My First Furry Dream

Please note that this is a real dream that I had. And it is the first one involving furries. So I will only accept constructive comments. I will try to tell it as best as I can for you all. Also mind that I am really into horror shows. I am a...

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Private Property

In this Land. Law dictates that if anyone is caught hunting on someone else's land. The offender may be dealt with as seen fit by the owner of the lands. Law dictates that any female that has her virginity taken by the male is to become the mate of...

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A Cross of Warriors

This is a dedication to Redlion, my friend. These are two young lions. The male is a red furred lion as the female is a lovely cream coloring. Shadow Silvermane is Copy Right to me. Red is copyright to Redlion. The others are just random gens. A Cross...

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A Dream Of Revenge

A Dream Of Revenge By: Shadow Silvermane A.K.A. Spacecase This is a reviewed and rewritten that I originally wrote and posted March 9, 2008. Contains Yiff, NC, blood, rape, snuff, violence, maiming, mutilation, other. If you do not...

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