Stud Service

Story by Kohai on SoFurry

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"Stud Service"

Author's Note: This story contains bestiality. Copious amounts. Be forewarned, those who are squickable. The main character, Mikori, is copyright his player and used with permission.

Mikori washed his hands at the only sink in the bathroom that looked clean enough to use. The walls were covered with scratches and graffitti, most of it obscene. He'd ducked in here for two reasons: the first was to answer nature's call. The second was that he felt like he was being followed. He'd been shopping in the mall, and in store after store he kept feeling like someone was watching him, keeping track of his every move.

The young cheetah heard the door swing open as he shook the water off his hands. He recognized the stallion who walked in. He'd seen him whenever he'd looked around, trying to see who was following him. The stallion was dressed in a pair of dark grey slacks with a red shirt on and a multi-colored tie around his neck. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off an impressive pair of arms that looked like they had put a weight-room to a lot of use. He looked like a businessman on his lunch hour, though it was well into the evening by that point. Mikori felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise, feeling like he was cornered.

The tall horse leaned against the blue tiled wall, brown-furred arms crossed over his broad chest, and simply regarded the young cheetah. He stared him up and down, like he was sizing him up. Mikori and the horse watched each other for several seconds, the cheetah feeling his muscles tense, readying himself to run in case the man was dangerous. Finally, the horse spoke. "You're Mikori, right?"

Mikori paused, blinking as the stallion said his name. "Uh... yeah, that's me. How'd you know that? Who are you?"

The stallion reached into his trouser pocket and fished out a black leather wallet. He pulled out a pair of fifty dollar bills and offered them to the cheetah. "My name's Max. I want to hire you. You came highly recommended."

Mikori felt his throat catch as the horse held out the money. He felt butterflies in his stomach, having a pretty good idea of what the horse was offering. "Hire me for what?" he asked quietly.

Max broke into a grin. "Well fucking, of course. One hundred dollars to put that little body of yours to use any way I want. I hear you're into that, aren't you?"

The cheetah blushed, a pretty pink color under his golden fur. "Um... sometimes. You want me to, um... take care of you."

Max shook his head, his dark mane swaying as he did so. "No, I'm not gonna fuck you. But I've got a bunch of guys who'd love to. From what I hear, you'll love it." The horse took out another fifty dollar bill. "Here. One hundred fifty, if you're good."

The cheetah felt the early risings of arousal squirming inside of him. Here was an attractive stranger offering him money to service some guys he'd never met. He knew it was wrong. He should say no and walk away. But underneath that, the cheetah wanted to go and do it. He had a feeling it would be... intense. He hesitated, torn.

The horse drew out another bill, offering the wad of green paper to Mikori. "Here. Final offer. Two hundred fifty. You come with me, do what I say, and have the ride of your life. Guarantee you'll love it."

Swallowing once, the cheetah nodded. "Um... okay. Deal." The horse handed Mikori two fifties. "The rest when you're done. Whore," he added, reaching out to squeeze Mikori's shoulder.

Max took Mikori to his car, a black BMW convertable, and the two drove off. They didn't speak during the ride, the big stallion keeping his eyes on the road, the little cheetah staring out as the scenery sped by. They arrived at a white house at the edge of a circular driveway. Max lived in a well-off neighborhood with attractive houses and sizeable yards. The horse escorted Mikori inside, hanging up his tie on a coatrack as they passed into the hallway.

Mikori had half expected a group of business execs waiting to grab him and put him to work, but the house seemed to be empty. Mikori peered about apprehensively, wondering if he'd made a bad decision in going off alone with a stranger. Max pointed to a relatively barren side room. There was a pink, plush carpet lining the floor, and a pair of metal rings dangling from one of the walls. One of the walls was lined with mirrors, clean and well polished. "In here, slutty cat," he directed, giving the cheetah a shove on the rump.

Mikori stumbled in, gave a graceful recovery, then turned to look at Max. He crossed his arms over his chest and cleared his throat, trying to sound unconcerned. "Ahem. So... where are all these guys you wanted me to... take care of."

