Diary of a High School Girl -Chapter 4

Story by ArchRose on SoFurry

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(Don't read if your not 18 blah blah blah, ok enjoy! ^_^ )

"Excuse the interruption, will Sono and Angel from Classroom 3A please come down to the principals office. That is all." The sound of the speaker clicking off and a set of chairs moving back echoed through the room as Sono and myself stood up and dismissed ourselves from class. We both looked to each other with curious and slightly worried expressions on our faces as the silence fell around our footsteps. Sono was the first to talk, " So what do you thinking they want us for Angel? Do you think we are in trouble or do you think they just want another favor?"

I looked up at his hazel eyes and shrugged, " I don't know, but I'm leaning towards another favor, especially after you and I helped them out with last years melt down." Sono chuckled, the two of them knew it was him who caused it in the first place to get out of doing the ridiculous amount of projects and standards that they had planned out last year. All would have been fine if they had spaced them out through the year, but instead the teachers all tried to get them done in the last few months of school. To make it worse, it had fallen around study time for finals; the extra homework had to go. Sono and I had built a virus to completely chew apart the schools internal network system and then planted it the next day. It had only taken about an hour before the teachers finally gave up and came to Sono and I for help. We are the schools student computer technicians, and part of the best in the city as well.

It fell silent until we reached the office doors, a quick nod to each other before we opened the door and stepped in together. We must have had a worried look on our faces because when the principal looked at us he immediately said, " No you're not in trouble. We need another favor; the schools network isn't working again. Will the two of you go down to the control room and see if you can fix it? We would like it if it was up and running by, oh lets say before the day is over. So take your time and make sure that you clean it up completely." Together we nodded and replied with a yes sir. He walked us out of the office, then handed Sono the key to the control room. As soon as the door was shut behind us I looked over to Sono with a smile.

" Did you plan this one, or is it some one else's doing?" Sono shook his head and up his hands up in the air.

"This time I'm innocent, I swear!." We laughed and headed towards the stairs that descended down to the control room of the school. The control room was rather complex. Against the walls was mountains of servers and enough wires to go around the world a couple times, or so it looked anyway. In the middle of the room was the master server on a desk with a couple of computer chairs around it. Sono headed over to the walls to check everything out there, looking for loose or damaged wires and unplugged power cords, anything externally that would cause a problem. I, myself, sat down in a chair and started to do scans on the master servers system checking for spy ware, ad ware, viruses, and even taking care of some annoying pop-ups and spam. I was joined by Sono after fifteen minutes, who then took over while I double checked the external. Two different eyes checking the same thing was better then one pair of eyes going over it twice. When I was done with my run about I sat down next to Sono, looking over his shoulder as he ran through all the formatting files. Every once in a while I would point out something that was either in need of updating or was formatted completely wrong. The two of us made a really good team.

A couple hours went by and the lunch bell rang. I volunteered to go back upstairs to the classroom and get our lunches while he continued working. From the server room it took about five to ten minutes to climb all the stairs and get to our classroom. The gang was in our usual eating spot. Tyka waved, while Aki asked if Sono and I were going to join them. I said no, and then asked if they knew were Sono had hid his lunch. Of course it was at the bottom of his bag, threatening to get squished. Kyaka asked how long we were going to be down stairs and I told him probably the rest of the day. Aki suggested it would be best if I took our back packs down with us as well since it would be a waste of time coming back up here again to retrieve them. I thought for a second and nodded in agreement, and before I could go and pick up both the bags, Tyka and Aki had already beat me too it. Kyaka took Sono's lunch from me and said to lead the way. Scowling for a moment before I giggled at how eager they were to always help me, I turned and made the winding trek back down to the server room.

As the door opened, Sono turned around and waved at the others. They set our stuff down by the door and looked in awe at the room. It was the first time they had been down here, and it reminded me how Sono and myself acted when we first came down here too. The boys were eager for a tutorial on what was what and what it did. For times sake Sono and I both explained the set up of the room and its functions at a fast pace. By the time we were done, the three of them had to rush back up to the classroom in order to get there before it was time to start class again.

Sono and I both shook our heads as we watched them scramble out of the room. Sono closed the door as I sat down and started eating my lunch. I didn't even hear him lock it. He smiled and sat down next to me opening his lunch and putting some of his in mine before he dug in. " You guys are going to make me become fat damn it." I said as I looked down at the combination of his lunch and mine in my box. He laughed and rolled his eyes. While we ate our lunches we discussed what could be wrong with the network. Everything was checking out and we had just taken about three viruses off the system, all of them linking the computer to porn every time some one opened Microsoft Paint. We racked our minds for the longest time as we ate. We even called up to the office to ask if it was back up, but the secretaries told us nothing had changed other than the Internet was running faster.

