Rabbit Test: Chapter Eleven

Story by Dasher Cheetah on SoFurry

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#13 of Rabbit Test

Rabbit Test: Chapter Eleven

A thrill of excitement and desire ran thru Peter, one he had to hold down firmly to keep control of himself. With a smile of regret he said, "No Rich, not that . . . at least, not now. What I want and was going to ask is for you to mount me and have me in what ever way you wish, hard and fast or slow and easy. I'll understand if you don't want to and it's alright but I wanted you to know that I want it, if and when you are ready. I want to give myself to you that way because I feel so good about you."

Rich thought back to the times he had asked Ben or Don to do it to him, remembering how good it was and they were to him. Looking into Peter's eyes, Rich said, "I remember, how that felt . . . and I have felt it too Peter. I . . . I want you too, if you want me, th-that way? I'll let you do me."

Peter snuggled up closer to Rich, kissing him as his paws and body caressed Rich's for a couple of minutes. Peter pulled back and looked serious as he said, "I have to stop and talk to you Rich. I do want you, both ways. If you hadn't been injured, I would do it to you, the very first time you asked me but I not tonight. Until the Doctor says you are healed, I won't do it. After that, I would be overjoyed if you ask me again. I won't risk hurting you, so you will have to wait till I know it is alright. Until then, I'll do whatever else you want. You have a surprise coming soon . . . but not just yet. Now, how shall we take care of you? Molly or I, in whatever way you want, are at your service."

Laying between them, his arms around them both, Rich felt another layer of the coat of doubts about himself, fall away. The rape had cost him dearly, more even than he knew and each step back made him aware of how much he had changed before and after it. He shut his eyes to keep back the tears as he hugged them and said, "If you promise to do it with me in the future and we switch our positions, then I'll tell you what I want, okay? Good! I'll remember this and collect on it, when the time is right. Molly? You choose where you want Peter in you and I'll tell you how we will do this. Mmmmh!" She pulled back with a grin from the kiss she had given him and said she wanted her mate in her pussy. Rich nodded with a smile for her and said, "Thank you and so, we will start with you laying back on the bed, your hips propped up with a couple of the pillows so you are all comfy. As soon as you are ready, Peter will mount you and I will watch as he loves you for a little first. Then I will get on top of Peter and take his tail. Anyone have any objections?"

Both Rabbits hugged Rich happily and assured him there were none. Peter shifted down and licked the softened penis clean, exciting Rich once more. It quickly brought him up and both males moved aside to give Molly room to lay. Once she was propped up, Peter crawled around between his wife's open, long legs. He looked down at his beloved mates' face as she reached down and grasped his ready erection. Pulling the tip to her slit, she rubbed it up and down to show it was in place as well as moisten the head for it's entry.

Rich had crawled off the bed to kneel and watch. From behind, he could see her hold and guide Peter's Rabbit-hood into her. Her wet slit parted and the furred lips of her vulva bulged more as his head, then shaft filled the tight slit. Both their tails were thrown up high over their butts, showing they wanted this as well as their trust of him.

He heard Peter murmur to Molly, then moved closer as Peter began pushing his way in. Half way down, he paused and pulled back to show off the glistening sheen of her wetness upon him. Peter slowly fucked Molly, getting gradually deeper until his sheath met her puffy vulva. Rich saw her furry mound flex, the pink open edges of her slit moving with Peter's rhythm and it was making him horny as hell! Peter stopped and called back, "I'll hold still while you mount me, Rich. You can then tell me what to do."

Rich got up on the bed behind Peter, moving up on his knees. Dropping to his hands, he leaned forward and put his nose up under Peter's raised tail puff, Sniffing softly at first, the scent of Molly's sex was strong but there was a nose tickling muskiness that was Peter's own scent too. Peter's tail pucker was spotlessly clean, as was the white fur around it. Being an herbivore, his shit was not strong smelling anyway but Rich appreciated how fastidious he was. A brief flash of memory of how it had been with Thorne went before Rich's eyes and he shuddered and gulped back an urge to retch with revulsion. Rich fought back the memory angrily. This was not the wolf and he was not being forced to do this! He had to control this reaction or it would keep him from ever being as close to Ben and Don as he had been and wanted to be again.