Max kicked off his shoes in the corner of the room, settling his large feet into the soft carpet. "Downstairs in the basement. In the kennel." He stared at the cheetah, waiting to see his response.

Mikori took a moment to grasp what the horse was suggesting. His eyes widened and he gasped as he figured out what the horse wanted to pay him for. Bestiality. The horse wanted him to service his dogs.

Max grinned as he watched Mikori's moment of realisation. He nodded. "Yup. I've got four prize purebreds downstairs, and they're going to make use of you. That's what I'm paying you for." Propping himself against the arch to the hallway he explained: "I'm a professional dog breeder. I've got four studs here. My boys. Business has been slow, and so they've had to go without for months. They need it real bad. I don't like having my boys all pent up like that." Max stepped towards the cheetah. "And that's where you come in. Or... more like where they come in you. I bring 'em up here. Four dogs fuck you, however they like, hard as they like. You get two-hundred fifty dollars for your service. Deal?"

The poor cheetah felt dizzy as he comprehended what the horse was offering. Mikori wrung his hands, caught between the humiliation of what the horse suggested he submit to, and his own undeniable arousal. He felt lust building in his belly and his groin, strong and almost palpable.

The well-dressed equine saw Mikori's hesitation. "Well? You interested or not? If not, then I'll just call you a cab and you can go home. I was told you'd be totally in to this though."

Mikori peered up at the horse, muzzle down, voice soft. "Wh-who told you that?"

Max bobbed his head. "Your pimp, the little tiger guy. He said you loved dog cock. I didn't believe it to look at you." He lifted a few fingers under Mikori's chin and turned it from side to side, examining the cheetah's face. "I mean it looks like you're bred from good stock. Pretty, soft features. Nice physique. I'd never have guessed it to look at you, but your pimp seemed really adamant." The horse released Mikori's chin. "So what's it gonna be? Service some dog cock for money? Or head home and I'll find someone else to do it."

Mikori was blushing a bright cherry red under his fur, giving him the impression of innocense. He swallowed once and murmured, "Yeah. Yeah, I'll do it." The cheetah draped his hands over the front of his pants, where a rather firm bulge pressed out at the fabric. He always felt embarassed at being spoken of like that. Even more so at how it managed to unfailingly arouse him.

Max grinned, showing two rows of strong, pearly teeth. "Great. I'll go get the boys. Be naked by the time I'm back." With no more instruction than that, the big horse turned and walked down the hallway. Mikori heard him open a door and descend a flight of stairs. He stood there for a moment, then began unbuttoning his shirt. He slid it down over his slender shoulders and folded it up in a corner by the door. He took of his shoes and set them by his shirt, then unfastened his pants and discarded them, leaving him naked. He looked at himself in the wall of mirrors. He was fit and trim, with barely an ounce of fat on him, making him look almost dangerously slender. He was also quite erect. His cock, rather large on his slim-looking body, was stiff and uncut, standing up before his tummy. A trickle of shiny precum had dribbled halfway down the belly of his shaft.

Down the hallway Mikori heard the sound of claws scrambling up a flight of steps, the sound of dogs' paws clambering up towards him. He turned to the entryway into the room, and a few moments later Max emerged with a pair of leashes in each hand. Each leash was attached to a dog, each one a beautiful specimen. There was a german shepherd, a dalmation, a husky, and a great dane. All of them very male. The dogs all strained toward Mikori, tightening the leather of their leashes, but Max held them in check. "Whoa, hold on there boys! One at a time for ya. I promise, every one of you will get your turn." He led the canines to the two rings set into the wall, strapping their leashes there. He reached down and stroked the fur on the shepherd's head. "Sorry, boys. I just don't trust you to share nice. We can't have you hurting our little kitten here, not when he's gonna be so nice to you."

Max grinned over at Mikori, gesturing to the four dogs assembled for him. "Do you have a preference on which to start with?" He pointed the dogs out, starting with the german shepherd. "This is King." He pointed to the dalmation, "And this is Prince." Ruffling the husky's ears he said, "Here's Rex. And this is Caesar," patting the dane's back.

