A Dream Of Revenge

Story by Shadow Silvermane on SoFurry

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#2 of Furry Dreams

Well the title says it, but this is not for the faint of heart.

A Dream Of Revenge

By: Shadow Silvermane

A.K.A. Spacecase

This is a reviewed and rewritten that I originally wrote and posted March 9, 2008.

Contains Yiff, NC, blood, rape, snuff, violence, maiming, mutilation, other.

If you do not like any of these then don't read any further. I have warned you.

Now I am a lion of lets say 6'3" and with brown hair, spiked up and short. My fur light golden. I have a somewhat normal weight of 230 and just a few pounds extra in the mid section. The bitch is approximately 5'2" dark brown hair, cut short. Her fur a dark brown being a monkey. Weighing approximately 110 last time I was with her and a petite little thing. Her breasts were barely there, but I didn't care. I had loved her for her personality back then.

It had been a long day as I returned home from work. My mind flooded with memories of my ex-fiance, and I hated it. I couldn't understand why I was having so many memories and day dreams of that bitch. I just couldn't process why it was happening now all of a sudden.

In the morning I drove to work and a thought popped into my head. It was of my ex-fiance and what would happen if she were to appear at my door step. At first I thought I would offer to let her in, saying we could just talk only to slam the door hard in her face. Opening the door I would see blood pouring from her nose as she lay on my front porch crying. With a laugh I would tell her to get the fuck off my property and slam the door again. That made me smile all the way to work, country music playing with the windows rolled down in my truck during winter. Hell I didn't care, I was in a good mood now.

Once at work I began setting up for the long day ahead and my smile faded as I began fighting with the stupid handhelds at work, trying to just get on to work. Well once I got one working I left the rest for the others to fight with. After a while of checking trucks in and telling the drivers where to go as well as what they had to do. My boss told me I had to go to the back. With a shrug I hopped into my truck and drove to the car yard in back. I wrote up two cars then just sat around and waited for more cars to come. As I sat there I began to think of my ex again.

She was walking somewhere in the city when suddenly a pair of hands grabbed her and pulled her into an ally. She let out a scream, but it only seemed to draw more attention from others in the alley. They all grinned evilly at her as one punched her hard in the stomach to silence her. She was pinned against the wall. Paws begin to grope at her body, ripping her clothing here and there. There was no reason to restrain her as she was surrounded, or so they thought. Her shirt sleeve was torn off as she managed to break free, only to be tripped and land part way out of the alley at someone's feet.

I was walking by to head to the store for some coolant. Apparently my truck had over heated because of a small leak in the coolant tank I hadn't noticed. A makeshift patch of duct tape and it was fixed for now until a more permanent solution could be applied. All I needed was coolant. My steps quickened as I saw someone fall partly outside of an alley up ahead of me. Though my attitude completely changed when I realized who it was and what was happening.

I smiled down at her with the same loving smile I had always given her. I looked past her to the guys in the alley and immediately knew what was happening. Some of the guys ran down the alley, but others stayed as I ignored her pleas for help. She was obviously thinking I'd save her. Those skinning paws fitting easily in one paw as I grabbed and growled angrily at her, yanking her up to her feet, quickly dragging her into the alley and down to the back wall around a corner some of the others had climbed over to flee. "You dumb fucking bitch. Do you think I would really help you after what you did to me?! I gave you my heart and soul. I remained innocent for you while I waited for us to get married. I had never hurt you. I forgave you for breaking up with me many times and you told me that you slept with several guys while you were in college. That you didn't even use protection. You slept with more then one of them at the same time. And why?! Because they were friends! Hell. I was your lover and fiance and you still wouldn't do it with me. So what in gods name makes you think I am going to help you now?!"

She could only stare at me in horror as I gazed angrily into her eyes. Her thoughts of hope and rescue quickly shot down as she was dragged to the back of the alley. Her eyes flooded with tears that ran down her cheeks. I threw her against the wall and pinned her there as my paw moved to rip open the front of her fucking tight jeans. I never did understand why she liked them so tight. They easily torn down past the zipper. With my tail her pants were pulled down. My gaze fell upon her cotton white panties with the single bow above her sex as if it were a gift. "I-If you save me we can have sex tonight. All night and tomorrow if you want." She tried desperately.