Rich swallowed, then went forward again and placed a kiss against the bare anus. It drew a gasp from Peter and Rich smiled softly before giving it a lick. Peter groaned and began panting as he felt the soft, warm and wet tongue brush again over his tail hole! He moaned out to Molly, "Oh shit! He's licking me! Oh Goddess, it's so good!" *Gasp!*

Molly squeezed herself around her mate's cock and called out, "Keep licking Rich! We'll make him cum real hard!" She then kissed him, muffling any chance for him to protest her request. Rich licked faster and knew by the way Peter's rear rocked that it was indeed feeling wonderful to him. Peter surrendered to it and with his mate's sex sucking around his penis, he moaned louder. He pulled back, shouted out and ground himself into her, his seed pumping into her receptive sex. He filled her to the point it seeped back out around the point of joining, adding to the scents already there for Rich to breath in.

Rich sat back on his knees and watched Peter and Molly, in their post orgasmic pleasure. He idly stroked his cock, waiting for his turn and enjoying how the pair showed their love of each other. It made him feel happy, as well as eased his concern that he might somehow cause any separation between them. He knew from Don and Sue that Recombs mostly didn't think that way about sex. Being human, he had been brought up to think differently. Seeing how they both were pushing against each other, as if they could get even closer was exciting. Rich saw the white semen, oozing out from Molly, where Peter had deposited it.

Peter was relaxing, panting and moaning as he rocked atop Molly, still going thru after shocks from his orgasm and giving additional thrills to his mate. Molly was stoking his back and cooing happily in his ear, telling him how good it was for her too. Her hands knew where to scratch and tickle her mate, relaxing him further. Molly then said, "You still have a hard male waiting to ride your ass, dear husband. Lay still and he will enter you. Rich? Are you ready to mount him? Peter has done it many times before, so you can do him as hard and fast as you want. Fuck my mate's hot tail hole, so you cum good and hard in him."

Peter stirred slightly, raising his tail high as he urged, "Yes! Gentle or hard! Slow or fast! I am yours to ride, however you want! I just want to feel you cum in me!" Rich was eager to get off after watching Molly and Peter. He saw Peter was still in Molly, her pussy keeping him hard by squeezing around it. It also caused more cum to ooze from her.

Rich said, "I'm almost ready but first, I need to get some wetness to ease my entry." His first two fingers touched along Molly's vulva, gathering up some of the overflow there. He applied it to his cock and said, "You filled Molly so good, some has leaked out. I'm going to keep it from going to waste, by using it to get my cock all slippery. Ooo! It's exciting to feel it smear along my cock . . . Ok, now a little more for your tail hole . . . and there! Feel how slippery it is Peter? God, this is so exciting! Ahh, my finger slid in easily . . . Feel my finger sliding in and out? Your butt is real warm and soft."

Peter couldn't help raising his rear higher and softly moaning out, "Oooh! It tickles so nice! Ummm, it's ready! I'm ready! Do it, Rich! Push your cock into me and fuck me good!" Rich rose to his knees, grasped the base of his cock and inched closer. Putting his hand on Peter's back, above the raised tail, Rich aimed his hard on down and rubbed the tip against the ready tail hole. He rubbed it around, pressing slightly as he said, "Relax and let me do the work. I want to make it feel real good to me and you."

He pressed gently against Peter's anus, then eased back. Press and relax, Rich slowly pushed harder each time until it finally opened and he slipped the head inside. Rich released his cock and put both hands up on Peter's hips. As he slowly pushed a bit further in, Rich said, "That felt pretty easy. Did it hurt at all Peter?"

