip, as his hand pumped the Am-drag's shaft. Each spray of the male's cock shook his entire body. For several seconds, he was locked upright, trembling with each spray of his thick spunk. Then, he just collapsed back onto the bed.

"Well, what do we have here?"

He knew that smug voice all too well. Looking over, he felt his spirits sink at the knowing smirk on Nerk's face. Awww, man.

His brain leapt into action, throwing off the cobwebs that had followed on the heels of his climax. "What's it look like, yo? One of my adoring fans was giving me some head." Nerk's face twisted briefly before returning to that too-smug look."Yeah, you got another dude sucking you off. Didn't think you swung that way, Long?" Jake fought against gravity, pushing himself upright so he could stroke Avi's head. "You're just upset that I haven't let you do this." He grinned at the fury building on the Aussie's face. "What? Never had a fan that just wants to get into your pants so much they'll do anything?" Jake flexed a bit, showing off his physique, "Probably not, I mean just look at this." "C-course I have, had to practically drive them off with a stick." Gaining confidence, the Aus-drag shifted to his other form and flexed. "Look at this. Why I'd be back in my room giving some of them a good time if you hadn't set up those lame pranks." Jake's eyes narrowed as he grinned, "Oh, I'm looking alright. I'm looking and I see that you're sporting more wood than a forest."

Nerk froze, looking down at his groin. He wasn't at full mast yet, but his cock was definitely peeking out of it's home. Jake craned his head, "Hope that ain't all you've got, Holmes. Cause that is just pathetic if you ask me." The Australian dragon's cheeks burned as he moved a hand to cover himself, hand freezing midway there. "No, of course not! I'm just not fully erect yet." Jake leaned back, finding his eyes wandering over the other dragon with a bit more than just simple curiosity. "Well, how about a contest to settle our little war once and for all. Whoever is better at sex wins. And the loser has to admit that he's a punk-ass bitch." Nerk thought it over a moment, looking between them. The hand that had been moving to cover himself shifted to stroke his cock thoughtfully. "Who would be judging?" "This little guy right here, sure he won't mind." Avi blushed hotly, but shook his head, practically drooling at the thought of two guardian dragons using him. Nerk nodded, a bit too quickly, "Okay, it's a deal."

Shutting the door behind him, and locking it too, he hurried over to the bed and practically leapt onto it. Nerk let out a little shuddering breath as he wiggled against the headboard, looking at the others. He'd barely stopped moving before Avi was moving in, the smaller dragon worming between his thighs. The Australian jerked upright and moaned as the soft tongue slipped over his cock and curled around it. The bigger dragon let his breath hiss out in several puffs as the muzzle quickly wrapped around him. Curious about his semi-rival, Jake craned his head to the side to get a glimpse of the other male's member.

Nerk wasn't nearly as thick as him, and lacked the ridges that he sported along the underside of his cock. However, the male was longer and his cock was almost shaped like a large S. Much like Jake, and every other male, Nerk had a heavy pair of orbs tucked away inside of a pale pouch. If size were any indicator, Jake would say that his rival hadn't gotten any booty in a while.

As he watched, Avi pushed his head all the way down and nuzzled into the reversed balls. Nerk rolled his head and moaned, tongue hanging from his mouth. He glanced over at Jake and flashed a smug grin, "You like it? Can teabag someone while they blow me." Grabbing the white drake's head, he gave a couple thrusts, purposefully rubbing his sac against the male's muzzle. The smaller male's cheeks burned at that, but he kept sucking away. Jake shrugged, "It's okay, but not quite like this slab." He slapped his length against his belly to show off it's size. "S-size isn't e-ev-every thing, Long."

Jake's length began to ache, already reaching that steel pole hardness it had earlier. Trailing his fingers over it, he shivered at the memory of the muzzle wrapped around it. "So let's see. How about we get him to judge: taste, bedroom style, pleasure, and preference." As he spoke, his eyes drifted down, locking onto the hint of pink under Avi's tail. He licked his lips slowly, images of the smaller dragon impaled on his cock dancing through his mind. A clear drop of pre formed on his tip and was immediately spread across the tip of his spear.

