More Than a Companion

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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For VioletTiger's story contest. (TAFW)

The lovely Cover Art is by Felix Tile the Cat

The tower jostled and threatened to fall over in the passenger seat next to me with every turn I made no matter how cautious and deliberate. That would be my luck if it did fall over, and after going to the grocery too. The frustration creeped behind me, imagining the carton of eggs cracking and busting from the cumbersome piece of machinery. Hitting a bump in the road only made my hand grip the machine tighter. But fixing computers at work and at home can be a bit tedious, especially in between.

'Just a few more turns,' I thought impatiently driving down the long winding road. There were only a few houses along the road, and mine was the very last one. Sure there was plenty of owned property, but no one wanted to build. Living secluded was ideal to me, not that I hated neighbors per se, but it could be described by me as living independent in your own home without any inconveniences. The office I went to was almost a thirty minute drive from my hidden away home, so it made sense that I chose to go to work on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday; by using every other day I could in my small spare room with the comfort of being at home. All the fixing I could do on a computer could be done at home anyhow. It was mostly to just get out of the house instead of remaining cooped up like a hermit going insane. 'There's the yard!' I happily thought driving over the last hill. Being a Monday, all the little things made me happier. It looked lonely on the edge of a small patch of woods surrounded mostly with a large meadow. Just my kind of scenery. Pulling in the driveway, the tires bumped from the small drop connecting it to the road.

I pulled my hand back with a relieved sigh, tower in place, I unbuckled and moved around the car to retrieve the tower. After carrying it inside and placing it in my spare room, I went out for the food. I Gathered a few bags and hauled them inside, depositing them in the kitchen, then walked back out the door to collect the rest. A blast of wind slowed me down messing up my hair, it was fall in full swing, and I loved every minute of this weather. Not too hot or cold, and the vibrant diverse colors the leaves produced was magnificent. Going around the car, I jumped seeing a white tipped red tail waving around outside a bag. A fox backed out of the plastic bag with a smaller bag of sliced turkey meat. Looking up, the fox saw me and froze dropping the meat.

"Hold on little guy, I'll need that for the rest of the week," I reached down to retrieve the stolen food. It ran around the car hiding behind the tire, bobbing its head up and down watching, waiting for me to depart. 'Well I don't see many other things around here.' I pulled out a piece and crouched down offering it forward. "C'mon I won't bite," I spoke quietly not wanting to scare it away. The fox tilted its head in a curious manner and slowly withdrew from the wheel, darting cautious eyes to mine for any sudden movements. With a clear look, it was a red fox but without any black "socks" on it's legs. Just deep orange fur with the common white underside and tipped tail. What caught my attention was its blue eyes resembling precious gems, a very dazzling deep blue that was beautifully set against the sunlight, but I didn't know what other color they could come in. 'Looks too thin,' I observed as it took the meat from me, quickly eating it all. I offered another piece as the fox licked it's lips from the tasty meal. The process repeated for a few minutes when I had only half of what I bought remaining. "Ok little guy, that's all I can give to you for now." I stood up gathering the last two bags of groceries and headed for the front door.

Walking up the porch steps, I looked back to see the fox was sitting in the same spot watching me. I couldn't help but smile, 'Strange thing.' Closing the door, I started putting the food away in the fridge and pantry where it belonged. Finishing that, my next stop was to complete the few things left on the computer I had to fix. After plugging in everything, I pushed the power button, the machine hummed to life as I cut the screen on waiting for everything to hurry up. Outside the fox was looking over the picnic table outside. 'Must be a stranger to this place.' I refocused back to the screen hurrying up. My whole interest in the machine was kind of ironic. Not because my curiosity started with cryptography, but that my initials were P. C. and I would always joke to others about it. Typing in a few things I continued where I left off earlier. The rest of the day was mundane and boring like the machine that was now fixed. Lying in bed, my body tossed and turned for nearly half an hour before finally catching some sleep.

I woke up with a long stretch and yawn, twisting around in the warm covers not quite wanting to get up yet. I placed my hand on the pillow next to me to sit up, only to pause for a moment. The pillow was warm to the touch.

'Must have really rolled around last night.' Looking closer, the normally cream colored casing was accented with a few red hairs scattered around in the middle. Any remaining grogginess dissipated as I furrowed my brow deep in thought. Glancing at the alarm clock, I shoved the thought to the back of my mind and flipped the pillow over. 6:43, a little early, but just enough time to get ready and head out to town for work with ease. A good thirty minutes minutes later I had the usual stuff sitting at the door. After grabbing a jacket, I headed out the front door, but halted in mid stride. In the rocking chair was occupied with the fox curled up into a little orange ball sleeping soundly, only lifting its head up when I shut the door with a loud click. It didn't run away, but looked at me.

