Catfood Ep. 12 - Photo Session, Part 2

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#12 of Catfood


Catfood - Episode 12 - Photo Session, Part 2

© 2004, 2005 Nameless

"I'd really like to see her smiling." Nate finally lowered his camera "Let's try something else, Tammy."

"Ok." Tammy brought the running machine to a gentle stop. I was glad for the relief, even if it promised to last only for a few moments. I was breathing hard, both from the unusual exercise and from arousal. She asked "What do you have in mind."

"Angela, do you know how to use the camera?"

"I think so."

Nate handed her the camera and explained "The zoom is here, press that button to take a picture, the camera will do the rest."

Angela took the camera and aimed it at me. She took several pictures while she worked the zoom. Then she giggled and exclaimed " Wow! Now that is really something!" She grinned at me "When I zoom all the way in, one of your nipples fills the whole screen." I hissed in annoyance and excitement when she lowered the lens until she was obviously looking at my sex. She asked "Nate, could you do me a favor?"


"Could you pull Lisa's labia apart?" I moaned, more in excitement than in distress. "I'd like a picture of her inside."

"Sure." He put one arm around my waist and rested his fingers on both sides of my sex. Then he slowly pulled them apart, spreading my nether lips and allowing Angela to photograph my inside. I really began to sweat and pant as she took picture after picture.

"Great! A little further, please." Nate complied. Angela took a few dozen more pictures before she lowered the camera and Nate released me. I was almost disappointed, his fingers had felt surprisingly good on my body.

"Thanks, Nate. And you look great, Lisa." She closed her eyes for a moment and licked her lips, then she asked "All right, Nate, what do you want me to do?"

"Go over there, Angie." He pointed at the far end of the room.

"Ok." She turned and walked there.

"Tammy, could you put on some soft music."


"Lisa, you may talk normally."

"Yes, Sir."

"Close your eyes. You may use my name until you open them again."

I closed my eyes. "Thank you, Nate." Soft music began to play.

"Are you any good at acting?"

"I don't know. I'll try my best."

"Ok. First, imagine that your eyes are still open, I only want you to keep them closed so you can imagine the situation better. Try to walk naturally, I'll make sure you don't trip over anything."

"All right."

"Imagine that I'm your boyfriend, your lover or your husband. Whichever you prefer."

I considered this for a moment "Yes, Lover." That one seemed to fit best.

"As you wish, honey." He put his right arm around my waist, resting his hand on my hip. "Let's walk a bit." I took a careful step, then another. He guided me with gentle pressure. I found the intimate contact pleasant, and the fact that I had to rely on his guidance excited me. I inhaled sharply when he planted a gentle kiss on the side of my muzzle. When I lifted my muzzle to him, he kissed me passionately. He was a really good kisser, the much too short kiss turned me on quite a bit, I was very disappointed when he pulled back.

"How are you, Lisa?"

I smiled at him "Good, my Lover."

We walked another meter, then he stopped me. "There's a bench right in front of you. I'll turn you around and help you sit down." He did, lifting me easily and supporting me as I sat down. He sat down on my left and gave my paw a reassuring squeeze, then he put his arm around me.

"All right." Nate said "Let's pretend that we are sitting in a big Cadillac, just the two of us. The driver doesn't count."

"Broom! broom!" I had to giggle when Tammy imitated the sound of an old gas-powered car.

"We are on our way to the yearly City Ball. You heard of that?"

"Sure. Who hasn't?" After a moment I added "Not that I have any hope that I'll ever be invited to it."

"But, Lisa, today you are. Actually, this year I am the guest of honor. I could have picked any of a large number of women to accompany with me, but it is you I want to have with me. Ok?"


"I am wearing an expensive Italian suit. And, well... you are wearing what you are currently wearing."

"Ok." I blushed furiously at the thought of appearing nude and tied in front of more than a thousand people. And all the movers and shakers, at that. "I'm going to cause quite a stir. If they don't arrest me first."

"They won't. I'm the guest of honor, remember, they wouldn't dare to do anything to my companion."

"Ok. If I were your lover, would you really want to humiliate me like this. I'd never be able to show my face in public again."

"Well..." I could hear the grin in his voice "I think you'd be the star of the evening."

"With every woman looking down their nose at me?"

He continued my sentence "... while secretly wishing she was in your place. Wishing she was beautiful and daring enough to do something like this. You'd have the most spectacular costume of the evening."

"Do you really think they would want to swap places with me?"