He was moving without thinking about it. The Am-drag crawled up onto the bed and pushed the smaller male's tail aside. A deep purr rattled through his chest as his hips flexed, bringing him right in line. Both hands were firmly on Avi's hips, holding the little male. His cock flexed, slapping against his belly, before dropping down right in line with the target. Soft, pale flesh tensed against his point before relenting and allowing him entry. Jake tossed his head back with a guttural call as the tight hole stretched out around his cock. While his mind reeled under the pleasure coursing through him, his body was already in motion. A strong thrust slammed Avi into Nerk's groin, making the smaller dragon choke around the thinner cock out of surprise. He wasn't anymore gentle as he pulled out, jerking the smaller male away from the Aussie

Nerk hissed, eyes widening as he watched Jake start ravaging the smaller male. "L-long w-what ar...." he bit off the sentence in a groan as his balls tensed. The first thrust had been pretty sweet, making Avi's throat clench harder around his dick. Now that the white male was getting into it, he was nuzzling Nerk's happy sac each time he could. Th greenish male tensed, hissing as he tried to fight off the building pleasure. It was no use. Between the male's expert sucking, and the meaty sound of Jake fucking, the drake couldn't stave it off.

Tossing his head, Nerk let out a howl as his springy cock flexed and twitched, pumping his seed right into the male's waiting maw.

Jake was hunched over Avi' his hips flying as he hammered the male with wild thrusts. Stooped as he was, it was nearly impossible for the Am-drag to miss the spectacle of Nerk's finish. His nose twitched as he caught the musk from the other male. With a growl, he jerked Avi back, actually pulling the male upright as he sat back on his haunches. Both of the other males called out. Nerk from having the warm mouth pulled from around his still-spurting cock, and Avi from being slammed down on the cock. Smoke curled from Jake's nostrils as he huffed, "Who. Tasted. Better?" Each word was punctuated by him lifting the male up and dropping him down.

Avi arched his spine and reached back, grabbing onto Jake's neck as he squeaked. "You tasted m...more meaty and hotter, li-like a frank." The little male whined as he arched out, his cock bouncing as his balls drew up tight under him. "He was more savory. He's better!" the cry rose as the little male blew, spurting his seed onto the bed and the sprawled Aussie. Nerk just purred, barley noticing the warm stuff that was spraying his legs. "Just like good bush tucker."

Jake snarled something as Avi announced that he'd lost the first contest. Gritting his teeth, he pounded the male harder. His hips lifted to meet each of the bounces, hammering the smaller male like a rabid jackhammer. The male squealed as the ridges on the Am-drag's cock flared out, striking against his prostate. He squirmed, cheeks burning as he fired off another load, cock bouncing wildly as he was fucked. A fireball blasted from Jake's mouth as he finally buried himself balls deep into the male and started to cum. Liquid fire poured into the white dragon's tailhole, filling it to overflowing. It was mere seconds before Jake was pulling out, cum leaking down his body as he let his cock pop out of the smaller male. He sat down heavily, almost falling off the bed as his muscles went limp.

Nerk's eyes opened a bit more as Avi dropped onto the bed, head resting on his thigh. He let out a low growl as he rose, in more ways than one. The smaller dragon squeaked as his head fell to the bedding, eyes tracking the Aus-drag as the male moved around him. Hands grabbed his tail and forced his rear higher. Avi's neck strained for a moment before he twisted around. He contorted himself into a C shape, shoulders pinned to the bed, and watched as Nerk's slim jim was lined up. He wasn't nearly as thick as Jake, but that shape might give him some advantage. Overhead, Nerk stretched his body out and grabbed onto the headboard. He 'accidentally' booted Jake off the bed as he planted his feet and drove his weight down onto the smaller male.

Ignoring the yelp and thump from the Am-drag, Nerk put those legs of his to use. Kangaroos weren't the only thing from down under that could hop. Powering forward with his hands and feet, he pushed himself deeper. He pulled at the headboard and pushed on the bed, grinding his cock quickly against the little male. A little hop drew his cock out before gravity pulled him back down. His S-shaped length sprang and twitched inside of the white with each bounce and push. He gritted his teeth and hissed through them, trying to ignore the rapidly building pleasure. Unlike Jake, he hadn't really had any partners before today, other than his own hand. The Am-drag had a slight advantage in stamina, but he wasn't going to lose so easily.