"Well if you actually plan on staying, I'll be at work for the next couple of hours." I smirked thinking to myself, 'As if it understands me,' walking to my car tower in hand. This time by setting it on the side before heading back to retrieve the rest of my stuff. The fox had stretched out with a yawn watching me with those alluring, dare I say foxy, eyes of sapphire. I glanced at it jogging up the steps before going back inside. Coming back out with a bag, I locked the door, not that anyone would be out here, and made my way returning to the vehicle. The fox must've had something planned, it followed beside me trotting along to the drivers side. Only after I opened the door did I realize that I was being followed. The fox halfway climbed up only to stop and stare at me as if it were asking a question. I tapped its nose with a finger and it sat down on the driveway ears perched up. "I'm going to work for a few hours, I will be back later," sounding out every word slowly as if it were a toddler learning English. To my surprise, the fox walked, head down as if it were sad, to the walkway. Throwing everything in, I started the ignition and pulled out of the driveway.

looking back, turning onto the road, the fox was sitting in front of the porch steps watching me leave. I felt a little bad for it, so I waved a quick goodbye seeing ears perk up in response. 'Just imagine if I had neighbors watching me wave at a fox,' I thought. Speeding up through the scenic road, I had a good twenty minute drive ahead of me.

I came home later exhausted. That dead feeling that hit about an hour ago hadn't let up. Shutting the drivers side door with only a bag in hand, I had decided not to take any of my work home, I dragged myself up the porch steps. Opening the door, I failed to notice the fox walking behind me. Darting between my legs, it went inside leaving me to groan closing the door behind me.

'Oh, come on!' I yelled in my head. The fox sat at the end of the hall waiting on me. Trudging towards it, I wasn't too sure if having a wild animal in the house was safe in any way. I stooped down to its level, "I don't know much about foxes, but if you do anything wrong you'll have to go." My little statement was ended with a tired yawn. I guess I had a soft spot for small animals. Placing my hand on its back, I gently pet her petite frame eliciting a throaty purring noise. I was surprised at how silky and warm the fur was for something living outside. I picked her up, yes her, there was a lack of male equipment below as I held the fox in the air for a moment. She didn't whine or clamor away in protest, so I did what came natural and hoisted her to my shoulder like carrying a cat. Only then did she disagree, both paws shifted onto each side of my neck forcing her head under my chin and jaw into some feral form of comfort. I held her, rubbing her back seeing her muzzle sticking out from under my head. "You really are affectionate foxy." She bumped the top of her head against my jaw in response. I continued to pet her back going to the living room sofa to sit down.

Laying down, I could relax holding the adorable animal. Her head adjusted so it was leaning against me, trying to curl the rest of her vulpine body into a ball with some difficulty. 'I wish beards could be this soft,' I thought wiggling my bare chin. My mind drifted off for a while thinking about everything else going on from work to the weather. But it wasn't too often that I got to lay down on the couch with a pal who would enjoy a midday nap as much as me. I dozed off for about twenty five minutes, but any amount of sleep was cherished. Resting felt nice until my bladder urged me to get up and use the bathroom, at least I was wide awake now. I gently edged her into the couch before hurrying to relieve myself. "Naps always do the trick," I stretched hearing the toilet finish flushing. Over on the couch the little fox was still sleeping soundly without a care in the world. 'Never thought a fox was an indoor animal,' I thought watching her chest expand and contract slowly. I entered the kitchen ready to cook up something to eat. For dinner I decided on making chicken parmesan with some pasta. A personal favorite that I always enjoyed. By the time it was done, the vixen padded from the room leaning against my leg, tail wagging similar to that of a dogs.

"I think you'll like this dish as much as me," I said patting her head sweetly. After cooling, I fixed a plate for each of us, making sure to cut bite sized pieces for her. Setting my plate on the table, and hers next to my chair, we chowed down hungrily. I wanted to say I out did myself, but my enjoyment would still be the same regardless. "You like it little guy?" I wiped my lips with a napkin. The question was pointless, she was licking the sauce from the surface. Patting my belly satisfied, I gathered up both plates and cleaned them in the sink. Deciding there wasn't much else to do, tv in the living room was next. Nothing important or entertaining caught my attention, but I couldn't help but stay with the fox sitting in my lap watching it with more interest than me. Signaled with a yawn, I cut it off faced with a slight problem. Where would she sleep tonight? An idea hit me seeing a few blankets piled on top of a few spare cushions. I moved some onto the couch starting to organize them. Layering up a few blankets surrounded with some pillows and cushions I made something that would hopefully appear more homely to her.