"Really." He gave my paw another reassuring squeeze "If you checked the panties, you'd find more damp than dry ones. And not because they pissed themselves."


"Yes, really. Trust me on this, Lisa. Think about it, did you read any stories where the heroine was tied up and had to appear nude in public? Did they turn you on?" I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. "That's not because you are a slut or anything, more woman than you think get turned on by this. Men as well. Only most of them never dare to act on these... cravings." He paused for a moment, when I didn't say anything, he went on "And of course, you could ask just out any of the men and they'd dump their date for you."

"That... that I can believe much more readily. Particularly if they got to dance with me."

"You could own the whole Ball. But only if you do things right..."

"Yes? And what would I have to do?"

"You have to enjoy yourself. And you have to look it. If people look at you and think 'Look at the poor hussie, she got tricked into wearing that.' or 'I'm sure she is only doing it because she wants to get into his bed.' then they'll just look down at you and all you did was humiliate yourself. If on the other hand they look at you and the look on your face seems to say 'I wear this because I want to. Eat your heart out, wuss, you'll never have the guts to do that. Not that anybody would like to look at that shrivelled body of yours if you did.' then people will be envious of you. Ok?"

I thought about it for a moment. In a way he made sense. "Ok."

"Good. But remember, it won't be enough to say it if someone asks you. It won't be enough to pretend. Every line of your face, every move of your body has to scream out that you're the queen of the ball. By that I don't mean that you should shake your ass like a stripper. You want to show off your body. But you want to do it with style and confidence. You are very beautiful, Lisa." He put one arm around me and cupped my breast. I leaned against him and nuzzled his neck. I couldn't help it, I found his touch and scent extremely pleasant and exciting. Thinking about what he had just told me excited me even more. We shared a quick kiss, it was over way too quickly for my liking.

Nate released me and said "We are here. No one can see you yet, the windows are tinted. I'll get out of the car and help you out then. And then you give the welcome committee a big surprise, ok?"

"Yes." I could almost see the scene. My sex twinged in anxiety and excitement. "Give me a kiss for luck, Nate." He did. Our tongues met for a delicious moment before he pulled away again. I started shivering.

He stage-whispered "After I open your door, I'll be blocking the view, so they won't be able to see you until I put my arm around you and lead you away from the car." He got up and walked around the bench. "Lift your legs and turn in your seat." I did. A moment later his hands grabbed me under my arms and he helped me to my feet. He put his left arm around me and turned until he stood next to me, revealing me to the view of everybody.

*Gasp* "Did I just imagine that shocked intake of breath? Or was that Tammy?"

Nate snorted in humor and whispered in my ear "Look at that door boy to your left? Did he just wet himself? Maybe not, but his face sure looked like it." I giggled, I could picture it so well, it seemed almost real. "And look at that alderman! He is supposed to greet us, but all he does is open and close his mouth, like a fish out of the water." I giggled, I just could not help myself.

At his signal I began to walk. I had not taken more than a few steps when Nate whispered "Let me help you up the stairs." There couldn't be any, but he picked me up anyway and carried me for a meter or so before he set me down again. "Here's the big door now. A few more steps and then everybody will see us." He sounded decidedly gleeful.

We walked two more steps, then he gave my hips a gentle, reassuring squeeze and whispered "You are doing great, Lisa. Lift your chin a little more. Fantastic! Knock them out." At his signal we walked on. I couldn't help smiling, his praise made me feel so good.

I had not taken more than five steps when the music suddenly stopped. Total silence descended. I could almost hear the shocked gasps, hear the eyes pop out of their sockets. I felt great, the little shame I felt was totally outweighed by my glee, by the pride I felt at doing this. I felt so delightfully naughty, even wicked. "That must be how a succubus feels when she seduces someone and steals his soul!" We walked forward slowly. (Not that I could have walked much quicker if my life depended on it.)

The music began once more. I thought I could hear whispering. "Look at that couple to our right. So full of righteous indignition and barely concealed jealousy. Why don't you blow him a kiss?"

I turned my head in the indicated direction and did as Nate had suggested. Suddenly feeling really naughty, I licked my lips suggestively.

"He, he! Oops!" Nate's voice was full of humor "I think you overdid it, now his poor wife fainted." and he didn't sound as if he felt sorry at all. I giggled and shook my hips suggestively, I loved every second. Suddenly I wondered if I really would have to do something like this when I served as somebody's slave and how I would feel then.