I looked at her and roared with anger at that before slamming my fist into her muzzle before ripping her panties from her body, and then stuffed them into her gasping and bloody muzzle. "Oh you don't have to worry about us yiffing anymore." I lifted one leg before kneeing her hard into her sex making her lean forward in pain and groaning into her gag, before being slammed hard up against the wall again. Her head bounced off it like a ball. With a smirk I let her go for only long enough to undo the front of my jeans, freeing my cock. The fun of treating her this way had made me so hard that it had been hurting to keep it restrained inside my pants.

Fingers ran gently through her hair as I looked down at her softly and caringly. I saw the recognition of her thinking I was going to save her finally. That maybe I had just let out my anger once and was going to help her. Boy oh boy did I choose a stupid girl. She even tried to remove the panties finally, but stopped as she was yanked up by her hair once again. "I told you I liked you with long hair to run my fingers through gently, but since you want it short just to spite me, I'll pull your hair whenever I desire just like you hated the youngins for doing at the day care do."

I spun her around and pressed her face first into the wall, hair pulled down to yank her muzzle up. Her arms were pulled behind her and I lifted her legs up, wrapping them around behind me as I shoved my cock deep and hard into her sex not letting her get used to it as began to fuck her slow and painfully. Her legs held wrapped around my waist with one paw around her ankles. I turned around for a moment noticing one of the guys removing her favorite shoes and leaving with them, one pressed against his muzzle.

There we were, her front pressed up against the brick wall, nipples painfully pressed against brick, paws were trapped behind her back between us, blood running down her throat and eyes facing towards the heavens as her body was ravished by the one she claimed to love, but only teased and used. She was mine to do whatever I desired to do with. There was nothing anyone else could or would say or do about it, and oh boy was I enjoying it.

My claws were digging into her skin around her pert nipple drawing little amounts of blood and pain, causing her to moan in a mix of pained pleasure from it. Fangs sank into her flesh around her neck, dominantly holding her in place, though drawing no blood. There simply was no desire to kill her just yet. Revenge was all I wanted as I mercilessly pounded into her, but it seemed no use after what felt like an hour. She wasn't even tight. Her tunnel was just to....used and stretched for me to get any real pleasure from actually fucking her. That formerly lovely body of her fell to the ground as I pulled out of her and letting her go. "Good for nothing. You been fucking an equine?" She looked at me confused and pained for a moment.

I then pulled out of her and kneed her hard in the gut before slamming my fists into the back of her neck sending her to all fours. I moved to mount her tail hole shoving my dick deep inside her tailhole. I moaned loudly at how tight she was there. That's when I remembered that she had told me that she slapped one of her college friends for trying to take her there, But I knew she couldn't fight me now. I resumed powerfully banging her tight tailhole as she began shaking her head. My barbs were tearing at her insides as I was the one stretching and using her body for my own pleasure. Blood would leak out from around my cock as I took her like a wild deranged animal only bent on breeding her. I couldn't comprehend how tight she was, the way her walls worked over my cock, balls slapping up against her pussy and cliterous with each thrust up into her. I smirked as my paws grabbed her breasts, groping and pulling them even though they weren't big enough to fill my paws. My fang pressed to the back of neck dominantly once again, pulling her head back so she could continue mumbling a prayer to the heavens. I hadn't noticed her panties had fallen free until I saw them on the ground by the wall.

Tears had stopped flowing from her blood shot eyes long ago. She had given up fighting me and let me have my way with her. I guess she simply couldn't believe this was happening to her. Or maybe it was the fact that I was the one doing it to her. Tearing her body and spirit apart...and the immense pleasure it was giving me. Before I knew it I let out a blood chilling roar as I came deep in her tailhole. Pulling out with a grin and moved back to let the others have their turn with her. As I just sat and watch them continue to mount and rape her poor body, I just smiled and thought about everything nice I had ever done for her as my phone recorded it all. All the money she offered me and I had refused. The times I had defended her from her former ex-lovers. The times I had stopped what I was doing to come help her only to find out she just wanted to talk about her day or just had chores for me to do. Or all the times we simply drove around for no reason other than she wanted to. Etc Etc Etc. This made it all worth it. Slowly one by one the men began to get bored with her and left. After the final guy left I moved over to her and just looked at her as she lay there panting heavily and coated in cum. It seemed she had enjoyed the rape more then she let on. Her cliterous was visible and her nethers were swollen and dripping a mixture of cum and nectar, pooling on the ground beneath her.