"I guess you can stay here until I make you a proper bed." She pounced into the makeshift burrow, butting herself in before peeping her head back out covered with a blanket. "Your just too adorable," I patted the top of her head. "I'll be off to bed, just let me know if you need anything," she tilted her head as I informed her. the vixen licked my hand before I withdrew, standing up. Walking back down the hallway, I just hoped that she wouldn't destroy anything in the living room. Door within reach, my steps were interrupted feeling a weight attach to my leg. Looking down, I shrieked an octave I thought was given up before puberty. The fox was literally wrapped around my right leg, chin resting above my knee, watching me with those piercing eyes. Tame animal or not, I shook my leg attempting to get her off only resulting in unbalancing myself. Placing my hands behind her neck, I pushed down trying to release her steely grip, but she wouldn't budge. My hands felt the softness of her fur, but it was like trying to push a brick wall. Pretty soon I was sitting on the floor outside my door tired from my efforts with the fox coiled around me, how could her arms and legs bend like that of a human's?

I felt a little afraid, but it couldn't be rabies, no mouth foaming. Just as strange as it had started, the fox uncoiled and walked back the the living room for the moment. Taking advantage of her absence, I whipped around and entered my room in one swift motion. Closing my door securely, I flopped into the bed laying on my back. Sure it was a strange fox, but it wasn't aggressive in any way. I quickly calmed down just wanting to enjoy my usual day off tomorrow. Sleep came speedily without any disappointment from me, failing to hear the door click open with the humming of the heater turn on.

'I need air,' I thought laying on my back starting to wake up. Creaking my eyes open, I was greeted with the little fox coiled on my chest sleeping. Laying back down, it was Wednesday after all so no need to rush, I reached over petting the dark orange fur on her head and neck eliciting a few purring noises in the process. 'Could've sworn that the bedroom door was closed last night, but at least she isn't glued to me now,' I thought moving to rub along her ears, but this was more than any crafty fox I have heard of before. Either way waking up with someone, or something, was still nice. She stretched out with a big yawn, her claws barely touching my chin, looking at me. "Since you're up, how about some breakfast?" She stood up arching her back then hopped off to the floor with a thump. I wasn't as graceful as her getting out of bed, but we both made it to the kitchen hungry. Ham, eggs, and toast were soon prepared on two different plates before being consumed. After the simple breakfast I put on a few things to go outside and get the newspaper.

Stepping out the front door, with her following me, I was surprised at the mild but slightly warm temperature. Walking onto the driveway, I decided reading the paper outside would be more scenic than cramped up inside. The fox waited for me on the porch as I retrieved the paper at the end of the driveway until I came back up the steps. Walking across the porch, with the fox following me, I sat down in the rocking chair and she hopped into my lap, but wouldn't sit down. The vixen leaned towards me planting a paw on my chest. "What are up to foxy?" Moving her nose to my chin, she licked me before sitting back down, resting her head on my lap. I couldn't help but chuckle, everything seemed a little more brighter and cheery now that I had some company to be with. I scratched her ears feeling her relax under my touch. "Rest easy, I think we're perfect for each other little guy."

For a solid two weeks the fox stayed with me or around my house within sight whether I fed it or not, then again I never thought twice about stolen food in the pantry. Which always made me question how she could go inside or out when i wasn't at home, but I couldn't find a thing out of place. Despite all this I never thought of a name for her, not like she would mind if I called her little guy or foxy. I didn't want to call her a pet because she remained independent as a cat and loyal as a dog, and most importantly, my only friend I could talk to while at home. Besides, I didn't know of any other animal who has a canny ability of understanding English like she does. Walking back through the kitchen one last time to turn out the lights.

"Ready for bed?" I called out to the fox trotting in from another room. 'I wish tonight was Friday instead of Thursday,' I thought hearing the claws clack on the floor before stopping in front of me. She looked distressed and whined at me, mouth open panting. "What's wrong little fella?" The fox just stood there looking up at me and continued whining. Reaching down, my hand froze noticing a second tail waving along side the first one. I stumbled back seeing a third one appear, the same color as the first two. The whining turned into huffs and grunts as the fox started growing in front of my very own eyes. Afraid to get up and run, I watched the fox continued to grow and change while adding on a few more tails along the way, totaling to nine. All sound ceased as the fox stretched out a good few feet in length, paws turned into furred hands with fingers, the hind legs remained the same but with a good deal of more muscle. Her back shifted to accommodate the new shoulder blades and larger vertebrae. The growth slowed as her tails enlarged, heaving out a big sigh, the very feminine vixen stood on her knees before standing straight up on those two digitigrade paws. And a vixen she was indeed, her front now bore a pair of well rounded white furred breasts, soft pink nipples jutting past the fur.