Mikori felt his mouth drying up, finding it hard to speak. "Um, whichever you want," he murmured.

The horse unfastened the husky's leash, trotting him toward the cheetah. "We'll start you out with Rex then. He's been without it the longest. Poor boy, it's been nearly four months for him."

Mikori blinked. If these dogs had been without for that long... then they'd all be quite productive. He'd be a mess by the time they were all through with him. Max led Rex in front of Mikori and told the dog, "Sit, Rex." The dog lowered his hindquarters, settling onto the carpet. "You get down there too, Mikori," he ordered. "Take a look at what he's got."

Rex cocked his head, giving Mikori that curious dog look as the cheetah slowly crouched down on the carpet. He imagined he could see the dog's testicles swelling with arousal, nestled below the grey and white sheath that poked out from the dog's belly. Mikori felt his face hot with embarassment and arousal. He knew what he wanted to do, in front of a stranger, and he knew he was about to do it anyway. He reached out a paw and stroked it through Rex's chest fur. It was soft and clean, a pale white leading down to his thighs. Slowly he stroked lower, 'til he reached down and gently cupped his palm around the dog's balls.

Rex shifted about on his haunches, but Max ordered him, "Stay, Rex. Just sit still and let the cheetah get you all wet. Gotta get you all slick before you can fit inside him. Stay, boy." The dog let his tongue loll out, panting, but he held still. Mikori looked up to Max. "He's very obedient."

Max nodded, "I've trained them all real well. Since he's being such a good boy, why don't you give his sheath a kiss. He needs it real bad. G'wan, show him how much you want what he's got." Max's voice was deeper than before. Mikori could see a thick length pressing down one leg of the horse's pants. Max was enjoying this a great deal.

Mikori slowly stroked the dog's sheath, tuggling gently on the furry holder, stroking it against the length it hid inside. A few moments later, the beginning of a pink cock began to slide out of the tip. "Kiss it," Max told him. Mikori took a deep breath and dipped his head between the dog's thighs.

He picked up the dog's scent, his soft fur and the growing musk coming from between Rex's legs. Mikori licked his lips once, wetting them, and gave the tip of the dog's cock a kiss. Rex held still for him. Taking a deep breath, Mikori dropped his neck a little lower and sealed his mouth around the crown of the husky's dick. It was warm between his lips, and he felt it swell, giving up another inch of cock as the cheetah pressed his tongue to it. Gently he nursed, gradually coaxing out more and more of the canine dick, letting it ease into his mouth. Max watched over Rex's shoulder, catching the sight of a dog's cock pushing past the cheetah's dark lips.

Mikori began to taste something. It was familiar. A thin watery trickle, but very clear. The dog began to leak precum into the cheetah's mouth, wetting his tongue with it. Mikori pulled off, regarding the dog. The husky sat before him, fit and healthy, and with a thick erection sprouting between his thighs. It was just a bit longer than the average guy's, though with a tapered end. Wrapping his fingers around the base, Mikori rubbed the sensitive flesh. It twitched once, spraying a wet shot of preseed against the cheetah's whiskers.

Max murmured, "Get your mouth around it again, cat," putting a hand behind Mikori's head and guiding it back between Rex's legs. "You'll want it as wet as you can get it, 'cause he's gonna be fucking you in just a minute."

The cheetah examined the doggy erection his fingers were encircling. It was rather thick and long, but he thought he could take something of that size. Dipping his head low, Mikori recaptured the canine prick between his lips. It felt much more swollen than the last time, and he felt it twitching against his tongue, slathering it with gooey precum. Slowly the cheetah pumped with his mouth, the horse watching the throbbing shaft pass between those dark lips, the stud dog panting and starting to whine as the young feline serviced his cock.

The sticky fluid dribbling into Mikori's mouth began to thicken, the taste growing stronger and the texture more slimy. The dog was being prolific with his preseed, injecting hot gobbets of it onto the cheetah's tongue. Most of it trailed down Mikori's throat. The rest, that which he couldn't manage, flowing over his cheeks and down the dog's dick. Rex's nutsack was painted with rivulets of slippery liquid drooling over his balls.