The freshly impaled Rabbit turned his head and smiled as he answered, "Not even a little! I was relaxed when it went in and it feels great! Slam it home and fuck me, Rich. I want it! Don't forget Don is my brother. He and I have had tail sex many times." Rich grinned and said, "I will, if you tell me to again but I thought I was supposed to do it the way I wanted to?"

Peter said at once, "Yes! I forgot myself, Rich. Do it however you want and I'll love it. . . Y-you will put it all in at some point, won't you? Please say yes?"

Rich gave Peter's side a pat and said as he stopped halfway in, "I promise. But first, I want to do it nice and slow, so I can let the pleasure grow." Rich pulled slowly back, till his head tugged at Peter's anus. Peter tensed up to keep it inside and as Rich slid back in half way he said, "Can you feel it? I'm moving in your hot butt, sliding on your cum and Molly's wetness . . . This is what I found so exciting, before I entered you. The thought of using both of your love wetness to let me move in your tail hole so easily. Soon enough, I'll add my cum to it and we will all mix inside you."

Molly exclaimed, "Holy Goddess! He went rock hard in me as you told him that Rich." Peter trembled before he said in a choked voice, "That is, *sniff* beautiful! I hadn't thought of it like that . . . but it is lovely! Take me, Rich. Crouch over me and let me have your cum when you are ready to gift it to me."

Rich looked down at the furry white bunns his cock was stuck between, disappearing from sight, right under the up flung fluffy tail. A ring of wet fur surrounded Peter's tail hole and the wetness glistened on his shaft. Rich leaned forward onto his hands, resting lightly on Peter's back. The feel of Peter's soft fur against his front was so nice. Pushing a little deeper, he looked over the Rabbit's shoulder and grinned down at Molly as he said, "I wish you could know how this feels, Molly. To lay on Peter and slowly fuck him . . . Feel how it is with his hot tail hole sliding up and down my cock. How good it is, inside his hot body . . . I don't think I *pant* can do this as long as I thought. *moan* Hold on Peter, I'm going to push it all the way in!"

Peter held as still as he could, anticipating the full feeling. Rich fucked deeper still until he felt himself press up against the buck's soft rear. He slumped a bit and and rubbed his chin against Peter's back. Giving a deep sigh, Rich gently said, "Let me rest a moment, then I'll be able to fuck you for a little longer. Your butt is so good around my cock! I want to fuck you real good but I can already feel my balls wanting to empty into you. You would tell me if anything began to hurt or feel uncomfortable, Wouldn't you? I would be unhappy if you didn't."

The intense pleasure and the effects of Rich's pheromones, combined to make Peter want what ever Rich wanted. He answered dreamily, "Yes-s-s.". Rich told him, "Good! How are you doing, Molly? Need a rest, or are we getting too heavy for you?"

Molly smiled up and patted his side as she answered, "Uh-uh! I don't want to give up his cock. He is so hard! I will stay and take his cum again too! I know he is going to blow so hard from you riding him." Peter gave a soft, "Bless you, my love." He nuzzled her throat, kissing and gently nibbling in adoration and she shivered, her sex clasping around her mate's penis.

Rich was ready. Well . . . more than ready really but he began to rock slowly from side to side while pressing firmly against the buck's butt. Rich moaned softly and said, "I'll start slow but I will switch to harder before I cum. Tell me if it gets too hard. Let me hear if you like it too!"

Peter felt encouraged to give vent to his moans and gasps, telling him how good it was and begging the young man to go harder. Rich used his entire length for a few thrusts before having to shorten his stroke. He was moving faster now and he didn't want to be interrupted by accidentally slipping out.

Peter was at his limit and Molly took pity on her mate. Clasping her thighs around his hips, she pushed herself up against him and squeezed hard around his cock, forcing him to cum. Peter cried out loudly, stiffening for a brief moment before reflexively thrusting and began spurting his seed deep into his beloved mate. He tensed repeatedly, squeezing around Rich's pistoning penis.