Her belly was adorned with twin rows of extras leading down to her nether regions. The head remained relatively the same with her smiling mouth presented rows of dangerously sharp teeth. By now I had already scrambled across the floor hiding behind the kitchen counter, eyes peeking over like a little child.

"Why are you hiding?" Her golden voice asked me sounding so pure and dulcetly.

'Holy shit she talks!' All nine tails waved around casually behind her back waiting for an answer. My mouth was dry, and my knees threatened to buckle under me.

"Don't be afraid, I won't harm you," she folded her hands behind her back innocently, "And you've been taking good care of me since we met." I pointed a shaking finger that might as well of fallen off.

"What happened to the fox?"

Her laugh was adorable, "No, I am the fox, I just morphed into my original form." She could've thrown a physics question at me and I would have at least had a better chance of answering back. She slowly approached me, sashaying around the counter. I backed up until my rear was halted by the oven, holding my hands in the air defenselessly. She stopped in front of me extending a long tail to my face. The soft fur brushed harmlessly across my cheek before resting on my shoulder. "See, I don't bite... much," she said before a chuckle escaped her black lined lips.

"Wh-what are you?" My fear started to dissipate to be replaced with curiosity.

"I am a kitsune," she said pointing a finger to herself.

"A kat-suh-what?" I repeated confused.

She shook her head, "No a kitsune, but to you I am merely a vixen with a few extra tails." Her blue eyes pierced through distracting me, they were still the same beautiful gems of her other form. I snapped back seeing a tail wave close by.

"By the way, my name's Bianca not little fella or foxy," she said with an amused smile holding out her hand. I pressed my extended palm with hers feeling the warm smooth sensation it carried along the black pad.

"Uh-I'm...P-Patrick," I stuttered out, still a bit taken back from everything.

"Let's sit down so we can talk for a bit," she said motioning me to the table. I followed, but stayed a good distance from her waving tails. We were about the same height, although she probably had an extra inch or two on me from those funny legs, or maybe it was because my height was a little on the short side. I took a seat across from her as she gave me a strange heart warming smile. "Don't you have any questions?"

I hesitated, "Um... where are you from?"

"A large forest far away from here," she replied curtly, waiting for more questions.

"So you don't have a family?" Bianca waited a minute before answering.

"I don't know other than my other and father, but if I do then they could be anywhere I suppose."

"Ok, why did you come to my house then?"

"Well, I've sorta been traveling abroad and eventually ended up here, but I decided to stay when you acted so nicely to me," she said as her tails flicked to and fro.

"What about the extra tails?" I pointed behind her.

"They're a part of me like your arms, and before you ask, they are not deadly." Bianca held one out in front of me to demonstrate. It bobbed lightly in the air until my next question.

"So then why did you disguise yourself as a fox?" She hesitated for a few seconds before answering.

"Well a few people just might be scared of me, or want to capture me if they saw me like this," she replied looking down, mind elsewhere thinking of something that made her grin fade.

"I can't blame you for that, but no need to worry about anyone else, the next house is almost half a mile over the hill," I said pointing eastward to a wall.

Her cheery smile returned, "I hope you don't mind me staying."

"Not at all," I yawned out glancing at the clock. It was late, I used to pull all nighters, but that was before I earned the job I had now. Standing up from table, "I still have to go to work tomorrow." She stood up as well following me to my bedroom. I opened the drawers to retrieve clothes for tomorrow and set them aside. Bianca stood next to the bed watching, waiting for something. Taking it as a sign to hurry up and give her some privacy, I headed back to the doorway for the sofa to sleep on.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"The couch to sleep," I replied at the doorway, vixen or not, as a guest she deserves the best room to stay in. An arm grabbed my shoulder halting me,

"Don't be silly, you can sleep with me like before."

I raised an eyebrow, "But it's different-" She nudged me over to the mattress, socks never provide steady friction on a hard wood floor.

"Nonsense, the only difference will be more body heat," she claimed pulling the covers back waiting for me to get in first. Seeing no other option, I climbed in resting on my side, back facing her. Springs from the mattress moved and squeaked with her approaching right behind me. My bed felt more twin sized now with another body other than my own in it. The covers were pulled back up to below my shoulder as I heard a sigh. A warm body pressed against mine, along with a fluffy tail snaking under my shirt stopping when it bumped into my chin. I could trace the contour of her front frame with my skin through my clothes, especially her twin mounded chest.