Mikori felt a hand tangle in his hair and pull him back from the dog's cock, leaving it twitching in the air. "That's enough," said Max. "Hands and knees, slut." The spotted feline swallowed, gulping the last of the juice in his mouth. His chin and lips were stained with it. Mikori panted softly through his nose as he knelt in position, hands braced in front of him. He knew what was expected and he raised his tail up, hiking it off to the side, leaving his taut rump bare and exposed, ready to be covered by the stud he was there to service.

He felt snuffling behind him, and a wet tongue and warm breath underneath his tail. Mikori shivered, shifting his weight as the dog examined him. The horse put a hand on Mikori's back, pushing down firmly. "Keep still, whore. He's ready for ya. This is for his pleasure, not yours." Max lifted at the dog's collar, urging Rex to mount. "Hup, boy. Take 'im, he's waiting for you." The dog clambered forward, up onto Mikori's back, wrapping his arms around the cheetah's slender waist. Kneeling beside the two, Max reached out and took ahold of Rex's sheath, the other hand holding Mikori's hips steady. With a practiced hand he angled the dog's cock between the young cheetah's buttocks, nestling the tapered end against the tight tailhole.

The dog humped forward, dragging his cock up the cleft of the cheetah's rump, to eager to gain penetration. Rex's dangling cock left a glistening trail of precum between those furry cheeks. The dog shifted a half step and drove his hips forward more slowly, the head of his reddish prick touching Mikori's anus. Slick with saliva and that clear juice, it began to slide in. Mikori gasped as the dog began to fuck him, blushing a pretty cherry red under his fur. Rex began to swing his hips back and forth, picking up the pace as he pumped his cock deeper and deeper into the young cheetah. "Yeah, that's good," Max encouraged. "How's it feel to be pleasing my boy?"

Mikori stared ahead, ears burning with embarassment of what he was doing. It was not the first time he had played with animals, but he had never before done so with a whole pack of dogs in exchange for money, particularly with an older, stronger male watching and urging him on. "'s good," the cheetah murmured. The little feline's dick was quite hard, bobbing between his slender thighs, the swollen glans dripping with shiny juice. It jerked and emited a thin shot of precum as Rex's cock nudged his prostate.

The large dog was pounding harder now, his animal lust forced to endure long abstinance. Mikori could feel the dog's swollen nutsack slapping against his rump, full and heavy with its messy burden. The spotted feline whined as the panting dog began to feel a bulge at the base of the canine shaft pressing at his tail hole. He knew that the dog was growing a knot, and that soon Rex would drive it in him, locking them together. Dogs are driven to bury their cocks in to the hilt, bracing their partners open to receive their load, forcing it to be held inside. Mikori would allow these dogs to ejaculate in him, dumping their gooey loads into his body, and he was doing it for money.

The cheetah's breath caught in his throat as he felt that bulge slip past his puckered analring, holding the throbbing cock in his bowels. Rex gave two more vicious thrusts, driving his prick as deep as could be into the squirming feline. A moment later, Mikori felt hot, syrupy liquid running down over his ass as the bulge at the base of the dog's cock swelled to the size of a lemon, a thick knob locking the cheetah tight. It was more than a little uncomfortable, pressing out at the walls of his tight rectum, rubbing with shallow humps of the dogs hips. The lake of gooey dog semen made things very slippery, though. The messy fluid matted down the golden fur on Mikori's ass and thighs, soaking them in cockslime.

Max clapped a large palm on the top of Mikori's head and ruffled his hair, grinning. "That's a _good_ boy! Rex's been needing it bad, just like my other boys." The strong horse strode over to the wall and unfastened the leash of King, the german shepherd. He was handsome, with short-trimmed fur over his taut body. His reddish cock was already halfway out of its sheath, dangling between his thighs. Max guided the shepherd over toward the prostrate feline. "Your turn boy." He coaxed the dog up onto his hind legs, the forelegs resting on the cheetah's back. King and Rex stared at each other, panting from atop their bitch.