Sono hung up the phone and looked over to me, " Well we didn't fix the problem but apparently we sped up the Internet.." We laughed and then looked at each other. It was decided that we would start over from the beginning and make sure we didn't happen to over look something that would be causing the network to malfunction. I stood with one knee on the computer chair, leaning over while I started up the scans again and checked the formatting. The tapping of my fingers against the keyboard was all I heard, and I was completely engrossed in trying to find the problem. I didn't even notice Sono finish his sweep around the room or when he came up behind me.

I yelped as I felt one of his hands pin my wrists to the table and the other reach down the back of my skirt. He leaned forward and breathed in my ear. " You know, theres something about you leaned over the table like this that makes it really hard to concentrate." I looked over my shoulder at him moaning softly as a finger first slipped into my pussy, prodding around while his thumb gently teased my clit. My hips jerked softly against his hand each time his thumb ran across the sensitive nub. A smile came to his lips as his fingers became slick with my juices; Sono took his finger out of my pussy and slowly pushed it in my tail hole. A groan escaped my mouth and my eyes closed tightly from the sudden pain. He seemed to like the look on my face as he pressed himself against me, nibbling on my ear. A shiver ran up my spine as I felt his cock against my lower back through his bulging pants. " S..Sono what are you doing, we have w..work to do." My voice quivered as he stuck a different finger into my pussy as started to gently thrust into me.

" We're going to take a break, and I'm going to fix a problem of my own that you've caused." His voice was almost as mischievous as his smile was. I squirmed a little under him as his fingers pulled out and I felt my white silk underwear slide down from my hips and to my ankles. He pulled up my skirt so my bare back side was in plain sight and started to caressed my ass while he knelled down, and softly licked at the folds of my pussy. Biting my lip was all I could do to hold back my moans as its tongue repetitively played with my clit, licked my exposed slit and then tongue fucked it for a moment before repeating the whole thing over again. My knees started to tremble under me as I looked back at him, completely helpless since he still had a grip on my wrists. He caught my gaze and grinned evilly licking my juices from his lips before his free hand went and unzipped his pants.

Sono's hand softly stroked the 10 inch cock to its full length and playfully slide the tip of it along her slit. Once more I bit my lip trying desperately to hold back my moans and not encourage him more, but my body failed me and the slickness of my pussy gave away how much I was enjoying this. Sono let go of my hands and took my shoulders in his hands and turned me around to face him. His fingers quickly pulled up my blouse tossing it on the floor with my underwear. Wrapping his hands around my breasts he softly squeezed them while licking up my neck and to my lips where he pressed his against mine before he grabbed my legs and shoved himself in hard. Muffled was my scream of pain and pleasure as he held me up by my legs while my arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders.

With a few steps, stumbling on the last one, he had my back pressed up against the door. He held me there, his hands pressed against the door, my knees on his forearms while he started to pound his thick cock into my pussy. As the kiss was broke a small strand of saliva hung before the two of them for a moment before it broke. I leaned my head back against the door moaning softly as Sono trusted himself into me faster with a little bit more roughness. His eyes had started to glaze over with animal instinct as he licked up my neck once more and bit it softly then trailing his tongue up to my ears where he nibbled on them.

Our panting grew louder as small droplets of sweat appeared all over our bodies. Sono took a step back and sat down in one of the chairs, my legs slipping through the holes underneath the arm rests and impaling me further on to his throbbing cock as he took off his own shirt and fumbled to take off my bra. His tongue and hands immediately attacking the exposed nipples as his hips bucked beneath me. Slapping flesh along with pants and moans echoed throughout the room as Sono had me ride his cock, our bodies like fiery flesh burning against each other.

Sono groaned softly as he took a hold of my ass and held onto it as he stood up, kicking the chair aside and laying me down on a free spot on the table. Holding onto my thighs as my knees rested on his shoulders and my feet hung behind him Sono lost all control of himself. Grunting softly as he pounded himself into my pussy growing rougher and faster by the moment the current position didn't stay long before he climbed on the table as well, my ass lifted off its surface and in the air while my legs were still draped over his shoulders and his hands gripped the edge of the table by my head.

Breasts bouncing beneath him, Sono looked like a lust crazy animal as his climax grew, and mine along with it. My back arched up under him and our moans and pants steadily grew louder as we came closer to peaking. And then he stopped. I looked up at Sono breathless, my eyes begging for him to finish what he had started, and it return, I got an evil grin that sent shivers up my spine. My chest rising and falling slowed it self down as my body calmed down a bit. I whined softly as he pulled himself out and then got off the table. Laying there I watched him as he went back to his backpack and fished around in it.