"What are you doing Bianca?"

"Just warming up," she said sweetly.

"Me or you?" I asked a little uneasy at the furry appendages wrapping around my body.

"Both of us," she replied snuggling closer. Her other tails paused before they continued wrapping around me. One looped around my neck loosely acting in place of a warm scarf, while the rest covered my legs and midsection in a strange intertwined weaving pattern. Despite how nervous I was, the sensation surrounding me was that of warmth and softness being cradled by a cloud. Bianca's whiskers prodded skin as she laid her muzzle against her own tail wrapped around my neck with a big sigh. I gradually started relaxing, able to fall asleep after a couple of long minutes laying in my furred canopy, hearing her throat rumbling out a purring noise.

I blinked my eyes open, only to close them again in awe. The coziness reminded me of waking up on a Christmas morning, anxious to get up and open gifts near a toasty fire. Taking in a deep breath I reopened my eyes only to see fuzzy orange.

"I hope you slept well," a voice behind me said accompanied with a smooth wet tongue glide over the skin behind my eye.

"Yeah, best sleep I've had in a long time." I heard her murr happily at my response. A few moments passed. "What time is it?" I asked almost forgetting it was Friday.

"Only six," Bianca replied lazily, stretching before settling back against me. I didn't even bother removing the orange mask covering my eyes.

"Feels like it should me eleven." Settling back for a few minutes, I enjoyed the feeling of not being rushed to get out of bed. But after a few minutes, the fear of falling back asleep stirred me to waken completely. Pulling myself free from the warm embrace wasn't easy with all her limbs holding onto me. They may appear innocent and fluffy, but they're really strong. Bianca whined holding my wrist and shoulder with a tail and hand as I was halfway out.

"Do we have to get up?" She asked. I placed my hand on hers before returning it to her.

"You don't have to, but I need to get prepared for work." She grumbled and sat up watching me open the bathroom door. I headed over to the shower, and I will admit that it was a lot colder than being with her. I started up a nice hot shower, cleaned myself over, then dried off before putting on my clothes.

"What am I going to do all day when you are gone?" Bianca was perched on her elbows on the edge of my bed unknowingly showing off her small, but ample bust. She adjusted her position making them sway ever so slightly. I blinked a few times to refocus.

"Uh... whatever you want as long as nothing is broken when I come back." I said inching over to the door, wanting to avoid any awkward situations. Exiting, the springs made noise as she moved around. I closed the door behind me breathing a sigh of relief. Looking down the hallway, 'Might as well get the paper with all this spare time at hand,' I thought heading down to put on a pair of shoes before unlocking the entrance. The cold wind bit me as I opened the front door, jeans and a long sleeve short would be enough to weather it out for a quick fifteen second speed walk to obtain the news. I stepped out the door onto the front porch seeing the rolled up paper at the ends of the driveway. Only two more steps were taken before a pair of arms went around my neck.

"Patrick you'll freeze!" She warned me.

"Only if someone is holding me out here," I retorted anxious to get the paper.

"Let's try my idea," she said as her extra limbs wrapped around my body. Despite my protest, the warmth from earlier started to creep back as one snaked under my shirt. She pressed her fluffy cheek against my bare one, "I'll step when you step."

"Alright," I said feeling that her arms hadn't moved from my neck. It was slow and steady taking each step insulated, but before I knew it the rolled up paper sat at my feet. "Bianca, how am I supposed-" her tail cut me off picking up it by itself. "Thanks," I meekly said grabbing the cold paper turning around. Maybe it was me, but I felt a little fluttery wobbling back to the house, cold air shouldn't do that right? She closed the door behind us and slowly withdrew her long insulators. I quickly set the paper down on a table to get ready a simple bowl of cereal, and contemplate that funny feeling. Settling myself at the kitchen table, I shoveled the basic breakfast down to last long enough for lunch. After packing a small lunch, I went down the hall to retrieve my coat were Bianca was waiting for me.

"You're leaving too early," she said unhappily with a slight frown. I zipped up my jacket.

"Well getting there on time isn't early at all." My remark didn't ease her troubles as she followed me down the hallway.

"When will you come back?" she asked a little worried.

"Anywhere between four and five thirty," I said with my hand on the door knob ready to depart. I turned around only to be embraced in a tight hug.

"Then I will be right here when you get back," she said holding onto me, cold nose bumping into my face. That funny feeling came back with her wrapped around me, so I decided it was best to head on before being delayed any further.