Mikori knelt there on shaky limbs, a leaky dog cock implanted in his rear, and another soon to be sliding into his muzzle. He'd earned a quarter of his money so far. Gently, the stallion curled his fingers under Mikori's jaw, tugging the feline's mouth open. Mikori saw Max's other hand come into view, clasping the dog's dick between strong fingers and angling it between toward the cheetah's lips, the horse murmured, "Suck that dog's cock, you whore." He pulled his hands toward one another, pushing Mikori's mouth right onto the canine prick. Immediately the cheetah's mouth was alive with the flavor of drooling precum. His eyes widened as the horse continued to urge him on, forcing his mouth deeper on that cock so that it was getting hard to breathe.

Max held him there, keeping the cheetah's lips collared around the base of the dog's shaft, his nose nuzzling the fuzzy end of King's sheath. Just as he was getting lightheaded, the stallion allowed the cheetah to ease back off the stud dog's cock, 'til only the tapered glans was buried in that feline mouth, pumping in regular jets of thin, watery juice. Mikori judged the entire cock was about eight inches long, thick and red and pointed right down his mouth.

The cheetah winced and whimpered as Rex's knot slowly deflated to the point where the dog could be free of Mikori's clinging ass. The canine did not remove himself gently. He scrabbled with his feet, pulling back until the shrinking knot slurped free of the cumlogged anus. A river of messy cockslime splattered out onto the floor, soaking the cheetah's legs and tail.

The hot, slimy juice continued to trickle down the cheetah's thighs, matting down his fur and staining it with the scent of a dog's semen. It would be with him for days afterwards. His mouth was similarly adorned, though the german shepherd hadn't begun to truly orgasm yet. The strong canine was still drooling thick, rich precum into Mikori's mouth. The cheetah's tongue was floating in it, the excess flooding out the corners of his lips even as he sucked and swallowed. It was already as abundant as several guys' full cumloads.

There was a clink of chain over by the wall as Max retrieved the third dog, Prince. He was a handsome dalmation, very sleek and youthful. His long dick was dangling low from his sheath, and there were stains on the carpet from where he'd been emptying his precum. Prince was excited, straining hard at the leash, his reddish cock hardening before the cheetah's eyes. Perhaps this wasn't the first time Max had used someone to service his dogs. The dalmation left a trail of shiny liquid on the carpet as he approached.

Max led the canine up behind Mikori's sloppy, well-used rear. "Here he is, boy, Rex got 'im all slick for you to use." The equine knelt by the cheetah and pressed a hand to the underside of Mikori's throat. He could feel the feline's adam's apple bobbing rhythmically as he swallowed in a vain attempt to keep up with the flow of hot liquid King was producing. "Get ready, kitten," the horse murmured. "Prince is real young, but he's got a real big dick on 'im. Be glad I had Rex get you all lubed up first."

There was another rattle of chain as Max coaxed the dalmation onto Mikori's back. The dog's paws scrabbled on the feline's back, searching for purchase, and he woofed once, standing face to face with King. Mikori felt something prodding at his anus, something very thick, as Max aimed Prince's dick between his sodden cheeks. With an obscene wet noise, Prince humped forward, driving his cock into the cheetah's rear, dog semen squelching around it as it wormed deeper into Mikori's rectum. The poor feline gurgled on dogcock.

Prince was far bigger than Rex or King had been. As thick as several fingers, the dog's bloated prick was at least ten inches long, including the swelling bulge at the base, which was getting larger by the moment. The dalmation dragged his hips back, hauling half of his meat out of the squirming cheetah, and then pumped it back in. Rex's semen leaked out in thick pools with each thrust of canine shaft.

The load of cum Rex had dumped there made penetration possible. If not so thoroughly soaked, Mikori might not have been able to accept the dog's sizeable cock. It was already uncomfortable trying to accomodate the pulsing meat as it throbbed and probed at his deepest parts. From each end, a four-legged dog pounded into him, rubbing its slickened meat against tongue and ass. He could feel two canine scrotums, weighted down with heavy, dangling balls that bespoke much need, slapping against his chin and cheeks.