Jake picked himself off the ground and shot a glare towards the pair on his bed. Aw man, he was gonna have to get the sheets cleaned after all this. That worry passed soon enough as he watched. His cock rose once more. It was as hard as a steel rod in seconds, throbbing as primal voices whispered in his mind. Some part of him had identified the two males as rivals readily enough, but not it was starting to change their classification. Avi had shifted to a sexual outlet almost instantly, but now he was starting to see Nerk in the same light. A smug expression crossed Jake's muzzle as an idea dawned on him. If he played his cards right, all he needed to do was one thing. Part of him couldn't believe he was even considering it.

Nerk could feel sweat rolling down his scaled hide as he bounced on the smaller male. He was panting heavily now, trying to keep cool and focus on something else as his balls churned. Avi was squeaking and moaning under him, trying to push back up into his gravity driven thrusts. He was filling the air with little whines and grunts, body trembling as he drew ever closer. Neither noticed Jake until the Am-drag lifted Nerk's tail and rimmed the green male's tailhole. Nerk jerked forward with a cry as he spilled his load into Avi. The feel of that warm tongue swirling against his tailhole sent shivers racking up and down his spine, prolonging his climax by another second.

He spun around with a snarl, sending the small male tumbling from the bed. "The hell, man?" Jake grinned at him, standing there as he stroked his cock. "What? Just looked like you needed some help there. Ain't no thing." Before Nerk could shout out some type of reply, Jake inclined his head towards the smaller dragon. "So who banged you harder and skeeted more, Little guy?" Avi's cheeks flushed as he folded his legs a bit closer together. "Um, you did on both parts."

"Whoop whopp!" Jake strutted for a moment, pointing at Nerk, "You hear that? Two up on you now, boy!" He was about to do a victory dance when the other guardian dragon growled. "Wait, two? That was one act, so it only gives you one victory. We're tied." Jake was going to argue when a little voice whispered in t he back of his head. "Alright, I'll give you that. So why don't we have one last to see who is better at this?" Nerk frowned, tail twitching behind him for a second. "Fine, what do you have in mind, Long?" He didn't like the look of Jake's grin.

Several minutes later, he was back on the bed, trying hard to think about anything else as Avi pulled away from his groin. It was surprisingly hard to focus on football stats when another dragon was lining your cock up with their hole and pushing down. He'd managed to talk the others into a short break, Avi had backed him up, wanting to at least get something to drink. He glanced over at the Am-drag and shivered slightly. The other male was standing so close that he could feel the warmth coming off him. In fact, the whole room seemed oddly warm.

Jake was growling softly under his breath as he rubbed his sausage. In a way, he was glad that his partners had called for a break, since he'd been getting rather thirsty. Although even the few minutes of rest had urged his erection to new heights. Right now, it was so hard that he could barely push it down, and it was hurting. Avi looked at him and said something, but he only heard the pounding of his heart. He slid up behind the smaller male, straddling Nerk's legs. The music of his blood racing through his body drown out the little male's moans as he pushed his cock in alongside the Australian's thinner member. Hunching over Avi, he braced his hands on the bed as he buried every inch of his thickness into the surprisingly stretchy tailhole.

Nerk huffed as he was pressed against the bed. Avi shivered on his chest, moaning into his scales as Jake slammed his dick right in. "Easy there." But the Am-drag wasn't listening to him. With a growl, he began to thrust, each a powerhouse that rocked the entire bed. Fred clenched his jaw and hissed, pushing his hips up towards the red dragon. He could just barely move, but he didn't have to. Each little move made his penis rub against the other male's. Not to mention the way that the white male was squeezing his cock. His cheeks flushed when he realized just how much he was getting turned on by the feel of another male's dick stroking his.

Even pinned to the bed, he wasn't going to let the newer dragon have all the fun. He somehow got his feet up under him and pushed up. His first thrust actually managed to lift the other two off the bed before they all sank back down. Jake responded with a wordless snarl, grabbing the bedsheets harder as he pinned them tighter. Nerk clenched his jaws, a whine slipping out as he thrust harder against the pair over him.

Jake's head was spinning as he hunched over the pair. He was only vaguely aware of Nerk's springy cock flexing against his. When he felt his body lifted, he responded by pushing harder and increasing his pace. The sound of whimpers and pleasurable gasps penetrated his haze. Avi's tongue bathed his chin as the smaller male stretched out under him, rocking against his belly. But there was another noise under that that held his attention. Nerk's pants were steadily getting louder as he tried to set Jake off, while keeping himself under control.