"Alright Bianca the sooner I go, the faster I will get home." She took a step back, her ears pinned back from embarrassment. "See you soon," I called as I grabbed my bag walking off the porch. She gave a quick wave before closing the door shut. Starting up the car as always, I drove out feeling a stronger sense of belonging, actually looking forward to returning home.

Pulling into the driveway, no tower for today, I headed up the sidewalk and onto the porch. The door opened up before me revealing a very happy vixen to see me.

"You're finally back!" she cheered nearly tackling me to the wooden steps before dragging me in.

"Well it's good to see you too," I said being squeezed very tightly. "Let me put my stuff up," I wheezed out. She let go and hurriedly bolted down the hall. I took a deep breath and headed to my room and drop everything off before grabbing a quick bite to eat. To my surprise, Bianca was in the kitchen watching the oven. "What are you doing?" I asked approaching her.

"Cooking some catfish I found in your fridge." She turned around to greet me only wearing a pair of oven mitts on her hands, not even bothering to cover herself._ _It must be a fox thing.

Trying to ignore the obvious, "Wow, it smells great," I said giving a coy smile rubbing the back of my head.

"I hope you like the taste more," she said winking playfully. "I'll give it a few more minutes," she added extending a mischievous tail towards me. Without much thought, I grasped it only for it to constrict around my wrist pulling me to her. Within reach, Bianca put her arm around my shoulder and we turned to watch the oven finish, although my gaze was distracted for most of the time. With a ding from the oven, she partially released me from her grip and pulled the fish out, dividing them up into two plates. I didn't watch, but instead tried to pry off the unruly limb from my wrist. "Don't goof around, let's eat," she exclaimed walking over to the table with me in tow. Bianca sat next to me as I ate my share of the catfish wearing her fuzzy wristband. There was a sheet of paper on the edge of the table, containing foreign letters, and with a free hand I reached out towards it. To my amazement, the sheet simply floated away folding itself into an intricate shape. Bianca grabbed hold of the paper and it disappeared altogether. A piece of fish dropped from my mouth onto the plate.

"What the hell just happened?"

"Oh the letter? I was only writing to a friend," she said nonchalantly releasing my wrist.

"But it floated and disappeared!" She rolled her eyes.

"Thats how we contact someone far away if we want to."

"How did you do it?"

Bianca ate the last bit of her food happily before replying, "Magic of course. I am a kitsune after all."

"Pardon, me?" She then looked at me like I was the idiot who didn't know any better. "You know, the same way I was able to sneak into your house and room even though the doors were closed, it was also how I could hold onto your leg so easily. Turn from a fox into what you see now."

"Anything else you'd like to tell me?" I inquired. Time seemed to fly by as she told me everything I would need to know about kitsunes in general, from magic to living in a somewhat parallel universe that was indeed her forest home she described earlier to the fact that she only wanted to use her magic only when necessary. Filled with enough miscellaneous facts, and fish for that matter, I later prepared for bed as normal while she waited waited already under the covers. Reentering my room, Bianca patted the spot next to her.

"Come on in, it's nice and warm." After cutting the light out, I made my way over to the other side of the bed. Settling between the covers was a little different this time for a moment. Her tails wrapped around me snuggly before pulling my body possessively closer to hers until we were in the same position as the night before.

"Comfortable?" I jokingly asked.

"Very," was her response holding her arm around my chest. I leaned a little towards her, she did provide the best physical form of comfort I ever knew.

Days going by soon turned into another week, and I adjusted to living along side another person in my house within arms reach constantly without much difficulty that could potentially use magic at any given moment. It was taking some time though for me to stop gawking at her body without looking like an idiot, but she never said anything about it. We were sitting on the couch next to each other. I was rubbing her ears with a tail coiled around my arm, the rest laid lifeless on the back of the couch. She made a purring noise, leaning her head into my hand enjoying the affectionate strokes.

"Can we have a picnic?" she suddenly asked turning her head up looking at me. I was surprised at the idea of having an old fashioned picnic outside when it was barely above freezing.

"What makes you say that?" I asked looking into her sapphire blue eyes.

She smiled, a warm hand resting on my neck, "I've never had one."

"Ok, if you prepare everything," I said amused at her idea.

"Thanks!" She squeezed me in a tight hug. Of course I didn't expect Bianca to hold true on her word, but sure enough, she planned it out somehow two days later.

I heard footsteps from another room and looked behind me to find that Bianca was carrying a basket.

"I'm ready for our picnic," she cheerfully proclaimed with a toothy smile.