Suddenly Mikori heard a deep grunting and growling from the german shepherd's chest. Max's hand slid into view, reaching behind the turgid knot on the canine dick and squeezing in an imitation of a slick body clasped to it. King snarled, baring his white teeth and drooling on Mikori's back as he gave three final strong pumps of his powerful hips into the cheetah's mouth and then held still. The dog's prick shuddered once, then throbbed powerfully between Mikori's lips as a thick foamy load of semen splashed into the kitten's mouth. Mikori's throat worked frantically to swallow, gamely attempting to keep up with the dog's climax. Long, thick ropes of cockslime spilled from his lips, running in syrupy strands down over his neck and splattering on the floor.

Behind him, Prince whined and yelped, his long cock straining to bury itself deeper into the young feline. The cheetah moaned around King's dick as the dalmation slid the apple-sized knot into his used-up ass. The dalmation's fuckjuice filled him, mingling with Rex's seed as the two dogs marked the feline with their pent-up loads. Above him, the canines snarled and growled as they emptied their balls' contents into their whore, soaking the cheetah from both ends. It went on and on, Max nursing on King's meat with his fingers, coaxing him and milking him to the dregs, while the young dalmation worked the cheetah's ass with shallow thrusts. The milky cum was smeared thickly over Mikori's mouth and ass, the remnants of it painting his legs, neck and chest. Some of it even ran down his arms and trickled onto his hands.

Gradually the two dogs calmed down and allowed their cocks to be withdrawn from the clasping body of the cheetah. The german shepherd's cock gave a final twitch as it slid from between those cloying feline lips, spattering Mikori's nose with watery cum, heavy with the smell of dog and sex. Mikori felt his face burning his embarassment, unable to turn and look at the equine beside him. He was nearly done. Only one canine remained to be serviced. Caesar the great dane.

Mikori looked at where the canine stood over by the wall. Rex, King and Prince had all finished making use of their feline whore, and were busy lazing about on the rug and lapping at their cocks as the slid back into their furry sheaths. Caesar stood proudly, head erect and regal as he regarded the cheetah kneeling before him. Mikori thought the dog to be looking at him in disdain. He could almost hear the dog thinking, "You filty little cum-covered whore, groveling there in front of me. Why should I even allow you to touch my cock?"

Max stood, adjusting his dick as he did. There was a soaked wet spot in his trousers from the amount he'd been leaking. The equine must have been dripping since the cheetah began his work. Mikori's eyes lingered on it. Striding over to the final dog, Max unchained the great dane's metal-studded collar. The dog sniffed once and nibbled at one of his claws, as though he were in no hurry to acknowledge Mikori's presence. The cheetah knelt before him, sopping with cum from each end, blushing as he was made to wait to earn his money.

Caesar slowly trotted over Mikori, sniffing at him a few times. The cheetah's scent was saturated with lust and semen from the three other stud dogs who lay a few feet off, tongue lolling out as they watched. Max laughed and the cheetah's eyes flicked over to him. "Caesar doesn't put out for just any little whore. You'd better ask him nice for it."

Mikori looked at the horse, unsure if the taller male was being serious. "Umm... can I have it, please?" the cheetah attempted.

Max frowned. "C'mon, slut, you can do better than that. And it's his dick, you better ask him. Remember, if you don't service all the dogs you don't get paid," he warned.

The feline stared over at the dog, whose dark eyes watched him coldly. Though it was silly, he could imagine Caesar saying, "Well? Beg for it if you want it, you little fuck."

Mikori swallowed, gathering his words and forcing down his pride. "C-caesar, please let me have your dick. I'll treat it real good. I promise."

Caesar snorted and turned his head away, as though to say, "That's it? All I get is a promise from a dirty whore that you'll try to make me feel good?" Max grinned, watching, stroking his own immense shaft through his trousers.

The cheetah tried again. "Please, sir, let me service your cock. I have a skilled mouth and a nice tight ass. I'd love to feel your cock sliding into me." The feline swallowed, ashamed at begging a dog to be allowed to touch his cock, but unwilling to give up.