Before I could follow those thoughts all too far, Nate called out "Lady Tammy, how nice to meet you here."

I could hear her walk up to us (I still had my eyes closed). "Mr. Nate, what a surprise."

"Tammy, this is my good friend and lover, Lisa."

I blushed a little as I felt Tammy's gaze on me "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lisa." I could hear the grin in her voice "I must congratulate you on your dress, darling. I don't think I have ever seen anything that... spectacular. I particularly like how well the color matches your hair."

I sketched a bow "The pleasure is all mine, Lady Tammy." I couldn't help smiling at the absurdity of the situation. I couldn't help adding to it a little either. "I hope you'll forgive me if I don't offer to shake your hand..."

"That's ok, we are all friends here, aren't we." I was a little shocked when she kissed me, but I recovered in time to return it. The kiss wasn't what one could call passionate, but it wasn't chaste either.

I added "Your dress is very lovely as well, Lady Tammy. But if you are interested, I'd be happy to introduce you to my tailor."

After a moment of silence, Tammy laughed out loud. "I would be very pleased, Lisa. But don't let me keep you two from having fun tonight." She walked away.

Nate walked me a few meters further, whispering a few comments about our imaginary spectators. Then he asked "Lisa, would you grant me the honor of this dance?"

I almost giggled, he sounded a little odd, speaking so formally. But it fit the mood he was trying to build "Of course, Nate. I have to apologize, though, if I am unusually clumsy tonight, my feet seem to be a little tied."

"That's ok, Lisa. We'll just dance real slow." He said to Tammy (I assumed) "Put on a slow song, please."

"Got it."

Nate led me onto the dance floor (or so I imagined) and after a few seconds the music changed. He embraced me gently, putting his hands on my lower back and rump. I rested my head against his chest. Then we began to dance. It felt good, Nate led me as we slowly turned in place, and his scent filled my nose. It was pleasant, even if he used more cologne than I would have liked. The warmth of his body felt really good. For several minutes I relaxed and enjoyed myself. Every now and then Nate regaled me with whispered comments about the other dancers and how they were less than pleased by my attire. And how they were much more jealous than anything else (in his opinion, at least). Several times I could barely prevent my giggles from turning into all-put laughter. I was a little disappointed when the song came to an end.

We shared a heartwarming kiss, then he led me off the dance floor. "Thank you, Nate. That was wonderful." Several people applauded, Tammy and Angela, I assumed.

"It was a pleasure, my lovely lady."

We walked another meter, then he asked "Honey, how do you feel about scandalizing all those 'good' people a bit more? Right now I feel like doing something extra naughty..."

"What do you have in mind, lover?" I felt a shiver of excitement at the tone of his voice.

"Well..." He whispered "first I'd like to spank you a little..."

"Oh..." My butt seemed to heat up, just thinking about another spanking. And not only my ass, my loins seemed to heat up as well. I considered my options. "If he asks Tammy, I'm almost certain she'll agree to it." I was a little scared of the idea, but the memory of the spanking Angie had given me not long ago excited me. I decided to play along and gave him an inviting smile "Sure, Nate. I simply love to feel your hands on my ass."

"Wonderful. Come here, Lisa." He stopped and sat down. I squeaked in surprise and excitement when his hands grabbed me and deposited me on his lap a moment later. I ended up facing to his right, apparently he preferred using his left hand. My head and legs hung down on either side of his legs. "Here, hold your tail, we don't want it to get in the way." I did as he told me. He snorted and stage-whispered "Look at all those people, trying to look shocked and yet the're jockeying for a position to get a good look at your cunny."

I giggled at the comment, embarrassed and turned on by my situation.

He put his left hand on my rump and squeezed it gently. "Did you know that you have a very nice ass, Lisa?" His touch was mostly pleasant, but it reminded me how sensitive the hide on my butt really was.

"Not really." I couldn't help myself, I simply had to add "Well, I guess it has to be, given how much attention you and Angie seem to pay to it."

He laughed. A moment later I squealed in surprise and pain when he brought his hand down hard. He spanked me quite hard, hitting me several times in quick succession. When he paused for a bit, my breath was ragged and I was fighting the urge to cry. My ass hurt very much. In spite of all the pain, the way he spanked me did excite me a bit as did the total helplessness that I felt.

He let me recover for a minute or so, then he asked "How are you doing, Lisa?"

"My ass hurts." Suddenly it seemed so silly to say this that I had to giggle "I'm ok."