"Well, a promise is a promise," I conceded getting off the chair. Grabbing a coat and a mad bomber hat, I laced up my boots and headed outside right behind her. Bianca bounded along across the few yards separating the back door from our destined place to dine. She set the large basket down and waited next to the table wanting me to hurry up. "Won't you get cold out here despite your insulation," I smirked walking to her. She responded by wrapping her tails around her ears, chest, and hips looking more like a giant fuzz ball than anything else, before crossing her arms.

"I don't need any of that fake fur you call clothing," she stuck her tongue out cutely sitting on the bench. I joined in watching her unpack the feast she made.

"How did you have the time to prepare everything?" I looked over the array of food set before me.

"You are just too busy between work and everything else to notice," she replied unloading the last things from the basket. Digging in, we talked about anything that came to mind from nightmares to hobbies, only interrupted by a few strong gusts of wind. Life was perfect now, someone to share everything with and enjoy living with. Finishing our little picnic, we packed everything back into the basket.

"Wanna go for a quick walk in the woods?"

"I'd be delighted to," she offered her hand as we stood up and headed for a small trail. The wind occasionally picked up shaking a few trees, but we both ignored it enjoying ourselves too much. We continued talking until we reached the end that overlooked a distant meadow bordered by a creek. It was beautiful seeing the sun waning in the sky, casting a myriad of shadows across the ground and leaves all around. We stared for a few minutes lost in natures pristine beauty. "It sure is nice living here," she said with a happy sigh.

I squeezed her hand reassuringly, "But too bad it doesn't compare to you." She smiled and folded her ears backs weekly accepting the compliment with a, "Thank you." I turned her around and placed my hand onto her shoulder, "Let's head back home." A few tails attached to me as we retraced our steps. Walking back up to the start of the trail, the wind picked up and I heard the eerie creaking noise again. A few sharp snap broke the air followed by a roaring moan. "Bianca!" Grabbing her, I dove down into the dirt squeezing my eyes shut hearing the world crash around me. Dead silence ensued, heart pounding, I slowly opened both eyes wondering if death already occurred. My arms trembled, one holding me up, the other gripping between Bianca's neck and shoulder. Her eyes were wide staring behind me. Moving my head back less than an inch, I bumped into a thick branch sending chill bumps down my neck. 'An inch away from death,' I thought nervously swallowing as I turned my head around to see for myself. Sure enough a branch almost thick as me was about two and a half feet off the ground. Above my neck was a broken knot where a smaller branch once jutted off, now a porcupine of sharp splinters.

'Spinal column,' was my next semi-coherent thought. I felt the sweat on my brow, adrenaline starting to fade, then I heard a whimper under me. Her eyes were watering, both hands constricting around my arms furiously while shaking. I could feel my throat tighten, choking up. "C'mon let's get up," my voice quivered as I moved the two of us from under the branch to stand up. She wrapped her arms around my neck, legs around my waist, and tails tightly around my back almost painfully despite wearing a coat. Her head was buried into my neck, nose partially under the hem of my shirt, sobbing. Passing by the once peaceful table, I climbed the wooden steps into the screen porch. It took me a moment to find the handle, but it opened as I headed into the living room. I guess it was one of those moments in life where you should appreciate all the little things and being lucky enough to breathe, but all I could think about is what I would've done if a branch had landed on her. I sat down on the couch and rubbed her back, I never felt so shocked, what else could be done to ease the situation? Her sobs started to die down replaced by an occasional sniffle. "It's alright, everything is fine," I said quietly continuing to run her back.

"It's not ok!" she shook in a muffled cry, "You could have died!"

"Calm down, we're both alive now." Her hands held onto my arms not trembling anymore. Her deep blue eyes bored into my being screaming out, pleading.

"But Patrick I love you!" Breath seemed to elude my lungs, as I was taken back from what she had just said. Love me? But I was the guy who fixed pcs, more of a loner who socialized at work just to get out of the house. Even back in high school I joked about finding someone because it was incredulous that it could even happen to me. And here this graceful vixen is saying that she indeed loves me. She didn't wait for the silence to continue, her muzzle dove to me and pressed her lips onto mine, pushing my back against the couch. I was a little shocked at first, but tried to reciprocate, but I was given too little room to do so. My mouth was pried open and her tongue slipped in immediately wrestling mine out of the way. I muffled a complaint, And she eventually concerned. She pulled back slowly, panting a little, "Sorry Patrick, I've waited too long for that, especially with what could've happened."

I gave a nervous chuckle, "Don't apologize, I love you too." With that said I sat up, cupping her furry cheeks in my hands, and returned a passionate kiss of my own. She pulled me down with her to lay across the couch next to her. I could see her cheeks burning hotly with arousal as a few tails wrapped around my hand pulling it towards her opening. My other hand was soon occupied cupping one of her breasts as I used my thumb and forefinger to tease and pinch the hardening pink fleshy nub. Apparently she enjoyed my ministrations, her ears were pinned, mouth ajar panting, with half open eyes. We rolled, a little too far and hit the floor with a loud thud. "Ow!" My shoulder would definitely be sore tomorrow.