"Oh fuck!"

All three dragons froze as a fresh load of cream began to leak out of Avi's tailhole, oozing down Nerk's length and onto his tail. Jake slowly pulled his ramrod out of the stretched ass and glanced down. The Aus-drag was slower to pull out, his cock already softening. A slow grin spread over Jake's muzzle as he looked down at his rival. "Sod it all," Nerk huffed as his head fell to the pillows. Jake purred as he stretched slowly, balls churning now, "Looks like I won. Now you've gotta tell everyone that you're just a punk ass bitch." The other dragon huffed, not looking at him. "Unless..." "Unless what?" Jake trailed a hand down Nerk's side and let just the tip of a talon circle the other male's tailhole. "Unless you beg me to treat you like the punk you are." He could see the embarrassment building in the other male's eyes as Nerk glared at him. Surprisingly, it didn't take more than a few seconds before the male mumbled. "Please bang my ass, Jake." It was a lame attempt at begging, but good enough for now.

He nudged Avi aside, "Sorry, Lil'man. Daddy's got some business to do." The white dragon squeaked as he rolled off Nerk, falling to the ground with a thud. Jake purred down at his ex-rival as he lifted the male's legs. With a leg on either shoulder, he guided his cock up to the other male's backdoor. Nerk jumped as he felt the male's hot rod prod his ass. "Oi, are you gonna lube up?" He purred as he ran his tip around the dark green pucker, "Between Avi's mouth and your cum, I don't think I do." With one hand on the bed, keeping himself above the Aussie, he slowly pushed forward. The green drake tensed, hissing at first, then yelping a bit as his virgin ass was spread open.

Jake wasn't going right for the hilt this time. Instead, he leaned back onto his heels and spit into a hand. Rocking his hips back, he ran his hand along his length before pushing in deeper. He kept repeating this as needed, slipping deeper and deeper into the guardian's rump. Oh he was loving it, watching Fred Nerk squirm under him as he stuffed his big cock right into his tight ass. Soon enough, too soon if you asked him, he was buried in the dragon's rear. Then he began thrusting, slowly and gently at first.

As his hips just barely rolled, he leaned down over the other male. Planting his hands on either side of Nerk's head, he purred. "Feels good doesn't it?" His only response was a small grunt from the male. "Come on and give me a kiss to seal the deal." The look that Fred gave him could've dropped him on the spot. The Aussie lifted his head quickly and gave Jake a quick peck on the lips. "Aw come on, Man. That ain't nothing. Gimme a real one." Nerk tilted his head a little and moved in to give Jake a longer kiss. Grabbing him by one of his horns, the Am-drag locked muzzles with the male, forcing his tongue right into his muzzle and wrapping it around the Aussie's

His partner slapped at his shoulders, but Jake fixed that when he grabbed the male's wrists and pinned him down. Rolling his body harder into the male, he put those ridges to use and ground them right into Nerk's prostate. That took some of the fight out of the green male. And with a couple more grinds, he felt Nerk's tongue start to wrestle with his a bit. Jake broke the kiss slowly, a purr rattling up his throat as he leaned back. Nerk hissed at him, "As-asshole." The purr grew louder as Jake leaned back again, shifting both of the dragon's legs to one of his shoulders. "Aw come on, you know you love it. I mean, look at that boner you're sporting." Nerk's cheeks flashed a darker green, "Eat me, Long."

Jake paused for a second. That actually didn't sound like a bad idea.

Turning his head, the Am-drag ran his tongue around the male's feet as his hips kept rocking. His partner stared at a wall, trying not to look at Jake even as he started to buck into the thrusts. Jake found himself cooing a little spell he knew under his breath as his tongue circled the dragon's feet, then his toes. He'd picked up the spell before trying out a few eating contests. It allowed him to eat all he could, and made sure his body could handle whatever he crammed into it. Problem was when it wore off after a couple hours. But he'd deal with that when the time came.

His hips moved faster as he put his lips around Nerk's toes. First one foot, then the other, keeping both in his mouth at the same time. His jaw unhinged slightly as he pushed his head forward, feeling the toes tickle the back of his throat. Normally, he'd be gagging at that point, but the spell helped suppress that feeling. His throat relaxed and he was able to push his head further along the male's legs. "Long, what the hell are you doing?" Nerk tried to pull back, but Jake held tightly onto his legs. His hips pumped faster, balls tightening as he worked his head from side to side. Something about what he was doing was exciting the American dragon to no end.