The great dane sniffed at Mikori again. The spotted feline saw a hint of reddish cock beginning to protrude from the thick canine sheath. The tapered head was as thick as the dalmation's had been, and it was not even fully erect. Caesar was the true stud of the three. Mikori would have to earn the right to pleasure him. The cheetah begged again, words becoming more heating, "I want your dick so bad. Please, Caesar, let me touch it. You've been saving that pent up load for so long. Let me help you spill it out."

Mikori heard the shivery sound of a zipper from over by the wall. Max unfastened his trousers and shucked them down over his legs. They were strong and toned, the calves and thighs those of a man who keeps his body in pristine condition. The true prize lay between those thighs, though. The horse's cock stretched up to the bottom of Max's ribcage, a size to match any of the dogs. His thick, blunt meat was black with a streak of pink on the underside, with milky fluid drizzling down the belly. Max gripped his shaft and moved to take position by the feline. "C'mere, Caesar. He's worth it," the horse said simply.

The dog trotted up shoulder to shoulder with his master. Max put an arm around the canine, helping him up onto his hind legs, the dog's cock hanging before Mikori's cumsoaked face. Caesar's cock had slid out all the way from his sheath, and it was quite a tool to have pointed at a young cheetah. Longer and thicker than Prince's, it was a match for the horse himself. The two pricks wagged in front of the cumlogged feline, both in need of attention.

Caesar eased forward, nudging his cocktip against Mikori's lips. At the first touch, there was a heavy squirt of gooey liquid, hot and sticky. Immediately another followed, and another and another. For a moment Mikori was afraid the dog had simply shot off his load. Then his tongue flicked out and he tasted it. It was a strong, lewd flavor, but not semen. The juice was clear, as thick and sticky as it was, but it was only precum. He'd had males who were very abundant with their semen who gave off less with each shot. The cheetah drew in a deep shuddering breath in anticipation. How much would the dog give after being denied orgasm for so long?

Beside him, Max gave off a low groan that began deep within his barrel chest, and the horse's cock throbbed, sending a fountain of pearl-sized droplets of prejizz over the cheetah's face. The two large males were washing away the jism King had deposited on Mikori's face, though the feline know they would soon be replacing it with a mess of their own.

The canine slid his cock past Mikori's lips with surprising gentleness. The cheetah had been afraid the dog would shove that thick cock into his throat, but Caesar seemed willing to work it in slowly. Inch after inch of angry red bloated meat pushed its way into Mikori's mouth. The feline had to swallow with each squirt of Caesar's prick. The gooey precum was so heavy that he could feel the liquid weighing down his belly. It was rich and thick, smooth and tasting of musk and slightly bitter.

The cheetah was forced to close his left eye, so potent were the splatters of prejizz on his face from the stallion's cock. chest heaving as he breathed, Max pumped his meat like the consumate stud, working himself off as he coated his shaft with slimy fluid as though oiling it to make it shine. The stallion looked down, seeing half of his stud dog's cock buried in the cheetah's mouth. Though experienced as he was, Mikori could only manage so much of the massive prick. It stretched his jaw to the limit, and if the cheetah pumped with his mouth or Caesar humped with his hips it could catch on a tooth.

Max reached down, his strong hand caressing the base of Caesar's dick. Those fingers slid around the drooling meat, slickening it with the stallion's own copious precum. Mikori could feel the cock throb powerfully in his mouth as the stallion's fist encircled the great dane's meat, and he had to swallow twice to catch the entire load of prejizz that the stallion milked from the dog's cumslit. Max spoke to the feline, voice much deeper now with arousal. "You jus' keep swallowing and licking. Lemme take care of his dick. You treat my boy real good."