"Want some more?"

"Not really." Was what I wanted to say, but I was quite sure he wanted me to say, "Yes." so I did.

"He, he! I'm glad you enjoy this as much as I do. I simply love spanking you. Here goes." I hissed in pain when he brought his hand down on my rump once more. But after the initial hard blow he settled down to much lighter spanks that were delivered in an irregular pattern. They still hurt very much, but the helplessness I felt because I could not anticipate them turned me on quite a bit. When Nate finally stopped, I was panting almost as much from lust as from pain. I had not come, but once I thought about it, I realized that he probably would have been able to bring me off with spanking alone. I was both disappointed and relieved when he said "I think that's enough for now. You were wonderful, Lisa."

It took another minute before I could answer "Thank you, Nate."

Nate lifted me off his lap and helped me into a kneeling position. I had to wiggle my legs a bit before I found a position where the burning hide of my rump did not touch anything. When I had settled down, Nate asked "You enjoy being a naughty girl, don't you, Lisa?"

I giggled "Naaah... I hate it."

I think it took him a few moments to process that, then he went with the tone of my voice, not the words "So... want to do more naughty things and shake up all those dignitaries a bit more?"

"Well... what do you have in mind?"

"Hmmm... given that you are kneeling right in front of me..." He fell silent, obviously waiting for me to get his intentions.

It didn't take me more than a few seconds to grab what he was aiming for. "... and you're wondering if I was hungry? Or thirsty?"

He chuckled "Something like that..."

I thought about it for only a few moments. I was not too sure if Tammy would really make me do this if I balked, but I didn't want to find out. I certainly didn't want to be thought of as a spoilsport and... I didn't find the idea all that displeasing. Rather than saying something, I looked up at Nate (not that I could see him, I still had my eyes closed) and licked my lips.

Nate chuckled "Lisa, I really like the way you think." I shuffled forward when I heard the clink of his belt buckle.

While I had liked his scent before, I found that I enjoyed it even more now. He had not put any cologne on his privates. My nose touched his manhood and I inhaled deeply, enjoying his sweaty and musky scent. (I have been told that many humans find the smell of sweat to be unpleasant, this is hardly ever the case for me or most other GELFs.)

Nate's cock was already almost fully erect. I licked his scrotum a few times, enjoying the taste, then I slowly ran my tongue up the length of his shaft. He wasn't very big but not too small either. I teased the tip of his cock a bit and tasted his precum. I could hear his breathing speed up. I licked him once more, then I took him into my muzzle. I had no problems with his size at all. As I buried my nose in his public hair, his scent filled me. I was very pleased when he began to scratch my ears.

Sucking and licking eagerly, I had him on the brink in a short while. I howled in surprise and protest when he pushed me away suddenly, just as he came. His seed splattered all over my face and chest.

He commanded "Clean me."

"Yes, Master." Cleaning him didn't take long, there was very little of his cum to lick up, most of it adorned me. I was quite disappointed. I leaned back to await Nate's next command.

When he did, his voice was back to the friendly tone he had used before. "Thank you, Lisa. That felt really good."

I decided to go back to playing his lover, not his slave "My pleasure, Nate." Then I added in slightly sulky tone "Look at me! Now you have totally ruined my dress!"

"Oh, my bad." He laughed, as did Angie and Tammy. "You are right, of course. We really should have it cleaned. Tammy?"

"No, I'll do it!" Angie called. I blushed a bit at the eagerness in her voice when I realized where she would have to clean me.

"Let me help you up, Lisa." Nate got up, took my arms and helped me stand.

"Here, Nate." I assumed that Angie handed him the camera. I could hear her walk away and a few seconds later there was the by-now-familiar click as he took a picture of me.

"Lisa." Nate said in a low voice "I know we had a small 'accident', but I hope you still enjoy yourself."

I took a few deep breaths and made myself smile again, projecting the image that I was perfectly happy and content to the imaginary spectators. It wasn't too hard, on the whole I was enjoying myself. Even thinking about the fact that Angie would soon clean me and, from all I knew of her, use the opportunity to feel me up as much as she could excited me more than it disgusted me.

"Would you like to sit?"

I shook my head. My ass burned, sitting down was the last thing I wanted to do.

"You may open your eyes, Lisa."

"Yes, Sir." I did and found Angela returning. She carried a small basin and a washcloth. Tammy stood a close by, watching me with an enigmatic smile on her lips. Angie placed the basin on a stool and waved me over. Moving somewhat reluctantly, I made my way over to her. Nate's camera clicked again and again as he circled me. Angie grinned while she watched my every step.