Rich groaned and fucked harder, once, twice! As he thrust in the third time, he shouted and came at last! His hands grasped tightly Peter's shoulders, pulling the male to him. He thrust with each surge of cum, even tho he could get no deeper. His semen burned it's way thru his urethra, to erupt into Peter's bowels. It only lasted seconds but it was so intense that Rich blanked out everything else.

Peter had a second, smaller orgasm as he felt Rich's seed fill him. It made the muscular ring of his tail hole squeeze around the young male's cock, pulling further thrills of pleasure that were too intense to stand from the over sensitive penis. Rich collapsed onto Peter, his mind too scrambled to permit thought or control his body. Rich trembled and jerked uncontrollably as he cried out his overload. With a wailing moan, he collapsed onto Peter and passed out.

Peter recovered fast enough to take up the weight from Molly and felt Rich growing smaller. The human's spend leaked from his recovering tail hole. The weight felt good and Peter was happy that Rich had cum so hard. The way the human had treated him during their session, hit an emotional nerve within him. He knew that the pheromones were strong and had been trained to resist them, yet still could tell they had effected him. It only enforced the feeling that Rich in no way was using him or Molly. Peter felt as if he had been made love to by an equal . . . a Recomb.

Peter tried hard to hold back but he let a sob go and Rich was coming around enough to hear it. Molly rubbed muzzles with her husband and looked up to see Rich's eyes open. The look of worry in those eyes told her before he could struggle to try and get up. Rich got out, "P-Peter-?" but was stopped by Molly caressing his cheek and smiling up to him. She said softly, "It's alright. You didn't hurt him."

Peter held onto his voice but Rich could still hear the emotion in it as the buck Rabbit turned his head and affirmed, "I- I'm fine Richard. Really!" Rich still looked worried as he asked, "B-But I heard you cry?" Peter gave a little broken laugh/sob, then smiled slightly. Molly nodded and rubbed noses with Rich, still petting his cheek. Peter coughed and said more strongly, "It is happy crying, Rich. It was so good and it didn't feel like just sex. It felt like . . . like you really cared about me, like I was a person and not an animal here for you to use. *sob/cough* I have wanted to feel like that with a human, for as long as I can remember and you gave it to me. I couldn't help crying a little."

Molly smiled and nodded to Rich, who took this in and thought for a moment. He knew how Recombs were treated and mistreated by most humans, so he understood how it could be surprising to a Recomb to not be treated that way. He only knew part of it tho and so didn't quite know just how rare his qualities were. Being friends first with Ben and Chrissy, then being shown how open their family was as they lovingly brought him into that world, had changed him. It just seemed natural and the way it should be. Seeing a person, not just fur or different forms. Treating them as he would anyone, just felt right.

Rich had slipped free and as he tried to move aside, Peter rolled with him. The adult put his arms around Rich and hugged him, smiling with bright wet eyes, then kissing him gently. Molly rolled onto her side and leaned in, stroking the back of Rich's head as she would anyone she cared very much about. The tenseness left Rich's body and he kissed back for a little bit before stopping to say, "But you ARE a person! You think, you feel, you love and hurt. I don't understand how anyone could say you aren't."

Peter told him warmly, "And that is why you Richard Masters, are so special." Rich didn't feel special. He just felt that he was being realistic and honest about it. Molly laughed lightly and said half teasing, half serious, "Can we keep him, love?" Peter chuckled and said, "You know I would love to my sweet but I'm afraid not. Be happy we have had this time with him. I'm going to thank my brother and his family in any way they want, for letting us share him."

They chuckled together and Rich yawned wide, his eyes drooping as sleep stole up on him. He mumbled, "Silly Rabbit . . . you sh-shared *yawn* with me." Rich rested in Peter's arms and fell asleep. Peter had Molly help to shift him over between them and they both cuddled up with the sleeping human. Feeling peace, now that their sexual needs had been taken care of, they followed him into dreams of their night together.