Blankly I watched as Sono looked over his shoulder at him and smirked, getting up and walking back over to me with a large ribbed dildo in his hand. He grinned evilly as he licked it, making the rubbery surface slick with his saliva as he walked up to me. Teasingly he rubbed the tip of it against my slick pussy before pushing it in and pressed an unseen button that cause the toy to wiggle and vibrate in me. A gasp and a loud moan escaped me as my back arched again and my hand raise to my mouth as I bit soft on the knuckle of my index finger. Sono chuckled evilly as he toyed with me, pulling the didlo out a little and then pushing it back in. He climbed back on the table and took my hand putting it on the didlo as he held my ass up in the air and positioned his cock in front of my tail hole and slowly pushed himself in. I yelped and the sudden pain and burning of my ass as he pushed himself in all the way to the hilt and held it there for me to adjust.

After a few moments he started to pull himself out and thrust back in as one hand held onto the table and the other wrapped over my hand forcing it to move the didlo in and out with him. My eyes closed and head tossed side to side not able to get over the wave of pleasure that had washed over me. Sono moaned softly and smirked leaning down to kiss me as he started to pound himself into my ass harder and faster his climax quickly building once more with the tightness of my ass and the vibrations of the dildo. My arms wrapped around him as he growled softly in my ear and his cock slammed into my ass more both of us so close to hitting our peaks.

In one final blow Sono slammed his cock into my ass as hard and deep as he could while his hand did the same with the didlo in my pussy, together our moans of ecstasy filled the room as we cam. His hot seed filling up my ass while my own juices ran down my thighs and onto the table with his cum that wouldn't fit in my ass. His hips jerked a couple times as his last spurts of cum was shot into me before he took out the dildo and collapsed on to the table next to me.

For a few minutes nothing but the sound of our pants and the soft hum from the vibrator that was still on and wiggling around on the table in between us. Sono was the first to stir as he pulled himself up and slowly got off the table, his cock, which had gone soft by now, sliding out of my ass along with a lot of cum which joined the small pool of mixed cum on the table. Fishing around in his bag once more Sono takes out a box of tissues and cleans himself off before putting his cock back in his pants and sipping them up.

Walking over to me Sono takes the tissues and cleans up the puddle of juices before knelling down and licking my pussy and thighs clean. I moaned softly as he playfully teased me after he had cleaned me up. Snickering he stood up and offered me a hand, which I took as he helped me off the table and onto the chair. I tried standing for a moment but my legs were took weak and I almost collapsed if it wasn't for Sono. He had a triumphant grin on his face as he tossed me my bra, underwear, and blouse before he picked up his own. We got dressed and then sat in the chairs going back to the original task they were sent down there to do.

Silence filled the room as we both engrossed ourselves in thought before I broke the silence. " Hey Sono, did we ever check the NIC ( Network Interface Controller)?" Sono looked over to me and then looked thoughtful.

"You know what, Angel, we didn't." We both laughed for a moment and turned towards the computer as the pinged the network to see if it would come back. It didn't, and Sono and I laughed harder. "Man Angel, how do you think we forgot about the NIC, that's like the first thing we should of checked besides to see if it was plugged in." We both laughed more.

" I don't know Sono, but we better call the office and tell them that they can't get the network server up until they buy a new NIC and replace this one." I laughed as I got up, my legs still a little unsteady underneath me but I made it over to the phone fine as I called up to the office, the principal this time answering. " Hello Sir, we found out what your problem was, and unfortunately you can't get the server up until tomorrow morning and the earliest. What's wrong? Oh the NIC has become faulty and needs to be replaced. No Sir we can't just reformat it, this is something that when it goes down it has to be replaced. Okey Sir, Thank you sir." I hung up the phone and looked over to Sono with a grin. " Well Sono, I guess we get the rest of the day off, and we get paid a hundred bucks for finding the problem and cleaning up the servers."

Sono chuckled and walked over to me, the dildo in his hand, as he pinned my hands against the wall and slid the tip of the dildo over my underwear and turned on the vibrator. " So what shall we do until then..." He said mischievously as my underwear was pulled to the side and the dildo was pushed into my pussy. I bit my lip a blush returning to my cheeks as I looked up at him.

"Well.." I said softly, moaning a bit, "we could go home and continue this there."

"That sounds like a great idea, why don't we leave this in until we get there Angel..." Sono chuckled evilly as he smacked my ass.

Story property of ArchRose

Characters propert of ArchRose

Edited, no

A rose blooming in the dead of the night

with only the moonlight to guide it.