"Yes," was my immediate response as we both stood up. Side by side, we hurried to the bed, losing my shirt somewhere along the way. Bianca pushed me onto the bed, so that I landed on my back, looking me over.

"Now where were we?" She said with a sultry smile. Grabbing a hold of my pants, Bianca shucked them off tossing the aside along with my boxers. My member sprang to meet the challenge with such a beautiful figure standing in front of me. She traced a claw along the underside, making me clench the sheets at the electric thrill it produced. She crawled onto the bed positioning herself over me, slowly easing down. Strong heated muscles enveloped me as she went o the hilt with a pleasures sigh. Not wasting any time, her hip gyrated creating slick friction as her tails curled around me wherever they could reach. Her claws dug into my shoulders squeezing her walls around me, resulting in a loud moan from both of us. I timed my bucking with her movements while tweaking a pink nub along her belly. Her whines and heavy breathing picked up in tempo along with our speed. Just when I felt the end approaching, she halted completely. Lowering herself down onto me with that silky smooth pelt of hers she asked almost desperately, "Bite my neck!" Fur pressed against my lips, a little confused, I obeyed and clamped down with some pressure. She gasped loudly and bucked he hips wildly against me.

The pressure soon returned with force as our movements again synchronized. With a loud howl her claws dug into my skin as her iron walled muscles undulated against my organ. I bit harder as I erupted into her passage way. The wet lewd motions slowed as suction like grip milked me for my worth. I started seeing spots and let go of her fighting for air. The room became quiet except for the audible breathing that echoed across the cream colored walls. I held my arms around her back ruffling through the fur, enjoying the silky heat it produced in contact with my body.

"Are you sure you aren't using any magic now?" I half joked to her. Bianca's only reply was a small giggle. Her head moved to mine, her cold nose pressing against my upper lip, prompting me to open my mouth. Her head tilted, open jaws kissing and licking me simultaneously.

"Again," she moaned out grinding against me.

I woke to a pair of fuzzy lips pressing against mine. I mumbled something pressing back until she moved away.

"Good nights sleep?" she asked with a cute grin.

"I'm next to you aren't I?" She giggled looking at me with those blue eyes of hers. I was on my side pressed firmly against her front, tails wrapped delicately around us in a cocoon, tying our bodies together. Her breath, sweet and warm, caressed my face as she cupped a cheek with her hand. I barely had any room to shift around, albeit I wasn't complaining.

"I want to wake up like this every morning," she said pressing her nose against mine.

"Agreed," I replied with a smile, "I think I can arrange a few days off anyway."

"Wonderful," she snuggled closer resting her halfway on top of mine.

'Oh yeah, the picnic basket is still outside,' I remembered from yesterday. "Do you mind if I get a few quick things done first?" She shook her head and slowly unraveled freeing me from the warm embrace. I did regret having to get the basket, but I could return to her in a second. The cold air made me shiver as I found a pair of boxers to wear and a bathrobe. Quickly washing off, skipping the shower entirely, I went outside to the bench and retrieved the cold basket. Placing the two dishes in the sink, I began cleaning them from the near frozen food particles. I paused hearing a light tapping noise on the wall, followed by a quiet hum. Sashaying was an understatement as I turned around to witness the vulpine approaching me, swaying tails and all. I quickly dried off a plate only to feel a warm pair of hands massage into my shoulders. "Mmm, I told you I was coming back to bed after I got a few things out of the way." She faked a pout.

"But I was waiting too long in an empty bed, I think I should stay by your side all day, work being the exception, oh and I'll have to eventually introduce you to my friends and family,"

"Family, friends?" I asked perplexed. Her hands left my shoulders as I started cleaning the last one until a familiar tug halted my attention. Her hands pulled on the hem of my boxers slowly starting to remove them. "Bianca I'm trying to wash the dishes!" She hummed a tune trying to calm me and end my useless argument.

"Don't worry, I'm about to wash something too," she said creeping down to my waist level.

"I just went out and got the basket-" My voice was cut off and replaced with a moan as Bianca steadily worked her mouth and tongue of my rapidly hardening member, boxers already pooled around my ankles. Her tails wrapped around my legs steadying them, but also acting as an insurance against my movements. My hands abandoned their work at the sink and held onto the counter for dear life, starting to shake from excitement. "Aah! Watch the teeth!"