Nerk was fighting against him, but by now Jake's strong throat muscles were pulling him even further down the dragon's gullet. Jake moaned around the limbs as he hunched forward, hips almost a blur now. His body tensed, trembling as his head drew closer to his own groin. He couldn't keep it up though, and he couldn't stop. With a lewd pop, his painfully hard cock slipped out of the male's rear, slapping his own belly. Bucking against the air, he grabbed Nerk and lifted the Aus-drag as he threw his head back. Nerk screeched as gravity pulled him down, his hips bumping the drake's stretched jaws. A forked tongue plunged right into his ass and rubbed against him as Jake started to pump his head. Put on edge by the fucking, Nerk could only yowl as he erupted. His cream shot into the air and rained down on Jake's head as those powerful jaws wrapped around his hips and pulled him deeper. Nerk was panicking, but at the same time he was exhausted from the multiple sessions he'd gone through. All he could do was push feebly against Jake's muzzle as his tail was pinned to his back.

Jake grabbed onto Nerk's wings, pinning them to the male's back so he could fit his jaws over them. He could feel the male squirming, an oddly arousing sensation, as he slipped into his belly. Relax his jaws, lunge his head forward, tighten his throat, pull down, repeat. Nerk angled his head back and voiced a whimper as the jaws passed his shoulders, then crept up his neck. Taking a breath, he clenched his eyes shut as the mouth closed around his head, pushing him further down.

The Am-drag kept his nose pointed at the ceiling. His throat bulged comically and his eyes watered as he fought down the other male. With one last wiggle, Nerk slipped fully into his gut. Jake coughed, shook his head, and finally issued a thunderous belch, patting his stomach. He could feel Nerk in there, squirming around. He could feel something else begging for some attention. The drake groaned as he reached down to grab his cock, only to find his newly engorged belly in the way. Stretch as he might, his hand just couldn't reach around the bulge that was Nerk. He even tried laying on the bed, his belly pressed against the mattress, but his hand still couldn't reach. But maybe his tail could.

Before he could wrap that agile limb around his member, a voice squeaked. "I could help you." Jake swung his head around, seeing Avi peeking over the edge of the mattress. He'd forgotten all about the little dragon. "I could help you reach your cock. It was a hot show you put on and I..." the way his cheeks lit up told him the rest of the story. He moved towards the edge of the bed, each motion making his belly jiggle some. He could hear muffled protests from the Aus-dragon, but put them out of his mind as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Okay, Little dude. Show me what you can do." Avi breathed out an appreciative sigh as his hands ran over the dragon's gut. "Scoot forward some and bring your tail around." Jake did as he asked, leaning back on the bed as his tail dangled off the mattress.

Avi disappeared under his belly, tongue flicking along Jake's thigh. The small male went lower, lifting one of the Am-drag's feet so he could rub his toes. "Just while I'm down here could you..." the white trailed off as he closed his mouth around one of Jake's toes, sucking on it a moment. Jake let out a low moan as the male's skilled tongue bathed his foot slowly. "Could I what?" The male pulled his foot down, placing it on his own body. "Just kinda rub around." Confused, he did just that, pressing his foot against the smaller dragon.

The white male moaned as the foot rubbed against him. He wiggled up against the dragon's tail, putting his spine against it. A touch sent Jake's foot lower, the clawed toes sliding around his cock. "Just like that," he moaned, pushing his hips against the foot as he angled his head back. Nuzzling against the Am-drag's tailbase, he slipped his tongue out and began to rim the male. He reached up and closed a hand around the male's cock, which felt like a branding iron in his hand. Avi breathed out a moan as his tongue swirled around the back portal and slowly eased its way in. He just let his tongue tickle against the inside of the dragon's rear before pulling back and moving his attention towards the male's balls.

Jake moaned out loud when the male's tongue pushed into his butt, gripping the sheets tightly. Precum oozed down his cock, making the small hand slide faster on his length. When he felt Avi move his mouth towards other parts of his body, he stopped the other dragon with his tail. "No, keep doing that with your tongue." When the dragon complied, he breathed out happily and let his head fall back some. He could feel something between his toes, and guessed it to be the male's cock. It was strange. On the other hand, he'd scarfed down another dragon not five minutes ago, so he shouldn't really judge.