Finally I stopped in front of her. Angie leaned forward and sniffed me. She laughed at my embarrassment. Then she put a finger under my chin and lifted my muzzle until I looked straight ahead. She commanded "Don't move."

"Yes, Mistress." I knew that I could have used her name, but it somehow felt right to address someone who gave me what was clearly a command as "Master" or "Mistress".

I could hear the splashing noises as she wetted the washcloth, but I could not see her hands. She began with my face, cleaning me gently but carefully. The light soapy scent of the water quickly removed the scent of Nate's cum. And the cum of Tammy's boss, I had almost forgotten about that.

"Close your eyes for a moment." I did so while she cleaned the fur around my eyes. When she was done with that, she moved her attention to the underside of my muzzle. I was pretty sure that I did not have any cum there, but I did not think it would make any difference if I pointed that out. Soon she moved on to my throat.

Tammy caught my eye just as Angela finished my neck and turned to my shoulders. I blushed, Tammy seemed to enjoy my discomfort very much. Nate's camera clicked every second or two. My breath began to speed up at the thought of where her hands would end up very soon.

But just when she reached the top of my breasts, Angie spent at least a full minute washing out the washcloth. The anxiety and excitement got worse and worse and I couldn't help fidgeting. "Hold still, Lisa. Next time you move I'll give you five spanks." I trembled, a quick look at Tammy assured me that I could not expect any support or mercy from her.

I was almost relieved when Angela finally began to clean my breasts. As I had feared, she spent an inordinate amount of time and care on them. So much, that one might have suspected that they had been tarred and feathered, rather than just splattered with drops of cum. Very soon I was panting and it got more and more difficult to keep my position. I could not see what Angela was doing, but it felt as if she was polishing my nipples, not simply cleaning them.

I was both glad and disappointed when she finally turned her attention to my stomach, after teasing me once more by washing out the washcloth yet again. I got to calm down a bit while she cleaned the fur on my belly. It felt good, but it was not sexually stimulating.

*Squeak* I was pretty certain that I did not have any cum on my sex. No male cum, at any rate. Still Angela seemed to find it necessary to clean that area as well. I inhaled sharply and in moments I was panting again. She even poked the washcloth into me.

I was so excited, I groaned in distress when Angela stepped back and announced "All done. Don't move yet, mousie!" Tammy's eyes gleamed, she really seemed to enjoy my distress and the sight I must have made. Suddenly I realized that while Angie had cleaned my very carefully, she had not touched my thighs at all, the fur there was as sticky and smelly as ever. Angie carried the basin away. She returned a few moments later.

She stopped behind me and said "Turn around and have a look." I did. She grinned widely and held a large mirror. My ears began burning as soon as I saw my reflection. She had slicked down all the fur on my front, it looked almost as if I was shaved. I felt more naked than I ever had before.

Tammy said "You look good, Lisa. How do you feel?"

"Wet." Was the first thing that came to my mind, Angela had used a lot of water, but she had not done anything to dry my fur.

Angela poked a finger into my sex and looked at it. Feigning surprise, she declared "Yes, you're really wet." She licked the finger "Deliciously wet." My ears began to steam.

I took a few deep breaths and turned to Tammy "Tammy... I don't want to seem a spoilsport, but my shoulders are really starting to hurt."

She studied my face for a moment "Yes, I think we'd better wind down. Wait here." She turned and walked to the other end of the room "Come over her and then you can take off the bonds."

"Yes, Tammy." I walked there as quickly as I could, which was not all that quick. Nate's camera clicked almost in time with my steps and the swaying of my buttocks.

As I approached Tammy, she raised her hands to chest height and held them out open-palmed. Her grin told me that she wanted me to press my breasts against them. I did, stopping only when she squeezed them gently.

"All right, Lisa. You win." Her grin became evil "You may take off your bonds now."

I stared at her and I realized that she had tricked me. There was no way I could get out of them on my own. Suddenly I felt totally betrayed. My shoulders dropped in defeat (well, they would have, if I had been able to move them without increasing the pain even more) and I began to cry.

Tammy put her arms around me and hugged me "Please don't cry. Of course I'll help you take them off, Lisa." I felt her hands touch my elbows and a moment later the leather strap that tied them together was released. It felt so good to be able to relax my arms a little. Tammy did not untie me further, but she held me and comforted me until I finally stopped crying. She studied my face and wiped the tears out of my eyes and fur. "Give me a smile and I'll untie you. Ok?"