The stallion inched forward on his knees, shifting into a better position to jerk and caress the dog's swollen member. This left the equine dick mere inches from Mikori's face, those strong hips occasionally nudging forward to rub the flared glans against Mikori's cheek and smear in that pre-juice, gooey slime from King's orgasm rubbing off onto Max's dicktip and increasing the lewd wet sounds of a slippery stallioncock being masturbated. The cheetah could hear Caesar panting hard above his head. The stud dog kept his hips still content to simply let the cheetah caress the turgid meat with his lips and tongue as the young feline nursed on his erection, while his equine master pumped his meat with slick fingers. "You're gettin' a real treat, kitty," Max informed the cheetah. "Caesar's a purebred all the way, a perfect specimin. A load of the size he's gonna give is worth over a thousand dollars." Mikori's eyes widened at the sum, as Max's fist brushed his lips while working over the dog's meat. "Be sure to drink as much as you can. Don't waste it."

Mikori could sense the two males nearing their peaks. Each began breathing harder, panting as they approached the finish. Their precum became more thick and voluminous. They were grunting, the almost-painful sound that males make to signal the pleasure is becoming too much. The air was hot and thick with musk and wet sounds of two males being serviced, each a stud in his own right. The great dane hunched over, his cock shifting slightly in Mikori's mouth, and growled hotly into the cheetah's ear. The sticky slime pumping into Mikori's mouth began to thicken and issue forth more frequently, gradually turning from clear slimy juice to proper semen, hot and messy.

"Cup your hands," Max snarled, "Catch it all, you little fuck." The horse grabbed the cheetah's wrist and brough it up under his chin, just beneath the stud dog's meat. The feline brought his other hand up to meet it, forming a small basin under his mouth. He did it just in time. Only a second later, semen began to foam from the corners of his lips. He felt it drooling down his face, tasting perversely strong. The stallion milked and squeezed the dog's knot as Caesar's shaft shook between the cheetah's lips. Were it not buried so deep in Mikori's mouth, the spasms that accompanied each ejaculation might well tear the dog's cock from his mouth.

Mikori gulped it down as well as he could, though there was no way he could match what the dog was producing. The stud injected him with semen that had been building up for weeks, the jizz running over tongue and lips even as Mikori nursed and lapped at the spurting meat. He could feel a thick pool of hot dog semen puddling in his hands.

The stallion's hand faltered on his own dick, groaning inarticulately as he watched the dog empty his balls into the cheetah's belly. The black horsecock throbbed dangerously beside Mikori's cheek, and immediately it covered half of the feline's face with slimy eggwhite jizz. The horsedick shot again, splattering Mikori with opaque white fluid hard enough that it hurts a little. Finger-thick shots of white honey pound the cheetah's face and side, messing up his features, throat and chest. The two stud males grunted and shook against their whore, pumping meat and squirting semen, leaving him a cumsoaked, sloppy mess.

With a snort, Caesar pulled his hips back, sliding his cock from the cheetah's saturated maw in one smooth motion. With no more recognition than that, he does to lie down with his canine brothers, tongue sliding out to lap at his cock as it slowly returns to its furry holder.

The horse reached down and ruffled Mikori's hair, smearing in a fair amount of the matted-down cum. "Good boy. Now clean your plate." Mikori peered down with one eye at the large, slimy pool of dog jism in his cupped hands. It was almost running over the sides of his fingers. "Slurp it up quick before you lose it. You're holding hundreds of dollars worth of semen, kitten." Mikori inhaled once, too exhausted to protest. He craned his neck down and raised his hands, bringing that pool of dog jism to his lips and slowly began to nurse it down. A few trails of slimy white liquid ran over his lips, vanishing in the mess already there. Tipping his head back, the cheetah's throat bobbed as he drank the last of the great dane's semen, lapping the gooey fluid from his fingers and palms.

Max grinned. "What a _good_ boy you are." He grabbed his pants and fished around in the pocket, withdrawing three $100 bills. "Here ya go. A little extra for you, since you worked so hard for me and my boys." The stallion laughed, giving the cheetah's cumslimed ear a tug. It was so slick that he couldn't hold on. "I'll keep you in mind in case my boys need serving again." The stallion stood and gathered his clothes, tossing the cheetah a pink towel from the corner of the room. "Clean yourself up, I'll call you a cab." The stallion walked out into the hallway, leaving Mikori kneeling there with the dogs, mind reeling and body soaked. He knew he would go without hesitation if the stallion called him again.