Instead, he began to move his foot up and down, flexing his toes, and rolling his foot. The little male moaned against his rear, burying his muzzle between Jake's cheeks. His tongue lashed out, slurping at the red dragon's tailhole, pushing in and swirling, before coming back out. And the whole time, his hand was flying up and down Jake's erection. The male's fingers popped and squished wetly, grip slickened by the surprising amount of pre leaking from his cock. "Yeah, gimme more!" Jake hissed, his tail curling around Avi's throat gently and pulling. The male squeaked as his nose was pulled against the pucker, but responded with vigor as the foot on his length pumped faster.

Jake was moving his foot faster now, toes gliding against the cock. He leaned further back onto the bed and brought his other foot into play. Pressing the firm length between his feet, he rubbed and stroked it as best he could. This spurred on Avi, the male nuzzle against Jake's tailhole as he rimmed him like there was no tomorrow. The two dragons moved together, Jake starting to bounce on the mattress some as his feet slipped and slid along the increasingly slick cock.

Avi squeaked as the feet rolled against his cock just so. The Am-drag curled his toes around the shaft as the sole of his other foot played with the tip. The small white dragon jumped as he began to cum, spraying his seed across the crimson feet. Of course, the jump also drove his muzzle into Jake's tailhole. "Fuck yeah!" snarled the bigger dragon, pushing his hips down. The small dragon squeaked as the rear stretched further around his muzzle, but responded by shoving his head forward as well.

The American dragon hissed and moved both of his feet, ignoring the warm spunk coating them, to brace on the ground. He pushed down against the male, feeling his ass stretch out. The same spell that had let him consume Nerk, however temporarily, had made other parts of him surprisingly elastic. And he was loving it!

Of course it helped that Avi was so much smaller and far more willing than Nerk as well. The little dragon was pumping his cock as fast as he could and wiggling into him. Jake hissed as the white drake squirmed against his prostate, making his cock jump in the male's grip. His little friend pushed higher, making the dragon's tailhole stretch around his shoulders. Avi paused for a second, fingers lingering on the Am-drag's cock, before finally releasing it. Jake whined at the temporary drop in pleasure, wrapping his own tail around the pole to make up for it. He hissed at the double-sensation of having his body stretched impossibly wide as Avi worked his upper body into his ass, and the feel of his tail snaking around his cock.

Jake's head was spinning as he slipped off the mattress, pushing down over Avi faster now. Chest first. Then his waist. Down to his hips. Oh man, the feel of the little dude's tail as it slipped inside, whipping against his prostate. The limb was literally wagging as Jake sunk lower. He let out a breath and clenched as he sat down, butt hitting the ground. He felt the last of the dragon's body slip tight into his ass, his tailhole tightening up. At the same time, his cock leapt in his tail's hold, spraying out his seed. Jake threw his head and blasted the ceiling with flames as he roared. His entire body clenched and jerked, belly squeezing lewdly around Nerk and Avi.

Slumping against the bed, he finally let his legs splay out in front of him. Distantly, he noticed that he'd skeeted so hard that he'd managed to hit the wall opposite his bed. Jake flashed a dopey grin as he pulled himself up on shaky legs. He shuffled back and fell onto the bed, groaning as his belly pressed down on him. The Am-drag rolled onto his side with a huff, feeling the two males squirming in his belly. "Settle down you two. Gonna get me a little nap," he droned, eyes drifting closed. His magic would keep the pair safe enough, and make sure they got out all right once the spell wore off.

Commission: Mad Science Theory

Muskie fidgeted as he stood at Lorel's front door. To say that he was nervous would have been a gross understatement. He hadn't seen the dragon in over a month, thanks to his friend being rather busy with his job. They'd talked a few times online, but...

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Agency: Samantha's Screen Test

To say that Samantha was nervous would've been a great understatement. The skunk shifted nervously on the couch as she looked around. The office was fairly plain, a few plants scattered around, a counter with some drinks, a nice desk, and the leather...

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Commission: Baiting the Trap

Scout let his breath hiss out from between his teeth as he leaned back in his chair. It'd been a long while since the snow leopard had been in town. He'd been out in the woods for the last couple months. Sure, he might have been able to come to a town...

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