"Ok." It took some effort, but I managed to put a reasonably genuine smile on my muzzle.

Tammy reached into a pocket and her face fell "Now where did I put that key?"

I groaned when I heard Angie giggle. I turned to her and found her waving something, presumably the key to my bonds. I was quite certain that Tammy's surprise had been faked and that this had been planned. I sighed, squared my shoulders and made my painful way over to Angela. Walking was a little easier now that I did not have to thrust out my chest. Nate must have taken another hundred pictures or so before I finally reached her.

Angie spread her arms. I walked into her embrace and pressed my body against her. Even after all the little and big inconveniences she had put me through, the contact felt good, even if it was much more intimate than I might have liked. The thin fabric of Angie's swimming suit hardly made any difference, it almost felt as if we were both nude. I inhaled sharply when her hands squeezed my butt cheeks painfully. Angela giggled, when I looked up at her face reproachfully she bent her head and kissed me fully on the muzzle. Her hands slid upwards and ruffled the fur on my back pleasantly. I returned the kiss. In a weird way the kiss was disgustingly lusty and wonderfully innocent at the same time. Angie's hands grabbed my paws and squeezed them reassuringly. Then her hands moved to my wrists. There were two clicks and the handcuffs clattered on the floor. After a moment's hesitation I put my arms around Angie. It felt good to be able to use my paws again. I was more than a little out of breath when we finally broke off the kiss and stepped back.

I couldn't help giggling and blushing when I saw Angie. The front of her suit was now really wet and concealed even less than it had before. Her nipples stood out rather prominently. She looked down at her front, apparently not having thought about this effect our embrace. She was grinning when she looked back at me, however "Like what you see?"

My muzzle burned and I couldn't bring myself to answer. Angie giggled "It seems you do." I blushed even harder.

"Here." Angie held out the key.

"Thank you, Angie." I accepted it.

"You'd better sit down, Lisa. It will be easier to take off the shoes that way."

I groaned at the thought. But while it had not been formulated as a command, I got the impression that I had better treat it as such. I sighed "Yes, Angie." and reluctantly walked the few steps to the nearest stool. I whimpered in pain when my ass touched the seat.

"You all right, Lisa?" Angela asked innocently.

"Yes." I forced out. "It only feels as if I'm sitting on an electric stove. One that's turned all the way up."

"Oh." Angie grinned "Halfway, at most. Trust me on this, Lisa, it's not more than at half strength." I shivered at the thought.

I winced again as I leaned forward to unlock the chain that connected my ankles. Every tiny movement seemed to turn the heat under my ass up further. The lock clicked open and I pulled the chain out. When Angie held out her hand I gave it to her. I unlocked the clasps that locked my feet into the torturous heels and took them off. I wiggled my feet happily.

"Get up." I did. "Let's do a few stretches."

"Ok." At first my muscles protested, but the stretches helped, soon I felt a lot better. Nate took a lot more pictures while we did them. I think he took quite a few of Angie as well.

"That's it. Thank you, Lisa, we're all done for today."

I smiled at Tammy. "Really?" I could not quite believe it, she always seemed to have something else up her sleeve.

"Yes. If you want to, you can go home right away..."

Her tone suggested that there was another option "Or?"

Angie answered for her "I feel hot and sweaty after all the exercise. Would you join me for a quick dip in the pool?" She pointed in the direction of the outdoor pool.

I didn't think about it for long. While I was a bit leery of her intentions, a bit of swimming seemed like a really good idea. "Sure, Angie." I turned to Tammy "Are you coming as well?"

"Sure. I'll just have to change first. Nate?"

"Thanks, but no." He turned to me, held out his hand and sketched a bow "Lisa, it was a pleasure to work with you. I hope to see more of you."

I shook his hand "It was a pleasure for me as well and I'd be happy to meet you again." I gave him a wry grin "But I seriously doubt that you'd be able to see any more of me, I doubt that there is a single square centimeter of my body that you have not photographed at least five times."

He laughed "You may be right. Say what, I'll feed the pictures into the 3D modeler and tell you if there are any holes in the coverage. So we can close them, the next time, ok?"

I shook my head and grinned "Sure."

"Good night, Lisa."

"Bye, Nate."

"Bye, Tammy, Angela." He picked up his camera and left.

End of Episode 12