That's when an idea came to mind. "I have rather enjoyed you and only a few more things will make all the things I have done for you and what you have done to me....well they will make us even." I reached for my pocket knife and with a flick of the wrist, the blade shined freely in front of her muzzle. She trembled at the site of my blade before it's serrated edge began to cut freely through her fur. A muffled scream erupted from her as it bit into her flesh drawing new wounds and fresh blood. She was quickly silenced as my boot landed on her throat cutting off some of her air and holding her down as I stuffed her panties back in her muzzle. Slowly it went down her arms, but stopped not wanting to hit anything major just yet. Next it bit into her flesh around her pert nipples and drew more blood coating the blade. Grabbing her tail, I quickly cut it off her at the base and stuck it deep into her tail hole. Oh the scream she released at this made me want to fuck her again. Blood spurted from her tail stub, running down over her ass and sex now. I turned back around and stepped on her muzzle, slowly putting pressure on the bottom of her jaw until I heard several little cracks, followed by a loud crack and another muffled scream of pain. Reaching down I picked up her broken muzzle and let my blade dance inside her muzzle. That annoying tongue fell to the ground along with blood coming from her muzzle. Her right arm was put beneath my boot before being yanked up hard as I put my full weight and strength into the process of breaking her arm. Only a single loud crack was heard. What a waste of time. This was taking to long for my tastes. I found an old broken crowbar discarded along a wall and a few empty boxes.

With each swing another loud crack and muffled scream was heard as her bones were slowly, quickly, and quite painfully broken. First it was the remains of that one arms. I hit it about two more times followed by her other arm, and then I moved to pound into her ribs. Next were her legs, feet, and paws. Once I was finished with those. Then I remembered the crow bar and pushed it slowly into her at first before fucking her with it, the broken end tearing her inside apart and then left it there. When it wouldn't go forward easily anymore I stepped behind her and gave it a kick with the bottom of my boot, shoving it in all the way. Blood simply pour from her sex now and pooled around her body. Stopping for a moment I looked at her. She was a bloody mess of broken bones and flesh. "Now I can't leave you here like this just to die so slowly."

This seemed to make her smile as I left to run across the street after I threw some cardboard boxes over her body along with my bloody shirt I wiped my paws on, though I didn't know it. She probably thought I was going to get help or something, because when I came back she was smiling with her eyes and muzzle.

"I love you!" Her words threw me for a surprise for a second, even though she had trouble coughing them up. "I love you?" I thought out loud. Surely she would have sworn at me or cursed my being, but I never really expected that. Boy did that make my blood boil. The hiss of peroxide mixing with her blood as I poured it over and into her wounds made me smile though. Next came a bottle of bleach. Oh did she squirm and squeal in pain when I did that. Finally came the diesel and gasoline. I tilted her head back and poured the mix down her throat forcing her to swallow it. Then I spread her legs and poured a lot into her pussy and tailhole. Of course I removed her tail and the crowbar to do this, but I put them back. I made sure to coat her completely in what remained.

I threw her clothes on her body after wiping my paws on them and tossed them on her body. Then I soaked the crotch of those cotton panties of hers in gasoline and set them on fire. They were quickly tossed at her and landed on her crotch setting her ablaze as she burst into flames and silent screams. I watched for a few moments before taking out my dick and began pissing on her head. "I love you to, you stupid bitch." I said sincerely as I zipped up my pants and walked away leaving her to burn alive.

I snapped out of it as my boss shook my shoulder. "Hey...Its time to go home. You did good today." I nodded at him sluggishly and smiled even though I wasn't sure what he was talking about. A pile of paperwork lay in front of me, but everything had my signature on it as I quickly looked through it. For a moment I though about how many times I probably fucked up the paperwork in my automated state, but then I remembered my dream and simply clocked out and drove home. When I got home, the phone rang. I answered it not recognizing the number. It was her.."FUCK OFF BITCH" I hung up the phone before she could respond. A smile remained on my muzzle all weekend long.

Just a note to you all that this way of thinking and writing is not unusual for me in the least. I am constantly thinking of everything, but that's just me. I'm also the proverbial nice guy in real life.